138 Colors That Start With O (Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK)

Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with o

Many colors begin with the letter O, but the real heavy hitters are “orange,” “old,” and “olive.” While several other o-words crop up multiple times in this group, the word “orange” and its variants appear more than twenty times! The rest comprises various plant, animal, and place names that evoke a wide range of images and colors. No matter what shade you’re looking for, this collection should help you with your search.

Here’s a list of colors that start with O, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:


The first entry on our list, Oak is a dark shade of brown with warm red and deeper brown highlights running beneath the surface—a nod to the steady, sturdy brown of old oak timber or oak furniture.

Hex #4F2412 
RGB 79, 36, 18
CMYK 0, 54, 77, 69

Oak (CS)

Oak (CS) is very similar in shade to the previous entry, but this second Oak variant has a much lighter overall hue. As a result, this color appears as more of a soft, muted shade of medium-dark brown.

Oak (CS)
Hex #78512D 
RGB 120, 81, 45
CMYK 0, 33, 62, 53

Oak Brown

Finally, Oak Brown is more inspired by the reds and golds of oak leaves in the late fall. Oak Brown is a warm shade of medium-dark red with a strong red-brown undertone for added heat and some extra color.

Oak Brown
Hex #B46834 
RGB 180, 104, 52
CMYK 0, 42, 71, 29


When you hear the word “oasis”, you may be picturing a burst of green in the desert, but the color Oasis draws more of its inspiration from the desert itself. The end result is a soft, bright shade of pale brown or tan with brighter white highlights running throughout.

RGB 254, 239, 206
CMYK 0, 6, 19, 0

Color personality quiz animation


Obelisk is a stately shade of deep gray with strong blue and green undertones running just beneath the surface for more of an aged or antique feeling.

Hex #617274 
RGB 97, 114, 116
CMYK 16, 2, 0, 55


Observatory is a bold shade of green with deep blue and green undertones that help to capture the sense of wonder and exploration found by looking towards the heavens and studying the stars from some distant mountaintop observatory.

Hex #02866F 
RGB 2, 134, 111
CMYK 99, 0, 17, 47


Obsidian is a natural form of black glass formed by rapidly cooling lava or magma flows. The first of three Obsidian variants, this first shade of Obsidian is a dark blue-black color with strong gray undertones.

Hex #353A3E 
RGB 53, 58, 62
CMYK 15, 6, 0, 76

Obsidian 2

The second Obsidian variant is a little bit closer to the color of real obsidian glass. In other words, this variant is a glossy shade of black with hints of blue for added depth and a smoky gray-black finish that gives it an almost metallic glint.

Obsidian 2
Hex #0F0F16 
RGB 15, 15, 22
CMYK 32, 32, 0, 91

Obsidian 3

The last Obsidian variant is more of a dark brown than it is a true black shade. The subtle red undertones that run beneath the surface serve as a quiet nod towards the fiery origins of natural obsidian glass.

Obsidian 3
Hex #341B17 
RGB 52, 27, 23
CMYK 0, 48, 56, 80


There are plenty of ocean-themed names on this list, and this first entry is only the beginning. Ocean is a calm, placid blue shade with hints of violet and gray beneath the solid blue surface.

Hex #0076B8 
RGB 0, 118, 184
CMYK 100, 36, 0, 28

Ocean Blue

Ocean Blue is a little bit brighter than “true” Ocean, with a softer overall finish and stronger white undertones that brighten the entire color and lift it into something more cheerful—a blend between the sea and the sky.

Ocean Blue
Hex #138FCF 
RGB 19, 143, 207
CMYK 91, 31, 0, 19

Ocean Blue Pearl

Ocean Blue Pearl starts with a traditional Ocean Blue base and then adds a deeper violet finish in order to create a lustrous, multilayered final shade of deep blue with strong purple and gray undertones.

Ocean Blue Pearl
Hex #4F42B5 
RGB 79, 66, 181
CMYK 56, 64, 0, 29

Ocean Boat Blue

Ocean Boat Blue is very similar in shade to Ocean Blue, albeit slightly darker. These deeper undertones give this blue shade a more rounded appearance with a hint of maritime adventure that goes hand in hand with the “boat” theme.

Ocean Boat Blue
Hex #0077BE 
RGB 0, 119, 190
CMYK 100, 37, 0, 25

Ocean Dark Blue

Ocean Dark Blue, as the name might suggest, is a very deep shade of dark Ocean Blue. Some of that depth comes from the dark green notes that lend a greater intensity and help to provide the blue-green color of the sea.

Ocean Dark Blue
Hex #004765 
RGB 0, 71, 101
CMYK 100, 30, 0, 60

Ocean Green

Ocean Green is predominantly a light shade of Spring Green, but it does have some subtle blue undertones that keep this shade from veering all the way into the green side of things.

Ocean Green
Hex #41AA78 
RGB 65, 170, 120
CMYK 62, 0, 29, 33

Ocean Green Pearl

Like Ocean Blue Pearl, Ocean Green Pearl takes the standard Ocean Green base and gives it a glossy, pearl-like luster thanks to the higher levels of white and gray undertones that brighten its overall appearance.

