What Readers Are Saying

Your opinion matters text on colorful speech bubbles

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162 thoughts on “What Readers Are Saying”

  1. Thank you for all the interesting emails that you sent about colors! I absolutely love them! So keep them coming! And thanks again! Take care! Julia, Laurel, Mississippi

  2. I came across your website while looking for color combinations to complement gray. What I found was a wealth of color information. As a degreed mechanical engineer, I have worked with some talented designers over the years and was the color expert for plastics and paint at a major industrial company.
    I have loved learning about and using color. And thanks for the tips!
    With regards

  3. Love your emails. I love learning about color. My favorite color for a long time was Black (the so-called absence of color), but as the years go by, I’ve fallen in love with colors I never appreciated: Green(s), Orange, and more recently, certain Blue hues. It’s been fun changing my opinions and perceptions of color – it’s quite timely that I’ve recently discovered you and your emails (I can’t remember how). Keep doing what you’re doing.

  4. Thank you, Jacob. You found me! Your quiz stated my color is Red, and colors cannot be seen without light. Very interesting because I dreamed today of a gigantic rock. The rock face, one half, looked perfectly (painted) red, and the other half was perfectly white. Three angels or spirit guides were also present. One guide exhibited superhuman strength as she picked up and straightened a crooked concrete statue. Leaning into her, I stated, “Never underestimate yourself.” That message is for Jacob and everyone and beyond who reads this comment. Never underestimate yourself.

  5. I stumbled across your website while trying to find just the right (interesting) shade of gray for a project. (And by the way, thank you so much for your fantastic “136 Shades of Gray” resource page!) I also took your quiz, and it (amazingly) found my personality color, which just happens to be my favorite color. I spotted your graphics, and wow! I felt an explosion of light and energy inside! I am so looking forward to exploring your website more. Thank you again.

  6. I am a tie-dye artisan. The science of color is an important tool. Thank you for sharing this valuable information. I am subscribed for life!

  7. I absolutely love your article. Ironically, all the colors you selected are my favorites except for one, which is yellow. But I have a five-color palette that I love, which includes yellow with purple, blue, orange, and mint green. Thanks for the article!

  8. Hi! I get your email every Sunday and I love it, always learning something… I always loved colors… thanks! 🙏 Have a nice week! 👋

  9. Hi Jacob, I just wanted to say how much I love your site! It’s so inspiring, and I’ve gotten great ideas from your articles to improve my designs. I’m looking forward to more!

  10. I love your website. I love all the different colors too, especially purple. It’s so cool to see all the types of colors and everything like that.

  11. Your detailed explanations about every color and their shades are awesome. Thanks for providing such hard, research-based work.

  12. I just found your website as I am getting ready to print t-shirts for my staff. Thank you for YOU! Great website!!!! It is saved. Dominique

  13. Thank you for putting this site together! Such an amazing and helpful resource to understand colors beyond just what we see. I’m really happy to have come across this page and excited to read through and absorb the information!

  14. Reading this has helped me work out why I pick the colours that I do. A while back, I constantly looked at what I thought were boring colours. Now I think my colour choices were a reflection of my mood. Going into decorating a number of rooms in my house now my choices are more positive. White with green for my kitchen diner with marble, black, and rose gold accessories, grey and teal for my lounge with ochre and green accessories, white and grey for my hall stairs and landing. Thank you for this! I will come back and read it again as it has opened my eyes to what colour can do for us.

  15. Amazing work! It is wonderful to see a person speak in and about colours! Even more so when an effort is made to add colour to the age-old Indian knowledge of Chakras.

  16. I found your site when searching for the names of colors when mixing red and purple. Then I saw the “12 Practical Exercises to Help You Learn About Color” article and found exactly what I needed!!!

    I just retired and started quilting. I wanted to learn the proper way to sort my fabric colors and know their official names.

    Thank you so much!!!!

