150 Colors That Start With H (Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK)

Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with h

The letter H covers a wide range of color descriptors, including “hot,” “half,” and “high.” No matter what overall color group you’re interested in, this collection will have something to capture your attention and get you started on your search for the perfect shade for every project, decision, or occasion.

Here’s a list of colors that start with H, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:

Haast Shale

Haast Shale is a cool, dark gray shade with strong blue undertones, inspired by the vast deposits of the fine-grained sedimentary rock, shale, found just off the coast of Haast Beach in New Zealand.

Haast Shale
Hex #515664 
RGB 81, 86, 100
CMYK 19, 14, 0, 61


During the height of the Spanish Empire, a hacienda was a large estate that typically served as a center of commerce or production. As a color, Hacienda is a warm yellow-brown shade that captures some of that growth and potential.

Hex #98811B 
RGB 152, 129, 27
CMYK 0, 15, 82, 40

Hairy Heath

Hairy Heath is a darker shade of brown with some warm red undertones running beneath the surface and just enough of a green-brown tint to keep it from getting too hot.

Hairy Heath
Hex #6B2A14 
RGB 107, 42, 20
CMYK 0, 61, 81, 58


Haiti is a dark blue shade with some colder purple undertones and a high gray value for added darkness and intensity. It takes its inspiration from the rich potential and deep waters around the island nation of the same name.

Hex #1B1035 
RGB 27, 16, 53
CMYK 49, 70, 0, 79

Color personality quiz animation

Halaya Ube

Ube is a purple tuber native to the Philippines and featured heavily in Filipino cuisine. As a color, Halaya Ube captures some of the rich, jewel-toned purple color that makes the spud so popular!

Halaya Ube
Hex #663854 
RGB 102, 56, 84
CMYK 0, 45, 18, 60

Half and Half

Half and Half is a pale shade of off-white, named after the light, golden-white mixture of milk and cream that’s used every morning around the world for coffee and cereal alike.

Half and Half
Hex #FFFEE1 
RGB 255, 254, 225
CMYK 0, 0, 12, 0

Half Baked

Despite the warm name, Half Baked is a relatively cool shade—a mix of blue and green with just enough of a yellow undertone to keep it from going totally blue!

Half Baked
Hex #558F93 
RGB 85, 143, 147
CMYK 42, 3, 0, 42

Half Baked Blue

Half Baked Blue starts with Half Baked as a base and pushes the blue and gray values even further to result in a cool, muted shade of faded or weathered blue with a subtle green undertone.

Half Baked Blue
Hex #85C4CC 
RGB 133, 196, 204
CMYK 35, 4, 0, 20

Half Colonial White

Half Colonial White is the first of several “half” off-white shades. In this case, Half Colonial White starts with a Colonial White base, but decreases the yellow values for a softer, paler shade.

Half Colonial White
Hex #FDF6D3 
RGB 253, 246, 211
CMYK 0, 3, 17, 1

Half Dutch White

Similarly, Half Dutch White is a variation on “true” Dutch White—a pale shade of off-white with a strong yellow undertone and a lightweight, creamy overall appearance that mutes some of Dutch White’s bolder notes.

Half Dutch White
Hex #FEF7DE 
RGB 254, 247, 222
CMYK 0, 3, 13, 0

Half Pearl Lusta

Half Pearl Lusta, as you may have guessed, starts with a base of Pearl Lusta and mutes the reddish tones that give that shade a pinkish appearance. The end result is more of a tan or brown shade of off-white.

Half Pearl Lusta
Hex #F1EAD7 
RGB 241, 234, 215
CMYK 0, 3, 11, 5

Half Sea Fog

Half Sea Fog, as compared to “true” Sea Fog, has much more of a brown undertone than its original variant. The slightly green or blue undertones of Sea Fog are here replaced by a paler yellow-gold note.

Half Sea Fog
Hex #EFEEE7 
RGB 239, 238, 231
CMYK 0, 0, 3, 6

Half Spanish

Half Spanish is actually a variation on Spanish brown, instead of an off-white shade, which would explain why this light tan color is significantly darker than the other “half” variants.

Half Spanish
Hex #E6DBC7 
RGB 230, 219, 199
CMYK 0, 5, 13, 10

Half Spanish White

Half Spanish White, on the other hand, is a tempered version of Spanish White, which means that this shade is another light, creamy off-white shade—especially as compared to the previous entry on this list!

Half Spanish White
Hex #FEF4DB 
RGB 254, 244, 219
CMYK 0, 4, 14, 0

Half Tea

Finally, Half Tea—like Half Spanish—is a muted variation on what was originally a brown shade, resulting in an antique tan or soft brown overall appearance.

Half Tea
Hex #CEC6B5 
RGB 206, 198, 181
CMYK 0, 4, 12, 19


Sometimes referred to as “Chinese Hami melons” or “snow melons”, Hami melons are instantly recognizable by their white flesh and bright yellow exteriors—a perfect match for the cheerful golden color of the same name.

Hex #F5C280 
RGB 245, 194, 128
CMYK 0, 21, 48, 4


There are nine different species within the hammerhead shark family, but all of the individual species share the same solitary nature and the same grayish skin with a slight green tint, from which the color Hammerhead is derived.

Hex #515769 
RGB 81, 87, 105
CMYK 23, 17, 0, 59


Hampshire is a cheerful shade of medium dark green with strong yellow undertones that keep the color from presenting as too dark or too gloomy as a result of its deep green appearance.