Ocean Green Pearl
Hex #48BF91 
RGB 72, 191, 145
CMYK 62, 0, 24, 25

Ocean Light Blue

Another color with a name that pretty much exactly sums up the shade, Ocean Light Blue is a slightly lighter variation of traditional Ocean Blue. The end result is a sunny and cheerful shade of bright Light Blue.

Ocean Light Blue
Hex #33B5C2 
RGB 51, 181, 194
CMYK 74, 7, 0, 24


Ochre or ocher is a natural pigment made of a mix of clay and ferric oxide that has long been used to produce a deep orange dye. As a color, Ochre is a vivid orange shade with strong brown undertones and a bright yellow finish.

Hex #CC7722 
RGB 204, 119, 34
CMYK 0, 42, 83, 20


Odyssey is a deep, almost murky shade of green with strong blue and black undertones that help to capture the sense of adventure or the long, drawn-out voyage that the name typically implies.

Hex #4F6D69 
RGB 79, 109, 105
CMYK 28, 0, 4, 57

Off Green

The first of several “off” shades on this list, Off Green is an extremely pale shade of Spring Green or Yellow Green. As a result, this color scans as more of a near-white shade with the slightest green tint.

Off Green
Hex #E6F8F3 
RGB 230, 248, 243
CMYK 7, 0, 2, 3

Off Green 2

The second of two Off Green variants, this version of Off Green leans more into the yellow than the blue side of a traditional green. It also is slightly darker, even though both shades are still very pale.

Off Green 2
Hex #DFF0E2 
RGB 223, 240, 226
CMYK 7, 0, 6, 6

Off Piste

“Off piste” is an Americanized version of a French term—“piste” means “trail” or “slope”, usually in the context of skiing, so “off piste” refers to back-country skiing. As a color, Off Piste is a green-brown shade with strong gray notes that hint at the rougher trails that the name describes.

Off Piste
Hex #AFACA0 
RGB 175, 172, 160
CMYK 0, 2, 9, 31

Off Road

On a similar note, Off Road is a bold, brassy shade of reddish brown that draws its inspiration from the open trails and newly-forged paths of an off-roading experience.

Off Road
Hex #DEAA88 
RGB 222, 170, 136
CMYK 0, 23, 39, 13

Off White

Off White is a tan or beige color with strong white undertones that mellow out the overall pale yellow-brown shade and give it a soft or almost unfinished final appearance.

Off White
Hex #F8F0E3
RGB 248, 240, 227
CMYK 0, 3, 8, 3

Off White Pearl

We’ve already seen a couple of “pearl” tones on this list, and Off White Pearl continues the trend by taking traditional Off Pearl and adding a gray-pink undertone that heightens the color and gives it a glossy finish.

Off White Pearl
Hex #CBC2B9 
RGB 203, 194, 185
CMYK 0, 4, 9, 20

Off White Yellow

Off White Yellow is actually a lot brighter than some of the other Off White variations we’ve looked at. The shade is bright, light, and cheerfully clean with just a hint of deeper yellow undertones running beneath the surface.

Off White Yellow
Hex #FFFEF8 
RGB 255, 254, 248
CMYK 0, 0, 3, 0

Off Yellow

In much the same vein as the previous entry, Off Yellow is a very light shade of yellow with strong white undertones that keep the finished shade from looking too washed out or faded. Off Yellow also has a slight hint of red for a warmer overall hue.

Off Yellow
Hex #FEF9E3 
RGB 254, 249, 227
CMYK 0, 2, 11, 0

Office Green

Office Green is a brisk, no-nonsense shade of green with strong yellow undertones that wouldn’t look out of place in a serious workplace or on one of those classic green-glass banking lamps.

Office Green
Hex #008000 
RGB 0, 128, 0
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 50


Ogre is a sickly shade of pale yellowish green with strong brown and yellow undertones that work together to create a color inspired by the skin and overall appearance of Shrek, the famous ogre character in the movie of the same name.

Hex #C9D21D 
RGB 201, 210, 29
CMYK 4, 0, 86, 18

Ogre Odor

Less obviously inspired by any pop culture characters, Ogre Odor is a bright reddish orange shade that carries strong undertones of pink and yellow beneath the surface. The end result is a loud, almost aggressive shade of bold orange.

Ogre Odor
Hex #FD5240 
RGB 253, 82, 64
CMYK 0, 68, 75, 1

Oh Behave

Oh Behave is a playful shade of rusty reddish brown, with strong yellow and orange undertones turning up the heat and adding an extra hint of light and movement to what would otherwise be a standard brown shade.

Oh Behave
Hex #BE523F 
RGB 190, 82, 63
CMYK 0, 57, 67, 25


Oil is a dark black shade with strong brown and red undertones. It draws its inspiration from the crude oil used in many industrial processes—not from the cooking oil most of us have in our cabinets and cupboards at home!

Hex #281E15 
RGB 40, 30, 21
CMYK 0, 25, 47, 84

Oiled Cedar

Oiled Cedar, on the other hand, is a deep reddish brown shade that draws its inspiration from the rich, dark wood of the same name that has been prized since antiquity for its scent and appearance.

Oiled Cedar
Hex #66362D 
RGB 102, 54, 45
CMYK 0, 47, 56, 60


Despite the name, oilskin garments were originally made from a heavily oiled sailcloth—today made from any sturdy fabric—that had been treated to withstand turbulent weather. As a color, Oilskin is a tough shade of gray with strong brown undertones.

