The 7 Chakra Colors and Their Meanings

Infographic with the 7 chakra colors and their meanings

Some people think about things like meditation and chakras on a daily basis. Others scarcely think of them at all. The truth is, not everyone buys into these things. However, that doesn’t mean that there is nothing to be learned from it. Even if you consider yourself to be one of these more skeptical individuals, you might be surprised to discover certain associations between physical and mental well-being and the seven chakras of the human body.

You might even find it more amazing to learn that there are specific colors associated with each chakra. When you take a closer look at these chakra colors and why they are organized in a specific manner, it becomes easier to understand the role that chakras play in a person’s daily life.

By the time you’re finished learning about the seven chakras and the colors associated with them, you might notice that you have started to see them in an entirely different light. Before you know it, you could be making associations between chakras and your personal life, not to mention your physical health.

At the very least, you have the opportunity to learn something about the energy that runs through every living thing, including you and the people you love. Even if you’ve never taken anything about chakras seriously, you can’t deny that the human body is made up of energy, nor can you deny that the energy present is the driving force behind two of the most important parts of your body, your heart and your brain.

What Are Chakras?

Meditating silhouette made of the seven chakra colors

One of the reasons that people sometimes get tripped up on chakras is that the topic isn’t always explained in a manner that makes practical sense to someone who is only hearing about it for the first time. By the same token, certain explanations can be rather difficult for the more skeptical individual to believe. In short, the topic can sometimes end up sounding like something out of a fantasy novel as opposed to a practical part of the human body. Rest assured, there is nothing mystical about chakras. In fact, it all comes down to pulling in, storing, and releasing the energy that is inside every one of us. More importantly, these chakras have a direct impact on your mental and physical well-being. Considering some of the explanations out there, it’s little wonder that some individuals tend to switch off before they really find out any information at all. With that fact in consideration, you may want to think about chakras in the following manner.

Chakras are essentially your energy centers. You already know that your body has energy running through it. This can be proven to the most skeptical person alive, through medical monitoring of the heart, brain, and other muscles throughout the body. When your heart beats, it does so because an electrical impulse is created that tells it to contract. As such, this electrical activity can be measured using medical equipment. By the same token, the electrical impulses created by brain wave patterns can be monitored as those impulses travel from the brain to various parts of the body. When you move your arm or your leg, it’s because electrical impulses originate in your brain that tells those corresponding muscles to move. These are facts that can be proven without question.

Now, think about your chakras. Each one of them serves as an energy center, a space that both receives and sends energy constantly. Of course, each chakra is related to a specific part of the body as it pertains to your physical health. By the same token, each one of the seven chakras is related to certain emotional or mental health characteristics. Depending on whether or not each chakra is open or blocked, you may experience corresponding emotional issues as well as physical symptoms.

If all of this sounds confusing right now, rest assured that it will become easier to understand as each of the seven chakras is described in greater detail below. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to learn more information about the color that corresponds to each chakra and how that information may play into your daily life.

The Different Chakra Colors and Their Meanings

Here’s an explanation of the seven chakra colors and their meanings. If you want to learn more about each chakra, click the link at the end of each section.

7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – Violet Color

The Crown Chakra aka Sahasrara
  • Symbolizes: Knowledge, consciousness, fulfillment, spirituality
  • Location: Just above the top of the head
  • Color: Violet, purple, white

You have probably heard people refer to the crown of your head. In exactly the same manner, the crown chakra is located just above the top of your head. If you put your hand just a couple of inches above your head, you can probably feel a certain amount of energy. It might feel like your fingers are tingling or like there is a slight charge of static electricity located in that area. This is the energy that is coming from your crown chakra.

Color personality quiz animation

For years, people have associated the crown chakra with a higher sense of self-awareness. In truth, it is most commonly associated with the soul and with topics of a divine nature. Individuals who have a well-developed and fully open crown chakra have a tendency to be spiritually invested, not to mention wise. They typically spend more time focusing on things of a deeper meaning and less time thinking about more superficial things. In short, those who have well-developed crown chakras spend more time thinking about spiritual matters than what they’re going to have for dinner or how much money they have in the bank. As such, they are often thought of as more spiritually well-rounded individuals.