Hex #598527 
RGB 89, 133, 39
CMYK 33, 0, 71, 48


As compared to some of the other off-white shades that we’ve already seen on this list, Hampton has a much stronger yellow undertone, resulting in an almost colonial off-white appearance.

Hex #E5D8AF 
RGB 229, 216, 175
CMYK 0, 6, 24, 10

Han Blue

Han Blue is the most common name given to this brilliant shade of bright royal blue. This color was popular in ancient and imperial China for nearly a thousand years, featuring heavily in artwork and architecture alike.

Han Blue
Hex #446CCF 
RGB 68, 108, 207
CMYK 67, 48, 0, 19

Han Purple

Similarly, Han Purple is a variation on the barium copper silicate pigment used to make Han Blue. Han Purple is less chemically stable, which means that the bold bluish-purple appearance fades more easily.

Han Purple
Hex #5218FA 
RGB 85, 24, 250
CMYK 67, 90, 0, 2

Hansa Yellow

Hansa Yellow, also known as Arylide Yellow, is a brilliant yellow shade with a slight greenish tint that serves as a non-toxic alternative to cadmium yellow and was used by artists like Jackson Pollock and Alexander Calder.

Hansa Yellow
Hex #E9D66B 
RGB 233, 214, 107
CMYK 0, 8, 54, 9

Happy Hour

Happy Hour is a bright green-yellow shade with just the slightest hint of a brown undertone and a muted, mellowed-out overall appearance that helps to capture the relaxed camaraderie of a few hours spent with friends.

Happy Hour
Hex #A9C949 
RGB 169, 201, 73
CMYK 16, 0, 64, 21


Harlequin is an extremely bright green shade with an almost neon green tint and plenty of bold yellow undertones to keep the energy at a feverish pitch.

Hex #3FFF00 
RGB 63, 255, 0
CMYK 75, 0, 100, 0

Harlequin Green

Harlequin Green starts with “true” Harlequin as a base, but dials down the yellow values significantly in order to create a slightly more muted or subdued shade of greenish yellow that still has plenty of natural light.

Harlequin Green
Hex #46CB18 
RGB 70, 203, 24
CMYK 66, 0, 88, 20

Harlequin Purple

Harlequin Purple leans more heavily into the dark, bold colors featured in traditional harlequin costumes. The end result is a deep shade of dark purple with strong blue and black undertones.

Harlequin Purple
Hex #6A3968 
RGB 106, 57, 104
CMYK 0, 46, 2, 58


Harp is a soft off-white shade with some creamy yellow undertones and just the slightest hint of blue, inspired by the equally soft notes and gentle melodies that the large stringed instrument typically produces.

Hex #E6F2EA 
RGB 230, 242, 234
CMYK 5, 0, 3, 5

Harp Strings

Harp Strings, on the other hand, is a little bit darker. Most modern harp strings are made of a blend of copper, nylon, and bronze, and the subtle green-brown or metallic brown notes of the color Harp Strings reflect this composition.

Harp Strings
Hex #CBCEC0 
RGB 203, 206, 192
CMYK 1, 0, 7, 19

Harvard Crimson

Harvard Crimson is the collective name given to Harvard University’s many excellent sports teams, but it’s also the name for this bright shade of bold crimson red with some lighter golden undertones.

Harvard Crimson
Hex #C90016 
RGB 201, 0, 22
CMYK 0, 100, 89, 21

Harvest Gold

Harvest Gold is a warm shade of orange-brown with strong yellow undertones that draws its inspiration from a field of wheat, golden in the late summer sun and ready for harvest.

Harvest Gold
Hex #DA9100 
RGB 218, 145, 0
CMYK 0, 33, 100, 15

Harvest Gold Flesh

Harvest Gold Flesh starts with Harvest Gold as a baseline before muting it out slightly with a traditional “flesh” color. The end result is another warm golden shade with some slight pink or red undertones running beneath the surface.

Harvest Gold Flesh
Hex #EAB76A 
RGB 234, 183, 106
CMYK 0, 22, 55, 8


Hathaway is just a little bit too dark to be considered a “true” off-white shade. Instead, it’s closer to a pale yellow-brown or even a warmer tan shade, with plenty of yellow and white to brighten its look.

Hex #F7DE94 
RGB 247, 222, 148
CMYK 0, 10, 40, 3


Hauraki is a deep green shade that looks almost black at first glance, inspired by the lush growth around the New Zealand suburb of the same name.

Hex #3A4D49 
RGB 58, 77, 73
CMYK 25, 0, 5, 70

Hauser Medium Green

As the name might suggest, Hauser Medium Green is a medium shade of dark green. The strong yellow undertones keep it from sliding too dark, and the overall result is a muted, antique green shade.

Hauser Medium Green
Hex #607C42 
RGB 96, 124, 66
CMYK 23, 0, 47, 51


Havana is an incredibly dark shade, somewhere between black and an extremely dark brown. Named after the famous Cuban city, Havana carries a hint of red beneath the surface for some extra heat and energy.

Hex #3B2B2C 
RGB 59, 43, 44
CMYK 0, 27, 25, 77

Havelock Blue

Technically a dark variation of Sky Blue, Havelock Blue is a bright, vivid blue shade with an almost violet undertone for some extra color and intensity.

