185 Colors That Start With F (Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK)

Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with f

If you’ve found yourself looking for any color that starts with “Fun,” “Fresh,” “French,” or “Fire,” then this is for you! This collection of colors beginning with the letter F may not be as long as some other alphabetical entries, but there are still plenty of colors to choose from. No matter what specific color family you’re interested in, you should be able to find a close match somewhere between all these colorful shades.

Here’s a list of colors that start with F, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:


Face is a bright orange shade, similar to Flesh but not nearly as pale, with warm pink and reddish undertones running beneath the surface.

Hex #FF936A 
RGB 255, 147, 106 
CMYK 0, 42, 58, 0

Facebook Blue

Facebook Blue is familiar to anyone who’s spent some time online, a bold deep blue used in most of the website’s branding and marketing.

Facebook Blue
Hex #3B5999 
RGB 59, 89, 153 
CMYK 61, 42, 0, 40

Facebook Navy Blue

Facebook Navy Blue is a little bit brighter, but it’s a variation on the digital color that Facebook uses to promote its content worldwide.

Facebook Navy Blue
Hex #2648AC 
RGB 38, 72, 172 
CMYK 78, 58, 0, 33

Faded Jade

As the name implies, Faded Jade is a darker, more muted variation of “true” Jade, with a deep greenish blue tint to its color.

Color personality quiz animation

Faded Jade
Hex #427977 
RGB 66, 121, 119 
CMYK 45, 0, 2, 53


Fahrenheit is a dark shade of maroon or reddish brown, named after the temperature-measuring unit and capturing some of the measuring system’s careful heat.

Hex #672E2B 
RGB 103, 46, 43 
CMYK 0, 55, 58, 60

Fair Pink

Fair Pink takes its name from the traditional, pale meaning of “fair”—an extremely light shade of pink with some soft brown or yellow undertones.

Fair Pink
RGB 255, 239, 236 
CMYK 0, 6, 7, 0


Fairground is a deep shade of bluish purple with strong red undertones, inspired by and named after the excitement of a traveling fair.

Hex #483A79 
RGB 72, 58, 121 
CMYK 40, 52, 0, 53

Fairy Tales Forest

Fairy Tales Forest is a rich green shade with just enough yellow to keep the overall hue cheerful enough to live up to its name.

Fairy Tales Forest
Hex #008000 
RGB 0, 128, 0 
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 50


Fairylight, on the other hand, is a much softer color—a gentle shade of pale purple with some sweeter pink undertones running throughout.

Hex #D5C7E8 
RGB 213, 199, 232 
CMYK 8, 14, 0, 9


Similarly, Fairytale is a muted lavender shade with some soft blue undertones that create a muted grayish purple shade despite the red starting point.

Hex #C6C4DB 
RGB 198, 196, 219 
CMYK 10, 11, 0, 14


Falcon is a bold shade of dark reddish brown, named for the bird of prey and inspired by the rich shade of its feathers.

Hex #7F626D 
RGB 127, 98, 109 
CMYK 0, 23, 14, 50

Fall Green

Despite its name, Fall Green is actually a lot closer to a yellow shade, drawing its inspiration from the soft yellow-green of early fall foliage.

Fall Green
RGB 236, 235, 189 
CMYK 0, 0, 20, 7


The word “fallow” describes a fertile field that’s not being used to grow anything, and the color Fallow draws inspiration from the rich golden brown shade of the soil.

Hex #C19A6B 
RGB 193, 154, 107 
CMYK 0, 20, 45, 24

Falu Red

Falu Red is a deep, dark shade of crimson red, with enough yellow running throughout to push it into the red-brown territory.

Falu Red
Hex #801818 
RGB 128, 24, 24 
CMYK 0, 81, 81, 50


Fandango is a bold, energetic shade of bright pinkish purple, named after and inspired by the lively Spanish and Portuguese dance of the same name.

Hex #B53389 
RGB 181, 51, 137 
CMYK 0, 72, 24, 29

Fandango Pink

Fandango Pink captures some of that same energy and excitement but mutes it out slightly for a brighter pink shade.

Fandango Pink
Hex #DE5285 
RGB 222, 82, 133 
CMYK 0, 63, 40, 13

Fandango Purple

Fandango Purple pushes Fandango in the opposite direction from the lighter, brighter Fandango Pink, creating a deep, intense shade of dark reddish purple.

Fandango Purple
Hex #5A3851 
RGB 90, 56, 81 
CMYK 0, 38, 10, 65


Fantasy is an extremely soft shade of white with just a hint of pink and yellow undertones running beneath the surface for an aged, antique look.

Hex #FAF3F0 
RGB 250, 243, 240 
CMYK 0, 3, 4, 2

Fashion Fuchsia

Fashion Fuchsia is a bright pink shade that’s often used in women’s fashion for a cheerful color that’s a little less jarring than “true” Fuchsia.

Fashion Fuchsia
Hex #F400A1 
RGB 244, 0, 161 
CMYK 0, 100, 34, 4

Fast Lane

Fast Lane is a bold, dramatic shade of dark reddish brown, inspired by the energetic optimism that the name usually connotes.

Fast Lane
Hex #892431 
RGB 137, 36, 49 
CMYK 0, 74, 64, 46


Inspired by the color of a young deer’s coat, Fawn is often used to describe the coats of other animals like dogs or horses—all with this warm, pale brown shade.

Hex #E5AA70 
RGB 229, 170, 112 
CMYK 0, 26, 51, 10

Fawn Green

Fawn Green is a traditional Fawn variant with a slightly higher blue-green undertone that creates this off-brown shade.

