193 Colors That Start With P (Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK)

Colorful symbols and white box with text saying colors that start with p

The group of colors beginning with the letter P is almost endless. We’ve removed many duplicate shades and reduced some very similar ones to save time and space. Even after the culling, nearly two hundred colors begin with this letter, so you should be able to find the perfect pale, pastel, or purple shade for your next graphic design or other design project!

Here’s a list of colors that start with P, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:


Paarl is a strong shade of warm brown with strong red and orange undertones that help pack a little bit of extra heat.

Hex #A65529 
RGB 166, 85, 41 
CMYK 0, 49, 75, 35


Pablo is a much cooler shade—a deep shade of brownish gray with some subtle undertones of green and grayish blue running throughout.

Hex #776F61 
RGB 119, 111, 97
CMYK 0, 7, 18, 53

Pacific Blue

Inspired by the calm, placid waters of the Pacific Ocean, Pacific Blue is a steady and soothing shade of medium dark sky blue.

Pacific Blue
Hex #009DC4 
RGB 0, 157, 196
CMYK 100, 20, 0, 23


Pacifika is technically a shade of green, but the strong yellow and subtle red undertones give the overall shade a brassy, green-brown appearance.

Hex #778120 
RGB 119, 129, 32
CMYK 8, 0, 75, 49

Color personality quiz animation


Named after the iconic video game character of the same name, Pacman is a bright, sunny shade of yellow with strong golden-red undertones.

Hex #FFCC00 
RGB 255, 204, 0
CMYK 0, 20, 100, 0


Paco is a very deep shade of brown that borders on black, with steely gray undertones that push the drama and intensity even further.

Hex #411F10 
RGB 65, 31, 16
CMYK 0, 52, 75, 75


Named after and inspired by the famous Italian city, Padua is a soft shade of pale green with gentle white undertones and a minty overall finish.

Hex #ADE6C4 
RGB 173, 230, 196
CMYK 25, 0, 15, 10

Painted Park

Painted Park is another pale green shade—a gently rounded shade of green inspired by the delicate shades of a summer afternoon in the park.

Painted Park
Hex #90C090 
RGB 144, 192, 144
CMYK 25, 0, 25, 25

Pakistan Green

Pakistan Green is the bold, dark green shade that can be found proudly displayed on Pakistan’s national flag.

Pakistan Green
Hex #006600 
RGB 0, 102, 0
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 60

Palatinate Blue

Palatine Blue is a royal blue shade often worn by palatines, the guards and officials attached to late Roman and early medieval courts throughout Europe.

Palatinate Blue
Hex #273BE2 
RGB 39, 59, 226
CMYK 83, 74, 0, 11

Palatinate Purple

Similarly, Palatine Purple is a stately shade of dark purple that conveys some of the respect and importance that the name implies.

Palatinate Purple
Hex #682860 
RGB 104, 40, 96
CMYK 0, 62, 8, 59

Pale Aqua

The first of several “pale” shades, Pale Aqua is an extremely light blue shade with cool, pale gray notes running throughout.

Pale Aqua
Hex #BCD4E6 
RGB 188, 212, 230
CMYK 18, 8, 0, 10

Pale Blue

Pale Blue is a little bit more vibrant than the previous entry, with strong cyan notes that help to balance the shade’s overall lightness.

Pale Blue
RGB 175, 238, 238
CMYK 26, 0, 0, 7

Pale Canary

Pale Canary is a lighter take on a “true” Canary shade—a soft shade of warm yellow with bright white highlights underneath.

Pale Canary
Hex #FFFF99 
RGB 255, 255, 153
CMYK 0, 0, 40, 0

Pale Gold

Gold is usually an intensely vibrant color, but Pale Gold mutes some of that characteristic brightness for a cheerful, sunny shade of orange-yellow.

Pale Gold
Hex #E6BE8A 
RGB 230, 190, 138
CMYK 0, 17, 40, 10

Pale Green

Pale Green is a straightforward shade of green with enough of a white undertone to keep it from registering as a “true” or traditional green.

Pale Green
Hex #98FB98 
RGB 152, 251, 152
CMYK 39, 0, 39, 2

Pale Leaf

Pale Leaf is actually more of a gray shade than a green shade, although the extremely light green highlights keep it from looking too grim.

Pale Leaf
Hex #C0D3B9 
RGB 192, 211, 185
CMYK 9, 0, 12, 17

Pale Magenta

Pale Magenta scans as more of a light pink, although the shade still retains some of the purple-violet intensity that sets “true” Magenta apart.

Pale Magenta
Hex #F984E5 
RGB 249, 132, 229
CMYK 0, 47, 8, 2

Pale Oyster

Pale Oyster is a soft brown shade with cooler green and gray undertones that give more of a maritime feeling.

Pale Oyster
Hex #988D77 
RGB 152, 141, 119
CMYK 0, 7, 22, 40

Pale Prim

Pale Prime is a warm and gentle shade of yellow with strong white undertones that push the paleness a little bit further.

Pale Prim
Hex #FDFEB8 
RGB 253, 254, 184
CMYK 0, 0, 28, 0

Pale Red

Not to be confused with Pale Pink, Pale Red is a slightly lighter version of a classic color—a light red that still has lots of heat and intensity.

Pale Red
Hex #EC5A5A 
RGB 236, 90, 90
CMYK 0, 62, 62, 7

Pale Rose

Pale Rose, on the other hand, is an extremely pale shade of pink with only the slightest hint of red.

Pale Rose
Hex #FFE1F2 
RGB 255, 255, 242
CMYK 0, 12, 5, 0

Pale Silver

Pale Silver ditches the metallic notes of a “true” Silver in order to create this light, warm shade of reddish gray.

