![Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with g](https://www.color-meanings.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/colors-that-start-with-g-1024x576.png)
With all the different variants of “green,” “gold,” and “gray” falling under the same umbrella, it’s hardly surprising that there are relatively many colors beginning with the letter G. They should provide a jumping-off point to get started in your search for the perfect color. For clarity’s sake, we’ve removed most of the “gray” vs. “grey” duplicates, but plenty of colors remain to help you find the specific shade you’re looking for.
Here’s a list of colors that start with G, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:
Gable Green
Gable Green is a dark green shade with some subtle blue-gray undertones, inspired by the dark colors found on traditional roofing gables across Western Europe and North America.
Gable Green
Hex #163531
RGB 22, 53, 49
CMYK 58, 0, 8, 79
Gaddafi is a warm off-white or deep tan color with some light red and orange undertones to give it a brighter feel without being too overwhelming.
RGB 255, 222, 173
CMYK 0, 13, 32, 0
A soft off-white shade with some cooler blue undertone, Gainsboro shares its name with a popular men’s cologne that debuted in the 1970s and has been popular ever since.
RGB 220, 220, 220
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 14
Drawing its inspiration from the wide-open expanses of space, Galactica is a deep blue shade with gray black undertones that still expose plenty of the original color.
Hex #303655
RGB 48, 54, 85
CMYK 44, 36, 0, 67
Similarly, Galaxy is an even deeper shade of bluish black, inspired by the vast, mysterious reaches of outer space that remain unexplored to this day.
Hex #303641
RGB 48, 54, 65
CMYK 26, 17, 0, 75
In contrast to the previous two entries, Gallery is a bright white shade that draws its inspiration from the clean walls and open design of most contemporary art galleries.
RGB 239, 239, 239
CMYK 0, 0, 0. 6
Named after the sweet herbal liqueur of the same name, Galliano is a bright, almost grassy shade of warm orange-brown with a sweet vanilla undertone that mimics the drink in question.
Hex #DCB20C
RGB 220, 178, 12
CMYK 0, 19, 95, 14
A deep shade of warm orange, Gamboge is the name of the pigment that traditionally is used to dye the robes of Buddhist monks.
Hex #E49B0F
RGB 228, 155, 15
CMYK 0, 32, 93, 11
Gannet Grey
The name “gannet” actually refers to a family of seabirds found throughout the northern Atlantic, and Gannet Grey takes its name from their darker accent feathers.
Gannet Grey
Hex #8E918F
RGB 142, 145, 143
CMYK 2, 0, 1, 43
Gargoyle is a medium dark shade of stony brown, inspired by the grotesque architectural monsters found lurking in cathedrals and castles throughout most of Europe.
Hex #907E69
RGB 144, 126, 105
CMYK 0, 12, 27, 44
Gargoyle Gas
Gargoyle Gas, on the other hand, is a much brighter shade of yellow with only the slightest red or orange undertones to keep it from being a true yellow color.
Gargoyle Gas
Hex #FFDF46
RGB 255, 223, 70
CMYK 0, 13, 73, 0
Garnet Red
Garnet Red is named after and clearly inspired by the deep red birthstone of the same name—an almost purplish shade of rich, dark red.
Garnet Red
Hex #6C000F
RGB 108, 0, 15
CMYK 0, 100, 86, 58
Garnet Orange
Garnet Orange uses Garnet Red as its base, but dials up the yellow value in order to create a muted shade of bold-reddish orange with brown undertones.
Garnet Orange
Hex #CB624D
RGB 203, 98, 77
CMYK 0, 52, 62, 20
In medieval Europe, the gauntlet was a leather or metal glove worn to protect the hands and wrists during battle, and the color Gauntlet is a solid greenish-gray or brown that pays homage to the sturdy construction of the armor.
Hex #716F69
RGB 113, 111, 105
CMYK 0, 2, 7, 56
Inspired by the curses of Irish mythology, Geas is a misty, almost mysterious shade of pale greenish blue.
Hex #78A890
RGB 120, 168, 144
CMYK 29, 0, 14, 34
Gecko is a dark green with warm brown undertones, inspired by the scaly skin of the animal that bears the same name.
Hex #45634B
RGB 69, 99, 75
CMYK 30, 0, 24, 61
It may not be the technical name, but “geebung” is the colloquial name for a family of plants that often produce flowers with this cheerful orange-brown hue.
Hex #D18F1B
RGB 209, 143, 27
CMYK 0, 32, 87, 18
Gelato is a soft shade of pink with some cooler undertones that push it into almost a pale purple shade, inspired by the frozen treat of the same name.
RGB 219, 183, 190
CMYK 0, 16, 13, 14
Generic Viridian
Despite its name, Generic Viridian is a uniquely vivid shade of dark green with bluish undertones, a favorite among traditional artists and graphic artists alike.
Generic Viridian
Hex #007F66
RGB 0, 127, 102
CMYK 100, 0, 20, 50
Geneva is an extremely pale shade of yellow with slight green-brown undertones, inspired by the art and architecture that make up the famous city in Switzerland.
Hex #D2E09E
RGB 210, 224, 158
CMYK 6, 0, 29, 12
Genie is a light blue shade with brighter undertones that draws its inspiration from the Genie character—famously voiced by Robin Williams—in Disney’s 1992 animated movie, Aladdin.