Fawn Green
Hex #C7BD95 
RGB 199, 189, 149 
CMYK 0, 5, 25, 22

Fawn Olive

Fawn Olive pushes the contrast even further in order to create a pale shade of Olive Green that’s been tempered by the softer brown Fawn color.

Fawn Olive
Hex #BCB88F 
RGB 188, 184, 143 
CMYK 0, 2, 24, 26


Fedora is a dark brown shade that draws its inspiration from the color of the hat that was so popular during Hollywood’s golden age.

Hex #796A78 
RGB 121, 106, 120 
CMYK 0, 12, 1, 53


Named after the pale green fronds and fruits of the plant family that shares its name, Feijoa is a soft green shade with subtle yellow undertones.

Hex #9FDD8C 
RGB 159, 221, 140 
CMYK 28, 0, 37, 13


Feldgrau is a dark brown shade with enough of a blue and yellow undertone running throughout to tip it into the green-brown territory.

Hex #4D5D53 
RGB 77, 93, 83 
CMYK 17, 0, 11, 64


Feldspar is inspired by the pale orange-brown mineral of the same name, and its color reflects that fact with its gold-orange overall appearance.

Hex #FDD5B1 
RGB 253, 213, 177 
CMYK 0, 16, 30, 1


Felix is another dark brown shade with bold red undertones to keep it from looking too dark or too grim while still packing plenty of visual impact.

Hex #534541 
RGB 83, 69, 65 
CMYK 0, 17, 22, 67


Fern is a medium dark shade of light green, significantly lighter than the woodland plant that gives it its name.

Hex #63B76C 
RGB 99, 183, 108 
CMYK 46, 0, 41, 28

Fern Frond

Fern Frond, on the other hand, is much closer in color to a traditional fern—a dark green shade with some woody brown undertones.

Fern Frond
Hex #657220 
RGB 101, 114, 32 
CMYK 11, 0, 72, 55

Fern Green

Finally, Fern Green rounds out the Fern family by providing a slightly lighter but still mostly dark shade of green that clearly draws its inspiration from the plant’s appearance.

Fern Green
Hex #4F7942 
RGB 79, 121, 66 
CMYK 35, 0, 45, 53


Ferra is a deep brown shade with a “ferrous” or rusty red tint running beneath the surface to lend a bit of extra warmth.

Hex #704F50 
RGB 112, 79, 80 
CMYK 0, 29, 29, 56

Ferrari Red

While Ferrari automobiles can be seen in a wide range of colors, the most famous by far is this bright, dynamic shade of vivid red.

Ferrari Red
Hex #FF2800 
RGB 255, 40, 0 
CMYK 0, 84, 100, 0

Ferris Wheel

Ferris Wheel is a bold purple shade that carries hints of Fairground purple with its energetic red undertones and adventuresome overall appearance.

Ferris Wheel
Hex #724AA1 
RGB 114, 74, 161 
CMYK 29, 54, 0, 37

Fertile Mind

The pale green notes of Fertile Mind speak to the potential for growth and discovery that a traditionally “fertile mind” will naturally display.

Fertile Mind
Hex #B9D6C2 
RGB 185, 214, 194 
CMYK 14, 0, 9, 16

Fervent Green

Fervent Green, on the other hand, is a much more dramatic shade of green with a bold brown undertone to lend a sense of “fervency” or energy.

Fervent Green
Hex #394F2B 
RGB 57, 79, 43 
CMYK 28, 0, 46, 69


Festival is a cheerful, optimistic shade of bright yellow that really captures the classic festival or party atmosphere!

Hex #FBE96C 
RGB 251, 233, 108 
CMYK 0, 7, 57, 2

Festive Green

Similarly, Festive Green has enough of a yellow undertone to lend a sense of cheer and excitement to what would otherwise be a medium dark green shade.

Festive Green
Hex #009C45 
RGB 0, 156, 69 
CMYK 100, 0, 56, 39


Feta, named after and inspired by feta cheese, shares the same pale or even slightly blue-gray color as its namesake.

Hex #F0FCEA 
RGB 240, 252, 234 
CMYK 5, 0, 7, 1


Feverpitch is an extremely intense shade of dark brown with only the slightest hints of yellow or green to lighten the shade’s overall appearance.

Hex #2D4325 
RGB 45, 67, 37 
CMYK 33, 0, 45, 74

Field Drab

Field Drab is a muted dark brown shade named for the “drab” or relatively un-showy colors that various armed forces around the world often use for fieldwork.

Field Drab
Hex #6C541E 
RGB 108, 84, 30 
CMYK 0, 22, 72, 58

Fiery Orange

Fiery Orange, as the name might imply, is a hot, energetic shade of orange with strong red undertones that punch the heat up even further.

Fiery Orange
Hex #B35213 
RGB 179, 82, 19 
CMYK 0, 54, 89, 30

Fiery Rose

Fiery Rose is a warm variation on true Rose, a bright shade of pink with a bold red undercurrent burning beneath the surface.

Fiery Rose
Hex #FF5470 
RGB 255, 84, 112 
CMYK 0, 67, 56, 0


Fiesta, much like Festival, is an energetic and cheerful shade with plenty of heat and vibrancy thanks to the yellow and red base notes.

Hex #BD7E2D 
RGB 189, 126, 45 
CMYK 0, 33, 76, 26

Fiji Green

Fiji Green is a rich green shade that draws its inspiration from the lush plant life found in the islands of the same name.

Fiji Green
Hex #636F22 
RGB 99, 111, 34 
CMYK 11, 0, 69, 56

FilmPro Black

FilmPro Black is the first of several colors in the “FilmPro” family—a series of colors used in film production and other graphic design arenas.