Pale Silver
Hex #C9C0BB 
RGB 201, 192, 187
CMYK 0, 4, 7, 21

Pale Sky

Despite the name, Pale Sky is actually quite a dark color—a deep gray with subtle blue-gray undertones running beneath the surface.

Pale Sky
Hex #6E7783 
RGB 110, 119, 131
CMYK 16, 9, 0, 49

Pale Slate

Pale Slate is a relatively warm shade of gray with strong red and brown undertones that give it a little bit of added color.

Pale Slate
Hex #C3BFC1 
RGB 195, 191, 193
CMYK 0, 2, 1, 24

Pale Spring Bud

Pale Spring Bud draws its inspiration from the first unfurling flowers of spring to create a warm yellow shade with strong white highlights.

Pale Spring Bud
RGB 236, 235, 189
CMYK 0, 0, 20, 7

Pale Taupe

Like Pale Sky, Pale Taupe is still a relatively dark color, but this warm yellow-brown shade noticeably pales in comparison to its “true” Taupe variation.

Pale Taupe
Hex #BC987E 
RGB 188, 152, 126
CMYK 0, 19, 33, 26

Pale Violet

Pale Violet is essentially a warm lavender shade—a blend of blue, purple and red that still stays light enough to earn the “pale” descriptor.

Pale Violet
Hex #CC99FF 
RGB 204, 153, 255
CMYK 20, 40, 0, 0

Pale Yellow

Pale Yellow is a weathered, antique-looking shade of yellow with plenty of aged gray and white undertones for a more authentic feel.

Pale Yellow
Hex #E6D69B 
RGB 230, 214, 155
CMYK 0, 7, 33, 10


Inspired by the lustrous silver-white metal of the same name, Palladium is a deep green-gray shade that retains the metallic luster of its namesake.

Hex #79846A 
RGB 121, 132, 106
CMYK 8, 0, 20, 48

Palm Green

Palm Green is a very dark green shade that borders on black and draws its inspiration from the deep green fronds of a palm tree.

Palm Green
Hex #09230F 
RGB 9, 35, 15
CMYK 74, 0, 57, 86

Palm Leaf

Palm Leaf is similarly inspired by the leaves of the palm tree, but this shade goes a little more cartoonish for a bright, cheerful green color.

Palm Leaf
Hex #6F9940 
RGB 111, 153, 64
CMYK 27, 0, 58, 40


Named after the fertile South American lowlands that span multiple countries, Pampas is a warm, rich shade of off-white, full of life and potential.

Hex #F4F2EE 
RGB 244, 242, 238
CMYK 0, 1, 2, 4


Panache is an off-white shade with a subtle yellow-green undertone for a dash of stylistic flair!

Hex #EAF6EE 
RGB 234, 246, 238
CMYK 5, 0, 3, 4


Pancho is a warm yellow-orange with strong red and pink highlights that soften the overall tone and give it a rounder appearance.

RGB 237, 205, 171
CMYK 0, 14, 28, 7

Pansy Lavender

Pansy Lavender is inspired by two different flowers, combining the two to create this dark Lavender shade with just a hint of deeper red.

Pansy Lavender
Hex #7E648B 
RGB 126, 100, 139
CMYK 9, 28, 0, 45

Pansy Purple

Pansy Purple, on the other hand, has a much darker red tint, clearly drawing inspiration from the reddish-purple appearance of the common pansy flower.

Pansy Purple
Hex #78184A 
RGB 120, 24, 74
CMYK 0, 80, 38, 53

Paolo Veronese Green

Paolo Veronese was a Renaissance painter renowned for the rich, vibrant colors of his pieces, and Paolo Veronese pays homage to that inspiration with a bold, jewel-toned shade of green.

Paolo Veronese Green
Hex #009B7D 
RGB 0, 155, 125
CMYK 100, 0, 19, 39


Papaya is a sweet, cheerful shade of orange with just enough sweetness to do its tropical namesake proud!

Hex #F7A100 
RGB 247, 161, 0
CMYK 0, 35, 100, 3


Paper is a cool, calm, and collected shade of white with just a hint of aged yellow for a stately, no-nonsense overall appearance.

Hex #FEF8EC 
RGB 254, 248, 236
CMYK 0, 2, 7, 0


Paprika is a vivid shade of red with dark brown undertones that draws its inspiration from the famous Eastern European spice of the same name.

Hex #8D0226 
RGB 141, 2, 38
CMYK 0, 99, 73, 45


Paradise is a warm, inviting shade of sky blue, clearly inspired by the crystalline waters around the stereotypical tropical island.

Hex #009DE2 
RGB 0, 157, 226
CMYK 100, 31, 0, 11

Paradise Pink

Paradise Pink, on the other hand, is a vibrant reddish-orange shade of pink inspired by the colors of a Bird of Paradise!

Paradise Pink
Hex #E63E62 
RGB 230, 62, 98
CMYK 0, 73, 57, 10


Paradiso is a deep shade of dark green with strong blue undertones that lends a bit of South-of-the-Border mystique to a standard Paradise blue shade.

Hex #317D82 
RGB 49, 125, 130
CMYK 62, 4, 0, 49


Much like Paper, Parchment is a soft off-white shade with hints of yellow and pale brown to lend a sense of weight and history.

Hex #F1E9D2 
RGB 241, 233, 210
CMYK 0, 3, 13, 5

Paris Blue

Paris Blue is a deep, intense shade of dark blue with strong violet undertones that combine to create a rich, luxurious blue color.

Paris Blue
Hex #192169 
RGB 25, 33, 105
CMYK 76, 69, 0, 59

Paris Daisy

Paris Daisy packs some of that same intensity, albeit in a much lighter variation—a brisk, charismatic shade of bright yellow with orange undertones.

