122 Colors That Start With N (Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK)

Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with n

When it comes to colors that begin with the letter N, there are a lot of descriptive words like “neon,” “natural,” and “night” that make up the bulk of these names. Compared to letters like M, S, and R, there aren’t nearly as many entries in this group, but there are still plenty of options. Whether you’re looking for a “new” color or a “noble” one, this collection should have all you need to kickstart your search for the perfect shade!

Here’s a list of colors that start with N, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:

Nadeshiko Pink

The first entry on this list, Nadeshiko Pink is a soft pink shade with strong hints of orange and red running beneath the surface. Nadeshiko Pink takes its name and inspiration from a character in an online web series whose hair matches this color.

Nadeshiko Pink
Hex #F6ADC6 
RGB 246, 173, 198
CMYK 0, 30, 20, 4

Nala (CS)

Nala (CS) is an extremely dark brown shade with strong red and yellow undertones that help to add just a touch of brightness to what would otherwise be a plain black derivative. Overall, however, Nala (CS) scans as a deep black shade at first glance.

Nala (CS)
Hex #412F28 
RGB 65, 47, 40
CMYK 0, 28, 38, 75


Namakabe-iro is a Japanese name that specifically refers to the color of wet plaster. As a result, it should come as no surprise that Namakabe-iro, as a color, is a rich, deep brown shade with some brighter red and orange undertones waiting to come to light.

Hex #785E49 
RGB 120, 94, 73
CMYK 0, 22, 39, 53


Nandor is a bold greenish-gray shade with some warmer brown undertones to help brighten the cool appearance. For any Tolkien fans, the name “Nandor” is typically associated with a group of mythical elves who were often distinguished by wearing clothes of the same dusty green.

Hex #4B5D52 
RGB 75, 93, 82
CMYK 19, 0, 12, 64

Color personality quiz animation


Nanohanacha is the second of several Japanese color names on this list—and the first of many plant-themed names that will see. A bright, cheerful gold shade, Nanohanacha is inspired by the bright yellow flowers of the rapeseed family of plants, which include canola plants!

Hex #E3B130 
RGB 227, 177, 48
CMYK 0, 22, 79, 11


Napa is a soft, dusty shade of brown with hints of red and green lurking below the surface. Inspired by the dry heat and rich potential of Napa, California, this color captures some of the growth and luxury of California wine country while still accurately reflecting the typically arid climate.

Hex #ACA494 
RGB 172, 164, 148
CMYK 0, 5, 14, 33

Napa Red

Napa Red, on the other hand, is directly inspired by the wines that Napa, California produces. This bold, deep shade of dark red has some strong brown undertones, but the overall appearance is instantly recognizable as the rich jewel tones of a glass of red wine.

Napa Red
Hex #7B4A45 
RGB 123, 74, 69
CMYK 0, 40, 44, 52

Naphthol Red

Naphthol Red is a bright red shade typically seen in automotive coatings and other industrial settings. While the pigment that creates Naphthol Red is technically considered organic, it is produced synthetically through a multi-step conversion process that helps to create this vivid shade.

Naphthol Red
Hex #BE2333 
RGB 190, 35, 51
CMYK 0, 82, 73, 25

Napier Green

Because Napier is an old European surname with plenty of history, there are a number of physical locations around the world that also bear the Napier name. Regardless of origin or inspiration, however, Napier Green is a bright, charismatic shade of green with strong yellow undertones.

Napier Green
Hex #2A8000 
RGB 42, 128, 0
CMYK 67, 0, 100, 50

Naples Yellow

Named after the third-largest city in Italy—and one of the oldest cities in Europe—Naples Yellow is a bold shade of bright yellow with subtle orange undertones that captures the warmth and excitement of that ancient city.

Naples Yellow
Hex #FADA5E 
RGB 250, 218, 94
CMYK 0, 13, 62, 2


Narvik is a town in Nordland county, Norway, although the name also applies to the surrounding municipality. As a color, Narvik is a soft shade of bright white with hints of blue and yellow beneath the surface for added depth.

Hex #EDF9F1 
RGB 237, 249, 241
CMYK 5, 0, 3, 2

Nashi Pear Beige (RAL)

Nashi Pear Beige (RAL) is the first of several RAL colors, which means that it’s administrated by the German RAL Institute. As a color, Nashi Pear Beige is a soft, warm shade of brown with strong red and orange undertones.

Nashi Pear Beige (RAL)
Hex #EDD4B1 
RGB 237, 212, 177
CMYK 0, 11, 25, 7


Nataneyu-iro is another Japanese color name that refers back to the rapeseed group of plants, but in this case, it specifically refers to the color of rapeseed oil. As a result, Nataneyu-iro is a soft shade of dark golden brown with deeper red-brown highlights.

Hex #A17917 
RGB 161, 121, 23
CMYK 0, 25, 86, 37

Nato Blue (RAL)

Nato Blue (RAL) is an extremely dark shade of blue that borders on black. This deep shade is one of the colors used in the logo of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization—NATO—made up of thirty different member states in an intergovernmental military alliance.

Nato Blue (RAL)
Hex #153043 
RGB 21, 48, 67
CMYK 69, 28, 0, 74


There are a couple of colors on this list that have the same or similar names as other entries, and Natural is our first example. This version of Natural is a soft, warm shade of medium-dark gray with some subtle brown highlights running beneath the surface.