FilmPro Black
Hex #282828 
RGB 40, 40, 40 
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 84

FilmPro Burnt Sienna

FilmPro Burnt Sienna is a darker shade than true Sienna, a deep brown variation with some bold, bright red undertones.

FilmPro Burnt Sienna
Hex #522C2B 
RGB 82, 44, 43 
CMYK 0, 46, 48, 68

FilmPro Burnt Umber

Similarly, FilmPro is even darker than the already dark “true” Umber, and the end result is a deep shade of brown that almost passes for black.

FilmPro Burnt Umber
Hex #3A302C 
RGB 58, 48, 44 
CMYK 0, 17, 24, 77

FilmPro Chrome Green

FilmPro Chrome Green is another dark shade, and the gray or blue-gray undertones to this shade round out the deep green for a metallic finish.

FilmPro Chrome Green
Hex #2F452C 
RGB 47, 69, 44 
CMYK 32, 0, 36, 73

FilmPro Deep Red

As might be expected from the name, FilmPro Deep Red is a more intense variation of true red, with an almost purple tint resulting from the rich magenta shade.

FilmPro Deep Red
Hex #90243A 
RGB 144, 36, 58 
CMYK 0, 75, 60, 44

FilmPro Digital Blue

FilmPro Digital Blue is another dark color, a deep blue shade that’s popular with web designers and graphic artists alike.

FilmPro Digital Blue
Hex #2D2480 
RGB 45, 36, 128 
CMYK 65, 72, 0, 50

FilmPro Digital Green

In contrast, FilmPro Digital Green is a lot brighter than most of the other colors in the FilmPro family, a cheerful shade of deep Lime Green.

FilmPro Digital Green
Hex #44C553 
RGB 68, 197, 83 
CMYK 65, 0, 58, 23

FilmPro Emerald Green

FilmPro Emerald Green sticks to the FilmPro trend of being slightly darker than the “true” color, resulting in a rich shade of deep bluish green.

FilmPro Emerald Green
Hex #2C8139 
RGB 44, 129, 57 
CMYK 66, 0, 56, 49

FilmPro Fire Red

We’ve already seen Fiery Red, but FilmPro Fire Red is a dark red-brown shade that looks closer to a Brick or Rust Red than it does to a traditional red.

FilmPro Fire Red
Hex #A5333C 
RGB 165, 51, 60 
CMYK 0, 69, 64, 35

FilmPro Golden Yellow

FilmPro Golden Yellow is a bold yellow shade with strong red undertones that push it towards the orange family.

FilmPro Golden Yellow
Hex #F7B52D 
RGB 247, 181, 45 
CMYK 0, 27, 82, 3

FilmPro Lemon Yellow

FilmPro Lemon Yellow, on the other hand, is a much brighter and lighter shade of yellow than the previous entry on this list.

FilmPro Lemon Yellow
Hex #F3D52C 
RGB 243, 213, 44 
CMYK 0, 12, 82, 5

FilmPro Magenta

FilmPro Magenta is far more red than a traditional or “true” magenta would be, resulting in a bold shade of dark red with only a slight purple undertone.

FilmPro Magenta
Hex #AA305D 
RGB 170, 48, 93 
CMYK 0, 72, 45, 33

FilmPro Orange

FilmPro Orange is yet another darkened shade of a well-known base color, with a bold and almost brassy tint to its appearance.

FilmPro Orange
Hex #D4503C 
RGB 212, 80, 60 
CMYK 0, 62, 72, 17

FilmPro Pthalo Blue

Copper phthalocyanine is used to create blue or green shades that are already quite dark, and FilmPro Pthalo Blue pushes the blue even further for an intensely dramatic shade.

FilmPro Pthalo Blue
Hex #2B3860 
RGB 43, 56, 96 
CMYK 55, 42, 0, 62

FilmPro Pthalo Green

Similarly, FilmPro Pthalo Green is a very dark shade of green with just enough yellow to keep it from scanning as black.

FilmPro Pthalo Green
Hex #005645 
RGB 0, 86, 69 
CMYK 100, 0, 20, 66

FilmPro Purple

Continuing the FilmPro trend, FilmPro Purple is much darker than traditional purple, with a strong navy blue undertone muting out the brighter red values.

FilmPro Purple
Hex #362A4D 
RGB 54, 42, 77 
CMYK 30, 45, 0, 70

FilmPro Raw Sienna

As compared to FilmPro Burnt Sienna, FilmPro Raw Sienna is a much brighter, more yellow overall shade.

FilmPro Raw Sienna
Hex #66592E 
RGB 102, 89, 46 
CMYK 0, 13, 55, 60

FilmPro Raw Umber

On the same note, FilmPro Raw Umber is noticeably lighter than its “burnt” variation, but it still remains a dark shade of deep reddish brown.

FilmPro Raw Umber
Hex #3F3930 
RGB 63, 57, 48 
CMYK 0, 10, 24, 75

FilmPro Reduction Base

The lightest color in the FilmPro family, FilmPro reduction base is a pale off-white that’s often used as a base color to build upon or develop.

FilmPro Reduction Base
Hex #F1F0E9 
RGB 241, 240, 233 
CMYK 0, 0, 3, 5

FilmPro Sky Blue

If FilmPro Sky Blue resembles any sky at all, it’s the deep blue or rich blue-purple of the sky just before night truly starts.

FilmPro Sky Blue
Hex #355D90 
RGB 53, 93, 144 
CMYK 63, 35, 0, 44

FilmPro Ultramarine Blue

Ultramarine Blue can actually refer to a wide range of colors, but FilmPro Ultramarine Blue refers to this dark blue shade that borders on black.

