176 Colors That Start With S (Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK)

Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with s

S is another letter found in a lot of color names. However, few color families begin with the letter S, which means this group has more variety than other letters. From “sable” to “silver,” we’ve compiled a collection of “super,” “sweet,” and even “shocking” colors to help you get started on your next graphic design project.

Here’s a list of colors that start with S, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:


Sabbatical is a cool, soothing shade of blue with strong green and gray undertones—a relaxed shade that carries the promise of rest.

Hex #547377 
RGB 84, 115, 119
CMYK 29, 3, 0, 53


Sable is a deep, rich shade of brown with strong red and black undertones that draws its inspiration from the small weasel-like animal of the same name.

Hex #402000 
RGB 64, 32, 0
CMYK 0, 50, 100, 75


Saddle is a dark, solid shade of brown with hints of deeper red and a touch of gray, inspired by the worn leather of an old saddle.

Hex #4C3024 
RGB 76, 48, 36
CMYK 0, 37, 53, 70


Safari is a wild, adventurous shade of medium-light brown with strong golden yellow undertones that capture some of the heat and expanse of an unfolding journey.

Color personality quiz animation

Hex #C0A469 
RGB 192, 164, 105
CMYK 0, 15, 45, 25


Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, but the color Saffron draws its inspiration from the bright yellow flower centers rather than the iconic crimson stigmas that make up the spice itself.

Hex #F4C430 
RGB 244, 196, 48
CMYK 0, 20, 80, 4


Another spice or herb-themed color, Sage is a soft shade of dusty green with strong brown and gray undertones that draws its inspiration from the shrub of the same name.

Hex #BCB88A 
RGB 188, 184, 138
CMYK 0, 2, 27, 26


The Sahara desert is the largest hot desert in the world, and the color Sahara draws inspiration from the blazing heat and the never-ending expanse of the sand dunes.

Hex #B7A214 
RGB 183, 162, 20
CMYK 0, 11, 89, 28


Sail is a soft shade of pale blue with hints of white and violet that capture some of the lightness and motion of a boat at full sail.

Hex #B8E0F9 
RGB 184, 224, 249
CMYK 26, 10, 0, 2


Salem is a deep, bold shade of dark green that draws its inspiration from the thick forests that once surrounded the infamous city of Salem, Massachusetts.

Hex #097F4B 
RGB 9, 127, 75
CMYK 93, 0, 41, 50


Salmon is a bright pink shade with strong orange undertones that serves as a close match to the bright pinkish-orange of salmon fish.

Hex #FA8072 
RGB 250, 128, 114
CMYK 0, 49, 54, 2


Saloon is a solid, dusty shade of brown with an aged and weathered finish due to the paler white and gray undertones that run throughout.

Hex #D5BF98 
RGB 213, 191, 152
CMYK 0, 10, 29, 16

Salt Box

Salt Box is a brilliant shade of off-white with very light blue and purple undertones to lend a little bit of depth to an otherwise white shade.

Salt Box
Hex #685E6E 
RGB 104, 94, 110
CMYK 5, 15, 0, 57

San Felix

San Felix is a bold shade of dark green that draws its inspiration from the rich plant life found on the island of the same name off the coast of Chile.

San Felix
Hex #0B6207 
RGB 11, 98, 7
CMYK 89, 0, 93, 62

San Juan

San Juan is a dark, deep shade of blue with strong black and gray undertones and a slight hint of red for a deeper purple hue.

San Juan
Hex #304B6A 
RGB 48, 75, 106
CMYK 55, 29, 0, 58


Sanctuary is a safe, solid shade of brown with strong red and gold undertones for an added sense of stability and strength.

Hex #A68459 
RGB 166, 132, 89
CMYK 0, 20, 46, 35


Sand is a warm brown shade with strong yellow undertones, inspired by the quiet heat of the sand found in a desert or along a beach.

Hex #C2B280 
RGB 194, 178, 128
CMYK 0, 8, 34, 24


Obviously sandals can come in nearly any color, but this color name refers to the well-worn comfortable shade of medium-light warm brown.

Hex #AA8D6F 
RGB 170, 141, 111
CMYK 0, 17, 35, 33


Sandalwood is a warm reddish-brown wood that is often used for woodworking and other works of art. As a color, Sandalwood captures that same warmth and reflective beauty with a solid red-brown shade.

Hex #8C6440 
RGB 140, 100, 64
CMYK 0, 29, 54, 45


Sandstorm is a bright shade of yellow with strong brown undertones and a hint of red, inspired by the swirling clouds of sand that sweep across desert environments.

Hex #ECD540 
RGB 236, 213, 64
CMYK 0, 10, 73, 7


Sangria is a punch made of red wine and various fruits. As a color, Sangria is a vivid shade of dark red with some brighter fruity undertones.

Hex #92000A 
RGB 146, 0, 10
CMYK 0, 100, 93, 43


Sanguine is a chalky, reddish-brown shade that takes its name (and its inspiration) from the Latin word sanguis, which means blood.

Hex #C00000 
RGB 192, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100,100, 25

Santa Fe

Santa Fe is an open, inviting shade of brown with very strong red undertones and just a hint of yellow that captures the southwestern feel of the New Mexico city.