Hex #A2A4A1 
RGB 162, 164, 161
CMYK 1, 0, 2, 36

Natural (CS)

Natural (CS), on the other hand, takes the proportions of the previous entry and flips them. Instead of a warm gray with brown undertones, Natural (CS) is a warm shade of rich reddish brown with some slight gray undertones to cool the overall color.

Natural (CS)
Hex #885931 
RGB 136, 89, 49
CMYK 0, 35, 64, 47

Natural Grey

Natural Grey is much closer to the first version of Natural—a deep shade of gray that pushes the darker values a little bit further in order to create a relatively dark gray color with only the slightest hint of red or brown to lend some extra dimension.

Natural Grey
Hex #8B8680 
RGB 139, 134, 128
CMYK 0, 4, 8, 45

Natural Indigo (RAL)

Natural Indigo is an extremely dark shade of blue that borders on black. The only thing keeping it from sliding all the way into black is the unusually high level of Cyan or blue present in the shade’s CMYK makeup, which gives this shade a dark purple-black appearance.

Natural Indigo (RAL)
Hex #003740 
RGB 0, 55, 64
CMYK 100, 14, 0, 75

Natural Rice Beige (RAL)

On the much lighter side of things, Natural Rice Beige (RAL) is a soft shade of brown with some subtle green undertones to mellow out the orange and yellow notes of a typical beige and put the viewer in mind of a field of ripe grain or rice.

Natural Rice Beige (RAL)
Hex #DCC39F 
RGB 220, 195, 159
CMYK 0, 11, 28, 14

Natural Silk Grey (RAL)

Natural Silk Grey, as the name would suggest, is a soft, light shade of gray with a smoothly polished finish appearance. Some of its “silken” hue comes from the slightest hint of pinkish purple that adds an extra softness and sweetness to the shade’s tone.

Natural Silk Grey (RAL)
Hex #D3C5C0 
RGB 211, 197, 192
CMYK 0, 7, 9, 17

Natural White (RAL)

Natural White is part of the white color family, but it’s much more than just a simple shade of “pure” white. Instead, Natural White contains hints of yellow and pink that give the shade more of a “lived-in” or natural feeling.

Natural White (RAL)
Hex #FBEDE5 
RGB 251, 237, 229
CMYK 0, 6, 9, 2

Navajo White

Similarly, Navajo White is more of an off-white than a true white shade. With strong yellow and orange tones that brighten the overall shade and lift it into almost a tan or beige category, this shade is warm, bold, and cheerful.

Navajo White
RGB 255, 222, 173
CMYK 0, 13, 32, 0


Navarone is the name of a fictional Greek Island in Alistair MacLean’s 1957 novel The Guns of Navarone. As a color, Navarone is a muted, rocky shade of grayish brown with strong green and yellow undertones running beneath the surface.

Hex #B9A584 
RGB 185, 165, 132
CMYK 0, 11, 29, 27


The first of a handful of navy or navy-themed colors on this list, Navy is a bold shade of deep, dark blue that was originally inspired by the dark blue uniforms worn by the officers in the British Royal Navy since the mid 1700s. 

Hex #000080 
RGB 0, 0, 128
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 50

Navy Black (RAL)

Navy Black (RAL), on the other hand, is actually much closer to the color worn by most naval forces around the world today. Traditional Navy Blue is far more susceptible to fading, while the rich blue-black color of Navy Black (RAL) holds up well to the wear and tear of daily duties.

Navy Black (RAL)
Hex #263032 
RGB 38, 48, 50
CMYK 24, 4, 0, 80

Navy Blue

Also known as “bright navy blue”, this Navy Blue shade isn’t seen on many naval uniforms. Instead, this color was created by the Crayola crayon company in 1958 in order to provide a vivid blue color that was still darker than most of the traditional blue crayons.

Navy Blue
Hex #1974D2 
RGB 25, 116, 210
CMYK 88, 45, 0, 18

Navy Purple

Finally, Navy Purple isn’t really a “navy” shade at all—instead, it’s a mix of Crayola’s Navy Blue with a brighter and softer purple shade. The end result is a bold purple color with strong blue and violet undertones.

Navy Purple
Hex #9457EB 
RGB 148, 87, 235
CMYK 37, 63, 0, 8


The first of two Nebula colors, this first version of Nebula is a soft, cloudy shade of pale greenish gray. Inspired by the dusty swirls of matter that make up several far-flung formations in our solar system, Nebula carries the promise of intrigue, exploration, and adventure.

Hex #CBDBD6 
RGB 203, 219, 214
CMYK 7, 0, 2, 14

Nebula 2

This second variation of Nebula is another bold shade of dark red with some brighter orange and yellow highlights. While the nebulas that make up our galaxy can typically be seen in a wide range of colors, this swirling shade of deep red is often seen on the farthest reaches of outer space.

Nebula 2
Hex #C92442 
RGB 201, 36, 66
CMYK 0, 82, 67, 21

Nectar Red (RAL)

As found in nature, nectar is typically a clear or slightly tinted fluid with hints of green or red or yellow. As a color, however, Nectar Red (RAL) is an extremely dark shade of rich reddish purple with strong blue and violet undertones that push the intensity even further.