FilmPro Ultramarine Blue
Hex #2C3E6B 
RGB 44, 62, 107 
CMYK 59, 42, 0, 58

FilmPro White

FilmPro White is actually slightly darker than FilmPro Reduction Base, with more of a magenta tint to add some warmth to the pale off-white shade.

FilmPro White
Hex #F9F6ED 
RGB 249, 246, 237 
CMYK 0, 1, 5, 2

FilmPro Yellow Oxide

Finally, FilmPro Yellow Oxide is a deep rusty brown shade tempered with plenty of yellow to keep it from sliding into the red territory.

FilmPro Yellow Oxide
Hex #B98036 
RGB 185, 128, 54 
CMYK 0, 31, 71, 27


The second bird-themed name on our list, Finch is a deep greenish brown inspired by the feathers of the bird of the same name.

Hex #626649 
RGB 98, 102, 73 
CMYK 4, 0, 28, 60


Finlandia is an old name for the country of Finland, and this deep green shade reflects the wealth of life and potential that that country holds.

Hex #556D56 
RGB 85, 109, 86 
CMYK 22, 0, 21, 57


Finn is a deep purplish brown shade with just enough red and blue undertones to keep it from looking too drab.

Hex #692D54 
RGB 105, 45, 84 
CMYK 0, 57, 20, 59


No matter how you spell it, this intensely dark blue shade is inspired by the deep waters and steep cliffs found around the world.

Hex #405169 
RGB 64, 81, 105 
CMYK 39, 23, 0, 59


Fir is another plant-inspired name, taking its appellation from the rich green shade and subtle brown undertones that are usually found on the trees that share its name.

Hex #28320F 
RGB 40, 50, 15 
CMYK 20, 0, 70, 80


Fire is another hot, bright shade of red with plenty of sizzling orange undertones.

Hex #AA4203 
RGB 170, 66, 3 
CMYK 0, 61, 98, 33

Fire Bush

Fire Bush is significantly lighter than the rest of the fire-themed color family, perhaps as a reflection of the lighter wood being consumed by the flames.

Fire Bush
Hex #E89928 
RGB 232, 153, 40 
CMYK 0, 34, 83, 9


Fireball is very similar in appearance to Fire, albeit with a slightly more noticeable orange undertone to brighten its appearance.

Hex #CC5C39 
RGB 204, 92, 57 
CMYK 0, 55, 72, 20


Firebrick is a warm, almost rusty shade of red, inspired by the warm hearth or oven stones that have long been used to prepare food.

Hex #B22222
RGB 178, 34, 34 
CMYK 0, 81, 81, 30


Firefly, on the other hand, is a deep black shade named not for the glowing lights of the firefly, but for the glossy black appearance of its body.

Hex #0E2A30 
RGB 14, 42, 48 
CMYK 71, 13, 0, 81

Fire Engine Red

Fire Engine Red is a bold shade of bright red that can be seen on fire trucks and other emergency response vehicles around the world.

Fire Engine Red
Hex #CE2029 
RGB 206, 32, 41 
CMYK 0, 84, 80, 19

Fire Red

Finally, Fire Red is a more muted variation on “true” Fire that still contains plenty of heat due to its strong yellow-orange undertones.

Fire Red
Hex #8F3F2A 
RGB 143, 63, 42 
CMYK 0, 56, 71, 44

Fish N Chips

Originally created by Jewish immigrants, fish and chips have become an iconic staple of British cuisine, and Fish N Chips reflects the golden shade of this fried dish.

Fish N Chips
Hex #DCAB4B 
RGB 220, 171, 75 
CMYK 0, 22, 66, 14


Similar in appearance to the previous entry, Fizz is a lightweight, effervescent shade of yellow with an almost orange tint.

Hex #F5CC23 
RGB 245, 204, 35 
CMYK 0, 17, 86, 4


Flair is another dramatic red shade with some subtle brown undertones, but it’s the strong red overtone that gives this color its eponymous flair!

Hex #B94B42 
RGB 185, 75, 66 
CMYK 0, 59, 64, 27


Briefly returning to our fire motif from earlier, Flame is a bright orange shade that carries all the heat and intensity of a roaring fireplace.

Hex #E25822 
RGB 226, 88, 34 
CMYK 0, 61, 85, 11

Flame Pea

Flame Pea may look a little less glaring than “true” Flame, but that’s because this bright orange-red shade is inspired by the flowers of the similarly-named plant.

Flame Pea
Hex #DA5B38 
RGB 218, 91, 56 
CMYK 0, 58, 74, 15


Flamenco is another fast-paced, energetic orange shade, the second dance-inspired color on this list, and full of plenty of drama and excitement.

Hex #FF7D07 
RGB 255, 125, 7 
CMYK 0, 51, 97, 0

Flamenco Flesh

Flamenco Flesh starts with true Flamenco and then tempers it by adding a paler orange “flesh” shade to the mix.

Flamenco Flesh
Hex #EA8645 
RGB 234, 134, 69 
CMYK 0, 43, 71, 8


Flamingo is another bold orange with strong red undertones, obviously inspired by the plumage of the bird with the same name.

Hex #F2552A 
RGB 242, 85, 42 
CMYK 0, 65, 83, 5

Flamingo Pink

Flamingo Pink, on the other hand, is a lot closer in shade to artistic depictions of flamingo birds than it is to the vibrant color that the birds usually display.

Flamingo Pink
Hex #FC8EAC 
RGB 252, 142, 172 
CMYK 0, 44, 32, 1

Flash Point

“Flash point” refers to the lowest temperature at which a liquid will ignite, and the color Flash Point is a deep reddish orange shade that captures the heat and potential of that one charged moment.

Flash Point
Hex #932C31 
RGB 147, 44, 49 
CMYK 0, 70, 67, 42


Flashback is a muted orange shade with a strong red undertone and brighter yellow notes throughout.