Santa Fe
Hex #B16D52 
RGB 177, 109, 82
CMYK 0, 38, 54, 31

Santa Red

Santa Red is an intense shade of bold, bright red that clearly draws its inspiration from the red suit worn by the popular Christmastime character!

Santa Red
Hex #9E1D33 
RGB 158, 29, 51
CMYK 0, 82, 68, 38

Sap Green

Sap Green is a mild shade of medium-dark green with strong yellow undertones and a hint of yellow, inspired by the growth of young trees.

Sap Green
Hex #507D2A 
RGB 80, 125, 42
CMYK 36, 0, 66, 51


Sapphire is a brilliant shade of bright Royal Blue that shares its name—and its deeply glinting hue—with the sapphire gemstone.

Hex #0F52BA 
RGB 15, 82, 186
CMYK 92, 56, 0, 27


Saratoga is a dark green shade with strong brown undertones that lend a deep brown-green tint to the overall color without erasing the green entirely.

Hex #555B10 
RGB 85, 91, 16
CMYK 7, 0, 82, 64

Sargent Pepper

Sargent Pepper is a bright shade of red with subtle pink undertones running beneath the surface and lending a cheerier cast to an otherwise deep shade.

Sargent Pepper
Hex #A34053 
RGB 163, 64, 83
CMYK 0, 61, 49, 36

Sasquatch Socks

Sasquatch Socks is a vivid pink shade with hints of orange and yellow that push the intensity a little bit further and create a brighter overall shade.

Sasquatch Socks
Hex #FF4681 
RGB 255, 70, 129
CMYK 0, 73, 49, 0


Sassy lives up to its name with this bright, intense shade of dark purple with strong red and magenta undertones that give this color a fun and flirty bit of flair.

Hex #7E2A65 
RGB 126, 42, 101
CMYK 0, 67, 20, 51


Satellite is a deep gray shade with hints of purple and red, inspired by the constantly expanding space through which man-made satellites travel.

Hex #554244 
RGB 85, 66, 68
CMYK 0, 22, 20, 67


Saturn’s pale yellow atmosphere comes from the ammonia crystals that fill its upper atmosphere and reflect light in this soft, creamy yellow hue.

RGB 250, 239, 173
CMYK 0, 4, 31, 2


The color Scarlet actually takes its name from scarlet cloth—a brilliantly red cloth with orange undertones that was worn throughout antiquity as a symbol of power and wealth.

Hex #FF2400 
RGB 255, 36, 0
CMYK 0, 86, 100, 0


Schist is a metamorphic rock with a relatively soft, flaky quality and a muted greenish gray color that often matches this particular shade.

Hex #A9B497 
RGB 169, 180, 151
CMYK 6, 0, 16, 29

School Bus Yellow

School Bus Yellow is a sunny yellow shade that makes for a pretty common sight along roads across the United States during the school year.

School Bus Yellow
Hex #FFD800 
RGB 255, 216, 0
CMYK 0, 15, 100, 0

Science Blue

Science Blue is a determined, hardworking shade of Royal Blue with a vivid overall cast and some subtle notes of violet and red for a more intense shade.

Science Blue
Hex #0066CC 
RGB 0, 102, 204
CMYK 100, 50, 0, 20


Scorpion is a dark shade of brown with strong black and gray undertones that draws its inspiration from the stereotypically dark brown exoskeleton of the stinging arachnids.

Hex #695F62 
RGB 105, 95, 98
CMYK 0, 10, 7, 59


Scrub is a dark shade of black with subtle blue and green undertones that help to create a sense of cleanliness and purification.

Hex #3D4031 
RGB 61, 64, 49
CMYK 5, 0, 23, 75

Sea Blue

Sea Blue is a dark blue shade with strong green and gray undertones that help to capture some of the depth and power of the open sea.

Sea Blue
Hex #006994 
RGB 0, 105, 148
CMYK 100, 29, 0, 42

Sea Green

Sea Green is an equally deep shade of green with strong blue and yellow undertones that draws its inspiration from the color of the ocean as it nears a beach.

Sea Green
Hex #1F6361 
RGB 31, 99, 97
CMYK 69, 0, 2, 61

Sea Nymph

Sea Nymph is a misty color that builds on the green and blue notes of the previous entry to create a cool shade of greenish gray with a hint of ocean blue.

Sea Nymph
Hex #78A39C 
RGB 120, 163, 156
CMYK 26, 0, 4, 36

Sea Serpent

Sea Serpent is a strong, twisting shade of blue with subtle hints of green and yellow that brighten the shade and give it an almost reptilian feeling.

Sea Serpent
Hex #4BC7CF 
RGB 75, 199, 207
CMYK 64, 4, 0, 19


Seagull is a soft gray shade with hints of brown and pink beneath the surface, inspired by downy gray shades of a seagull’s feathers and wings.

Hex #BFBDC8 
RGB 191, 189, 200
CMYK 4, 5, 0, 22


Seal is a mild shade of gray with hints of green and a touch of brown, clearly inspired by the strong, waterproof skin of harbor seals and other aquatic mammals.

Hex #9EA587 
RGB 158, 165, 135
CMYK 4, 0, 18, 35


Seaweed is a very dark shade of deep green with strong black undertones that shares its color with the thousands of species of marine algae that line the ocean floor.

Hex #003A1E 
RGB 0, 58, 30
CMYK 100, 0, 48, 77

Secret Garden

Secret Garden is a weathered shade of dusty green with mild brown and gray undertones—the color of a garden that’s been locked away for years.