Nectar Red (RAL)
Hex #7F4C64 
RGB 127, 76, 100
CMYK 0, 40, 21, 50


Named after the drink’s creator, Pascal Olivier Count de Negroni, a Negroni is a gin, vermouth rosso, and Campari cocktail that comes garnished with a slice of orange. As a color, Negroni is a soft orange shade with warmer red and brown undertones that capture the warmth and sweetness of the drink itself.

Hex #FFE2C5 
RGB 255, 226, 197
CMYK 0, 11, 23, 0

Nelson Red

Despite its name, Nelson Red scans as more of a dark brown or even a light black shade thanks to the extremely intense saturation levels that push this deep reddish brown even further into a new color category.

Nelson Red
Hex #4F2525 
RGB 79, 37, 37
CMYK 0, 53, 53, 69


Long before it was the name of an animated fish, “nemo” was usually recognized as the Latin word for “nobody” or “no one”. As a color, Nemo is a misty, anonymous shade of cool purple gray with subtle blue undertones.

Hex #B1B9D3 
RGB 177, 185, 211
CMYK 16, 12, 0, 17


The first of many neon names on this list, Neon is a straightforward, no-nonsense shade of green with strong yellow highlights for some added light and energy.

Hex #41B972 
RGB 65, 185, 114
CMYK 65, 0, 38, 27

Neon Blue

Similarly, Neon Blue takes a traditional light blue shade and punches up the heat by adding a dash of light purple or violet undertones in order to create a fast-paced, energetic shade of bright light blue.

Neon Blue
Hex #0E9DEB 
RGB 14, 157, 235
CMYK 94, 33, 0, 8

Neon Blue 2

This second variation on Neon Blue starts from the same point as the previous entry before straying in the opposite direction. As a result, this Neon Blue shade is a bold, intense shade of dark blue with dramatic purple-blue or gray undertones running beneath the surface.

Neon Blue 2
Hex #1B03A3 
RGB 27, 3, 163
CMYK 83, 98, 0, 36

Neon Brown

Neon Brown is actually the first “neon” entry on this list that comes close to capturing the reddish-orange glow of elemental neon in a vacuum discharge tube. Most of what we think of as “neon lights” are actually glass tubes that have been filled with any number of charged gases.

Neon Brown
Hex #C3732A 
RGB 195, 115, 42
CMYK 0, 41, 78, 24

Neon Carrot

Neon Carrot continues the trend that Neon Brown started, and its actually neon-based glow can be clearly seen in both variations. This first variation of Neon Carrot is slightly lighter, with a more muted or whited-out appearance to its hue.

Neon Carrot
Hex #FFA343 
RGB 255, 163, 67
CMYK 0, 36, 74, 0

Neon Carrot 2

The second Neon Carrot variation, on the other hand, does away with the previous entry’s subtlety for a more fully-charged version of the same color. This Neon Carrot variant is a bold, intense shade of bright yellow orange with strong red undertones.

Neon Carrot 2
Hex #FF9933 
RGB 255, 153, 51
CMYK 0, 40, 80, 0

Neon Chartreuse

Chartreuse is a yellow-green color that draws its inspiration from the pale green drink that shares its name. Neon Chartreuse, however, dials up the yellow values and discards most of the green influence to create a sizzling, dynamic shade of bright yellow-brown with green undertones.

Neon Chartreuse
Hex #D5CF31 
RGB 213, 207, 49
CMYK 0, 3, 77, 16

Neon Coral

Neon Coral is a variation on the bold, cheerful appearance of a typical pink-orange Coral shade. In terms of neon lighting, this reddish-orange color would most likely be produced by a hydrogen gas blend instead of pure neon gas, which typically creates a rusty orange color instead.

Neon Coral
Hex #D65538 
RGB 214, 85, 56
CMYK 0, 60, 74, 16

Neon Cyan

Similarly, Neon Cyan is a bright, vivacious shade of blue that actual neon gas could almost never produce. Instead, most “neon blue” or “neon cyan” lights are produced by running an ionizing charge through mercury gas, which produces a much bolder blue light.

Neon Cyan
Hex #00FEFC 
RGB 0, 254, 252
CMYK 100, 0, 1, 0

Neon Fuchsia

Fuchsia is a bold pink color that draws its inspiration from a family of flowering bushes. Neon Fuchsia takes the bright intensity of that color and pushes it even further in order to create this almost dizzyingly bright orange-pink shade.

Neon Fuchsia
Hex #FE4164 
RGB 254, 65, 100
CMYK 0, 74, 61, 0

Neon Gold

While gold, as an element, doesn’t exactly give off any sort of light in its gaseous form, Neon Gold is our way of imagining what it might look like if it did! Neon Gold is a warm shade of strong yellow brown with only the slightest hint of green to lend a sense of age and importance.

Neon Gold
Hex #CFAA01 
RGB 207, 170, 1
CMYK 0, 18, 100, 19

Neon Green

Neon Green is probably one of the most commonly seen “neon” colors, even though it’s very rarely—if ever—produced by actual neon gas. Instead, most green neon signs were originally produced by running a mercury and neon gas blend—which creates a blue light—through a yellow glass tube in order to create this vivid green-yellow glow.

Neon Green
Hex #39FF14 
RGB 57, 255, 50
CMYK 78, 0, 92, 0

Neon Hot Pink

Neon Hot Pink, much like Neon Fuchsia, would most likely have originally been created with a blend of hydrogen and neon gas instead of pure neon. Regardless of the origin, however, Neon Hot Pink is a brilliant, cheerful shade of hot, energetic pink.