  17. Hi Jacob,
    Fantastic site you have developed. I was a nurse for 26 years and worked with many individuals with mental health problems, stress and anxiety, and old age. I used color on many occasions to help them reduce stress, etc. From the green garments, creating a restful but intellectual feeling on surgeons and their nursing staff colleagues, to the pale blue on the walls. Keep up the good work, Jacob. You are doing a grand job. John.

  18. What an exciting and unique website. All the information about different aspects of color is simply incredible. Thank you!

  19. We have been doing art projects in our school, and this is the site our teacher recommended when choosing colors. Good job, Jacob.

  20. Wow, I am truly excited to read your words on colors! Reading the short article that got me here was moving! I am at a very difficult time in life and can definitely use your wisdom and the never-ending beauty of color to help soothe the way. Thank you.

  21. Simply incredible! Thank you for showing me a world of color I hadn’t noticed before. It feels like I’m learning a new language. You are an excellent teacher.

  22. I love the information on colors. I have a favorite childhood color, pink. Light pink or medium. I love it and feel it makes me light up with joy. I read your info on it and other colors, and I’m drawn to the theme of color. It’s so beautiful, and I would even add romantic to love and be in love with color. I’m thankful for your research, and if you have other articles or even if I have questions, I can email. Thanks again.

  23. Wow. I was utterly astounded by the photographs of so many gorgeous pigeon species worldwide. The quality of the images – their resolution and vivid hues – and, of course, the feather colors themselves were an unexpected treat. I thank you deeply for the photos and equally for the erudite descriptions of their ecology and behavior. For nutshell summaries, a lot of solid information was offered.

    I only regret that so many of these gems are endangered. The worst case is that of the Socorro Dove of Mexico. Arguably my favorite possible color, it soon turned out also to face the saddest possible future.

    In any event, this is information of a quality that deserves wide viewership – perhaps on YT with a great narrator? Just a thought. I would also love to repost some of these pictures to IG or FB, crediting you, of course, Jacob.

    Thanks again! The Columbiformes (pigeons and doves) are among the greatest gifts of Nature to our endowment – the legacy Homo sapiens has so cavalierly squandered. The sweet, sublime “Socorro” strengthens my own resolve to leave this planet a better, not lesser, globe of paradise. If we cannot sustain a safe planet for our own symbol of peace and security, how can we regard ourselves as worthy of peace or security?

  24. Teresa Grahnert

    I love it – I have made several notes from your awesome site. I make holiday and birthday greeting cards for mental patients at the VA, and most do not have any living relatives. This year I decided to incorporate calming colors into the cards as I know they look at the cards often and will help with their daily lives.

  25. WHAT!? Jacob, thank you for a truly amazing insight into the world of colors! What amazes me and actually puts a smile on my face is the way you speak of each color with so much respect and enthusiasm. This website oozes with passion! When I was reading each color’s meaning it made me feel like I was being introduced to a person. You sir have made me appreciate ALL the colors so much more now. I will most definitely be using your website with most of my color choices. THANK YOU!!!

  26. Thank you for your truly user-friendly website and really fascinating information. I have always loved colors myself and I am very glad to have found your site.

  27. Hello sir

    I consider your website to be among the very best when it comes to websites dedicated to colors. I find it very helpful and interesting.

    Thank you for your efforts and dedication to helping people learn more about colors and their shades.

  28. I enjoyed your description of teal. I’m in a small group at church. The leader likes teal. Jesus is the light of the world and He created you and color. Maybe we will meet in Heaven some day.
    Much love,

    1. Happy new day!

      Indeed, GOD created the full spectrum of colour!
      I am very grateful for this website! It truly resonates with me. It affirms my mama intuition to foster more colour and therapy time (free play with water colour painting, Sarah’s Play silks, and time in our magical garden abundant in birds, flowers, food, bees, butterflies, and creation). Also, choosing vibrant fruits and veggies and the colour they wear each new day.
      I’ve always known and honoured the importance of colour. All my children are sacred and unique. They all thrive on different colour choices, but they all love taking time to grow and be in their heart centres with colour!
      Outdoor play in the forest or parks is essential for a healthy lifestyle for any human! Colour is key, I completely agree!