Paris Daisy
Hex #FFF46E 
RGB 255, 244, 110
CMYK 0, 4, 57, 0

Paris Green

Paris Green is a combination of the previous two shades—a warm shade of green with strong yellow highlights and a deep blue base.

Paris Green
Hex #50C878 
RGB 80, 200, 120
CMYK 60, 0, 40, 22

Paris White

Finally, Paris White is a cool, soothing shade of off-white with strong green, blue, and gray undertones.

Paris White
Hex #CADCD4 
RGB 202, 220, 212
CMYK 8, 0, 4, 14


Parrot feathers are typically a dazzling display of colors, but the color Parrot refers to this specific shade of bright, loud red.

Hex #E91B27 
RGB 233, 27, 39
CMYK 0, 88, 83, 9


Inspired by the aromatic herb of the same name, Parsely is a deep shade of dark green with subtle brown undertones.

Hex #134F19 
RGB 19, 79, 25
CMYK 76, 0, 68, 69

Passion Fruit Juice

Passion Fruit Juice is a medium dark shade of yellow-brown with slight red and blue undertones for added sweetness.

Passion Fruit Juice
Hex #838518 
RGB 131, 133, 24
CMYK 2, 0, 82, 48

Pastel Blue

Starting off a flight of “pastel” shades, Pastel Blue is a cool shade of very light blue with strong gray and white undertones running beneath the surface.

Pastel Blue
Hex #AEC6CF 
RGB 174, 198, 207
CMYK 16, 4, 0, 19

Pastel Brown

Most pastel shades are traditional shades that have been “whited out” with slightly higher white-gray values, and Pastel Brown is no exception—a medium light brown shade with strong white undertones.

Pastel Brown
Hex #836953 
RGB 131, 105, 83
CMYK 0, 20, 37, 49

Pastel Gray

Pastel Gray is lighter than traditional gray, but it also has slightly more of a brown or yellow undertone.

Pastel Gray
Hex #CFCFC4 
RGB 207, 207, 196
CMYK 0, 0, 5, 19

Pastel Green

Pastel Green is a very light shade of Spring Green with strong yellow and white undertones for added brightness and cheerfulness.

Pastel Green
Hex #77DD77 
RGB 119, 221, 119
CMYK 46, 0, 46, 13

Pastel Magenta

Pastel Magenta is much paler than traditional Magenta, with the white undertones almost completely overpowering the red-violet shades of a “true” Magenta shade.

Pastel Magenta
Hex #F49AC2 
RGB 244, 154, 194
CMYK 0, 37, 20, 4

Pastel Orange

Similarly, Pastel Orange is much softer and brighter than a traditional Orange, which means that the yellow notes have more of a chance to shine.

Pastel Orange
Hex #FFB347 
RGB 255, 179, 71
CMYK 0, 30, 72, 0

Pastel Pink

Pastel Pink is an incredibly soft and sweet shade of pink, with only a hint of red to give a blush of color to its overall appearance.

Pastel Pink
Hex #FFD1DC 
RGB 255, 209, 220
CMYK 0, 18, 14, 0

Pastel Purple

Pastel Purple is much closer in shade to a Lavender variation, with notes of blue and violet rounding out the purple shade.

Pastel Purple
Hex #B39EB5 
RGB 179, 158, 181
CMYK 1, 13, 0, 29

Pastel Red

As compared to Pastel Pink, Pastel Red is a much more vivid color, with strong orange and yellow undertones bringing the heat.

Pastel Red
Hex #FF6961 
RGB 255, 105, 97
CMYK 0, 59, 62, 0

Pastel Violet

Pastel Violet is very similar in shade to Pastel Purple, but this variant is a little bit softer and paler than its predecessor.

Pastel Violet
Hex #CB99C9 
RGB 203, 153, 201
CMYK 0, 25, 1, 20

Pastel Yellow

Finally, Pastel Yellow is a cheerful shade of light yellow with bright white highlights that looks sunny and full of springtime!

Pastel Yellow
Hex #FDFD96 
RGB 253, 253, 150
CMYK 0, 0, 41, 1


Named for the green-blue crust that forms on bronze over time, Patina is a mild shade of deep blue with strong yellow-green undertones.

Hex #639A8F 
RGB 99, 154, 143
CMYK 36, 0, 7, 40


Patriarch is a bold, dramatic shade of purple inspired by the colors worn in the Roman imperial senate by the patriarchs or heads of houses.

Hex #800080 
RGB 128, 0, 128
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 50


Patrick is a happy, carefree shade of orange with strong red and pink undertones that lend a bit of sweetness to the overall hue.

Hex #F88870 
RGB 248, 136, 112
CMYK 0, 45, 55, 3


Paua is the Maori name for a species of large sea snails, and this deep shade of dark blue echoes the ocean voyages of those creatures.

Hex #260368 
RGB 38, 3, 104
CMYK 63, 97, 0, 59


Pavlova is a soft shade of brown with strong yellow and white undertones that mute or temper the shade even further.

Hex #D7C498 
RGB 215, 196, 152
CMYK 0, 9, 29, 16


Named after the famous watercolor painter who invented this shade, Payne or Payne’s Gray is a dark shade of deep grayish blue.

Hex #40404F 
RGB 64, 64, 79
CMYK 19, 19, 0, 69


Pea looks exactly the way you’d expect it to—a bright shade of sunny yellow-green, clearly inspired by the small round seed of the same name.

Hex #99BD4B 
RGB 153, 189, 75
CMYK 19, 0, 60, 26


The second food-themed color in a row, Peach is a soft and sweet shade of fuzzy pink with strong yellow-orange undertones.

