196 Colors That Start With D (Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK)

Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with d

With “deep” and “dark” both starting with the same letter, it’s no surprise that quite a few colors begin with the letter D. If you’re looking for a dark, dull, deep, or desert-y color for your latest project, this collection should have something to meet your criteria!

Here’s a list of colors that start with D, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:


Named after the early springtime flower that grows in mountainous regions around the world, Daffodil is a sunny, cheerful shade of bright golden yellow.

Hex #FFFF31
RGB 255, 255, 49
CMYK 0, 0, 81, 0


Inspired by the rich colors of the Australian rainforest that shares its name, Daintree is a deep royal blue with some brighter green undertones.

Hex #012731
RGB 1, 39, 49
CMYK 98, 20, 0, 81

Dairy Cream

Dairy Cream is a bolder variation on traditional Cream, with a gentle pinkish undertone to temper what would otherwise be a pale off-white shade.

Dairy Cream
Hex #F9E4BC
RGB 249, 228, 188
CMYK 0, 8, 24, 2

Daisy Bush

Daisy Bush isn’t the bright yellow you might be expecting. Instead, it’s a bold, cheerful purple with reddish-blue undertones, inspired by rarer purple daisies!

Daisy Bush
Hex #4F2398
RGB 79, 35, 152
CMYK 48, 77, 0, 40

Color personality quiz animation


Dallas is a warm, determined shade of brown that draws inspiration from the Western roots and modern strength of the city that shares its name.

Hex #6E4B26
RGB 110, 75, 38
CMYK 0, 32, 65, 57


Dandelion is another flower-inspired shade of yellow. It’s a little bit paler than Daffodil or Daisy, but still retains a characteristic gold undertone.

Hex #F0E130
RGB 240, 225, 48
CMYK 0, 6, 80, 6


Danube is a misty gray-blue shade that draws its inspiration from the depth and grandeur of the Danube River that flows throughout Southeastern Europe.

Hex #6093D1
RGB 96, 147, 209
CMYK 54, 30, 0, 18

Dark Blue

The first of several “dark” variants on traditional colors, Dark Blue has a stronger black or gray undertone than traditional blue would usually have.

Dark Blue
Hex #00008B
RGB 0, 0, 139
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 45

Dark Blue Grey

Dark Blue Grey starts in the same place as Dark Blue, but it has a lower “key” value, resulting in a more muted shade.

Dark Blue Grey
Hex #666699
RGB 102, 102, 153
CMYK 33, 33, 0, 40

Dark Bronze

Dark Bronze is inspired by the metal of the same name, a bold dark brown tone with a noticeable yellow undertone to lend warmth.

Dark Bronze
Hex #804A00
RGB 128, 74, 0
CMYK 0, 42, 100, 50

Dark Brown

Dark Brown is a common shade found in traditional art, graphic art, and interior design, and its dark, solid warmth makes its popularity enduring.

Dark Brown
Hex #654321
RGB 101, 67, 33
CMYK 0, 34, 67, 60

Dark Brown-Tangelo

Dark Brown-Tangelo may appear very similar to Dark Brown at first glance, but the warmer pinkish-orange “Tangelo” notes give it a warmer, softer feeling.

Dark Brown-Tangelo
Hex #88654E
RGB 136, 101, 78
CMYK 0, 26, 43, 47

Dark Burgundy

Dark Burgundy is a deep reddish brown with darker red undertones, a deep variant on true Burgundy with a little more drama and intrigue.

Dark Burgundy
Hex #770F05
RGB 119, 15, 5
CMYK 0, 87, 96, 53

Dark Byzantium

Byzantium is a red-brown shade of purple inspired by the Byzantine Empire, and Dark Byzantium is just a little bit more “exotic” thanks to its darker shade.

Dark Byzantium
Hex #5D3954
RGB 93, 57, 84
CMYK 0, 39, 10, 64

Dark Candy Apple Red

Candy Apple Red is a vivid shade of red, but Dark Candy Apple Red actually mutes the color to look slightly pinkish.

Dark Candy Apple Red
Hex #A40000
RGB 164, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 36

Dark Cerulean

Cerulean actually refers to a range of colors in the blue family, but Dark Cerulean refers only to this deep, dramatic shade of blue.

Dark Cerulean
Hex #08457E
RGB 8, 69, 126
CMYK 94, 45, 0, 51

Dark Champagne

Dark Champagne, as you may have expected, is a few shades darker than traditional Champagne, swapping out the pink undertones for an orange-brown hue.

Dark Champagne
Hex #C2B280
RGB 194, 178, 128
CMYK 0, 8, 34, 24

Dark Charcoal

Dark Charcoal is a deep black or black-gray shade, with some slight reddish undertones to capture the warmth and brightness that real charcoal generates.

Dark Charcoal
Hex #333333
RGB 51, 51, 51
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 80

Dark Chestnut

Inspired by the tree (and nut) of the same name, Chestnut is an intensely reddish shade of brown with some bright orange undertones.

Dark Chestnut
Hex #986960
RGB 152, 105, 96
CMYK 0, 31, 37, 40

Dark Chocolate

If you like the sweetness of chocolate but want something a little more intense, then the bittersweet Dark Chocolate might be the best choice!

Dark Chocolate
Hex #490206
RGB 73, 2, 6
CMYK 0, 97, 92, 71

Dark Coral

Inspired by the bold colors of the underwater animal, Dark Coral is a vivid orange-red with some slightly more playful pink undertones running throughout.

Dark Coral
Hex #CD5B45
RGB 205, 91, 69
CMYK 0, 56, 66, 20

Dark Crimson

Crimson is another color that’s been in use for centuries, and Dark Crimson dials up the drama by making the shade even more intense.

Dark Crimson
Hex #661010
RGB 102, 16, 16
CMYK 0, 84, 84, 60

Dark Cyan

As a name, Cyan is often used interchangeably with “Aqua”, but Dark Cyan narrows the playing field to refer to this bold blue shade.

