130 Colors That Start With U (Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK)

Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with u

Compared to some of the other letters in the alphabet, the group of colors beginning with the letter U is relatively small. As a result, many of these colors are either in a language other than English or from paint colors. If you want a color that’s “urban,” “ultra,” or “universal,” this collection has something to help your next major design project get started!

Here’s a list of colors that start with U, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:

U and I

The first color on our list, U and I is a bold, bright shade of dark red with strong violet and magenta undertones that work together in order to create a passionate color with hints of a stronger, deeper connection.

U and I
Hex #A10A39 
RGB 161, 10, 57
CMYK 0, 94, 65, 37

U.S. Green (Tiger Drylac)

U.S. Green (Tiger Drylac) is the first of many paint colors, which means that the name in parentheses indicates the original designer or the paint company that currently holds the copyright on the shade. As a color, U.S. Green (Tiger Drylac) is a deep shade of dark green with strong black and gray undertones.

U.S. Green (Tiger Drylac)
Hex #39594A
RGB 57, 89, 74
CMYK 36, 0, 17, 65

UA Blue

UA Blue is a clear, bright shade of blue with stronger violet and purple undertones that deepen the intensity of the overall shade without compromising on color, resulting in this intensely blue hue.

UA Blue
Hex #0033AA 
RGB 0, 51, 170
CMYK 100, 70, 0, 33

UA Red

Similarly, UA Red takes a standard red shade and dials up the overall intensity by adding slight hints of orange and yellow that push the color deeper without turning the finished product into a softer orange or gold shade.

Color personality quiz animation

UA Red
Hex #D9004C 
RGB 217, 0, 76
CMYK 0, 100, 65, 15


“Ube” is the common name for the purple yam or greater yam. As a color, Ube is a soft shade of medium-light purple with warm pink and red undertones that draws its inspiration from the color of the tropical tuber with which it shares its name!

Hex #8878C3 
RGB 136, 120, 195
CMYK 30, 38, 0, 24


Originally established in 1882, the University of California, Los Angeles, is the second-oldest school in the UC system. Since at least 2004, the university’s sports teams have worn this deep shade of moderate sky blue at every game and event that they attend.

Hex #536895 
RGB 83, 104, 149
CMYK 44, 30, 0, 42


UCLA Blue is only one of the colors that the University of California, Los Angeles wears—the other is UCLA Gold. UCLA Gold is a vivid shade of bright yellow, typically described as “sun gold” and used in all of the university’s publications.

Hex #FFB300 
RGB 255, 179, 0
CMYK 0, 30, 100, 0

UFO Green

What color is a UFO? According to this shade, UFOs are a brilliant shade of green with strong yellow undertones and just a hint of white for a brighter, more universal finish.

UFO Green
Hex #3CD070 
RGB 60, 208, 112
CMYK 71, 0, 46, 18

Ugandan Violet (Ralph Lauren)

Ugandan Violet (Ralph Lauren) is a cool, dark shade of purple with strong gray and black undertones that draws its inspiration both from the flowers of the same name and from the soil in which they grow.

Ugandan Violet (Ralph Lauren)
Hex #6B5666 
RGB 107, 86, 102
CMYK 0, 20, 5, 58


The first of several Japanese names on this list, Uguisu-iro is a Japanese term that literally translates as “nightingale-colored”—a deep, dark shade of brown with strong gray and black undertones that takes its inspiration from the dusky plumage of a nightingale bird.

Hex #645530 
RGB 100, 85, 48
CMYK 0, 15, 52, 61


Similar to the previous entry, Uguisucha is another nightingale-inspired color, although this variant has more of an olive brown finish. The end result is a cool, mellow shade of dark brown with strong green and yellow undertones.

Hex #5C4827 
RGB 92, 72, 39
CMYK 0, 22, 58, 64

Uhsting’s Blue

Uhsting’s Blue is an extremely vivid blue shade with strong magenta and violet undertones that push the color even further. The end result is a dazzlingly bright blue shade with an almost electric finish and a clear, unvarnished appearance.

Uhsting’s Blue
Hex #1851FF 
RGB 24, 81, 255
CMYK 91, 68, 0, 0


Ukon-iro is a brisk shade of bright orange that draws its inspiration from the color of turmeric. Turmeric has long been used to make orange and yellow dyes, so it should come as no surprise that this specific shade has strong yellow undertones throughout.

Hex #E69B3A 
RGB 230, 155, 58
CMYK 0, 33, 75, 10

Ultra Green (RAL)

Ultra Green (RAL) is a relatively pale shade of green compared to some of the other entries on this list—a smooth, lightweight green color with strong yellow and gray undertones that run beneath the more traditional light green in order to create a muted, balanced overall appearance.

Ultra Green (RAL)
Hex #7EBA4D
RGB 126, 186, 77
CMYK 32, 0, 59, 27

Ultra Pink

Ultra Pink is a clear, brilliant shade of pink with strong magenta and red undertones that help to push the color further without ever overwhelming the predominantly pink finish that gives this color its name.

Ultra Pink
Hex #FF6FFF 
RGB 255, 111, 255
CMYK 0, 56, 0, 0

Ultra Red

Similarly, Ultra Red has strong pink and yellow undertones, but the shade never tips all the way into an orange or pink color, retaining the strong, crisp red overtones that preserve its spot in the red family and earn its spot on this list.

Ultra Red
Hex #FC6C85 
RGB 252, 108, 133
CMYK 0, 57, 47, 1

Ultra Violet

In most sciences, “ultraviolet” typically refers to a form of light radiation that’s invisible to the naked eye. As a color, however, Ultra Violet refers to this cool, smooth shade of light purple with strong blue undertones and a hint of magenta for a sharper finish.