Secret Garden
Hex #6D6D26 
RGB 109, 109, 38
CMYK 0, 0, 65, 57


Seismic is a warm shade of brown with hints of red that capture some of the movement and power of the plates that make up our planet.

Hex #9C7D67 
RGB 156, 125, 103
CMYK 0, 20, 34, 39


Sepia is a warm shade of reddish brown that historically derived its color from the ink sacs found in cuttlefish—specifically from the Sepia genus.

Hex #704214 
RGB 112, 66, 20
CMYK 0, 41, 82, 56


Serendipity refers to a fortunate discovery that was unplanned or unexpected. In this case, Serendipity refers to this soft shade of light purple with an unexpected twist of gray.

Hex #B1B9D3 
RGB 177, 185, 211
CMYK 16, 12, 0, 17


Sesame is a mild shade of light brown with some warmer yellow and red undertones, named after the small white-brown seed that shares its color.

Hex #DCCBB6 
RGB 220, 203, 182
CMYK 0, 8, 17, 14

Shadow Blue

Shadow Blue is a cool blue shade with strong gray and black undertones that puts the viewer in mind of a late summer day and long, stretching shadows.

Shadow Blue
Hex #778BA5 
RGB 119, 139, 165
CMYK 28, 16, 0, 35


Shakespeare is a brisk, imaginative shade of blue with hints of yellow and violet underneath the surface that help to capture some of the creativity and inspiration that the name supplies.

Hex #4EABD1 
RGB 78, 171, 209
CMYK 63, 18, 0, 18

Shale Green

Shale is another fine-grained rock made of a mixture of clay and other minerals that splits easily into thin layers. Shale Green matches one of the most common colors of this soft, green-gray stone.

Shale Green
Hex #BEC3AC 
RGB 190, 195, 172
CMYK 3, 0, 12, 24


Shamrock is a brilliant shade of bright, cheerful green with hints of yellow, inspired by the lucky young clover of the same name.

Hex #33CC99 
RGB 51, 204, 153
CMYK 75, 0, 25, 20


Shark is a dark black shade that may not exactly match the color of most saltwater sharks but that does capture the sense of menace and foreboding that these animals often evoke.

Hex #25272C 
RGB 37, 39, 44
CMYK 16, 11, 0, 83

Sheen Green

Sheen Green is a bright, oily green shade with strong yellow undertones and a touch of brown and red to give the color a softly iridescent finish.

Sheen Green
Hex #8FD400 
RGB 143, 212, 0
CMYK 33, 0, 100, 17

Sheer Black

Sheer Black is a standard shade of black with a subtle twist—a dash of yellow and red, combined with a slight white highlight, give this color a “sheer”, transparent finish.

Sheer Black
Hex #332F2F 
RGB 51, 47, 47
CMYK 0, 8, 8, 80

Sherpa Blue

Sherpa Blue is a vivid shade of bluish green with strong gray and black undertones, inspired by the rich colors and fabrics worn by the Sherpa people of Nepal.

Sherpa Blue
Hex #004950 
RGB 0, 73, 80
CMYK 100, 9, 0, 69

Sherwood Green

Sherwood Green is a very dark shade of green used in elite military uniforms around the world, but it owes its name to Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire, England—the iconic forest of Robin Hood fame.

Sherwood Green
Hex #02402C 
RGB 2, 64, 44
CMYK 97, 0, 31, 75

Shimmering Blush

Shimmering Blush lives up to its name—a soft pink shade with a warmer red undertone and hints of yellow for a bright, glittering finish.

Shimmering Blush
Hex #D98695 
RGB 217, 134, 149
CMYK 0, 38, 31, 15

Ship Cove

Ship Cove is a cool blue shade with deeper violet and purple hints, inspired by the sheltered waters of some distant harbor.

Ship Cove
Hex #788BBA 
RGB 120, 139, 186
CMYK 35, 25, 0, 27


Shocking is a bright, brash shade of pink with a stronger magenta jolt lurking beneath the surface for a surprising twist on a standard shade.

Hex #E292C0 
RGB 226, 146, 192
CMYK 0, 35, 15, 11

Shooting Star

Shooting Star is a brilliant yellow shade with strong white highlights that help to capture some of the heat and brightness of a falling or shooting star.

Shooting Star
Hex #FDE336 
RGB 253, 227, 54
CMYK 0, 10, 79, 1


Showtime is a very dark shade of black with only slight hints of blue and magenta to convey the breathless potential of a packed theater just before the curtain rises.

Hex #2F263A 
RGB 47, 38, 58
CMYK 19, 34, 0, 77


Shrimp is a warm shade of brown with strong pink undertones, inspired by the distinctive color of the small, ten-legged crustaceans beneath their shells.

Hex #DAA589 
RGB 218, 165, 137
CMYK 0, 24, 37, 15


Sidecar is a fast-paced, energetic shade of creamy off-white with hints of yellow and red to better capture that need for speed.

Hex #F3E7BB 
RGB 243, 231, 187
CMYK 0, 5, 23, 5


Sienna is a natural pigment made from a mix of clay and various metals and minerals that create this warm shade of deep rusty brown.

