What are Halloween colors? Most people will probably tell you they’re orange and black. Some may throw purple into the mix. But if you take a closer look, you’ll find that more colors than you might expect are associated with this spooky holiday.
This is good news for designers — if you’ve been tasked with making a Halloween design, the variation in Halloween palettes gives you much more to work with. If you want to move beyond the plain black-and-orange decorations we’ve been seeing for years, now is your chance!
Check out these beautiful Halloween color palettes. Hex codes are included if you want to use the colors in your next design.
1. The Pumpkin King

Names: Smoky black, Pumpkin, Cyber yellow, Pear, Off red (rgb)
Hex Codes: #090303, #F8731E, #FFD401, #B5C802, #EF0001
This palette includes black and orange, the two most recognizable colors of Halloween. But it also includes a few other bright shades commonly connected to the holiday. Cyber Yellow is close to the yellow found in candy corn, and pear is the kind of green you might expect to see in a witch’s cauldron. Off Red is a blood-like shade that also happens to be a common candy color.
This especially eclectic blend is great for creating bright designs with a lot of different elements. The example image illustrates this well — much of the space is taken up by Pumpkin, but there are plenty of smaller splashes of other colors.
2. Haunted House

Names: Dark cyan, Tiffany blue, Rich black, Jonquil, Dark orange (web)
Hex Codes: #389092, #5FCFC3, #141E28, #FDD001, #F79336
Does blue count as a Halloween color? It might not be the first one that comes to mind, but smoky shades of blue are perfect for adding mystery to pictures like the example image.
In this image, Dark Cyan and Tiffany Blue also help to balance out some of the warmth of the rest of the palette. Jonquil and Web Dark Orange capture the yellowish glow of jack-o’-lanterns, and Rich Black is a helpful grounding influence.
3. Trick or Treat

Names: Ultra Violet, African Violet, Licorice, Safety orange, Pigment green
Hex Codes: #5C58A4, #9C90BC, #110504, #FA7602, #40A231
Purple is a color commonly connected to magic, witchcraft, and the supernatural. So it’s no wonder it often appears alongside black and orange in Halloween-themed color palettes. This appealing color grouping is one that you might find in a collection of holiday-themed baked goods.
Most colors in this palette are fairly saturated, so the relative lightness of African Violet helps keep things in balance. Ultra Violet and African Violet both help add an air of mystery. Licorice is perfect for creating bats, black cats, and witch’s hats. Safety Orange is a great color for pumpkins and jack-o’-lanterns, and Pigment Green is just right for pumpkin leaves and vines.
4. Purple Mist

Names: Spanish orange, Gamboge, Kobicha, Purpureus, Byzantium
Hex Codes: #E26B0F, #F1A73A, #59351C, #9451BB, #853174
This is another palette that places some emphasis on purple shades. But as you might have noticed right away, this one is shifted toward jewel tones. Spanish Orange and Gamboge have a warm, autumnal glow that you don’t find on most colors on the list. Byzantium has a similar jewel-like glow, and Kobicha is dark enough to ground the look.
This palette is especially vivid, and Purpureous is light enough to be a successful background color. If you want to bring in more colors, you might consider using a teal-like blue like the one in the example image. When you create a gradient effect from blue to purple, it will make your design especially memorable!
5. Pumpkin Patch

Names: Smoky black, Golden brown, School bus yellow, Dark pastel green, Safety orange
Hex Codes: #1B1606, #A15A00, #FFDF00, #23B23E, #FF7701
What baby hasn’t been dressed up as a pumpkin for Halloween? This palette captures the cheerful orange and green of a plush pumpkin outfit. But it reaches further than that — it also captures the colors of autumn leaves that so often cover the ground around Halloween. Golden Brown and School Bus Yellow make lovely complements to Dark Pastel Green and Safety Orange. And of course, Smoky Black is a quintessential Halloween color that keeps everything grounded as well.
6. Spooky Hues

