126 Colors That Start With V (Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK)

Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with v

Thanks to words like “violet,” “very,” and “vivid,” the group of colors beginning with the letter V is surprisingly large! While most of these shades tend to be reds, violets, and browns, this collection still has plenty of cooler blue or green tones. Some identical colors have been removed to save time and space, but you should still be able to find the right color for your design.

Here’s a list of colors that start with V, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:


Valencia is a bold, brash shade of medium-dark orange with strong red highlights. As a color, it draws its inspiration from the famously sweet and brightly-colored American orange fruits that are named after the oranges grown in Valencia, Spain.

Hex #D84437 
RGB 216, 68, 55
CMYK 0, 69, 75, 15


Valentino is a dark blue shade with strong black and gray undertones that help to push the overall value even further and round out its depths. Valentino takes both its name and its inspiration from the famous fashion designer Valentino Clemente Ludovico Garavani, also known as Valentino.

Hex #350E42 
RGB 53, 14, 66
CMYK 20, 79, 0, 74


In Norse mythology, Valhalla is the majestic banquet hall filled with dead warriors killed in combat and personally selected by the Valkyries to wait with the god Odin for the end of the world. As a color, Valhalla is a deep shade of dark blue with strong purple and black undertones.

Hex #2B194F 
RGB 43, 25, 79
CMYK 46, 68, 0, 69

Vampire Black

As the name implies, Vampire Black is a deep, sinister shade of black with only the smallest hint of red lurking beneath the surface to give this deep black color a slightly bloodier tint than the standard “pure” black shade.

Color personality quiz animation

Vampire Black
Hex #080808 
RGB 8, 8, 8
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 97

Van Cleef

Van Cleef is a bold, rich shade of brown with strong red and purple undertones. Inspired by the deep, intense colors favored by the Belgian painter Joos van Cleve (often misspelled as Joos Van Cleef), Van Cleef is a dramatic color with a sense of old world history and flair.

Van Cleef
Hex #49170C 
RGB 73, 23, 12
CMYK 0, 68, 84, 71

Van Dyke Brown

Van Dyke Brown is the second color on this list to take its inspiration from a famous artist. Named after Flemish Baroque painter Anthony van Dyck, Van Dyke Brown is a dark shade of grayish-yellow brown that takes its color from the strong peat and soil pigments that make up the bulk of its original composition.

Van Dyke Brown
Hex #664228 
RGB 102, 66, 40
CMYK 0, 35, 61, 60

Van Gogh Green (RAL)

Another color that comes from the works of a specific artist, Van Gogh Green (RAL) is a soft shade of medium-light green with strong gray and white undertones that clearly draws its inspiration from the bright, relatively pale green shades favored by Vincent Van Gogh.

Van Gogh Green (RAL)
Hex #8FB66D
RGB 143, 182, 109
CMYK 21, 0, 40, 29

Vandyck Brown (RAL)

We’ve already seen Van Dyke Brown, so it should come as no surprise that Vandyck Brown (RAL) draws its inspiration from the same source. A little bit deeper than the earlier entry, Vandyck Brown (RAL) is a rich, intense shade of very dark brown.

Vandyck Brown (RAL)
Hex #7B5349
RGB 123, 83, 73
CMYK 0, 33, 41, 52


Vanilla is a warm, creamy shade of pale off-white with strong gold and yellow undertones running throughout that lend an extra sense of depth to the color and give it some of the lightness and sweetness that most vanilla-flavored foods often provide.

Hex #F3E5AB 
RGB 243, 229, 171
CMYK 0, 6, 30, 5

Vanilla Bean Brown (RAL)

Vanilla Bean Brown (RAL), on the other hand, eschews the lighter, sweeter notes for a deeper, headier shade of brown. Inspired by the rich, deep brown color of roasted vanilla beans, this color packs plenty of heat—without all of the froth of the previous entry.

Vanilla Bean Brown (RAL)
Hex #362C1D
RGB 54, 44, 29
CMYK 0, 19, 46, 79

Vanilla Cream (RAL)

Vanilla Cream (RAL) is a return to a more traditional shade, as this color is a much softer, lighter shade than the previous entry on this list. With sweet highlights of pink and brown running throughout, Vanilla Cream (RAL) is a pale shade of pinkish off-white with a strong yellow-gold finish.

Vanilla Cream (RAL)
Hex #F7E0D2
RGB 247, 224, 210
CMYK 0, 9, 15, 3

Vanilla Ice

Despite what the name might suggest, Vanilla Ice is neither cool nor pale. Instead, Vanilla Ice is a brilliant shade of warm pink with a hint of milder cream and white undertones. Overall, however, the lighter undertones do very little to temper this bright, hot shade.

Vanilla Ice
Hex #F38FA9 
RGB 243, 143, 169
CMYK 0, 41, 30, 5

Vanilla White (RAL)

Vanilla White (RAL) is a very pale off-white shade with only the slightest touch of tan or brown to lend a bit of color, along with cooler gray undertones that help to add a more weighted, grounded feel.

Vanilla White (RAL)
Hex #F6EEE5
RGB 246, 238, 229
CMYK 0, 3, 7, 4


Vanquish is a bold, intense shade of red with strong brown and black undertones that push the overall color even further towards a deep reddish-black shade. The overall color, however, still has a strong red or purple finish that gives it the strength and conviction that the name would imply.

Hex #63272F 
RGB 99, 39, 47
CMYK 0, 61, 53, 61


Vantablack is typically considered to be the darkest color in the world—a super-black carbon coating that absorbs 99.965% of visible light. As a paint color, “true” Vantablack is exclusively licensed to British-Indian artist Anish Kapoor, but this particular shade of deep black captures some of the dramatic intensity—without the legal backlash.