      All beings be well and brightest blessings to all.

  29. Jacob, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but you’re a god among color aficionados. I love your fantastic work, so please continue doing that and I’ll keep coming back.

  30. Thank you for creating this! I visited several questionable color sites for my school project. My teacher said that you are the only trustworthy source. Take care Jacob

  31. Hi Jacob! Your website is delightful. I am so pleased to have been led to you. I often get impatient with reading online materials but not here! I could spend lots of time just reading and reading, and exploring and exploring; more time than I actually “should” take for sake of “lack o time”…haha. Continue delighting us my friend, I’m thankful that you have the job that you have ;-)

  32. Tonny Aburachman

    Hi Jacob,

    I love your quote, “Color doesn’t exist without light, so in order to see color, we need to see the light.” – Jacob Olesen, I hope it also makes you appreciate the Creator of light and color.

    This website is simply amazing, discusses color comprehensively and viewed from various angles and aspects, the work that I admire. In the future I will quote some of this great information in my Instagram account, of course I will mention you as the source.

    Thank you!

  33. Hi Jacob,
    Every December, I place an Advent wreath on my dinner table, and I was curious about the third candle, the “shepherd’s candle,” or candle of joy; and why it was pink when the other candles are either purple or blue. This led me to your website.

    Then I got hooked and started reading about the other colors. I got a lot of insight into the Advent candles and why the church uses different colors for the different liturgical seasons.

  34. Esther Sonneveld

    Terrific research and inspiring information. The first full and complete package of data on colour without having to cross reference and check multiple different websites! You should publish a book with your works! I’d buy it right away.

  35. Thank you for the most amazing perspective on color and for furthering my connection to color Jacob! Your graphic visuals on the site are outstanding and captured me immediately as a designer and lover of color.

    The emotion of color is very seldom conveyed and you did an excellent job in doing so! I appreciate you! Many thanks!

  36. Diane Plattner

    Hi Jacob, it’s wonderful to explore your website. I feel your fascination that I share totally. I am so happy that I discovered you on Pinterest. Whenever I would need a specialist – what you are without any doubt – I recommend you to my clients. I work as Potential-coach and Colour- and Art Therapist.

  37. This is indeed great. I love this.
    I will love to be receiving a newsletter from you, if it’s possible.

  38. Thank you for your work and detail – truly helpful and impressive! I had a wonderful dream that God blessed me with many unique nail polishes and the one I chose to wear was pure white at the base with beautiful teal glitter at the top half. I awoke curious about teal. As I read your content regarding teal, I was surprised. It was as if it was written about me. This actually helped me understand myself a bit better. Thank God and thank you, Jacob. Many Blessings!!!

  39. Thank you SO MUCH for this tremendous website! Looking up the eye colors of my characters gave me insights on who they really are, confirming some things I already knew. Looking up my specific shade (purple), it validated who I am and why I look at life as I do. Combined properly with Numerology and astrology, this is a vivid picture of making the complex simple. Keep up the fantastic work!

  40. Your page on Periwinkle?! I’m hooked – EXACTLY what I needed. About to go read another article. Thanks so much for following your passion!!!

  41. Thanks so much for your post “Pink Color Meaning.” I needed good information for the symbolism associated with the color pink. Your site helped tremendously!

  42. Thank you so much for enlightening us on colours, I really found it useful in branding my business. Your website is cool too, mobile friendly and easy to navigate.
    Please, what’s your Instagram handle or that of your website? I’d like to tag you as I used some graphics from your page. Thank you.

    1. Hi

      Thanks for your comment. I’m pleased to hear you find my website useful.

      Unfortunately I can’t give you my Instagram handle as I don’t have any :)
      Please mention my website if you cite any of my work. Thanks.

