144 Shades of Blue: Color Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK Codes

Shades of Blue Color with Names and HTML, Hex, RGB Codes

There are many blue colors out there that you may not even know exist. These colors have official uses in government organizations, national flags, or even the primary color of multiple universities. Many use various shades of a single hue, and some shades are limited to use in computer-generated works and development.

Below, you’ll find different shades of blue with names and their respective Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes if you want to use the colors for your website or design.


Turquoise is a color that is related to the gemstone of the same name. Turquoise also has many different variations to it as listed below. It ranges from Celeste, which is a sky blue variation of turquoise, to light turquoise and then turquoise blue, which is a bluer version of turquoise. There is also medium turquoise, dark turquoise, and bright turquoise.

Hex #40E0D0
RGB 64, 224, 208
CMYK 71, 0, 7, 12

RGB 178, 255, 255
CMYK 30, 0, 0, 0

Light turquoise
RGB 175, 238, 238
CMYK 26, 0, 0, 7

Turquoise blue
Hex #00FFEF
RGB 0, 255, 239
CMYK 100, 0, 6, 0

Medium turquoise
Hex #48D1CC
RGB 72, 209, 204
CMYK 66, 0, 2, 18

Dark turquoise
Hex #00CED1
RGB 0, 206, 209
CMYK 100, 1, 0, 18

Color personality quiz animation

Bright turquoise
Hex #08E8DE
RGB 8, 232, 222
CMYK 97, 0, 4, 9

Powder Blue

Powder blue is a very pale shade of blue. In the 1650s powder blue was primarily used to refer to cobalt glassware that was used in laundering and dying fabrics, until it became an official color name in 1894. Although in the past, the hue on the cobalt glassware had a much darker blue hue to it compared to the paleness of powder blue. Powder blue is typically used in web development projects.

Powder blue
Hex #B0E0E6
RGB 176, 224, 230
CMYK 23, 3, 0, 10

Sky Blue

Sky blue is often referred to as light blue, baby blue, or even angle blue. Sky blue is used in a variety of modern-day applications, ranging from being used in historical atlases to color code Germany and being used in Western culture to represent boys (though historically this color was used in the past to represent girls). Sky blue is also used for the national flags of various nations such as Argentina, the Bahamas, Botswana, Fiji, and more.

Sky blue is also a popular color to use in interior design as the color promotes a sense of calmness, relaxation, and water.

Sky blue
Hex #ADD8E6
RGB 173, 216, 230
CMYK 25, 6, 0, 10

Electric Blue

Electric blue is a hue of blue in which the defining characteristics of it varies. It’s a color that represents the bright glow of lightning and electric sparks, as well as the color of ionized argon gas. Electric blue originally got its name due to ionized air glow that is produced during electrical discharges. This definition has changed over the years to include blues that have an “electric” appearance due to their intense and vibrant looks. In popular culture, electric blue is associated with the star sign Aquarius.

Electric blue
Hex #7DF9FF
RGB 125, 249, 255
CMYK 51, 2, 0, 0

Air Force Blue

Air Force blue is a variety of colors that are different tones of azure, another shade of blue, that is primarily used in the United States Air Force (USAF), the Air Force Academy, as well as the Royal Air Force (RAF) uniforms, but various other hues of Air Force blue are utilized in different nations air forces as well.

Air Force blue (RAF)
Hex #5D8AA8
RGB 93, 138, 168
CMYK 45, 18, 0, 34

Air Force blue (USAF)
Hex #00308F
RGB 0, 48, 143
CMYK 100, 66, 0, 44

US Air Force Academy blue
Hex #004F98
RGB 0, 79, 152
CMYK 100, 48, 0, 40

Baby Blue

Baby blue is used as the official color for the national flag of Argentina. It’s a palish tint of azure and is considered a pastel color. It has many different variations, ranging from beau blue, which gets its name from the word “beautiful” in French, to baby blue, and little boy blue.

Beau blue
Hex #BCD4E6
RGB 188, 212, 230
CMYK 18, 8, 0, 10

Baby blue
Hex #89CFF0
RGB 137, 207, 240
CMYK 43, 14, 0, 6

Baby Blue Eyes
Hex #A1CAF1
RGB 161, 202, 241
CMYK 33, 16, 0, 5

Little Boy blue
Hex #6CA0DC
RGB 108, 160, 220
CMYK 51, 27, 0, 14

Tiffany Blue

Besides being a great name for a little girl, Tiffany blue is associated with the light-medium robin egg blue color that is mostly used in Tiffany & Co. jewelry created by the company. The color was officially used in 1845 in the cover of the company’s first-ever Tiffany’s Blue Book. After that period Tiffany blue has been used in promotional materials by the company, such as boxes and bags. Since 1998, Tiffany blue has been used as the color trademark for the company.