Hex #62B3F2
RGB 98, 179, 242
CMYK 60, 26, 0, 5
Genie Purple
Genie Purple, on the other hand, is a deep, mystical reddish purple that draws its inspiration more directly from the jinn of pre-Islamic Arabian folklore and mythology.
Genie Purple
Hex #833E77
RGB 131, 62, 119
CMYK 0, 53, 9, 49
Genoa is the second city-inspired entry on this list—a deep shade of dark green inspired by the rich colors and lush natural setting of the city of Genoa, in Italy.
Hex #15736B
RGB 21, 115, 107
CMYK 82, 0, 7, 55
Georgia Clay
Georgia Clay is a dark reddish brown shade that draws its inspiration from the red clay deposits found throughout most of the American South.
Georgia Clay
Hex #A95143
RGB 169, 81, 67
CMYK 0, 52, 60, 34
Geraldine is a sweet shade of light pink with enough of a red-orange undertone to give the color just a little bit of an extra kick!
Hex #FB8989
RGB 251, 137, 137
CMYK 0, 45, 45, 2
Geranium Red
Although geranium flowers can be found in many colors, Geranium Red refers to the bright orange-red shade that is by far one of the most popular varieties.
Geranium Red
Hex #F04B51
RGB 240, 75, 81
CMYK 0, 69, 66, 6
German Grey
German Grey is an extremely dark shade of gray with only the slightest hint of a brown undertone running beneath the surface to lighten the shade’s overall appearance.
German Grey
Hex #414C52
RGB 65, 76, 82
CMYK 21, 7, 0, 68
Originally the name of a prominent Apache leader, the word “Geronimo” has morphed over time into a generic rallying cry, and the color Geronimo is a bold shade of dark red that reflects some of that excitement and adventure.
Hex #88213C
RGB 136, 33, 60
CMYK 0, 76, 56, 47
Get Reddy
Get Reddy is another deep red shade with some brighter orange undertones to push the value and brighten the overall shade.
Get Reddy
Hex #AD3539
RGB 173, 53, 57
CMYK 0, 69, 67, 32
Geyser is a pale shade of off-white with some subtle blue or green undertones, inspired by the mineral-rich spray of a natural geyser.
Hex #D4DFE2
RGB 212, 223, 226
CMYK 6, 1, 0, 11
Ghost is a pale, misty shade of light purple that clearly draws its inspiration from the barely-there phantoms found in worldwide folklore and stories.
Hex #C7C9D5
RGB 199, 201, 213
CMYK 7, 6, 0, 16
Ghost White
Similarly, Ghost White draws its inspiration from the same source but decreases the saturation for an extremely pale shade of bluish off-white with hardly any other color at all.
Ghost White
Hex #F8F8FF
RGB 248, 248, 255
CMYK 3, 3, 0, 0
Ghoulish Graham Cracker
Despite the slightly ominous name, Ghoulish Graham Cracker is actually a very warm shade of deep reddish brown with some bold brown undertones running throughout.
Ghoulish Graham Cracker
Hex #803300
RGB 128, 51, 0
CMYK 0, 60, 100, 50
Giant’s Club
Giant’s Club is a tough, dependable shade of brown that’s every bit as sturdy and imposing as its name would imply, albeit with some brighter red undertones.
Giant’s Club
Hex #B05C52
RGB 176, 92, 82
CMYK 0, 48, 53, 31
Giants Orange
This incredibly vivid orange shade has been the official color of the San Francisco Giants since the North American baseball team moved to San Francisco in 1958.
Giants Orange
Hex #FE5A1D
RGB 254, 90, 29
CMYK 0, 65, 89, 0
Gigas is a deep shade of bold royal blue with enough of a red undertone to push it even further into the territory of a dark purplish-blue.
Hex #523C94
RGB 82, 60, 148
CMYK 45, 59, 0, 42
Giggle is a warm shade of purple that’s dark enough to pack plenty of visual weight while still providing all of the brightness and youthful energy that the name would imply.
Hex #69326E
RGB 105, 50, 110
CMYK 5, 55, 0, 57
Although it’s usually spelled “gimlet”, “gimblet” is an old spelling for the gin and lime juice cocktail that has a similar pale greenish-yellow tint as the color Gimblet.
Hex #B8B56A
RGB 184, 181, 106
CMYK 0, 2, 42, 28
Speaking of gin, the color Gin is a pale, woody green with some light yellow undertones, inspired by the alcohol that primarily derives its flavor from juniper berries.
Hex #E8F2EB
RGB 232, 242, 235
CMYK 4, 0, 3, 5
Gin Fizz
Finally, Gin Fizz is a slightly brighter yellowish-white shade that draws its inspiration from the gin, lemon juice, and sugar cocktail of the same name.
Gin Fizz
Hex #FFF9E2
RGB 255, 249, 226
CMYK 0, 2, 11, 0
Ginger is a deep brown shade with warm red undertones, inspired by the spice that many of us can find lurking in our own spice cabinets at home!
Hex #B06500
RGB 176, 101, 0
CMYK 0, 43, 100, 31
Gingerbread, on the other hand, has even more of a red undertone as a nod to the warmth and spice of the seasonal cookies.
Hex #C86A50
RGB 200, 106, 80
CMYK 0, 47, 60, 22
Gingko trees are native to China but are grown around the world, valued for their unusually shaped leaves that change from the Gingko greenish brown pictured here to a bright yellow shade.