Dark Cyan
Hex #008B8B
RGB 0, 139, 139
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 45

Dark Ebony

Ebony is already an extremely dark color, so it should come as no surprise that Dark Ebony is one of the darkest black shades.

Dark Ebony
Hex #3C2005
RGB 60, 32, 5
CMYK 0, 47, 92, 76

Dark Electric Blue

Dark Electric Blue is a more intense variation on traditional Electric Blue, packing all of the heat without some of the Electric Blue brightness.

Dark Electric Blue
Hex #536878
RGB 83, 104, 120
CMYK 31, 13, 0, 53

Dark Fern

Inspired by the curls and tendrils of the plants that grow in forests worldwide, Dark Fern is a deep, dramatic shade of mossy green.

Dark Fern
Hex #0A480D
RGB 10, 72, 13
CMYK 86, 0, 82, 72

Dark Goldenrod

Dark Goldenrod may look closer to an orange or a brown shade, but it’s actually just a muted variation of the usually bright Goldenrod.

Dark Goldenrod
Hex #B8860B
RGB 184, 134, 11
CMYK 0, 27, 94, 28

Dark Gray

Dark Gray is another color that may not be as dark as you would expect it to look, essentially an exceptionally dark shade of off-white.

Dark Gray
Hex #A9A9A9
RGB 169, 169, 169
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 34

Dark Green

Dark Green, on the other hand, is nearly dark enough to pass for black, a deep bluish-green shade with some subtle brown undertones.

Dark Green
Hex #013220
RGB 1, 50, 32
CMYK 98, 0, 36, 80

Dark Gunmetal

Gunmetal is a dark gray variant, and Dark Gunmetal pushes the key value even higher for an intense shade of dark gray with bluish notes.

Dark Gunmetal
Hex #1F262A
RGB 31, 38, 42
CMYK 26, 10, 0, 84

Dark Hauser Green

Dark Hauser Green is very similar in appearance to the Dark Green listed above, but it does have a slightly higher yellow value.

Dark Hauser Green
Hex #1A482E
RGB 26, 72, 46
CMYK 64, 0, 36, 72

Dark Horse Liver

The name may be off-putting, but Dark Horse Liver is actually a very pleasant shade of warm brown with strong red or red-brown undertones.

Dark Horse Liver
Hex #543D37
RGB 84, 61, 55
CMYK 0, 27, 35, 67

Dark Imperial Blue

Dark Imperial Blue is a dramatic blue shade that borders on purple, a reference to the deep blues and crimsons prized by Imperial Rome.

Dark Imperial Blue
Hex #00147E
RGB 0, 20, 126
CMYK 100, 84, 0, 51

Dark Jungle Green

Dark Jungle Green is another shade of dark green that could almost pass for black, as the blue values have been dialed up to further darken this color.

Dark Jungle Green
Hex #1A2421
RGB 26, 36, 33
CMYK 28, 0, 8, 86

Dark Khaki

Dark Khaki may be darker than traditional Khaki, but it’s still a pleasantly bright shade of light brown with golden undertones.

Dark Khaki
Hex #BDB76B
RGB 189, 183, 107
CMYK 0, 3, 43, 26

Dark Lavender

Dark Lavender is named for the fragrant flower so popular around the world, a soft purple shade with some warmer red-purple notes found throughout.

Dark Lavender
Hex #734F96
RGB 115, 79, 150
CMYK 23, 47, 0, 41

Dark Liver

Dark Liver is a little bit darker than Dark Horse Liver, and the end result is a deep but still approachable shade of warm reddish brown.

Dark Liver
Hex #534B4F
RGB 83, 75, 79
CMYK 0, 10, 5, 67

Dark Magenta

Magenta is a popular choice among graphic artists and web designers, and Dark Magenta keeps that same shade with some added flair.

Dark Magenta
Hex #8B008B
RGB 139, 0, 139
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 45

Dark Midnight Blue

As the name might suggest, Midnight Blue is already an incredibly dark shade with a distinctive purple undercurrent, but Dark Midnight Blue pushes the darkness further.

Dark Midnight Blue
Hex #003366
RGB 0, 51, 102
CMYK 100, 50, 0, 60

Dark Moss Green

Dark Moss Green draws inspiration from the deep green tones and subtler purple and brown undertones of a mossy forest.

Dark Moss Green
Hex #4A5D23
RGB 74, 93, 35
CMYK 20, 0, 62, 64

Dark Olive Green

While some Olive Green variants can appear almost brown, Dark Olive Green is closer in shade to the yellow-green fruits of the olive tree.

Dark Olive Green
Hex #556B2F
RGB 85, 107, 47
CMYK 21, 0, 56, 58

Dark Orange

Dark Orange is a bright, intense shade that looks even brighter than traditional Orange, but still carries the cheerful color of the fruit of the same name.

Dark Orange
Hex #FF8C00
RGB 255, 140, 0
CMYK 0, 45, 100, 0

Dark Orchid

Like many other flowers, orchids can be found in just about any color, but the bold reddish-purple of Dark Orchid is one of the most popular.

Dark Orchid
Hex #9932CC
RGB 153, 50, 204
CMYK 25, 75, 0, 20

Dark Pastel Blue

Pastel Blue is a muted variation on true Blue, and Dark Pastel Blue increases the key value for a somber, reserved appearance.

Dark Pastel Blue
Hex #779ECB
RGB 119, 158, 203
CMYK 41, 22, 0, 20

Dark Pastel Green

Similarly, Pastel Green is a lighter and paler green shade, and Dark Pastel Green keeps some of the lightness while increasing the intensity.

Dark Pastel Green
Hex #03C03C
RGB 3, 192, 60
CMYK 98, 0, 69, 25

Dark Pastel Purple

Dark Pastel Purple looks almost like a traditional Lavender thanks to the combination of deep blue undertones and soft overall pastel appearance.

Dark Pastel Purple
Hex #966FD6
RGB 150, 111, 214
CMYK 30, 48, 0, 16

Dark Pastel Red

The last of our pastel variations, Dark Pastel Red straddles the line between red and pink thanks to the “darkened” aspect of what would otherwise be pink.