Names: Celestial blue, Apple green, Dark purple, Pumpkin, Chili red
Hex Codes: #579DC8, #8CAE3D, #24091C, #F97422, #E7412D
This unusual color palette might not immediately make you think of Halloween. But as you can see in the example image, it works nicely in Halloween-style designs. It’s a good choice if you want to work with something a little different.
Dark Purple plays a critical role here, as it gives the whole group a spooky, mysterious feel (especially when used alongside Pumpkin). Celestial Blue, Apple Green, and Chili Red deliver vivid color that you don’t always see in Halloween palettes.
7. Candy Bowl

Names: Red (crayola), Lavender pink, Aero, Mantis, Aureolin
Hex Codes: #F33060, #FF9EDD, #00B0DC, #59C355, #FBEC13
Not all Halloween palettes center around pumpkins and goblins. Some, like this one, capture the bright, cheerful shades of many people’s favorite part of the holiday: candy! This rainbow-like assortment is perfect for creating designs that center around the sweeter side of Halloween.
However, working with this color assortment does pose a bit of a challenge. After all, if you took a look at this palette out of context, would it make you think of Halloween? Probably not.
The key to success here is to make sure your design is contextualized. For instance, the example image might not seem very Halloween-like on its own. But if you include an inset with an announcement for a trunk-or-treat or other event centering on both Halloween and candy, the association becomes clear.
8. Zombie Dawn

Names: Air force blue, Mulberry, Rich black, Orange peel, Cambridge blue
Hex Codes: #6794B3, #A55F91, #101824, #FE9C02, #97C8AB
Zombies (or at least the ones shown in most movies and TV shows) often have a grayish cast to them. So it’s only fitting that Air Force Blue, Mulberry, and Cambridge Blue all look slightly grayish. If your design includes zombies or the suggestion of them, this palette can impart an eerie feel. It’s a good choice if you want to create a spooky ambiance without just using various shades of gray.
Of course, by themselves, these shades might just look like a demure set of cool colors. But thanks to the inclusion of Rich Black and Orange Peel, the palette is unmistakably Halloween-related.
9. Little Monsters

Names: Fire engine red, Tangerine, Davy’s gray, Emerald, Purpureus
Hex Codes: #CE2426, #EE8A34, #474749, #3AC561, #9B33AE
This palette takes a few variations of the typical orange, black, and purple and combines them with surprisingly vivid shades of green and red. It’s an interesting choice. But as you can see in the example image, you can successfully use this color grouping to create Halloween-themed designs.
It’s especially appropriate for child-friendly designs, too. After all, bright green goblins and smiling purple monsters can really make Halloween fun!
10. Purple Pumpkins

Names: Plum, Purpureus, Orange (crayola), Flame, Fire engine red
Hex Codes: #8A4985, #925AA2, #FD6924, #E44D19, #CC021A
Using multiple color gradients in a design can be tricky. But if you use them carefully, they can add a huge amount of depth and visual interest. The example image does this well. It’s a very “busy” picture — between chocolate ghosts, tombstone cupcakes, pumpkin cookies, and a decorative skull in the background, there’s a lot going on.
If you want to use this color palette successfully, make sure that Plum, Purpureus, Crayola Orange, and Flame are distributed somewhat evenly throughout your design. You want to have enough presence of each to ensure your audience notices the color gradient. Fire Engine Red is an especially intense red shade, so it’s best used as an accent color. To keep these energetic colors contained, try using mellow neutral backgrounds like shades of burlap brown or tombstone-like gray.
11. Harvest

Names: Dark moss green, Quinacridone magenta, Liver, Orange (web), Mikado yellow
Hex Codes: #62632A, #7F3751, #614B44, #FDA629, #FCC318
You might think of Halloween color palettes and autumnal color palettes as being two different things, but they don’t have to be. After all, you don’t have to include black bats and bubbling cauldrons in a Halloween decoration scheme. For many, Halloween decorations just involve adding a couple of pumpkins to existing autumn color schemes.
This pretty, earthy palette is perfect for Halloween designs that lean more toward celebrating autumn than creating spooky aesthetics. Liver and Web Orange work a bit like faded or distressed black and orange. If you want to really showcase every shade in this vibrant grouping, try using Liver as a background color!
12. Face Paint