Havelock Blue
Hex #5590D9 
RGB 85, 144, 217
CMYK 61, 34, 0, 15


The word “havoc” carries strong connotations of chaos, destruction, and confusion. Despite its foreboding name, the color Havoc is a simple and straightforward shade of dark red, although it does carry the same energy and excitement that the name would imply.

Hex #AD3539 
RGB 173, 53, 57
CMYK 0, 69, 67, 32

Hawaiian Tan

Hawaiian Tan is a warm brown shade with some extremely strong red undertones, inspired by the way that the sun in the Hawaiian islands brings out the richest tones in human flesh.

Hawaiian Tan
Hex #9D5616 
RGB 157, 86, 22
CMYK 0, 45, 86, 38

Hawkes Blue

Hawkes Blue is another pale blue shade with some very subtle magenta or violet undertones. The end result is a soft shade of pale blue with a slight purple tint beneath the surface.

Hawkes Blue
Hex #D4E2FC 
RGB 212, 226, 252
CMYK 16, 10, 0, 1


Hawthorn is a cheerful shade of bright orange-red, inspired by the fruits of the hawthorn, quickthorn, thornapple, or whitethorn shrub. Although they’re not technically berries, the fruits of this tree are often referred to as “hawberries”.

Hex #F7060D 
RGB 247, 6, 13
CMYK 0, 98, 95, 3


We’ve already seen Harvest Gold as a color inspired by wheat or hay before it’s harvested, but Haystack is inspired by the softer, dried-out appearance of hay after it’s been harvested, bundled, and left to dry completely in the sun.

Hex #DEC7A1 
RGB 222, 199, 161
CMYK 0, 10, 27, 13


Hazard is a bright brown shade with strong red undertones and a touch of orange running beneath its surface to lend a sense of energy or urgency.

Hex #A3532A 
RGB 163, 83, 42
CMYK 0, 49, 74, 36


Hazel is a pale brown shade with some subtle red or even pale pink undertones, inspired by the pale bark of the hazel tree that can be found growing throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Hex #ECC0A1 
RGB 236, 192, 161
CMYK 0, 19, 32, 7


Hazelnut, on the other hand, is inspired by the slightly darker colors of the nut that grows on hazel trees. Hazelnut is probably a little bit closer to what many of us would consider to be a “true” Hazel shade.

Hex #D4893B 
RGB 212, 137, 59
CMYK 0, 35, 72, 17

Hazy Lavender

Hazy Lavender starts with traditional Lavender as its base before muting out the warmer color with plenty of cool gray or black undertones for a misty or “hazy” overall appearance.

Hazy Lavender
Hex #A49591 
RGB 164, 149, 145
CMYK 0, 9, 12, 36

Heart Gold

Heart Gold is actually a deep green shade, but the strong golden undertones running beneath the surface push it into the green-gold territory, where it remains firmly planted. The end result is a warm shade of green with plenty of heat and energy thanks to the yellow notes.

Heart Gold
Hex #808000 
RGB 128, 128, 0
CMYK 0, 0, 100, 50


Despite its aggressive name, Heartbreaker is an extremely soft shade of pale purple with some sweet blue and pink undertones that help create an innocent or unassuming color with just the slightest hint of danger lurking beneath the surface.

Hex #C1C2DA 
RGB 193, 194, 218
CMYK 11, 11, 0, 15


Heartwood is not wood taken from any particular tree. Instead, heartwood refers to the dark layer of wood at the center of a tree’s trunk as opposed to the “living” sapwood on the outer layers. As a color, Heartwood captures some of that same strength and vibrancy to create a warm, red-brown shade.

Hex #A6602F 
RGB 166, 96, 47
CMYK 0, 42, 72, 35

Heat Wave

As the name might imply, Heat Wave is a hot, fast-paced orange shade with plenty of bright yellow and red undertones to turn up the temperature.

Heat Wave
Hex #FF7A00 
RGB 255, 122, 0
CMYK 0, 52, 100, 0


The term “heath” typically refers to the open plains covered with low-growing trees or shrubs that are found in various climates around the world. The color Heath captures some of that sense of raw openness and exposure in a dark brown-red shade.

Hex #541012 
RGB 84, 16, 18
CMYK 0, 81, 79, 67


The first of several heather-themed names on this list, Heather is inspired by the sweet purple flowers and misty atmosphere so favored by the common heather plant.

Hex #B7C3D0 
RGB 183, 195, 208
CMYK 12, 6, 0, 18

Heathered Gray

Heathered Gray introduces some subtle green-brown notes in order to create a muted brown-gray shade inspired by the sight of northern hills covered in heather.

Heathered Gray
Hex #B6B095 
RGB 182, 176, 149
CMYK 0, 3, 18, 29

Heathered Grey

Heathered Grey pushes the darker values even further as compared to Heathered Gray. The end result is a deep, antique shade of grayish brown with some slight green undertones.

Heathered Grey
Hex #948C7E 
RGB 148, 140, 126
CMYK 0, 5, 15, 42


As compared to Heat Wave, Heatwave is a far more intense color. The bold, dramatic, dark red shades lend extra weight to the color’s visual impact and render it a far more significant appearance.

Hex #6E2620 
RGB 110, 38, 32
CMYK 0, 65, 71, 57

Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal is a bold, brash shade of extremely dark green that’s every bit as intense and energetic as heavy metal music fans might expect, with an aggressive, exciting overall appearance and hue.