Hex #555349 
RGB 85, 83, 73
CMYK 0, 2, 14, 67

Okey Donkey

Okey Donkey is a cute, cheerful shade of soft Fawn Brown with a hint of a gray undertone to give it a slightly more stable appearance, while brighter yellow notes keep it from feeling too grim.

Okey Donkey
Hex #BCA184 
RGB 188, 161, 132
CMYK 0, 14, 30, 26

Old Brick

The first of many “old” entries on this list, Old Brick is a deep rusty red shade, the color of an aged brick building that’s been darkened and weathered by the elements throughout the years.

Old Brick
Hex #901E1E 
RGB 144, 30, 30
CMYK 0, 79, 79, 44

Old Burgundy

As a general rule, most of the “old” colors are going to be slightly darker than their traditional variants, and Old Burgundy is no exception—an extremely dark shade of red that borders on purple due to its intense color.

Old Burgundy
Hex #43302E 
RGB 67, 48, 46
CMYK 0, 28, 31, 74

Old Canvas

As compared to traditional Canvas, Old Canvas is a much more dark and weathered shade. The end result is a deep, warm shade of medium-dark brown with strong yellow undertones for added brightness and heat.

Old Canvas
Hex #C1A370 
RGB 193, 163, 112
CMYK 0, 16, 42, 24

Old Copper

Old Copper is a relatively dark shade of brown with only the slightest red undertones running beneath the surface to give a hint as to how this shade’s “younger” variation may once have appeared.

Old Copper
Hex #724A2F 
RGB 114, 74, 47
CMYK 0, 35, 59, 55

Old Gold

Similarly, Old Gold has all of the warmth and vibrancy of a traditional gold shade—without as much of the brightness. The end result is a muted shade of deep yellow-brown with subtle hints of orange and red running throughout.

Old Gold
Hex #CFB53B 
RGB 207, 181, 59
CMYK 0, 13, 71, 19

Old Heliotrope

Heliotrope is a vivid purple shade with strong pink undertones, inspired by the flower of the same name. Old Heliotrope is a much deeper shade, a dark purple with only the slightest hint of pink to lift the color.

Old Heliotrope
Hex #563C5C 
RGB 86, 60, 92
CMYK 7, 35, 0, 64

Old Lace

As you may have come to expect from looking at the other entries, Old Lace is a slightly darker variation on traditional Lace. Where “true” Lace is a soft, romantic shade of white, Old Lace is a more stately shade of yellowish off-white.

Old Lace
Hex #FDF5E6 
RGB 253, 245, 230
CMYK 0, 3, 9, 1

Old Lavender

Old Lavender takes the soft purples and dusty gray undertones of its traditional variant and pushes them even further to create a shade that borders on a dark gray, with deeper purple undertones running throughout.

Old Lavender
Hex #796878 
RGB 121, 104, 120
CMYK 0, 14, 1, 53

Old Mauve

Similarly, Old Mauve takes the vibrant pinks and purples of a traditional Mauve shade and mellows them out in order to create a noble shade of dark purple with some subtle pink highlights rounding out the edges.

Old Mauve
Hex #673147 
RGB 103, 49, 71
CMYK 0, 52, 31, 60

Old Moss Green

Moss Green is already a relatively muted shade, but Old Moss Green takes it one step further. The end result is a green-gray shade that borders on brown, with only slight yellow undertones to brighten the overall hue.

Old Moss Green
Hex #867E36 
RGB 134, 126, 54
CMYK 0, 6, 60, 47

Old Rose

Old Rose is a dusty pink shade that retains some of the sweetly romantic glow of its more traditional variant while muting the shade for a more aged and weathered overall feeling.

Old Rose
Hex #C08081 
RGB 192, 128, 129
CMYK 0, 33, 33, 25

Old Silver

Old Silver is the last of the “old” shades—a deep shade of dark silver with a hint of rusty brown or yellow gray highlights running throughout to give this color a sense of age or decay.

Old Silver
Hex #848482 
RGB 132, 132, 130
CMYK 0, 0, 2, 48


There are lots of “olive” colors on this list, too, and this one is the first—a warm, placid shade of green with strong yellow and brown undertones that help to make the overall shade a grounded, practical color.

Hex #808000 
RGB 128, 128, 0
CMYK 0, 0, 100, 50

Olive Drab

There are a couple of Olive Drab variations on this list, but this first one is the lighter and brighter of the two—in other words, it’s the version of Olive Drab more commonly seen on military uniforms around the world.

Olive Drab
Hex #6B8E23 
RGB 107, 142, 35
CMYK 25, 0, 75, 44

Olive Drab 2

The second Olive Drab variant is much darker—a deep, rich shade of brownish green that borders on a deep green black. While this color is also seen on various military uniforms, it’s not nearly as omnipresent as the previous entry.

Olive Drab 2
Hex #3C341F 
RGB 60, 52, 31
CMYK 0, 13, 48, 76

Olive Green

The first Olive Green variant on this list, Olive Green is a slightly brighter version of Olive. It brings out more of the Spring Green undertones for a relatively light and brisk appearance.

Olive Green
Hex #B5B35C 
RGB 181, 179, 92
CMYK 0, 1, 49, 29

Olive Green (CS)

Olive Green (CS), on the other hand, is much closer in appearance to the second Olive Drab variant listed above. Olive Green (CS) is a dark green shade with only hints of the yellow undertones that typically distinguish Olive variations.

