131 Colors That Start With W (Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK)

Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with w

Thanks to words like “white,” “warm,” and “wild,” the group of colors that begin with W is larger than some of the other letters we’ve looked at so far. Whether you’re looking for a wheaten, watery, or windswept color, this collection should have something to suit your newest graphic or interior design project.

Here’s a list of colors that start with W, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:


The first entry on this list, Wafer is a soft shade of warm pinkish brown with hints of yellow and tan running beneath the surface. As a color, Wafer draws its inspiration from the sweet, gentle color of a crisp wafer cookie.

Hex #DECBC6 
RGB 222, 203, 198
CMYK 0, 9, 11, 13

Wageningen Green

Wageningen Green is a bright Lime Green shade with strong yellow and white undertones. It’s one of the official colors of Wageningen University, founded in 1876 and often considered to be the top agricultural research institution in the world.

Wageningen Green
Hex #34B233 
RGB 52, 178, 51
CMYK 71, 0, 71, 30

Waikawa Gray

Waikawa Gray is a cool, deep shade of grayish blue with darker black and blue undertones. The name Waikawa literally means “bitter water”—a nod to the dark, salty waters found in Waikawa Bay, which lies along the northern coast of the southern island of New Zealand.

Waikawa Gray
Hex #5A6E9C 
RGB 90, 110, 156
CMYK 42, 29, 0, 39


Waiouru is a deep shade of green with strong brown and yellow undertones. The warmer undertones lend a touch of weight and history to an otherwise standard shade of dark green, and the overall appearance takes on the deep, brassy appearance that sets this color apart.

Hex #363C0D 
RGB 54, 60, 13
CMYK 10, 0, 78, 76

Color personality quiz animation

Walmart Blue

Walmart Blue is a clear, bold shade of dark blue used by Walmart Inc., the international—but primarily American—retail chain that operates multiple department stores, grocery stores, and “super-centers” in 24 different countries. Walmart Blue is the color used by the company for all of its advertising and official branding.

Walmart Blue
Hex #0071CE
RGB 0, 113, 206
CMYK 100, 45, 0, 19


Walnut is a warm, deep shade of brown with strong red and orange highlights running just beneath the surface. As a color, Walnut takes its inspiration not from the actual nut that shares its name, but from the darker wood produced by the tree that grows that nut.

Hex #773F1A 
RGB 119, 63, 26
CMYK 0, 47, 78, 53

Wan White

The word “wan” is typically used to refer to an unnaturally white or pale complexion, but Wan White is actually relatively robust. With touches of gray and orange to round out the shade and lend it some depth, Wan White is a pale off-white shade with warmer notes throughout.

Wan White
Hex #E4E2DC 
RGB 228, 226, 220
CMYK 0, 1, 4, 11


Wanderlust is a romantic, adventurous shade of medium-light green with strong yellow and brown undertones. The warmer highlights give it a sense of excitement and exploration, while the cooler green overtone keeps it from looking too aggressive or emotional.

Hex #88843C 
RGB 136, 132, 60
CMYK 0, 3, 56, 47


Although the shrubs or trees that share the same name are often known for their distinctive, bright red flowers, Waratah—as a color—is a cool, blue-gray shade with only a hint of purple or violet beneath the surface. The end result is a steady, stable shade of dark grayish blue with a deeper purple touch of color.

Hex #55698B 
RGB 85, 105, 139
CMYK 39, 24, 0, 45


Named after and inspired by the famous pop artist Andy Warhol, Warhol is a bold, dynamic shade of medium-dark brown. The strong red and orange highlights combine with a hint of blue in order to give a glazed purple finish to what would otherwise be a pretty normal shade of reddish brown.

Hex #9B615F 
RGB 155, 97, 95
CMYK 0, 37, 39, 39


As the name might imply, Warlord is an intense, aggressive shade of very dark gray with touches of brown, red, and purple running beneath the surface. The brighter undertones give a sense of heat and aggression to this cool shade, but the dark overall finish gives it a stern, dramatic look.

Hex #45404F 
RGB 69, 64, 79
CMYK 13, 19, 0, 69

Warm Black

The first of a handful of “warm” colors, Warm Black is a deep black shade with a strong blue undertone. Combined with the gray undertones of a traditional black, the end result is a deep black-blue shade that looks almost green in certain lights.

Warm Black
Hex #004242 
RGB 0, 66, 66
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 74

Warm Blue

Warm Blue, as the name would imply, is a bright shade of blue with plenty of purple and violet undertones that help to warm up the overall color without diluting the shade. The end result is a calm, simple shade of blue with a hint of warmer red beneath the surface.

Warm Blue
Hex #6195ED 
RGB 97, 149, 237
CMYK 59, 37, 0, 7

Warm Gray

Warm Gray doesn’t look very much like a gray shade at first glance. Instead, the bright brown, yellow, and red undertones that give this shade most of its color combine to make it look more like a medium-light tan shade than a “true” gray variant.

Warm Gray
Hex #B5A895 
RGB 181, 168, 149
CMYK 0, 7, 18, 29

Warm Kwila

Warm Kwila takes its name and inspiration from a flowering tree found throughout the Indo-Pacific and often found growing in mangrove forests. As a color, Warm Kwila is a rich shade of dark brown with strong red undertones and a touch of yellow for a brighter overall shade.

Warm Kwila
Hex #753A2A 
RGB 117, 58, 42
CMYK 0, 50, 64, 54 

Warm Neutral

Warm Neutral is another color that more than lives up to its name—a mild shade of neutral reddish-brown with hints of brighter red and pink undertones and a smooth white finish that tamps down the color without completely washing it out.