Heavy Metal
Hex #2B3228 
RGB 43, 50, 40
CMYK 14, 0, 20, 80


Hedwigi is a soft purple shade with some playful pink and red undertones running beneath the surface and brightening the overall appearance out of what would otherwise be a typically glum Lavender shade.

RGB 207, 204, 255
CMYK 19, 20, 0, 0

Heidelberg Red

Founded in 1386, Heidelberg University is one of the oldest universities in the world. Heidelberg Red has been used as one of the school’s official colors for literally hundreds of years—a bold, dark red shade that carries the weight of centuries.

Heidelberg Red
Hex #960018 
RGB 150, 0, 24
CMYK 0, 100, 84, 41


Heirloom is a soft shade of pale brown that carries a sense of history or antiquity thanks to its pale gray undertones and gentle, muted overall appearance.

Hex #9D8B7C 
RGB 157, 139, 124
CMYK 0, 11, 21, 38


Heliotrope and all of its variations are inspired by the flowers of the heliotrope plant—a highly toxic but still popular flowering plant that the bright pinkish-purple blossoms that give this shade its name.

Hex #DF73FF 
RGB 223, 115, 255
CMYK 13, 55, 0, 0

Heliotrope Gray

Heliotrope Gray starts with a traditional Heliotrope shade before significantly increasing the black or key values and simultaneously lightening the overall shade. The end result is a muted shade of pinkish purple with strong gray-brown undertones.

Heliotrope Gray
Hex #AA98A9 
RGB 170, 152, 169
CMYK 0, 11, 1, 33

Heliotrope Magenta

Heliotrope Magenta, on the other hand, starts with the already bright Heliotrope shade and increases the saturation even further to create a bold shade of dark magenta with a slight hint of pink running beneath the surface.

Heliotrope Magenta
Hex #AA00BB 
RGB 170, 0, 187
CMYK 9, 100, 0, 27


As a gas, helium is completely colorless, tasteless, and odorless. As a color, however, Helium is a pale shade of off-white with some subtle tan undertones as a nod to the gas’s overall lightness and energy.

Hex #D8D9C8 
RGB 216, 217, 200
CMYK 0, 0, 8, 15


Occurring naturally in a wide range of colors, hematite is an iron oxide compound that often takes on the deep, rust red color that gives this particular shade its name.

Hex #6D2114 
RGB 109, 33, 20
CMYK 0, 70, 82, 57


Most commonly known as the poison consumed by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, hemlock refers to a number of woody plants—most of which share this distinctively green-brown hue.

Hex #5E5D3B 
RGB 94, 93, 59
CMYK 0, 1, 37, 63


Technically part of the cannabis family, hemp is a fast-growing fibrous plant that has been used to make cloth, paper, and rope for thousands of years. As a color, Hemp captures some of that rich potential in its deep brown, slightly purple overall appearance.

Hex #907874 
RGB 144, 120, 116
CMYK 0, 17, 19, 44


Herbal is a warm green shade that tries to sum up a vast collection of plants in a single color. As a result, Herbal is a broadly standard shade of green with some brighter yellow undertones.

Hex #427452 
RGB 66, 116, 82
CMYK 43, 0, 29, 55

Heritage Brick

Heritage Brick starts with a traditional Brick Red and then pushes the brown undertones further in order to create a warm dark brown shade with a real sense of history.

Heritage Brick
Hex #7A4138 
RGB 122, 65, 56
CMYK 0, 47, 54, 52


Hermitage is a soft gray shade with some subtle green undertones, inspired by the walls of the small churches and buildings to which medieval European monks would retreat to carry out their own seclusion.

Hex #B1B9B4 
RGB 177, 185, 180
CMYK 4, 0, 3, 27


Hero is a bold, brash, take-no-prisoners shade of orange with plenty of heat and intensity to give it an overall sense of strength and courage.

Hex #D37C39 
RGB 211, 124, 57
CMYK 0, 41, 73, 17


Heron is a dark blue shade with strong gray or even black undertones. It draws its inspiration from the dark blue-gray feathers found along the crests of many birds within the large heron family.

Hex #4C596A 
RGB 76, 89, 106
CMYK 28, 16, 0, 58

Hi Jinx

Similar in appearance to Hero orange, Hi Jinx is a bright orange shade with strong yellow undertones that carries all of the mischief and excitement that the name would suggest.

Hi Jinx
Hex #E57F3D 
RGB 229, 127, 61
CMYK 0, 45, 73, 10

Hi Lite Flesh

Hi Lite Flesh is technically derived from a traditional Flesh base, but it’s been so heavily tempered by the bright white and pale pink undertones of this shade that it looks far more like an off-white with pink highlights.

Hi Lite Flesh
Hex #FEE7E1 
RGB 254, 231, 225
CMYK 0, 9, 11, 0


Hibiscus is a strong shade of deep magenta pink with some bold red undertones, inspired by the tropical flower that shares the same name—and oftentimes the same color.

Hex #B6316C 
RGB 182, 49, 108
CMYK 0, 73, 41, 29


Hickory is a warm brown shade with strong red undertones and just the slightest hint of green, inspired by the sturdy and often massive forest trees of the same name.