Names: Sea green, Fulvous, Raisin black, Ultra violet, Lapis lazuli
Hex Codes: #1A824A, #E78206, #352830, #7059A2, #0056A6
Little kids love Halloween, and costumes and face paints are two of the most exciting parts. This palette includes three core Halloween shades — orange, black, and purple. But Sea Green and Lapis Lazuli add a refreshing touch of cool color.
However, if you want to make sure your design is clearly Halloween-themed, pay careful attention to the balance of colors you use. If you lean heavily on Fulvous, Raisin Black, and Ultra Violet (only using Sea Green and Lapis Lazuli as accents), your design will make your audience think immediately of this spooky holiday. But if it’s largely blue and green, your audience may not get the association.
13. Blue Night

Names: Indigo dye, Honolulu blue, Picton Blue, Licorice, Orange peel
Hex Codes: #015079, #017BB4, #00AFED, #1B0F0B, #FE9F08
All too often, you see jack-o’-lanterns against a backdrop of inky black. But as the example shows you, they look even more striking with a background of twilight blue.
Even if your design isn’t going to include actual jack-o’-lanterns, this is a great palette to use if you want your colors to really pop. Blue and orange are complementary, and if you include a burst of Orange Peel against Indigo Dye, Honolulu Blue, and Picton Blue, your next project is sure to be a standout! Just make sure you include a decent amount of Licorice — otherwise, the lively blue/orange combo might look summery instead.
14. Steampumpkins

Names: Bistre, Apple green, Persimmon, Timberwolf, Moonstone
Hex Codes: #391F14, #9EAE18, #E05A06, #DACEC4, #2DAEC5
Here’s another palette that takes advantage of the complementary relationship between orange and blue. But unlike the light, vivid shades of the previous palette, this one includes deeper, more autumnal shades.
If you’re looking to choose a single background color, this color grouping also offers you a couple of options. If you want a palette that is darker overall, go with Bistre as a background. To make sure the design is clearly Halloween-themed, include a large amount of Persimmon and accents of Apple Green, Timberwolf, and Moonstone. The example image roughly follows this design scheme.
If you want something with a more modern, high-energy feel, go with Moonstone as a background instead. You can still include a large proportion of Persimmon. Accents of the other colors will really pop!
15. Sprinkles

Names: Rose ebony, Purpureus, Smoky black, Princeton orange, Olivine
Hex Codes: #5A3D35, #8C57A2, #130F0C, #FB951A, #97B65C
Thanks to the deep brown of Rose Ebony, the slightly sickly cast of Olivine, and of course the inclusion of Purpureaus, Smoky Black, and Princeton Orange, this palette looks like Halloween even without the example photo. It’s an excellent choice for advertisement and digital designs. But as you can see, it makes a great palette for Halloween-themed baked goods as well!
These shades are also strong enough to avoid the risk of blending into one another, so they’re ideal for colorblocking or striped designs. For instance, if you’re creating an invitation for a Halloween party, try a striped background with a parchment-colored inset for your text.
16. Purple Burst

Names: Persian orange, Earth yellow, Battleship gray, Mindaro, African Violet
Hex Codes: #EB8A41, #F4B059, #9B9B9A, #C4E582, #AE85C7
Looking for a classic, foolproof Halloween design? Try a black and orange color scheme with touches of purple and green. Thanks to its light, almost-pastel palette, this color grouping will give your designs a gentle, almost watercolor feel.
In a world where most Halloween designs are dark and super-saturated, a palette like this can be a great way to stand out. Keep the light theme going with a white or off-white background!
17. Halloween Lights

Names: Rusty red, Orange peel, Jet, Maya blue, Cerulean
Hex Codes: #DD394C, #F8A442, #2A2D32, #74C5FC, #20698A
Stylized illustrations like the one above give you a great opportunity to experiment with different Halloween palettes. This one includes more blue than most, but the inclusion of Orange Peel and Jet makes it pretty clear that it’s still Halloween-related.
At first, Rusty Red might seem a little out of place. However, it offers you a great way to make your design stand out. Red is vivid and can quickly grab a viewer’s attention, so it can add some distinctive, much-needed energy to the mix.
18. Sugar Skeletons