Ultra Violet
Hex #9D81BA 
RGB 157, 129, 186
CMYK 16, 31, 0, 27

Ultra White (Dutch Boy)

Ultra White (Dutch Boy) is a bright, crisp off-white shade with hints of yellow and gray. The yellow undertones give this shade a slightly warmer finish, while the gray undertones retain the neat, professional look that makes this shade perfect for any interior or graphic design project.

Ultra White (Dutch Boy)
Hex #F3F2EC
RGB 243, 242, 236
CMYK 0, 0, 3, 5


In ancient days, ultramarine pigment was made from crushed lapis lazuli—the name literally means “beyond the sea” as a reference to the mines in Afghanistan that exported vast amounts of the pigment into Europe. As a color, Ultramarine is a deep, vivid shade of blue that carries an expensive, priceless sense of history.

Hex #3F00FF 
RGB 63, 0, 255
CMYK 75, 100, 0, 0

Ultramarine 2

This second shade of Ultramarine is actually closer to the pigment typically used by medieval and Renaissance artists in Europe. Ultramarine was once the single most expensive paint color in any artist’s toolkit, and this bold, deep shade of dark blue still manages to capture some of that wealth and luxury.

Ultramarine 2
Hex #120A8F 
RGB 18, 10, 143
CMYK 87, 93, 0, 44

Ultramarine 05 (Savage)

Ultramarine 05 (Savage) is a lot darker than the previous two entries—a chilly shade of dark blue with strong gray undertones that retains the characteristic intensity of a traditional Ultramarine shade without compromising on the depth and darkness of this specific version.

Ultramarine 05 (Savage)
Hex #395161 
RGB 57, 81, 97
CMYK 41, 16, 0, 62

Ultramarine Blue

Ultramarine Blue takes a traditional Ultramarine base and brightens it with a lighter, sunnier shade of sky blue in order to create a cheerful shade of medium-dark blue that manages to convey a sense of excitement or exploration.

Ultramarine Blue
Hex #4166F5 
RGB 65, 102, 245
CMYK 73, 58, 0, 4

Ultramarine Violet (RAL)

Ultramarine already has the potential to be an extremely dark shade, so it should come as no surprise that Ultramarine Violet (RAL) is an even darker shade of deep purple with strong, bold undertones of blue and magenta that help to push the shade’s overall intensity even further.

Ultramarine Violet (RAL)
Hex #1D2A58
RGB 29, 42, 88
CMYK 67, 52, 0, 65


Also known as Ayers Rock, Uluru is a massive sandstone formation in the middle of Australia. As a color, Uluru is a warm shade of medium-light brown with strong red undertones and a yellow finish that captures the heat and the vast expanse of Uluru’s natural setting.

Hex #BF9B67 
RGB 191, 155, 103
CMYK 0, 19, 46, 25


Like Ultramarine, Umber is another color that draws its inspiration from a traditional pigment. Umber pigment was traditionally made from a mix of clay, iron oxide, and manganese oxide. As a color, Umber captures some of the dark intensity of the pigment while still allowing the brighter red and orange highlights to shine through.

Hex #635147 
RGB 99, 81, 71
CMYK 0, 18, 28, 61

Umber Style (Columbia Paint)

As compared to the previous entry on this list, both shades of Umber Style are far paler than “true” Umber. Umber Style (Columbia Paint) is a soft, light off-white shade with hints of yellow and magenta running beneath the surface to capture some of the warmth and depth of traditional Umber without darkening the overall shade.

Umber Style (Columbia Paint)
RGB 236, 230, 220
CMYK 0, 3, 7, 7

Umber Style (Home Hardware)

Similarly, Umber Style (Home Hardware) is a very light tan shade with just a hint of magenta and yellow throughout. Umber Style (Home Hardware) is actually paler than the previous entry, with a lower saturation value for each color.

Umber Style (Home Hardware)
RGB 236, 230, 218
CMYK 0, 3, 8, 7

Umbra Gray (RAL)

The word “umbra” is typically used to refer to the darkest part of a shadow, through which no light passes. Umbra Gray (RAL) is only a little bit lighter than the name would imply, as the lighter gray undertones lend a slightly brighter finish to this otherwise dark green shade.

Umbra Gray (RAL)
Hex #4B4D46 
RGB 75, 77, 70
CMYK 3, 0, 9, 70

Umbra Sand (RAL)

Similarly, Umbra Sand (RAL) combines the dark black and gray tones of a shadowy shade with a much lighter and warmer shade of Sand Brown. The end result is still relatively dark, but it contains warmer red and yellow undertones for a brighter overall appearance.

Umbra Sand (RAL)
Hex #87706B
RGB 135, 112, 107
CMYK 0, 17, 21, 47

Umbrella (Dutch Boy)

Umbrella (Dutch Boy) is a strong, cheerful shade of medium-dark blue with strong green undertones. Inspired by the deep colors and saturated air of a rainy day, Umbrella (Dutch Boy) is a steady, calming shade.

Umbrella (Dutch Boy)
Hex #007983 
RGB 0, 121, 131
CMYK 100, 8, 0, 49

Umbrella (Martha Stewart)

Umbrella (Martha Stewart) is a lot closer in color to the most popular umbrella color worldwide. It’s not quite all the way to black, but the strong gray and black undertones help to push this dark blue shade into a solid, inky hue.

Umbrella (Martha Stewart)
Hex #26424D
RGB 38, 66, 77
CMYK 51, 14, 0, 70

Umbria Red (Matthews Paint)

Umbria Red (Matthews Paint) pulls from the rich reddish orange colors of a traditional Umber in order to create this bold, bright shade of dark maroon with hints of brighter orange and yellow beneath the surface.