      1. I think this website is great and might help a lot of people who have trouble in their life. It might make them remember their memories even if they are young like me. This helped me. I believe so and I hope this gives me a brighter mood. I’m trying to be bright already. You remind me of my childhood and my drawings. Some were funny! You make me want to try and perhaps start coloring even more bright and maybe even dark drawings. I understand how awesome it is to know you have color in your everyday life. I hope I have lots of light in my future and inside of me. You have been an inspiration to many and may your existence live on. You must be quite bright in the heart, mind, and outside your body and your life. Take care and stay happy, live your dreams and have the best darn time of your life! 😇

  43. George C. O'Connor

    Your site has opened a vast new world to me, a world of wonders that I was hitherto unaware of and more than ecstatic to find! I can only express my deepest gratitude to you.

    1. Hello. I wanted to write to you and may still write personally; however, I happened upon your site looking for a color for a small writing on purple I was doing. I came across Purpureus and fell in love. I study colors as well. My area is on personal color choices for personal Color Stories. I get the intuitive side of the colors. I did want to publicly say that I have looked around the internet for color meanings and messages without any good information in truth. Happening across your website is a delight and joy. I will be back often. Seeing someone else present colors in a very good light for others to discover was refreshing.

  44. Thank you so much for this. I started studying about biblical color symbolism on the web and read your whole site including comments. I suffer from extreme depression and ptsd. I would love to end the condemnation I live with and be free. Learning colors would be a start. Thank you! I am old, and my favorite color has varied in my lifetime. It currently is green/blue. In any hue of that. It used to be blue/green hues. As a child it was blue, then purple. And various colors of magenta, fuscia, and wine have popped up here and there for like my 20’s- 40’s. It is green/blue now and has been for years. Especially in moving water – it really recharges me.

    1. Francesca anzalone

      Hi Jacob!
      I’m simply fascinated by your website and the meaning you tried to find behind Colors! I was just now trying to find a proper website in such regards. And your simple explanation just got my mind!
      Moreover I don’t know why – but since the beginning I felt you were originally danish – without reading your BIO, then guess what, I’ve got known your origins. I still remember the magnificent Color of the sky in Copenhagen.
      Thanks for such website!

    2. Robert VanDyke

      I’ve gone through the same color closeness and feel as you have and roughly about the same times. There is so much more to this existence than I ever thought possible and I’m nowhere near done, Van

  45. Jacob,
    Your content and writing style have commandeered my attention this morning! I will need to bookmark you so I can get on with what I thought would be my day. ;)

    Lately, I’ve been into pink. A casual photographer, I found myself drawn repeatedly to my own photos featuring all varieties of the color. The practice became a little addictive because it generated a consistent feeling close to euphoria.. certainly JOY! My next step was researching a bit on Color Psychology and Chromotherapy. This is how I arrived at your site today.

    It occurs to me that with world natives so very restless as evidenced by current events, the color pink’s connotations of unconditional love and self-acceptance provide me respite and even hope. Thinking it could do that for others, in the last two weeks I put together a website inthepinkphotodigitaldownloadgallery.com which will at the least keep ME ‘in the pink’ and may have positive effect upon viewers. Then there is that ‘ripple effect’ – who knows what might just pacify those restless world natives! I will place a link to your site on my Color Effects Links page.

    I am so impressed with your offering, and know you are changing lives for the better.

    A suggestion: The About Me material placed atop your Menu, for easiest locating.

    1. Hi Annette

      Thank you so much for your kind comment. I’m happy you enjoy reading my site and find it useful. I definitely do believe colors can make the world a better place.

      Excellent advice about the menu – I actually changed it recently and forgot to include my about and contact page, but now they’re back!

      1. And so am I (back)! ;) There’s so much of interest to read. Please keep writing, and I’ll keep reading! Annette

  46. Hi Jacob,

    Thanks for the insight. Recently, I heard God speak to me about colors but wasn’t certain of what the colors stood for. I’m so glad you shared this content.

    Warm regards,

  47. Georgene Hensel

    I just found this site, amazing, my very first read, in that my cell phone let me on the internet this morning. I have been looking for these answers for a long time, wondering if I choose a specific cod, when I try to personalize one of my Dreamcatchers for a person. Do you mind if I ask what your favorite color is, and it would be nice to hear back from you. You gave me more answers than I’ve ever gotten. PS. I could never decide whether green or blue was my favorite color. Thank You! Georgene Hensel – Yreka, California. Age: 70.