Tiffany blue
Hex #81D8D0
RGB 129, 216, 208
CMYK 40, 0, 4, 15

Steel Blue

Steel blue is renowned for its darker appearance as it is a shade of blue that resembles blue steel or steel that has undergone the process of bluing in order to protect the metal from rust. Steel blue is a less vibrant shade of blue and is often considered to be a bluish-grey color.

Steel blue is used in a variety of sports team’s uniforms and on stadiums. Ranging from being used in the uniforms of the Houston Texans football team, to the Lehigh Valley IronPigs or even the Colorado Avalanche hockey team.

Steel blue
Hex #4682B4
RGB 70, 130, 180
CMYK 61, 28, 0, 29

Carolina Blue

Carolina blue is a shade of blue that is used as the official school colors of the University of North Carolina, a place where Carolina blue is also referred to as Tar Heel blue.

Carolina blue
Hex #4B9CD3
RGB 75, 156, 211
CMYK 64, 26, 0, 17

Turkish Blue

Turkish blue is a shade of blue that has a gray-purple tinge to it, yet it is lighter and more vibrant compared to a navy blue.

Turkish blue
Hex #4F97A3
RGB 79, 151, 163
CMYK 52, 7, 0, 36

Maya Blue

Maya blue was and still is a unique shade of bright azure blue. In many pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures, Maya blue was a manufactured pigment that was used in many cultures, such as the Mayan or the Aztecs.

Maya blue is made up of organic and inorganic materials. Primarily indigo dyes that are created from the leaves of Indigofera suffruticosa plants, that are then combined with natural clay and other mineral additives.

Historically, Maya blue was recorded to have first appeared in the 800s and was still used up to the 1500s in several convents located in Colonial Mexico, where Maya blue was mainly used in paintings.

Maya blue has shown properties that showcase resistance to weathering, as many paintings that were done with the color haven’t faded despite being exposed to the weather and time.

Maya blue
Hex #73C2FB
RGB 115, 194, 251
CMYK 54, 23, 0, 2


Teal is a blue-green color that derives its name from the common teal bird. Teal also happens to be the official color of ovarian cancer awareness.

Hex #008080
RGB 0, 128, 128
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 50

Independence Blue

Independence blue is a dark grayish-blue color that was first utilized in 1927.

Independence blue
Hex #4C516D
RGB 76, 81, 109
CMYK 30, 26, 0, 57

Cornflower Blue

Cornflower blue is a shade of medium blue that contains very little pigments of green compared to other shades of blue. Sapphire gems that have a much higher value are referred to as cornflower blue, as they have a medium-dark bluish-violet tone to them.

Cornflower blue was considered to be the favorite hue of famous Dutch painter, Johannes Vermeer. In 1958, Crayola introduced cornflower blue into their products as an official color.

Cornflower blue
Hex #6495ED
RGB 100, 149, 237
CMYK 58, 37, 0, 7

Sapphire Blue

Sapphire blue is a nod to the gemstone of the same name, as sapphire gems are commonly found in various shades of blue, although some sapphire gems can be found in other colors. Sapphire blue is a saturated hue of blue and has many variations to it, such as medium sapphire and B’dazzled blue, which is a color that was introduced in 2001 for Crayola’s Metallic FX series. Blue sapphire and dark sapphire are other kinds of sapphire blue.

Sapphire blue
Hex #0F52BA
RGB 15, 82, 186
CMYK 92, 56, 0, 27

Medium Sapphire
Hex #2D5DA1
RGB 45, 93, 161
CMYK 72, 42, 0, 37

B’dazzled blue
Hex #2E5894
RGB 46, 88, 148
CMYK 69, 41, 0, 42

Blue Sapphire
Hex #126180
RGB 18, 97, 128
CMYK 86, 24, 0, 50

Dark Sapphire
Hex #082567
RGB 8, 37, 103
CMYK 92, 64, 0, 60


Azure is a bright blue color that is often used to describe the color of the sky when it’s clear.

Hex #007FFF
RGB 0, 127, 255
CMYK 100, 50, 0, 0

Egyptian Blue

Egyptian blue is a pigment of blue that was primarily used in ancient Egypt for thousands of years. It’s a synthetic pigment that was also introduced to the Romans at some point in time, but soon fell out of use after the Roman era. The manner in which Egyptian blue was produced has been lost to history.