Olive Green (CS)
Hex #353F2A 
RGB 53, 63, 42
CMYK 16, 0, 33, 75

Olive Green (Ĉ)

Olive Green (Ĉ) serves as a bit of a return to form, with another light and relatively soft shade of greenish brown with strong yellow undertones that serve to brighten the overall shade.

Olive Green (Ĉ)
Hex #BAB86C 
RGB 186, 184, 108
CMYK 0, 1, 42, 27

Olive Haze

Olive Haze takes a traditional Olive Green base and puts a bit of a spin on it. The “haze” in question comes from the smokey gray-brown undertones that block out most of the green undertones for a muted, stately shade of brown.

Olive Haze
Hex #8B8470 
RGB 139, 132, 112
CMYK 0, 5, 19, 45

Olive Haze (CS)

Olive Haze (CS) takes the misty glaze of the previous entry and does away with some of the haziness. The end result is a staid, solid, no-nonsense shade of brown with only the slightest hint of green.

Olive Haze (CS)
Hex #888064 
RGB 136, 128, 100
CMYK 0, 6, 26, 47

Olive Skin

“Olive skin” is a phrase that gets tossed around in order to describe a wide range of skin tones. As a color, however, Olive Skin is a soft, warm shade of sunny red-brown with brighter yellow undertones.

Olive Skin
Hex #D48D3D 
RGB 212, 141, 61
CMYK 0, 33, 71, 17


Olivetone, as the name implies, isn’t so much of a new color as it is a slightly different tone of Olive Green. With strong green and brown notes, this color fits right in with the rest of the Olive family!

Hex #716E10 
RGB 113, 110, 16
CMYK 0, 3, 86, 56


Finally, Olivine draws its inspiration from the naturally forming mineral that shares its name and its color! Olivine is a warm green-yellow shade with some deeper blue tones running beneath the surface for added depth.

Hex #9AB973 
RGB 154, 185, 115
CMYK 17, 0, 38, 27


Onahau is a very pale shade of blue that still has some extremely subtle pink or violet undertones that help to round out its hue and give its finish a slightly deeper blue-purple cast.

Hex #CDF4FF 
RGB 205, 244, 255
CMYK 20, 4, 0, 0


When most of us picture onions, this color probably isn’t what first springs into our minds. Nevertheless, Onion is an extremely dark brown shade that borders on black and draws its inspiration from the roots and rich potential that onion bulbs need to thrive.

Hex #2F270E 
RGB 47, 39, 14
CMYK 0, 17, 70, 82

Onion Purple

Onion Purple, on the other hand, is very clearly inspired by the deep reddish purple skin of a red onion. With a hint of brown running throughout, this shade is instantly recognizable as the color seen in kitchens around the world.

Onion Purple
Hex #602B35 
RGB 96, 43, 53
CMYK 0, 55, 45, 62

Onion Yellow

Finally, Onion Yellow draws its inspiration from the yellow or “white” onions that tend to be just as popular worldwide. While the inside of an onion typically has a milky white appearance, the papery skin often takes on this warm golden brown shade.

Onion Yellow
Hex #EA9B50 
RGB 234, 155, 80
CMYK 0, 34, 66, 8


As a mineral, onyx is actually a variety of chalcedony, which means that its bands can be found in just about every color. The color Onyx, however, specifically refers to this dark, glossy shade of black with subtle gray-white highlights.

Hex #353839 
RGB 53, 56, 57
CMYK 7, 2, 0, 78

Ooh La La

Ooh La La is a bright, optimistic shade of purple with strong lavender undertones for plenty of youthful energy and joie de vivre!

Ooh La La
Hex #A088A6 
RGB 160, 136, 166
CMYK 4, 18, 0, 35

Oopsy Daisy

The phrase “oopsy daisy” is typically accompanied by some sort of mistake, but there’s no doubt that this color was purely intentional! Oopsy Daisy is a sunny, cheerful shade of yellow with some deeper red-gold undertones throughout.

Oopsy Daisy
Hex #FFD67B 
RGB 255, 214, 123
CMYK 0, 16, 52, 0


Like onyx, opal stones can be found in a wide range of colors, with black being the rarest and most valuable. The most common opal color, however, is a soft grayish green with strong white highlights, from which the color Opal draws its inspiration.

Hex #A9C6C2 
RGB 169, 198, 194
CMYK 15, 0, 2, 22

Opera Mauve

Opera Mauve is a great example of the ongoing association between the color purple and the concepts of luxury and mystery. Opera Mauve is a mild shade of purplish red that just smacks of wealth and taste.

Opera Mauve
Hex #B784A7 
RGB 183, 132, 167
CMYK 0, 28, 9, 28


Opium has long been one of the most valuable medical and recreational substances in the world. As a color, Opium is a warm grayish red shade that draws its inspiration both from the flowers that yield opium latex and the various tinctures it once created.

Hex #8E6F70 
RGB 142, 111, 112
CMYK 0, 22, 21, 44

Opium Red

Opium Red, on the other hand, draws more of its inspiration from the famous poppy fields that have long been used to produce opium. This shade is bright and intense, with the vivid red notes serving as a hint of the danger lurking beneath the surface.