Hex #080904 
RGB 8, 9, 4
CMYK 11, 0, 56, 96


Varden is a brisk, crisp shade of off-white with only a touch of yellow and red running beneath the surface in order to give the overall color a slight brown tint and add a hint of color to what would otherwise be a standard shade of murky white.

Hex #FFF6DF 
RGB 255, 246, 223
CMYK 0, 4, 13, 0

Varnish Brown (RAL)

Varnish Brown (RAL), sometimes known as Gold Varnish Brown, is a warm shade of brown with strong red undertones and a touch of golden yellow running throughout as a highlight. As a color, it takes its inspiration from the stains or varnishes typically used in indoor and outdoor wood constructions.

Varnish Brown (RAL)
Hex #B95E33
RGB 185, 94, 51
CMYK 0, 49, 72, 27


Vault is a dark gray shade with hints of metallic white and a smooth, glossy overall finish. Inspired by the strength and security of a bank or treasury vault, Vault is a steadfast color with just a hint of green for a softer, more organic feeling.

Hex #565740 
RGB 86, 87, 64
CMYK 1, 0, 26, 66

Vegan Green (RAL)

Vegan Green is a deep, intense shade of green with strong gray, black, and blue undertones that help to push the shade even further while still allowing the steady green base to shine through without muddling or tempering the color too much.

Vegan Green (RAL)
Hex #006C47
RGB 0, 108, 71
CMYK 100, 0, 34, 58


A brilliant shade of orange with strong gold and yellow highlights, Vegas is a fast-paced color with enough heat and energy to accurately reflect the desert gambling resort after which this specific color is named.

Hex #FCB358 
RGB 252, 179, 88
CMYK 0, 29, 65, 1

Vegas Gold

Vegas Gold takes that same sense of wealth and excitement and gives it a slightly more mercenary flair. As a color, Vegas Gold is a warm, brassy gold shade inspired by the imagery found throughout the city of Las Vegas.

Vegas Gold
Hex #C5B358 
RGB 197, 179, 88
CMYK 0, 9, 55, 23

Vehicle Body Gray (RAL)

Vehicle Body Gray (RAL) is a cool, hardworking shade of gray with strong black undertones and just a hint of brown or red. With a crisp, metallic finish, this color takes its inspiration from the standard color of most automobile bodies before they’ve been painted.

Vehicle Body Gray (RAL)
Hex #4C433D
RGB 76, 67, 61
CMYK 0, 12, 20, 70


Velocity is a breathless, fast-paced shade of black with subtle red and orange undertones running beneath the surface in order to give the overall color a hint of heat and excitement instead of remaining a solid black shade.

Hex #4B4042 
RGB 75, 64, 66
CMYK 0, 15, 12, 71

Veltliner White (RAL)

Veltliner White (RAL) is a very pale shade of greenish off-white with a hint of some brighter yellow highlights running throughout. As a color, Veltliner White (RAL) is inspired by the pale green-yellow of Grüner Veltliner grapes, which are grown throughout Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic for white wine.

Veltliner White (RAL)
Hex #D7D8C3
RGB 215, 216, 195
CMYK 0, 0, 10, 15

Velvet Beige (RAL)

Velvet Beige (RAL) is the first of a few “velvet” colors on this list. With its strong gray and white highlights, the “velvet” part of Velvet Beige (RAL)’s name comes from the soft, smooth finish that the white highlights provide to what would otherwise be a standard shade of pale brown.

Velvet Beige (RAL)
Hex #D0C5B1
RGB 208, 197, 177
CMYK 0, 5, 15, 18

Velvet Blue (RAL)

Like the previous entry on this list, Velvet Blue (RAL) has slightly more of a gray finish than a standard light blue shade would typically display. Nevertheless, the blue overtone and subtle violet undertones are more than enough to allow the color and light of this shade to shine through.

Velvet Blue (RAL)
Hex #9FCAE5
RGB 159, 202, 229
CMYK 31, 12, 0, 10

Velvet Gray (RAL)

Most of the velvety colors on this list get their “velvet” look from an added hint of gray, so it should come as no surprise that Velvet Gray (RAL) scans as a straightforward gray shade at first glance. What may come as a surprise is the subtle hint of violet that gives the overall color a softer, sweeter finish.

Velvet Gray (RAL)
RGB 172, 170, 179
CMYK 4, 5, 0, 30

Velvet Green Gray (RAL)

Velvet Green Gray (RAL) is a cool, smooth shade of medium-dark green with a strong gray undertone. The gray notes almost completely overwhelm the green base, but the finished color still bears a hint of lighter, warmer green that shines through the gray highlights.

Velvet Green Gray (RAL)
Hex #737866 
RGB 115, 120, 102
CMYK 4, 0, 15, 53

Velvet Mauve (RAL)

Velvet Mauve (RAL) is a very dark shade of purple with deep red highlights and a touch of darker blue and black undertones that help to ground the shade in a more muted, balanced zone. As compared to traditional Mauve, Velvet Mauve has a dustier, more antique finished look as a result of the strong gray highlights running throughout.

Velvet Mauve (RAL)
Hex #692B57
RGB 105, 43, 87
CMYK 0, 59, 17, 59

Velvet Red (RAL)

Finally, Velvet Red (RAL) is a brisk shade of red that almost scans as purple at first glance, thanks to the strong gray highlights that mute some of the brighter red-orange notes of a traditional red shade. The end result is a bold, tempered shade of dark red with a smooth, velvety finish.