What Color Is Associated With the Crown Chakra and Why?

The colors most often associated with the crown chakra are violet, purple and white. There are a number of reasons that this association is typically made. The most obvious is that these are colors sometimes assigned to things of a Divine nature. Since the crown chakra deals with the soul and all things Divine, it only makes sense that these colors are associated with it.

How Do You Know If It’s Open?

When your crown chakra is open, you may feel a genuine spiritual connection that you don’t feel the rest of the time. Every person experiences these spiritual connections differently. For some, it’s more about feeling a presence that is greater than yourself. Others get visions. Still, others see and hear things that no one around them can. For some, a true spiritual connection is a full-on experience that can scarcely be described. It’s important to realize that while most of your chakras are open all the time (at least to a certain extent), your crown chakra is only open at specific moments. Typically, you need to do some type of meditation in order to achieve this goal. It doesn’t matter if it involves yoga, meditation, prayer or simply sitting quietly and allowing yourself to get out of your own head. What matters is that you engage in some type of daily practice to help open your crown chakra so you can have the Divine spiritual experiences that allow a person to grow.

How Do You Know If It’s Blocked?

Sometimes, this chakra will become fully blocked. This can happen as a result of a number of different reasons. Excessive stress, a schedule that doesn’t allow you time to focus on anything except running from one appointment to the next, physical illness, or conflict with another person can all have a detrimental effect on your crown chakra. If it’s blocked, you may not be able to connect spiritually for some time. If this is something that you routinely do, you’re likely to notice that there is a problem almost immediately. If you’re not quite there yet, you may not notice it as quickly. However, you might still feel somewhat disconnected from those around you. You may even feel depressed or anxious as a direct result of losing that spiritual connection, even temporarily.

How Can You Enhance Your Crown Chakra?

Fortunately, there are things you can do if you find that your crown chakra is blocked. For starters, you can find some quiet time to pray or meditate. Do your best to shut out everything else that is vying for your attention and simply focus on allowing yourself to feel the spiritual connection that you’ve been longing for. If it helps, you can adopt a yoga routine or something similar. One specific pose that may help you is the corpse pose. Spend a few minutes quietly lying on your back in a corpse pose and try not to allow your mind to pull you back into the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It might also help if you picture your crown chakra spinning above your head, pulling in Divine energy that can then be disseminated throughout your body. This visualization can be enhanced by picturing the colors purple and violet as that energy comes into your body.

What Else Should You Know?

It’s important to remember that the crown chakra is a little bit different from all of the other chakras in your body. For example, as mentioned before, it’s not open all the time and you have to constantly work to develop your spiritual side in order to have a more balanced crown chakra. While you will see sections dealing with overactive chakras for the remaining six chakras, you won’t see that here for this very reason. Since the crown chakra isn’t quite like any of the others, this section is structured a bit differently as well.

Read more about the Crown Chakra.

6. The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) – Indigo Color

The Third Eye Chakra aka Ajna
  • Symbolizes: Intuition, lucidity, meditation, trust
  • Location: Between the eyebrows on the forehead
  • Color: Indigo, purple

The third eye chakra is said to help you connect your natural psychic abilities to the world around you. Everyone is thought to be born with specific psychic abilities. The problem is, most people don’t do anything to develop them and still others refuse to believe that such a thing even exists. You might think of your third eye chakra as the missing piece of the puzzle between your crown chakra and the rest of your body. It is your source for developing your psychic abilities. As such, it allows you to use your crown chakra, or the connection to your soul and the Divine, to connect with more practical aspects of your everyday life.

What Color Is Associated With the Third Eye Chakra and Why?

There are two colors that are typically associated with your third eye chakra. One is purple and the other is indigo, a deep color of blue. Both of these colors are thought to represent spiritual wisdom. In the case of indigo, it’s believed to be more about a connection between you and the spiritual world around you as well as how you use that information to navigate that world.