Warm Neutral
RGB 218, 191, 172
CMYK 0, 12, 21, 15

Warm Olive

Warm Olive takes the traditional look of a greenish-brown Olive Green and turns up the heat! By adding a stronger yellow undertone and a touch of reddish-brown, Warm Olive ends up with a brisk, bright shade of brownish yellow-green.

Warm Olive
Hex #CBC732 
RGB 203, 199, 50
CMYK 0, 2, 75, 20

Warm White

Finally, Warm White looks exactly how you’d expect it to look, given the name—a clear, bright shade of white with only the slightest hint of red and yellow undertones to give it the warmth that it needs.

Warm White
Hex #FFF9F9 
RGB 255, 249, 249
CMYK 0, 2, 2, 0

Warmed Brown

Warmed Brown is a very dark shade of brown that owes all of its warmth—and plenty of its darkness—to the deep red notes that run beneath the surface and help to round out the shade while still allowing its strong brown overtone to shine through.

Warmed Brown
Hex #4A302B 
RGB 74, 48, 43
CMYK 0, 35, 42, 71


Much like Warlord, Warrior is a grim, dark shade with only a little bit of red and orange to take away from the foreboding appearance. Unlike Warlord, however, Warrior has a slightly more blue tint for a noble, forthright overall cast.

Hex #2D3B42 
RGB 45, 59, 66
CMYK 32, 11, 0, 74


Wasabi is a sharp shade of green, inspired by the plant often referred to as “Japanese horseradish”. If you’ve ever bitten off more than you can chew while enjoying sushi, then you’re probably familiar with the spicy, pungent taste that the name of this medium-dark yellow-green implies.

Hex #788A25 
RGB 120, 138, 37
CMYK 13, 0, 73, 46

Wash the Dog (Ĉ)

Wash the Dog (Ĉ) is a warm, sunny shade of yellow with strong gold and red undertones. Despite the name, it’s a clean, pure color, with only a very little bit of orange to help push the color brighter without dampening its overall appearance.

Wash the Dog (Ĉ)
Hex #FED85D 
RGB 254, 216, 93
CMYK 0, 15, 63, 0

Washed Green

Washed Green is a relatively muddy shade—a medium-dark shade of green with strong gray and brown undertones—inspired by the muted, muddled green-gray appearance of a river bank that’s been washed out by the water flowing through it.

Washed Green
Hex #909782 
RGB 144, 151, 130
CMYK 5, 0, 14, 41

Water Leaf

Water Leaf is a pale blue shade with strong green undertones that takes its inspiration from the soft green and gently sparkling blue colors that can be seen in a pond full of water lilies or other aquatic plants.

Water Leaf
Hex #A1E9DE 
RGB 161, 233, 222
CMYK 31, 0, 5, 9


The term “watercourse” typically refers to the channel that a flowing body of water follows, including the land through which it flows. As a color, Watercourse combines the cool blue of a flowing stream with the brighter green of the land that typically surrounds any body of water in order to create a dark green with hints of blue.

Hex #056F57 
RGB 5, 111, 87
CMYK 95, 0, 22, 56


Waterloo is a cool shade of dark grayish blue with hints of purple and violet underneath. As a color, Waterloo draws its inspiration from the smoke, haze and energy of the famous European battlefield that shares its name and served as the location for Napoleon Bonaparte’s final defeat.

Hex #7B7C94 
RGB 123, 124, 148
CMYK 17, 16, 0, 42


Watermelon is a bright, sunny shade of pink with strong red undertones. While it may be a little bit lighter and brighter than watermelon fruit often appears in real life, it’s still a sweet, summer-y color with plenty of good vibes to add to any graphic or interior design project.

Hex #F05B85 
RGB 240, 91, 133
CMYK 0, 62, 45, 6

Watermelon Red

Watermelon Red is a little bit darker than “true” Watermelon—a deep, almost rusty red shade with hints of brown and white that takes its inspiration from the dark, rich red found at the heart of a very ripe watermelon.

Watermelon Red
Hex #B85148 
RGB 184, 81, 72
CMYK 0, 56, 61, 28


Waterspout is a brisk, cheerful shade of blue with strong white undertones and a slight hint of red. This light, frothy shade draws its inspiration from the far less cheerful waterspouts that often form during storms and rotate across bodies of water before dissipating.

Hex #A4F4F9 
RGB 164, 244, 249
CMYK 34, 2, 0, 2


Wattle is a bright greenish brown shade with strong yellow undertones and a gray-white finish that mutes some of the more aggressive notes of the color itself. In anatomy, a wattle is a fleshy growth that hangs from the neck or face of a bird or animal and can be found in a wide range of colors.

Hex #DCD747 
RGB 220, 215, 71
CMYK 0, 2, 68, 14


Watusi is a warm shade of pale pinkish tan with deeper hints of orange and brown to lend a bit of extra depth. As a color, Watusi takes its name and its inspiration from the iconic wide horns of the Watusi breed of cattle, which were originally derived from cattle breeds throughout central and east Africa.

RGB 255, 221, 207
CMYK 0, 13, 19, 0

Wave Rider

Wave Rider is a very deep shade of blue with notes of gray and black running throughout. Inspired by the glittering, deep blue color of the ocean as viewed from a speeding boat, Wave Rider is a fast-paced, exciting dark blue shade.