However, with modern technology scientists have discovered that due to Egyptian blues properties of absorbing visible light, the color can prove useful in applications for construction materials that are designed to cool down rooftops or walls in particularly sunny climates.

Egyptian blue
Hex #1034A6
RGB 16, 52, 166
CMYK 90, 69, 0, 35

Yale Blue

Yale blue is a particular shade of dark azure that is primarily used in an official capacity at Yale University.

Yale blue
Hex #00356B
RGB 0, 53, 107
CMYK 100, 50, 0, 58

Navy Blue

Navy blue is a shade of blue that was named after the dark blue uniforms worn by officers of the British Royal Navy and has been in use since 1748, despite the color being later adopted by other nations’ navy forces.

Navy blue
Hex #000080
RGB 0, 0, 128
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 50

Prussian Blue

Prussian blue is a dark blue synthetic pigment that is produced via oxidizing ferrous ferrocyanide salts. It is also referred to as Berlin blue or Parisian blue. Prussian blue has many uses, some of which include in paintings, as the color isn’t solvable in water. It was famously used in Japanese woodblock prints.

Prussian blue also has a medicinal effect as an antidote for certain kinds of heavy metal poisonings, such as thallium and cesium.

Prussian blue
Hex #003153
RGB 0, 49, 83
CMYK 100, 41, 0, 67

Space Cadet

Often referred to as space cadet blue, it’s a color that is popular in Australia and New Zealand and was invented in 2007.

Space Cadet
Hex #1D2951
RGB 29, 41, 81
CMYK 64, 49, 0, 68

Royal Blue

Royal blue is a color that contains many hues of azure blue. Claimed to have been invented by millers in Rode, Somerset located in England, some of whom won a competition to make a dress for Queen Charlotte, the consort of King George III, that utilized the color. Some variations of the color include the traditional royal blue, queen blue, and imperial blue.

Traditional Royal blue
Hex #002366
RGB 0, 35, 102
CMYK 100, 66, 0, 60

Queen blue
Hex #436B95
RGB 67, 107, 149
CMYK 55, 28, 0, 42

Imperial blue
Hex #005A92
RGB 0, 90, 146
CMYK 100, 38, 0, 43


Getting its name from the Periwinkle flower, it’s a lighter tone of blue that is often considered to be a lavender blue.

RGB 204, 204, 255
CMYK 20, 20, 0, 0

Morning Blue

Morning blue is said to be a representation of the morning sky.

Morning blue
Hex #8DA399
RGB 141, 163, 153
CMYK 13, 0, 6, 36

Uranian Blue

Uranian blue is a color that gets its name from the unique blue hue of the planet Uranus.

Uranian blue
RGB 175, 219, 245
CMYK 29, 11, 0, 4

Fluorescent Blue

Fluorescent blue is a radiant blue that is based on fluorescence. It also serves as the main color for the Indian 50-rupee note.

Fluorescent blue
Hex #15F4EE
RGB 21, 244, 238
CMYK 91, 0, 2, 4

Ruddy Blue

Ruddy blue gets its name from the unique colored beak of the ruddy duck. It’s a lighter shade of azure blue.

Ruddy blue
Hex #76ABDF
RGB 118, 171, 223
CMYK 47, 23, 0, 13

Admiral Blue

Admiral Blue is a medium dark blue navy color. It takes its name from the “Admiral of the Blue” rank in the United Kingdom’s Royal Navy. Although this rank was officially abolished in 1864, its command flag bore that same distinctive blue color.

Admiral Blue
Hex #2C3863 
RGB 44, 56, 99
CMYK 56, 43, 0, 61

Aegean Blue

Aegean Blue is a muted blue color that looks almost gray in the right lights. Although it may be murkier than the stretch of the Mediterranean Sea from which it takes its name, it’s still strongly reminiscent of the sea during a storm.

Aegean Blue
Hex #4E6E81
RGB 78, 110, 129
CMYK 40, 15, 0, 49

Aero Blue

Technically a member of the green color family, Aero Blue looks more like a very pale shade of teal. This color tends to be used for a lot of health marketing and environmentally friendly advertising movement thanks to its soft, greenish blue hue.