Neon Hot Pink
Hex #F43E79 
RGB 244, 62, 121
CMYK 0, 75, 50, 4

Neon Lime Green

Neon Lime Green is slightly darker than the Neon Green we saw earlier on this list, with a higher gray value that serves to tamp down the brilliance of “true” Neon Green and give it a slightly more natural overall appearance.

Neon Lime Green
Hex #82D059 
RGB 130, 208, 89
CMYK 38, 0, 57, 18

Neon Magenta Pink

Similarly, Neon Magenta Pink is darker and more reserved than the traditional Neon Pink shades we’ve already noted as a result of the stronger blue-violet undertone that rounds out the shade as a whole.

Neon Magenta Pink
Hex #C5488A 
RGB 197, 72, 138
CMYK 0, 63, 30, 23

Neon Orange

Neon Orange is a bit of a throwback to a “true” neon color, as neon gas typically produces a glow in the general orange-brown color range. This is a bright, glowing shade of orange with strong yellow undertones.

Neon Orange
Hex #FF8E01 
RGB 255, 142, 1
CMYK 0, 44, 100, 0

Neon Pink

We’ve already seen Neon Hot Pink, so now it’s time for a couple of variations on “regular” Neon Pink! This first variant has a subtle purple tint to it, which gives it more of a rounded or mellow overall appearance.

Neon Pink
Hex #FF19B5 
RGB 255, 25, 181
CMYK 0, 90, 29, 0

Neon Pink 2

This second Neon Pink variant, on the other hand, leans farther into the “red” category than it does into the pink zone. The end result is a vibrantly brilliant shade of deep pink with strong red and even some soft purple undertones to round out its appearance.

Neon Pink 2
Hex #FE347E 
RGB 254, 52, 126
CMYK 0, 80, 50, 0

Neon Purple

Neon Purple is another neon color that would originally have been extremely difficult to produce via ionized gas alone. Instead, Neon Purple’s bold blue-red hue would have been created by running blue or red gas through a red or blue tube, respectively.

Neon Purple
Hex #733290 
RGB 115, 50, 144
CMYK 20, 65, 0, 44

Neon Red

Neon Red, on the other hand, is one of the easier “neon” colors to produce. This specific Neon Red variant is actually a lot darker than the color a “true” neon light would generate, resulting in a deep, rounded shade of dark red with some deeper brown undertones.

Neon Red
Hex #CF2727 
RGB 207, 39, 39
CMYK 0, 81, 81, 19

Neon Red 2

The second Neon Red variant is more of an accurate representation of a “true” red neon light. Despite the name, Neon Red is typically produced through the ionization of hydrogen, which gives off a bright red glow when ionized.

Neon Red 2
Hex #FF1818 
RGB 255, 24, 24
CMYK 0, 91, 91, 0

Neon Scarlet

Similarly, Neon Scarlet starts with a Neon Red base before pushing the saturation and intensity just a little bit further in order to create a more vivid shade. The end result is a medium-dark shade of dazzling red with a hint of orange-red highlights.

Neon Scarlet
Hex #FF2603 
RGB 255, 38, 3
CMYK 0, 85, 99, 0

Neon Silver

Neon Silver is a mild shade of medium-light gray that would pass for a standard gray shade if it weren’t for the subtle hints of red and yellow running beneath the surface to give this color a warmer, more energetic feeling.

Neon Silver
RGB 204, 204, 204
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 20

Neon Tangerine

Neon Tangerine is very similar in appearance to the various Neon Orange shades we’ve seen already. However, the slightly higher gray or Key values in this shade push the overall color just a little bit darker and give it more of a muted or even antique feeling.

Neon Tangerine
Hex #F6890A 
RGB 246, 137, 10
CMYK 0, 44, 96, 4

Neon Yellow

Finally, Neon Yellow is a bold, straightforward shade of yellow without any hints of red or blue to muddle its hue. Traditionally, yellow “neon” lights are produced by running a blend of helium gases through the standard ionizing tubes.

Neon Yellow
Hex #F0EF01 
RGB 240, 239, 1
CMYK 0, 0, 100, 6


Inspired by the rich heritage and vibrant potential of the small South Asian country of the same name, Nepal is a cool shade of deep bluish gray with some subtle green undertones running beneath the surface. The end result is a reserved, stately shade with plenty of visual impact.

Hex #8EABC1 
RGB 142, 171, 193
CMYK 26, 11, 0, 24


Neptune is a relatively soft shade of light sea green—a blend of light blue and sea foam green that results in a pale green shade with a strong blue undertone. Inspired by the ancient Roman god of the sea, Neptune has strong maritime ties and a hint of adventure.

Hex #7CB7BB 
RGB 124, 183, 187
CMYK 34, 2, 0, 27

Neptune Blue

Neptune Blue draws its inspiration from the same source as the previous entry on this list, but this particular shade goes more for the bold, intense drama of the open sea. The end result is a vivid, almost electric shade of medium-dark blue with some deeper purple-blue highlights.

Neptune Blue
Hex #598DE3 
RGB 89, 141, 227
CMYK 61, 38, 0, 11


Nero is a very dark black shade that draws its inspiration from the infamous Roman emperor of the same name. As a result, Nero is an intense, enigmatic shade of black with hints of red and orange beneath the surface that hint at the emperor’s self-indulgent tyrannies.