Wave Rider
Hex #413F6E 
RGB 65, 63, 110
CMYK 41, 43, 0, 57


Wavelength is a cool, calm shade of dark blue with subtle green and green-blue notes running beneath the surface. As a color, it draws its inspiration from the cool green-blue waters found below the waves that move on the surface of the ocean.

Hex #3C6886 
RGB 60, 104, 134
CMYK 55, 22, 0, 47

Wax Flower

Wax Flower is a soft, sweet shade of pink with hints of red and yellow that give it a distinctly orange tint. Inspired by the fake flowers that were extremely popular during the European Victorian era, Wax Flower is a romantic, nostalgic shade with just a touch of history.

Wax Flower
Hex #FFC0A8 
RGB 255, 192, 168
CMYK 0, 25, 34, 0


Wazzup is a bold, brassy shade of warm gold-brown with strong yellow and red undertones and just a hint of green. The green notes lend a little bit of extra depth and help to create an interesting level of dimension for what could otherwise have passed for a standard brown shade.

Hex #BC9425 
RGB 188, 148, 37
CMYK 0, 21, 80, 26

We Peep

We Peep is an extremely soft shade of pink with a strong white overlay and a sweet, gentle overall appearance.

We Peep
Hex #F7DBE6 
RGB 247, 219, 230
CMYK 0, 11, 7, 3

Weathered Blue

Weathered Blue is a worn, antique shade of dark gray with strong blue undertones and a hint of deeper black that provides a more intense visual impact.

Weathered Blue
Hex #677583 
RGB 103, 117, 131
CMYK 21, 11, 0, 49

Weathered Grey

Weathered Grey may scan as more of a brown shade at first glance, but the solid black undertones and smooth white overlay that make up the bulk of its color more than earn it a spot in the Gray family.

Weathered Grey
Hex #776F6F 
RGB 119, 111, 111
CMYK 0, 7, 7, 53

Weathered Yellow

Similarly, Weathered Yellow takes a traditional yellow shade and adds strong gray and black undertones to a typically cheerful shade in order to create a more muted, reserved final product.

Weathered Yellow
Hex #E0DA9F 
RGB 224, 218, 159
CMYK 0, 3, 29, 12

Web Orange

Web Orange is the “true” shade of orange most often found on the internet—a brisk, bright shade of orange with strong yellow undertones and relatively pale red highlights that combine to create a no-nonsense, straightforward orange shade.

Web Orange
Hex #FFA500 
RGB 255, 165, 0
CMYK 0, 35, 100, 0


Technically derived from a misspelling of Wedgwood, Wedgewood is a cool blue shade with strong gray undertones that takes its inspiration from the iconic gray-blue color favored by the Wedgwood china and porcelain company since its founding in 1759.

Hex #4E7F9E 
RGB 78, 127, 158
CMYK 51, 20, 0, 38

Wedgewood Blue

Wedgewood Blue takes the previous entry and dials up the drama, increasing the black undertones and removing some of the white highlights in order to create this dark, deep shade of grayish blue.

Wedgewood Blue
Hex #175169 
RGB 23, 81, 105
CMYK 78, 23, 0, 59

Weldon Blue

Weldon Blue is the third cool gray-blue in a row, although this shade has a slight magenta or violet tint that gives the overall shade a slightly sweeter, more romantic appearance than the previous two entries.

Weldon Blue
Hex #7C98AB 
RGB 124, 152, 171
CMYK 27, 11, 0, 33

Well Read

Inspired by a bit of a play on words, Well Read is a bright, intense shade of red with deeper black and gray undertones. The end result is a medium-dark red shade with strong yellow and orange highlights that retain the brightness and intensity of the overall hue.

Well Read
Hex #B43332 
RGB 180, 51, 50
CMYK 0, 72, 72, 29

Well Sausage

Well Sausage is another brilliant red shade, although—as compared to Well Read—Well Sausage has much more of a brown undertone as a nod to the spices and flavors used to make a string of sausages.

Well Sausage
Hex #B83A24 
RGB 184, 58, 36
CMYK 0, 68, 80, 28

Wells Fargo

One of the official colors used by the multinational banking company, Wells Fargo is a vivid red shade that is used in all of the bank’s official branding, communications, and advertising.

Wells Fargo
Hex #CD1409 
RGB 205, 20, 9
CMYK 0, 90, 96, 20


Wellywood is an affectionate nickname for the city of Wellington in New Zealand—the hub of New Zealand film-making. As a color, Wellywood is a bright, verdant shade of green with strong yellow undertones and just a hint of brown beneath the surface.

Hex #A3D92D 
RGB 163, 217, 45
CMYK 25, 0, 79, 15


Named after the common name for a type of legume tree found throughout Africa, Wenge is a rich, deep shade of brown with strong red and purple undertones that give the overall color a heavier, more dramatic appearance.

Hex #645452 
RGB 100, 84, 82
CMYK 0, 16, 18, 61

West Coast

West Coast is a warm shade of burnt brown with strong red and yellow undertones, inspired by the heat, potential, and fast-paced energy found along the coasts and shorelines of many major countries.

West Coast
Hex #625119 
RGB 98, 81, 25
CMYK 0, 17, 74, 62

West Side

West Side is a brilliant shade of orange with hints of yellow and red throughout, inspired by the warm glow and nostalgic glamour of the sky during a west-side sunset.

West Side
Hex #FF910F 
RGB 255, 145, 15
CMYK 0, 43, 94, 0

Western Red

Western Red is a deep red shade that borders on brown, inspired by the emotion, excitement and potential for reckless growth found in the American West.