Aero Blue
Hex #C9FFE5
RGB 201, 255, 229
CMYK 21, 0, 10, 0

Air Superiority Blue

One of the many official colors of the United States Air Force, Air Superiority Blue is a blue-gray shade that was officially adopted by the USAF in 1956. It’s usually used for federal engineering and military contractor projects as well as airplane design.

Air Superiority Blue
Hex #72A0C1
RGB 114, 160, 193
CMYK 41, 17, 0, 24

Alice Blue

So pale that it almost looks white, Alice Blue is named after the title character in Lewis Carrol’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The dress Alice wears in the 1951 animated film is closer to true blue, but the association is still there.

Alice Blue
Hex #F0F8FF
RGB 240, 248, 255
CMYK 6, 3, 0, 0

Aqua Blue

Very close in color to a true cyan blue, Aqua Blue is just a little bit brighter. This color is often associated with swimming pools, beach parties, and other water-themed or aquatic influences due to its bright, cheerful tone and vivid summertime hues.

Aqua Blue
RGB 10, 255, 255
CMYK 96, 0, 0, 0

Aquamarine Blue

In nature, aquamarine is a specific type of beryl. The color Aquamarine Blue takes its name from that gemstone and is somewhere between blue and green. It dates all the way back to 1598, when it was first recorded.

Aquamarine Blue
Hex #6BCAE2
RGB 107, 202, 226
CMYK 53, 11, 0, 11

Arctic Blue

With its pale icy tone and muted blue shades, the coolly soothing Arctic Blue draws its inspiration from the icy waters of the Arctic circle, as well as the bright white reflections of the snow and ice that float upon those same waters.

Arctic Blue
Hex #C6E6FB
RGB 198, 230, 251
CMYK 21, 8, 0, 2

Argentina Blue

Argentina Blue is a bright light blue. While some claim that the two stripes on the flag of Argentina represent the color of the Argentinian sky, from a historical perspective, it’s far more likely that the colors were chosen to show loyalty to a specific royal house.

Argentina Blue
Hex #6CB4EE
RGB 108, 180, 238
CMYK 55, 24, 0, 7

Astros Navy

It may not be a color you’re likely to find in a typical color palette, but Astros Navy is a dark, bold navy blue that serves as one of the official colors of the Houston Astros baseball team, originally named the Colt .45s in 1961.

Astros Navy
Hex #002D62
RGB 0, 45, 98
CMYK 100, 54, 0, 62

Bayern Blue

Bayern Munich, FC Bayern, or FCB is a German football club that is widely considered to be the most successful football team in German history. The club’s official colors are blue and white with a specific shade of blue that sets FC Bayern apart.

Bayern Blue
Hex #0066B2
RGB 0, 102, 178
CMYK 100, 43, 0, 30

Berry Blue

While most “blue” berries tend to look closer to purple or even black in color, Berry Blue is a little closer in hue to what we often consider “blue raspberry” flavored candies, drinks, or foods. It’s a bright blue with purple undertones running throughout.

Berry Blue
Hex #4F86F7
RGB 79, 134, 247
CMYK 68, 46, 0, 3


True blue is actually relatively uncommon. While what we think of as “blue” may vary based on our personal preferences, the base color of blue is a bright, vivid tone that has no red or green undertones present to block the blue tones from shining.

Hex #0000FF
RGB 0, 0, 255
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 0

Blue Yonder

Blue Yonder is a dark blue color that has green and gray undertones. It draws its inspiration from the open sky, although the sky portrayed by this color may be slightly less cheerful than the bright, sunny “sky blue” that may be more familiar.

Blue Yonder
Hex #5072A7
RGB 80, 114, 167
CMYK 52, 32, 0, 35

Bleu de France Blue

As early as the 12th century CE, Bleu de France has been used to represent France, its people, and its once-sovereign royal family. Today, the color is most commonly seen in French motorsports, tearing around the track at Formula One racing events.

Bleu de France Blue
Hex #318CE7
RGB 49, 140, 231
CMYK 79, 39, 0, 9


As the name might suggest, Blue-Gray is a color that straddles the line between true blue and true gray. The result is a muted, slightly darker color that rounds out some of the harsh brightness of a true or neon blue for a more soothing effect.

Hex #6699CC
RGB 102, 153, 204
CMYK 50, 25, 0, 20

Boeing Blue

Founded in 1916, The Boeing Company has been a major powerhouse in aerospace design and occasional weapons manufacturing for more than a hundred years. Throughout the decades, Boeing’s trademarked blue label has been behind serious technological innovations in the public and private sectors alike.