Hex #140600 
RGB 20, 6, 0
CMYK 0, 70, 100, 92

Nero Grey

Nero Grey starts with “true” Nero as a base before lightening the shade a very little bit in order to create what is still an extremely dark gray shade. In this lighter variation, the red and orange undertones are actually diminished somewhat for a more muted look.

Nero Grey
Hex #252525 
RGB 37, 37, 37
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 85

Nest Egg (CS)

Nest Egg (CS) is a deep brown shade with strong gray and black undertones that helps to capture some of the shadow and safety of a bird’s egg, tucked safely away in the recesses of its nest.

Nest Egg (CS)
Hex #4D453A 
RGB 77, 69, 58
CMYK 0, 10, 25, 70

Nettle Green (RAL)

As the name implies, Nettle Green (RAL) draws its inspiration from the rich, dark leaves that are typically found in the wide group of plants referred to as “nettles”. The color itself is a deep shade of dark green with strong hints of brown and black.

Nettle Green (RAL)
Hex #364C2E 
RGB 54, 76, 46
CMYK 29, 0, 39, 70

Neutral Bay (CS)

Neutral Bay (CS) is another color that more than lives up to its name. While the shade has some soft blue and purple undertones, its overall appearance is an undeniably neutral shade of cool, solid gray.

Neutral Bay (CS)
Hex #858D99 
RGB 133, 141, 153
CMYK 13, 8, 0, 40

Neutral Gray

Neutral Gray is a muted shade of gray with strong brown undertones and just a hint of green. As a result, it’s a little more on the brown side of “neutral” while still avoiding falling into one color category or another.

Neutral Gray
Hex #85807D 
RGB 133, 128, 125
CMYK 0, 4, 6, 48

Neutral Green (CS)

Similarly, Neutral Green may look like more of a gray-green than a true green at first glance—or even more like a yellow-gray, depending on the lighting. Nevertheless, it still has enough of a blue and yellow undertone to be considered a solidly neutral shade of green.

Neutral Green (CS)
Hex #AAA583 
RGB 170, 165, 131
CMYK 0, 3, 23, 33

Neva (CS)

The Neva is a relatively short river that flows through northwestern Russia into the Gulf of Finland—the fourth-largest river in Europe in terms of the amount of water discharged per year. As a color, Neva is a bold shade of rich red with strong brown undertones.

Neva (CS)
Hex #CC6D6D 
RGB 204, 109, 109
CMYK 0, 47, 47, 20


Another location-inspired color, Nevada is a cold, steely shade of gray with only the slightest hint of purple beneath the surface. Although the state of Nevada in the United States is primarily known for the city of Las Vegas, the state also contains multiple military test sites and vast, rocky expanses.

Hex #646E75 
RGB 100, 110, 117
CMYK 15, 6, 0, 54

New Amber (CS)

New Amber is a fresher spin on “true” Amber that retains all of the warmth and vibrancy of the original shade while pushing the values a little further for a deeper, darker, and more intense finished shade.

New Amber (CS)
Hex #6D3B24 
RGB 109, 59, 36
CMYK 0, 46, 67, 57

New Car

New Car is a brilliant shade of Royal Blue with some bright purple and red undertones to add more depth and vivacity to the finished product. While new cars can obviously come in just about any color, New Car is a cheerful blue that captures some of the excitement and exuberance of a new set of wheels!

New Car
Hex #214FC6 
RGB 33, 79, 198
CMYK 83, 60, 0, 22

New Denim Blue (CS)

New Denim Blue (CS) is a very dark shade of indigo blue that draws its inspiration from a brand new pair of jeans or any other denim article of clothing that has not yet been lightened by the wear and tear of daily life.

New Denim Blue (CS)
Hex #394149 
RGB 57, 65, 73
CMYK 22, 11, 0, 71

New Green (RAL)

New Green is another shade of green that leans pretty heavily towards the yellow side of green’s blue-yellow blend. As a result, New Green is a medium-dark green shade with strong yellow and brown highlights throughout.

New Green (RAL)
Hex #B5AC31 
RGB 181, 172, 49
CMYK 0, 5, 73, 29

New Orleans

Any trip to New Orleans will quickly prove that the Louisiana city is bursting with just about every color imaginable! However, the color New Orleans captures some of the history and architecture of the Big Easy with this soft, deep shade of creamy golden brown.

New Orleans
Hex #F3D69D 
RGB 243, 214, 157
CMYK 0, 12, 35, 5

New Yellow (RAL)

Like New Green (RAL), New Yellow (RAL) is a modern twist on an old color—in this case, a deeper shade of yellow with strong brassy orange and subtle rust red undertones that push the color more towards a bronze hue.

New Yellow (RAL)
Hex #E8C247 
RGB 232, 194, 71
CMYK 0, 16, 69, 9

New York Pink

Pink may not be the first color you think of when you picture New York City, but New York Pink certainly does its best to evoke some of the fast-paced excitement and the thrill of luck that the city itself often inspires.

New York Pink
Hex #D7837F 
RGB 215, 131, 127
CMYK 0, 39, 41, 16


Similarly, when you hear the word Niagara, you probably picture the frothing white-blue of the famous falls. However, the color Niagara draws its inspiration from the verdant plant life that the river of the same name feeds.