Velvet Red (RAL)
Hex #904353
RGB 144, 67, 83
CMYK 0, 53, 42, 44

Venetian Pink (RAL)

Venetian Pink (RAL) is a mysterious, romantic shade of pink with strong gray, black, and white highlights. The neutral highlights temper the natural warmth of a traditional pink in order to create a headier, more exotic shade of medium-dark silvery pink.

Venetian Pink (RAL)
Hex #C07B9A
RGB 192, 123, 154
CMYK 0, 36, 20, 25

Venetian Red

Like Venetian Pink, Venetian Red combines the mystery and glamour of Venice with a darker, more dramatic flair. The end result is a deep, intense shade of dark red with a strong purple undertone and an almost burgundy finish.

Venetian Red
Hex #C80815 
RGB 200, 8, 21
CMYK 0, 96, 89, 22

Venice Blue

Venice Blue draws its inspiration from the canals and waterways that weave throughout Venice. As a color, Venice Blue is a dark, deep shade of blue with strong gray and black undertones for added depth and intrigue.

Venice Blue
Hex #055989 
RGB 5, 89, 137
CMYK 96, 35, 0, 46


Named after the city in California, United States, Ventura is a warm brown shade with strong green undertones. Ventura takes its color and its inspiration from the dusty fields and rich plant life that can be found in this popular tourist destination.

Hex #907C38 
RGB 144, 124, 65
CMYK 0, 14, 61, 44


Venus is one of the only planets in our solar system that is visible to the naked eye during daylight. As a color, Venus is inspired by the wispy, purple-gray appearance of the planet’s atmosphere.

Hex #928590 
RGB 146, 133, 144
CMYK 0, 9, 1, 43


Verdigris is a Middle English translation of the Old French verte grez, which meant “green of Greece”. This bright greenish-blue pigment was originally made by allowing a green pigment to form on copper and then scraping off the green-blue color that had formed—the primary exporter of this pigment, as the name would suggest, was Greece!

Hex #43B3AE 
RGB 67, 179, 174
CMYK 63, 0, 3, 30

Verdun Green

Named after the famous city in France, Verdun Green is a rich shade of green with strong yellow and red undertones that give the overall color a distinctly brassy or golden appearance that sets it apart from a standard green shade.

Verdun Green
Hex #495400 
RGB 73, 84, 0
CMYK 13, 0, 100, 67

Vermeer Blue (RAL)

Another color that takes its name and inspiration from a famous artist, Vermeer Blue (RAL) is a rich shade of deep blue with some brighter white highlights and a hint of red beneath the surface. This vivid color was heavily favored in the interior paintings produced by Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer.

Vermeer Blue (RAL)
Hex #2B7CAF 
RGB 43, 124, 175
CMYK 75, 29, 0, 31


Vermilion is a brilliant reddish orange shade with strong yellow and white undertones that combine to create an even more intense shade. Vermilion is one of the oldest pigments in art history, and the dazzling red color was originally created from the bright red mineral cinnabar, which is a form of mercury sulfide.

Hex #E34234 
RGB 227, 66, 52
CMYK 0, 71, 77, 11

Vermilion Green (RAL)

Vermilion Green (RAL) takes the same vivid red color of the previous entry and blends it with a solid, steady green in order to create this muted shade of brown with strong green, black and gray undertones. While the resulting color is significantly darker than “true” Vermilion, it still retains some of the same characteristic heat and energy.

Vermilion Green (RAL)
Hex #474230 
RGB 71, 66, 48
CMYK 0, 7, 32, 72

Vermilion Red (RAL)

Vermilion Red (RAL) doubles down on the red values in order to create this medium-dark shade of red with strong orange and brown undertones. The end result is a brisk, brassy color with hints of darker red and maroon running beneath the surface.

Vermilion Red (RAL)
Hex #B45A56 
RGB 180, 90, 86
CMYK 0, 50, 52, 29


Vermont is a mild shade of grassy green with strong yellow and light brown undertones that brighten the overall shade and give it a well-worn, summer-y feeling. Named after and inspired by the northern US state, Vermont is a cheerful shade of warm yellow-green.

Hex #B2BE61 
RGB 178, 190, 97
CMYK 6, 0, 49, 25


Veronica is a bright, brash shade of purple-violet with an almost electric finish. The strong blue and fast-paced red undertones combine to make a brighter, more energetic shade of purple than the traditional or more muted shades.

Hex #A020F0 
RGB 160, 32, 240
CMYK 33, 87, 0, 6


“Vert” is the Old French word for “green”, so it only makes sense that this shade of green is a standard shade with a warmer undertone. With hints of yellow running throughout, Vert is a lightweight, cheerful green shade.

Hex #00C000 
RGB 0, 192, 0
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 25


The word “verve” tends to be synonymous with energy or enthusiasm, so it may come as a bit of a surprise that this dark, relatively solid color shares the same name. However, the subtle red and pink undertones running throughout the shade give Verve a more restless, energetic finish.

Hex #5D2E3C 
RGB 93, 46, 60
CMYK 0, 51, 35, 64

Very Dark Purple

As the name would suggest, Very Dark Purple is an extremely dark shade of purple that borders on black. While it does have some brighter blue and red undertones running beneath the surface, the black and gray overtones blot their color out almost completely.

Very Dark Purple
Hex #12020A 
RGB 18, 2, 10
CMYK 0, 89, 44, 93

Very Light Azure

There’s only one “very dark” color on this list, but there are several “very light” shades, and Very Light Azure is the first! Very Light Azure is a pale blue shade with strong white highlights and a lightweight, Sky Blue finish.