Opium Red
Hex #F04F57 
RGB 240, 79, 87
CMYK 0, 67, 64, 6

Opium Tar

Opium Tar takes the standard Opium base and blacks it out almost entirely to create a deep, sticky shade of black with a glossy finish and some subtle red hints running throughout.

Opium Tar
Hex #131F09 
RGB 19, 31, 9
CMYK 39, 0, 71, 88


Despite its cheerful name, Optimist is a relatively subdued color—a placid shade of medium-dark blue with strong gray and white undertones for a measured, even hue.

Hex #2B688D 
RGB 43, 104, 141
CMYK 70, 26, 0, 45


Oracle is a mysterious shade of deep bluish green with very subtle purple undertones lurking beneath. It draws its inspiration from the leaves and wreaths that ancient Greek oracles often wore while prophesying. 

Hex #377475 
RGB 55, 116, 117
CMYK 53, 1, 0, 54

Oracle Blue

Similarly, Oracle Blue starts with that same hazy green-blue shade and pushes the blue and gray values a little bit further in order to create another deep shade with hints of some darker undertones running throughout its hue.

Oracle Blue
Hex #395555 
RGB 57, 85, 85
CMYK 33, 0, 0, 67


If you thought there were a lot of colors in the “Olive” family, strap in for the “Orange” family! This first Orange shade is a cheerful, sunny shade of, well, orange, with brighter yellow undertones rounding out the shade.

Hex #FF7F00 
RGB 255, 127, 0
CMYK 0, 50, 100, 0

Orange 2

While the previous entry was pretty obviously a shade of orange, this second Orange variation veers slightly towards the yellow side of the scale, which helps to create a softer and slightly less intense orange shade than the standard orange color.

Orange 2
Hex #FB9902 
RGB 251, 153, 2
CMYK 0, 39, 99, 2

Orange 3

The third Orange variant leans back towards the previous trend, with a slightly higher yellow value than the color that came right before it. As a result, this shade looks a little bit paler or more mellow.

Orange 3
Hex #FFA500 
RGB 255, 165, 0
CMYK 0, 35, 100, 0

Orange 4

The fourth Orange variant is closer in color to the first variant, which is to say that it packs a lot more heat! With deeper red and red-orange undertones, this shade has a deep and dramatic overall finish.

Orange 4
Hex #FF681F 
RGB 255, 104, 31
CMYK 0, 59, 88, 0

Orange 5

This last “true” Orange shade dials up the red values even further while tamping down the yellow and introducing some subtle white highlights. This results in an orange shade with a strong pink undertone for added sweetness and light.

Orange 5
Hex #FF8866 
RGB 255, 136, 102
CMYK 0, 47, 60, 0

Orange (Ĉ)

Orange (Ĉ) looks right at home with the rest of the “Orange” family, with bold red and yellow undertones that mix to create a bright and almost brassy color that holds a hint of some softer gold or even brown highlights.

Orange (Ĉ)
Hex #FF7538 
RGB 255, 117, 56
CMYK 0, 54, 78, 0

Orange (Crayola)

Orange (Crayola), as the name would imply, takes its inspiration from the colors patented by the famous crayon company. Orange (Crayola) is a vivid reddish-orange with plenty of intensity that translates from the crayon right onto the paper.

Orange (Crayola)
Hex #FF5800 
RGB 255, 88, 0
CMYK 0, 65, 100, 0

Orange Juice

We may be out of the “true” orange section of this list, but there are still plenty of orange-themed names! Orange Juice is a light, summery shade with hints of sweeter yellow undertones.

Orange Juice
Hex #FBB519 
RGB 251, 181, 25
CMYK 0, 28, 90, 2

Orange Peel

Orange Peel is a little bit darker than Orange Juice, which makes plenty of sense, given their respective inspirations. Orange Peel has a slightly deeper, more weathered appearance to better reflect the sturdy ring of an orange fruit.

Orange Peel
Hex #FF9F00 
RGB 255, 159, 0
CMYK 0, 38, 100, 0

Orange Peel 2

This second Orange Peel variation is still darker than some of the other shades on this list, but it looks a little brighter than the previous entry, thanks to a slightly lower magenta value that allows the yellow undertones to shine.

Orange Peel 2
Hex #FFA000 
RGB 255, 160, 0
CMYK 0, 37, 100, 0

Orange Red

Orange Red looks pretty much exactly the way that you’d expect it to look—a blend of “true” red and orange that results in an even mix between the two, although orange does take a slightly higher precedence.

Orange Red
Hex #FF4500 
RGB 255, 69, 0
CMYK 0, 73, 100, 0

Orange Red (Ĉ)

Orange Red (Ĉ), on the other hand, clearly favors the red side of the spectrum more heavily than its immediate predecessor did. This shade has a bolder, more aggressive overall appearance than the standard Orange Red shade.

Orange Red (Ĉ)
Hex #FF2B2B 
RGB 255, 43, 43
CMYK 0, 83, 83, 0

Orange Roughy

The orange roughy fish is also known as the “slimehead” or the “deep sea perch”. No matter what you call it, the color Orange Roughy reflects the deep reddish brown color of their distinctive scales and fins.

Orange Roughy
Hex #C45719 
RGB 196, 87, 25
CMYK 0, 56, 87, 23

Orange Roughy Red

Drawing its inspiration from the same source as the previous entry, Orange Roughy Red dials down the red values in order to create a darker shade of brown that still contains strong undertones of red and yellow.