Hex #FFCBA4 
RGB 255, 203, 164
CMYK 0, 20, 36, 0


Peacock is a dazzling shade of brilliant blue, inspired by the blue “eyes” on a male peacock’s plumage display.

Hex #23B3E7 
RGB 35, 179, 231
CMYK 85, 23, 0, 9


Peanut is a dark brown shade that draws its inspiration both from the roasted nut and its shell as well as the dark soil in which it grows.

Hex #782F16 
RGB 120, 47, 22
CMYK 0, 61, 82, 53


Pear is a mild green shade with strong yellow undertones, inspired by the thin, snappy skin that covers a pear’s softer, paler flesh.

Hex #D1E231 
RGB 209, 226, 49
CMYK 8, 0, 78, 11


The first of a handful of pearl-themed colors, Pearl is a soft, glossy shade of white with strong pink and tan undertones.

Hex #EAE0C8 
RGB 234, 244, 200
CMYK 0, 4, 15, 8

Pearl Aqua

Pearl Aqua keeps that same glossy finish, but applies it to a bright aqua shade for a softer, smoother finished hue.

Pearl Aqua
Hex #88D8C0 
RGB 136, 216, 192
CMYK 37, 0, 11, 15

Pearl Blue

Pearl Blue is a much deeper shade of blue with gray-black undertones, but it still retains that characteristically “pearlescent” overlay.

Pearl Blue
Hex #5A6F9C 
RGB 90, 111, 156
CMYK 42, 29, 0, 39

Pearl Bush

Pearl Bush is a slightly paler version of “true” Pearl—a warm shade of pinkish tan with hints of yellow and white swirling together beneath the surface.

Pearl Bush
Hex #E8E0D5 
RGB 232, 224, 213
CMYK 0, 3, 8, 9

Pearl Gold

Pearl Gold is a rich, lustrous color that draws inspiration from two different precious materials in order to create this glossy shade of warm yellow-gold.

Pearl Gold
Hex #D9BF62 
RGB 217, 191, 98
CMYK 0, 12, 55, 15

Pearl Green

The strong white highlights found in most Pearl variations lighten this shade of green until it’s almost a pastel shade.

Pearl Green
Hex #7BC621 
RGB 123, 198, 33
CMYK 38, 0, 83, 22

Pearl Lusta

Pearl Lusta is another shade that clearly draws primarily from a “true” or “basic” Pearl, although this variation has slightly higher yellow and red values.

Pearl Lusta
Hex #FCF4DC 
RGB 252, 244, 220
CMYK 0, 3, 13, 1

Pearl Pink

Pearl Pink is a deep pink shade with strong bluish-purple undertones for a more mellow or somber appearance.

Pearl Pink
Hex #BDA2B5 
RGB 189, 162, 181
CMYK 0, 14, 4, 26

Pearl Red

Pearl Red takes the previous entry and pushes it one step further for a dark shade of red-brown with strong gray and white undertones.

Pearl Red
Hex #9F8C90 
RGB 159, 140, 144
CMYK 0, 12, 9, 38

Pearl Silver

Like Pearl Gold, Pearl Silver is a rich color with slight metallic highlights thanks to the white and gray undertones running throughout.

Pearl Silver
Hex #A9AAA5 
RGB 169, 170, 165
CMYK 1, 0, 3, 33

Pearl Sparkle

Pearl Sparkle, Pearl White, and Pearl Yellow are very similar in shade, but each one has some unique distinguishing characteristic—in this case, Pearl Sparkle has a hint of pink for added glitz.

Pearl Sparkle
Hex #FBFAF5 
RGB 251, 250, 245
CMYK 0, 0, 2, 2

Pearl White

Pearl White is a cool, crisp white shade with no other colors to tint the overall hue.

Pearl White
Hex #F7F7F7 
RGB 247, 247, 247
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 3

Pearl Yellow

Finally, Pearl Yellow takes a traditional Pearl base and adds a dash of yellow and gray for added warmth and vibrancy.

Pearl Yellow
RGB 238, 235, 235
CMYK 0, 1, 1, 7


Peat is a deep shade of mossy brown with yellow and gray undertones, inspired by the color of the peat bogs found throughout Northern Europe.

Hex #716B56 
RGB 113, 107, 86
CMYK 0, 5, 24, 56

Pebble Blue

Pebble Blue is a soft blue shade with enough gray highlights running throughout to give this shade an appropriately “stony” appearance.

Pebble Blue
Hex #4D7CCC
RGB 77, 124, 204
CMYK 62, 39, 0, 20


Pelorous is a mild shade of bluish green with subtle hints of yellow lurking just beneath the surface for an added dash of brightness.

Hex #3EABBF 
RGB 62, 171, 191
CMYK 68, 10, 0, 25

Pencil Lead

Pencil Lead is a very dark gray shade with an equal distribution of colors running throughout for a balanced and stately take on the lead (actually a form of graphite) found in most of our work spaces.

Pencil Lead
Hex #282828 
RGB 40, 40, 40
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 84

Peony Pink

Peony is a bright, energetic shade of pink inspired by one of the most popular colors found in the peony family.

Peony Pink
Hex #E74173 
RGB 231, 65, 115
CMYK 0, 72, 50, 9


Peppercorn is a deep black shade with red undertones for a hint of spice.

Hex #291F21 
RGB 41, 31, 33
CMYK 0, 24, 20, 84


Peppermint is a cool shade of green with enough of a gray-blue undertone to capture that “cool”, peppermint-y feeling.

Hex #379503 
RGB 55, 149, 3
CMYK 63, 0, 98, 42


Pepperoni is a vivid shade of red that draws its inspiration from the salty sausage slices that can be found on pizzas around the world.