Hex #DF803E 
RGB 223, 128, 62 
CMYK 0, 43, 72, 13


Flattery is another dark shade of brown with some yellow and red notes to keep it from sliding all the way into black.

Hex #6B4423 
RGB 107, 68, 35 
CMYK 0, 36, 67, 58


“Flavescent” literally means “yellow in color”, so it should come as no surprise that Flavescent is a warm, traditional yellow shade.

Hex #F7E98E 
RGB 247, 233, 142 
CMYK 0, 6, 43, 3


Flax draws its inspiration from the crop that flourishes around the world and the golden fields of grain that lead to its production and share the color’s yellow-gold shade.

Hex #EEDC82 
RGB 238, 220, 130 
CMYK 0, 8, 45, 7

Flax Smoke

Flax Smoke, on the other hand, still has hints of that yellow glow but mutes it out considerably with a grayish green hue to reflect the smoke of its name.

Flax Smoke
Hex #7B8265 
RGB 123, 130, 101 
CMYK 5, 0, 22, 49


Fleece is a soft, pale off-white shade that draws its inspiration from the traditional color of a sheep’s wool.

Hex #E9E3D2 
RGB 233, 227, 210 
CMYK 0, 3, 10, 9


Flesh is a warm brownish-pink shade that used to be found in crayon boxes and on colored pencils around the world.

Hex #FFCBA4 
RGB 255, 203, 164 
CMYK 0, 20, 36, 0


Although the mineral flint can be found in many different colors, the most recognizable shade is this dark brownish gray variation.

Hex #6F6A61 
RGB 111, 106, 97 
CMYK 0, 5, 13, 56


Flirt is a fun-filled and fancy-free shade of magenta purple, with plenty of pink to lend it a lightweight, carefree attitude.

Hex #A2006D 
RGB 162, 0, 109 
CMYK 0, 100, 33, 36

Flirt Purple

Flirt Purple, on the other hand, is a much darker purple shade—but it still carries a noticeably pinkish red undertone for some much-needed levity.

Flirt Purple
Hex #7A2E4D 
RGB 122, 46, 77 
CMYK 0, 62, 37, 52

Floral White

Floral White is a soft, sweet off-white shade with only the slightest pink undertone to give it its romantic or floral nature.

Floral White
Hex #FFFAF0 
RGB 255, 250, 240 
CMYK 0, 2, 6, 0

Florentine Pink

Florentine Pink is much closer in shade to an orange or orange-brown, but the strong red undertones give it a little bit of pink’s youth and vibrancy.

Florentine Pink
Hex #D08363 
RGB 208, 131, 99 
CMYK 0, 37, 52, 18

Florida Sunshine

Florida Sunshine is a bright yellowish orange shade, clearly inspired by the rich, warm glow of a sunny Florida day.

Florida Sunshine
Hex #FFB329 
RGB 255, 179, 41 
CMYK 0, 30, 84, 0


Flotsam is a pale shade of gray with subtle brown undertones to evoke the color of driftwood tossed up on the beach.

Hex #C8C4C0 
RGB 200, 196, 192 
CMYK 0, 2, 4, 22

Flower Power

Flower Power is a sweetly nostalgic shade of pale purplish pink that hearkens back to the youthful optimism and energy of the 1960s Flower Power movement.

Flower Power
Hex #DEB7D9 
RGB 222, 183, 217 
CMYK 0, 18, 2, 13


Floyd is a muted pink shade with hints of red and orange to temper the color.

Hex #DA9CA6 
RGB 218, 156, 166 
CMYK 0, 28, 24, 15

Fluorescent Orange

“Fluorescent” refers to the light emitted through electromagnetic radiation, so it should come as no surprise that Fluorescent Orange is brighter, lighter, and more intense than traditional orange. 

Fluorescent Orange
Hex #FFBF00 
RGB 255, 191, 0 
CMYK 0, 25, 100, 0

Fluorescent Pink

Similarly, Fluorescent Pink dials up the intensity for an electric, bright pink shade.

Fluorescent Pink
Hex #FF1493 
RGB 255, 20, 147 
CMYK 0, 92, 42, 0

Fluorescent Yellow

Fluorescent Yellow is also brighter than traditional yellow, but the lime green undertones give it some extra sizzle.

Fluorescent Yellow
Hex #CCFF00 
RGB 204, 255, 0 
CMYK 20, 0, 100, 0

Fluorite Jade

Fluorite is a dark green mineral, and Fluorite Jade uses that same darkness to create a rich, dark green shade.

Fluorite Jade
Hex #296A54 
RGB 41, 106, 84 
CMYK 61, 0, 21, 58

Fluorite Pink

Fluorite Pink, too, embraces the dark blue undertones to push this shade into more of a purple overall appearance.

Fluorite Pink
Hex #7D7395 
RGB 125, 115, 149 
CMYK 16, 23, 0, 42

Flush Mahogany

Flush Mahogany is “flushed”, or treated with red, in order to create a warmer red-brown shade than true Mahogany.

Flush Mahogany
Hex #CA3435 
RGB 202, 52, 53 
CMYK 0, 74, 74, 21

Flush Orange

Similarly, Flush Orange is far more red than traditional orange, which lends this shade a warmer and brighter overall appearance. 

Flush Orange
Hex #FF7F00 
RGB 255, 127, 0 
CMYK 0, 50, 100, 0


Foam is a soft blue shade with some subtle green undertones, reminiscent of the foam that gathers on the edges of the waves at sea.

Hex #D8FCFA 
RGB 216, 252, 250 
CMYK 14, 0, 1, 1


As a color, Fog is a romanticized take on actual fog, with a sweetly nostalgic purple hue and quieter gray undertones running throughout. 