Hex #06A189 
RGB 6, 161, 137
CMYK 96, 0, 15, 37


Nickel, on the other hand, looks about the way you would expect it to look—a solid, dependable shade of dark gray with a hint of rust red undertones to give the finished product a slightly metallic overall appearance without diminishing its gray tones.

Hex #727472 
RGB 114, 116, 114
CMYK 2, 0, 2, 55

Nickel Ore Green (RAL)

Nickel Ore Green (RAL) is more inspired by the chemical element than it is by the American coin of the same name. As a result, Nickel Ore Green is a bold shade of muted dark green with strong gray and white overtones to help provide the lustrous appearance that sets nickel apart in real life.

Nickel Ore Green (RAL)
Hex #537E7E 
RGB 83, 126, 126
CMYK 34, 0, 0, 51

Night Blue (RAL)

The first of several night or night-themed colors on this list, Night Blue (RAL) is an extremely dark blue shade with strong purple and black undertones for an even deeper color. Night Blue is one of a handful of colors typically used by Lufthansa, Germany’s largest airline company.

Night Blue (RAL)
Hex #2F2A5A 
RGB 47, 42, 90
CMYK 48, 53, 0, 65

Night Brown (RAL)

Night Brown (RAL) takes some of the darkness and intensity of traditional “night” shades and applies it to an already dark shade of brown. The end result is a bold, rich brown shade with strong red undertones and a distinctly purple finishing hue.

Night Brown (RAL)
Hex #44281B 
RGB 68, 40, 27
CMYK 0, 41, 60, 73

Night Mauve (RAL)

Similarly, Night Mauve (RAL) has more of a purple hue than most traditional Mauve variants typically display. This is a direct result of the purple and black highlights that are used to push this shade into a darker, more “nighttime” territory.

Night Mauve (RAL)
Hex #5D3B41
RGB 93, 59, 65
CMYK 0, 37, 30, 64

Night Moves

Night Moves is a mild, stately shade of blue with strong gray undertones that help to cast a sense of shadow and movement over this particular color. With just a hint of red and purple to jazz up the shade, Night Moves is a deep color with plenty of potential.

Night Moves
Hex #454C73 
RGB 69, 76, 115
CMYK 40, 34, 0, 55

Night Red (RAL)

Night Red (RAL) is another night color that almost passes for a purple or black at first glance. Instead, Night Red (RAL) is an extremely dark shade of true red with strong purple and violet undertones running throughout.

Night Red (RAL)
Hex #3C2727 
RGB 60, 39, 39
CMYK 0, 35, 35, 76

Night Rider

Night Rider is probably the darkest of the “night” color family—an almost colorless shade of glossy dark black with only the slightest hints of red and orange to lift the overall countenance and give it just a hint of color.

Night Rider
Hex #1F120F 
RGB 31, 18, 15
CMYK 0, 42, 52, 88

Night Shadz

Finally, Night Shadz is a totally radical shade of deep pinkish red that plays around with traditional expectations in order to create a vivid, flirtatious pink-red with hints of orange running just beneath the surface.

Night Shadz
Hex #AA375A 
RGB 170, 55, 90
CMYK 0, 68, 47, 33

Nightclub (CS)

Nightclub (CS) continues a trend that we’ve noticed on other color lists—namely, that anything mysterious, exotic, or exciting is typically going to be represented in shades of purple. Nightclub (CS) carries all of the intrigue and energy of a crowded nightclub while still delivering a touch of sophistication and elegance.

Nightclub (CS)
Hex #6A1F44 
RGB 106, 31, 68
CMYK 0, 71, 36, 58

Nightshade Violet (RAL)

Nightshade Violet (RAL) is a soft purple shade with subtle red and blue-red undertones. It draws its inspiration from the sweet purple flowers that can be found on any number of plants within the nightshade family.

Nightshade Violet (RAL)
Hex #A383AC 
RGB 163, 131, 172
CMYK 5, 24, 0, 33

Nikau (CS)

Nīkau is the common name for a palm tree found growing in mainland New Zealand. As a color, Nikau (CS) is a dark shade of deep green with some subtle brown undertones that acknowledge the strength and rapid growth of these tall and stately trees.

Nikau (CS)
Hex #2A4032 
RGB 42, 64, 50
CMYK 34, 0, 22, 75

Nile Blue

Nile Blue is another very dark blue shade with hints of green and white lurking just beneath the surface. Inspired by the rich waters of the famous Egyptian river, Nile Blue is a deep, shadowy shade with plenty of promise and rich potential.

Nile Blue
Hex #193751 
RGB 25, 55, 81
CMYK 69, 32, 0, 68

Nile Green (RAL)

Nile Green (RAL) may draw its inspiration from the same source as Nile Blue, but it’s there that the similarities end. Nile Green (RAL) is a pale, antique shade of green with strong dusty brown and gray undertones as a nod to the history that the Nile River has supported.

Nile Green (RAL)
Hex #A9AD99 
RGB 169, 173, 153
CMYK 2, 0, 12, 32


Nilotes is an extremely dark black shade with some subtle hints of blue and red that keep the overall color from becoming too grim while still preserving the dark intensity of the shade.

Hex #2A2E30 
RGB 42, 46, 48
CMYK 13, 4, 0, 81


Nisemurasaki may literally mean “fake purple”, but there’s nothing artificial about the color itself—a bold, intense shade of extremely dark purple with hints of blue and black that deepen the color further for a round, modulated final product.