How Do You Know If It’s Open?

When your third eye chakra is open, you have a tendency to rely more on your intuition and less on other types of information that might come your way. This chakra is located on your forehead, between your eyebrows. One that is fully open allows you to tap into your spiritual gifts more effectively. Depending on what those gifts are, you may be able to know that something is going to happen before it actually takes place. You might also use your third eye chakra to gain a better understanding of the people around you by using empathic intuition. Those who are gifted empaths often use their third eye chakras to gain a better understanding of a person’s actual thoughts, feelings, and motives for doing things as opposed to simply believing what they are being told. Remember, every person has different spiritual gifts and every person experiences those gifts differently. It’s highly unlikely that you will experience the exact same thing as someone else. You have to learn to trust your own gifts as opposed to constantly questioning everything.

How Do You Know If It’s Blocked?

On the spiritual side of things, a blocked third eye chakra can make it exceptionally difficult for you to access your spiritual gifts. If you’ve always been good at accurate intuition, you may suddenly find it almost impossible to disseminate what is actually going on without concrete information to guide you in the right direction. However, a blocked third eye chakra doesn’t just impact you as far as your spiritual gifts are concerned. On the more practical side of things, you might find it difficult to learn new things, even if this sort of thing has always come easily for you in the past. You may also feel like you’re more forgetful than usual or like you just can’t recall things the way you used to. If you’ve always been a solid person when it comes to getting things done and meeting your obligations and now you feel like you’re all over the place, it could be because this chakra is blocked.

Physical Symptoms

As far as your physical body is concerned, a blocked third eye chakra can cause severe headaches. You might also have dizzy spells. People that are prone to migraines often find that they suffer more when this chakra is blocked. Even those who have never suffered from migraine headaches in the past may start to have them.

What If It’s Too Active?

It’s important to remember that having a third eye chakra that is always wide open is just as potentially harmful as having one that’s always blocked. If it stays wide open all the time, you have a tendency to get far too much information related to intuition or clairvoyance. This can cause you to become so overwhelmed that you don’t really know how to handle it. Many people that are born with certain psychic abilities have a third eye chakra that is wide open when they are very young. They can become so overwhelmed with all of the information that they’re constantly getting that they end up deliberately shutting it down ignoring it altogether. In the case of your third eye chakra, it is crucial that you learn about balance and control. If you don’t learn to control it, it will control every aspect of your life.

The Practical Side Of Things

Fortunately, there are things that you can do that can help you open this chakra and learn to control it at the same time. Practicing yoga is ideal because it gives you the ability to learn how to focus on your breathing in order to control your chakras as well as anxiety and depression. You might wear jewelry that is indigo or purple in color to help you better connect with this chakra. Of course, prayer and meditation always help. Just as in the case with your crown chakra, visualizing energy that is purple or indigo in color coming into your third eye chakra is an effective way of learning to open it. You can also learn to close it in the exact same manner. It doesn’t happen overnight, but regular meditation and visualization in conjunction with prayer can work wonders for helping you better develop these skills. As long as you take it slowly and you don’t force anything, it’s much easier to develop the skills that you already have without introducing anything else that might further complicate matters.

Read more about the Third Eye Chakra.

5. The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) – Blue Color

The Throat Chakra aka Vishuddha
  • Symbolizes: Communication, expression, creativity, inspiration
  • Location: Base of the throat to the eyes
  • Color: Blue

The throat chakra is an energy field that stretches from the base of your throat all the way up to your eyes. Just as the name implies, it has everything to do with learning how to effectively communicate so that you can voice your concerns appropriately. It is probably one of the most important energy centers in the entire body, yet it is also one that has a tendency to be blocked most frequently. When it is blocked, it can result in a number of mental and physical issues, all of which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

What Color Is Associated With the Throat Chakra and Why?

Again, the color most associated with the throat chakra is blue. It might seem confusing at first that indigo is often associated with the third eye chakra and another color of blue is associated with the throat chakra. However, things become far less confusing when you realize that all of these energy centers are connected in one way or another. If one is thrown off, it has a tendency to adversely impact all of the other chakras, or energy centers, at the same time. When you consider how closely related your ability to see things clearly and your ability to communicate clearly are related, it only stands to reason that there is very little variation in the colors associated with these two chakras.