Hex #A59C55
RGB 165, 156, 85
CMYK 0, 5, 48, 35
Named for the many cities in France that bear the same name, Givry is a pale shade of yellowish-brown with a muted white overtone.
Hex #F8E4BF
RGB 248, 228, 191
CMYK 0, 8, 23, 3
Glacier is a cool shade of blue with a grayish-blue undertone to decrease the warmth of the overall shade and give it a frosty appearance.
Hex #80B3C4
RGB 128, 179, 196
CMYK 35, 9, 0, 23
Glade Green
Glade Green is inspired by the shadows that lurk in a wooded or forested glade and is a deep shade of green with some strong brown undertones.
Glade Green
Hex #61845F
RGB 97, 132, 95
CMYK 27, 0, 28, 48
The word “glaucous” is often used to describe birds and plants that bear this distinctive pale gray or bluish green color on their feathers or in their leaves and flowers, respectively.
Hex #6082B6
RGB 96, 130, 182
CMYK 47, 29, 0, 29
Glistening White
Glistening White, as the name might imply, is a vivid white shade with just enough yellow to give it a hint of glitter or gold.
Glistening White
Hex #F4F4EC
RGB 244, 244, 236
CMYK 0, 0, 3, 4
In contrast, Glitter is a far less flashy shade than you may have expected—a pale shade of purple with only subtle reddish pink undertones.
Hex #E6E8FA
RGB 230, 232, 250
CMYK 8, 7, 0, 2
Glitter Purple
Glitter Purple is a far more intense shade of purple that’s dark enough to almost pass for black in certain lights due to the strong gray-blue undertones.
Glitter Purple
Hex #413A5D
RGB 65, 58, 93
CMYK 30, 38, 0, 64
Glitterati is a glamorous, sophisticated shade of pale green-brown that captures some of the refined poise and elegance of the fashionable crowd that shares its name.
Hex #B3AD97
RGB 179, 173, 151
CMYK 0, 3, 16, 30
Glitterbug is a bold shade of dark red with some strong purple-red undertones to give the overall shade a sense of youth, energy, and overall vivacity.
Hex #A92A37
RGB 169, 42, 55
CMYK 0, 75, 67, 34
Glossy Grape
Glossy Grape is a lot paler than the grape shades we’ll see later on this list, but it still retains the solid purple hues that keep it firmly in the grape family.
Glossy Grape
Hex #AB92B3
RGB 171, 146, 179
CMYK 4, 18, 0, 30
Go Ben
Go Ben is a dark green shade with plenty of brown undertones, resulting in a muted green-brown shade with a strong visual impact.
Go Ben
Hex #726D4E
RGB 114, 109, 78
CMYK 0, 4, 32, 55
Go Go Go
Go Go Go is another green shade, but this particular variety has a strong yellow undertone that increases the energy and creates a sense of movement and excitement.
Go Go Go
Hex #76AD4C
RGB 118, 173, 76
CMYK 32, 0, 56, 32
GO Green
Similar to the above entry, GO Green is a bright, dynamic shade of green with blue and yellow undertones for a more rounded, fast-paced overall feeling.
GO Green
Hex #00AB66
RGB 0, 171, 102
CMYK 100, 0, 40, 33
Goblin is a dark shade of green with some murky brown or even black undertones, inspired by the mischievous creatures found in various worldwide folklore and mythologies.
Hex #3D7D52
RGB 61, 125, 82
CMYK 51, 0, 34, 51
Gobstoppers, also known as jawbreakers, can come in just about any color, but the color Gobstopper refers to this bold shade of extremely dark purplish blue.
Hex #583580
RGB 88, 53, 128
CMYK 31, 59, 0, 50
Goddess is technically part of the pink family, but it’s been treated with so much yellow and red that it creates a bold, intense shade of peach that borders on orange.
RGB 251, 171, 143
CMYK 0, 32, 43, 2
As a mineral, goethite is often an extremely dark brown color. However, this mineral can be used to make the bright orange pigment that gives the color Goethite its name.
Hex #EAA22C
RGB 234, 162, 44
CMYK 0, 31, 81, 8
The first of several gold or gold-themed names on this list, Gold is a bold, dramatic yellow shade inspired by the valuable mineral that shares its dazzling color.
Hex #FFD700
RGB 255, 215, 0
CMYK 0, 16, 100, 0
Gold Drop
Gold Drop is much closer to an orange shade than it is to a true Gold variety, but it still retains enough of a yellow undertone to keep it in the family.
Gold Drop
Hex #F18200
RGB 241, 130, 0
CMYK 0, 46, 100, 5
Gold Dust
Gold Dust has plenty of brown and red running beneath the surface, a nod to the dust that miners would sort through in hopes of striking it rich.
Gold Dust
Hex #927748
RGB 146, 119, 72
CMYK 0, 18, 51, 43
Gold Foil
Gold Foil is a muted gold shade with some cooler green-brown undertones running throughout.
Gold Foil
Hex #BD9B16
RGB 189, 155, 22
CMYK 0, 18, 88, 26
Gold Fusion
Gold Fusion is a deep brown shade that still has a warm golden yellow undertone beneath the surface, keeping the shade from being too dark or foreboding.