Umbria Red (Matthews Paint)
Hex #974148 
RGB 151, 65, 72
CMYK 0, 57, 52, 41


Umemurasaki literally means “plum purple”, and this color more than lives up to its name. A bright, warm shade of reddish purple with cooler blue and violet undertones, Umemurasaki is clearly inspired by the sweet, clear color of a ripe plum.

Hex #8F4155 
RGB 143, 65, 85
CMYK 0, 55, 41, 44


Umenezumi combines the warm reds and purples of a Plum Purple with the cooler, softer color of a Mouse Gray shade in order to create this warm, soft brown shade with hints of brighter red and yellow beneath the surface.

Hex #97645A 
RGB 151, 100, 90
CMYK 0, 34, 40, 41


The last of the plum-inspired colors on this list, Umezome is a warm, bright shade of orange with some subtler red and brown undertones that takes its inspiration from the reddish orange color that some plum-based dyes can create.

Hex #FA9258 
RGB 250, 146, 88
CMYK 0, 42, 65, 2

Un Num Num Num (Home Hardware)

Despite its whimsical name, Un Num Num Num (Home Hardware) is a relatively reserved color. A neat, respectable shade of medium dark blue with strong gray and subtle magenta highlights, this color is truly delectable.

Un Num Num Num (Home Hardware)
Hex #216A95
RGB 33, 106, 149
CMYK 78, 29, 0, 42

Unbleached Silk

Obviously, silk fabric can be found in just about every color that you can imagine. Unbleached Silk, however, draws its inspiration from the “purest” form of silk—the soft, pinkish tan color of silk fabric that has not yet been bleached, treated, or dyed.

Unbleached Silk
RGB 255, 221, 202
CMYK 0, 13, 21, 0

Unbriel (Dunn Edwards)

Unbriel (Dunn Edwards) is a cool, dark shade of brown with strong gray and black undertones that push the color even darker without washing out the brown and yellow notes entirely, so that the warmer shades can still show through.

Unbriel (Dunn Edwards)
Hex #5E4B42
RGB 94, 75, 66
CMYK 0, 20, 30, 63

Uncommon Coir (Valspar)

Coir or coconut fiber is the thick, fibrous fiber found between a coconut’s internal shell and its outer coat. Uncommon Coir (Valspar) takes its inspiration from the color of this fibrous material—a soft, dense shade of light brown with strong white and yellow undertones.

Uncommon Coir (Valspar)
Hex #C4A98C
RGB 196, 169, 140
CMYK 0, 14, 29, 23

Uncommon Clarity (Para Paints)

Uncommon Clarity (Para Paints), as the name would suggest, is a clear, neat shade of pale off-white with hints of yellow and cream throughout for a softer finish and a warm, inviting overall appearance.

Uncommon Clarity (Para Paints)
Hex #F4E7C1
RGB 244, 231, 193
CMYK 0, 5, 21, 4


Undercurrent is a very dark blue shade with strong green undertones and a bold black finish. As a color, this shade draws its inspiration from the fast, powerful currents that sweep out from the beach and into the deeper waters beyond.

Hex #365C6C 
RGB 54, 92, 108
CMYK 50, 15, 0, 58

Undersea Blue (Duron)

The first of a handful of undersea colors, Undersea Blue (Duron) is a cool, dark shade of blue with strong green and yellow undertones for more of a briny, deep-sea overall finish despite the deeper black and gray highlights running throughout.

Undersea Blue (Duron)
Hex #275F73
RGB 39, 95, 115
CMYK 66, 17, 0, 55

Undersea Garden (Muralo)

Undersea Garden (Muralo) is very similar in shade to the previous entry on this list, but with a much stronger blue value. As a result, while Undersea Garden (Muralo) is still a dark bluish-green shade, the blue undertones are almost strong enough to tamp out the yellow-green highlights completely.

Undersea Garden (Muralo)
Hex #165659 
RGB 22, 86, 89
CMYK 75, 3, 0, 65

Undersea Garden (Mythic)

This second Undersea Garden variant looks a lot like the first variant at first glance. However, as compared to Undersea Garden (Muralo), Undersea Garden (Mythic) is a darker, more intense shade of green with only a subtle blue undertone running beneath the surface.

Undersea Garden (Mythic)
Hex #285C60
RGB 40, 92, 96
CMYK 58, 4, 0, 62

Undersea Voyage (ICI)

Finally, Undersea Voyage (ICI) is a much lighter color—a bold, adventurous shade of blue with green highlights and a strong white finish that brightens the overall shade and gives it a sunnier, more open disposition than the typical “undersea” shades.

Undersea Voyage (ICI)
Hex #2B878F
RGB 43, 135, 143
CMYK 70, 6, 0, 44

Understated (Muralo)

The first of two similarly-named variants, Understated (Muralo) is a sweet, gentle shade of green with strong white highlights that soften the overall color and give it an appropriately “understated” finish.

Understated (Muralo)
RGB 184, 220, 202
CMYK 16, 0, 8, 14

Understated (Valspar)

Understated (Valspar) takes the same muted approach, but applies the approach to a completely different color. Rather than creating a soft green shade, Understated (Valspar) adds a strong white finish to an already pale shade of brown for a light shade of grayish tan.

Understated (Valspar)
Hex #D7D2BB
RGB 215, 210, 187
CMYK 0, 2, 13, 16

Underwater (Behr)

Underwater (Behr) is a deep shade of green with strong blue and black undertones. As a color, Underwater takes its inspiration from the deep, inky darkness that only grows stronger the further one ventures beneath the sea.

Underwater (Behr)
Hex #475B5D
RGB 71, 91, 93
CMYK 24, 2, 0, 64

Underwater Cave (Sico)

Underwater Cave (Sico) starts with the same inspiration as the previous entry, but it pushes the blue values a lot more strongly and dials back some of the gray-black undertones in order to create a lighter, more vivid shade of bluish green.