Hex #882D17 
RGB 136, 45, 23
CMYK 0, 67, 83, 47


Signal is a vivid red shade with hints of orange and yellow for greater intensity, which makes it a perfect color for traffic signs and other important signals.

Hex #CD1E59 
RGB 205, 30, 89
CMYK 0, 85, 57, 20


Silk is a soft, luxurious shade of Dove Gray with subtle pink and white highlights that give it a warmer, more inviting overall finish.

Hex #BDB1A8 
RGB 189, 177, 168
CMYK 0, 6, 11, 26


Silver is a cool shade of gray with bright white highlights and a smooth finish to help reflect the decadent value of the priceless metal.

Hex #C0C0C0 
RGB 192, 192, 192
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 25


Sinbad is a lighter variation on a traditional Sea Green—a brisk mix of blue, green and yellow that shares its name with the heroic sailor in Middle Eastern tradition.

Hex #9FD7D3 
RGB 159, 215, 211
CMYK 26, 0, 2, 16

Sing Song

Sing Song is a bright, cheery shade of yellow with some pink and red undertones for added warmth and lightness in an appropriately whimsical shade.

Sing Song
Hex #F6E0A4 
RGB 246, 224, 164
CMYK 0, 9, 33, 4


Named after the Turkish city of Sinop, Sinopia is a vivid red-orange shade which, like Sienna, derives its color from a mix of clay and hematite or iron oxide.

Hex #CB410B 
RGB 203, 65, 11
CMYK 0, 68, 95, 20


Siren is a rich, lush shade of dark red with some deeper purple undertones for added mystery and intrigue, inspired by the enchanting monsters of Greek mythology.

Hex #7A013A 
RGB 122, 1, 58
CMYK 0, 99, 52, 52


Named for the hurricane-force winds that sweep up through the Mediterranean into Europe, Sirocco is a strong, stormy shade of greenish gray with blue and white notes beneath the surface.

Hex #718080 
RGB 113, 128, 128
CMYK 12, 0, 0, 50


Sisal is a unique color in that it takes its name not from the sisal bush found throughout southern Mexico, but instead from the fibers it yields and the ropes they’re often used to make.

Hex #D3CBBA 
RGB 211, 203, 186
CMYK 0, 4, 12, 17

Sizzling Red

Sizzling Red is an appropriately hot shade of red with strong orange and yellow undertones that push the intensity even further.

Sizzling Red
Hex #FF3855 
RGB 255, 56, 85
CMYK 0, 78, 67, 0


Skeptic is a stern, serious shade of pale Spring Green with strong white undertones for a more grounded, reserved overall finish.

Hex #CAE6DA 
RGB 202, 230, 218
CMYK 12, 0, 5, 10

Sky Blue

Sky Blue is a clear, bright shade of blue with a hint of deeper violet, inspired by the color of the sky on a cloudless day.

Sky Blue
Hex #87CEEB 
RGB 135, 206, 235
CMYK 43, 12, 0, 8

Slate Blue

Slate Blue is a cool, neat shade of bluish gray inspired by the typical color of slate stone, which can often be found in green and blue-gray tones.

Slate Blue
Hex #6A5ACD 
RGB 106, 90, 205
CMYK 48, 56, 0, 20

Slate Gray

In the same vein, Slate Gray is a deep gray shade with strong blue undertones and just a hint of green, drawing its inspiration from the same source as the previous entry.

Slate Gray
Hex #708090 
RGB 112, 128, 144
CMYK 22, 11, 0, 44


Slime is a very bright green shade with a thick yellow undertone, inspired by the classic appearance of a yellow-green lump of slime.

Hex #59BE37 
RGB 89, 190, 55
CMYK 53, 0, 71, 25


Slugger is a bold, dramatic shade of dark brown with strong black undertones that help to lend a bit more weight and visual impact.

Hex #42342B 
RGB 66, 52, 43
CMYK 0, 21, 35, 74


Smiles is a cheery color that’s every bit as friendly as the name would imply—a happy yellow shade with the slightest hint of deeper orange and gold undertones.

Hex #FBF073 
RGB 251, 240, 115
CMYK 0, 4, 54, 2


Smoke is a strong, dramatic shade of dark green with gray undertones and a touch of blue for a little bit of extra weight and smokiness.

Hex #738276 
RGB 115, 130, 118
CMYK 12, 0, 9, 49

Smooth Cream

As the name would imply, Smooth Cream is a light, smooth shade of off-yellow with a hint of gold for a sweeter, flawless overall finish.

Smooth Cream
Hex #FFE4C6 
RGB 255, 228, 198
CMYK 0, 11, 22, 0


Snap is a quick, sharp burst of color—a medium-light blue shade with subtle violet undertones that help to create a deeper finish.

Hex #5BA0D0 
RGB 91, 160, 208
CMYK 56, 23, 0, 18


Snow looks almost exactly the way you’d expect it to look—a crisp, icy shade of white with only a subtle hint of red or orange to reflect the light and give it color.

RGB 255, 250, 250
CMYK 0, 2, 2, 0


Soap is a darker purple shade, a cool, clean color with brighter red undertones and a muted gray overlay for a neat, decisive finish.

Hex #CEC8EF 
RGB 206, 200, 239
CMYK 14, 16, 0, 6


Socrates is a deep brown shade with strong green and gray undertones that help to add an aged feel and evoke the solemn, philosophical air that the name implies.