Gold Fusion
Hex #85754E
RGB 133, 117, 78
CMYK 0, 12, 41, 48
Gold Rush
Like Gold Dust, Gold Rush is a warm brown shade that captures some of the frantic excitement and ambition that characterized so many gold rushes around the world.
Gold Rush
Hex #A28A64
RGB 162, 138, 100
CMYK 0, 15, 38, 36
Gold Sand
Gold Sand is inspired by the reflection of light in the desert—a warm shade of orange-red with some brighter yellow undertones to elevate the color.
Gold Sand
Hex #E6BE8A
RGB 230, 190, 138
CMYK 0, 17, 40, 10
Gold Tips
Gold Tips is a lot closer to a true Gold than many of the entries on this list, with only a slightly grayed or muted undertone to keep it from presenting as traditional Gold.
Gold Tips
Hex #DEBA13
RGB 222, 186, 19
CMYK 0, 16, 91, 13
Golden Bell
Golden Bell is a bold shade of orange, inspired by the bronze or gold bells used throughout antiquity in various cultures around the world.
Golden Bell
Hex #E28913
RGB 226, 137, 19
CMYK 0, 39, 92, 11
Golden Brown
Golden Brown is a warm, no-nonsense brown shade with some strong red and yellow undertones to earn its placement on this list.
Golden Brown
Hex #996515
RGB 153, 101, 21
CMYK 0, 34, 86, 40
Golden Dream
Golden Dream is a pale gold shade with some warmer orange and bright yellow undertones that lighten the overall color into an ethereal, dreamlike area of the color wheel.
Golden Dream
Hex #F0D52D
RGB 240, 213, 45
CMYK 0, 11, 81, 6
Golden Fizz
A golden fizz is a variation on the gin fizz drink mentioned above, with the addition of an egg yolk to give it the bright, sunny color that gives this shade its name.
Golden Fizz
Hex #F5FB3D
RGB 245, 251, 61
CMYK 2, 0, 76, 2
Golden Flesh
Golden Flesh starts with a traditional Flesh color as its base before dialing up the yellow value in order to create a warmer, sunnier appearance.
Golden Flesh
Hex #F9D77E
RGB 249, 215, 126
CMYK 0, 14, 49, 2
Golden Glow
Golden Glow, as the name might imply, is a softly luminescent color with enough of a yellow undertone to provide warmth beneath the general light.
Golden Glow
Hex #FDE295
RGB 253, 226, 149
CMYK 0, 11, 41, 1
Golden Grass
Golden Grass is a dark yellow-orange shade that draws its inspiration from the color of wild grasses towards the end of the summer.
Golden Grass
Hex #DAA521
RGB 218, 165, 33
CMYK 0, 24, 85, 15
Golden Poppy
Golden Poppy is inspired by the state flower of California. These bright orange blossoms can be found growing wild in various wildlife or preserves throughout the Golden State.
Golden Poppy
Hex #FCC200
RGB 252, 194, 0
CMYK 0, 23, 100, 1
Golden Sand Beach
Golden Sand Beach is another color that draws its inspiration from the reflection of the sun off of sand—in this case, the sand that lines beaches around the world.
Golden Sand Beach
Hex #F0DB7D
RGB 240, 219, 125
CMYK 0, 9, 48, 6
Golden Straw
Golden Straw is much darker in shade than real straw typically appears, with a bold orange undertone for some extra head and intensity.
Golden Straw
Hex #F6C346
RGB 246, 195, 70
CMYK 0, 21, 72, 4
Golden Tainoi
Golden Tainoi is another bright orange-gold shade that draws its inspiration from the color of a specific type of flying insect, known colloquially as a “blood bee”.
Golden Tainoi
RGB 255, 204, 92
CMYK 0, 20, 64, 0
Golden Yellow
Golden Yellow is a simple shade of gold mixed with pure yellow in order to create a bold, energetic shade of bright yellow with only a slight brown undertone.
Golden Yellow
Hex #FFDF00
RGB 255, 223, 0
CMYK 0, 13, 100, 0
The name “goldenrod” is often applied to a large number of flowering plants, but the color Goldenrod refers to this deep orange-yellow shade with strong brown undertones.
Hex #DAA520
RGB 218, 165, 32
CMYK 0, 24, 85, 15
Goldfish is named after the popular aquarium fish of the same name, which may come in a wide range of colors but is typically pictured in this bold, dramatic reddish-orange shade.
Hex #D36A0F
RGB 211, 106, 15
CMYK 0, 50, 93, 17
Goldmine is a dusty dark brown shade inspired by the deep tunnels and passageways that miners cut in an attempt to find gold.
Hex #9B8160
RGB 155, 129, 96
CMYK 0, 17, 38, 39
Gondola is a dark shade of purplish black that draws its inspiration from the inky waters of the Venetian canals that gondoliers glide through on a daily basis.
Hex #261414
RGB 38, 20, 20
CMYK 0, 47, 47, 85
Gondola Grey
Similarly, Gondola Grey is named after the deep bluish-gray color that many of those famous gondolas adopt in their various designs or color schemes.
Gondola Grey
Hex #373332
RGB 55, 51, 50
CMYK 0, 7, 9, 78
Goo is a bright, childish shade of green with plenty of yellow to brighten the overall shade and lend it a cheerful, energetic overall appearance.