Hex #D7D0FF 
RGB 215, 208, 255 
CMYK 16, 18, 0, 0

Foggy Gray

Foggy Gray, on the other hand, is much closer to the color of an actual fog bank, with its solid gray appearance and cooler blue undertones.

Foggy Gray
Hex #CBCAB6 
RGB 203, 202, 182 
CMYK 0, 0, 10, 20

Folder (XP)

If you’ve ever used a Windows computer, you probably recognize this bright yellowish white as the color used for file explorers and default folders alike!

Folder (XP)
Hex #FFFA94 
RGB 255, 250, 148 
CMYK 0, 2, 42, 0

Foliage Green

Foliage Green is another plant name, but it’s noticeably lighter and more yellow than the typical Fir or Fern Green, a reflection of foliage’s strong yellow notes.

Foliage Green
Hex #80AC5F 
RGB 128, 172, 95 
CMYK 26, 0, 45, 33


Folly is an almost aggressively bright pink shade with a vivid magenta undercurrent that pushes the intensity even further.

Hex #FF004F 
RGB 255, 0, 79 
CMYK 0, 100, 69, 0


Foobar is unique on this list because it actually takes its name from the transliteration of its hex code! Foobar is another very bright pink or magenta shade. 

Hex #F00BA4 
RGB 240, 11, 164 
CMYK 0, 95, 32, 6


Footloose is the third magenta pink shade in a row, but it’s much more muted than its immediate predecessors, with a more purple overall appearance.

Hex #A4613A 
RGB 164, 97, 58 
CMYK 0, 41, 65, 36


The forecast for this particular shade seems to be mostly cloudy, as Forecast is a dark gray shade with rainy blue undertones.

Hex #A2AAB1 
RGB 162, 170, 177 
CMYK 8, 4, 0, 31


Forest is much paler than you might expect, with a soft green appearance and pale yellow undertones running beneath the green.

Hex #B5DBAF 
RGB 181, 219, 175 
CMYK 17, 0, 20, 14

Forest Green

Forest Green, on the other hand, has much more of the deep green appearance and subtle brown undertones that you might expect from the name.

Forest Green
Hex #014421 
RGB 1, 68, 33 
CMYK 99, 0, 51, 73

Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not is a pale off-white shade with only the slightest pink and yellow undertones, drawing inspiration from the pale flower of the same name.

Forget Me Not
Hex #FFF1EE 
RGB 255, 241, 238 
CMYK 0, 5, 7, 0

Forget Me Not Paddle

Forget Me Not Paddle starts with Forget Me Not as a base, but significantly increases the blue value to create a bold but still muted shade of medium blue.

Forget Me Not Paddle
Hex #6291D9 
RGB 98, 145, 217 
CMYK 55, 33, 0, 15


Fossil is a dusty brown shade with aged reddish orange undertones to capture some of the age and history that the name usually implies.

Hex #D5CBB2 
RGB 213, 203, 178 
CMYK 0, 5, 16, 16


Named after the ironworking plants of ages long past, Foundry is a deep, dark shade of metallic brown. 

Hex #2C2E32 
RGB 44, 46, 50 
CMYK 12, 8, 0, 80

Fountain Blue

Fountain Blue is a dynamic blue shade with strong greenish undertones that evoke the glimmer of water in a decorative fountain.

Fountain Blue
Hex #56B4BE 
RGB 86, 180, 190 
CMYK 55, 5, 0, 25


The first of two clergy-themed colors on this list, Franciscan is a warm brown shade inspired by the robes of the Franciscan order of monks.

Hex #543D27 
RGB 84, 61, 39 
CMYK 0, 27, 54, 67


Named after the flower that boasts a similar color, Frangipani is a soft, subtle off-white shade with some quiet pink and yellow accents.

Hex #FFDEB3 
RGB 255, 222, 179 
CMYK 0, 13, 30, 0


Freedom is an intense, dramatic shade of dark royal blue with just enough of a yellow undertone to keep it from sliding all the way into Navy Blue.

Hex #006246 
RGB 0, 98, 70 
CMYK 100, 0, 29, 62


Freestyling may look like just another gray shade, but it’s actually got hints of blue and purple to help round out the color.

Hex #A4A8B0 
RGB 164, 168, 176 
CMYK 7, 5, 0, 31

French Beige

French Beige is a medium dark brown shade that’s a lot more reddish brown than traditional Beige usually appears.

French Beige
Hex #A67B5B 
RGB 166, 123, 91 
CMYK 0, 26, 45, 35

French Bistre

Also known as Beechwood brown or soot brown, “bistre” refers to a dark shade of grayish brown, and French Bistre is an even darker variant on that hue.

French Bistre
Hex #856D4D 
RGB 133, 109, 77 
CMYK 0, 18, 42, 48

French Blue (Bleu)

French Blue or French Bleu is the national color of France, long used in both a military and athletic setting to represent the country.

French Blue (Bleu)
Hex #0072BB 
RGB 0, 114, 187 
CMYK 100, 39, 0, 27

French Fuchsia

French Fuchsia is every bit as bold and dramatic as true Fuchsia, but it’s a darker shade thanks to the muted magenta undercurrent.

French Fuchsia
Hex #FD3F92 
RGB 253, 63, 146 
CMYK 0, 75, 42, 1

French Gray

True gray is actually an extremely pale shade, but French Gray is a medium dark shade with some cooler blue and warmer red undertones.

French Gray
Hex #BDBDC6 
RGB 189, 189, 198 
CMYK 5, 5, 0, 22

French Gray Blue

French Gray Blue is a dark shade of gray with strong bluish purple undertone to lend some added weight and depth of color.

