The Meaning of a Turquoise Aura: Energy, Personality, and Spiritual Symbolism

Silhouette with turquoise aura color

Are you wondering what your turquoise aura means? Your life and experience have no doubt taught you many things about your inner self, but exploring the unseen layers of energy that surround you can lead to a deeper look at hidden facets that help you better understand yourself.

Your aura is comprised of a field of energy whose makeup takes cues from what is inside you and the state of your life at that time, reflecting a color or array of colors that convey various meanings. Feeling a palpable aura radiating from someone can prove to be as important as visualizing it. Even if a color outlining a person’s physical body doesn’t reveal itself to you, you can consult someone practiced in the art of detecting auras, namely an energy healer or spiritual guide.

Although many cast one main color, auras can actually be divided into parts or layers that reflect different colors because they hold different parts of your spiritual energy.

  1. The first layer which is positioned closest to your physical body is the physical aural plane, corresponding to our physical selves, health issues, and the like.
  2. Next is the emotional aural plane, where moods and feelings lie.
  3. Then the mental aural plane, where rationality, reasoning, and deduction are kept.
  4. The astral body’s aural plane is responsible for your sense of spirituality and propensity to give love.
  5. Next comes the etheric aural plane, and this contains psychic senses, which in some cases also allow you to tap into the mindset of like-minded individuals.
  6. The celestial aural plane is powered by open-mindedness, enlightenment, and creativity.
  7. The aura’s last layer, the causal aural plane, blends the strengths and intuitions of all layers for heightened overall knowledge to help guide you along your path.

What It Means if Your Aura Is Turquoise

Silhouette of a woman doing yoga by the ocean with turquoise color surrounding her.

Our immediate impression of turquoise is calming and cooling, making us think of vast expanses of sea and sky. Turquoise comes from a vivid mix of green and blue, and an aura of this blended shade reveals spiritual and emotional attributes of both of its base colors as well as its own distinct qualities.

Green Auras

From green, the turquoise aura gets tendencies of caretaking and healing, of others and of the self. Both green and turquoise auras find it easy to move through the world and bounce back from problems and setbacks, adept at finding positivity in their thoughts and viewing everything as a learning experience. As such, green auras value growth, adaptability, and learning, as one might think from the general impression of and associations with this color. They promote a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere which goes along with their natural propensity for balance and centeredness. Drawbacks for those with green in their aura to look out for have to do with giving too much of the self, getting caught up in others’ drama while trying to serve as peacemaker, and letting a clingy or jealous side show through and get the best of them in relationships.

Blue Auras

A blue aura represents calmness and tranquility, but it also signifies a person who is sensitive and easily affected by circumstances of adversity, both outward and inward. Those surrounded by a blue aura empathize with others and instinctually take on a portion of the problems and pain of those in their circle they know are suffering. They will make an extra effort to mull these things over in order to give thoughtful advice, but the negative effects of this that might play out include becoming mired in too many problems as a result of taking on those of others along with their own. Another attribute of blue auras is a deep understanding of self. People whose auras shine blue feel comfortable communicating and expressing themselves in a genuine and self-aware manner.

Turquoise Auras

Turquoise watercolors with white abstract strips.

As mentioned, turquoise takes some traits from each of its root colors but has many of its own unique characteristics, making it not simply a blurry blend of two identities but a distinctive set of traits that should stand alone in the list of aura colors. Turquoise auras surround people who are friendly, outgoing, and effervescent, their positive energy drawing others in and making them easy to relate to. This is also a hue that possesses a lot of energy, possibly drawing strength from the growth and renewal quality in green auras, allowing turquoise auras to keep up with their own lives while investing in those of others.

It is often said that turquoise represents, above all things, healing, and in fact, this is a prominent quality of the aura as it is with green. We can well imagine the calm intrinsic within the blue aura contributes a welcome air to those who are hurting as well as an ideal bedside manner. The affable turquoise, however, wisely refrains from recruiting people in need in order to satisfy an urge to fix and help. Perhaps a deep understanding of human nature works in favor of the turquoise, and everyone involved in this process with the knowledge that healing works best when someone is ready and willing to acknowledge the need and seek it out for themselves.