Hex #43242A
RGB 67, 36, 42
CMYK 0, 46, 37, 74

Nite Life (CS)

It may have a different spelling, but Nite Life (CS) fits right in with the earlier nighttime theme on this list. Nite Life (CS) is a deep shade of dark black with some very subtle hints of blue and purple that add a bit of color without sacrificing any of the darkness.

Nite Life (CS)
Hex #1D2134 
RGB 29, 33, 52
CMYK 44, 37, 0, 80

Nitro (CS)

Nitrogen is typically considered to be a colorless element, but Nitro (CS) is another story altogether. Nitro (CS) is a soft shade of mild purple with just enough of a brown-gray undertone to add a layer of intrigue to what would otherwise be a standard light purple.

Nitro (CS)
Hex #978395 
RGB 151, 131, 149
CMYK 0, 13, 1, 41


Nobel—not to be confused with noble—is another relatively reserved color. With some red and orange undertones running beneath the surface, the color holds hints of some deeper color, but it otherwise scans mostly as a muted shade of light grayish brown with only the slightest touch of an extra layer.

Hex #B7B1B1 
RGB 183, 177, 177
CMYK 0, 3, 3, 28

Noble Blue (RAL)

Noble Blue (RAL), as the name might suggest, is a color that is very much aware of its own visual impact and importance. Noble Blue (RAL) is a medium-dark shade of slate gray with strong blue undertones, resulting in a mildly elevated shade of deep gray-blue.

Noble Blue (RAL)
Hex #697991 
RGB 105, 121, 145
CMYK 28, 17, 0, 43

Noble Grey (RAL)

Noble Grey (RAL) takes the color blend outlined above and flips it on its head. Instead of a deep blue with strong gray undertones, Noble Grey (RAL) is a deep gray with a hint of blue running beneath the surface to lend just a hint of added depth and perspective.

Noble Grey (RAL)
Hex #73777F 
RGB 115, 119, 127
CMYK 9, 6, 0, 50


The first of a few Nomad variations, this first Nomad variant captures some of the vast expanse and endless movement that the name implies. A muted shade of dusty brown, Nomad is a soft color with hints of gold and gray that add a sense of history and antiquity to an otherwise standard light brown shade.

Hex #BAB1A2 
RGB 186, 177, 162
CMYK 0, 5, 13, 27

Nomad 2

Although it shares plenty of similarities with the previous entry on this list, the second Nomad variant pushes all of the values a little bit further to create a more saturated finished product. As a result, Nomad here appears as a darker khaki or tan shade with the same gold and gray undertones throughout.

Nomad 2
Hex #BDAC90 
RGB 189, 172, 144
CMYK 0, 9, 24, 26

Nomad Grey (RAL)

Finally, Nomad Grey takes the brown, gold, and gray undertones that distinguished the first two Nomad variants and tweaks them just a little. The resulting color is a deep shade of dark grayish brown that still retains the dusty, polished notes that helped to inspire the previous two entries.

Nomad Grey (RAL)
Hex #7E736F 
RGB 126, 115, 111
CMYK 0, 9, 12, 51

Non-Photo Blue

Non-Photo Blue is a specific shade of light greenish blue that passes undetected by a graphic arts camera film. A favorite among traditional artists and editors alike, this very light blue shade is slowly being phased out in favor of digital scanning or digital image manipulation, although the color still remains a popular graphic design choice.

Non-Photo Blue
Hex #A4DDED 
RGB 164, 221, 237
CMYK 31, 7, 0, 7

Noosa (CS)

Noosa (CS) is a warm brown shade with strong orange and yellow-brown undertones that draws its inspiration from a specific region in the Sunshine Coast district in Australia. As a color, Noosa captures all of the heat and history of that region with a touch of brighter red energy throughout.

Noosa (CS)
Hex #B78038 
RGB 183, 128, 56
CMYK 0, 30, 69, 28

Nordic (CS)

Nordic (CS) is another place-name-inspired color that doesn’t hail from one specific region. Instead, Nordic (CS) is a deep, dark shade of icy blue that draws its inspiration from the frigid fjords and shadowy depths that surround multiple Nordic countries and serve as a point of pride for the citizens of those nations.

Nordic (CS)
Hex #1D393C 
RGB 29, 57, 60
CMYK 52, 5, 0, 76

Nordland Light Blue (RAL)

Nordland Light Blue (RAL) is technically a light blue shade, but the strong gray undertones keep it from looking anywhere near as cheerful as a traditional Sky Blue or Baby Blue. Instead, Nordland Light Blue (RAL) is a steely blue shade with an almost metallic finish.

Nordland Light Blue (RAL)
Hex #96AEC5 
RGB 150, 174, 197
CMYK 24, 12, 0, 23

Nori Seaweed Green (RAL)

Nori Seaweed Green (RAL) is another color that seems to sneak into its chosen color family on a technicality. While it may look more like a deep brown shade at first, Nori Seaweed Green (RAL) has just enough of a sea-green undertone to qualify it as a “true” green variant.

Nori Seaweed Green (RAL)
Hex #464826 
RGB 70, 72, 38
CMYK 3, 0, 47, 72

North Grey (RAL)

North Grey (RAL), on the other hand, is a color that lives up to its name. A bold shade of dark gray with some extremely subtle blue undertones, North Grey (RAL) combines the strength of its gray base with the northern coolness that the blue provides in order to create this reserved gray-blue shade.