French Gray Blue
Hex #7A8394 
RGB 122, 131, 148 
CMYK 18, 11, 0, 42

French Lilac

You may have noticed a trend among the “French” variations, and French Lilac carries that trend out by being a noticeably darker shade of purple than traditional Lilac.

French Lilac
Hex #86608E 
RGB 134, 96, 142 
CMYK 6, 32, 0, 44

French Lime

French Lime is a cheerful, energetic shade of Lime Green with the distinctive yellow tint that sets that shade apart from other green variations.

French Lime
Hex #9EFD38 
RGB 158, 253, 56 
CMYK 38, 0, 78, 1

French Mauve

French Mauve is a muted purple shade that was extremely popular in the mid-1800s before quickly falling out of favor.

French Mauve
Hex #D473D4 
RGB 212, 115, 212 
CMYK 0, 46, 0, 17

French Mocha

French Mocha is a warm brown shade with strong red undertones, inspired by the rich coffee drink popularized in French cafes.

French Mocha
Hex #B58873 
RGB 181, 136, 115 
CMYK 0, 25, 36, 29

French Pass

French Pass is a pale shade of Robin’s Egg Blue, inspired by the snowy peaks of the French Alps.

French Pass
Hex #A4D2E0 
RGB 164, 210, 224 
CMYK 27, 6, 0, 12

French Pink

French Pink is very similar to traditional Pink, albeit with a slightly more intense red tint.

French Pink
Hex #FD6C9E 
RGB 253, 108, 158 
CMYK 0, 57, 38, 1

French Plum

French Plum is a dark purple shade with a strong red undertone that draws its inspiration from the fruit of the same name.

French Plum
Hex #811453 
RGB 129, 20, 83 
CMYK 0, 84, 36, 49

French Puce

“Puce” can refer to any number of pinkish-brown shades, but French Puce is the name given to this very dark brown shade with only the slightest hint of reddish pink.

French Puce
Hex #4E1609 
RGB 78, 22, 9 
CMYK 0, 72, 88, 69

French Raspberry

French Raspberry is a bold shade that veers closer to a true red than it does towards the purplish Raspberry shade, and the end result is a dramatic red-orange hue.

French Raspberry
Hex #C72C48 
RGB 199, 44, 72 
CMYK 0, 78, 64, 22

French Rose

French Rose is a darker variation on traditional Rose Pink or Rose Red, with a stronger red undertone to punch up the color.

French Rose
Hex #F64A8A 
RGB 246, 74, 138 
CMYK 0, 70, 44, 4

French Sky Blue

French Sky Blue is lighter than French Blue, more in line with a traditional Sky Blue, but it still retains the intense color of a “true” French Blue.

French Sky Blue
Hex #77B5FE 
RGB 119, 181, 254 
CMYK 53, 29, 0, 0

French Vanilla

French Vanilla is actually named for the custard-based ice cream that shares this warm, yellow-white color and was popular in France at the turn of the century.

French Vanilla
Hex #FDE59F 
RGB 253, 229, 159 
CMYK 0, 9, 37, 1

French Violet

French Violet is a little bit bolder than traditional Violet, with a more intense overall shade and a warmer feel.

French Violet
Hex #8806CE 
RGB 136, 6, 206 
CMYK 34, 97, 0, 19

French Wine

French Wine is a deep red shade with some stronger purple or even deep brown undertones that pay homage to the vineyards found throughout the hills of France.

French Wine
Hex #AC1E44 
RGB 172, 30, 68 
CMYK 0, 83, 60, 33


Frenzee is a bold shade of light yellow-orange, although it still retains a strong magenta or red undertone to keep it from looking too pale.

Hex #F7A233 
RGB 247, 162, 51 
CMYK 0, 34, 79, 3

Fresh Air

Fresh Air is a pale shade of light blue that takes both its name and its inspiration from the wide-open freedom and expanse of a cloudless sky.

Fresh Air
Hex #A6E7FF 
RGB 166, 231, 255 
CMYK 35, 9, 0, 0

Fresh Eggplant

Fresh Eggplant is an intense reddish-purple shade that’s just a little bit brighter than “true” Eggplant as a reflection of this color’s comparative “freshness”!

Fresh Eggplant
Hex #990066 
RGB 153, 0, 102 
CMYK 0, 100, 33, 40

Friar Gray

Friar Gray is a cool gray-brown shade that draws its inspiration from the robes worn by Catholic friars or monks in medieval Europe.

Friar Gray
Hex #807E79 
RGB 128, 126, 121 
CMYK 0, 2, 5, 50

Fringy Flower

Fringy Flower is a soft green shade with enough of a blue undertone to evoke a sweeter, more floral tint to its appearance.

Fringy Flower
Hex #B1E2C1 
RGB 177, 226, 193 
CMYK 22, 0, 15, 11


Frizzell is a cheerful soft brown shade with plenty of warmth and energy thanks to the strong yellow undertone running beneath the surface.

Hex #AD812F 
RGB 173, 129, 47 
CMYK 0, 25, 73, 32


Sharing its name with a remote Russian settlement, Froly is a warm shade of pinkish orange with some stronger red undertones.

Hex #F57584 
RGB 245, 117, 132 
CMYK 0, 52, 46, 4


Frontier is a dark greenish-brown shade with some warmer brown undertone, inspired by the limitless potential and excitement that the word “frontier” evokes.

Hex #999D7A 
RGB 153, 157, 122 
CMYK 3, 0, 22, 38


Frost is a pale off-white shade with the slightest hint of a golden undertone that captures the way light reflects off of glittering frost crystals.