Very Light Azure
Hex #74BBFB 
RGB 116, 187, 251
CMYK 54, 25, 0, 2

Very Light Blue

Despite the name, Very Light Blue is actually a medium-dark shade of blue, with deep violet undertones and a cool gray-white finish that still manages to brighten the overall shade from a Navy to a light Royal Blue.

Very Light Blue
Hex #6666FF 
RGB 102, 102, 255
CMYK 60, 60, 0, 0

Very Light Malachite Green

Very Light Malachite Green is a bright, pale shade of green with strong yellow and white undertones that move this shade from a standard green color into more of a light Spring Green variation.

Very Light Malachite Green
Hex #64E986 
RGB 100, 233, 134
CMYK 57, 0, 42, 9

Very Light Tangelo

Very Light Tangelo is a soft orange shade with subtle pink and red undertones that do nothing to cancel out the strong white overlay. The end result is a gentle shade of orange with a muted version of the shade’s traditional heat and intensity.

Very Light Tangelo
Hex #FFB077 
RGB 255, 176, 119
CMYK 0, 31, 53, 0

Very Pale Orange

Very Pale Orange takes the “very light” approach one step further in order to create this light shade of orange off-white. The strong white overtones turn what would be a vivid orange shade into a pale color that looks more like a light orange tan.

Very Pale Orange
RGB 255, 223, 191
CMYK 0, 13, 25, 0

Very Pale Yellow

Similarly, Very Pale Yellow looks almost more like a cream or antique off-white shade than it does a “true” yellow. Nevertheless, all of the color in this shade comes from the yellow base coat, which makes it a perfect fit for the name it’s been given.

Very Pale Yellow
RGB 255, 255, 191
CMYK 0, 0, 25, 0

Vespa Yellow (RAL)

Vespa Yellow (RAL) isn’t nearly as yellow as the name might suggest. Instead, it’s a soft, warm shade of dark yellowish cream, inspired by the classic color schemes used to make the famous Italian scooters that share the same name.

Vespa Yellow (RAL)
Hex #F3D19F 
RGB 243, 209, 159
CMYK 0, 14, 35, 5

Vesuvian Green (RAL)

Vesuvian Green (RAL) is a deep shade of green with brassy brown and cool gray undertones. As a color, it’s inspired by the rich, weathered plant life that can be found growing in the fertile soils of one of the most deadly volcanoes in the world.

Vesuvian Green (RAL)
Hex #879860 
RGB 135, 152, 96
CMYK 11, 0, 37, 40

Vesuvian Violet (RAL)

If Vesuvian Green (RAL) is inspired by the plants that grow along Mount Vesuvius, then Vesuvian Violet (RAL) is inspired by the shadows that line its base. Vesuvian Violet (RAL) is a deep shade of medium-light purple with strong gray undertones and a stately, almost smokey finished appearance.

Vesuvian Violet (RAL)
Hex #A28A9F 
RGB 162, 138, 159
CMYK 0, 15, 2, 36


Finally, Vesuvius is a warm brown shade with strong red undertones. As a color, it takes its inspiration both from the broad, rocky slopes of Mount Vesuvius as well as from the simmering fire that lurks beneath the surface.

Hex #B14A0B 
RGB 177, 74, 11
CMYK 0, 58, 94, 31


Vibe is a fast-paced, energetic shade of red with strong pink and purple highlights that help to deepen the overall color and give it a sense of electricity and energy that would otherwise be lost in a standard red shade.

Hex #AC3142 
RGB 172, 49, 66
CMYK 0, 72, 62, 33

Vibrant Green (RAL)

As the name might suggest, Vibrant Green (RAL) is a vivid, intense shade of green with an almost jewel-like finish. The rich finish comes from the subtle gray and white undertones that give the color a brighter, more luxurious overall appearance.

Vibrant Green (RAL)
Hex #509D83 
RGB 80, 157, 131
CMYK 49, 0, 17, 38

Vibrant Red (RAL)

Similarly, Vibrant Red (RAL) combines a standard bright red shade with a more reserved gray undertone in order to create this balanced, stately shade of medium-dark red with a deep, reflective finish that gives the overall color a sense of light and energy.

Vibrant Red (RAL)
Hex #C24C6A 
RGB 194, 76, 106
CMYK 0, 61, 45, 24

Vibrant Soft Blue (RAL)

The last of the “vibrant” colors, Vibrant Soft Blue (RAL) is a measured shade of medium-light blue with a cool gray undertone and hints of brighter white highlights running throughout. With just a touch of yellow to round out the shade, Vibrant Soft Blue (RAL) is a lightweight, charismatic shade of Robin’s Egg Blue.

Vibrant Soft Blue (RAL)
Hex #88D6DC 
RGB 136, 214, 220
CMYK 38, 3, 0, 14


Victoria is a stately, majestic shade of dark purple with strong blue, black and gray undertones. Inspired by the British monarch of the same name, Victoria is a royal shade with a great sense of weight, history, and influence.

Hex #534491 
RGB 83, 68, 145
CMYK 43, 53, 0, 43

Victoria Red

Victoria Red takes the deep, rounded notes of “true” Victoria and dials back the Royal Blue values in order to create a bold, straightforward shade of dark red. Because this shade still retains the same blue and black undertones, the finished color is deeper and richer than a standard red shade.

Victoria Red
Hex #9C333C 
RGB 156, 51, 60
CMYK 0, 67, 62, 39

Victorian Blue

Similarly, Victorian Blue starts with Victoria as its inspiration before veering in the opposite direction—instead of pushing the red values, Victorian Blue dials up the blue undertones, resulting in this cool, brisk shade of medium-dark Royal Blue.