Hex #9E714C 
RGB 158, 113, 76
CMYK 0, 28, 52, 38

High Country

“High country” is a term used in various countries around the world to describe the elevated pastoral regions found along many mountain ranges. As a color, High Country is a scenic shade of brownish green that captures some of the rich potential of those regions.

High Country
Hex #406326 
RGB 64, 99, 38
CMYK 35, 0, 62, 61

High Five

High Five is another cheerful brown shade. As compared to other brown shades on this list, High Five has a much stronger yellow undertone that pushes it almost into an orange category.

High Five
Hex #B26F2C 
RGB 178, 111, 44
CMYK 0, 38, 75, 30

High Society

High Society is a rich, dramatic shade of dark purple with strong red and blue undertones that do their best to evoke some of the glamour and enchantment that the words “high society” often evoke.

High Society
Hex #695B7C 
RGB 105, 91, 124
CMYK 15, 27, 0, 51

High Tide

High Tide, on the other hand, is an extremely dark shade of blue with strong purple and black undertones that call to mind the depths of the waters along the coast when the tide rolls in.

High Tide
Hex #32373F 
RGB 50, 55, 63
CMYK 21, 13, 0, 75


Made from a mix of whiskey, bourbon, or scotch and a large amount of ginger ale, a highball is an alcoholic drink that grew in popularity at the turn of the 20th century. As a color, Highball captures some of that nostalgic glitz with a bright green-brown, Art Deco appearance.

Hex #928C3C 
RGB 146, 140, 60
CMYK 0, 4, 59, 43


Highland is a soft, muted green shade inspired by the dark green heather and open expanses of the Scottish Highlands.

Hex #6F8E63 
RGB 111, 142, 99
CMYK 22, 0, 30, 44


Highlight may be a little bit darker than you would expect—a deep shade of magenta purple with strong pink and red undertones.

Hex #833859 
RGB 131, 56, 89
CMYK 0, 57, 32, 49


Hillary is a muted shade of brown with strong green and green-brown undertones that further tamp down the warmth of a traditional brown for an aged, historic overall appearance.

Hex #ACA586 
RGB 172, 165, 134
CMYK 0, 4, 22, 33


Himalaya, on the other hand, is an intense shade of dark brown with some metallic green undertones that draws its inspiration from the steadfast heights of the Himalaya mountain range that separates Tibet from the Indian subcontinent.

Hex #6A5D1B 
RGB 106, 93, 27
CMYK 0, 12, 75, 58

Hint of Green

The first of a handful of “hint” colors, Hint of Green looks exactly the way you might expect it to look—a soft, off-white shade with only the slightest hint of green to lend it a bit of color.

Hint of Green
Hex #E6FFE9 
RGB 230, 255, 233
CMYK 10, 0, 9, 0

Hint of Grey

Similarly, Hint of Grey takes a traditional gray—already a pale color—and adds it to a white base for an extremely pale shade of gray with strong white or slight pink undertones.

Hint of Grey
Hex #DFDDD6 
RGB 223, 221, 214
CMYK 0, 1, 4, 13

Hint of Red

Hint of Red looks more like an extremely pale shade of pink, which is only to be expected given that it’s a mix of white with just a tiny bit of red added in.

Hint of Red
Hex #FBF9F9 
RGB 251, 249, 249
CMYK 0, 1, 1, 2

Hint of Yellow

Finally, Hint of Yellow starts with a pure white base and adds just a touch of yellow and a smidge of blue in order to create a soft yellow shade with the slightest green undertone.

Hint of Yellow
Hex #FAFDE4 
RGB 250, 253, 228
CMYK 1, 0, 10, 1

Hip Hop

Hip Hop is a vibrant shade of deep blue with strong purple undertones and a hint of red running beneath the surface to provide a bit of youthful energy to what would otherwise be a very dark shade.

Hip Hop
Hex #2A2551 
RGB 42, 37, 81
CMYK 48, 54, 0, 68

Hippie Blue

Hippie Blue is a muted or antique shade of blue—a deep sky blue that’s been tempered with a higher black or gray value in order to create the blue shade that was so popular in the late 1960s. 

Hippie Blue
Hex #589AAF 
RGB 88, 154, 175
CMYK 50, 12, 0, 31

Hippie Green

Similarly, Hippie Green takes a medium dark green shade and adds a higher black-gray undertone in order to create a very distinctive shade of muted dark green.

Hippie Green
Hex #53824B 
RGB 83, 130, 75
CMYK 36, 0, 42, 49

Hippie Pink

The last “hippie” shade, Hippie Pink, is much darker than a traditional pink thanks to the strong blue-purple undertones and the overall muted black values.

Hippie Pink
Hex #AE4560 
RGB 174, 69, 96
CMYK 0, 60, 45, 32


Hippo is a soft, steady shade of brown that draws its inspiration from the hairless bodies and smooth, brown-gray skin of the third-largest land mammal in the world.

Hex #967C69 
RGB 150, 124, 105
CMYK 0, 17, 30, 41

Hippo Grey

Hippo Grey draws its inspiration from the same source, but it ropes in some of the gray-blue or even green undertones of the water in which these massive animals live in order to create a green-gray shade with subtle blue undertones.

Hippo Grey
Hex #677564 
RGB 103, 117, 100
CMYK 12, 0, 15, 54

Hippo Red

Finally, Hippo Red is a bright, cheerful shade of pink with a slightly muted overall appearance that draws its inspiration from the shockingly pink mouth and tongue that hippos often display during their territorial “yawning”.