Underwater Cave (Sico)
Hex #006771 
RGB 0, 103, 113
CMYK 100, 9, 0, 56

Underwater Green (Sears)

Compared to some of the other “underwater” colors, Underwater Green (Sears) is a very light shade of teal, with strong green and yellow undertones that take their inspiration from the way light filters through the water at a depth of only a few feet.

Underwater Green (Sears)
Hex #9AE1C4
RGB 154, 225, 196
CMYK 32, 0, 13, 12

Underwater Wonders (Disney)

The only paint color on this list to be officially branded by the Walt Disney Company, Underwater Wonders (Disney) is a bright, bold shade of blue with strong notes of green throughout, inspired by the undersea adventures that play such a major role in Disney’s animated canon.

Underwater Wonders (Disney)
Hex #00A5AB
RGB 0, 165, 171
CMYK 100, 4, 0, 33 

Underwood (Crown Diamond)

Underwood (Crown Diamond) is a cool green shade with hints of gray, black, and brown. Inspired by the shadows that stretch beneath a canopy of trees, Underwood (Crown Diamond) is an inviting shade with a promise of some waiting intrigue.

Underwood (Crown Diamond)
Hex #697F6C
RGB 105, 127, 108
CMYK 17, 0, 15, 50

Underworld (True Value)

Despite the forbidding name, Underworld (True Value) is a relatively gentle shade of warm brown. Subtle pink and red highlights found throughout give the overall shade an even softer finish that feels almost romantic with its quiet, dusty appearance.

Underworld (True Value)
Hex #B29C96
RGB 178, 156, 150
CMYK 0, 12, 16, 30

Unexpected (Home Hardware)

Unexpected (Home Hardware) is a shockingly bright shade of pinkish orange that keeps its viewers on their toes! With a strong orange-yellow undertone to round out what would otherwise be an aggressively bright red, Unexpected (Home Hardware) contains multiple layers to keep everyone guessing.

Unexpected (Home Hardware)
Hex #DD6863
RGB 221, 104, 99
CMYK 0, 53, 55, 13


Unicorn is a soft shade of purple with a hazy, romantic finish and a subtle gray undertone that lends a deeper, misty hue. Inspired by the magic and mystique that often accompanies these fabled creatures, Unicorn is a sweetly romantic shade of dark Lavender Purple.

Hex #9F90D0 
RGB 159, 144, 208
CMYK 24, 31, 0, 18

Unicorn Blue (Huls)

Unicorn Blue (Huls) is a vivid, almost neon shade of warm bluish green, with a brisk white overlay that helps to capture some of the youthful exuberance and longing for adventure that often goes hand in hand with dreams of unicorns.

Unicorn Blue (Huls)
Hex #00A3AC
RGB 0, 163, 172
CMYK 100, 5, 0, 33

Unicorn White (Canadian Tire)

Unicorn White (Canadian Tire) is a bright, romantic shade of medium-dark off-white with strong pink and yellow notes that help to give the overall color a hint of magic and innocence.

Unicorn White (Canadian Tire)
Hex #D6CDC5
RGB 214, 205, 197
CMYK 0, 4, 8, 16

Uniform Blue

Uniform Blue is a cool, crisp shade of dark blue with strong gray undertones that almost push the shade into a black register. Nevertheless, the strong blue-gray highlights running throughout are enough to preserve the color of this shade and land it squarely in the “blue” category.

Uniform Blue
Hex #475767 
RGB 71, 87, 103
CMYK 31, 16, 0, 60

Uniform Green (RAL)

Uniform Green (RAL) is a brisk, professional shade of very dark green with strong gray and brown undertones that draws its inspiration from the everyday uniforms worn by military service members around the world.

Uniform Green (RAL)
Hex #4C4623
RGB 76, 70, 35
CMYK 0, 8, 54, 70

Uniform Green Gray (RAL)

Uniform Green Gray (RAL) starts with a traditional Uniform Green (RAL) base before dialing up the gray undertones to take center stage. The cooler gray notes give this shade a blue tint that nearly washes out the yellow and green notes of a traditional Uniform shade.

Uniform Green Gray (RAL)
Hex #5F7B7E
RGB 95, 123, 126
CMYK 25, 2, 0, 51

Uninhibited (Rodda Paint)

Uninhibited (Rodda Paint) is an open, free spirited shade of pale blue with strong green undertones and a soft white overlay for a glossy and independent overall appearance.

Uninhibited (Rodda Paint)
Hex #BBD1C7
RGB 187, 209, 199
CMYK 11, 0, 5, 18

Union Blue (Glidden)

At first glance, Union Blue (Glidden) looks like more of a deep gray shade with hints of blue than a traditional blue variant. However, the color takes both its appearance and its name from the deep gray-blue uniforms of the Union Army during the American Civil War.

Union Blue (Glidden)
Hex #55676E
RGB 85, 103, 110
CMYK 23, 6, 0, 57

Unique (True Value)

Unique (True Value) is a warm shade of off-white or pale tan with hints of green and yellow. These subtle green highlights give the shade an organic, natural feeling that would otherwise have been swallowed up in the standard tan overlay.

Unique (True Value)
Hex #F2F5E8
RGB 242, 245, 232
CMYK 1, 0, 5, 4

Unique Gray (Sherwin Williams)

Unique Gray (Sherwin Williams) may look like a standard gray shade at first glance, but its uniqueness comes from the subtle red and magenta undertones that lie just beneath the surface and give the color a slight pink tint.

Unique Gray (Sherwin Williams)
RGB 202, 200, 202
CMYK 0, 1, 0, 21

United Nations Blue

United Nations Blue is a soft, inspiring shade of blue with hints of white and violet running throughout that round out the shade and give it a peaceful, international feeling. United Nations Blue is the color used for the flag, emblem, and official publications of the UN.