Dark Pastel Red
Hex #C23B22
RGB 194, 59, 34
CMYK 0, 70, 82, 24

Dark Pine

Dark Pine is another bold green shade, inspired by the dark green needles and brown trunk or branches of a stately pine tree.

Dark Pine
Hex #005C43
RGB 0, 92, 67
CMYK 100, 0, 27, 64

Dark Pink

Dark Pink is a lot more dramatic than traditional pink shades, and the darkening orange notes give this color an almost coral appearance.

Dark Pink
Hex #E75480
RGB 231, 84, 128
CMYK 0, 64, 45, 9

Dark Powder Blue

Like Pastel Blue, Powder Blue is a very pale blue variation, but Dark Powder Blue takes on an almost Royal Blue hue thanks to its purple undertones.

Dark Powder Blue
Hex #003399
RGB 0, 51, 153
CMYK 100, 67, 0, 40

Dark Puce

With its very strong red undertones and overall warm appearance, Dark Puce looks a lot closer to a deep brown shade than it does to true Puce.

Dark Puce
Hex #4F3A3C
RGB 79, 58, 60
CMYK 0, 27, 24, 69

Dark Purple

Dark Purple is an extremely dark shade of true purple, with a very high blue and key value for added intensity.

Dark Purple
Hex #330033
RGB 51, 0, 51
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 80

Dark Purple Blue

In contrast, Dark Purple Blue has a much more cheerful appearance, with enough red undercurrents to brighten the overall shade.

Dark Purple Blue
Hex #6600CC
RGB 102, 0, 204
CMYK 50, 100, 0, 20

Dark Raspberry

Inspired by the berry of the same name, Dark Raspberry is a sweet, bold shade of red with a bracing purple note running beneath the surface.

Dark Raspberry
Hex #872657
RGB 135, 38, 87
CMYK 0, 72, 36, 47

Dark Red

Dark Red is another popular choice for many graphic designers due to its bold, dramatic shade and its slightly muted tone as compared to true red.

Dark Red
Hex #8B0000
RGB 139, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 45

Dark Red Wood 

Dark Red Wood, on the other hand, is a shade of red that’s so dark that it almost passes for brown thanks to a slight orange note.

Dark Red Wood
Hex #610A03
RGB 97, 10, 3
CMYK 0, 90, 97, 62

Dark Salmon

Dark Salmon may be darker than true Salmon, but it’s still a very bright orange-red that’s far more cheerful than most red variations.

Dark Salmon
Hex #E9967A
RGB 233, 150, 122
CMYK 0, 36, 48, 9

Dark Scarlet

Scarlet has always been a dramatic – almost Gothic – color, and Dark Scarlet takes it one step farther with the intensely dark shade of red.

Dark Scarlet
Hex #560319
RGB 86, 3, 25
CMYK 0, 97, 71, 66

Dark Sea Green

Sea Green is a very light, foamy shade of green, and Dark Sea Green has some of that frothy feeling, but it scales up the key value for a notably muted appearance.

Dark Sea Green
Hex #8FBC8F
RGB 143, 188, 143
CMYK 24, 0, 24, 26

Dark Sienna

Dark Sienna is a very dark brown shade with some bright red undertones.

Dark Sienna
Hex #3C1414
RGB 60, 20, 20
CMYK 0, 67, 67, 76

Dark Sky Blue

If Sky Blue is named for the clear blue of a cloudless horizon, Dark Sky Blue is much closer in color to the deep blue-gray of a late afternoon sky.

Dark Sky Blue
Hex #8CBED6
RGB 140, 190, 214
CMYK 35, 11, 0, 16

Dark Slate Blue

Slate usually has a blue-gray or green-gray appearance, but Dark Slate Blue focuses only on the blue undertones to create this bold royal blue variant.

Dark Slate Blue
Hex #483D8B
RGB 72, 61, 139
CMYK 48, 56, 0, 45

Dark Slate Grey

In contrast to the previous entry, Dark Slate Grey really focuses on the gray notes of traditional Slate to make a deep gray-green shade.

Dark Slate Grey
Hex #2F4F4F
RGB 47, 79, 79
CMYK 41, 0, 0, 69

Dark Spring Green

Dark Spring Green is a rich, lush green shade inspired by the new plant life of spring.

Dark Spring Green
Hex #177245
RGB 23, 114, 69
CMYK 80, 0, 39, 55

Dark Tan

Tan is a muted shade of brown with red or gold tints, and Dark Tan is mostly the same color with a slightly higher key value.

Dark Tan
Hex #918151
RGB 145, 129, 81
CMYK 0, 11, 44, 43

Dark Tangerine

Dark Tangerine is another citrus-inspired color, and its dazzlingly bright orange hue is only a little bit darker than true Tangerine.

Dark Tangerine
Hex #FFA812
RGB 255, 168, 18
CMYK 0, 34, 93, 0

Dark Taupe

Taupe is another shade of brown that’s usually a little dark already, and Dark Taupe pushes the intensity of this deep reddish-brown even further.

Dark Taupe
Hex #483C32
RGB 72, 60, 50
CMYK 0, 17, 31, 72

Dark Terra Cotta

Terra Cotta is one of the oldest building materials in the world, and Dark Terra Cotta is a variation on its characteristically red hue.

Dark Terra Cotta
Hex #CC4E5C
RGB 204, 78, 92
CMYK 0, 62, 55, 20

Dark Turquoise

Dark Turquoise may not look “dark” in the usual sense, but it is noticeably more blue than “true” Turquoise, which usually appears more green.

Dark Turquoise
Hex #00CED1
RGB 0, 206, 209
CMYK 100, 1, 0, 18

Dark Vanilla

Warm, bright, and just a little bit sweet, Dark Vanillia is a cheerful off-white shade with a slightly pinkish brown running beneath the surface.

Dark Vanilla
Hex #D1BEA8
RGB 209, 190, 168
CMYK 0, 9, 20, 18

Dark Violet

Dark Violet is similar to magenta in brightness, a vivid shade of pinkish red with strong purple undertones to mellow it out slightly.