How Do You Know If It’s Open?

When the throat chakra is open, you are typically able to communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly without becoming overly emotional in the process. This means that you are likely to be more articulate and that you are able to organize your thoughts in such a manner that you can speak about the things that are important to you calmly and intelligently. In short, you’re able to convey your feelings about important matters without losing your cool and saying things that you regret later on.

How Do You Know If It’s Blocked?

When this particular chakra is blocked, you often feel like you have no voice. You may be able to speak without a problem, but you can’t articulate your thoughts in a manner that allows you to convey your feelings to someone else adequately. You may stumble over your words and struggle to find the right phrases or the right tone of voice. In severe cases, you may start to feel almost invisible, as if you have no voice when it comes to things that are important to you. Before you know it, you may refrain from speaking out when you see something happening that upsets you. Many people that have been abused in the past have a blocked throat chakra. As such, they find it exceedingly difficult to stand up for themselves or convey deeply emotional thoughts and feelings in an effective method. They may say nothing at all or they may become overly emotional and yell without ever stating how they truly feel about something or why they feel that way.

Physical Symptoms

People who have a blocked throat chakra often find that they have a sore throat. Where most people get a sore throat because they have a cold or some other type of viral or bacterial infection, people with a blocked throat chakra often have a sore throat without being able to pinpoint any exterior cause. It may also be common for these individuals to experience routine hoarseness or even laryngitis. A blocked chakra in this area can also cause more long-term physical problems. You may experience thyroid problems or severe muscle stiffness in your neck that can even penetrate your shoulders. Since you don’t routinely communicate your feelings because you have a fear of being judged unfairly, you might also begin to experience physical issues associated with chronic stress such as high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and stress headaches.

How Can You Keep Your Throat Chakra Balanced?

You want your throat chakra to be well-balanced. As you can see, one that is underactive can cause a whole host of physical and emotional problems. By the same token, you don’t want your throat chakra to be overactive, either. When it is, you might find it difficult to pay attention to what others are saying because you can scarcely stop talking. This can cause problems between friends and family alike, especially when you routinely cut other people off or fail to hear their side of things because you’re too busy stating your own thoughts on the matter. If you want to keep your throat chakra in balance, try wearing something made from aquamarine or routinely practicing the fish pose in yoga. As is the case with virtually all of your chakras, visualization can help. Furthermore, this is one of the easiest chakras for you to keep in check by evaluating your own actions. Are you speaking your feelings while simultaneously giving others an opportunity to speak theirs? If so, you’re probably in good shape. If you find that you’re either talking over others or are not speaking up at all, your throat chakra probably needs some work.

Read more about the Throat Chakra.

4. The Heart Chakra (Anahata) – Green Color

The Heart Chakra aka Anahata
  • Symbolizes: Acceptance, love, compassion, sincerity
  • Location: Center of the chest
  • Color: Green

The heart chakra is located in the center of your chest and it is the center where you feel your most intense emotions. Individuals who have a tendency to make decisions based more on emotions instead of concrete thought processes usually have a heart chakra that is quite active. If you’re capable of feeling the entire range of emotions rather easily, it’s probably because your heart chakra is one of your most active energy centers.

What Color Is Associated With the Heart Chakra and Why?

If you think that red is the color associated with the heart chakra, think again. In reality, the color that is most often associated with this emotional highway is green. This really shouldn’t come as any surprise, especially when you consider the fact that green is often associated with life and something that is constantly being renewed. Positive emotions like love and joy are often associated with renewal as well as with life itself. Even emotions that are commonly thought of as being negative, such as anger, can be dealt with in a positive manner as long as this particular chakra is in balance with the others, especially the throat chakra.

How Do You Know If It’s Open?