Hex #716D59 
RGB 113, 109, 89
CMYK 0, 4, 21, 56

Soft Sage

Soft Sage is a lighter variation on “true” Sage—a pale, dusty shade of green with strong brown undertones that threaten to cancel out any of the blue highlights.

Soft Sage
Hex #DDE3C1 
RGB 221, 227, 193
CMYK 3, 0, 15, 11

Solid Gold

Solid Gold takes traditional Gold or Gold Brown and gives it a weightier, more grounded finish by adding stronger brown and green undertones.

Solid Gold
Hex #927748 
RGB 146, 119, 72
CMYK 0, 18, 51, 43


Named after the county in South West England, Somerset is a warm shade of yellow with an aged feel and a subtle hint of brown that lends a more distinguished flair.

Hex #DFDD78 
RGB 223, 221, 120
CMYK 0, 1, 46, 13

Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom is a vivid green shade with notes of yellow and gray running throughout in order to give this color the power and impact that its name deserves.

Sonic Boom
Hex #89B737 
RGB 137, 183, 55
CMYK 25, 0, 70, 28


The word “soot” refers to the visible accumulation of carbon particles as a byproduct of an incomplete carbon combustion. As a color, Soot matches the inky black color of its namesake, while red and orange undertones speak to the heat of its origins.

Hex #100C08 
RGB 16, 12, 8
CMYK 0, 25, 50, 94


Sorbus is the name given to a group of flowering bushes in the rose family. While these bushes may display flowers in a wide range of colors, one of the more popular shades is this brilliant red-orange hue.

Hex #FD7C07 
RGB 253, 124, 7
CMYK 0, 51, 97, 1

Sorrell Brown

Sorrell Brown is a warm shade of brown with a distinctly southwestern flair thanks to the subtle red and orange undertones running throughout.

Sorrell Brown
Hex #CEB98F 
RGB 206, 185, 143
CMYK 0, 10, 31, 19


Souffle is a cheerful shade of golden brown, inspired by the warm sweet or savory hues of a souffle that’s been baked in the oven and allowed to rise.

Hex #D5C171 
RGB 213, 193, 113
CMYK 0, 9, 47, 16

Southwest Blue

Southwest Blue is a clear, open shade of dusky blue that pays homage to the wide-open spaces and never-ending sky of the American southwest.

Southwest Blue
Hex #5D76CB 
RGB 93, 118, 203
CMYK 54, 42, 0, 20

Soya Bean

Also known as the soybean, the soya bean is a healthy, lightweight legume with a hard outer pod that often takes on this rich dark brown color as harvest time nears.

Soya Bean
Hex #6A6051 
RGB 106, 96, 81
CMYK 0, 9, 24, 58

Space Shuttle

Space Shuttle is a dark, intense shade of brown with a strong black and metallic gray undertone that helps to give the color an industrial feeling.

Space Shuttle
Hex #4B433B 
RGB 75, 67, 59
CMYK 0, 11, 21, 71

Spanish Blue

Also known as Azul, Spanish Blue is a vivid shade of medium-dark blue that is extremely popular throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

Spanish Blue
Hex #0070B8 
RGB 0, 112, 184
CMYK 100, 39, 0, 28

Spanish Crimson

Similarly, Spanish Crimson is a bold, dramatic shade of red that enjoyed great popularity at the height of the Spanish Empire.

Spanish Crimson
Hex #E51A4C 
RGB 229, 26, 76
CMYK 0, 89, 67, 10

Spanish Green

Spanish Green, on the other hand, is a lush shade of bold green that draws its inspiration from “Green Spain” – a rich natural region in northern Spain that is renowned for its luxurious plant life.

Spanish Green
Hex #009150 
RGB 0, 145, 80
CMYK 100, 0, 45, 43

Spanish Red

Spanish Red is a deep, intense shade of red that has been used on Spain’s national flag since it was first designed in 1785.

Spanish Red
Hex #E60026 
RGB 230, 0, 38
CMYK 0, 100, 83, 10

Spanish Violet

Spanish Violet combines Spanish Blue and Spanish Red for this very dark shade of rich purple with a strong blue undertone.

Spanish Violet
Hex #4C2882 
RGB 76, 40, 130
CMYK 42, 69, 0, 49

Spanish White

Finally, Spanish White is a warm, welcoming shade of yellow-pink off-white, named for its popularity in the art and architecture of the Spanish Empire at the height of its power.

Spanish White
Hex #DED1B7 
RGB 222, 209, 183
CMYK 0, 6, 18, 13


Spark is a medium-dark brown that may be a lot duller than the name might imply, but the bright yellow and red undertones give it the promise of electricity and heat.

Hex #695341 
RGB 105, 83, 65
CMYK 0, 21, 38, 59


Since the word “spectra” is typically applied to a spectrum of visible light, it should come as no surprise that the color Spectra combines elements of blue, green, violet, black, and gray in order to create this dark shade of deep bluish teal.

Hex #2F5A57 
RGB 47, 90, 87
CMYK 48, 0, 3, 65


Spice is a warm, exotic blend of red and brown that speaks to a flavorful experience without overwhelming the viewer’s palate.

Hex #6A442E 
RGB 106, 68, 46
CMYK 0, 36, 57, 58

Spicy Mustard

Spicy Mustard is a deep yellow-brown shade with strong green undertones, inspired by the spicy condiment derived from the tiny mustard seed.