Western Red
Hex #6B252C 
RGB 107, 37, 44
CMYK 0, 65, 59, 58

Wet N Wild

Wet N Wild is a dark, dramatic shade of blue with strong gray and black undertones that combine with the already stately Royal Blue overtone in order to create a shade that’s far more reserved than the name would imply.

Wet N Wild
Hex #254375 
RGB 37, 67, 117
CMYK 68, 43, 0, 54


Named after the city in Papua New Guinea, Wewak is a bright, warm shade of pink with orange undertones and a hint of red lurking just beneath the surface as a nod to the tropical sunsets that can be found in the city of the same name.

Hex #F19BAB 
RGB 241, 155, 171
CMYK 0, 36, 29, 5


Wham is a bold, almost aggressive shade of green with a bit of retro flair. With strong yellow undertones and a touch of brassy brown, Wham is a throwback color that still provides enough brightness and cheerfulness to be at home in any modern design project.

Hex #5FB33A 
RGB 95, 179, 58
CMYK 47, 0, 68, 30


Wheat is a warm, hearty shade of medium-dark yellowish brown. With strong red and gold undertones, Wheat is a soft, friendly shade of yellow-brown that draws its inspiration from the internationally grown grass grown for its dense, nutritious seeds.

Hex #F5DEB3 
RGB 245, 222, 179
CMYK 0, 9, 27, 4


As compared to the previous entry, Wheatfield is a slightly paler color. It takes its inspiration from the play of light off of a field of wheat, and the brighter highlights and whiter notes combine to make this soft shade of pale off-white or tan.

Hex #F3EDCF 
RGB 243, 237, 207
CMYK 0, 2, 15, 5

Whipped Cream

Whipped Cream is a little bit more yellow than the whipped cream spread that you might expect to find in a can or in a bowl on your breakfast table. As a color, Whipped Cream combines the warm notes of a traditional Cream color with the lighter, brighter notes of a traditional white in order to create this warm shade of pale yellowish off-white.

Whipped Cream
Hex #F1ECD6 
RGB 241, 236, 214
CMYK 0, 2, 11, 5


Because the term “whiskey” applies to any number of alcoholic beverages made from fermented grain, whiskeys can typically range in the depth of color they provide. However, when most of us think of whiskey, we think of this warm, rich shade of medium-dark brown with strong gold and red undertones.

Hex #D59A6F 
RGB 213, 154, 111
CMYK 0, 28, 48, 16

Whiskey Sour

A whiskey sour is a mixed drink made of whiskey, sugar, lemon juice, and sometimes eggs. A popular drink that dates back to before the 1870s, the beverage often shows the same warm yellow-brown color that the shade of the same name provides.

Whiskey Sour
Hex #D4915D 
RGB 212, 145, 93
CMYK 0, 32, 56, 17


Whisper is a soft, gentle off-white shade with hints of blue, violet, and magenta running just beneath the surface and providing a little bit of extra sweetness to what could otherwise be a cold or even harsh shade of empty color.

Hex #F7F5FA 
RGB 247, 245, 250
CMYK 1, 2, 0, 2


“True” or traditional White is typically depicted as the absence of any other color. Without any subtle undertones or highlights to temper its shade, White is a clean, bright, and completely colorless shade that typically serves as an accent color to a wide range of other hues.

RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0

White Blue

White Blue is more of a blue than it is a “true” white—a pale blue shade with strong gray undertones and a glossy white finish that help to smooth over the color and give it a refined, stately overall appearance.

White Blue
Hex #CBD3E8 
RGB 203, 211, 232
CMYK 13, 9, 0, 9

White Chocolate

Because white chocolate contains no cocoa solids—only large amounts of cocoa butter—many do not consider it to be a “real” form of chocolate. Regardless of where you fall in the debate, however, it’s easy to see that the creamy yellow-white color White Chocolate contains all of the sweetness and smoothness of a darker, more traditional Chocolate.

White Chocolate
Hex #EDE6D6 
RGB 237, 230, 214
CMYK 0, 3, 10, 7

White Ice

White Ice is a very pale shade of blue with a touch of yellow running just beneath the surface for some added visual impact. The end result is an off-white shade with strong blue undertones and just a hint of green for a frosty, winter-y finished look.

White Ice
Hex #DDF9F1 
RGB 221, 249, 241
CMYK 11, 0, 3, 2

White Lilac

Most lilac flowers found in nature tend to be a soft, gentle purple color. White Lilac, however, draws its inspiration from the glaze of light over each petal—an extremely pale purple shade with a strong white overlay and an almost-white overall appearance.

White Lilac
Hex #F8F7FC 
RGB 248, 247, 252
CMYK 2, 2, 0, 1

White Linen

Clean, crisp, and perfect for a hot summer day, White Linen is a soft, gentle off-white shade with subtle orange, yellow, and magenta notes running beneath the surface. Inspired by the worn look of an old linen shirt, White Linen is a lightweight and professional shade.

White Linen
Hex #F8F0E8 
RGB 248, 240, 232
CMYK 0, 3, 6, 3

White Metal

Despite the name, White Metal is a relatively dark color—a bold, brisk shade of gray with a strong white overlay that glazes over any of the more aggressive notes but still allows hints of the red, blue, and violet undertones to peek through and add a little bit of extra color.

White Metal
Hex #949594 
RGB 148, 149, 148
CMYK 1, 0, 1, 42

White Nectar

White Nectar is more of a return to form for the white-themed colors on this list—an extremely pale shade of yellowish tan that combines the cool, clean appearance of a “true” white with the soft golden-yellow highlights of most nectar-themed colors or shades.