Hex #59BE37
RGB 89, 190, 55
CMYK 53, 0, 71, 25
Good Apollo
Good Apollo is a bright shade of pale yellow, named after the sun god of Greek mythology and capturing some of the light intensity of that deity’s traditional domain.
Good Apollo
Hex #F0E6A5
RGB 240, 230, 165
CMYK 0, 4, 31, 6
Gooseberries tend to come in a wide range of colors, but perhaps the most famous variety is the pale greenish shade that the color Gooseberry reflects in its appearance.
Hex #BFC298
RGB 191, 194, 152
CMYK 2, 0, 22, 24
Gooseberry Sour
Gooseberry Sour, on the other hand, is clearly inspired by the deep red or purple-red berries that make up another prominent part of the gooseberry family.
Gooseberry Sour
Hex #853148
RGB 133, 49, 72
CMYK 0, 63, 46, 48
Gordons Green
Gordons Green looks a lot more like a black than a true green shade, at first glance, but closer inspection reveals it to be an extremely dark shade of green with a strong yellow undertone.
Gordons Green
Hex #0B1107
RGB 11, 17, 7
CMYK 35, 0, 59, 93
Although the spiny leaves and thorns of the gorse bush may be green, the year-round flowers that give Gorse its name are a bright, dramatic yellow.
Hex #FFF14F
RGB 255, 241, 79
CMYK 0, 5, 69, 0
In terms of fashion, “gossamer” usually refers to a white or sheer fabric—but in terms of color, Gossamer refers to this bold shade of bluish green.
Hex #069B81
RGB 6, 155, 129
CMYK 96, 0, 17, 39
Gossip is a pale green shade with strong yellow undertones, inspired by the traditionally “green” envy or jealousy that drives most gossip.
Hex #D2F8B0
RGB 210, 248, 176
CMYK 15, 0, 29, 3
Gossip Green
Similarly, Gossip Green starts with the same pale green-yellow but increases the green for a more intense overall hue with extra drama and impact.
Gossip Green
Hex #9FD385
RGB 159, 211, 133
CMYK 25, 0, 37, 17
Gotham is a dark black shade that draws its inspiration from the murky alleyways and criminal intrigues of the famous comic book city that serves as Batman’s hometown.
Hex #303B44
RGB 48, 59, 68
CMYK 29, 13, 0, 73
Gothic is a mysterious shade of bluish gray with enough of a red undertone to turn it into almost a pale shade of muted purple-gray.
Hex #6D92A1
RGB 109, 146, 161
CMYK 32, 9, 0, 37
GOV Position
GOV Position is a solid, dependable shade of red with some brighter yellow or orange undertones that give this color a brownish red tint to its overall appearance.
GOV Position
Hex #C05854
RGB 192, 88, 84
CMYK 0, 54, 56, 25
Governor Bay
Governor Bay, at the mouth of the Ottowa River in Ontario, Canada, serves as the inspiration behind this bold and dramatic royal blue shade.
Governor Bay
Hex #2F3CB3
RGB 47, 60, 179
CMYK 74, 66, 0, 30
Governor Bay Purple
Governor Bay Purple starts at the same bold royal blue shade as the previous entry, but it carries a much stronger red undertone that pushes it firmly into the purple category.
Governor Bay Purple
Hex #51559B
RGB 81, 85, 155
CMYK 48, 45, 0, 39
Graceland is a dreamy, slightly nostalgic shade of dusty dark purple, inspired by the long shadows and faded glory of Elvis’s famous estate in Memphis, Tennessee.
Hex #877482
RGB 135, 116, 130
CMYK 0, 14, 4, 47
Grain Brown
Grain Brown is a pale shade of brown with a strong golden undertone that evokes the imagery of a wide grain field waving gently in the wind.
Grain Brown
Hex #E4D5B7
RGB 228, 213, 183
CMYK 0, 7, 20, 11
Grain Sand
Grain Sand mixes Sandy Yellow and Grain Brown in order to create a warm, bright shade of yellow with plenty of golden light and solid weight.
Grain Sand
Hex #EECC00
RGB 238, 204, 0
CMYK 0, 14, 100, 7
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon is a deep shade of brown with strong red undertones, inspired by the dramatic cliffs and stunning vistas of the Grand Canyon in Arizona, United States.
Grand Canyon
Hex #6D3834
RGB 109, 56, 52
CMYK 0, 49, 52, 57
Like several other entries on this list, Grandis is a warm shade of pale yellow with strong orange undertones that provide extra warmth and color.
Hex #FFD38C
RGB 255, 211, 140
CMYK 0, 17, 45, 0
Granite Gray
Granite stone can be found in many different colors and patterns, but Granite Gray represents the bold, solid gray tone that’s perhaps the most common shade of this particular stone.
Granite Gray
Hex #676767
RGB 103, 103, 103
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 60
Granite Green
Granite Green, on the other hand, has plenty of gray to ground it in a stony category, but it also has some yellow-green undertones to reflect mineral flecks often found within granite stone.
Granite Green
Hex #8D8974
RGB 141, 137, 116
CMYK 0, 3, 18, 45
Granny Smith
Granny Smith is a soft shade of pale greenish gray with some subtle blue undertones to round out the color.
Granny Smith
Hex #84A0A0
RGB 132, 160, 160
CMYK 17, 0, 0, 37
Granny Smith Apple
In contrast, Granny Smith Apple is a bright, vivacious shade of green with yellow undertones, inspired by the appearance of the fruit with which it shares its name.