Names: Amber, Maize, Jet, Celadon, Air superiority blue
Hex Codes: #FFC02B, #FFE75A, #3B3638, #BAE59D, #6EA8C2
Here’s another palette inspired by Halloween-themed sweet treats! It’s a nice choice if you want a palette that’s more bright and cheerful than dark and mysterious. It’s also great if you’d prefer to steer clear of purple.
This is another lighter, almost pastel color grouping. Amber, Maize, Celadon, and Air Superiority Blue let you create Halloween designs with a whimsical touch. However, a light collection of colors often needs a darker, grounding influence. Fortunately, Jet is up to the task!
19. The Haunted Mansion

Names: Ultra violet, Pacific cyan, Rich black, Princeton orange, Magenta (pantone)
Hex Codes: #63539C, #45A8D0, #05091D, #FF9A24, #D14C85
Haunted houses are a universal symbol of Halloween. And whether you want to create a picture of an actual haunted house or just want to channel the spirit of one, this neat palette can help you do it.
Pantone magenta might seem like an unusual addition to a Halloween palette. But when you take a look at the example picture, you can see that it creates an eerie glow in the purplish blue sky.
If you do use this palette and include all five colors, you might want to use Pantone Magenta sparingly. Otherwise, this berry-like hue is likely to make your audience think of summer.
20. Halloween Party

Names: Olivine, Sky blue, Dark purple, Dark orange (web), Rojo
Hex Codes: #8AB65B, #7DC4D4, #26192A, #FF8A17, #E30924
On Halloween night, you’ll find just about every young child out trick-or-treating. But for the slightly older crowd, Halloween parties are a great way to celebrate the holiday. This bright palette captures many of the colors you’d expect to find at a costume party. From clown hair to witch makeup to the classic black and orange Halloween decorations, you’ll find it all here!
21. Monster Mash

Names: Pumpkin, Sandy brown, Dark purple, Powder blue, Glaucous
Hex Codes: #F56D1B, #F9984A, #2B0125, #ABC4DC, #6181AE
If they had to select just one color to represent Halloween, most people would pick orange. This is also quite a high-energy shade, so it’s great for cheerful designs aimed at children.
Even though the example image is mostly orange, it still manages to be highly engaging. Dark Purple is deep enough that it works almost like black. Powder Blue and Glaucous create layers and blue. And since blue is complementary to orange, the impact of both colors is amplified.
22. Sinister

Names: Butterscotch, Olivine, Gunmetal, Moonstone, Indian red
Hex Codes: #E79C42, #AFBE62, #242D34, #58A1BF, #CF524C
Want to combine the shades of pumpkin, witches, skeletons, and candy? This wide-ranging color palette is ideal. Butterscotch is a light enough orange that it reminds us of both pumpkins and decorative gourds, and Olivine is the perfect representation of green witch’s skin.
The smoky black of Gunmetal adds an air of mystery, and Moonstone and Indian Red are great for capturing the color of Halloween candies. As you may have already gathered from the example image, these shades look especially nice with a medium or light brown background.
23. Friendly Goblins

Names: Orange (web), Maize, Eerie black, Yellow green, Pacific cyan
Hex Codes: #FEAE06, #FCE442, #182121, #A5DA38, #07B0CC
Monsters don’t have to be scary. Some, like the imaginary creatures illustrated here, are bright and whimsical. Appropriately enough, this color palette is almost entirely high-energy and bright.
Web Orange is a bit lighter than many of the orange shades on this list. But Maize, Yellow Green, and Pacific Cyan are all bright and saturated. If it wasn’t for the inclusion of Eerie Black, it would be hard to see that this was a Halloween palette at all!
Viewed on its own, this color grouping doesn’t look especially autumnal or Halloween-like. If you want to use it in a Halloween-themed design, make sure the design itself is clearly related to the holiday!
24. Pumpkin Chocolate

Names: UT orange, Xanthous, Raisin black, Light green, African Violet
Hex Codes: #FF8B2A, #FFB52B, #312126, #6EE69F, #C391C6
Thanks to the inclusion of Light Green, African Violet, and Xanthous, this palette might remind you more of rainbow sherbet than bats and pumpkins. But as the cake in the example image illustrates, it can be an outstanding palette to use if you want to do something a little different.
Like the palette above, this one might not seem especially Halloween-related when viewed out of context. Because the example cake includes decorative bats and pumpkins, it becomes immediately clear that this is a Halloween palette.
25. Spooky Sam