White Nectar
Hex #F8F6D8 
RGB 248, 246, 216
CMYK 0, 1, 13, 3

White Pearl

Pearls can be found in a wide range of colors, and even “white” pearls sometimes have a slight tint of some deeper color to their surface. As a color, however, White Pearl is a very simple shade of white with only a touch of gray to break up its appearance and lend an added sense of weight or depth.

White Pearl
RGB 253, 253, 253
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 1

White Pointer

The first of two White Pointer variants, White Pointer is a brisk white shade with a hint of red running beneath the surface in order to brighten the overall image and give it a slight pink or reddish-pink tint instead of remaining a “pure” or true white.

White Pointer
Hex #FEF8FF 
RGB 254, 248, 255
CMYK 0, 3, 0, 0

White Pointer 2

This second variation of White Pointer is a cool shade of light brown with strong gray undertones and a cool, crisp white overlay. The end result is an even lighter brown with an almost clinical appearance thanks to the neutral undertones that give the color most of its shape and dimension.

White Pointer 2
Hex #DAD6CC 
RGB 218, 214, 204
CMYK 0, 2, 6, 15

White Rock

White Rock combines a classic white or gray shade with the subtle gray-brown notes that are typically used to evoke stony or rocky appearances. Overall, this shade scans as a very light tan, with a strong white finish and notes of gray running throughout.

White Rock
Hex #EAE8D4 
RGB 234, 232, 212
CMYK 0, 1, 9, 8

White Smoke

White Smoke, as the name might imply, is a blend of white and gray that leans far more into the “white” side of things than it does towards the “gray”. Nevertheless, the hint of gray that remains is enough to give this color a slightly heavier, more weighted overall appearance.

White Smoke
Hex #F5F5F5 
RGB 245, 245, 245
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 4

White Sugar

White Sugar is a relatively warm shade of white, with a touch of magenta or red to cancel out the otherwise cold and clinical appearance of a pure white shade. The end result is a very pale gray that almost looks slightly pinkish.

White Sugar
Hex #E6E4E5 
RGB 230, 228, 229
CMYK 0, 1, 0, 10

White Wash

The term whitewash technically refers to any lime or calcium-based paint typically used in barns, orchards, and other agricultural and industrial settings. As a color, however, White Wash refers to this cool shade of very light gray with the slightest orange undertone.

White Wash
RGB 238, 235, 235
CMYK 0, 1, 1, 7


Finally, the last of the white-themed colors, Whiteout, is a cool shade of medium-dark gray with a strong reddish orange undertone. Inspired by the thin white paste often used to correct errors on essays and technical reports alike, Whiteout is a brisk, professional overall shade.

Hex #CECAC8 
RGB 206, 202, 200
CMYK 0, 2, 3, 19

Whizz Bang

Whizz Bang is a brilliant, explosive shade of dark red with strong brown undertones. Named after the colloquial names for the rockets used in both World Wars, Whizz Bang is a hot, energetic red with plenty of visual weight and impact.

Whizz Bang
Hex #A23A34 
RGB 162, 58, 52
CMYK 0, 64, 68, 36


Wicked is a dark, dramatic shade of dark blue with strong gray and black undertones. The intensity of the color is pushed even further by the deep purple and violet highlights that combine a hint of fairy tale magic with a more sinister overall appearance in order to create this intoxicating shade.

Hex #362F50 
RGB 54, 47, 80
CMYK 32, 41, 0, 69

Wild Blue Yonder

Wild Blue Yonder is a bold, charismatic shade of steely gray-blue with plenty of white and gray undertones that lighten the overall shade and give it an open, never-ending feeling. Inspired by a line from the official song of the United States Air Force, Wild Blue Yonder is a cool sky blue with a brisk, militaristic finish.

Wild Blue Yonder
Hex #A2ADD0 
RGB 162, 173, 208
CMYK 22, 17, 0, 18

Wild Blue Yonder 2

This second Wild Blue Yonder variant takes some of the bold, solid strength of the previous entry and combines it with a softer and slightly sweeter finish. By adding a subtle pink or magenta undertone, Wild Blue Yonder 2 takes on a more rounded, balanced overall appearance.

Wild Blue Yonder 2
Hex #7A89B8 
RGB 122, 137, 184
CMYK 34, 26, 0, 28

Wild Ones

The first of several “wild” shades on this list, Wild Ones is a dark shade of blue with hints of green and black running beneath the surface. The end result is a passionate dark blue color with touches of warmer shades throughout that give a sense of movement, energy, and youthful excitement.

Wild Ones
Hex #2B3D7B 
RGB 43, 61, 123
CMYK 65, 50, 0, 52

Wild Orchid

Wild Orchid is a warm shade of pink with hints of white and purple running throughout. While orchid flowers can be found in just about every color imaginable, Wild Orchid captures the soft, bright pink shade that remains one of the most popular options.

Wild Orchid
Hex #D470A2 
RGB 212, 112, 162
CMYK 0, 47, 24, 17

Wild Orchid (Ĉ)

Wild Orchid (Ĉ) takes the previous entry and mutes out some of its more energetic overtones. As a result, Wild Orchid (Ĉ) is a much softer shade of pink, and the purple and violet undertones shine through much more strongly in order to create this mild, muted shade of sweet purplish pink.