Granny Smith Apple
Hex #A8E4A0
RGB 168, 228, 160
CMYK 26, 0, 30, 11
While grapes can come in green or white varieties, when most of us picture grapes, we think of this bold, rich shade of dark purple with red undertones.
Hex #6F2DA8
RGB 111, 45, 168
CMYK 34, 73, 0, 34
Grape Juice
Similarly, Grape Juice pushes those deep purple notes even deeper in order to create an extremely dark shade with a more dramatic look.
Grape Juice
Hex #575083
RGB 87, 80, 131
CMYK 34, 39, 0, 49
Named after the material found in pencils and often mistaken for lead, Graphite is a dark black shade with some almost metallic gray undertones running beneath the surface.
Hex #251607
RGB 37, 22, 7
CMYK 0, 41, 81, 85
Grass is a very dark green shade that captures the intensely green hues of an open field of grass at the end of a long summer day.
Hex #153023
RGB 21, 48, 35
CMYK 56, 0, 27, 81
Grass Stain
Grass Stain is a little bit lighter—albeit not by very much—and draws its inspiration from the greenish brown stains you may find on your clothes after a day’s hike.
Grass Stain
Hex #165B31
RGB 22, 91, 49
CMYK 76, 0, 46, 64
Grasshopper is a yellowish-brown shade of green that draws its inspiration from the tough body of the common grasshopper, found in large numbers in grassy areas around the world.
Hex #7A7229
RGB 122, 114, 41
CMYK 0, 7, 66, 52
Grasslands is another deep green shade that combines the lush green of a grass color with the warmer brown shades of the soil beneath.
Hex #3D3D2E
RGB 61, 61, 46
CMYK 0, 0, 25, 76
Dark, stony, and dependable, Gravel is a dark shade of gray with some subtle brown undertones as a nod to the mixed nature of most gravel.
Hex #4A444B
RGB 74, 68, 75
CMYK 1, 9, 0, 71
Hearkening back to some of the earlier space-themed names that we saw, Gravity is a deep black shade that puts viewers in mind of the inexorable pull of a black hole.
Hex #3D4040
RGB 61, 64, 64
CMYK 5, 0, 0, 75
True Gray is a lot lighter than you may have been expecting, but it’s also been completely desaturated of every hue except for black.
RGB 190, 190, 190
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 25
Gray Asparagus
Gray Asparagus starts with a traditional gray base before adding a bit of dark green for a deep gray shade with strong green undertones.
Gray Asparagus
Hex #465945
RGB 70, 89, 69
CMYK 21, 0, 22, 65
Gray Blue
Similarly, Gray Blue starts with that same pale gray before increasing the blue values to result in a soft gray shade with an almost purple-blue undertone.
Gray Blue
Hex #8C92AC
RGB 140, 146, 172
CMYK 19, 15, 0, 33
Gray Chateau
Gray Chateau is inspired by the soft grayish brown slate used to build houses throughout Western Europe—a pale shade with equal parts blue and brown beneath the surface.
Gray Chateau
Hex #A2AAB3
RGB 162, 170, 179
CMYK 9, 5, 0, 30
Gray Nickel
Gray Nickel is inspired by the mineral of the same name, which gives this particular shade a slightly brown tint to its pale gray appearance.
Gray Nickel
Hex #C3C3BD
RGB 195, 195, 189
CMYK 0, 0, 3, 24
Gray Nurse
Gray Nurse may look closer to a white or off-white shade than to a gray base, but it still retains those cool gray undertones to keep it from looking too warm.
Gray Nurse
Hex #E7ECE6
RGB 231, 236, 230
CMYK 2, 0, 3, 7
Gray Olive
Gray Olive starts with Olive Green, typically a dark brownish green shade, and mutes it out with plenty of pale gray to get this light gray-green.
Gray Olive
Hex #A9A491
RGB 169, 164, 145
CMYK 0, 3, 14, 34
Gray Suit
Gray Suit is a cool, pale gray shade with a slightly purple undertone that keeps it from looking too clinical—perfect for a stylish day suit.
Gray Suit
RGB 193, 190, 205
CMYK 6, 7, 0, 20
Gray Sky
Gray Sky is another pale shade with purplish undertones, noticeably paler than the previous entry, inspired by the murky, cloudy color of the sky on a gray sort of day.
Gray Sky
Hex #D5D8DD
RGB 213, 216, 221
CMYK 4, 2, 0, 13
True Grey, like true Gray, is an extremely pale color with only the slightest increase in key or black values to keep it from scanning as completely white.
RGB 238, 238, 238
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 7
True Green is an intense shade of bright greenish-yellow, completely untouched by red or magenta values that would tamp down this otherwise brilliant shade.
Hex #00FF00
RGB 0, 255, 0
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 0
Green Blue
At first glance, Green Blue looks far more like a traditional blue than it does any sort of green, but a closer look will reveal some very subtle green undertones.
Green Blue
Hex #1164B4
RGB 17, 100, 180
CMYK 91, 44, 0, 29
Green-Cyan, on the other hand, is a predominantly green shade with some subtle bright blue or cyan notes running beneath the surface.
Hex #009966
RGB 0, 153, 102
CMYK 100, 0, 33, 40
Green Fields
Green Fields draws its inspiration from the same sources that we saw earlier for the “grassy” shades—and as a result, this dark greenish brown shade looks very similar to those variants.