  48. Markus Olofsson

    Hi, Jacob!

    What an interesting webpage you got! I too have worked with colors for a long time, both from a spiritual side, and from a scientific! I and my father (retired psychologist) ran the Swedish Max Lüscher-Institute between 2006 – 2014.

    We trained therapists and psychologists in the Max Lüscher color test, and we are the only two people allowed (by Max Lüscher) to train and inform in Sweden about this magnificant, psychosomatic test!

    The Lüscher color test gives you a fast and precise insight on your emotional balance, and what to do if you have an imbalance! The test is based on more than 80 years of research, and is the most widespread test of it´s kind.

    I would be happy to do the test on you if you are interested!

    Best regards/
    Markus Olofsson

    1. Hi Markus

      Thanks for your comment. I’m glad to hear you like my site.

      Please check the mail I just sent you.

  49. Hey Jacob, I was searching for yellow color meaning and google sent me to your website. I love your content and I used a bit of the yellow color meaning from your blog as a resource to write a blog post. I hope you don’t mind, also I shared a link of your website on my page.

    Thank you for sharing your passion for colors, you just got me so interested in color meanings. xoxo

    1. Hi Vida

      Thanks for the mention, great to hear I helped you discover the wonderful world of colors :)

  50. Hi jacob, I read your article on chakra and I loved it the way you explained. I am building my gemstone sterling silver e commerce website and on my website I am creating a page which gives user information about gemstone and chakra. Will it be ok if I copy your chakra content and put it on my website chakra page?

    1. Jacob Olesen

      Hi Cindy

      Thanks for your comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the article :)

      Just a little friendly advice: The best approach to online publishing is to write unique content and then include a link to your source. This will benefit both you and your readers.

  51. Hi
    Have you ever heard of anyone who “sees” a certain color for a person’s name? For as long as she remembers, my friend Carole, who is 65 now, “sees” a certain color in her mind for almost every first name she hears. Until she was around 7 she thought everyone did!
    Example: Cindy is silver. Arthur and Denny are both olive green. ALL Cindys, not just a certain Cindy. A color doesnt come into her mind when its in a foreign language or when the name is a modern, very unique name.
    I really enjoy your sight and have enjoyed learning so many new things! Thank you and i hope you continue to write about colors!
    Cindy Clayton

    1. Hi Cindy,

      The condition is Synesthesia. This is a broad term for about 80 different forms of automatically associating colors with words, numbers, letters, music etc.

    2. Hey Cindy – that’s so interesting! My name is Denny, and although I love the color teal the most, I’ve always felt like I was olive myself! Amazing.


  52. Hey Jacob
    I read your article “how colour affects memory”, it was awesome and I liked it. I have a similar post on psychology of colours.

  53. Francisca Fitzgerald

    Hello! I’m a journalist and future cinema student from Latin America, your article about colors helped me a lot! Thanks for sharing :-)

  54. Hello Jacob!

    Thank you so much for your pages. Personally I am really interested in colors and the effect of them on us in every day basis. I use a lot of colors in my designs, and think that colors can surely bring happiness to our lives. I think we could use a lot more colorful patterns in senior homes, mental hospitals etc.
    Right now I found especially interesting the color use in Japan, since I am working on a project to Japan. Thank you!

  55. Hi Jacob, thanks for the meaning of colours in Japan. We’re planning on gifts for our Japanese flat renters and that was the information needed.
    Best regards

  56. Literal answer to my prayers. I have just decided to start writing in my Bible (scary for me). I have been praying about what type of color scheme to use for highlights, underlining etc. There are so many Bible markings systems that are inconsistent color-scheme wise. For example, whereas I now know that red represents “Blood of Jesus, love of God, blood of lamb, atonement, salvation” many systems use red to represent STOP, sin, Satan, bad things, etc. Completely different! I started underlining last night and was really uncomfortable with my decisions on topic colors. I found this site in the nick of time! It has completely changed the way I was going to go using colors in my Bible and I now feel completely at peace. Thank you so much! Site is beautiful as well!