Turquoises take sensitivity from blue but employ the wisdom of self-preservation to protect themselves from the damage that might come about from a barrage of strong feelings and the propensity to be wounded easily. Their social nature lets them bounce back easily and flit between friends and acquaintances, and when times are tough, they rely on themselves, allowing their own positive outlook to buoy them and gird them to take on the next thing. The sense of caretaking and healing extends to themselves, and though they generally don’t act withdrawn, they shield themselves and put up barriers when needed. For them, complete trust is judiciously given after a significant period of getting to know someone, and because they are willing to offer so much of themselves, it will be a long process to try to get back into their good graces for someone who hurts them.

The self-awareness that people with turquoise auras typically possess creates in them an independent spirit, preferring to work to make their own way and remain secure in the knowledge that they can handle tasks themselves. They tend not to be ambitious despite their willingness to work hard. However, they excel in painting an inspiring picture for people around them, shaping moods and goals toward a positive and productive direction, and this asset always proves extremely valuable in any workplace.

Color personality quiz animation

Many speak highly of people they know with turquoise auras because of their generous concern for others, always tender but never overbearing. A turquoise lets others be themselves and is eager to offer a compassionate helping hand or listening ear once someone expresses a need.


Illustrated silhouette of a person in lotus pose with the seven chakra colors.

In relation to your aura as a whole, chakras also reveal information about you as an individual through colors and shading. Your body contains chakras, or divisions of various kinds of spiritual energy, in different regions of the central or core part of your body. Just as colors are physically viewed based on the wavelengths in which they vibrate, the centers of spiritual power in each chakra vibrate within their locations to give off color in addition to the main color of your aura.

In your root chakra at the base of your spine, spiritual energy for the building blocks of your life is stored. This energy guides your home and family life, your career, and your sexual power, and in a healthy expression of these, we would expect to see it in red.

Sacral chakras emanate from the lower part of the stomach and deal with emotions and relating to others. This chakra is normally seen in orange.

The upper stomach houses the solar plexus chakra, which is connected to feelings within the self, personality traits, and your own individual identity and generally shows up as yellow.

The heart contains its own specific chakra called the heart chakra, which, predictably, exudes love, compassion, and self-sacrifice. The healthy chakras of a fulfilled and loving heart give off a green color.

The throat also has a definitive chakra named the throat chakra, which is blue in color and represents communication and self-expression, being genuine, and tapping into your intuition.

In the middle of the forehead, the third eye chakra should appear indigo and harnesses visionary powers, which extend to your goals and hopes for the future and material things you plan to create. This chakra is also the place where any psychic powers would be found.

The crown chakra above your head is violet in color and is the part of the spirit that understands the need for connection to all living beings in the universe to seek peace and unity.

On the opposing end, observing the color black in the chakras indicates the presence of negative and pessimistic emotions and spiritual energy. Seeing black in chakras or any part of the aura signals a need to cleanse the chakras in an effort to avoid blocked spiritual pathways and focus on becoming centered once again.

The Connection Between Auras and Chakras

Silhouette of woman in lotus pose on the beach with the seven chakras showing while she is surrounded by aura colors.

Colors that correspond to individual chakras connect with the aura in that the predominant aura color or colors points to their most influential chakras from which they draw the greatest strength. Those of a turquoise aura are most connected with their heart chakras (green) and throat chakras (blue). A natural ability to reach out to people and serve as confidante and healer springs from powers of love and compassion from the heart, and communication and expression from the throat. Knowing and relying on themselves also comes from the throat chakra’s gift of a strong sense of self. Being acutely in alignment with the heart chakra, however, might be responsible for leaving them open to emotional slights at the hands of others, so once again, their sense of self-preservation comes as a welcome boon. Connections to these particular chakras also influence people with turquoise auras to be social in nature, desiring to work and play in groups if possible instead of being alone.

All in all, those surrounded by a turquoise aura are endowed with great spiritual powers of balance, from bearing others’ burdens yet protecting themselves to allowing others to work toward their own life solutions through encouragement tempered with restraint.

Learn More: If you want to know more about auras, here are 22 aura color meanings.

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