Dark Violet
Hex #9400D3
RGB 148, 0, 211
CMYK 30, 100, 0, 17

Dark Yellow

Dark Yellow is a bold, brassy shade of yellow that veers towards dark brown while still retaining yellow’s distinctive shade of bright, golden warmth.

Dark Yellow
Hex #9B870C
RGB 155, 135, 12
CMYK 0, 13, 92, 39

Dartmouth Green

Dartmouth Green is one of the official colors of Dartmouth University, a deep green shade with some subtle blue undertones for a cooler finish.

Dartmouth Green
Hex #00693E
RGB 0, 105, 62
CMYK 100, 0, 41, 59


Dates is a warm, rich brown shade named for the small, sweet fruits of the same name once they’ve been allowed to fully ripen.

Hex #5C1E0F
RGB 92, 30, 15
CMYK 0, 67, 84, 64

Davy’s Grey

Davy’s Grey is a darker shade of gray with some notable green or brown undertones to keep it from looking too dark or depressing.

Davy’s Grey
Hex #555555
RGB 85, 85, 85
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 67


In contrast, Dawn is a very pale gray shade that may look a little closer to brown than to true gray, with a slight greenish tint.

Hex #A6A29A
RGB 166, 162, 154
CMYK 0, 2, 7, 35

Dawn Pink

Dawn Pink is named for the first light of an early morning, a soft pink shade with a warm orange-red undertone throughout.

Dawn Pink
Hex #F3E9E5
RGB 243, 233, 229
CMYK 0, 4, 6, 5

De York

De York is a cheerful shade of light lime green. It’s got a strong yellow base, but the cooler blue mellows it out into essentially a pastel lime shade.

De York
Hex #7AC488
RGB 122, 196, 136
CMYK 38, 0, 31, 23


Deco is an energetic shade of muted gold that pays homage to the colors and patterns often found in the Art Deco movement of the 1920s.

Hex #D2DA97
RGB 210, 218, 151
CMYK 4, 0, 31, 15

Debian Red

One of the oldest operating systems in the world, Debian was first released in 1993, and this deep red shade has remained one of its official colors ever since.

Debian Red
Hex #D70A53
RGB 215, 10, 83
CMYK 0, 95, 61, 16

Deep Amethyst

Deep Amethyst is a pale purple shade with a smoky grayish-blue undertone.

Deep Amethyst
Hex #9C8AA4
RGB 156, 138, 164
CMYK 5, 16, 0, 36

Deep Antique Gold

Deep Antique Gold is a variation on Antique Gold that’s been treated with a slightly greener undertone to add an aged or deepened effect.

Deep Antique Gold
Hex #998E4E
RGB 153, 142, 78
CMYK 0, 7, 49, 40

Deep Arylamide Yellow

Similarly, Deep Arylamide Yellow uses Arylamide Yellow as a base, but dials up the red or orange values for a more intense finished product.

Deep Arylamide Yellow
Hex #FFBB10
RGB 255, 187, 16
CMYK 0, 27, 94, 0

Deep Aquamarine

Compared to “true” Aquamarine, Deep Aquamarine is much closer to a deep greenish blue shade than the bright, pale blue typically described as Aquamarine.

Deep Aquamarine
Hex #40826D
RGB 64, 130, 109
CMYK 51, 0, 16, 49

Deep Blue

Deep Blue is a rich, dark shade of intense royal blue that actually appears closer in shade to a Navy or Dark Navy Blue.

Deep Blue
Hex #220878
RGB 34, 8, 120
CMYK 72, 93, 0, 53

Deep Blush

Deep Blush is a warm pink shade that’s noticeably darker than true Blush pink while still retaining a characteristically bright orange or reddish hue.

Deep Blush
Hex #E47698
RGB 228, 118, 152
CMYK 0, 48, 33, 11

Deep Bronze

Bronze is already a dark shade of greenish brown, so it should come as no surprise that Deep Bronze is an even darker brown.

Deep Bronze
Hex #4A3004
RGB 74, 48, 4
CMYK 0, 35, 95, 71

Deep Burgundy

Burgundy usually has a reddish tint to it, but Deep Burgundy veers more towards the brown side of the scale, with subtle red undertones.

Deep Burgundy
Hex #7A383C
RGB 122, 56, 60
CMYK 0, 54, 51, 52

Deep Cadmium Green

Cadmium is a bluish white metal with high radioactive properties, and Deep Cadmium Green takes that blue-white tint further into the pale green territory.

Deep Cadmium Green
Hex #A3C18B
RGB 163, 193, 139
CMYK 16, 0, 28, 24

Deep Carmine

Carmine is a specific shade of red derived from the crushed shells of the cochineal beetle, and Deep Carmine is a more intense version of that shade.

Deep Carmine
Hex #A9203E
RGB 169, 32, 62
CMYK 0, 81, 63, 34

Deep Carmine Pink

Deep Carmine Pink contains the same intensely red shade as Deep Carmine or true Carmine, but with a brighter pink tint.

Deep Carmine Pink
Hex #EF3038
RGB 239, 48, 56
CMYK 0, 80, 77, 6

Deep Carrot Orange

Deep Carrot Orange is named for the distinctively bright orange shade of a carrot, one of the most popular vegetables found around the world.

Deep Carrot Orange
Hex #E9692C
RGB 233, 105, 44
CMYK 0, 55, 81, 9

Deep Cerise

Cerise is French for “cherry”, and this deep purplish pink shade is inspired by the fruit of the same name, albeit slightly more saturated.

Deep Cerise
Hex #DA3287
RGB 218, 50, 135
CMYK 0, 77, 38, 15

Deep Cerulean

Cerulean has changed its exact meaning over the years, but Deep Cerulean is the name for this bold, calm shade of rich grayish blue.

Deep Cerulean
Hex #007BA7
RGB 0, 123, 167
CMYK 100, 26, 0, 35

Deep Champagne

Champagne is usually used to refer to a pinkish-yellow off-white shade, and Deep Champagne does away with some of the pink notes for more of a tan-yellow appearance.