Hex #EDF5DD 
RGB 237, 245, 221 
CMYK 3, 0, 10, 4


Frostbite is a much brighter color than you might expect, but this aggressively pink shade actually draws its inspiration from the reddened color of exposed skin undergoing frostbite.

Hex #E936A7 
RGB 233, 54, 167 
CMYK 0, 77, 28, 9

Frosted Mint

Frosted Mint takes traditional Mint Green and pushes the paleness up even further to create a cool, icy shade of pale green.

Frosted Mint
Hex #DBFFF8 
RGB 219, 255, 248 
CMYK 14, 0, 3, 0


Frostee is a warm, pale shade of creamy off-white, named for the frozen treats offered by many fast food and local restaurants alike.

Hex #E4F6E7 
RGB 228, 246, 231 
CMYK 7, 0, 6, 4

Froth Green

Froth Green is a pale shade of greenish brown that draws its inspiration from the foam found in coffee houses around the world.

Froth Green
Hex #CAC7B7 
RGB 202, 199, 183 
CMYK 0, 1, 9, 21

Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad is a cheerful shade of bright green, inspired by the blend of fruits you’ll typically find at a summertime potluck or picnic!

Fruit Salad
Hex #4F9D5D 
RGB 79, 157, 93 
CMYK 50, 0, 41, 38


True Fuchsia is a bright, almost shocking shade of pink that registers as a “pure” magenta value in a digital setting.

Hex #FF00FF 
RGB 255, 0, 255 
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 0

Fuchsia Blue

Fuchsia Blue is closer to a purple shade than it is to a traditional blue, thanks to Fuchsia’s bright pinkish magenta impact.

Fuchsia Blue
Hex #7A58C1 
RGB 122, 88, 193 
CMYK 37, 54, 0, 24

Fuchsia Pink

Fuchsia Pink is much paler than Fuchsia, muted out by an increased white value in order to create a softer shade.

Fuchsia Pink
Hex #FF77FF 
RGB 255, 119, 255 
CMYK 0, 53, 0, 0

Fuchsia Purple

Fuchsia Purple is significantly muted by the blue undertone, but it retains enough of Fuchsia’s characteristic vibrancy and intensity to remain in the Fuchsia family.

Fuchsia Purple
Hex #C154C1 
RGB 193, 84, 193 
CMYK 0, 56, 0, 24

Fuchsia Rose

Fuchsia Rose is the last Fuchsia variant on this list, a blend of traditional Rose Pink and brighter Fuchsia that results in a warm, bold shade of pink.

Fuchsia Rose
Hex #C74375 
RGB 199, 67, 117 
CMYK 0, 66, 41, 22


As you might expect from reading the name, Fudge is an extremely dark shade of warm brown that draws its inspiration from the confection of the same name.

Hex #6A3E2A 
RGB 106, 62, 42 
CMYK 0, 42, 60, 58


Despite its fiery name, Fuego is actually a relatively cool light green shade, although it does still contain enough yellow to bring the heat.

Hex #BEDE0D 
RGB 190, 222, 13 
CMYK 14, 0, 94, 13

Fuel Gold

Fuel Gold is a bold shade of dark golden orange, inspired by the energy and heat created by any type of fuel throughout history.

Fuel Gold
Hex #D19033 
RGB 209, 144, 51 
CMYK 0, 31, 76, 18

Fuel Yellow

Fuel Yellow is very similar in shade to Fuel Gold, albeit with a much brighter or sunnier overall appearance as a result of the higher yellow value.

Fuel Yellow
Hex #ECA927 
RGB 236, 169, 39 
CMYK 0, 28, 83, 7


Fulvous is a bright orange-brown color that’s often used to describe various birds, animals, or even plants that bear the distinctive shade.

Hex #E48400 
RGB 228, 132, 0 
CMYK 0, 42, 100, 11

Fun Blue

Fun Blue is a warm shade of deep blue with a subtle purple undertone running beneath the surface.

Fun Blue
Hex #1959A8 
RGB 25, 89, 168 
CMYK 85, 47, 0, 34

Fun Fair

Similar in shade to Fairground purple, Fun Fair is a bold, dramatic shade of dark purple with enough of a navy blue undertone to add a sense of mystery.

Fun Fair
Hex #772C68 
RGB 119, 44, 104 
CMYK 0, 63, 13, 53

Fun Green

Fun Green may look like a regular green shade at first glance, but it has a definite yellow undertone for an extra hint of energy.

Fun Green
Hex #016D39 
RGB 1, 109, 57 
CMYK 99, 0, 48, 57


Fungi is a pale shade of light brown that draws its inspiration from the mushrooms and other fungus varieties that you can find growing around the world.

Hex #C3B5AE 
RGB 195, 181, 174 
CMYK 0, 7, 11, 24


Funk is an appropriately “funky” color—a yellow brown shade with a warmth and energy that’s offset by its sickly green undertone.

Hex #C6AA24 
RGB 198, 170, 36 
CMYK 0, 14, 82, 22

Fuscous Gray

The word “fuscous” means “dark” or “dusky”, so it should come as no surprise that Fuscous Gray is a dark, smoky shade of deep gray.

Fuscous Gray
Hex #54534D 
RGB 84, 83, 77 
CMYK 0, 1, 8, 67


Fusion is a dark reddish brown shade with some subtle green undertones that keep it from tipping into the red family.

Hex #98463E 
RGB 152, 70, 62 
CMYK 0, 54, 59, 40

Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown

Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown is a warm shade of brown with an almost red tint to it, inspired by the former Crayola crayon of the same name.

Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown
Hex #C45655 
RGB 196, 86, 85 
CMYK 0, 56, 57, 23

All Colors A-Z

Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z