Wild Orchid (Ĉ)
Hex #E6A8D7 
RGB 230, 168, 215
CMYK 0, 27, 7, 10

Wild Rice

Wild Rice is a bright shade of golden yellow with strong white and gray undertones that temper the more vibrant yellow notes without tamping down the color altogether. Inspired by the families of grasses grown throughout North America and China, Wild Rice is an open, optimistic color with a hint of deeper balance.

Wild Rice
Hex #ECE090 
RGB 236, 224, 144
CMYK 0, 5, 39, 7

Wild Sand

Wild Sand is an extremely pale off-white shade with very little color to speak of. What little depth this color does have comes from the slightest touch of grayish-gold, which edges the color away from pure white and into a pale, sandy color family.

Wild Sand
Hex #F4F4F4 
RGB 244, 244, 244
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 4

Wild Strawberry

Wild Strawberry may not look much like the vivid red color of actual strawberries, but it takes its inspiration from a “wild” version of the Strawberry coloring and flavoring found in cakes, candies, and ice creams around the world! As a result, Wild Strawberry is a bright, cheerful shade of bold reddish-pink with a hint of orange beneath the surface.

Wild Strawberry
Hex #FF43A4 
RGB 255, 67, 164
CMYK 0, 74, 36, 0

Wild Thing

Wild Thing is another brilliant yellow shade, but this particular color has hardly any neutral tones to counteract the bright gold-yellow overall appearance. The subtle red and orange undertones only push the value of the color even further for a brighter, more vibrant hue.

Wild Thing
Hex #FAD443 
RGB 250, 212, 67
CMYK 0, 15, 73, 2

Wild Watermelon

Compared to some of the other “wild” colors on this list, Wild Watermelon is a relatively tame shade—a clear, bold shade of pale red with strong pink and orange undertones that work together to give the finished product an almost salmon cast.

Wild Watermelon
Hex #FC6C85 
RGB 252, 108, 133
CMYK 0, 57, 47, 1

Wild West

Wild West is a fast-paced, energetic shade of brown that takes most of its heat and intensity from the strong red and orange undertones that run just beneath the surface. Inspired by the reckless potential of the American frontier in the late 1800s, Wild West is a color that combines history with energy for a breathtaking shade.

Wild West
Hex #9A5440 
RGB 154, 84, 64
CMYK 0, 45, 58, 40

Wild Willow

The last of the “wild” colors, Wild Willow is a mild shade of medium-light green. The strong yellow and brown undertones running throughout serve as a nod to the soft green-yellow color of willow leaves, as well as to the pale brown color of willow bark.

Wild Willow
Hex #B9C46A 
RGB 185, 196, 106
CMYK 6, 0, 46, 23


Wilderness is a much deeper shade of green-brown with strong gray and black undertones. With a warm, enigmatic overall finish thanks to the yellow and brown highlights, Wilderness captures some of the mystery and exploration that the name implies.

Hex #88885B 
RGB 136, 136, 91
CMYK 0, 0, 33, 47


The name “wildflower” can be applied to just about any flower found growing in the wild, which naturally means that it can also be applied to a wide range of colors. The color Wildflower, however, specifically refers to this soft shade of pale pink off-white with strong tan and brown undertones throughout.

Hex #F1E2C9 
RGB 241, 226, 201
CMYK 0, 6, 17, 5


William is a bold, brisk shade of dark blue with hints of yellow and green running throughout that combine with the blue overlay in order to create a deep shade of dark bluish green. The warmer undertones help to create an aged, almost historic overall finish.

Hex #3A686C 
RGB 58, 104, 108
CMYK 46, 4, 0, 58

Williamsburg Blue

Williamsburg Blue is a medium-light shade of cool slate blue with strong gray, black, and white undertones. Inspired by the historical feeling and impact of Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, Virginia, Williamsburg Blue is a steady, soothing overall shade.

Williamsburg Blue
Hex #778CA1 
RGB 119, 140, 161
CMYK 26, 13, 0, 37

Willow Brook

Willow Brook combines the soft green of a traditional Willow shade with the paler, blue-gray appearance of a Brook Blue or Brook White. The end result is an extremely pale shade of yellowish-green with hints of blue and gray lurking just beneath the surface.

Willow Brook
RGB 223, 236, 218
CMYK 6, 0, 8, 7

Willow Grove

Willow Grove takes the same green-yellow shade we saw in the previous entry and combines it with a darker brown undertone in order to create this deep shade of medium-dark greenish brown, inspired by the sight of several willow trees standing together in a grove.

Willow Grove
Hex #65745D 
RGB 101, 116, 93
CMYK 13, 0, 20, 55

Willpower Orange

Willpower Orange is an intense shade of deep orange with strong red undertones that push the color even further while still adding to the heat and vibrancy of a traditional orange shade. With plenty of drama and vivacity to spare, Willpower Orange captures the viewer’s attention and refuses to let it go.

Willpower Orange
Hex #FD5800 
RGB 253, 88, 0
CMYK 0, 65, 100, 1


Winchester is a cool, steely shade of dark brown with strong gray and black undertones and just a hint of grayish green. Inspired by the iconic rifles that share the same name, Winchester is a take-no-prisoners shade that gets the job done—whatever the job may be!

Hex #514E4A 
RGB 81, 78, 74
CMYK 0, 4, 9, 68

Windblown Green

Windblown Green is a medium-dark shade of green with hints of yellow and brown running throughout that take their inspiration from the look of a field of grass blowing under the wind and motion of an oncoming storm.