Boeing Blue
Hex #0039A6
RGB 0, 57, 166
CMYK 100, 66, 0, 35

Braves Navy

The Atlanta Braves were originally founded in Boston in 1871 and claim to be the oldest operating professional sports franchise in the US. That may be true, but what is true is that their characteristic blue and red logo is recognized nationwide.

Braves Navy
Hex #13274F
RGB 19, 39, 79
CMYK 76, 51, 0, 69

Brewers Blue

The Milwaukee Brewers, another professional baseball team with a predominately navy blue color scheme, were originally founded in Seattle in 1969. Since then, they’ve moved across the country to their current home in Wisconsin, where they seem poised to stay for a long time.

Brewers Blue
Hex #0A2351
RGB 10, 35, 81
CMYK 88, 57, 0, 68

Broncos Blue

Moving over to the world of professional football, the Denver Broncos have been one of the most successful teams in the NFL since 1975, accompanied throughout each major win and loss by the dark navy and bright orange colors of their helmets and uniforms.

Broncos Blue
Hex #002244
RGB 0, 34, 68
CMYK 100, 50, 0, 73

Byzantine Blue

The art of the Byzantine Empire was marked by vivid colors and expressive imagery, so it should come as no surprise that Byzantine Blue should have that same characteristic brightness that helped establish the impact of the empire that gave this color its name.

Byzantine Blue
Hex #3457D5
RGB 52, 87, 213
CMYK 76, 59, 0, 16

Cambridge Blue

Sports teams from the University of Cambridge in England, Cambridge Blue is a pale bluish green that is most often seen on members of Cambridge’s University Boat Club. The color has been in use since 1862, although the exact shade has shifted throughout time.

Cambridge Blue
Hex #A3C1AD
RGB 163, 193, 173
CMYK 16, 0, 10, 24

Capri Blue

Named after the dazzling skies and seas that surround the island of Capri off the coast of southern Italy, Capri Blue is a bright, brilliant blue that has an almost jewel-toned glow to it. It’s vivid, cheerful, and leaves you longing for the open seas.

Capri Blue
Hex #00BFFF
RGB 0, 191, 255
CMYK 100, 25, 0, 0

Cerulean Blue

Cerulean Blue was first recorded as a color back in 1590. The color’s name derives from the Latin word caelum, meaning heaven or sky, and it was heavily favored by Impressionist painters during the late 1800’s.

Cerulean Blue
Hex #2A52BE
RGB 42, 82, 190
CMYK 78, 57, 0, 25

Chelsea Blue

The colors of the Chelsea Football Club are red, gold, and blue. The specific shade of blue used by the club is a little closer to a dark blue than true blue, but it’s not quite dark enough to be considered a navy blue.

Chelsea Blue
Hex #034694 
RGB 3, 70, 148 
CMYK 98, 53, 0, 42

Chlorine Blue

If you’ve ever been in a pool for long hours, you’re probably familiar with the bright blue tones of Chlorine Blue. Although chlorine in swimming pools is usually diluted enough to be pretty pale, chlorine blue still hearkens back to those long summer days.

Chlorine Blue
Hex #0CAFFF 
RGB 12, 175, 255 
CMYK 95, 31, 0, 0

Cobalt Blue

Cobalt blue has been called “the color of the millennium” by major paint companies and is a popular choice for artists and interior decorators alike. However, some studies suggest that the specific compound used to produce this color may have some dangerous side effects.

Cobalt Blue
Hex #0047AB 
RGB 0, 71, 171 
CMYK 100, 58, 0, 33

College Navy

College Navy is named for its use by many collegiate sports teams across the nation. While it may be linked to university teams, it’s also one of the official colors of the Seattle Seahawks. As a result, it’s most closely associated with that team.

College Navy
Hex #002244
RGB 0, 34, 68
CMYK 100, 50, 0, 73

Columbia Blue

Named after Columbia University, Columbia Blue actually predates the color classification system and had to be prescribed a designation once that system came into being. It’s the official color of the oldest student organization at Columbia University, the Philolexian Society, founded in 1802.

Columbia Blue
Hex #B9D9EB 
RGB 185, 217, 235
CMYK 21, 8, 0, 8

Crayola Blue

Technically speaking, Crayola LLC produces crayons in a wide variety of colors, including multiple shades of blue. This particular shade, however, was first pioneered by the Crayola crayon manufacturing division.