Victorian Blue
Hex #006394 
RGB 0, 99, 148
CMYK 100, 33, 0, 42

Vida Loca

Despite the name, Vida Loca is a surprisingly rational color—a steady shade of mild green with cool gray and white undertones. The strong yellow highlights, however, give a hint of some greater excitement and provide some of the reasoning behind the name.

Vida Loca
Hex #549019 
RGB 84, 144, 25
CMYK 42, 0, 83, 44


Named after the famous city in Austria, Vienna is a cool, understated shade of green with strong brown, yellow, and gray undertones. The gray undertones keep the yellow and brown from turning this green into a brassy or muddy shade, while the yellow highlights give a sense of brightness and openness.

Hex #A5B376 
RGB 165, 179, 118
CMYK 8, 0, 34, 30

Viennese Blue (RAL)

Viennese Blue (RAL) is a bold shade of Royal Blue that combines the cool green-gray highlights of the previous entry with a more traditional Royal Blue appearance. The end result is a bold, majestic shade of blue with only subtle hints of deeper black or gray.

Viennese Blue (RAL)
Hex #4278AF 
RGB 66, 120, 175
CMYK 62, 31, 0, 31


Viking is a dramatic, adventurous shade of deep Sky Blue that draws most of its inspiration from the open seas and open skies that Viking explorers would have traveled across throughout the centuries.

Hex #64CCDB 
RGB 100, 204, 219
CMYK 54, 7, 0, 14

Vin Rouge

Vin Rouge, inspired by the bold, rich colors of red wine, is a deep shade of red with hints of lighter purple, pink, and gray swirling beneath the surface. A cooler gray undertone provides a relatively muted finish to what would otherwise be an almost jewel-tone shade.

Vin Rouge
Hex #983D61 
RGB 152, 61, 97
CMYK 0, 60, 36, 40

Vine Leaf Green (RAL)

Vine Leaf Green (RAL) may not look like much of a green at first glance. Instead, this color draws its inspiration both from the pale green of a new vine and from the rich soil that supports the plant itself. The two colors combine to create this muted shade of dark brown with only subtle green highlights throughout.

Vine Leaf Green (RAL)
Hex #6E5E2C 
RGB 110, 94, 44
CMYK 0, 15, 60, 57


Vintage is a muted shade of dusty pink with strong brown, gray, and white highlights that tamp down on the energy and motion of a traditional pink while still allowing hints of color, light, and sweetness to shine through.

Hex #A78087 
RGB 167, 128, 135
CMYK 0, 23, 19, 35

Vintage Blue (RAL)

Most vintage colors tend to get the “vintage” or aged part of their name from a touch of gray or white, and Vintage Blue (RAL) is no exception. Vintage Blue (RAL) is a cool shade of medium-dark blue with a strong gray undertone to give it a sense of time-worn endurance.

Vintage Blue (RAL)
Hex #6FB7CC 
RGB 111, 183, 204
CMYK 46, 10, 0, 20

Vintage White (RAL)

Vintage White (RAL), on the other hand, flips the script—instead of being a standard color with a touch of grayish white, Vintage White (RAL) is a pale grayish white with just a hint of color. More specifically, the subtle pink and orange undertones running beneath the surface give a weathered air to this color and ease the starkness of a plain white shade.

Vintage White (RAL)
Hex #F4EFE4 
RGB 244, 239, 228
CMYK 0, 2, 7, 4


Viola is a medium-light shade of pink with hints of brown and gray beneath the surface. The darker undertones lends a bit of weight to an otherwise frivolous color, and the shade as a whole draws its inspiration from the soft, delicate flowers that used to be called by this name but are now known more commonly as violets.

Hex #CB8FA9 
RGB 203, 143, 169
CMYK 0, 30, 17, 20

Viola Black (RAL)

Viola Black (RAL) is a rich shade of dark blue with strong purple and reddish undertones that help to lend a touch of warmth and depth to an otherwise straightforward shade. Inspired by the deep brown-black wood often used to make the instrument of the same name, Viola Black (RAL) is a sweet, musical shade.

Viola Black (RAL)
Hex #2F2A41 
RGB 47, 42, 65
CMYK 28, 35, 0, 75

Viola Ice Gray (RAL)

Viola Ice Gray (RAL) is an extremely cool shade of gray with strong blue undertones and a crisp white finish that lightens the shade without washing out the deeper gray or blackish undertones. The end result is a cold, crisp shade of gray with a hint of snowy white and icy blue.

Viola Ice Gray (RAL)
Hex #C6C8D0 
RGB 198, 200, 208
CMYK 5, 4, 0, 18

Violent Violet

Violent Violet is the first of a few violet-themed names—a dark, dramatic shade of blue with strong purple undertones and a bold black overlay that mutes out some of the brighter blue and purple notes in order to create an aggressively dark color.

Violent Violet
Hex #290C5E 
RGB 41, 12, 94
CMYK 56, 87, 0, 63


“Violet” is the name given to any number of purple colors, all inspired by the same small flowers and ranging wildly in color. This first Violet variant, however, is a clear, bright shade of blue with only a hint of purple to darken its appearance.

Hex #8F00FF 
RGB 143, 0, 255
CMYK 44, 100, 0, 0

Violet 2

This second Violet variation is much darker—a deep purple shade that could almost pass for black in certain lights. Despite the dark appearance, however, hints of red and blue throughout give this color a distinctly floral hue.