  57. Many years ago I was taken over in the spirit and spoke in Tongues and then interpreted it. The message was to remember the foliage and the fauna and the colors. I have always wondered about the colors. You have given me more insight. Thank you.

  58. Loved this article about changing the aura color. I really appreciate your focus on the color spectrum and bringing concious understanding of how these vibrations impact us. Blessings and Light to you, Jacob!

    1. Hi Jacob
      My name is Nellie and i am from South Africa. I design many of our showroom layouts and often i will find that on a particular day i am drawn to specific colours. I am very receptive to people and how they are feeling and so often colours and their choice of colour says so much about them. Your article is amazing. I really enjoyed it. Thank you so much.

  59. Hi Jacob, I really appreciate your effort as a teacher here, thanks a lot because you taught me what I didn’t know.

  60. Lieke Wouters

    Hello Jacob, What a lovely website you have created!

    I am writing a paper on Character Design and I am using your articles on the color blue and yellow for this. Could you tell me what your source is for the information you put in these articles, and what date you have posted them?

    Thank you for this great site!
    Lieke – from the Netherlands

    1. Hi Lieke

      Thanks for your wonderful words.
      I just sent you an email, let me know if you need anything else.

  61. Hi Jacob,
    I was searching on the meaning of Colours and came across your website, I really liked the article I read (the content is great and well delivered), so I also checked your bio out of curiosity and I really liked how you spoke about your passion for colours, sounds like a love story :) I am myself from a ‘design background’ so thought I’d express my fascination of your passion as it sounded beautiful in your description :) and thumbs up for a great content.

  62. Hi,

    This year I started exploring the meaning of colours. This website helps me in a great way. Thanks for posting.

    Have a great day.
    Best wishes!

  63. Love your website Jacob! I have a holistic wall in fb and shared your colors of the chakras and also shared the link to this website for others that are into the colors and associations of. Thanks for all your valuable info.

  64. Good Day,
    I love the articles and all the information on colour. It is very inspiring for me as person and as therapist.
    I am a social worker/counsellor who apply colour in my intervention process with my clients with great and amazing results.
    As a professor from an International University I managed to develop a B.Sc Degree in Colour intervention.

  65. Hi Mr. Olesen; I like your name Jacob. Father God speaks to me faithfully through dreams. So I did my homework and have read James Goll’s book Dream Language that sets a excellent Christian foundation on the topic. I use a few dream dictionaries as well. Holy Spirit helps me to arrive at the correct interpretation in the end. I appreciate your site and am glad that I found it. Your site looks clean and bright and the colour meanings are accurate. Thank you Jacob!

  66. Hi Jacob,
    This website is wonderful!! It has helped me so much in an important essay I am writing for school. It has been a great resource and insight for me! I am using it for a piece on the Disney women stereotypes throughout the years, and your comments about the colors match perfectly to what I want to say. Thanks so much for your extensive info!

  67. Hi thanks for the balanced insights on the color black-not completely ominous and forboding like other sites yet it was realistic in that there may be downsides to this color. Your page helps me understand why I saw myself as I did-beautiful in black-which I absolutely couldn’t figure out

  68. Hi Jacob

    I’ve found very interesting your website. I think you are doing a great job.
    As a spanish architecture student, I have to do a class work about golden colour and I would be very thankful if you send me some information or references about it.

    Looking for your reply,

  69. Hello Jacob I am Monica and from Ghana .A student from the Theatre and Film department of the University of Cape Coast.i am doing a research on colours .i would need a little consultation from you .So i would like the get your email address

  70. Hi Jacob :)
    Just a quick comment to say thank you. I really like your website and how you describe the meaning of colours. I have created a website called knowmoresayless.com and I have included some links in my first post to your website. I was going to write the colour meanings myself but you have done such a great job so I put the links in instead :) I will refer to your website again in some of the course material I am developing. Thanks again.