Orange Roughy Red
Hex #A85335 
RGB 168, 83, 53
CMYK 0, 51, 68, 34

Orange Soda

Orange Soda is a bright, refreshing twist on a standard shade. With a deep finish that’s been treated with a gray-white overtone, Orange Soda captures some of the lightness and effervescence of a cold soft drink.

Orange Soda
Hex #FA5B3D 
RGB 250, 91, 61
CMYK 0, 64, 76, 2

Orange White

Orange White wouldn’t look out of place with some of the Off White variations we saw earlier on this list. With only the slightest hint of color to round out its dimensions, Orange White is one of the palest colors in the orange family.

Orange White
RGB 254, 252, 237
CMYK 0, 1, 7, 0

Orange White (CS)

The second Orange White variation on this list, Orange White (CS) is noticeably darker than its predecessor, with strong beige or tan undertones that round out its shade and give it a deeper, more weathered appearance.

Orange White (CS)
Hex #EAE3CD 
RGB 234, 227, 205
CMYK 0, 3, 12, 8

Orange Yellow (Ĉ)

Orange Yellow (Ĉ) is another shade that lives up to its name—a bright, cheerful shade of yellow with only the slightest hint of red to balance out its light and give it a sense of added depth or weight.

Orange Yellow (Ĉ)
Hex #F8D568 
RGB 248, 213, 104
CMYK 0, 14, 58, 3

Orangey Red

Compared to Orange Red, Orangey Red isn’t so much a shade of orange as it is a shade of red with orange undertones. It’s predominantly a red shade, but the yellow highlights keep it from sliding all the way into the red category.

Orangey Red
Hex #FF3F00 
RGB 255, 63, 0
CMYK 0, 75, 100, 0

Orangey Yellow

Similarly, Orangey Yellow is mostly a shade of yellow with only some subtle orange and orange-red undertones to keep it from scanning as a “true” yellow or gold variation.

Orangey Yellow
Hex #FFBF00 
RGB 255, 191, 0
CMYK 0, 25, 100, 0


Moving on from our orange shades, Orbit is a deep, spacey shade of purple with strong brown undertones, inspired by the movement of the billions of planets and other asteroids orbiting around in the vast expanse of space.

Hex #874748 
RGB 135, 71, 72
CMYK 0, 47, 47, 47


Drawing its inspiration from the flower of the same name, Orchid is a soft and sweetly romantic shade of purple with some subtle red highlights running beneath the surface and lending just a touch of heat.

Hex #DA70D6 
RGB 218, 112, 214
CMYK 0, 49, 2, 15

Orchid (Ĉ)

While orchid blossoms can typically be found in a wide range of colors, Orchid (Ĉ) and “true” Orchid—along with most of the other Orchid variations on this list—are closest to the soft purplish pink that makes up one of its most popular colors.

Orchid (Ĉ)
Hex #E6A8D7 
RGB 230, 168, 215
CMYK 0, 27, 7, 10

Orchid (Ĉ) 2

It may have the same name as the previous entry, but this second Orchid (Ĉ) is definitely its own color. Compared to other Orchid variations, this shade has a much stronger red undertone for more of a pink than a purple finish.

Orchid (Ĉ) 2
Hex #BC6CAC 
RGB 188, 108, 172
CMYK 0, 43, 9, 26

Orchid (Ĉ) 3

On the other hand, this last Orchid (Ĉ) variant has a much deeper purple undertone, resulting in a purple-pink shade that borders on a neon hue, thanks to its bright cyan blue highlights.

Orchid (Ĉ) 3
Hex #CC00FF 
RGB 204, 0, 255
CMYK 20, 100, 0, 0

Orchid Pearl

Orchid Pearl takes a standard Orchid shade and dials up the drama. With a deep, satiny finish, Orchid Pearl captures some of the richness and luxury that its name seems to imply.

Orchid Pearl
Hex #7B4259 
RGB 123, 66, 89
CMYK 0, 46, 28, 52

Orchid Pink

Orchid Pink lives up to its name by bleeding out a lot of the purple undertones that typically color an Orchid shade and leaving mostly pink behind. Nevertheless, there are some subtle violet undertones that add a weightier finish to this shade.

Orchid Pink
Hex #F2BDCD 
RGB 242, 189, 205
CMYK 0, 22, 15, 5

Orchid White

Much like Orange White, Orchid White is an extremely pale shade of purple-pink that borders on an off-white or even a true white shade. The slight touch of color gives this shade a weathered, almost antique finish.

Orchid White
Hex #FFFDF3 
RGB 255, 253, 243
CMYK 0, 1, 5, 0


If you’ve ever been to an Italian restaurant, you’ve probably seen this color before! Inspired by the fragrant herb of the same name, Oregano is a bold, intense shade of deep green with strong yellow and brown highlights.

Hex #787444 
RGB 120, 116, 68
CMYK 0, 3, 43, 53

Oregano Green

Oregano Green starts with a standard Oregano base and leans further into the green aspects of that shade. The end result is a medium-dark shade of green with deeper brown highlights and yellow undertones.