Hex #D33B24 
RGB 211, 59, 36
CMYK 0, 72, 83, 17


Named after a small town in the Abruzzo region of Italy, Perano is a sweet shade of soft pastel purple.

Hex #A9BEF2 
RGB 169, 190, 242
CMYK 30, 21, 0, 5


Perfume is a similarly soft and sweet shade, a floral shade of pastel purple with hints of lavender and violet running throughout.

Hex #D0BEF8 
RGB 208, 190, 248
CMYK 16, 23, 0, 3


Named after the semi-precious stone also known as chrysolite, Peridot is a glossy shade of greenish yellow with strong white and gold highlights.

Hex #E6E200 
RGB 230, 226, 0
CMYK 0, 2, 100, 10

Periglacial Blue

Periglacial Blue isn’t so much a shade of blue as it is an off-white or gray shade with some cool blue and green undertones throughout.

Periglacial Blue
Hex #ACB6B2 
RGB 172, 182, 178
CMYK 5, 0, 2, 29


Periwinkle is a soft and extremely pale shade of purple that draws its inspiration from the blossoms of the flowering bush that shares its name.

RGB 204, 204, 255
CMYK 20, 20, 0, 0

Permanent Brown Madder

While the flowers of the madder plant are often bright yellow in hue, the dye that the flowers produce is typically this deep shade of brownish red.

Permanent Brown Madder
Hex #AC2A2C 
RGB 172, 42, 44
CMYK 0, 76, 74, 33

Persian Blue

Inspired by the vivid blue of lapis lazuli, Persian Blue is a bold, dramatic shade of blue that dates back to before the middle ages.

Persian Blue
Hex #1C39BB 
RGB 28, 57, 187
CMYK 85, 70, 0, 27


Persimmon is a bold, crisp shade of orange with strong red undertones, inspired by the sweet, unusual fruit of the same name.

Hex #EC5800 
RGB 236, 88, 0
CMYK 0, 63, 100, 7


Personal is a deeply dramatic and intense shade of dark black with some subtle green and blue undertones.

Hex #2E3538 
RGB 46, 53, 56
CMYK 18, 5, 0, 78


Peru is a soft shade of brown with sunny orange undertones, inspired by the warm soils and sunshine of the country that shares its name.

Hex #CD853F 
RGB 205, 133, 63
CMYK 0, 35, 69, 20

Peru Tan

Similarly, Peru Tan starts with a Peru base before darkening the color for a richer color with deeper red undertones.

Peru Tan
Hex #7F3A02 
RGB 127, 58, 2
CMYK 0, 54, 98, 50


Perfect for pizzas and pasta alike, Pesto is a warm green shade with red and brown undertones that add just a bit of spice.

Hex #7C7631 
RGB 124, 118, 49
CMYK 0, 5, 60, 51

Petal Pink

Petal Pink is a soft, gentle shade of pink with a slight lavender undertone that hearkens back to any number of flower petals.

Petal Pink
Hex #E5ADC8 
RGB 229, 173, 200
CMYK 0, 24, 13, 10

Petite Orchid

Petite Orchard is a bright and cheerful shade of orange-pink, inspired by the sight of a fruit orchard in full bloom.

Petite Orchid
Hex #DB9690 
RGB 219, 150, 144
CMYK 0, 32, 34, 14

Petrol Blue

Petrol Blue is a dark shade of blue with a hint of an oily green sheen on the surface that hints at this color’s deeper meaning.

Petrol Blue
Hex #037387 
RGB 3, 115, 135
CMYK 98, 15, 0, 47


Made of a mixture of tin, antimony, copper, bismuth, and silver, pewter is a durable metal alloy that often bears the same green-gray tint as the color that bears its name.

Hex #96A8A1 
RGB 150, 168, 161
CMYK 11, 0, 4, 34


Named after the famous red or “chestnut” racehorse from Australia, Pharlap is a fast-paced and energetic shade of reddish brown with strong tan or dun-colored undertones.

Hex #A3807B 
RGB 163, 128, 123
CMYK 0, 21, 25, 36


On a slightly darker note, the name “pheo” is typically short for “pheochromocytoma”—a rare malignant growth of the adrenal gland that often presents with this distinctive pale-red or brownish hue.

Hex #CCA59E 
RGB 204, 165, 158
CMYK 0, 19, 23, 20

Philippine Blue

Philippine Blue is a bold, dark shade of royal blue that makes up the top stripe on the national flag of the Republic of the Philippines.

Philippine Blue
Hex #0038A7 
RGB 0, 56, 167
CMYK 100, 66, 0, 35

Philippine Gold

Philippine Gold is similarly inspired by the flag of the Philippines—in this case, Philippine Gold is the bright shade of gold that makes up the sun and stars on the left side of the flag.

Philippine Gold
Hex #B17304 
RGB 177, 115, 4
CMYK 0, 35, 98, 31


The name “phlox” actually refers to more than sixty flowering plants, most of which produce blooms in this brilliant magenta shade of purple-violet with pink undertones.

Hex #DF00FF 
RGB 223, 0, 255
CMYK 13, 100, 0, 0

Phthalo Blue

“Phthalo” is short for “copper phthalocyanine”, a synthetic pigment that has been used since the 1930s to create dyes or paints with this vivid, dark blue shade.

Phthalo Blue
Hex #000F89 
RGB 0, 15, 137
CMYK 100, 89, 0, 46

Phthalo Green

The “copper” part of “copper phthalocyanine” means that the same pigment can also be used to create this richly luxurious shade of dark green.