Names: Mulberry, Verdigris, Dark purple, Jade, Tangerine
Hex Codes: #B94C7F, #1DB2B4, #1F1124, #27B571, #E78428
Eerie blues, greens, and purples seem to do well when included in palettes that are mostly orange and black. The collection of images above offers some interesting guidance on how to effectively use each of the colors.
To create a high-contrast, visually appealing design, start with Dark Purple as a background. Then add some Tangerine. You might choose to add it around the edges (like the pumpkins in many of the images above) or in the middle (like the big orange moon in a couple of the pictures). If you wish, you can add a little bit of Mulberry to create an eerie glow.
Finally, at the center of the design, include Verdigris and/or Jade. Both of these colors pop when next to orange, and the dark background means your audience will certainly notice them.
26. Cookies and Candy Corn

Names: Persian red, Orange (crayola), Dark orange (web), Naples yellow, Mint
Hex Codes: #CF2E2C, #F26F2F, #FF9840, #FEDD5D, #3FB57D
The red-orange-yellow-green gradient of this color scheme might make you think of a rainbow, but its emphasis on warmer colors gives it a distinctly autumnal feel. It’s perfect for symbolizing the joy of Halloween treats.
Crayola Orange and Naples Yellow look almost exactly like the colors on candy corn, and Web Dark Orange is a perfect shade of pumpkin orange. Persian Red makes a nice accent, and Mint adds a touch of coolness to create balance.
Every one of these colors is fairly intense, and if you aren’t careful when using them, you can easily overwhelm your audience. The key is to break them up with white or another soft neutral. Note that in the example photo, the white ghost cookies, the white plate, and the weathered wood of the table all create distance between the darker shades.
27. Witch’s Brew

Names: Cerulean, Blue (munsell), Battleship gray, UT orange, Royal purple
Hex Codes: #1B6B8C, #1B87A6, #868E83, #FE8100, #794DA6
If you want to create a project that channels the energy of twilight on Halloween, the surprisingly serene blues of this palette are just right. As you can see in the example picture, Cerulean and Munsell Blue can be used to create a pretty, sky-like gradient.
But these aren’t the only colors that make a difference in this particular lineup. Battleship Gray is about the color of tombstones in the falling light, UT Orange is a nice color for pumpkins, and Royal Purple is great for creating zingy accents.
28. Haunt

Names: Pumpkin, Royal purple, Oxford blue, Tiffany blue, Turquoise
Hex Codes: #E97928, #795BA8, #0E1326, #66D2C5, #5BC8B1
Here’s another haunted-house-inspired palette with shades of eerie, captivating blue. If you’re creating a traditional Halloween design with pumpkins in the foreground, you might take some inspiration from the example picture. When you blend Turquoise and Tiffany Blue together (and maybe even add a touch of Oxford Blue), you create a mysterious, brooding sky.
This design can be quite beautiful, but if you want to do something a little different, consider building a text-based design around this color collection. For example, if you have a white background whose border contains a good bit of Pumpkin and Royal Purple, you might want to make the text the star of the show. Create an ombre or swirling blend of Oxford Blue, Tiffany Blue, and Turquoise, and then color the letters with that blend.
29. Autumn Mix

Names: Carmine, Rust, Fulvous, Saffron, Brunswick green
Hex Codes: #8F0316, #BB4212, #DC870D, #EFC557, #356055
Not all Halloween palettes have to be spooky — some are warm and enveloping like a sunny autumn day. This color selection features an appealing red-to-yellow gradient and a deep, evergreen-like green.
It’s an obvious choice if you’re creating a design involving pumpkins or autumn leaves, but this palette holds its own when used for abstract designs, too. It’s a good choice for colorblocking or patterns. If you want to use a paler background color, a soft shade of brown or even warm white will go nicely.
30. October Twilight