United Nations Blue
Hex #5B92E5 
RGB 91, 146, 229
CMYK 60, 36, 0, 10

Universal Black (Benjamin Moore)

Universal Black (Benjamin Moore) is an extremely dark black shade that nevertheless features just the slightest hint of red—a subtle undertone that lends a touch of heat and adds a little bit more depth to this already deep shade.

Universal Black (Benjamin Moore)
Hex #343334 
RGB 52, 51, 52
CMYK 0, 2, 0, 80

Universal Blue (Para Paints)

Despite its universal name, Universal Blue (Para Paints) is a relatively unusual blue shade—a pale Robin’s Egg Blue with strong gray undertones that scans as more of a pastel blue or even an off-white shade than it does as a “true” blue variant.

Universal Blue (Para Paints)
Hex #C5D2D4
RGB 197, 210, 212
CMYK 7, 1, 0, 17

Universal Green (RAL)

Universal Green (RAL), on the other hand, looks more or less exactly how you’d expect a “universal” color to look—clean, straightforward, and without a lot of conflicting undertones that might muddle the color. Universal Green (RAL) is a sturdy shade of medium-dark green with only a hint of gray and white for a lighter finish.

Universal Green (RAL)
Hex #006B38
RGB 0, 107, 56
CMYK 100, 0, 48, 58

Universal Grey (Glidden)

Finally, Universal Grey (Glidden) is a cool, no-nonsense shade of gray without any blue, red, or yellow to add any extra color to its depth. The end result is a medium-light gray shade with a smooth, almost metallic overall appearance.

Universal Grey (Glidden)
RGB 203, 203, 203
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 20

University of California Gold

We’ve already seen the gold color used by the University of California, Los Angeles, but University of California gold is the shade used throughout the UC school system for official publications and advertising. University of California Gold is a deep, burnished shade of brown with strong yellow and red undertones.

University of California Gold
Hex #B78727 
RGB 183, 135, 39
CMYK 0, 26, 79, 28

University of Tennessee Orange

Founded in 1794, the University of Tennessee was once home to thousands of American daisies that grew in the oldest parts of the campus. The daisies may be gone, but their vivid orange shade has remained as one of the official colors of the university itself.

University of Tennessee Orange
Hex #F77F00 
RGB 247, 127, 0
CMYK 0, 49, 100, 3

University Red (Ralph Lauren)

As mentioned earlier, multiple universities use crimson or red shades as their official colors, and University Red (Ralph Lauren) seeks to capture all of those shades at once! As a color, University Red (Ralph Lauren) is a bright shade of warm red with deeper gray and maroon notes beneath the surface.

University Red (Ralph Lauren)
Hex #B84642
RGB 184, 70, 66
CMYK 0, 62, 64, 28

Unknown Legend (Home Hardware)

Unknown Legend (Home Hardware) is a dark, mysterious shade of purple with strong black and gray undertones. The end result is a murky, enigmatic shade with hints of brighter color and a rich, deep overall appearance.

Unknown Legend (Home Hardware)
Hex #3E444C
RGB 62, 68, 76
CMYK 18, 11, 0, 70

Unmatched Beauty (Home Hardware)

Unmatched Beauty (Home Hardware) is a smooth, solid shade of medium-dark brown. The “beautiful” part of its name comes from the strong red and pink highlights that give this color a brighter, more engaging finish.

Unmatched Beauty (Home Hardware)
Hex #936365 
RGB 147, 99, 101
CMYK 0, 33, 31, 42

Unmellow Yellow

Also known as Laser Lemon, Unmellow Yellow is a decidedly un-mellow color—a vivid shade of electric yellow without any other colors to temper its shade and give it more of a muted finish.

Unmellow Yellow
Hex #FFFF66 
RGB 255, 255, 102
CMYK 0, 0, 60, 0

Un-Teal We Meet Again (Benjamin Moore)

Punny name aside, Un-Teal We Meet Again (Benjamin Moore) is a bright, steady shade of teal with strong white highlights. Similar in shade to the famous Tiffany Blue, Un-Teal We Meet Again (Benjamin Moore) is a friendly blue-green shade with an open, welcoming finish.

Un-Teal We Meet Again (Benjamin Moore)
Hex #7EC9C8
RGB 126, 201, 200
CMYK 37, 0, 0, 21

Unwind (Resene)

Unwind (Resene) is a cool, relaxed shade of green with strong gray undertones that help to sell the desaturated, relaxed finish of the overall hue. The end result is a soft gray-green with a hint of grayish blue throughout.

Unwind (Resene)
Hex #A8C1BB
RGB 168, 193, 187
CMYK 13, 0, 3, 24

Up a Lazy River (Glidden)

Despite the laid-back name, Up a Lazy River (Glidden) is a surprisingly intense shade—a deep blue that borders on black and features only the slightest hint of yellow to lend a watery green finish to the overall hue.

Up a Lazy River (Glidden)
Hex #37443C
RGB 55, 68, 60
CMYK 19, 0, 12, 73

UP Forest Green

UP Forest Green is a deep shade of dark green with strong gray and black undertones that push the color even further and give it a shadowy, mysterious overall finish. With just a hint of yellow to brighten the overall shade, this color is clearly inspired by the depths of a healthy forest.

UP Forest Green
Hex #014421 
RGB 1, 68, 33
CMYK 99, 0, 51, 73

UP Maroon

UP Maroon takes some of that same intensity and depth of color and applies it to a standard maroon base. The end result is a dark, rich maroon shade with strong notes of black and gray throughout for a deeper, more intense finish.