The person who has an open heart chakra is not only in control of their emotions, they are capable of allowing themselves to feel those emotions in a healthy manner. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you only feel positive emotions. In fact, it would be completely unreasonable to think that would be the case. Even the happiest, most well-balanced person feels emotions like anger and sadness from time to time. The key is to learn to allow yourself to have those feelings as opposed to suppressing them. An open heart chakra will allow you to do exactly that. When it is balanced, you can feel the emotions you need to feel, acknowledge them fully, and then let them go.

How Do You Know If It’s Blocked?

If your heart chakra is blocked, you may find it difficult to deal with your emotions. In extreme cases, you might even find it hard to feel any genuine emotions at all. People that seem angry almost all the time, as well as those who appear incapable of virtually any other emotion, often have a blocked heart chakra. Have you ever seen someone who seems to be in touch with their emotions? Perhaps that person is able to explore even the most challenging of emotions, yet they manage to navigate those waters fairly smoothly. This person most likely has a heart chakra that is well balanced. Conversely, you may have seen someone who stuffs their emotions so far down that they seem to be practically devoid of any emotion at all. When a person does this, the heart chakra is probably blocked.

Physical Symptoms

By the same token, physical symptoms such as chest pain, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath may happen frequently in those who have a blocked heart chakra. In more extreme cases that have been going on for some time, you can even have more serious complications such as heart problems. The physical complications associated with a blocked heart chakra can become extremely serious, even life-threatening. That is precisely why it is so important to ensure that this chakra remains open and balanced. You’re not just talking about your most treasured emotions, but also the health of your heart. It’s best to address any issues that crop up here right away.

What If It’s Too Active?

Like most of the other chakras in your body, the heart chakra can be too active. If you’re always emotional and you have trouble getting a handle on those emotions, this may be the reason. Most people notice it when they overreact to things that really don’t warrant that level of emotion. Having a heart chakra that is open is vitally important for physical and mental health, not to mention your relationships with other people around you. However, you don’t want to allow it to take control of you in its entirety or you’ll end up being an emotional wreck. Therefore, it’s important to keep it in balance.

How Can You Keep Your Heart Chakra Balanced?

So, how do you keep your heart chakra in balance? How do you make sure that it’s open without allowing it to dominate every aspect of your life? Routine yoga or meditation can help here as well. As with the other chakras, visualizing an energy beam that is green in color coming into your heart chakra and then going out to the rest of the world can help you put the focus where it belongs without allowing yourself to become overwhelmed. In addition, you can help keep things balanced by ensuring that you have a little bit of time to yourself each day and that you get regular physical activity.

Read more about the Heart Chakra.

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) – Yellow Color

The Solar Plexus Chakra aka Manipura
  • Symbolizes: Strength, personality, power, determination
  • Location: Upper abdomen above the navel
  • Color: Yellow

Think of your solar plexus chakra as both your energy center and your control center. Are you a person that has a tendency to make decisions and then stick to them or do you allow yourself to be swayed by the opinions of others? Do you know what you want out of life and which steps you need to take in order to get there or do you have a vague idea of what you want without any real direction? If you’re able to figure out where you want to go in life and then you start taking the steps needed to get there, it’s probably because you have a well-balanced solar plexus chakra. On the other hand, someone that allows themselves to be easily influenced may need some work in that area.

What Color Is Associated With the Solar Plexus Chakra and Why?

The color most frequently associated with the solar plexus chakra is yellow or gold. This is important because the color gold is typically associated with a higher level of spiritual awareness. Simultaneously, it is typically considered to be a color that denotes power and even purity. When you know what you want and you’re determined to reach those goals, it’s usually because you have something very solid in your spiritual foundation that is guiding you. As a result, you might increase the activity in your solar plexus chakra by wearing things that are gold in color. Of course, the visualization technique works well here, too.

How Do You Know If It’s Open?

Remember, your solar plexus chakra is your power center. When it’s open, you feel empowered to boldly make decisions and then stand by them, even when someone else challenges your decisions. In addition to feeling strong enough to make decisions without the approval of others, you may tend to be more open when you are around other people. Those who have open solar plexus chakras are usually extroverts. They enjoy being around other people and they like participating in group activities. They also tend to be less fearful and less judgemental of others, probably because they are generally more comfortable in their own skin.