Oregano Green
Hex #4F7949 
RGB 79, 121, 73
CMYK 35, 0, 40, 53


As a state, Oregon is home to a wide range of colors, from the greens of the rich plant life to the brilliant blues and grays of the rocky shoreline. As a color, however, Oregon is a warm, intense shade of brown with strong red undertones.

Hex #9B4703 
RGB 155, 71, 3
CMYK 0, 54, 98, 39

Oregon Brown

Oregon Brown picks up where “true” Oregon leaves off in order to create this mildly bright shade of brown that still retains the bold yellow and red undertones that set the original Oregon shade apart.

Oregon Brown
Hex #B16C39 
RGB 177, 108, 57
CMYK 0, 39, 68, 31


As a word, “orient” has mostly fallen out of favor in polite society. As a color, Orient is a bold, charismatic shade of blue with some softer yellow and green undertones.

Hex #255B77 
RGB 37, 91, 119
CMYK 69, 24, 0, 53

Oriental Blue

Oriental Blue builds off of the base established by the previous shade and increases the blue values in order to drown out the green undertones. The end result is a deep shade of Royal Blue with only the slightest hint of green beneath the surface.

Oriental Blue
Hex #355D9A 
RGB 53, 93, 154
CMYK 66, 40, 0, 40

Oriental Green

Skewing in the opposite direction, Oriental Green dials up the green values at the expense of the blue overtones. Oriental Green is a deep green shade with subtle blue undertones that slip by almost undetected.

Oriental Green
Hex #158265 
RGB 21, 130, 101
CMYK 84, 0, 22, 49

Oriental Pink

Finally, Oriental Pink has very little in common with the previous two entries. Instead, Oriental Pink is a stately shade of dusty pink with some deeper brown and red highlights that lend a sense of history to its overall hue.

Oriental Pink
Hex #C69191 
RGB 198, 145, 145
CMYK 0, 27, 27, 22


The name “Orinoco” has been applied to estates and locations around the world, but its most famous use is the Orinoco River—one of the longest rivers in South America. The color Orinoco is a bright, sunny shade of creamy off-white with hints of blue and green running throughout.

Hex #F3FBD4 
RGB 243, 251, 212
CMYK 3, 0, 16, 2

Orinoco Gray

Orinoco Gray starts with the previous entry as a base, but the increased gray values actually result in a slight green tint. The end result is a reserved khaki shade with hints of yellow and green throughout.

Orinoco Gray
Hex #D2D3B3 
RGB 210, 211, 179
CMYK 0, 0, 15, 17

Orioles Orange

The Baltimore Orioles are a professional baseball team located in Baltimore, Maryland. Since their founding in 1901, the Orioles have worn uniforms that use this bright orange shade as one of their official colors.

Orioles Orange
Hex #FB4F14 
RGB 251, 79, 20
CMYK 0, 69, 92, 2


Orpiment is another color that takes its name and inspiration from a mineral. Orpiment is a deep orange-yellow mineral often found in hot springs, volcanic vents, and deep hydrothermal veins.

Hex #EEBD34 
RGB 238, 189, 52
CMYK 0, 21, 78, 7

Oscar Award

If the Academy gave out awards for colors, this shade would surely win something! Oscar Award is a bold, brassy shade of deep yellow-gold, inspired by the iconic statuettes given out to Oscar winners each year.

Oscar Award
Hex #C1B46E 
RGB 193, 180, 110
CMYK 0, 7, 43, 24

Oslo Gray

Named after the capital city of Norway, Oslo Gray is a cool, steely shade of gray with a glossy finish that pays homage to the city’s enduring sense of history as well as its continued growth and prosperity throughout the centuries.

Oslo Gray
Hex #878D91 
RGB 135, 141, 145
CMYK 7, 3, 0, 43


Otter is a soft, warm shade of brown with some subtle purple undertones that manages to capture both the warmth and sleekness of an otter’s fur and the deep waters that these furry little creatures call their home.

Hex #8F7B70 
RGB 143, 123, 112
CMYK 0, 14, 22, 44

Otter Brown

Otter Brown builds off of the base established by the previous entry and pushes the values a little bit further in order to create a deep, rich shade of dark brown—the color of an otter’s fur after the animal is fully submerged!

Otter Brown
Hex #654321 
RGB 101, 67, 33
CMYK 0, 34, 67, 60


Ottoman is a strong, stately shade of pale greenish white that draws its inspiration from the artwork and architecture of the Ottoman Empire, which lasted for nearly seven hundred years and left an indelible mark on the world’s culture and history.

Hex #E9F8ED 
RGB 233, 248, 237
CMYK 6, 0, 4, 3

Ottoman Gray

Ottoman Gray starts with a traditional Ottoman base and pushes the gray values a little bit further. As with Orinoco Gray, the increased gray values actually result in a slight green tint, as the red values have been muted out and the blue and yellow values accentuated.

Ottoman Gray
Hex #D3DBCB 
RGB 211, 219, 203
CMYK 4, 0, 7, 14

OU Crimson Red

OU Crimson Red is one of the official colors worn by the various sports teams from Oklahoma University, a public university located in—you guessed it—Oklahoma!

OU Crimson Red
Hex #990000 
RGB 153, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 40


Outback is a strong, breezy shade of brown with lighter yellow and white highlights that capture the heat, energy, and vast expanse of the Australian Outback and all of the wonders it contains.