Windblown Green
Hex #7E867B 
RGB 126, 134, 123
CMYK 6, 0, 8, 47


Windsor is a brilliant shade of dark Royal Blue—an intense, dark blue shade with hints of violet and red that push the overall color even further without compromising on color. With its royal connotations and rich historical significance, the name of Windsor is a perfect match for this rich, luxurious shade.

Hex #3C0878 
RGB 60, 8, 120
CMYK 50, 93, 0, 53

Windsor Tan

Windsor Tan is an equally historic shade of medium-dark brown with strong red, yellow, and orange undertones. The warmer undertones give a touch of heat and intensity to what would otherwise be a standard shade of brown.

Windsor Tan
Hex #A75502 
RGB 167, 85, 2
CMYK 0, 49, 99, 35


Wine is a rich shade of dark red with strong brown and black undertones. Inspired by the deep colors of a chilled glass of red wine, Wine is a dramatic color with plenty of visual weight and impact to make up for its simple appearance.

Hex #722F37 
RGB 114, 47, 55
CMYK 0, 59, 52, 55

Wine Berry

Wine Berry is a little bit darker than the previous entry, with a deeper gray-black undertone that pushes the overall value even deeper and helps to create a more organic, balanced color than the traditional or “true” wine colors seen elsewhere on this list.

Wine Berry
Hex #591D35 
RGB 89, 29, 53
CMYK 0, 67, 40, 65

Wine Dregs

Wine Dregs takes the brown and gray notes of “true” Wine and turns them up even further in order to create this murky shade of dark brownish red with a hint of purple. The end result is a dimmer, duskier color that draws its inspiration from the bits of particulate matter found in the bottom of a bottle of wine.

Wine Dregs
Hex #673147 
RGB 103, 49, 71
CMYK 0, 52, 31, 60

Wine Trail

The last of the wine-related colors on this list, Wine Trail is a deep shade of green with extremely strong black undertones. Inspired by the shaded avenues and rich growth of an old winery, Wine Trail combines a deep green-black with a hint of warmer red or brown.

Wine Trail
Hex #27292D 
RGB 39, 41, 45
CMYK 13, 9, 0, 82

Winter Blue

Winter Blue is an extremely cool shade of blue with strong white and gray undertones running throughout. The neutral undertones tamp down some of the brilliance of a traditional blue in order to create this icy shade of pale bluish gray.

Winter Blue
Hex #9EBACF 
RGB 158, 186, 207
CMYK 24, 10, 0, 19

Winter Hazel

Winter Hazel is a soft shade of greenish brown that still allows for the cold white undertones that traditionally distinguish a “winter” shade. The end result is a relatively muted green-brown color with an icy glaze that covers the overall shade.

Winter Hazel
Hex #D5D195 
RGB 213, 209, 149
CMYK 0, 2, 30, 16

Winter Sky

Unlike the previous entries, Winter Sky is a brilliant shade of bright pinkish red that doesn’t seem to have any mellowing influences at all. With only a touch of deeper red or brown undertones, Winter Sky is a dazzling, vivacious shade of very bright pink.

Winter Sky
Hex #FF007C 
RGB 255, 0, 124
CMYK 0, 100, 51, 0

Winter White

Winter White, on the other hand, marks a return to form with an extremely pale shade of white. The “winter” of its name comes from the very slight touches of blue and violet that drag this shade a few notes colder and give it a frozen finish.

Winter White
Hex #F1FAFF 
RGB 241, 250, 255
CMYK 5, 2, 0, 0

Winter Wizard

Winter Wizard is a little bit more saturated, but it still shares the same white-blue appearance as several other winter-themed names on this list. The deeper color comes from the mystical violet, red, and blue undertones that help to give this color a touch of whimsical magic.

Winter Wizard
Hex #A0E6FF 
RGB 160, 230, 255
CMYK 37, 10, 0, 0

Wintergreen Dream

Wintergreen Dream is a soft and appropriately dreamy shade of green with notes of blue, gray, and white running throughout. The white highlights give the finished color a sweet, frosted glaze that helps to give this color a more icy or winter-y feeling.

Wintergreen Dream
Hex #56887D 
RGB 86, 136, 125
CMYK 37, 0, 8, 47

Wisp Pink

Wisp Pink, as the name might imply, is an extremely pale, wispy shade of pink that borders on a light white shade. The warm pink undertones, however, are just enough to add a bit of extra color and drag this hue out of the off-white family and into the pink zone.

Wisp Pink
Hex #FEF4F8 
RGB 254, 244, 248
CMYK 0, 4, 2, 0


Wisteria is a soft, sweet shade of floral purple with hints of pink and white that brighten the overall shade and give it a more mild, stately finish. Inspired by the soft purple blossoms of the flower that shares its name, Wisteria is a romantic, indulgent pinkish-purple color.

Hex #C9A0DC 
RGB 201, 160, 220
CMYK 9, 27, 0, 14

Wisteria 2

This second Wisteria variant is a little bit deeper than the previous entry—a rich, romantic shade of purple with a stronger blue undertone that pushes the overall shade even darker while still allowing the softer pink and red overtones to shine through without any issues.

Wisteria 2
Hex #9771B5 
RGB 151, 113, 181
CMYK 17, 38, 0, 29

Wisteria 3

The third and final Wisteria variant on this list doesn’t look very much like the first two examples. Instead, this Wisteria is a medium-light shade of brownish-red with strong purple undertones, inspired by both the blossoms of the wisteria plant and the leaves and branches from which they grow.