How Do You Know If It’s Blocked?

As previously mentioned, a solar plexus chakra that is blocked usually results in an inability to make clear decisions when it comes to taking control of something. You may know what you want, but you don’t know how to get there. Once that chakra becomes even more blocked, you might feel sort of lost, almost as if you have no idea what you want out of life. In cases like these, you might start to feel more like a ship that is adrift at sea with no clear indication of how to get back to shore. Everyone has felt this way at one time or another. However, if you find that you are feeling like this more and more often, or you have felt lost for some time, it is probably time to evaluate the health of your solar plexus chakra. The trials and tribulations of daily life can do a real number on it, especially if you don’t take routine steps to keep it healthy.

Physical Symptoms

Physically, a blocked solar plexus chakra can cause a whole host of digestive issues. It is located just below your breastbone, near your diaphragm, so it’s no surprise that digestive issues can come into play. You might suffer from constipation or diarrhea or you may be nauseous frequently. You might find it difficult to eat a wide variety of different foods without suffering abdominal cramps or something similar. Some people who have a blocked solar plexus chakra also suffer from more chronic conditions such as Crohn’s.

What If It’s Too Active?

Is it possible for your solar plexus chakra to be too active? Like all the other chakras in your body, it is indeed possible. When this happens, you may start to feel like you are a bit too extroverted. Have you ever been in a class or meeting and there was that one person who just couldn’t stop talking or making everyone else laugh? This is a hallmark symptom of a solar plexus chakra that is overactive. In addition, you may feel so bold in your decision-making that you start to make those decisions recklessly. Self-confidence is crucial, but it’s only effective when mixed with a good dose of common sense. If your solar plexus chakra is unbalanced, it has the potential to throw much of your life off balance as well.

How Can You Keep Your Solar Plexus Chakra Balanced?

If you notice that you have a number of digestive issues and you feel like you’re not quite where you want to be in life, you can do things to bring this chakra into balance. Abdominal exercises are an excellent way to do exactly that, as are yoga poses that focus on abdominal core strength. Once this chakra becomes more balanced, you’re likely to notice that you’re more willing to take charge of things and less likely to allow others to make your decisions for you. You might also start to notice that you don’t have nearly as many digestive problems as you did before.

Read more about the Solar Plexus Chakra.

2. The Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) – Orange Color

The Sacral Chakra aka Svadhishthana
  • Symbolizes: Sensuality, sexuality, pleasure, sociability
  • Location: Lower abdomen just above the pubic bone
  • Color: Orange

This chakra, located along your spine above your pubic bone, is essentially responsible for sexual desires, emotions that tend to bring about excessive pleasure and creative endeavors. Some people consider it to be the most easily influenced chakra in the entire body. Having one that is well-balanced is essential for living a life that is happy, productive, and well-rounded. It may not come as any surprise to you that this chakra is often considered a strong creative energy center. As a result, many people who are exceptionally creative have a strong sacral chakra. This energy center is also responsible for pleasure. While most people think of things that are of a strictly sexual nature, that isn’t always the case. The sacral chakra does have quite a lot to do with one’s sex drive, to be sure. However, it is also responsible for decisions that bring pleasure to an individual in the broader sense. For example, some people enjoy napping in the afternoon. They truly derive pleasure from it. Others are at their happiest when they are outdoors. When you think about the things that make you truly happy, you can thank your sacral chakra for those desires, whatever they may be.

What Color Is Associated With the Sacral Chakra and Why?

The color most commonly associated with the sacral chakra is orange. It’s typically believed that orange is the dominant color here because orange is essentially a combination of gold and red, denoting power and passion. People who have an underactive sacral chakra can feel a wide range of emotions. For example, you may not be as creative as you typically are. In some cases, you might even feel like your emotions are just running all over the place and you can’t pinpoint the exact reason why you’re feeling that way. Some people who have a sacral chakra that is underactive have very few sexual desires. By the same token, one that is overactive can cause a person to have sexual tendencies that dominate their life, as well as other addictive tendencies. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your sacral chakra balanced in order to live a life that is healthy, both physically and mentally.