Violet 2
Hex #240A40 
RGB 36, 10, 64
CMYK 44, 84, 0, 75

Violet (Ĉ)

Violet (Ĉ) is a relatively muted shade, thanks to the strong black and gray highlights that run over the top of this shade and tamp down some of the stronger red notes. The soft blue-purple base color shines through, however, earning Violet (Ĉ) its spot on this list.

Violet (Ĉ)
Hex #732E6C 
RGB 115, 46, 108
CMYK 0, 60, 6, 55

Violet (Color Wheel)

Violet (Color Wheel) is closer to a blue shade than it is a true Violet. Nevertheless, the very subtle touches of red and purple beneath the surface keep it from sliding all the way into a true blue.

Violet (Color Wheel)
Hex #7F00FF 
RGB 127, 0, 255
CMYK 50, 100, 0, 0

Violet (RYB)

Violet (RYB) trends in the opposite direction with a bold red undertone and overwhelmingly purple cast that lands it solidly in the purple-violet family. The blue highlights are relatively understated, playing second fiddle to the bold purple color.

Violet (RYB)
Hex #8601AF 
RGB 134, 1, 175
CMYK 23, 99, 0, 31

Violet (Web)

Violet (Web) is a web color, which means it’s specifically set apart for use on the world wide web. Compared to some of the other Violets on this list, Violet (Web) is noticeably lighter and brighter, with an almost pink overall hue.

Violet (Web)
Hex #EE82EE 
RGB 238, 130, 238
CMYK 0, 45, 0, 7

Violet Eggplant

Violet Eggplant combines the subtle blue-purple notes of a traditional Violet with the more aggressive red-purple notes of an Eggplant variant. The end result is a bold shade of medium-dark purple with strong red and blue undertones.

Violet Eggplant
Hex #991199 
RGB 153, 17, 153
CMYK 0, 89, 0, 40

Violet Haze

Violet Haze starts with a traditional Violet base before dialing up the gray, black, and blue undertones in order to create a misty shade of bluish gray with a few warmer touches of red and violet to add depth to its color.

Violet Haze
Hex #6A6E9D 
RGB 106, 110, 157
CMYK 32, 30, 0, 38


The first of two Violet-Blue shades, Violet Blue is a relatively warm shade of blue, thanks to the red and violet undertones that round out its edges. Nevertheless, it remains a definitively blue shade, with hardly any purple to muddle its color.

Hex #324AB2 
RGB 50, 74, 178
CMYK 72, 58, 0, 30

Violet-Blue (Ĉ)

Violet-Blue (Ĉ) is more of a light purple shade, even if it is still noticeably bluer than a true Violet. As compared to the previous entry, Violet-Blue (Ĉ) is a softer, more romantic shade of purple with a slight pink undertone.

Violet-Blue (Ĉ)
Hex #766EC8 
RGB 118, 110, 200
CMYK 41, 45, 0, 22


Violet-Red doesn’t look very much like a Violet shade at all at first glance. Instead, Violet-Red is a warm shade of medium-dark pink without even the slightest hint of blue to temper its heat and brilliance.

Hex #F75394 
RGB 247, 83, 148
CMYK 0, 66, 40, 3


Viridian is a bold green-blue pigment derived from chromium (III) oxide and treasured throughout history for the dramatic color it produces. The color Viridian reflects this rich heritage with its intense shades of deep blue, touched only lightly by a subtle blue undertone.

Hex #40826D 
RGB 64, 130, 109
CMYK 51, 0, 16, 49

Viridian Green

Viridian Green is far lighter than “true” Viridian, which ironically allows more of the blue undertones to shine through. As a result, Viridian Green scans as a light teal shade, with strong green and yellow highlights throughout.

Viridian Green
Hex #009698 
RGB 0, 150, 152
CMYK 100, 1, 0, 40

Vis Vis

Vis Vis is a warm shade of yellow with a bold, creamy white undertone that lightens the shade, smooths it out, and produces a soft, gentle shade of yellowish off-white with an even and glossy finished appearance.

Vis Vis
Hex #FFEFA1 
RGB 255, 239, 161
CMYK 0, 6, 37, 0


Vision is a misty purple shade with strong gray and white highlights that blur the overall shade and leave suggestions of some deeper meaning lurking within the swirling color that’s left behind.

Hex #A09BB2 
RGB 160, 155, 178
CMYK 10, 13, 0, 30

Visiona Red (RAL)

Visiona Red (RAL) doesn’t really look like a red shade as much as it does a deep reddish purple. With strong blue undertones and a cool gray finish to round out the overall appearance, Visiona Red (RAL) is a bold, stately shade with plenty of weight and gravity.

Visiona Red (RAL)
Hex #83477D 
RGB 131, 71, 125
CMYK 0, 46, 5, 49

Vista Blue

Vista Blue is a steady, mild shade of blue with hints of green and gray running beneath the surface. Despite the subtle green-gray undertones, however, Vista Blue is an overwhelmingly blue shade, with a sweet, soothing material.

Vista Blue
Hex #7C9ED9 
RGB 124, 158, 217
CMYK 43, 27, 0, 15

Vista White

Vista White combines the crisp, steady notes of a traditional white shade with a hint of cream and pink. The warmer undertones brighten the overall shade and give it an aged, slightly faded look.

Vista White
Hex #FCF8F7 
RGB 252, 248, 247
CMYK 0, 2, 2, 1

Vital Green (RAL)

Vital Green (RAL) more than lives up to its name with a solid shade that’s full of life. Deep, round, and robust, Vital Green (RAL) is a dark green shade with deeper blue and gray undertones that help to create a balanced, vivacious overall shade.