North Grey (RAL)
Hex #6A7777 
RGB 106, 119, 119
CMYK 11, 0, 0, 53

North Texas Green

North Texas Green is a bright, cheerful shade of yellowish green with strong blue undertones. It serves as one of the official colors of the University of North Texas, a research university located just north of Dallas, Texas that was originally established in 1890 as a place to train teachers alongside the students.

North Texas Green
Hex #059033 
RGB 5, 144, 51
CMYK 97, 0, 65, 44

Northern Light Grey (RAL)

Northern Light Grey (RAL), as the name implies, draws its inspiration from the dazzling lights of the Aurora borealis. While the polar lights typically show hues of green, blue, and red, some of the lighter highlights take on this soft gray shade with hints of white throughout.

Northern Light Grey (RAL)
Hex #A7AEB4 
RGB 167, 174, 180
CMYK 7, 3, 0, 29


Named after the Nordic country of the same name, Norway is a soft, muted shade of pale green with strong yellow and brown highlights. Drawing inspiration from the high terrain of the country itself, the color Norway captures some of the soft growth and frosty exterior that sets the landscape apart.

Hex #A8BD9F 
RGB 168, 189, 159
CMYK 11, 0, 16, 26

Norwegian Blue (CS)

While the Norwegian flag features a cross of dark blue, Norwegian Blue (CS) is a little bit lighter than that national color. Instead, Norwegian Blue is a deep shade of dark grayish blue with some brighter white undertones that serve to heighten the grayed-out appearance of the overall shade.

Norwegian Blue (CS)
Hex #586483 
RGB 88, 100, 131
CMYK 33, 24, 0, 49


The word “nor’wester” typically refers to the heavy rain and windstorms that occur throughout Bangladesh and parts of India—massive storms with winds up to 100 km/h that typically blow themselves out within a few hours. As a color, Norwester is a dark blue green that captures some of that almost violent energy and heavy, cloud-like appearance.

Hex #48798A 
RGB 72, 121, 138
CMYK 48, 12, 0, 46


Noshimehana-iro is another plant-themed name to round out the list of Japanese color names. Inspired by the deep grayish blue of the “iron head flower”, this shade carries some of the soft sweetness of those blossoms without sacrificing any of the color that the blooms often provide.

Hex #344D56 
RGB 52, 77, 86
CMYK 40, 10, 0, 66

Notch Brown (CS)

Notch Brown is a soft brown shade with strong yellow and orange highlights running beneath the surface that help to reinforce the idea of a “notch” or a shallow cut—typically made in a post or some other type of wood in order to keep mark—without sacrificing any of the color’s brightness.

Notch Brown (CS)
Hex #BC9E82 
RGB 188, 158, 130
CMYK 0, 16, 31, 26

November Green (RAL)

November Green (RAL) is a muted shade of green that combines that life and energy of a typical green shade with the more reserved, quietly dried-out brown-gray colors that can be found throughout the month of November.

November Green (RAL)
Hex #767764 
RGB 118, 119, 100
CMYK 1, 0, 16, 53


When you hear the word “nugget”, no matter whether you think of gold nuggets or chicken nuggets first, the color Nugget has got your back! This bright shade of cheery golden yellow is probably inspired more by the raw pieces of mined gold, but it can just as easily be applied to the popular fast food item.

Hex #C59922 
RGB 197, 153, 34
CMYK 0, 22, 83, 23


Nullabor is a semi-arid region in southern Australia, a vast expanse of limestone bedrock with scattered brush and groundcover throughout. As a color, Nullabor (CS) captures some of the dry heat of that region with its dusty brown appearance, although the subtle hints of green running throughout serve as a nod to the surprisingly diverse plant life.

Hex #907C64 
RGB 144, 124, 100
CMYK 0, 14, 31, 44

Nut Brown (RAL)

Nut Brown (RAL) is a deep, dark shade of brown with rich red highlights that serve as a nod to the smooth, slightly sweet taste that most well-known nuts often provide.

Nut Brown (RAL)
Hex #5A3A29 
RGB 90, 58, 41
CMYK 0, 36, 54, 65


Very similar in appearance to the previous entry, Nutmeg is a bright shade of dark brown with a strong red undertone that keeps the shade from appearing too dark. Inspired by the popular spice of the same name, Nutmeg is a sweet, solid shade of brown.

Hex #81422C 
RGB 129, 66, 44
CMYK 0, 49, 66, 49

Nutria Fur Brown (RAL)

The nutria is a large, semi-aquatic rodent that was originally native to South America but has since become an invasive species around the world. Nutria Fur Brown (RAL) is a dark brown shade with some slight red and yellow highlights that draws its inspiration from the fur of these big swamp rats.

Nutria Fur Brown (RAL)
Hex #514035 
RGB 81, 64, 33
CMYK 0, 21, 35, 68


Finally, Nyanza is technically a light shade of Chartreuse Yellow—a pale yellow-white shade that takes its name from Nyanza or Nyabisindu, the capital of the Southern Province in Rwanda. Some of the art deco architecture in the capital boasts buildings in the same general hue.

Hex #E9FFDB 
RGB 233, 255, 219
CMYK 9, 0, 14, 0

All Colors A-Z

Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z