Hippo Red
Hex #DB778E 
RGB 219, 119, 142
CMYK 0, 46, 35, 14

Hit Gray

Hit Gray is a no-nonsense shade of light gray. While it does have some slight blue and magenta undertones to brighten its appearance, this color is about as gray as light gray can be.

Hit Gray
Hex #A1ADB5 
RGB 161, 173, 181
CMYK 11, 4, 0, 29

Hit Pink

Hit Pink, on the other hand, is barely recognizable as a pink shade. Instead, the strong yellow and red undertones make this shade look far more like a light variation of pinkish-orange.

Hit Pink
Hex #FFAB81 
RGB 255, 171, 129
CMYK 0, 33, 49, 0


Hitchhiking may not be as popular today as it once was, but the color Hitchhiker still captures some of the dusty expanse of the open road with its muted gray-brown overall appearance.

Hex #D0C7A8 
RGB 208, 199, 168
CMYK 0, 4, 19, 18

Hokey Pokey

Hokey Pokey is a cheerful shade of yellow-brown with some slight green undertones to keep the overall appearance from coming across as too bright or aggressive.

Hokey Pokey
Hex #C8A528 
RGB 200, 165, 40
CMYK 0, 17, 80, 22

Hokey Pokey Gold

Hokey Pokey Gold starts with a Hokey Pokey base and pushes both the brown and the gold values just a little bit further in order to create a warm shade of deep golden brown.

Hokey Pokey Gold
Hex #BB8E34 
RGB 187, 142, 52
CMYK 0, 24, 72, 27


Also known as the blue grenadier, the Hoki fish is a small, silver-blue fish that once served as one of the most important commercial fish species around the world. As a color, Hoki draws inspiration from the deep, almost metallic blue of the fish’s scales.

Hex #65869F 
RGB 101, 134, 159
CMYK 36, 16, 0, 38

Holland Orange

Holland Orange is a bright, dramatic shade of orange that has been used to represent the Netherlands for hundreds of years—its earliest appearance dates all the way back to 1572!

Holland Orange
Hex #FF6600 
RGB 255, 102, 0
CMYK 0, 60, 100, 0


Holly is a very dark shade of purplish brown or black that draws its inspiration from the dark, cured wood of the holly tree—in other words, from holly wood, not Hollywood.

Hex #011D13 
RGB 1, 29, 19
CMYK 97, 0, 34, 89

Holly Berry

Holly Berry is inspired by the bright red berries found on the common European holly bush. If this color looks familiar, it’s because you’ve probably seen it on countless Christmas decorations during the holiday season!

Holly Berry
Hex #C00000 
RGB 192, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 25

Holly Bush

Similarly, Holly Bush takes its cue from the dark, waxy green leaves of the common European holly bush, combined with a bit of a brown undertone as a nod to the stems and branches of that same plant.

Holly Bush
Hex #435D50 
RGB 67, 93, 80
CMYK 28, 0, 14, 64

Holly Green

Finally, Holly Green is a cheerful shade of deep green that draws its inspiration from the same common holly bush but adds a touch of some brighter yellow undertones in order to create the green shade that commonly serves as a wintertime decoration.

Holly Green
Hex #016448 
RGB 1, 100, 72
CMYK 99, 0, 28, 61

Hollywood Cerise

Hollywood Cerise is a bright pink shade, slightly brighter than traditional Cerise as a reflection of the glitz and glamour of Hollywood itself.

Hollywood Cerise
Hex #F400A1 
RGB 244, 0, 161
CMYK 0, 100, 34, 4


Homegrown is a dark green shade with strong brown undertones—a quiet, steady green hue that captures the same dependable, trustworthy nature that its name implies.

Hex #366154 
RGB 54, 97, 84
CMYK 44, 0, 13, 62


Honey is obviously a natural product that can come in many different shades of brown, gold, red, or yellow. As a color, however, Honey refers to this cheerful shade of orange with strong yellow-gold undertones running throughout. 

Hex #FFAA00 
RGB 255, 170, 0
CMYK 0, 33, 100, 0

Honey Brown

Honey Brown starts with a standard Honey base before increasing the brown undertones in order to create a muted brown shade that still carries all the warmth and sweetness of a traditional Honey shade.

Honey Brown
Hex #B88D49 
RGB 184, 141, 73
CMYK 0, 23, 60, 28

Honey Flower

Honey Flower, on the other hand, is a dark shade of purple with strong blue undertones that draws its inspiration from the blue-black nectar of the honey flower bush found in the dry regions of southern Africa.

Honey Flower
Hex #4F1C70 
RGB 79, 28, 112
CMYK 29, 75, 0, 56

Honey Yellow

Honey Yellow moves back into familiar territory, taking the traditional Honey base and increasing the yellow and yellow-brown values in order to create a clean, simple shade of warm brownish yellow.

Honey Yellow
Hex #DAA45A 
RGB 218, 164, 90
CMYK 0, 25, 59, 15


Honeydew is a pale shade of off-white with some subtle green undertones, inspired by the pale green rind and even paler green flesh of the popular honeydew melons sold at supermarkets around the world.

Hex #F0FFF0 
RGB 240, 255, 240
CMYK 6, 0, 6, 0


Honeymoon is a sweetly romantic shade of pale or antique gold with some very soft pink undertones that increase the warmth of the overall shade without letting it appear too aggressive or over-the-top.