How Do You Know If It’s Open?

A sacral chakra that is open will allow you to make decisions that lead to a happier life overall. You probably know what makes you happy and you’re not afraid to gravitate toward those decisions. This is especially important for your mental health, as well as your physical well-being. In a world where people almost seem to enjoy torturing themselves by operating on virtually no sleep, working themselves into an early grave, and doing other unsavory tasks they don’t really enjoy doing strictly for bragging rights, an open sacral chakra allows you to know what makes you happy and then move toward those things. As long as you are able to keep that chakra balanced and you’re capable of making solid decisions that balance both pleasure and the more dutiful aspects of life, you can learn to live a very satisfying life without feeling guilty for doing so.

How Do You Know If It’s Blocked?

Conversely, a blocked sacral chakra can make you feel guilty for doing practically anything you enjoy. Have you ever known someone who was a workaholic and felt like they absolutely had to be working all the time or they were doing something wrong? That person probably had a blocked sacral chakra. There is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself. Granted, life can’t be fun all the time, but it doesn’t have to be miserable all the time, either. People with blocked sacral chakras are often overly serious. They rarely laugh and they tend to obsess over work or other things on their to-do lists. They rarely have downtime and even when they do, they don’t tend to enjoy it.

Physical Symptoms

What types of physical symptoms are associated with having a blocked sacral chakra? You may not be surprised that symptoms such as pain in the lower back and joints of the lower body are common, as is a lack of energy. These types of symptoms are to be expected when a person pushes themselves too hard as opposed to allowing themselves to lead a more balanced life. That said, there are some additional physical symptoms that can be surprising. They include issues with the kidneys and spleen as well as a number of different menstrual issues for women. Why is this the case? Much of it is tied to the stress that automatically comes with constantly denying oneself the ability to feel pleasure of any kind. Over time, that stress can take its toll on the body. When it does, chronic symptoms such as kidney problems become more prevalent.

What If It’s Too Active?

Refusing to allow yourself to have any fun at all can be detrimental to both your physical and mental well-being. However, it can be just as unhealthy to constantly live your life as you jump from one pleasurable decision to another, with little or no regard for professional or personal responsibilities. In addition, you might experience other physical symptoms from indulging in an excessively hedonistic lifestyle. People with an overactive sacral chakra might become addicted to substances, sexual activities, and the like. Obviously, it can be dangerous to indulge in illegal substances. It’s also dangerous to drink too much alcohol or be involved with too many sexual partners at any one given time. By the same token, a person who derives a great deal of pleasure from shopping and then chooses to shop constantly may find themselves under a great deal of financial strain because of their activities. As is the case with virtually everything in life, it’s all about finding a balance and doing things in moderation.

Keeping Your Sacral Chakra Balanced

What are some practical things that you can do to keep this chakra balanced? Try wearing sunstone or tiger’s eye. You may try doing the pigeon pose in yoga. It’s been mentioned many times before but it’s worth saying again. Visualization techniques can go a long way toward keeping this and all of your other chakras healthy and well-balanced. If you find that yours seems to be either too active or not active enough, visualize energy beams that are orange in color coming to your sacral chakra and then going out of it. Wearing clothing that is orange in color might also help. At the end of the day, you must remember that balancing work and pleasure can bring you far more joy than over-indulging in one or the other.

Read more about the Sacral Chakra.

1. The Root Chakra (Muladhara) – Red Color

The Root Chakra aka Muladhara
  • Symbolizes: Energy, stability, comfort, safety
  • Location: Base of the spine near the tailbone
  • Color: Red

Last but not least, you have the root chakra. This energy center is located close to your tailbone and can easily be considered the foundation upon which everything else should be built. This is the chakra that provides you with the emotional basics that you need to survive. As such, one that is either too active or not active enough can cause a number of problems. Remember when you were in high school and you learned about basic needs such as shelter, food, and clothing? Remember how these items were at the base of the pyramid because if you didn’t have these needs met, nothing else could be met, either? It’s exactly the same way with your root chakra. If you don’t have the solid foundation that is your root chakra, everything else has a tendency to fall apart. As such, your root chakra serves as your emotional foundation and provides you with your sense of safety. Without it, it would be virtually impossible to develop your other chakras or even keep what you already have in balance. As a result, you must make sure that your root chakra is balanced before you can proceed to the other six.