Names: Caribbean Current, Dark cyan, Verdigris, Raisin black, Orange peel
Hex Codes: #1F666F, #20888F, #59B1AC, #291F21, #FB9E25
As we’ve seen, various shades of misty blue go very nicely with glowing jack-o’-lanterns. And as the example image suggests, the gradient of Caribbean Current, Dark Cyan, and Verdigris is wonderful for creating images of a moonlit night.
These shades also make the complementary Orange Peel look particularly vivid. You might consider using this assortment to create an image like the one shown above. Alternatively, you can create striking patterns by using the other shades against a background of deep Raisin Black.
31. Ghoulish

Names: Delft blue, Rusty red, Black, Cambridge blue, Orange peel
Hex Codes: #263576, #D32447, #000000, #6FB3A1, #FFA105
This interesting palette skirts the line between playful and spooky. As you can see in the example image, Cambridge Blue is the perfect greenish shade for the skin of a cartoon zombie. If you’d rather not use it in this capacity, it’s also light enough to be a great background for every other shade in the palette.
Of course, you can also use just some of the colors in this palette to create a strikingly minimalist design. If you’re creating a poster for a Halloween party, you could start with a Cambridge Blue background and add the black silhouette of a haunted house. Add an orange glow from the windows, a black border, and a black font, and you have an intriguing design sure to catch your audience’s eye.
32. Jack-O’-Lantern

Names: Eerie black, Pumpkin, UT orange, Orange peel, Selective yellow
Hex Codes: #13171A, #FF6D01, #FE8400, #FF9E00, #FDB51A
This last color palette centers around a classic Halloween sight: a collection of jack-o’-lanterns. If you’re going for a simple design, it’s a great group of colors to choose. As you can see in the example image, lit jack-o’-lanterns are made up of several shades of orange. If you include Pumpkin, UT Orange, Orange Peel, and Selective Yellow in your project, you’ll be able to really capture the dimensionality of this classic decoration.
A complex design like this one does best with a simple background. If your design primarily features carved pumpkins, a plain Eerie Black background might be enough!
Using Halloween Colors in Your Design
At every Halloween party, there’s someone whose costume is unexpected and original. There’s nothing wrong with sticking to old favorites like witches and ghosts, but if you use a little ingenuity, you can come up with something truly memorable.
Using Halloween colors is similar. Many designs center around black and orange, and you can still use these shades to create great designs. But if you want to go in a different direction, there’s a world of color waiting for you. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the Halloween palettes above.
Go Beyond the Traditional
There’s nothing wrong with traditional Halloween colors. But if you want to expand your project’s color palette, start making connections. For instance, gray is the color of gravestones, purple is a color often tied to the spiritual and supernatural, and green is the color of Frankenstein’s skin. Eerie shades of blue are also great for creating ambiance. And don’t forget ghostly white!
Decide What Mood You Want to Create
If you’re designing a poster for a kids’ trunk-or-treat and an advertisement for an adults-only haunted house, you’ll probably use different color palettes for each. For the kids’ event, you might even incorporate bright, whimsical shades of blue and green. For the adult event, you’ll probably want to stick to darker, more sinister shades.
Don’t Forget the Importance of Fonts
You might not immediately jump to typography when you’re thinking of color schemes. But both the style and color of font have a major impact on a design’s overall effectiveness. Lots of Halloween designs include black, gothic-style fonts. But if you play around with coloring, shading, and font type, you can come up with a design that really stands out from the crowd.
Keep Everything in Balance
In design, “balance” can mean a lot of things. One way to keep your design in balance is to include a mixture of light and dark shades. For instance, you might make a design that features light gray gravestones against a dark blue sky.
You can also create balance (not to mention eye-catching contrast) when you bring in complementary colors. Because orange is such a quintessential Halloween shade, the combination of blue and orange often makes an appearance.
Celebrate Halloween With Unforgettable Designs
When you think of holiday designs, you might imagine creating projects focused on Christmas, Easter, etc. Halloween might not be one of the world’s major holidays, but its mysterious lore and exciting color scheme can prove to be exciting for designers.
Hopefully, the above palettes have been inspiring. But remember that there are no real rules when it comes to Halloween colors. Be creative, and don’t forget to have fun!
Find more design inspiration in this collection of 24 themed color palettes.