Deep Champagne
Hex #FAD6A5
RGB 250, 214, 165
CMYK 0, 14, 34, 2

Deep Chestnut

Deep Chestnut is a warm shade of reddish-brown that draws inspiration from the roasted shell of a sweet, seasonal chestnut.

Deep Chestnut
Hex #B94E48
RGB 185, 78, 72
CMYK 0, 58, 61, 27

Deep Coffee

No matter how you take your morning coffee, you’re probably pretty familiar with the rich, warm brown color that Deep Coffee seeks to imitate.

Deep Coffee
Hex #704241
RGB 112, 66, 65
CMYK 0, 41, 42, 56

Deep Cove

Deep Cove is an extremely dark blue shade that’s inspired by the shadows found playing around in the shallow waters of an ocean cove.

Deep Cove
Hex #051040
RGB 5, 16, 64
CMYK 92, 75, 0, 75

Deep Fir

Fir Green is a dark green shade named for the needles of a healthy fir tree, and Deep Fir pushes the darkness even further.

Deep Fir
Hex #002900
RGB 0, 41, 0
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 84

Deep Forest Green

Similarly, Deep Forest Green is a dramatic green shade inspired by the dark foliage and even darker shadows found in the heart of a thick forest.

Deep Forest Green
Hex #182D09
RGB 24, 45, 9
CMYK 47, 0, 80, 82

Deep Fuchsia

Fuchsia is named after the flower of the fuchsia plant, and Deep Fuchsia reflects the bright purplish red hue that the plant often displays.

Deep Fuchsia
Hex #C154C1
RGB 193, 84, 193
CMYK 0, 56, 0, 24

Deep Green

Deep Green is another color that looks exactly the way you’d expect it to – a simple, no nonsense shade of soothing dark green.

Deep Green
Hex #056608
RGB 5, 102, 8
CMYK 95, 0, 92, 60

Deep Green-Cyan Turquoise

Deep Green-Cyan Turquoise is another darker green shade, but the turquoise and cyan undertones give a lighter, more green-blue appearance to this shade.

Deep Green-Cyan Turquoise
Hex #0E7C61
RGB 14, 124, 97
CMYK 89, 0, 22, 51

Deep Jungle Green

Deep Jungle Green is similar to Deep Forest Green, but it’s lighter and it has more of a blue undertone to reflect a rain forest’s lusher appearance.

Deep Jungle Green
Hex #004B49
RGB 0, 75, 73
CMYK 100, 0, 3, 71

Deep Koamuru

Deep Koamuru is a name that’s been applied to multiple colors, but in this context, it refers to this bold shade of dark royal blue.

Deep Koamuru
Hex #1B127B
RGB 27, 18, 123
CMYK 78, 85, 0, 52

Deep Lemon

Deep Lemon is a darker yellow shade, inspired by the bright tone of a fresh lemon, but pushed a little bit darker.

Deep Lemon
Hex #F5C71A
RGB 245, 199, 26
CMYK 0, 19, 89, 4

Deep Lilac

Very similar in shade to a dark Lavender, Deep Lilac is another flower-inspired shade, with strong blue and pink undertones for a purplish shade.

Deep Lilac
Hex #9955BB
RGB 153, 85, 187
CMYK 18, 55, 0, 27

Deep Magenta

Deep Magenta veers a little closer to a pink shade than a true Magenta would do, but it still carries some of that traditional Magenta pink undertone.

Deep Magenta
Hex #CC00CC
RGB 204, 0, 204
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 20

Deep Maroon

Maroon is already a dark red shade, but Deep Maroon pushes the saturation even further for a dramatic, intense shade.

Deep Maroon
Hex #820000
RGB 130, 0, 0
CMYK 0. 100, 100, 49

Deep Mauve

Like Deep Magenta, Deep Mauve is a little bit more pink than its traditional variant – a warm purplish pink with plenty of bright energy.

Deep Mauve
Hex #D473D4
RGB 212, 115, 212
CMYK 0, 46, 0, 17

Deep Midnight Blue

As the name might suggest, Deep Midnight Blue is an extremely dark shade of blue that almost borders on black when viewed in certain lights.

Deep Midnight Blue
Hex #1E384F
RGB 30, 56, 79
CMYK 62, 29, 0, 69

Deep Moss Green

While moss may come in a wide range of colors, Deep Moss Green refers to the dark green shade that tends to be associated with the plant.

Deep Moss Green
Hex #355E3B
RGB 53, 94, 59
CMYK 44, 0, 37, 63

Deep Oak

Deep Oak is a rich, dark reddish brown shade that’s significantly darker than the lumber that carries the same name.

Deep Oak
Hex #412010
RGB 65, 32, 16
CMYK 0, 51, 75, 75

Deep Orange

Deep Orange is actually pretty close to Safety Orange, a vivid shade of bright orange that’s often used in construction sites or similar workplaces.

Deep Orange
Hex #DE4830
RGB 222, 72, 48
CMYK 0, 68, 78, 13

Deep Peach

True Peach is a soft, pale, pinkish brown. Deep Peach has more of a yellow undertone, but it still retains that soft, fuzzy appearance.

Deep Peach
RGB 255, 203, 164
CMYK 0, 20, 36, 0

Deep Periwinkle

Technically a pastel shade of purple, Periwinkle is usually considered part of the blue family, and Deep Periwinkle doubles down on the blue undertones.

Deep Periwinkle
Hex #7F8CC1
RGB 127, 140, 193
CMYK 34, 27, 0, 24

Deep Pink

Deep Pink is an extremely high-energy shade of bright pink, with plenty of red and orange undertones to dial up the heat and drama.

Deep Pink
Hex #FF1493
RGB 255, 20, 147
CMYK 0, 92, 42, 0

Deep Puce

Derived from the French word for “flea”, Puce is a warm reddish brown shade, and Deep Puce is a darker variation on the same.

Deep Puce
Hex #A95C68
RGB 169, 92, 104
CMYK 0, 46, 38, 34

Deep Purple

Deep Purple is a rich, luxurious shade of dark purple that still retains enough of a red undertone to keep it from looking too cold.