UP Maroon
Hex #7B1113 
RGB 123, 17, 19
CMYK 0, 86, 85, 52

Upon Reflection (Rodda Paint)

Upon Reflection (Rodda Paint) is a steady shade of brown without any twists or modifications to distract from its no-nonsense hue. As a result, Upon Reflection (Rodda Paint) scans as a simple, straightforward color that hardly requires any reflection at all!

Upon Reflection (Rodda Paint)
Hex #AE9568
RGB 174, 149, 104
CMYK 0, 14, 40, 32

Upsdell Red

Named after Reverend G. Upsdell, a British headmaster in Hong Kong during the Second World War, Upsdell Red is a deep shade of medium-dark red that’s often used for flags that are flown during night ceremonies due to its darker, more intense hue.

Upsdell Red
Hex #AE2029 
RGB 174, 32, 41
CMYK 0, 82, 76, 32

Uptown (Dutch Boy)

Uptown (Dutch Boy) is a cool, laid-back shade of blue with strong gray and white undertones that run beneath the surface and lends a stately, urbane bit of charm to what would otherwise be a standard shade of steely blue.

Uptown (Dutch Boy)
Hex #798E9D
RGB 121, 142, 157
CMYK 23, 10, 0, 38

Uptown Girl (Valspar)

Fast-paced, lively, and with a hint of youthful optimism lurking just below the surface, Uptown Girl (Valspar) is a cheery shade of warm reddish brown with strong orange undertones that help to elevate the overall color.

Uptown Girl (Valspar)
Hex #B45438
RGB 180, 84, 56
CMYK 0, 53, 69, 29

Up, Up, and Away (Ace)

Up, Up, and Away (Ace) is a brilliant shade of sky blue, inspired by the vast potential of the open sky and the open expanse beyond. Bright and sunny with only a hint of grayish white, Up, Up, and Away (Ace) is a dazzling, wide-open color.

Up, Up, and Away (Ace)
Hex #7FA0CE
RGB 127, 160, 206
CMYK 38, 22, 0, 19


Urahayanagi is a soft, dusty shade of light brownish green that draws its inspiration from the leaves of the willow tree—specifically, from the paler, brighter color that can typically be found on the underside of the leaves as opposed to the bolder colors of the top.

Hex #BCB58C 
RGB 188, 181, 140
CMYK 0, 4, 26, 26


Uranus is an extremely pale shade of blue with strong white and gray undertones running throughout. The planet Uranus derives its color from the bluish white methane that makes up the third-most-abundant component of the planet’s atmosphere.

Hex #CAF0F1 
RGB 202, 240, 241
CMYK 16, 0, 0, 5

Urban Blue

The first of several “urban” shades, Urban Blue is a bold, fast-paced shade of blue with warmer white and magenta undertones that help to capture the excitement and potential of life in the big city.

Urban Blue
Hex #2863C9 
RGB 40, 99, 201
CMYK 80, 51, 0, 21

Urban Blue 2

This second Urban Blue variant builds off of the first shade but pushes all of the values darker for a more intense shade. As a result, Urban Blue 2 is a medium-dark blue shade with hints of gray and black beneath the surface.

Urban Blue 2
Hex #0056A3
RGB 0, 86, 163
CMYK 100, 47, 0, 36

Urban Bungalow (Pratt and Lambert)

Urban Bungalow (Pratt and Lambert) is a light shade of warm brown with gray undertones that don’t do much to cool the overall shade. Inspired by the cozy houses and lofts found throughout many major cities, Urban Bungalow (Pratt and Lambert) is a lightweight, cheerful shade.

Urban Bungalow (Pratt and Lambert)
Hex #D7C7A9
RGB 215, 199, 169
CMYK 0, 7, 21, 16

Urban Charm (Columbia Paint)

Urban Charm (Columbia Paint) is a little bit darker than the previous entry on this list, but it still provides the same blend of warm brown and cooler gray in order to create a mild shade of medium-light brown.

Urban Charm (Columbia Paint)
Hex #B0A08B
RGB 176, 160, 139
CMYK 0, 9, 21, 31

Urban Dream (Valspar)

Urban Dream (Valspar) is a hazy, almost murky brown shade with hints of yellow and orange throughout. Unlike the previous entries, Urban Dream (Valspar) has more white than gray undertones, resulting in a lighter, mistier finish.

Urban Dream (Valspar)
RGB 198, 187, 174
CMYK 0, 6, 12, 22

Urban Getaway (Para Paints)

Urban Getaway (Para Paints) is another warm brown shade with a noticeable green-gray tone running throughout—a nod to the small green spaces that can serve as an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Urban Getaway (Para Paints)
Hex #A0957B
RGB 160, 149, 123
CMYK 0, 7, 23, 37

Urban Gold (Valspar)

Urban Gold (Valspar) looks about exactly the way you’d expect it to look—a bright, sunny shade of golden yellow that’s been significantly muted by the presence of the ubiquitous gray, black, and white highlights that give it a more reserved finish.

Urban Gold (Valspar)
Hex #DBC7A9
RGB 219, 199, 169
CMYK 0, 9, 23, 14

Urban Green

Urban Green is a mild green shade with white and gray undertones that help to capture some of the muted, reserved energy provided by the carefully planned and planted flora found throughout any major city.

Urban Green
Hex #089573 
RGB 8, 149, 115
CMYK 95, 0, 23, 42

Urban Grey (Glidden)

Urban Grey (Glidden) takes the cool gray and white highlights that have marked most of these shades and brings them to the forefront. The end result is a brisk, straightforward gray shade with only pale hints of red and yellow.

Urban Grey (Glidden)
RGB 194, 190, 191
CMYK 0, 2, 2, 24

Urban Jungle (Para Paints)

Urban Jungle (Para Paints) is an extremely dark shade of blue with only a hint of red or magenta to brighten the overall shade. As a color, Urban Jungle (Para Paints) is inspired by the deep, inviting shadows found down a busy city’s alleyways.