Hex #95826C 
RGB 149, 130, 108
CMYK 0, 13, 28, 42

Outer Space

The first of three Outer Space variants, this first Outer Space shade is a deep grayish blue with strong black undertones and hints of pink and purple that reflect the never-ending expanse of our galaxy.

Outer Space
Hex #414A4C 
RGB 65, 74, 76
CMYK 14, 3, 0, 70

Outer Space 2

The second Outer Space variant clearly takes its cues from the first, but the drama is just a little more intense in this shade. Outer Space is a darker, more vibrant shade of deep blue-black, with only subtle gray undertones to lighten the hue.

Outer Space 2
Hex #2D383A 
RGB 45, 56, 58
CMYK 22, 3, 0, 77

Outer Space (CS)

Finally, Outer Space (CS) deviates from the previous two entries by introducing a much stronger blue overtone. The end result is still a dark blue-black shade, but the blue notes are far more prominent in this variation.

Outer Space (CS)
Hex #1F263B 
RGB 31, 38, 59
CMYK 47, 36, 0, 77

Outrageous Orange

It wouldn’t be an “O” list without a few more orange appearances! Outrageous Orange is an intensely energetic orange shade with strong red and yellow highlights for a fast-paced, electric feeling.

Outrageous Orange
Hex #FF6E4A 
RGB 255, 110, 74
CMYK 0, 57, 71, 0

Outrageous Orange 2

This second Outrageous Orange variant is very similar in appearance to the first entry, but the orange color is a little bit more intense this time around. As a result, the second Outrageous Orange variant has a deeper and heavier feeling to its overall hue.

Outrageous Orange 2
Hex #FF6037 
RGB 255, 96, 55
CMYK 0, 62, 78, 0


Oxblood is a deep shade of red that switches out the purple undertones of a traditional burgundy for some darker brown highlights. Traditionally, the blood of oxen and cows was used as a dye for leathers, ceramics, and textile work.

Hex #91573F 
RGB 145, 87, 63
CMYK 0, 40, 57, 43

Oxford Blue

Oxford Blue is the deep shade of dark royal blue displayed on both the full-blue and half-blue (half off-white-striped) blazers of the internationally renowned Oxford University in Great Britain.

Oxford Blue
Hex #002147 
RGB 0, 33, 71
CMYK 100, 54, 0, 72

Oxford Blue 2

This second Oxford Blue variation isn’t actually recognized as an official color of Oxford University. Nevertheless, it builds off of the previous entry in order to create a more muted version of the same color, with a strong gray finish to its appearance.

Oxford Blue 2
Hex #384555 
RGB 56, 69, 85
CMYK 34, 19, 0, 67

Oxford Dark Blue

Similarly, Oxford Dark Blue starts with an Oxford Blue base and pushes the gray and black values even further to create a dark, murky shade of blue that almost passes for black or gray when viewed in the proper light.

Oxford Dark Blue
Hex #28353A 
RGB 40, 53, 58
CMYK 31, 9, 0, 77


Moving back into a lighter spectrum, Oxley is a relatively pale shade of Spring Green, although the strong yellow and green-brown undertones give it more of a Jade finish. Either way, the resulting color is an antique shade of green with a glossy ceramic finish.

Hex #779E86 
RGB 119, 158, 134
CMYK 25, 0, 15, 38


Oxygen doesn’t really have a color—or at least, it doesn’t when you’re describing the element we all breathe. As a color, Oxygen is a soft shade of pale bluish gray with strong white undertones and just a hint of red.

Hex #BBC6D5 
RGB 187, 198, 213
CMYK 12, 7, 0, 16


Oxymoron is another light blue shade with hints of purple and violet that round it out and give it a soft and sweet overall appearance.

Hex #9CBFE3 
RGB 156, 191, 227
CMYK 31, 16, 0, 11


Oyster is a soft shade with strong brown and yellow undertones. As the name might imply, it draws its inspiration from the soft, creamy colors of a typical oyster shell.

Hex #D7C9B1
RGB 215, 201, 177
CMYK 0, 7, 18, 16

Oyster Bay

Oyster Bay, on the other hand, is a pale and misty shade of very light blue that eschews typical oyster comparisons in favor of drawing its inspiration from the foggy beaches where oyster shells can often be found when the tides are right.

Oyster Bay
RGB 218, 250, 255
CMYK 15, 2, 0, 0

Oyster Pink

Oyster Pink jumps right back into the seafood side of the color wheel with a soft pink shade and some brighter yellow and orange undertones. As animals, oysters typically have a slightly browner or more yellow appearance, but that hasn’t stopped this shade from being used in most representations of oysters in art and media.

Oyster Pink
Hex #E9CECD 
RGB 233, 206, 205
CMYK 0, 12, 12, 9

Oyster Pink (CS)

The second variation on the same theme, Oyster Pink (CS) is a little bit darker and more brown, but it still retains that characteristic soft pink glow.

Oyster Pink (CS)
Hex #D4B5B0 
RGB 212, 181, 176
CMYK 0, 15, 17, 17


Finally, Ozone is a deep green shade with blue and gray undertones that starts with the pale blue of real-life ozone gas and dials up the intensity in order to create this smokey, hazy shade.

Hex #47634B 
RGB 71, 99, 75
CMYK 28, 0, 24, 61

All Colors A-Z

Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z