Deep Purple
Hex #725DA8
RGB 114, 93, 168
CMYK 32, 45, 0, 34

Deep Red

Deep Red is pretty close to what we would usually consider to be “true” Maroon, but it’s really just a darker red variation.

Deep Red
Hex #850101
RGB 133, 1, 1
CMYK 0, 99, 99, 48

Deep Red Rose

Deep Red Rose is an even darker shade of red that has a noticeable reddish brown undertone for an older, more dramatic overall appearance.

Deep Red Rose
Hex #71182E
RGB 113, 24, 46
CMYK 0, 79, 59, 56

Deep Ruby

Inspired by the gemstone of the same name, Deep Ruby is definitely more muted than true Ruby Red, but it still carries some of the rich luster of the original.

Deep Ruby
Hex #843F5B
RGB 132, 63, 91
CMYK 0, 52, 31, 48

Deep Saffron

As a spice, saffron has more of a red-orange appearance, but Saffron Yellow is a bold goldenrod shade that’s only intensified in Deep Saffron.

Deep Saffron
Hex #FF9933
RGB 255, 153, 51
CMYK 0, 40, 80, 0

Deep Sapphire

Deep Sapphire is another jewel-inspired shade, a dramatic shade of dark blue that almost veers towards dark purple.

Deep Sapphire
Hex #082567
RGB 8, 37, 103
CMYK 92, 64, 0, 60

Deep Sea

Deep Sea is a vivid bluish green that draws its inspiration from the color of the open ocean on a clear or cloudless day.

Deep Sea
Hex #01826B
RGB 1, 130, 107
CMYK 99, 0, 18, 49

Deep Sea Blue

Deep Sea Blue takes the standard Deep Sea shade and pushes the blue value even darker for a dramatic blue shade with only slight green undertones.

Deep Sea Blue
Hex #114C6A
RGB 17, 76, 106
CMYK 84, 28, 0, 58

Deep Sea Green

By the same token, Deep Sea Green starts with Deep Sea and dials up the green for a dark green shade with only slight blue undertones.

Deep Sea Green
Hex #095859
RGB 9, 88, 89
CMYK 90, 1, 0, 65

Deep Sky Blue

Deep Sky Blue is a bold shade of light blue, more intense than traditional Sky Blue but still as bright.

Deep Sky Blue
Hex #00BFFF
RGB 0, 191, 255
CMYK 100, 25, 0, 0

Deep Taupe

“Taupe” is derived from the French word for “mole”, and Deep Taupe is clearly inspired by the thick fur of the small underground animal.

Deep Taupe
Hex #7E5E60
RGB 126, 94, 96
CMYK 0, 25, 24, 51

Deep Tuscan Red

Tuscan Red already has a strong brown undertone, and Deep Tuscan Red darkens that shade even further for a deep reddish brown tint.

Deep Tuscan Red
Hex #66424D
RGB 102, 66, 77
CMYK 0, 35, 25, 60

Deep Teal

At first glance, Deep Teal may look more like a dark green than a true Teal, but it still has enough blue to land it firmly in the teal category.

Deep Teal
Hex #003532
RGB 0, 53, 50
CMYK 100, 0, 6, 79

Deep Violet

Deep Violet is a dark purplish blue shade that looks significantly darker than the mild purple flower from which it derives its name.

Deep Violet
Hex #330066
RGB 51, 0, 102
CMYK 50, 100, 0, 60

Deep Wild Ones

Deep Wild Ones is a dramatic shade of very dark blue that carries all of the mystery and intrigue that its name would imply.

Deep Wild Ones
Hex #1C2452
RGB 28, 36, 82
CMYK 66, 56, 0, 68

Deep Yellow

Like Deep Saffron and Deep Lemon, Deep Yellow is a little bit more orange than its “true” variant, but it’s still instantly recognizable as a yellow shade.

Deep Yellow
RGB 253, 170, 28
CMYK 0, 33, 89, 1


Deer is a soft brown shade inspired by the coat of a young deer or fawn.

Hex #BA8759
RGB 186, 135, 89
CMYK 0, 27, 52, 27

Del Rio

Del Rio is a muted purplish brown with enough of a yellow undertone to keep it from looking too washed out or distinctly “cold”.

Del Rio
Hex #B09A95
RGB 176, 154, 149
CMYK 0, 13, 15, 31

Delanes Dark Flesh

Delanes Dark Flesh is a dark brown shade with a warm red undertone and a vibrant, energetic overall appearance thanks to its brighter gold undertones.

Delanes Dark Flesh
Hex #854A3A
RGB 133, 74, 58
CMYK 0, 44, 56, 48


Delgreen is a dramatic shade of bright royal blue, an energetic shade with a fast-paced overall appearance and a cheerfully optimistic vivid blue tint.

Hex #001FFE
RGB 0, 31, 254
CMYK 100, 88, 0, 0


Often used interchangeably with the word “dale”, “dell” is any secluded, park-like hollow, and Dell green draws inspiration from these peaceful, idealized woodland scenes.

Hex #396413
RGB 57, 100, 19
CMYK 43, 0, 81, 61


Delta is a soft grayish green shade that draws inspiration from the mixing of waters and silts at the mouth of a river delta.

Hex #A4A49D
RGB 164, 164, 157
CMYK 0, 0, 4, 36


Deluge is a deep purple shade inspired by the color of a cloud bank right before or during the middle of a torrential rainstorm.

Hex #7563A8
RGB 117, 99, 168
CMYK 30, 41, 0, 34


While denim fabric can come in just about any color, denim dyed with indigo is usually the most popular, and Denim as a color is clearly inspired by that shade.

Hex #1560BD
RGB 21, 96, 189
CMYK 89, 49, 0, 26

Denim Blue

Denim Blue is a little bit more intense than true Denim, with a bolder blue shade overall.

Denim Blue
Hex #2243B6
RGB 34, 67, 182
CMYK 81, 63, 0, 29


Derby is a city in Derbyshire, England – but it also refers to this pale shade of light brown off-white, a delicate shade popular among haberdashers, cobblers, and graphic designers alike!