Green Fields
Hex #3E6334
RGB 62, 99, 52
CMYK 37, 0, 47, 61
Green Grapes
We’ve already seen Grape purple, but now it’s time for Green Grapes, a pale yellow-green shade inspired by the green or “white” grapes that make up white wine!
Green Grapes
Hex #D0DC78
RGB 208, 220, 120
CMYK 5, 0, 45, 14
Green Haze
As the name might imply, Green Haze is a dark green shade that’s been treated with a lighter blue undertone to give a hazy or misty finished appearance.
Green Haze
Hex #01A368
RGB 1, 163, 104
CMYK 99, 0, 36, 36
Green House
Green House is another dark green shade that draws its inspiration from the weathered look of a house that’s been exposed to the elements for years.
Green House
Hex #24500F
RGB 36, 80, 15
CMYK 55, 0, 81, 69
Green Kelp
Even as compared to the previous dark greens, Green Kelp is an extremely dark shade that takes its name from the appearance of the underwater plants that line the shallow ocean floors.
Green Kelp
Hex #25311C
RGB 37, 49, 28
CMYK 24, 0, 43, 81
Green Leaf
Green Leaf is a solid green shade with enough of a yellow undertone to both brighten the shade and remind the viewer of the rich green found on trees, bushes, and flowers alike.
Green Leaf
Hex #436A0D
RGB 67, 106, 13
CMYK 37, 0, 88, 58
Green Lizard
Green Lizard is a very bright greenish yellow shade inspired by the color of the typical cartoon lizard.
Green Lizard
Hex #A7F432
RGB 167, 244, 50
CMYK 32, 0, 80, 4
Green Meets Blue
Green Meets Blue is a bold blend of green and blue that still has a high enough key value to veer towards gray.
Green Meets Blue
Hex #455B58
RGB 69, 91, 88
CMYK 24, 0, 3, 64
Green Mist
Green Mist is a foggy shade of pale green, similar in appearance to Geyser but slightly darker, with a subtle yellow undertone running throughout.
Green Mist
Hex #CBD3B0
RGB 203, 211, 176
CMYK 4, 0, 17, 17
Green Pea
Green Pea is a dark shade of royal green with some very faint yellow undertones, inspired by the dark green pod of a pea plant.
Green Pea
Hex #1D6142
RGB 29, 97, 66
CMYK 70, 0, 32, 62
Green Room
In show business, a green room is a type of waiting room where performers can relax before putting on a show, and the color Green Room uses a soft yellow undertone to capture some of the anticipation of these spaces.
Green Room
Hex #388160
RGB 56, 129, 96
CMYK 57, 0, 26, 49
Green Sheen
Green Sheen is a soft, muted green shade with plenty of cool blue and blue-green undertones.
Green Sheen
Hex #6EAEA1
RGB 110, 174, 161
CMYK 37, 0, 7, 32
Green Smoke
Green Smoke combines the bold yellows and blues of a traditional green with the hazy gray-brown shade of smoke to create a blend of green, gray, and yellow.
Green Smoke
Hex #A4AF6E
RGB 164, 175, 110
CMYK 6, 0, 37, 31
Green Spring
Green Spring is another pale shade that would almost pass for gray if it weren’t for the pale green undertones lurking just beneath the surface.
Green Spring
Hex #B8C1B1
RGB 184, 193, 177
CMYK 5, 0, 8, 24
Green Tea
Green Tea is a warm shade of green with strong yellow and brown undertones, clearly inspired by the warm, comforting, and aromatic drink of the same name.
Green Tea
Hex #95A226
RGB 149, 162, 38
CMYK 8, 0, 77, 36
Green Vogue
Green Vogue actually has a much higher blue value than it does green, which results in this rich shade of extremely dark blue tempered only slightly by an equally dark green value.
Green Vogue
Hex #032B52
RGB 3, 43, 82
CMYK 96, 48, 0, 68
Green Waterloo
Green Waterloo is one of the last dark green shades in the “green” portion of this list, with some very dark brown undertones pushing the intensity even further.
Green Waterloo
Hex #101405
RGB 16, 20, 5
CMYK 20, 0, 75, 92
Green White
Green White looks pretty much exactly the way you’d expect it to, given the name—an extremely pale shade of off-white with some very muted light green undertones.
Green White
Hex #E8EBE0
RGB 232, 235, 224
CMYK 1, 0, 5, 8
Green Yellow
Green Yellow is another bright, sunshine-y blend of green and yellow that results in this cheerful and endlessly energetic shade of green.
Green Yellow
RGB 173, 255, 47
CMYK 32, 0, 82, 0
Although the word “greenback” is colloquially used to refer to American money today, the color Greenback is much closer in shade to the very dark ink used on true Greenback bills during the American Civil War.
Hex #44583B
RGB 68, 88, 59
CMYK 23, 0, 33, 65
Greenstone is actually lighter than some of the other dark green varieties on this list thanks to the gray-brown undertones that brighten the overall shade.
Hex #246C46
RGB 36, 108, 70
CMYK 67, 0, 35, 58
During the 18th and 19th century, grenadier soldiers were often denoted by their large, distinctive headgear and their brightly colored coats—typically dyed the bright red color that gives this shade its name.