Urban Jungle (Para Paints)
Hex #33363C
RGB 51, 54, 60
CMYK 15, 10, 0, 76

Urban Legend

Urban Legend is a dark, murky shade of brown that borders on black with hints of red and orange beneath the surface. As a color, it draws its inspiration from the many whispered tales and rumors that give life to each new legend.

Urban Legend
Hex #42333A 
RGB 66, 51, 58
CMYK 0, 23, 12, 74

Urban Lights (Home Hardware)

Urban Lights (Home Hardware) is a warm brown shade with cooler gray and black notes throughout—inspired by the long shadows and sharp highlights of a crowded city street, Urban Lights (Home Hardware) is a brisk-fast paced overall shade.

Urban Lights (Home Hardware)
Hex #8A7B6E
RGB 138, 123, 110
CMYK 0, 11, 20, 46

Urban Midnight (Valspar)

Urban Midnight (Valspar) is a much lighter shade than the traditional Midnight variant. Inspired by the bright glow of a city in the middle of the night, Urban Midnight (Valspar) is a relatively light shade of dark bluish-black.

Urban Midnight (Valspar)
Hex #1D5872 
RGB 29, 88, 114
CMYK 75, 23, 0, 55

Urban Mode (Para Paints)

Urban Mode (Para Paints) is a bright, vivid shade of orange with subtle pink and white undertones that mute out the overall color and give it a more reserved finish while still allowing the sunny, cheerful orange notes to shine through.

Urban Mode (Para Paints)
RGB 235, 172, 124
CMYK 0, 27, 47, 8

Urban Natural (Canadian Tire)

Urban Natural (Canadian Tire) blends the soft, gentle shades of a Natural White with the stronger gray and black highlights that typically crop up in the Urban family. The end result is a light gray shade with a hint of a softer, creamier undertone.

Urban Natural (Canadian Tire)
RGB 194, 190, 190
CMYK 0, 2, 2, 24

Urban Oasis (Valspar)

Urban Oasis (Valspar) provides a bit of green in the middle of the concrete jungle. A brisk shade of dark green with hints of brown and black throughout, Urban Oasis (Valspar) captures the relaxation of a tropical oasis without sacrificing the fast-paced intensity of a city environment.

Urban Oasis (Valspar)
Hex #39565A
RGB 57, 86, 90
CMYK 37, 4, 0, 65

Urban Purple

Most of these urban colors take the “Urban” part of their name from their concrete gray undertones. Urban Purple continues this trend with a deep shade of medium-dark purple with strong gray black highlights for a smooth, rich finish.

Urban Purple
Hex #503F76 
RGB 80, 63, 118
CMYK 32, 47, 0, 54

Urban Pulse (Allen + Roth)

Urban Pulse (Allen + Roth) is a cool shade of dark brown with a steady black undertone for added intensity. The end result is an even, muted shade with a subtle orange or yellow hint of color that runs beneath the black.

Urban Pulse (Allen + Roth)
Hex #6E6867
RGB 110, 104, 103
CMYK 0, 5, 6, 57

Urban Putty (Behr)

Urban Putty (Behr) is a thick, viscous shade of dark gray with hints of green and yellow throughout. Despite the brighter undertones, the primary value in this shade comes from the strong gray and black overtones.

Urban Putty (Behr)
RGB 172, 173, 166
CMYK 1, 0, 4, 32

Urban Red

Urban Red is a brilliant, intense shade of red with strong orange and yellow highlights that push the brightness of the color even further in order to create a vivid, fast-paced shade of red that wouldn’t look out of place in the traffic signals of any major city.

Urban Red
Hex #C20E0F 
RGB 194, 14, 15
CMYK 0, 93, 92, 24

Urban Stone (Muralo)

Urban Stone (Muralo) is a neat, quiet shade of light blue with strong gray and white undertones to give this shade a bit of rocky flair. As a color, Urban Stone (Muralo) draws its inspiration from the cool concrete and stone facades of city buildings.

Urban Stone (Muralo)
Hex #B7D1D5
RGB 183, 209, 213
CMYK 14, 2, 0, 16

Urban Yellow

Finally, Urban Yellow is a bold shade of bright yellow with strong white and red undertones that help to create a warmer, more inviting shade. As a color, Urban Yellow is inspired by the glow of light through skyscraper windows.

Urban Yellow
Hex #FCCD0D 
RGB 252, 205, 13
CMYK 0, 19, 95, 1


The word “urbane” typically carries connotations of smoothness, gentility, and a quiet sort of charm. As a color, Urbane is a light, even shade of pale tan with strong gray and white undertones for a smooth, glossy finish.

Hex #D9D1CF 
RGB 217, 209, 207
CMYK 0, 4, 5, 15

Urbanista (Home Hardware)

Urbanista (Home Hardware) is a smooth, appropriately urbane shade of light grayish brown with hints of red and yellow beneath the surface for a brighter, more pleasant overall look. Originally intended as an interior design paint color, Urbanista (Home Hardware) easily makes the transition to graphic or digital design.

Urbanista (Home Hardware)
Hex #C7C3BC
RGB 199, 195, 188
CMYK 0, 2, 6, 22


Urobilin is a natural chemical found in the human digestive systems that helps to create the yellow color of urine. Somewhat unsurprisingly, Urobilin is a deep shade of yellow with some subtler red and brown undertones running beneath the surface.

Hex #E1AD21 
RGB 225, 173, 33
CMYK 0, 23, 85, 12

USA Blue (Glidden)

USA Blue (Glidden) is a very dark shade of blue that borders on black. With only a hint of red or violet to lift the overall shade, this color draws its inspiration from the dark blue stripe on the official flag of the United States of America.