RGB 255, 238, 216
CMYK 0, 7, 15, 0

Desaturated Cyan

Desaturated Cyan is a variation on traditional Cyan, but appears significantly darker than the original shade due to the eponymous desaturation.

Desaturated Cyan
Hex #669999
RGB 102, 153, 153
CMYK 33, 0, 0, 40


Desert is another brown shade with warm yellowish brown undertones to reflect the warmth of the sprawling desert sands or dunes.

Hex #C19A6B
RGB 193, 154, 107
CMYK 0, 20, 45, 24

Desert Sand

Desert Sand is a little bit lighter than Desert, specifically inspired by the paler brown hue of the sand itself instead of the overall landscape.

Desert Sand
RGB 237, 201, 175
CMYK 0, 15, 26, 7

Desert Storm

Desert Storm is a pale off-white that draws its inspiration from the clouds that form over the desert before a sandstorm or windstorm.

Desert Storm
Hex #F8F8F7
RGB 248, 248, 247
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 3

Desert Turquoise

Desert Turquoise is a muted greenish blue shade that puts the viewer in mind of the semiprecious stone that often bears the same name.

Desert Turquoise
Hex #4FA1AC
RGB 79, 161, 172
CMYK 54, 6, 0, 33


Desire is a shockingly bright shade of orange or orange-red, with enough of a blue undertone to turn it into a magenta purple shade.

Hex #EA3C53
RGB 234, 60, 83
CMYK 0, 74, 65, 8


Inspired by the drops of moisture left behind in the early morning, Dew is an extremely pale shade of light blue with a soft green undertone.

RGB 234, 255, 254
CMYK 8, 0, 0, 0

Di Serria

Di Serria is a warm shade of brownish orange with a pale yellow undertone that helps to keep the warmth without washing it out.

Di Serria
Hex #DB995E
RGB 219, 153, 94
CMYK 0, 30, 57, 14


Like most other gemstones, diamonds can come in a wide range of colors, but Diamond is this pale, reflective shade of light blue.

Hex #B9F2FF
RGB 185, 242, 255
CMYK 27, 5, 0, 0


Diesel is an extremely dark shade of black that draws inspiration from the rich fuel that larger vehicles use to travel great distances.

Hex #130000
RGB 19, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 93

Dim Gray

Dim Gray is a darker gray shade with the slightest hint of a green-brown undertone that helps dial up the overall intensity of the shade.

Dim Gray
Hex #696969
RGB 105, 105, 105
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 59


Another color that draws its inspiration from a small town in England, Dingley is a rich green shade with a warm brown undertone.

Hex #5D7747
RGB 93, 119, 71
CMYK 22, 0, 40, 53

Dioxazine Purple

Dioxazine Purple is a deep purplish violet color with a strong blue undertone that pushes it even further into the blue-violet family of colors.

Dioxazine Purple
Hex #422A76
RGB 66, 42, 118
CMYK 44, 64, 0, 54


Disco is a bright purplish red shade that draws its inspiration from the frenetic energy and vintage excitement of the dance craze that dominated the 1970s.

Hex #871550
RGB 135, 21, 80
CMYK 0, 84, 41, 47


Dixie is a soft orange-yellow shade with a warm overall feeling that hearkens back to an over-romanticized time in the distant past.

Hex #E29418
RGB 226, 148, 24
CMYK 0, 35, 89, 11

Dodger Blue

Dodger Blue is the official color of the Brooklyn Dodgers, one of the oldest professional baseball teams in the US. While the Dodgers have never worn Dodger Blue, the color is used throughout their home stadium.

Dodger Blue
Hex #1E90FF
RGB 30, 144, 255
CMYK 88, 44, 0, 0

Dodie Yellow

Dodie or “Dody” is often used as a nickname for “Dorothy”, but here it refers to this cheerful shade of bright yellow.

Dodie Yellow
Hex #FEF65B
RGB 254, 246, 91
CMYK 0, 3, 64, 0

Dogwood Rose

Dogwood Rose is a soft magenta red shade that draws inspiration from the flower of the same name.

Dogwood Rose
Hex #D71868
RGB 215, 24, 104
CMYK 0, 89, 52, 16

Dollar Bill

Dollar Bill is a greenish yellow shade inspired by the color of American money, after which this shade is named.

Dollar Bill
Hex #85BB65
RGB 133, 187, 101
CMYK 29, 0, 46, 27


Dolly is very similar in shade to Dodie Yellow, but Dolly is a paler shade that lacks some of the same intensity as the previous color.

Hex #F9FF8B
RGB 249, 255, 139
CMYK 2, 0, 45, 0


Dolphin is a deep bluish gray shade based on the skin color of the relatively small aquatic mammals found throughout the world’s oceans.

Hex #646077
RGB 100, 96, 119
CMYK 16, 19, 0, 53

Dolphin Gray

Since dolphins around the world can be found in a variety of different colors (including pink!), there are lots of different variations on the Dolphin shade – including Dolphin Gray, a lighter, greener gray shade.

Dolphin Gray
Hex #828E84
RGB 130, 142, 132
CMYK 8, 0, 7, 44


Domino is a soft light brown shade with plenty of red and yellow undertones.

Hex #8E775E
RGB 142, 119, 94
CMYK 0, 16, 34, 44

Don Juan

Don Juan, especially compared to the previous entry, is a much cooler shade of brown with an almost purple tint to its overall hue.

Don Juan
Hex #5D4C51
RGB 93, 76, 81
CMYK 0, 18, 13, 64

Donkey Brown

Donkey Brown is a soft, light brown that veers into gray, drawing inspiration from the warm, fuzzy coat of a common donkey or mule.

Donkey Brown
Hex #A69279
RGB 166, 146, 121
CMYK 0, 12, 27, 35


The word “dorado” comes from the Spanish word for “golden” – but it can also be used to mean “browned”, which is where this warm shade of dark brown gets its name.