Crayola Blue
Hex #1F75FE 
RGB 31, 117, 254
CMYK 88, 54, 0, 0

Cyan Blue

Cyan Blue is the closest to “real” or genuine blue as most digital screens or computers can get. The C in CMYK stands for “cyan” and measures the amount of cyan blue present in any shade or color, which means that this is as blue as it gets.

Cyan Blue
Hex #00FFFF
RGB 0, 255, 255
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 0

Dallas Cowboys Blue

The Dallas Cowboys are a professional football team located in Dallas Texas. Walk into most general stores in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, and you’ll probably see a wide array of products in this dark blue color year-round.

Dallas Cowboys Blue
Hex #041E42
RGB 4, 30, 66
CMYK 94, 55, 0, 74

Dark Blue

Technically the same shade as “real” blue, except darker, Dark Blue provides a more somber approach to the blinding brightness of standard blue tones.

Dark Blue
Hex #00008B
RGB 0, 0, 139
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 45

Delft Blue

Delft Blue refers to the specific shade of blue that is often found on Dutch glazed earthenware. Named after the city in the Netherlands that specialized in this craft, Delft Blue originally got its color from various cobalt pigments that were applied in glazes.

Delft Blue
Hex #1F305E
RGB 31, 48, 94
CMYK 67, 49, 0, 63

Dell Blue

A lot of tech companies use blue as their main color, and Dell is no exception. The computer juggernaut has been using this warm shade of blue in its logos and advertising since the company was founded back in a college dorm in 1984.

Dell Blue
Hex #0076CE
RGB 0, 118, 206
CMYK 100, 43, 0, 19

Denim Blue

Most of us have a favorite pair of jeans that we love to wear, and we all know that the colors of those jeans can vary pretty widely. Nevertheless, Denim Blue is often considered the “classic” color for those sturdy, dependable articles of clothing.

Denim Blue
Hex #1560BD 
RGB 21, 96, 189
CMYK 89, 49, 0, 26

Dodgers Blue

Based in Los Angeles but originally hailing from New York, the Dodgers have long been one of the most famous and well-known baseball teams in the United States. Dodgers Blue is a nod to that heritage, as the color has stayed the same for generations.

Dodgers Blue
Hex #005A9C
RGB 0, 90, 156
CMYK 100, 42, 0, 39

Dolphins Aqua

Switching back over to football, the Miami Dolphins have a particularly unique shade of blue as one of their official colors, with a distinctive green tone to set it apart from other teams.

Dolphins Aqua
Hex #008E97
RGB 0, 142, 151
CMYK 100, 6, 0, 41

Duck Blue

Obviously ducks themselves are not blue, but if you’ve ever seen a common duck making their way around your neighborhood, you’ve probably noticed the unique blue-green colors that the male ducks in particular often spot among their feathers.

Duck Blue
Hex #007791
RGB 0, 119, 145
CMYK 100, 18, 0, 43

Duke Blue

Duke University was originally founded in 1838, but it moved to a different city in 1892 and underwent a name change in 1938. The characteristic dark blue color of its sports teams and advertising, however, has remained largely unchanged throughout its history.

Duke Blue
Hex #012169
RGB 1, 33, 105
CMYK 99, 69, 0, 59

Electric Indigo

Anything with “electric” in its name promises to be a little bit more vibrant than the rest of its peers, and Electric Indigo certainly doesn’t disappoint. Despite having a definite purple tone to it, Electric Indigo is brighter, more vivid, and humming with energy.

Electric Indigo
Hex #6F00FF
RGB 111, 0, 255
CMYK 56, 100, 0, 0

Everton Blue

Everton FC is a British football club based in Liverpool, England. The striking blue notes of its official logo can be seen in the kits and jerseys of its team members.

Everton Blue
Hex #003399
RGB 0, 51, 153
CMYK 100, 67, 0, 40

Facebook Blue

If you’ve ever spent too much time in front of the computer, odds are pretty good that you’re familiar with this specific shade of blue. Facebook Blue is often considered one of the most instantly recognizable shades of blue found around the world today.

Facebook Blue
Hex #1877F2
RGB 24, 119, 242
CMYK 90, 51, 0, 5

Ford Blue

It may not be as instantly recognizable as Facebook’s shade of blue, but Ford Motor Company has built its brand on the solid, muted dark blue that today adorns all of its trucks. Look for Ford Blue next time you’re out for a drive.

Ford Blue
Hex #2C3968 
RGB 44, 57, 104
CMYK 58, 45, 0, 59

General Motors Blue

Dark blue seems to be a popular choice among car companies, as General Motors has long used a very similar shade to Ford Blue in the production and advertisement of its own vehicles. They may look extremely similar, but GM Blue is noticeably lighter.