Wisteria 3
Hex #A4878B 
RGB 164, 135, 139
CMYK 0, 18, 15, 36


Wistful is a soft, nostalgic shade of blue with strong purple undertones and a gray-white finishing glaze that casts the whole shade into a sweet, reminiscent color. The hazy gray finish provides a sense of history and a feeling as though the viewer is looking back on some treasured memory.

Hex #A4A6D3 
RGB 164, 166, 211
CMYK 22, 21, 0, 17

Witch Haze

Witch Haze is a soft yellow shade with strong white and cream undertones. Although its name may sound a bit forbidding, Witch Haze is a relatively sweet, friendly shade of creamy yellow-white, without any of the menace or danger its name would imply.

Witch Haze
Hex #FFFC99 
RGB 255, 252, 153
CMYK 0, 1, 40, 0


Wombat is a mild shade of muddy brown with deeper red and orange undertones that lend a fuzzy sense of warmth. As a color, Wombat takes both its name and its inspiration from the Australian marsupial—a small, round little animal with fur that often takes this exact color.

Hex #675744 
RGB 103, 87, 68
CMYK 0, 16, 34, 60


Wonderland is a mystical, dreamy shade of light purple with strong pink and white undertones that takes its inspiration from the whimsy, magic, and dangerous intrigue of the eponymous fantasy land described in Lewis Carroll’s 1865 children’s novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Hex #BB97BB 
RGB 187, 151, 187
CMYK 0, 19, 0, 27


The first of a handful of wooden or wood-themed colors, Wood is a brisk, straightforward shade of dark brown with very strong red highlights running just beneath the surface. The color takes its inspiration from the dark red-brown hues of many different types of wood used in artwork, architecture, and furniture-making around the world.

Hex #4E0606 
RGB 78, 6, 6
CMYK 0, 92, 92, 69

Wood Bark

Wood Bark is even darker than the previous entry—an intense shade of dark brown that borders on black. With only a slight hint of red or yellow to lighten the overall color and give it a more rounded appearance, Wood Bark is clearly more inspired by the dark appearance of a tree’s living bark.

Wood Bark
Hex #261105 
RGB 38, 17, 5
CMYK 0, 55, 87, 85 

Wood Brown

In contrast, Wood Brown is a much lighter brown shade with strong yellow and orange undertones that help to lighten the shade even further. While commercial timber and lumber can come in a wide range of colors, Wood Brown is most directly inspired by the soft golden-brown appearance of an aged honey oak.

Wood Brown
Hex #C19A6B 
RGB 193, 154, 107
CMYK 0, 20, 45, 24


Woodburn is another dark shade—a bold, deep shade of dark brown with strong gray and black undertones. Inspired by the color of wood as it burns on a fire, Woodburn has just a hint of red beneath the surface as a nod to the heat and fire that the name implies.

Hex #463629 
RGB 70, 54, 41
CMYK 0, 23, 41, 73


Woodland is a mild shade of dark green with yellow and brown undertones running throughout. As a color, it draws its inspiration both from the trees that grow thick throughout any wooded area and from the sunlight and plant growth that filter down among the trees themselves.

Hex #4D5328 
RGB 77, 83, 40
CMYK 7, 0, 52, 67


Woodrush starts with a Woodland base and then pushes the values a little bit darker for a more dramatic finished appearance. The end result is a very dark shade of green with strong brown undertones that almost borders on black. Inspired by the deep green appearance of the plant that shares its name, Woodrush is a heavy, historic shade of dark green.

Hex #302A0F 
RGB 48, 42, 15
CMYK 0, 13, 69, 81


Like Woodburn, Woodsmoke draws its inspiration from one of the most common uses of wood around the world. As a color, Woodsmoke is a deep black shade with only subtle hints of brown and red throughout as a nod to the heat of the fire and the source of its fuel.

Hex #0C0D0F 
RGB 12, 13, 15
CMYK 20, 13, 0, 94


The Woodstock Music and Art Fair was one of the most iconic moments in music history and served as a defining moment for all who were present for the August weekend in 1969. As a color, Woodstock is a retro, groovy shade of mild green with a 70s vibe and an overall calming appearance.

Hex #839C60 
RGB 131, 156, 96
CMYK 16, 0, 38, 39

Woody Bay

Woody Bay takes the dark blue notes of a traditional Bay Blue and combines them with a deeper brown-black undertone. The end result is a deep shade of dark blue with strong green and brown highlights that push the resulting color even darker.

Woody Bay
Hex #33343A 
RGB 51, 52, 58
CMYK 12, 10, 0, 77

Woody Brown

The last of the wood-themed colors, Woody Brown is a dark shade of brown with deeper red and black highlights. Most of the “woody” colors are already relatively dark, so it should come as no surprise that Woody Brown is an even deeper version of an already dark brown shade.

Woody Brown
Hex #483131 
RGB 72, 49, 49
CMYK 0, 32, 32, 72

Wot Eva

Wot Eva is a brisk, irreverent shade of blue with strong green, yellow, and gray undertones. The end result is a cool, chill color with a hint of heat and just a touch of warmth thanks to the brighter undertones that give it a whimsical, playful feeling.

Wot Eva
Hex #4495A4 
RGB 68, 149, 164
CMYK 59, 9, 0, 36


Finally, Wow is a deep, intense shade of blue with strong black and gray undertones that help to push the overall color even darker and end up leaving viewers appropriately impressed with the weight and gravity of the shade.

Hex #343467 
RGB 52, 52, 103
CMYK 50, 50, 0, 60

All Colors A-Z

Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

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