Hex #6B5755
RGB 107, 87, 85
CMYK 0, 19, 21, 58


Doritos is named for and inspired by the bright orange shade of the cheesy, triangular tortilla chips.

Hex #F1700A
RGB 241, 112, 10
CMYK 0, 54, 96, 5

Double Colonial White

Colonial White is a soft off-white shade with some yellow undertones, and Double Colonial White doubles the intensity in order to create a much warmer shade.

Double Colonial White
RGB 238, 227, 173
CMYK 0, 5, 27, 7

Double Pearl Lusta

Double Pearl Lusta is named for the creamy, almost iridescent white shade that’s found in a string of traditional white or yellow pearls.

Double Pearl Lusta
Hex #FCF4D0
RGB 252, 244, 208
CMYK 0, 3, 17, 1

Double Spanish White

Like the previous few entries on this list, Double Spanish White starts with a traditional baseline and ups the intensity to create a deeper shade.

Double Spanish White
Hex #E6D7B9
RGB 230, 215, 185
CMYK 0, 7, 20, 10


Dough is a bright, pale yellow that draws its inspiration from the color of bread dough that’s been set out to rise.

Hex #F4FEC1
RGB 244, 254, 193
CMYK 4, 0, 24, 0


Dove is an extremely soft off-white shade with some bluish pink undertones, named for the pale feathers of the classic or “true” dove.

Hex #F8F8F8
RGB 248, 248, 248
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 3

Dove Chocolate

Dove Chocolate, on the other hand, is an extremely dark shade of brown that draws its inspiration from the chocolate company of the same name.

Dove Chocolate
Hex #370202
RGB 55, 2, 2
CMYK 0, 96, 96, 78

Dove Gray

Dove Gray is a deep shade of dark brown-gray, a cool, soft shade that’s named for the dark feathers found on common doves or pigeons.

Dove Gray
Hex #6D6C6C
RGB 109, 108, 108
CMYK 0, 1, 1, 57


Downriver is another dark blue shade, an intense royal blue variation named for the dark waters and currents of a swiftly-moving river.

Hex #092256
RGB 9, 34, 86
CMYK 90, 60, 0, 66


By contrast, Downy is a light blue shade with some strong green and yellow undertones to create a muted teal shade or overall hue.

Hex #6FD0C5
RGB 111, 208, 197
CMYK 47, 0, 5, 18


Despite its name, Drab is actually a cheerful brown shade, with enough of a yellow undertone to keep its appearance from being too depressing.

Hex #967117
RGB 150, 113, 23
CMYK 0, 25, 85, 41

Dragon Green

Dragon Green is a dark green shade with a blue-brown undertone, inspired by the scales and wings of fire-breathing dragons in traditional Western folklore.

Dragon Green
Hex #035936
RGB 3, 89, 54
CMYK 97, 0, 39, 65

Dragon Red

Dragon Red, on the other hand, could refer to either Western or Eastern Dragons – a bright red shade with plenty of fire and energy.

Dragon Red
Hex #D11428
RGB 209, 20, 40
CMYK 0, 90, 81, 18


Dreamsicle is a warm, bright, and oh-so-sweet shade of orange that draws its inspiration from the popular orange-flavored frozen treat of the same name.

Hex #FD8642
RGB 253, 134, 66
CMYK 0, 47, 74, 1

Dried Basil Green

Basil Green is a deep shade of dark green, but Dried Basil Green is much paler and softer, an accurate reflection of the color the herb takes once it’s been dried.

Dried Basil Green
Hex #B9A96D
RGB 185, 169, 109
CMYK 0, 9, 41, 27


Driftwood is a warm shade of light brown, named for the large chunks of wood that occasionally wash up on the shores of rivers, oceans and seas.

Hex #AF8751
RGB 175, 135, 81
CMYK 0, 23, 54, 31


A “drover” is an old-timey word for someone who moves cattle or other livestock over long distances, and Drover is a soft yellow-brown that captures some of that history and adventure.

RGB 253, 247, 173
CMYK 0, 2, 32, 1

Duke Blue

Duke Blue is a dark blue shade that serves as the official color of Duke University.

Duke Blue
Hex #00009C
RGB 0, 0, 156
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 39

Dull Lavender

We’ve already seen Deep Lavender and Dark Lavender, but Dull Lavender is another soft purple variation on the same true Lavender theme.

Dull Lavender
Hex #A899E6
RGB 168, 153, 230
CMYK 27, 33, 0, 10


Dune is a very dark shade of brown with orange undertones that almost borders on a shade of black.

Hex #383533
RGB 56, 53, 51
CMYK 0, 5, 9, 78

Dune Yellow

Dune Yellow, on the other hand, is a bright, hot shade of yellowish-brown, inspired by the warm sand dunes of an open, unending desert.

Dune Yellow
Hex #D0985B
RGB 208, 152, 91
CMYK 0, 27, 56, 18


Dust is a pale and, well, dusty shade of light brown with a strong gray undertone, inspired by the tiny dust particles with which most of us are all too familiar.

Hex #918B8D
RGB 145, 139, 141
CMYK 0, 4, 3, 43

Dust Storm

Dust Storm is a little bit brighter and warmer, a pinkish-brown shade inspired by the light that slants through the swirling gusts of a dust storm.

Dust Storm
Hex #E5CCC9
RGB 229, 204, 201
CMYK 0, 11, 12, 10

Dusty Gray

Dusty Gray is a warm gray shade with pink or purple undertones and a cool, muted overall appearance.

Dusty Gray
Hex #A8989B
RGB 168, 152, 155
CMYK 0, 10, 8, 34

Dusty Rose

Dusty Rose is a bright, warm orange-brown with enough red undertones to keep it from being classified as a true brown.

Dusty Rose
Hex #E4AF8D
RGB 228, 175, 141
CMYK 0, 23, 38, 11

Dutch White

Dutch White is a warm shade with strong yellow undertones and a soft, creamy sort of overall appearance, inspired by classical Dutch architecture.

Dutch White
RGB 239, 223, 187
CMYK 0, 7, 22, 6

All Colors A-Z

Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z