Hex #F4E1AF 
RGB 244, 225, 175
CMYK 0, 8, 28, 4


Honeysuckle vines can produce flowers in a wide range of colors—the most popular being a sweet, simple, white shade—but many of the flowers will still retain a bright yellow burst of color very similar in shade to the color Honeysuckle. 

Hex #EDFC84 
RGB 237, 252, 132
CMYK 6, 0, 48, 1

Honolulu Blue

Honolulu Blue is a cool, cheerful shade of blue that draws its inspiration from the clear waters and open skies found around Oahu island in Hawaii, where the city that shares this color’s name can be found.

Honolulu Blue
Hex #006DB0 
RGB 0, 109, 176
CMYK 100, 38, 0, 31

Hooker’s Green

Hooker’s Green is a deep shade of bold green with strong yellow and yellow-brown undertones that give the color a stately, historic appearance.

Hooker’s Green
Hex #007000 
RGB 0, 112, 0
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 56

Hop Bush

Hop Bush is the colloquial name for at least 70 different flowering plants found throughout Africa, southern Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Many of the flowers of these plants share the bright pink color that gives this shade its name.

Hop Bush
Hex #D06DA1 
RGB 208, 109, 161
CMYK 0, 48, 23, 18


Hopskotch is very similar in appearance to Hop Bush, but it has a slightly more red and an overall more muted appearance as compared to the previous entry on this list.

Hex #CD6D93 
RGB 205, 109, 147
CMYK 0, 47, 28, 20


Horizon is a cool, calm shade of blue with some softer gray undertones, inspired by the way that the horizon at sea appears to almost blend into the color of the sky, especially on cloudy days.

Hex #5A87A0 
RGB 90, 135, 160
CMYK 44, 16, 0, 37


Whether you believe them or not, horoscope readings are valued by millions of people around the world on a day-to-day basis. The color Horoscope captures some of the mystery and intrigue that naturally accompanies any attempt to divine the future.

Hex #43373A 
RGB 67, 55, 58
CMYK 0, 18, 13, 74

Horse Black

Horse Black is a dark black shade that draws its inspiration from the coats of black or deep brown-black horses found around the world.

Horse Black
Hex #190F0F 
RGB 25, 15, 15
CMYK 0, 40, 40, 90

Horse Brown

Similarly, Horse Brown is inspired by one of the most common coat colors for nearly any breed of horse—a bold, steadfast shade of deep brown with some strong red undertones for added color and light.

Horse Brown
Hex #834C2d 
RGB 131, 76, 45
CMYK 0, 42, 66, 49

Horse White

Finally, Horse White is inspired by the pale coat of a white horse, even though it retains some subtle gray undertones to keep this shade from presenting as a true or traditional shade of white.

Horse White
RGB 222, 222, 222
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 13

Horse’s Neck

Horse’s Neck is clearly derived from Horse Brown, but it pushes the brown values further and mutes out the red undertones in order to create a deep, dark brown shade with only the slightest hint of any warmer colors.

Horse’s Neck
Hex #604913 
RGB 96, 73, 19
CMYK 0, 24, 80, 62

Hot August

Hot August is inspired by the heat that begins to swell at the end of summer and before the coolness of fall—a warm shade of reddish brown with some subtle pink or magenta undertones running throughout.

Hot August
Hex #9A463B 
RGB 154, 70, 59
CMYK 0, 55, 62, 40

Hot Chile

Hot Chile starts with a deep Chile Brown shade and then increases the red values in order to create a sizzling hot shade of deep purple-brown with red undertones.

Hot Chile
Hex #6B252C 
RGB 107, 37, 44
CMYK 0, 65, 59, 58

Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate is a rich shade of extremely dark brown with some subtle purple undertones to increase the drama and push the shade just a little bit darker, drawing inspiration from the sweet, hot beverage that’s so popular during colder months.

Hot Chocolate
Hex #3D2622 
RGB 61, 38, 34
CMYK 0, 38, 44, 76

Hot Cinnamon

Cinnamon is usually depicted as a warm brown shade with red undertones. Hot Cinnamon adds more of an orange tint to traditional Cinnamon in order to lend a sense of heat and vibrancy to the already intense shade.

Hot Cinnamon
Hex #D2691E 
RGB 210, 105, 30
CMYK 0, 50, 86, 18

Hot Curry

Hot Curry is a warm, spicy shade of medium dark brown with some subtle red undertones to keep the shade from looking too bland or unseasoned.

Hot Curry
Hex #815B28 
RGB 129, 91, 40
CMYK 0, 29, 69, 49

Hot Magenta

Magenta is already a warm color, but Hot Magenta turns up the heat by adding a brighter pink value and taking out any blue undertones that would otherwise tamp down the overall shade.

Hot Magenta
Hex #FF1DCE 
RGB 255, 29, 206
CMYK 0, 89, 19, 0

Hot Pink

Hot Pink is a little bit more intense than traditional Pink would be, thanks to the strong magenta undertone that adds more red and red-pink shades to a typically pale color.

Hot Pink
Hex #FF69B4 
RGB 255, 105, 180
CMYK 0, 59, 29, 0

Hot Purple

Finally, Hot Purple takes what would otherwise be an extremely dark purple shade and punches it up with just enough magenta to lend a sense of heat and vibrancy.