General Motors Blue
Hex #073980
RGB 7, 57, 128
CMYK 95, 55, 0, 50

Glaucous Blue

Glaucous Blue takes its name from the Latin glaucus, which means grayish blue or gray. This color is most often used to describe various sea creatures, including the feathers of various sea birds or some terrestrial plants.

Glaucous Blue
Hex #6082B6
RGB 96, 130, 182
CMYK 47, 29, 0, 29

IBM Blue

Heading back to the world of tech giants, IBM has long been a heavy hitter in the world of technological innovation. While flashier companies may have stolen some of their thunder in recent years, IBM and its distinctive blue logo remain a force to be reckoned with.

IBM Blue
Hex #0530AD 
RGB 5, 48, 173
CMYK 97, 72, 0, 32

Ice Blue

Ice, essentially the solid or mineral form of water, doesn’t automatically have any real color to it. Thanks to its highly reflective nature, however, what we consider to be Ice Blue is usually closer to Sky Blue.

Ice Blue
Hex #99FFFF 
RGB 153, 255, 255
CMYK 40, 0, 0, 0

Indigo Blue

Today, what we call Indigo Blue is very different from what the ancient Romans would have considered indigo. While “our” Indigo Blue refers to the pigment itself, the ancient Romans and other civilizations considered the dark blue, almost black color that results when indigo is used as a dye to be “true” indigo.

Indigo Blue
Hex #3F00FF
RGB 63, 0, 255
CMYK 75, 100, 0, 0

Indigo Dye Blue

Related to the above, while the pigment of indigo is a bright, soft blue, the color resulting from its use as a dye is a dark, rich blue that looks purple in some lights and black in others.

Indigo Dye Blue
Hex #00416A 
RGB 0, 65, 106
CMYK 100, 39, 0, 58

Intel Blue

Intel Blue is the color used by the international tech giant, Intel. In late 2020, Intel changed their logo so that most of the font is black, but the dot over the “i” still retains that characteristic blue color.

Intel Blue
Hex #0071C5 
RGB 0, 113, 197
CMYK 100, 43, 0, 23

International Klein Blue

International Klein Blue is a color that was developed and copyrighted by French artist Yves Klein. With its vibrant hue and bold presence, the color appears in multiple works throughout the artist’s career, most noticeably in a series of sculptures.

International Klein Blue
Hex #002FA7 
RGB 0, 47, 167
CMYK 100, 72, 0, 35

Iris Blue

Iris Blue is actually a little bit darker than the color of the blue irises you’ll find growing in nature. Nevertheless, the soft, deep blue with hints of purple undertones is strongly reminiscent of the small flowers that grow around the world in various countries.

Iris Blue
Hex #5A4FCF
RGB 90, 79, 207
CMYK 57, 62, 0, 19

KC Royals Blue

The Kansas City Royals are an American baseball team that have their home in Kansas City, Missouri. Their colors are dark blue and gold, as befits their royal or noble theme, and they’ve stuck to the same color scheme for more than fifty years.

KC Royals Blue
Hex #004687
RGB 0, 70, 135
CMYK 100, 48, 0, 47

Lapis Blue

Lapis lazuli isn’t considered a gemstone, but it is a precious stone found in nature, often with small flecks of gold standing out against the deep blue. Lapis Blue takes its name from this dark blue stone, once a favorite of Egyptians and Europeans alike.

Lapis Blue
Hex #26619C 
RGB 38, 97, 156
CMYK 76, 38, 0, 39

Liberty Blue

Liberty Blue, much like Independence Blue, is a deep blue color with cold undertones and an almost steely finish. Liberty Blue, however, is most often used to decorate plates, cups, and other decorative earthenware for a stark blue and white finished product.

Liberty Blue
Hex #545AA7
RGB 84, 90, 167
CMYK 50, 46, 0, 35

Lowes Blue

Lowes is one of two major home improvement stores found throughout the United States. Their logo, found in major cities and small towns alike, is comprised of white font against the dramatic backdrop of a dark blue background.

Lowes Blue
Hex #004792
RGB 0, 71, 146
CMYK 100, 51, 0, 43

Magic Blue

No one really knows how Magic Blue got its name. Perhaps it’s because the calm notes of this slightly muted blue hue carry a soothing, restorative quality, or perhaps it’s only because of its association with magic users in popular media around the world.