Phthalo Green
Hex #123524 
RGB 18, 53, 36
CMYK 66, 0, 32, 79


Picasso is a soft, creamy yellow shade inspired by the colors and canvases often used by the master cubist painter.

Hex #FFF39D 
RGB 255, 243, 157
CMYK 0, 5, 38, 0


Pickle is a tart, briny shade of green with strong yellow undertones, perfect for anyone who’s ever enjoyed crunching into a fresh dill pickle!

Hex #998D1F 
RGB 153, 141, 31
CMYK 0, 8, 80, 40

Picton Blue

It may share its name with a number of towns and cities throughout the British commonwealth, but Picton Blue is unique in its bright, clear shade of sky blue.

Picton Blue
Hex #45B1E8 
RGB 69, 177, 232
CMYK 70, 24, 0, 9

Pictorial Carmine

Also known as “Spanish Carmine” because of its popularity during the reign of the Spanish Empire, Pictorial Carmine is a vivid shade of dark red.

Pictorial Carmine
Hex #C30B4E 
RGB 195, 11, 78
CMYK 0, 94, 60, 24


Pig is a soft pink shade with a hint of fuzzy warmth thanks to a subtle yellow undertone.

Hex #F8BFB4 
RGB 248, 191, 180
CMYK 0, 23, 27, 3

Pigeon Post

Pigeon Post is the cool, downy blue-gray color that can be found on the throats and feathers of common pigeons around the world.

Pigeon Post
Hex #AFBDD9 
RGB 175, 189, 217
CMYK 19, 13, 0, 15

Pigment Indigo

Pigment Indigo is an intense shade of dark blue that captures the bold depth of pure indigo pigment before it’s been applied to cloth or canvas.

Pigment Indigo
Hex #4B0082 
RGB 75, 0, 130
CMYK 42, 100, 0, 49

Pikachu Yellow

Pikachu Yellow is an electric yellow shade inspired by the iconic Pokemon character that shares its name.

Pikachu Yellow
Hex #F0E943 
RGB 240, 233, 67
CMYK 0, 3, 72, 6

Pine Tree

Inspired by the shadows in the heart of a forest, Pine Tree is a very dark shade of green with strong brown undertones.

Pine Tree
Hex #171F04 
RGB 23, 31, 4
CMYK 26, 0, 87, 88


Pineapple is a cheery yellow shade that is clearly inspired by the sunny flesh of the famous tropical fruit.

Hex #FCF477 
RGB 252, 244, 119
CMYK 0, 3, 53, 1


We’ve had to rule out a lot of pink variants, but this shade is a plain, straightforward color—a little bit white, a little bit red, and entirely Pink!

Hex #D74894 
RGB 215, 72, 148
CMYK 0, 67, 31, 16

Pink Chiffon

Pink Chiffon is a lighter, softer shade of pink, named after the gauzy white fabric that’s been popular for centuries now.

Pink Chiffon
Hex #FCE1E8 
RGB 252, 225, 232
CMYK 0, 11, 8, 1

Pink Flamingo

Pink Flamingo isn’t actually the reddish-orange color of a real flamingo, but this vibrant magenta pink shade still captures the energy and playfulness of those real-world birds.

Pink Flamingo
Hex #FF66FF 
RGB 255, 102, 255
CMYK 0, 60, 0, 0

Pink Flare

Pink Flare has more of an orange tint thanks to the subtle yellow undertones that give this shade a fiery dash of heat.

Pink Flare
Hex #E1C0C8 
RGB 225, 192, 200
CMYK 0, 15, 11, 12

Pink Lace

Pink Lace is an antique shade with soft yellow undertones that help to sell the light, lacy look of this color.

Pink Lace
Hex #FFDDF4 
RGB 255, 221, 244
CMYK 0, 13, 4, 0

Pink Lady

Speaking of yellow undertones, Pink Lady is more of an off-white with pink highlights thanks to its strong yellow highlights.

Pink Lady
Hex #FFF1D8 
RGB 255, 241, 216
CMYK 0, 5, 15, 0

Pink Pearl

We’ve already seen Pearl Pink, but Pink Pearl flips the script to create a deep medium pink shade with only a hint of pearl luster on top.

Pink Pearl
Hex #E7ACCF 
RGB 231, 172, 207
CMYK 0, 26, 10, 9

Pink Raspberry

Pink Raspberry leans into the bold red and purple hues of a real raspberry in order to create this bright, tart shade of dark pink.

Pink Raspberry
Hex #980036 
RGB 152, 0, 54
CMYK 0, 100, 64, 40

Pink Salmon

Pink Salmon has a hint of orange running throughout, inspired by the orange-pink color of a nice salmon plank.

Pink Salmon
Hex #FF91A4 
RGB 255, 145, 164
CMYK 0, 43, 36, 0

Pink Sherbet

Pink Sherbert is similarly bright and cheerful, but has more of a darker red undertone than the previous entry for a more sour-sweet finished look.

Pink Sherbet
Hex #F78FA7 
RGB 247, 143, 167
CMYK 0, 42, 32, 3

Pink Swan

Finally, Pink Swan is a dusty shade of pale pink that blends the warmer notes of a traditional pink with the cool gray-white of a swan’s feathers.

Pink Swan
Hex #BEB5B7 
RGB 190, 181, 183
CMYK 0, 5, 4, 25


Piper is a bold, brassy orange shade with plenty of yellow and red undertones for a hint of warmth and music.

Hex #C96323 
RGB 201, 99, 35
CMYK 0, 51, 83, 21

Pirate Gold

Pirate Gold is a strong, brassy shade of golden brown with red undertones that carry the promise of adventure and excitement.

Pirate Gold
Hex #BA7F03 
RGB 186, 127, 3
CMYK 0, 32, 98, 27


Pistachio is a soft, friendly shade of pale green that draws inspiration from the pale green nut of the same name.