Vital Green (RAL)
Hex #138859 
RGB 19, 136, 89
CMYK 86, 0, 35, 47

Vivid Amber

The first of several “vivid” shades on this list, Vivid Amber is a warm, brisk shade of brown with strong yellow and orange undertones. Inspired by the color and light of fossilized tree sap, Vivid Amber is a solid shade with a sense of weight and history.

Vivid Amber
Hex #CC9900 
RGB 204, 153, 0
CMYK 0, 25, 100, 20

Vivid Auburn

Vivid Auburn is another rich color that takes the “vivid” part of its name from the bold red undertones that help push the intensity farther than it would go with a typical Auburn shade. The end result is a warm, bright shade of dark red with hints of orange and brown throughout.

Vivid Auburn
Hex #922724 
RGB 146, 39, 36
CMYK 0, 73, 75, 43

Vivid Burgundy

Similarly, Vivid Burgundy has a stronger red undertone than most traditional Burgundy shades. As a result, the color scans as more of a deep red than a “true” burgundy, as some of the deeper brown notes have been drowned out with the vivid red overlay.

Vivid Burgundy
Hex #9F1D35 
RGB 159, 29, 53
CMYK 0, 82, 67, 38

Vivid Cerise

“True” or traditional Cerise takes its name from the French word for “cherry”. Vivid Cerise takes the bright pinkish red color of traditional Cerise and dials up the pink values in order to create a brighter, more cheerful shade of brilliant reddish pink.

Vivid Cerise
Hex #DA1D81 
RGB 218, 29, 129
CMYK 0, 87, 41, 15

Vivid Cerulean

The name Cerulean can typically apply to any number of blue shades that range from Azure to Sky Blue. Vivid Cerulean, however, refers to this specific shade of clear, bright blue with hints of violet and white that help to dial up the intensity of the overall shade.

Vivid Cerulean
Hex #00AAEE 
RGB 0, 170, 238
CMYK 100, 29, 0, 7

Vivid Crimson

Like “cerulean”, the meaning of the word “crimson” has been diluted over time. Vivid Crimson is actually close in color to the original definition of crimson—a brilliant shade of bright, intense red derived from a natural pigment made of crushed and powdered beetle shells.

Vivid Crimson
Hex #CC0033 
RGB 204, 0, 51
CMYK 0, 100, 75, 20

Vivid Gamboge

Gamboge is a brilliant orange-yellow pigment that has long been used for traditional textile work throughout Southeast Asia. Vivid Gamboge increases the red and orange values to create an even more brilliant shade of bright yellowish orange with strong red and brown undertones throughout.

Vivid Gamboge
Hex #FF9900 
RGB 255, 153, 0
CMYK 0, 40, 100, 0

Vivid Lime Green

Vivid Lime Green is a relatively pale shade of green with strong yellow and white undertones that help to lighten the overall shade and give it a brighter, tarter overall finish. As compared to a traditional Lime Green, Vivid Lime Green has a much more sour, lightweight appearance.

Vivid Lime Green
Hex #A6D608 
RGB 166, 214, 8
CMYK 22, 0, 96, 16

Vivid Malachite

Named after and inspired by the mineral of the same name, Vivid Malachite is a brilliant shade of bright green with a cooler blue undertone that does nothing to temper the overall brightness of the color. While malachite can be found in a wide range of green shades, Vivid Malachite refers to this specific bright green hue.

Vivid Malachite
Hex #00CC33 
RGB 0, 204, 51
CMYK 100, 0, 75, 20

Vivid Mulberry

Vivid Mulberry is an exciting shade of bright purple with strong pink and white undertones. The lighter undertones combine to create a more youthful, optimistic shade than the darker pinks and reds of a “true” Mulberry shade.

Vivid Mulberry
Hex #B80CE3 
RGB 184, 12, 227
CMYK 19, 95, 0, 11

Vivid Orange

Vivid Orange is a very intense shade of orange that borders on a neon orange variant. With strong red undertones to help increase the overall drama, Vivid Orange is a dazzlingly bright shade that more than lives up to its name.

Vivid Orange
Hex #FF5F00 
RGB 255, 95, 0
CMYK 0, 63, 100, 0

Vivid Orange Peel

Vivid Orange Peel is a little bit lighter than the previous entry on this list, but it still packs a pretty powerful punch! With more of a yellow or yellow-white undertone than some of the other orange shades listed here, Vivid Orange Peel has a slightly softer and more sunny overall appearance.

Vivid Orange Peel
Hex #FFA000 
RGB 255, 160, 0
CMYK 0, 37, 100, 0

Vivid Orchid

Vivid Orchid is very similar in shade to the Vivid Mulberry we saw earlier. However, Vivid Orchid has much more of a blue undertone, which gives the resulting color a softer, more sweetly romantic overall finish—even if the subtle pink and red highlights give it just a touch of warmth.

Vivid Orchid
Hex #CC00FF 
RGB 204, 0, 255
CMYK 20, 100, 0, 0

Vivid Raspberry

Vivid Raspberry is a bright shade of pink that borders on a pale red shade. With strong red undertones running throughout and just a hint of yellow lurking beneath the surface, Vivid Raspberry has plenty of heat to make up for its sweet pink base.

Vivid Raspberry
Hex #FF006C 
RGB 255, 0, 108
CMYK 0, 100, 58, 0

Vivid Red

Vivid Red is another color that looks exactly the way you’d expect it to look from the name alone. An already intense shade of red is pushed even further by strong orange-red undertones that provide even more heat and help to create a dramatic, almost electric finish.