Spicy Mustard
Hex #74640D 
RGB 116, 100, 13
CMYK 0, 14, 89, 55


Spiders can be found in a wide range of colors, but when most of us think of a generic spider, we tend to picture this deep shade of glossy black.

Hex #2B291B 
RGB 43, 41, 27
CMYK 0, 5, 37, 83


Spinach is a brisk, nutritious green shade with mild gray and black undertones that serve as a visual nod to the color of those healthy leaves!

Hex #435D36 
RGB 67, 93, 54
CMYK 28, 0, 42, 64


Spindle is a soft shade of light blue, inspired not so much by the textile tool that shares its name as it is by the equally soft and lightweight yarns and fibers that spindles are used to create.

Hex #B6D1EA 
RGB 182, 209, 234
CMYK 22, 11, 0, 8


Spirulina is a rich shade of medium-dark green with strong blue and yellow undertones that draws its inspiration from the deep blue-green algae that’s often used as a dietary supplement.

Hex #688C60 
RGB 104, 140, 96
CMYK 26, 0, 31, 45


Sponge is a soft, porous shade of off-white with the slightest hint of yellow, inspired by the sun-bleached remains of sea sponges that served as cleaning tools and applicators prior to the 20th century.

RGB 220, 219, 205
CMYK 0, 0, 7, 14

Sports Star

Sports Star is a robust, charismatic shade of medium-dark blue with some cooler gray undertones that help to balance out the brighter red and magenta highlights.

Sports Star
Hex #3D85B8 
RGB 61, 133, 184
CMYK 67, 28, 0, 28


Spray is a windswept shade of blue with strong yellow and green undertones that keep it from scanning as a simple Sky Blue variant.

Hex #79DEEC 
RGB 121, 222, 236
CMYK 49, 6, 0, 7

Spring Green

There are lots of different shades of Spring Green, but for the sake of this list, we’ve narrowed it down to this one brilliantly bright shade of bold yellowish green.

Spring Green
Hex #00FF7F 
RGB 0, 255, 127
CMYK 100, 0, 50, 0

Spring Rain

Spring Rain is a cool, mild shade of pale green with plenty of gray and brown undertones to evoke both the cloudy sky and the potential for new growth.

Spring Rain
Hex #ACCBB1 
RGB 172, 203, 177
CMYK 15, 0, 13, 20

Spring Wood

Spring Wood is a pale off-white shade with a sweet pink and yellow tint to its overall hue, reminiscent of the sunlight through a flowering forest in the early spring.

Spring Wood
Hex #F8F6F1 
RGB 248, 246, 241
CMYK 0, 1, 3, 3


Spritzer is a brisk, lightweight shade of green with strong yellow undertones that shares its name with the popular drink made from white wine and sparkling water.

Hex #C2E225 
RGB 194, 226, 37
CMYK 14, 0, 84, 11


Spruce is a clean, bright shade of green with bright yellow undertones that draws its inspiration from the evergreen tree that shares its name.

Hex #009A5B 
RGB 0, 154, 91
CMYK 100, 0, 41, 40


Sputnik is a cool, weighted shade of very dark blue with strong gray undertones, inspired by the Soviet-era space shuttles that bore the same name.

Hex #373E54 
RGB 55, 62, 84
CMYK 35, 26, 0, 67


Squall is a dark and intense shade of black with subtle hints of blue and green that help to evoke the feeling of a storm at sea.

Hex #3A3B35 
RGB 58, 59, 53
CMYK 2, 0, 10, 77


Squirrel is a warm, fuzzy brown shade with slight yellow undertones and a fast-paced, energetic overall feeling.

Hex #8F8176 
RGB 143, 129, 118
CMYK 0, 10, 17, 44

St. Patrick’s Blue

St. Patrick’s Blue is a rich, Celtic shade of blue with a strong black undertone and the slightest hint of sea green.

St. Patrick’s Blue
Hex #23297A 
RGB 35, 41, 122
CMYK 71, 66, 0, 52

St Tropaz

St Tropaz is a bold, clear blue that takes its inspiration from the brisk blue waters around the island of Saint-Tropez in Southern France.

St Tropaz
Hex #2D569B 
RGB 45, 86, 155
CMYK 71, 45, 0, 39

Star Command Blue

Star Command Blue is a brisk, professional shade of deep Sky Blue with hints of deeper violet or red undertones.

Star Command Blue
Hex #007BB8 
RGB 0, 123, 184
CMYK 100, 33, 0, 28

Star Dust

Star Dust is a brilliant shade of gray with strong white highlights that help to capture the sense of dazzling stellar light.

Star Dust
Hex #9F9F9C 
RGB 159, 159, 156
CMYK 0, 0, 2, 38


Starfruit is a cheerful yellow shade that draws its inspiration from the sweet, tart fruits grown throughout southeast Asia.

Hex #F1D557 
RGB 241, 213, 87
CMYK 0, 12, 64, 5

Stark White

Despite the name, Stark White is actually a very mellow shade of off-white with strong pink and yellow undertones running throughout.

Stark White
Hex #E5D7BD 
RGB 229, 215, 189
CMYK 0, 6, 17, 10

Steel Blue

Steel Blue is a cool, smooth, and appropriately steely shade of medium-dark blue with strong gray undertones that help to sell that metallic feeling.