  71. Hi, Jacob! My name is Anna and I’m from Russia. I write my course work dealing with color naming and I want to clear up something. Firstly, a positive meaning of blue is associated with sky, heaven etc, but what is negative meaning (to feel blue=to be depressed) associated with and why? The second, I’ve studied some lyrics and didn’t exactly understand what meaning of blue is used there. Can you write me by email to discuss these issues, please. rezannka @ gmail.com

  72. Timothy O'Donnell

    Hi Jacob. My name is Tim and I am from Long Island, NY. I am planning on opening up my own comic book / game store and I am doing tons of research in how I should paint, display and merchandise my new store. I came across your website and was very impressed on your knowledge about colors and how they influence people to make purchases and how they can turn you off. I have alot of questions but the main one is comic books use all types of colors on their covers so I don’t know what color or colors vwould work the best to accent the different books? Thank you.

  73. Knowledge seeker

    Hey jacob. I am very impressed by your website. I could learn alot out of it and use it on my knowledge. I like it a lot. Thanks for having such a website. May the almighty guide and bless you with your work.

  74. Hello. I find your articles very interesting and helpful especially as I’m writing a literature analysis on colors. May i know the sources of your findings as I would need to cite them :)
    Thank you and i wish for nothing but the best for your website :)

      1. Brenda Navarro

        I really appreciate the time you take to explain all this information in a sweet way! Love it your awesome! Thanks

  75. Muluwork Ayalew

    Jacob, I appreciate you, you give me some ideas to know the meaning of roses. I like green v / much P/S please continue.

  76. Dear Jacob,

    Thank you very much for creating this website. It is very useful.

    However, it will be great if you add the date that you post each article, so the user who use information from you can get the right details for reference. To me, I put the year 2016 for citation of you. Thank you, Jacob.

    Best wishes :)

  77. Hie Jacob

    I love your site, pretty smart and kind of you to post such useful info. My fav colour is red red red red!!

  78. Thanks jacob. This site is really useful for students like me. Thank you. My fav is purple and its been really great hearing about it.

  79. Stella Osigbeme

    Hi Jacob.
    I love your website! such interesting and rich information! Thank you for the beautiful work! its awesome!
    Im curious, what is your favourite colour or colours?

    1. Hi Stella

      Thanks for your comment, I’m glad to hear you LOVE my website!
      I like most colors actually, but my absolute favorite has to be blue :)

  80. Thank you very much for the precious information. I’m from Algeria, and I’m a bachelor in English (literature) and I found this very helpful.

  81. Thank you for sharing your insights. I know this is a compilation of years of work and research. I needed to get some insight into the colors in a dream, and your info made so much sense. Again, thank you.

  82. Please allow me to address you as Sir Jacob,

    Thank you very much for this information which I believe was revealed to you by the Holy Spirit. I have been seeking such information for a long time, but through the help of God, I came through your website.

    May God bless you abundantly in Jesus Christ’s name AMEN!!!

  83. Hey first time finding your site. In response to your request about your website, I’d like to say it is so beautiful… The colors and layout. I was particularly drawn to your logo picture in the center, even with the fonts you chose to spell “color-meanings.com”. I love the blue green hues. When I first looked at it upon opening the home page, I felt a warm sensation. Just saying… that’s me. Thank you. I wouldn’t have said anything if you didn’t have that request on the sidebar. Very interesting. I don’t usually respond in blogs. So that’s something. ? P.s. I haven’t even seen your content yet, but will certainly do so. Thanks

  84. Annette Hoskins

    Hi Jacob!

    I am the activities director at an assisted living/skilled nursing center. I am interested in using (with your permission) your 10 Therapeutic benefits of coloring books for adults article. I would like to reprint it (giving credit to you and your website) for our monthly newsletter. Would you mind? We are trying to inspire and encourage our residents with the latest trend with coloring for seniors. I think your article spells out the MAJOR benefits of this activity! Thank you !