Hex #93C572 
RGB 147, 197, 114
CMYK 25, 0, 42, 23

Pixie Green

Pixie Green is an even lighter green shade with yellow highlights for added lightness and brightness that lend a sense of whimsy.

Pixie Green
Hex #C0D8B6 
RGB 192, 216, 182
CMYK 11, 0, 16, 15


Pizza is a warm, hearty shade of brown with red undertones that highlight the crust, the cheese, and the sauce of a traditional pizza!

Hex #C99415 
RGB 201, 148, 21
CMYK 0, 26, 90, 21


Platinum is a bright, crisp white with gray undertones, inspired by the metal that shares its name.

Hex #E5E4E2 
RGB 229, 228, 226
CMYK 0, 0, 1, 10


Playskool is a cheerful and childlike shade of vivid bright red.

Hex #E51837 
RGB 229, 24, 55
CMYK 0, 90, 76, 10


Plover is a soft, dusty brown shade inspired by the feathers of a plover bird.

Hex #C9B9AB 
RGB 201, 185, 171
CMYK 0, 8, 15, 21


Plum is a deep, rich, fruity purple with notes of red and violet running beneath the surface.

Hex #8E4585 
RGB 142, 69, 133
CMYK 0, 51, 6, 44

Plump Purple

Round and mellow, Plump Purple is a deep shade of medium-dark blue with purple highlights.

Plump Purple
Hex #5946B2 
RGB 89, 70, 178
CMYK 50, 61, 0, 30


Also known as the “Iron Bush” or the “New Zealand Christmas Tree”, the Pohutukawa tree produces flowers with this brilliant deep red hue during the winter.

Hex #8F021C 
RGB 143, 2, 28
CMYK 0, 99, 80, 44


Polar is a cool, crisp shade of blue-white that’s every bit as frigid and stand-offish as its name would imply.

Hex #E5F9F6 
RGB 229, 249, 246
CMYK 8, 0, 1, 2

Polished Pine

Polished Pine is a glossy shade of light Pine Green with soft blue undertones that draws its inspiration from the way that light filters through a thick forest of pine trees.

Polished Pine
Hex #5DA493 
RGB 93, 164, 147
CMYK 43, 0, 10, 36

Polo Blue

Polo Blue is a reserved shade of stately bluish gray with only a hint of purple, inspired by the crisp lines and lightweight feel of the popular, partially-buttoned shirt.

Polo Blue
Hex #8DA8CC 
RGB 141, 168, 204
CMYK 31, 18, 0, 20


Pomegranate is a vibrant shade of orange with some strong jewel-red undertones running throughout, even if it is a little bit lighter than the fruit that shares its name.

Hex #F34723 
RGB 243, 71, 35
CMYK 0, 71, 86, 5


Pompadour is a stylish shade of dark brown with red highlights, inspired by the classic hairstyle of the same name.

Hex #660045 
RGB 102, 0, 69
CMYK 0, 100, 32, 60

Poodleskirt Pink

Poodleskirt Pink is the soft, velvety pink shade that graced countless circle skirts during the 1950s.

Poodleskirt Pink
Hex #FABFD1 
RGB 250, 191, 209
CMYK 0, 24, 16, 2


Poppy is another plant-themed name—in this case, inspired by the rich red-orange color of a field of poppies.

Hex #FF5733
RGB 255, 87, 51
CMYK 0, 66, 80, 0


Popstar is a fast-paced, energetic shade of reddish orange with strong pink highlights for more of a cosmopolitan feeling.

Hex #BE4F62 
RGB 190, 79, 98
CMYK 0, 58, 48, 25


Porcelain is a soft, creamy white with a hint of that glossy, glazed finish.

Hex #EFF2F3 
RGB 239, 242, 243
CMYK 2, 0, 0, 5


Porsche is another color with a breakneck energy—a bold yellow-orange shade with strong red undertones that carry the promise of reckless speed.

Hex #EAAE69 
RGB 234, 174, 105
CMYK 0, 26, 55, 8


Named for a misspelling of the famous Italian city, Portofino, Portafino is a soft shade of yellow with strong white highlights.

Hex #FFFFB4 
RGB 255, 255, 180
CMYK 0, 0, 29, 0


Portage, on the other hand, is a cool blue with hints of violet and lavender that give this shade a more polished, finished look.

Hex #8B9FEE 
RGB 139, 159, 238
CMYK 42, 33, 0, 7


Portica is a brisk, stark shade of yellow mixed with orange for added warmth.

Hex #F9E663 
RGB 249, 230, 99
CMYK 0, 8, 60, 2

Pot Pourri

Pot Pourri is a blend of many pale colors that combine to form this soft pinkish-brown shade.

Pot Pourri
Hex #F5E7E2 
RGB 245, 231, 226
CMYK 0, 6, 8, 4

Potters Clay

Potters Clay is a deep brown with subtle red and orange undertones, named for the unglazed clay that you might find on a potter’s spinning wheel.

Potters Clay
Hex #8C5738 
RGB 140, 87, 56
CMYK 0, 38, 60, 45

Powder Blue

Powder Blue is a soft, pale blue inspired by the glint of light off of freshly-fallen snow, or “powder”.

Powder Blue
Hex #B0E0E6 
RGB 176, 224, 230
CMYK 23, 3, 0, 10


Powerhouse is a bold, intense shade of blue with plenty of intensity to back up its vibrancy.

Hex #0FABDA 
RGB 15, 171, 218
CMYK 93, 22, 0, 15

Prairie Sand

Prairie San is a vast, expansive shade of dark brown with strong red highlights.