Steel Blue
Hex #4682B4 
RGB 70, 130, 180
CMYK 61, 28, 0, 29

Steel Gray

Steel Gray is a much darker shade, an almost black variety of very dark gray with notes of darker brown and a cool white overlay.

Steel Gray
Hex #43464B 
RGB 67, 70, 75
CMYK 11, 7, 0, 71

Steel Teal

Steel Teal combines the cold blue-gray tone of Steel Blue with a traditional Teal in order to create a muted, reserved shade of what would typically be a brighter color.

Steel Teal
Hex #5F8A8B 
RGB 95, 138, 139
CMYK 32, 1, 0, 45

Sterling Silver

Sterling Silver is a glinting shade of cool, metallic gray with strong white undertones that help to capture the reflective nature of traditional silver.

Sterling Silver
Hex #9F9E9C 
RGB 159, 158, 156
CMYK 0, 1, 2, 38


Stiletto draws its inspiration not from the thin, narrow blade, but instead from the tall-heeled shoe that takes its name from the blade. As a color, Stiletto is a bright, aggressive shade of medium-dark red.

Hex #9C3336 
RGB 156, 51, 54
CMYK 0, 67, 65, 39


Stone is a straightforward brown shade with strong gray undertones that help to provide a sense of weathered calm.

Hex #828073 
RGB 130, 128, 115
CMYK 0, 2, 12, 49

Stone Age

Stone Age is an antique shade of greenish gray with slight brown highlights that help to add a sense of age and long-faded history.

Stone Age
Hex #B6B285 
RGB 182, 178, 133
CMYK 0, 2, 27, 29


Stonewall is a patient brown shade with hints of green, inspired by the old walls and their mossy growths that line the roads throughout western Europe.

Hex #928573 
RGB 146, 133, 115
CMYK 0, 9, 21, 43


Storm is a deep blue shade with black and gray undertones that draws inspiration from the dark clouds of a heavy thunderstorm.

Hex #36365D 
RGB 54, 54, 93
CMYK 42, 42, 0, 64


Named after the ancient Greek city and inspired by the complex design of the ruins that still remain, Stratos is a bold, intense shade of dark, inky blue that borders on black.

Hex #000741 
RGB 0, 7, 65
CMYK 100, 89, 0, 75


Stratosphere is a deep blue shade with hints of yellow and red that serve to evoke the points of starry light visible from our planet’s upper atmosphere.

Hex #196194 
RGB 25, 97, 148
CMYK 83, 34, 0, 42


Straw is a medium-light shade of golden yellow with hints of deeper brown and red, inspired by the worn-out golden color of the common agricultural byproduct.

Hex #E4D96F 
RGB 228, 217, 111
CMYK 0, 5, 51, 11 


Strawberry may not be the exact shade of a real strawberry, but it is the bright red-pink that shows up in most “strawberry-flavored” food products.

Hex #FC5A8D 
RGB 252, 90, 141
CMYK 0, 64, 44, 1


Streetwise is a cool shade of gray with strong green undertones and a cool black finish, inspired by the bustling energy of a busy city street.

Hex #4F6971 
RGB 79, 105, 113
CMYK 30, 7, 0, 56


Stromboli is a rich, verdant green shade that draws its inspiration from the volcanic island off the coast of Sicily with which it shares its name.

Hex #325D52 
RGB 50, 93, 82
CMYK 46, 0, 12, 64


In philosophy, “the sublime” is the concept of greatness beyond description, imitation or calculation. As a color, however, Sublime is pretty easy to describe—a bright shade of green with strong yellow and gray undertones.

Hex #CDE65D 
RGB 205, 230, 93
CMYK 11, 0, 60, 10


Submarine is a stark, practical shade of gray with subtle notes of blue beneath the surface for a briskly militaristic finish.

Hex #BAC7C9 
RGB 186, 199, 201
CMYK 7, 1, 0, 21


Subzero is a chilly blue shade with gray and white undertones that push the values even cooler for an icy finished product.

Hex #5B8DBD 
RGB 91, 141, 189
CMYK 52, 25, 0, 26

Sugar Plum

Sugar Plum is a deep, rich shade of purple with strong red undertones, inspired by the sweet confection that was so popular during the Victorian era.

Sugar Plum
Hex #914E75 
RGB 145, 78, 117
CMYK 0, 46, 19, 43

Summer Green

Summer Green is a pale shade of green with an antique overlay of white and very pale yellow that evoke feelings of warmth, peace, and security in the lazy light of a summer evening.

Summer Green
Hex #96BBAB 
RGB 150, 187, 171
CMYK 20, 0, 9, 27


There are lots of colors with the name “Sun”, but this one lives up to its name the most—a brilliantly warm shade of orange with strong yellow undertones and a hint of brighter red.

Hex #FBAC13 
RGB 251, 172, 19
CMYK 0, 31, 92, 2


Sundial is a warm golden shade with hints of brassy green and brown beneath the surface, inspired by the chronometers used throughout antiquity and to today.

Hex #DDB12C 
RGB 221, 177, 44
CMYK 0, 20, 80, 13


Sundown is a soft shade of pink with subtle orange undertones, inspired by the warm light as the day starts to fade.