What Color Is Associated With the Root Chakra and Why?

The color that is commonly associated with the root chakra is red. It’s interesting to note that red is often considered to be the color of passion and energy. It’s also used to denote power and purity in many religious settings. All of this makes sense when you consider the fact that a healthy root chakra gives you the emotional stability to take challenges head-on, not to mention dealing with the curve balls that daily life can sometimes throw at you. A healthy root chakra allows you to feel secure in knowing who you are. On the other hand, one that is underactive is liable to leave you feeling more fearful than anything else. You may have a lack of confidence and an inability to make decisions without constant affirmation from other people. Physically, it can cause pain in the extreme lower back that radiates to the legs. It’s also commonly associated with an uptick in nightmares.

How Do You Know If It’s Open?

An open root chakra allows you to feel secure, both with who you are as an individual and in your particular environment. People that have an open root chakra have a natural inclination to be a bit bolder in their decision-making because they don’t have as many doubts or fears about how things will ultimately work out. The security that comes with an open root chakra is empowering, to say the least. It gives individuals an opportunity to take risks that they otherwise would likely back away from.

How Do You Know If It’s Blocked?

In the same manner that an open root chakra empowers you to make decisions securely, a root chakra that is blocked is likely to make you feel extremely insecure, even afraid. You might feel that you just don’t have what it takes to make the bold choices. As such, you probably have a tendency to stay in the background and allow other people to lead you wherever they want you to go. In addition, you might feel insecure in the environment that you’re in, whether that involves your home life or your professional life. Circumstances that feel like they are beyond your control can make you think that your options are limited. Staying stagnant in such an environment for any length of time can close off your root chakra, making it extremely difficult to reopen it and keep it balanced over a longer period of time.

Physical Symptoms

The physical symptoms associated with a blocked root chakra involve depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and nightmares. Of course, you also have to deal with all of the stress that comes with those issues, not to mention the physical problems caused by that stress. Speaking of stress-related physical problems, you may find yourself dealing with excessive weight gain (thanks to all the stress hormones running through your veins), digestive issues, heart problems, and headaches.

What If It’s Too Active?

Yes, it is possible for your root chakra to be too active. If you routinely make risky decisions without feeling even a shred of apprehension, it may be working a bit too well. You want to feel secure in your decisions, but it’s also important to keep a healthy perspective on things. A well-balanced root chakra allows you to keep your decisions (and your emotions) in check.

How Do You Keep Your Root Chakra Balanced?

How can you keep your root chakra healthy? You can practice visualization techniques and wear stones or clothing that are red in color. You can also practice certain poses in yoga that are believed to specifically target this chakra, such as the mountain pose. Doing this on a regular basis can help keep this chakra healthy and well-balanced, thereby setting the tone for the other six chakras in your body.

Read more about the Root Chakra.

Final Thoughts on Chakra Colors

In conclusion, all of the chakras in your body must work in concert with one another in order for you to live your life to the fullest. If one of them is out of balance, it can throw the others off balance as well. Learning to associate the colors with their respective chakras can help you better perform visualization techniques that can help you keep everything working well together. In addition, you might choose to focus your wardrobe on a specific chakra color if you notice that you’re having an off day. You can even use these techniques to decorate a room or your entire house. By associating colors with your chakras, you can learn to become more balanced and enjoy a happier and healthier life.

Chakra Chart

Here’s an overview of all the different chakras. Feel free to share this chakra chart with anyone you know.

Chakra overview chart with colors, symbols, names, locations, elements, meanings, rights, mantras, musical notes and sound frequency

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