Hot Purple
Hex #4E2E53 
RGB 78, 46, 83
CMYK 6, 45, 0, 67

Hot Stuff

Hot Stuff is a brash shade of deep purple with some strong red undertones. The end result looks closer to a deep red brown than it does to a true purple, but the main factors of that color are still clearly visible.

Hot Stuff
Hex #874748 
RGB 135, 71, 72
CMYK 0, 47, 47, 47

Hot Toddy

Also known as a “hot whiskey”, a hot toddy is typically some warm liquor mixed with honey and various spices that give it a soft, golden color—the same color that serves as an inspiration for Hod Toddy’s name.

Hot Toddy
Hex #B38007 
RGB 179, 128, 7
CMYK 0, 28, 96, 30

Hot Wired

Like Heatwave, Hot Wired is an intense shade of dark red that uses its bright red and magenta undertones to provide the “heat” that its name implies, even if the overall shade is slightly more muted.

Hot Wired
Hex #6F2637 
RGB 111, 38, 55
CMYK 0, 66, 50, 56

House White

House White, as the name might suggest, is a simple shade of off-white that has traditionally been an extremely popular paint color for both interior and exterior home designs thanks to its neutral, soothing overall appearance.

House White
Hex #DFDDD9 
RGB 223, 221, 217
CMYK 0, 1, 3, 13


Like Havoc, Hullabaloo is another shade with an overall appearance that’s much calmer than its name would imply. In this case, Hullabaloo is a bright shade of turquoise blue with strong green undertones.

Hex #008B97 
RGB 0, 139, 151
CMYK 100, 8, 0, 41


Human is another Flesh variation, a warm peach shade with some strong brown undertones running throughout.

Hex #DFAC8D 
RGB 223, 172, 141
CMYK 0, 23, 37, 13

Humboldt Bay

Located in Northern California in the United States, Humboldt Bay is actually a coastal lagoon, rather than a true bay. As a result, the waters within the bay often take on the slightly brackish blue-green tint that gives this shade its name.

Humboldt Bay
Hex #609078 
RGB 96, 144, 120
CMYK 33, 0, 17, 44


When you think of hummingbirds, you may picture the brilliant green or scarlet feathers found in many distinct hummingbird species. As a color, however, Hummingbird is inspired by the pale, blue-tinged iridescence that is found on the feathers of most hummingbirds.

Hex #CFF9F3 
RGB 207, 249, 243
CMYK 17, 0, 2, 2

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale is a soft grayish blue color that draws its inspiration from one of the larger species of whales. Humpback whales are known for their distinctive knobbly head and their frequent breaching and other surface behaviors.

Humpback Whale
Hex #324C5D 
RGB 50, 76, 93
CMYK 46, 18, 0, 64

Hunter Dark Green

Hunter Dark Green starts with a base of traditional Hunter Green and dials up the intensity to create a bold, dark green shade with some strong brown undertones that push the darkness just a little bit further.

Hunter Dark Green
Hex #2F3125 
RGB 47, 49, 37
CMYK 4, 0, 24, 81

Hunter Green

Hunter Green is significantly lighter than Hunter Dark Green, but it still retains some of those bold or royal green undertones that set Hunter Green apart from a traditional dark green shade.

Hunter Green
Hex #355E3B 
RGB 53, 94, 59
CMYK 44, 0, 37, 63

Hunter Jungle

Hunter Jungle takes Hunter Dark Green and pushes the black or key values even further to result in an extremely dark shade of green that almost passes for black at first glance.

Hunter Jungle
Hex #161D10 
RGB 22, 29, 16
CMYK 24, 0, 45, 89


Hurricane is a bold gray color with some subtle gray undertones running beneath the surface, a nod to the debris and brackish floodwater that’s often swept up in the wake of a major hurricane or tropical storm.

Hex #877C7B 
RGB 135, 124, 123
CMYK 0, 8, 9, 47


Husk is a green-brown shade with strong yellow undertones that draws its inspiration from the outer shell or coating of a seed, which often is very similar in appearance to this particular shade.

Hex #B7A458 
RGB 183, 164, 88
CMYK 0, 10, 52, 28

Hyacinth Red

While hyacinth flowers can come in a wide range of colors, the bright, warm red color listed here as Hyacinth Red is one of the most popular shades.

Hyacinth Red
Hex #A8211B 
RGB 168, 33, 27
CMYK 0, 80, 84, 34

Hyam’s Beach

Located in New South Wales, Australia, Hyam’s Beach is renowned for its brilliant white sand, composed of pure quartz. As a color, Hyam’s Beach draws on that same white glow to create a clean pinkish white shade.

Hyam’s Beach
Hex #F0EEF1 
RGB 240, 238, 241
CMYK 0, 1, 0, 5


Hyperactive is a bright, energetic shade of orange with strong red and yellow undertones to keep it from looking too bold or too intense. The end result is a cheerful orange shade with plenty of movement and creativity.

Hex #E36C36 
RGB 227, 108, 54
CMYK 0, 52, 76, 11


Hypnotic is a strange shade of greenish yellow with an almost sickly tint to its overall appearance thanks to the slight red undertones that mute the shade into a green-brown general tone.

Hex #D1E182 
RGB 209, 225, 130
CMYK 7, 0, 42, 12

All Colors A-Z

Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

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