    1. Hi Annette

      Thanks for your interest.
      I would be honored to have my website mentioned in your newsletter.
      Let me know what the residents think of it.

  85. Cool website and you are the top link on google for color therapy and drawing… I’d love to hear what you think of our beta app– we are building curriculum for color lessons and mapping color perception… let me know or check out our site to join.

  86. I enjoy the spectrum you maintain. Colour from the beginning to end, and all at once, a continuous and unending sphere of wondrous radiance, life itself;

    Colour = Truth = Law = Nature = Universe = Sense = Knowledge = Earth and Sky = Father and Mother = Daughter and Son = Husband and Wife = Adam and Eve = Jack and Jill = Hansel and Gretel = Cat and Dog = Up and Down = As Above So Below = Existence = All that Is = Everything = All = Knowing and Unknowing = Light and Darkness = Black and White = One = Spectrum = Light = Life

    Let Us all be Our full selves and recognize who We are, in the Garden of Our Mother under the Light of our Father, Peace on Earth in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

    My house is the deep purple of the skies, my bedroom is the green of nature, and my bed is the colours of the rainbow – my way of saying that I love the colour purple, my favourite; that green I adore, my precious one; and that I play and revel in red, orange, yellow, especially green, blue, indigo and violet, while holding my two favourite colours most precious and dear, always and naturally of course, since they are my parents and gave me life. There are none I love more.

    thank you, and peace, Robert

  87. Hi,

    You are doing a great Job.

    I am looking for some advertising opportunities and am impressed with the quality of your blog color-meanings.com. I was wondering if you allow Sponsored Posts and In-Content Text Link ad placement on your blog. Can you please let me know with the price you charge for per post and In-Content link placement?

    Looking for your kind reply.
    Best Regards,
    Muhammad Sufian

    1. I enjoyed your website. I come to realize that your horoscope color chart and information is very useful for my counseling skills. Thank-you so much for educating the public to an intrinsic way of looking at many various subject matters of astrology.

  88. Victor Elmcrubies Gomina

    Very interesting. I just searched for the meaning of color pink and what I read about this color satisfied my sense of intuition.

  89. Hi Jacob,

    I have a mind and body health ebook and wanted to make the cover to represent more of its theme, which is body, “Spirit” and mind. So I went to the web and found your website. It is wonderful with the information presented and with your information, I will choose more colors to signify and symbolize the words “body,” “mind” and “Spirit” on the book’s cover.

    If you would like a complimentary copy, I will be happy to sent you one for the opportunity to pick your brains more because of being a graphic artist. You will have some insight with design and color and for the trade, I will mention your website in the acknowledgement part of the book, if you wish.

    1. Hi Luke

      Actually it is spelled color without the U in American English.
      That makes you British – glad to know my site is so international :)

  90. Hi, I would like to know who conducted the study about sleeping pills mentioned in ‘How Colors Affect Your Everyday Life’ as I would like to use this information for my dissertation at university.

    Thanks, Grace :)

  91. Hello Jacob! I really love your website! It is very interesting and I have never heard of a lot of these things before!

  92. Hi Jacob,
    I really enjoyed reading your website. I feel like I completely resonated with the explanations you provided for my favorite color. I just had to let you know that I appreciate your work and you’re amazing for what you do. Never stop doing what you’re doing. Have a nice day!
    Love, Christa

  93. Great information on your site about associations with colors! I was just wondering what your credentials are, especially since there aren’t citations for the psychological effects or cultural associations with various colors. This information could be really useful for students learning to analyze connotations, and having some information in your bio about how you know this information would make it a better resource. Thanks again for the helpful information!

      1. Jacob,
        Wonderful Website. Very informative, easy to read and understand as it relates to the various colors, meaning and etc.. Great insight and inspiration.
        Thanks for sharing!

  94. So yeah man, this hits the spot dead on with my favorite color Gray. If you didn’t know me from a grain of salt, the color of Gray is who I am. And I’m cool with that, super cool. Thanks for your insight and info. Really appreciate it.