Hex #FFB1B3 
RGB 255, 177, 179
CMYK 0, 31, 30, 0


Sunflower draws its inspiration from the flowers of the same name, which turn their faces towards the sun as it moves through the sky.

Hex #E4D422 
RGB 228, 212, 34
CMYK 0, 7, 85, 11


Sunny more than lives up to its name with this cheerful shade of bright yellow, tempered slightly by a touch of dazzling white.

Hex #F2F27A 
RGB 242, 242, 122
CMYK 0, 0, 50, 5


Sunset is a warm shade of pale orange with strong yellow and gold undertones, inspired by the quickly-fading light at the end of the day.

Hex #FAD6A5 
RGB 250, 214, 165
CMYK 0, 14, 34, 2

Super Duper

Super Duper is a relatively muted shade of Royal Blue—a calm, soothing blue shade with darker red and magenta undertones throughout.

Super Duper
Hex #42639F 
RGB 66, 99, 159
CMYK 58, 38, 0, 38

Super Pink

Super Pink combines the muted blue shades of Super Duper with a more traditional pink shade in order to create this steady, solid shade of dark pink with a hint of purple.

Super Pink
Hex #CF6BA9 
RGB 207, 107, 169
CMYK 0, 48, 18, 19

Super Sonic

Super Sonic is an intense, fast-paced blue shade that’s used on the decorations of “super sonic” fighter jets in aviation units around the world.

Super Sonic
Hex #374467 
RGB 55, 68, 103
CMYK 47, 34, 0, 60


Superhero is a bold, charismatic shade of blue with an upright, honest finish and deeper blue and purple dashes of color beneath the surface.

Hex #374E88 
RGB 55, 78, 136
CMYK 60, 43, 0, 47


Supernova is a brilliant yellow shade with warmer gold and orange undertones that capture the heat and light of a massive stellar explosion.

Hex #FFC901 
RGB 255, 201, 1
CMYK 0, 21, 100, 0


Surf is a cool shade of green with hints of green and white beneath the surface, inspired by the spray off of the waves at high tide.

Hex #BBD7C1 
RGB 187, 215, 193
CMYK 13, 0, 10, 16


Sushi is a warm shade of green inspired by the unique green color of wasabi—the ubiquitous spicy paste served along most sushi dishes.

Hex #87AB39 
RGB 135, 171, 57
CMYK 21, 0, 67, 33

Suva Gray

Named after the capital city of Fiji, Suva Gray is a cool, brisk shade of gray with hints of yellow and red that capture the growth and potential of the city itself.

Suva Gray
Hex #888387 
RGB 136, 131, 135
CMYK 0, 4, 1, 47

Swamp Green

Swamp Green is a damp, fetid shade of green with strong brown and yellow undertones that further help to sell the sense of heat and decay.

Swamp Green
Hex #ACB78E 
RGB 172, 183, 142
CMYK 6, 0, 22, 28

Swans Down

Swans Down is a soft shade of off-white with just a hint of blue, inspired by the cool gray-white feathers of a classical swan.

Swans Down
Hex #DCF0EA 
RGB 220, 240, 234
CMYK 8, 0, 3, 6

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams are apparently made of this, specifically—a cheery yellow shade with warm gold and red undertones just beneath the surface.

Sweet Dreams
Hex #F9D77E 
RGB 249, 215, 126
CMYK 0, 14, 49, 2

Sweet Pea Green

Sweet Pea Green is a neat shade of pale Spring Green with softer brown undertones that draws its inspiration from a sweet pea pod.

Sweet Pea Green
Hex #A9BE85 
RGB 169, 190, 133
CMYK 11, 0, 30, 25

Sweet Pink

Sweet Pink more than lives up to its name with this soft, gently romantic shade of pink with strong orange or salmon undertones.

Sweet Pink
Hex #FD9FA2 
RGB 253, 159, 162
CMYK 0, 37, 36, 1

Sweet Purple

Sweet Purple is a warm, cheery shade of purple with hints of violet and magenta that give it a sense of extra brightness or “sweetness”.

Sweet Purple
Hex #8953DC 
RGB 137, 83, 220
CMYK 38, 62, 0, 14

Swiss Coffee

Swiss Coffee is the quintessential interior design color—a soft shade of off-white with hints of yellow and red for added depth and warmth.

Swiss Coffee
Hex #DDD6D5 
RGB 221, 214, 213
CMYK 0, 3, 4, 13


Sword is a cool, metallic shade of gray with a subtle white undertone to further reflect the glint of a sword drawn from its scabbard.

Hex #808284 
RGB 128, 130, 132
CMYK 3, 2, 0, 48


Swordfish is a steely shade of gray with just a hint of fleshy pink beneath the surface, inspired by the silvery swirl of a swordfish’s scales.

Hex #A7A69C 
RGB 167, 166, 156
CMYK 0, 1, 7, 35


Sycamore is a warm green shade with yellow highlights and a hint of deeper brown, inspired by the gold-green leaves of several popular “Sycamore” trees.

Hex #908D39 
RGB 144, 141, 57
CMYK 0, 2, 60, 44


Finally, Symphony is a shade of green with strong yellow and brown undertones that combines multiple “notes” or colors into a single coherent shade.

Hex #C4D3B4 
RGB 196, 211, 180
CMYK 7, 0, 15, 17

All Colors A-Z

Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z