Vivid Red
Hex #F70D1A 
RGB 247, 13, 26
CMYK 0, 95, 89, 3

Vivid Red-Tangelo

Vivid Red-Tangelo combines the bright orange hues of a traditional Tangelo shade with the even more intense highlights of Vivid Red. The end result is a warm shade of burnt orange with just a hint of yellow or brown to give the color a slightly more grounded feel.

Vivid Red-Tangelo
Hex #DF6124 
RGB 223, 97, 36
CMYK 0, 57, 84, 13

Vivid Sky Blue

As the name might suggest, Vivid Sky Blue is a bright, cheerful shade of blue that draws its inspiration from the clear blue appearance of a late autumn sky. With a hint of violet running throughout, Vivid Sky Blue is a little bit deeper and more rounded than a traditional Sky Blue shade.

Vivid Sky Blue
Hex #00CCFF 
RGB 0, 204, 255
CMYK 100, 20, 0, 0

Vivid Tangelo

We’ve already seen Vivid Red-Tangelo, so now it’s time for “regular” Vivid Tangelo—a bold shade of deep orange with strong yellow undertones that shine through more clearly without the red overlay of some of the previous entries.

Vivid Tangelo
Hex #F07427 
RGB 240, 116, 39
CMYK 0, 52, 84, 6

Vivid Tangerine

Vivid Tangerine is a relatively pale shade as compared to some of the other citrus-themed names on this list. While it still has a warm, bright orange overall appearance, the strong white undertones give it an almost pastel finished look.

Vivid Tangerine
Hex #FFA089 
RGB 255, 160, 137
CMYK 0, 37, 46, 0

Vivid Vermilion

Originally derived from the mildly toxic mineral cinnabar, Vermilion is a brilliant shade of reddish orange that has long been treasured by artists and designers. Vivid Vermilion has more of a yellow tint to its overall hue for a brighter, lighter finish.

Vivid Vermilion
Hex #E56024 
RGB 229, 96, 36
CMYK 0, 58, 84, 10

Vivid Violet

The first of two Vivid Violet variants, this Vivid Violet shade is a bright, cheerful shade of purple with strong blue and white undertones. The end result is a relatively light purple shade with an almost electric finish.

Vivid Violet
Hex #9F00FF 
RGB 159, 0, 255
CMYK 38, 100, 0, 0

Vivid Violet 2

This second Vivid Violent variant is much darker than the previous entry, with a deeper red-purple undertone that helps to deepen the overall color and give it a more dusty, almost antique feeling as compared to the vibrant appearance of the first variant.

Vivid Violet 2
Hex #803790 
RGB 128, 55, 144
CMYK 11, 62, 0, 44

Vivid Yellow

Finally, Vivid Yellow takes a traditional yellow shade and adds a bit of a twist. Instead of a “pure” yellow shade, Vivid Yellow has a distinctively golden or orange undertone that adds some extra depth and helps to round out the overall tone.

Vivid Yellow
Hex #FFE302 
RGB 255, 227, 2
CMYK 0, 11, 99, 0


Vixen is a warm, bold shade of brown with strong red and slight purple undertones. As a color, it draws its inspiration both from the common name for a female fox as well as from the mysterious, femme fatale imagery that the word often implies when applied to humans.

Hex #81342B 
RGB 129, 52, 43
CMYK 0, 60, 67, 49

Volcanic Stone Green (RAL)

Volcanic Stone Green (RAL) is a cool, tempered shade of medium-dark green. The strong gray and black undertones running throughout give it a cool, stony finish that combines with the more organic notes of the green overlay in order to create a dark, marbled look.

Volcanic Stone Green (RAL)
Hex #45433B 
RGB 69, 67, 59
CMYK 0, 3, 14, 73


Volcano, on the other hand, is a much more straightforward shade of very dark brown with strong gray and black undertones that help push the overall value even further. The subtle hints of red that run beneath the surface lend a touch of heat for the implication of a fiery finish.

Hex #4E2728 
RGB 78, 39, 40
CMYK 0, 50, 49, 69


Volt is a vivid shade of electric green with strong yellow undertones that push the heat and drama a little bit further while still retaining a dynamic green finish. The end result is a brilliant, fast-paced shade with a sizzling overall appearance.

Hex #CEFF00 
RGB 206, 255, 0
CMYK 19, 0, 100, 0


Voodoo is a dark shade of purple with bolder blue undertones that run beneath the surface and push the overall value even darker. Purple is often associated with mysticism and magic, so it should come as no surprise that the color is linked with the mystic religion that shares its name.

Hex #533455 
RGB 83, 52, 85
CMYK 2, 39, 0, 67


Vortex is another dark blue shade with deeper gray and black undertones that help to create a vivid, intense shade. The “vortex” of the name comes from the hint of red lurking beneath the surface to lend a sense of heat and powerful energy.

Hex #3A385B 
RGB 58, 56, 91
CMYK 36, 38, 0, 64


Despite the fast-paced name, Vroom is actually a relatively sedate color—a cool shade of dark blue with hints of black and gray throughout and a glossier, brighter finish overall that helps the color from sliding too dark and allows the bold blue highlights to shine through.

Hex #353D75 
RGB 53, 61, 117
CMYK 55, 48, 0, 54


Finally, Vulcan is a deep, intense shade of black with warmer red highlights running throughout. In Roman mythology, Vulcan was the god of fire—in particular, the god of volcanoes and forges. As a result, it’s hardly surprising that this deep black shade has hints of fire and heat lurking just beneath the surface.

Hex #10121D 
RGB 16, 18, 29
CMYK 45, 38, 0, 89

All Colors A-Z

Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z