Hex #D54600
RGB 213, 70, 0
CMYK 0, 67, 100, 16
Grenadier Red
Similarly, Grenadier Red draws inspiration from those soldiers to create a bold, dark red shade.
Grenadier Red
Hex #C14D36
RGB 193, 77, 54
CMYK 0, 60, 72, 24
Greywacke refers to either a type of sandstone made up of a mix of various mineral types or the clay that the stone’s sediment often forms. Either way, this pale gray shade is inspired by the loose concept of greywacke itself.
RGB 188, 184, 190
CMYK 1, 3, 0, 25
Grizzly is a bold, rich red shade inspired by the fur of the powerful and dangerous grizzly bear.
Hex #885818
RGB 136, 88, 24
CMYK 0, 35, 82, 47
Groovy is a cool, chill shade of green with some cheerful yellow undertones and a smooth, mellowed-out overall appearance.
Hex #5CA345
RGB 92, 163, 69
CMYK 44, 0, 58, 36
Groundbreaker is a bold, dramatic shade of dark blue with solid gray undertones that carries all of the weight and the visual impact that its name would seem to imply.
Hex #5A4F40
RGB 90, 79, 64
CMYK 0, 12, 29, 65
“Grullo” is a word often used to describe the tan-gray or mouse-gray coat of various horse breeds around the world, all of which share this distinctive gray-brown color.
Hex #A99A86
RGB 169, 154, 134
CMYK 0, 9, 21, 34
Guardsman Brown
Guardsman Brown is a rich reddish-brown shade that draws its inspiration from the uniforms of many official “guard” units around the world.
Guardsman Brown
Hex #952E31
RGB 149, 46, 49
CMYK 0, 69, 67, 42
Guardsman Red
Guardsman Red takes Guardsman Brown and pushes it one step further to result in a dramatic red shade that’s just a little bit too dark to be considered a “true” red.
Guardsman Red
Hex #BA0101
RGB 186, 1, 1
CMYK 0, 99, 99, 27
Gules is a very specific shade of red that can be found on the heraldic coats of arms of several prominent houses in European history.
Hex #E00000
RGB 224, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 12
Gulf Blue
Gulfs—large geographical areas where the ocean dips into a landmass—typically have unusually deep waters, which explains why Gulf Blue is such a dark, deep shade.
Gulf Blue
Hex #051657
RGB 5, 22, 87
CMYK 94, 75, 0, 66
Gulf Stream
The Gulf Stream is a steady current in the Atlantic Ocean that flows from the Gulf of Mexico up the eastern coast of the United States, carrying warmer waters across the Atlantic towards Europe. As a color, Gulf Stream reflects that warmer current with a brighter, softer shade of blue.
Gulf Stream
Hex #80B3AE
RGB 128, 179, 174
CMYK 28, 0, 3, 30
Gull is a pale gray shade inspired by the feathers of multiple birds in the gull family.
Hex #9DACB7
RGB 157, 172, 183
CMYK 14, 6, 0, 28
Gum is a bright, cheerful pink that draws its inspiration from the classic pink bubblegum color.
Hex #FF7F7F
RGB 255, 127, 127
CMYK 0, 50, 50, 0
Gum Leaf
Gum Leaf, on the other hand, is inspired by the waxy green leaves of the Eucalyptus tree—often referred to as a “gum tree” due to its sticky sap.
Gum Leaf
Hex #B6D3BF
RGB 182, 211, 191
CMYK 14, 0, 9, 17
Gumbo is a medium dark blue-gray shade inspired not so much by the stew of the same name as it is by the waterways and culture of Louisiana—the state that gave birth to the dish.
Hex #7CA1A6
RGB 124, 161, 166
CMYK 25, 3, 0, 35
Also known as “Wellington boots”, gumboots are dark rubber shoes that often appear very similar in color to the Gumboot shade.
Hex #313337
RGB 49, 51, 55
CMYK 11, 7, 0, 78
Gun Powder
Made from a mixture of sulfur, carbon, and potassium nitrate, gunpowder was invented in China in the 9th century. The color Gun Powder is every bit as dark and intense as the low-grade explosive that gives it its name.
Gun Powder
Hex #414257
RGB 65, 66, 87
CMYK 25, 24, 0, 66
Gunmetal is another very dark gray shade with cold metallic undertones pushing the intensity even further.
Hex #6F6E71
RGB 111, 110, 113
CMYK 2, 3, 0, 56
Gunsmoke is a paler gray shade, the color of the smoke produced from a firearm after it’s been discharged.
Hex #828685
RGB 130, 134, 133
CMYK 3, 0, 1, 47
Guppie Green
Guppie Green is a bright, cheerful shade of yellow-green with a slight blue tint, named after the small tropical fish that bears the name—and often the same color!
Guppie Green
Hex #00FF7F
RGB 0, 255, 127
CMYK 100, 0, 50, 0
Native to Nepal and northeastern India, the Gurkha soldiers have worn variations on this sharp brown color with green undertones for several centuries.
Hex #9A9577
RGB 154, 149, 119
CMYK 0, 3, 23, 40
Guru is a dark, mysterious shade of very dark blue with some deeper red undertones that push it closer to the typically mystical purple or dark purple-blue family.
Hex #154C65
RGB 21, 76, 101
CMYK 79, 25, 0, 60
All Colors A-Z
Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z