USA Blue (Glidden)
Hex #303C55
RGB 48, 60, 85
CMYK 44, 29, 0, 67


USAFA Blue is a bold, dramatic shade of blue that is used in most of the publications, advertising, and official branding of the United States Air Force Academy. With a strong gray-black undertone and hints of deeper red and magenta, this color has a vivid, charismatic overall appearance.

Hex #004F98
RGB 0, 79, 152
CMYK 100, 48, 0, 40

USC Cardinal

USC Cardinal is one of two official colors of the University of Southern California. The USC Trojans typically wear this deep, intense shade of dark reddish maroon at any sporting events or school spirit events.

USC Cardinal
Hex #990000 
RGB 153, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 40

USC Gold

The second of two colors used by the University of Southern California, USC Gold is a vivid yellow shade with strong red and orange undertones. As of 2021, the athletes from University of Southern California have won more Olympic medals than any other university in the United States.

USC Gold
Hex #FFCC00 
RGB 255, 204, 0
CMYK 0, 20, 100, 0

Useful Brown (Dutch Boy)

Useful Brown (Dutch Boy) is a stately shade of medium-light brown with strong red and yellow undertones. The end result is a bright, warm shade of brown with hints of paler white and gray undertones that help to ground the overall hue.

Useful Brown (Dutch Boy)
Hex #B09566
RGB 176, 149, 102
CMYK 0, 15, 42, 31

Useful Gray (Sherwin Williams)

Useful Gray (Sherwin Williams) is a steady, practical gray shade with hints of sturdier brown beneath the surface. With just a touch of warmer yellow and orange shades, Useful Gray (Sherwin Williams) hides a touch of heat to an otherwise no-nonsense shade.

Useful Gray (Sherwin Williams)
RGB 207, 201, 187
CMYK 0, 3, 10, 19


Usu-iro is a thin, modest shade of purple with strong red and pink undertones. The warmer undertones lend a bit of heat to what would otherwise be a moderately dark shade of cool Lavender or Lilac Purple.

Hex #A87CA0 
RGB 168, 124, 160
CMYK 0, 26, 5, 34


Usu’ao is typically translated to mean “pale blue”, but the color itself has much more of a green tint to its overall finish. Nevertheless, Usu’ao has strong blue undertones that help to balance out the yellow, green and brown highlights running throughout.

Hex #8C9C76 
RGB 140, 156, 118
CMYK 10, 0, 24, 39


Usubeni is a pale crimson shade that draws its inspiration from a popular crimson dye. Over time, most crimson cloths tend to fade in color, and Usubeni captures that softer, paler shade of mild red with hints of pink and orange.

Hex #F2666C 
RGB 242, 102, 108
CMYK 0, 58, 55, 5


Usugaki literally means “pale persimmon”, and one glance at this shade is enough to explain why—this soft orange shade with strong pinkish red undertones clearly draws its inspiration from the thin skin of a ripe persimmon.

Hex #FCA474 
RGB 252, 164, 116
CMYK 0, 35, 54, 1


Usukō is another soft orange shade, but this color has a stronger brown or tan undertone that draws its inspiration from the small, thin pieces of wood that are burned to create the sweet smell of incense.

Hex #FFA565 
RGB 255, 165, 101
CMYK 0, 35, 60, 0


The phrase usumo’egi usually refers to the color of young green onions, pale before they ripen into a deeper hue. As a color, Usumo’egi is a soft, mild shade of green with hints of yellow and white running throughout.

Hex #8DB255 
RGB 141, 178, 85
CMYK 21, 0, 52, 30

Utah Crimson

Many schools and universities use crimson as one of their official colors, and the University of Utah is no exception. Utah Crimson is a relatively light crimson shade, with strong white, yellow and pink undertones that help create a bright, aggressive shade of red.

Utah Crimson
Hex #D3003F 
RGB 211, 0, 63
CMYK 0, 100, 70, 17

Utopia Beckons (Valspar)

Utopia Beckons (Valspar) is a cool, soothing shade of warm bluish green with strong white undertones that help to soften the overall shade and create a medium-light blue that promises perfection for your graphic or interior design needs.

Utopia Beckons (Valspar)
Hex #31B3BE
RGB 49, 179, 190
CMYK 74, 6, 0, 25

Utterly Beige (Sherwin Williams)

Despite what the name might imply, Utterly Beige (Sherwin Williams) is actually an incredibly soft shade of brown with only a hint of a deeper color. With subtle red and violet notes throughout, this color is a warm blend of several lighter shades.

Utterly Beige (Sherwin Williams)
Hex #B6A596
RGB 182, 165, 150
CMYK 0, 9, 18, 29

Utterly Blue (Valspar)

Utterly Blue (Valspar) continues the trend set in the previous entry with a pale, light shade of Baby Blue. The subtle gray notes running beneath the surface lend a solemn, stately finish, but the overall color is a pleasant shade of soft whitish blue.

Utterly Blue (Valspar)
RGB 174, 204, 228
CMYK 24, 11, 0, 11

Utterly Pink (Valspar)

Utterly Pink (Valspar) is a soft, sweet shade of pink that’s only a few shades away from being a pale pinkish off-white. Unlike some pink variants, Utterly Pink (Valspar) has some quiet notes of yellow and gray to help round out the shade and lend some extra depth.

Utterly Pink (Valspar)
RGB 251, 220, 228
CMYK 0, 12, 9, 2

Utterly Violet (Valspar)

Finally, Utterly Violet (Valspar) is a cool, smooth shade of light, floral purple. With sweeter pink and white highlights, this overall color is soft and gentle, without any of the darker gray-black or brighter red-violet colors that typically set Violet apart.

Utterly Violet (Valspar)
Hex #A6A6C4
RGB 166, 166, 196
CMYK 15, 15, 0, 23

All Colors A-Z

Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z