Prairie Sand
Hex #9A3820 
RGB 154, 56, 32
CMYK 0, 64, 79, 40


Prelude is another soft purple shade with a hint of pink for added softness and warmth.

Hex #D0C0E5 
RGB 208, 192, 229
CMYK 9, 16, 0, 10


As the name implies, Prim is a reserved, stately shade of pale pinkish off-white.

Hex #F0E2EC 
RGB 240, 226, 236
CMYK 0, 6, 2, 6


Inspired by the flower of the same name, Primrose is a gentle shade of dusty Rose pink.

Hex #E28EA8 
RGB 226, 142, 168
CMYK 0, 37, 26, 11

Princess Perfume

Princess Perfume is an unapologetically girly shade of pink with strong red and purple undertones.

Princess Perfume
Hex #FF85CF 
RGB 255, 133, 207
CMYK 0, 48, 19, 0

Provincial Pink

Provincial Pink is an extremely pale pink that borders on off-white with a hint of red.

Provincial Pink
Hex #FEF5F1 
RGB 254, 245, 241
CMYK 0, 4, 5, 0


Prune is a dark, rich reddish brown—the color and sweetness of a bowl of dried plums.

Hex #701C1C 
RGB 112, 28, 28
CMYK 0, 75, 75, 56

Prussian Blue

Also known as “Berlin Blue”, Prussian Blue is an intensely dark blue shade created by the first modern synthetic pigment.

Prussian Blue
Hex #003153 
RGB 0, 49, 83
CMYK 100, 41, 0, 67


Puce is a dark pinkish-brown shade that originally got its name from its color, which was said to be the color of a flea after being crushed.

Hex #CC8899 
RGB 204, 136, 153
CMYK 0, 33, 25, 20


Pueblo is a deep, sun-baked shade of brown with strong red and orange undertones that draws its inspiration from the many pueblos or towns of the American Southwest.

Hex #7D2C14 
RGB 125, 44, 20
CMYK 0, 65, 84, 51

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a bold shade of deep turquoise green, a nod to the clear waters and open skies that surround the famous Caribbean island.

Puerto Rico
Hex #3FC1AA 
RGB 63, 193, 170
CMYK 67, 0, 12, 24

Pullman Brown

Pullman Brown is a brisk, professional shade of deep brown that served as one of two official colors for the Pullman Company of railcars.

Pullman Brown
Hex #644117
RGB 100, 65, 23
CMYK 0, 35, 77, 61

Pullman Green

The second official Pullman color, Pullman Green is a very dark, dusty shade of yellow-brown that could stay fresh and clean after days or weeks of rail travel.

Pullman Green
Hex #3B331C 
RGB 59, 51, 28
CMYK 0, 14, 53, 77


Pumice is a soft, porous shade of greenish-gray, inspired by the popular bathing stone that shares its name.

Hex #C2CAC4 
RGB 194, 202, 196
CMYK 4, 0, 3, 21


Bright, seasonal, and oh-so-autumnal, Pumpkin is a cheerful shade of bright orange, with plenty of red running throughout.

Hex #FF7518 
RGB 255, 117, 24
CMYK 0, 54, 91, 0


Punch is a sweet, fruity shade of red that draws its inspiration from the popular non-alcoholic mixed drink.

Hex #DC4333 
RGB 220, 67, 51
CMYK 0, 70, 77, 14

Purple (Munsell)

Purple is a smooth, heady blend of red and blue—in this case, a medium-dark shade with strong violet undertones.

Purple (Munsell)
Hex #9F00C5 
RGB 159, 0, 197
CMYK 19, 100, 0, 23

Purple Blue

Purple Blue dials up the “blue” part of the traditional red-blue purple blend in order to create a cool, cautious shade of deep bluish purple.

Purple Blue
Hex #9873DC 
RGB 152, 115, 220
CMYK 31, 48, 0, 14

Purple Cabbage

Purple Cabbage is a very dark purple shade that draws its inspiration from the deep leaves of a head of purple cabbage.

Purple Cabbage
Hex #3A144F 
RGB 58, 20, 79
CMYK 27, 75, 0, 69

Purple Cow

Purple Cow, on the other hand, is a soft shade of purple with some whimsical pink undertones.

Purple Cow
Hex #9A76B6 
RGB 154, 118, 182
CMYK 15, 35, 0, 29

Purple Mountain Majesty

At a distance, rocky mountains can reflect blue or purple wavelength directly into our eyes, creating this soft purple hue that is often so praised.

Purple Mountain Majesty
Hex #9678B6 
RGB 150, 120, 182
CMYK 18, 34, 0, 29

Purple Navy

Purple Navy is a mix of traditional purple with a dark navy blue, creating a deep shade of muted bluish-purple.

Purple Navy
Hex #4E5180 
RGB 78, 81, 128
CMYK 39, 37, 0, 50

Purple Taupe

Purple Taupe blends “true” purple and “true” Taupe Brown in order to create a stately brown shade with just a hint of purple.

Purple Taupe
Hex #50404D 
RGB 80, 64, 77
CMYK 0, 20, 4, 69


Purpure is the heraldic name for this reddish-purple shade, which can be found on the coat of arms of major families throughout Europe.

Hex #89395E 
RGB 137, 57, 94
CMYK 0, 58, 31, 46


Purwa is a cheerful sky blue shade named after the town and district in India.

Hex #9BE1FF 
RGB 155, 225, 255
CMYK 39, 12, 0, 0


Finally, Putty is a warm, malleable shade of yellowish brown with some softer golden undertones running beneath the surface.

Hex #E7CD8C 
RGB 231, 205, 140
CMYK 0, 11, 39, 9

All Colors A-Z

Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z