Magic Blue
Hex #0077C0 
RGB 0, 119, 192
CMYK 100, 38, 0, 25

Majorelle Blue

Majorelle Blue is a stunningly bright blue named after the French artist Jacques Majorelle, who drew inspiration from Moroccan art and architecture and trademarked the color as his own invention.

Majorelle Blue
Hex #6050DC
RGB 96, 80, 220
CMYK 56, 64, 0, 14

Marian Blue

Marian Blue is a pale, glowing blue that takes its name from its association with the Virgin Mary. In medieval art, Mary was often depicted wearing a light blue to symbolize purity as well as her importance, as blue was typically reserved for those of high rank in the Byzantine Empire.

Marian Blue
Hex #E1EBEE 
RGB 225, 235, 238
CMYK 5, 1, 0, 7

Mavericks Blue

The Dallas Mavericks are a Texas-based basketball team whose colors are dark blue, white, and black, although their uniforms were a bright green when they were first founded.

Mavericks Blue
Hex #00538C
RGB 0, 83, 140
CMYK 100, 41, 0, 45

Medium Blue

Not as dark as dark blue or as vivid as regular blue, Medium Blue is a variation that lands somewhere in the middle for a muted, but still brilliant color.

Medium Blue
Hex #0000CD
RGB 0, 0, 205
CMYK 100, 100, 0, 20

Medium Slate Blue

Slate Blue, as we’ll discuss later, is named after a gray-blue stone found throughout Europe. Medium Slate Blue dials up the blue tones of the typical slate color and results in a brighter and far more lively hue with subtle purple and gray undertones.

Medium Slate Blue
Hex #7B68EE
RGB 123, 104, 238
CMYK 48, 56, 0, 7

Millennium Blue

Millennium Blue is another deep blue color that’s dark enough to almost pass as black. The color puts the viewer in mind of the vastness of space and the time required to reach even our closest neighbors in the solar system.

Millennium Blue
Hex #002244
RGB 0, 34, 68
CMYK 100, 50, 0, 73

Munsell Blue

Munsell Blue is named after Albert Henry Munsell, an artist, inventor, and teacher who developed an early system for classifying colors. Although the Pantone system is more widely used today, Munsell Blue bears its name in honor of this early pioneer.

Munsell Blue
Hex #0093AF
RGB 0, 147, 175
CMYK 100, 16, 0, 31

Neon Blue

Neon Blue is a staple of late-night diners and interior design portfolios alike. It’s bright, cool, and gives a sense of energy and vibrancy to what could otherwise be just another shade of blue.

Neon Blue
Hex #4D4DFF
RGB 77, 77, 255
CMYK 70, 70, 0, 0

Non-Photo Blue

Non-photo blue is a pale shade of light blue that is commonly used by graphic artists, traditional artists, and layout editors for one simple reason: it doesn’t show up on most camera films. As a result, it can be used to make edits which will virtually disappear once photographed.

Non-Photo Blue
RGB 164, 221, 237
CMYK 31, 7, 0, 7

Ocean Blue

Technically, the ocean has no true color of its own. If you’ve ever scooped some seawater up in your hand, you know that the only color of the sea is the reflection of the sky above. Ocean Blue, however, is the bluish green hue that we tend to think of as “ocean colored”.

Ocean Blue
Hex #009DC4 
RGB 0, 157, 196
CMYK 100, 20, 0, 23

Oxford Blue

The official color of the University of Oxford in the UK, Oxford Blue is a bold, dramatic blue tone that has been a part of the university’s branding since 1829.

Oxford Blue
Hex #002147
RGB 0, 33, 71
CMYK 100, 54, 0, 72

Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) Blue

Paris Saint-Germain or PSG is a Parisian football club that competes in the top league of French football. Their colors are dark blue, red, and gold.

PSG Blue
Hex #004170 
RGB 0, 65, 112
CMYK 100, 42, 0, 56

Pacific Blue

The Pacific Ocean often has many different shades of blue lurking within its depths. Nevertheless, Pacific Blue, as a color, evokes the slightly green-tinged, slightly gray-tinged waters and waves that are often seen glinting beneath the sun’s rays.

Pacific Blue
Hex #1CA9C9 
RGB 28, 169, 201
CMYK 86, 16, 0, 21

Pantone Blue

Pantone Blue is a bright, almost electric blue color that shares its name with the Pantone Matching System, the system used to classify and organize every shade of color known and recorded by traditional artists, graphic artists, and fashion designers.

Pantone Blue
Hex #0018A8 
RGB 0, 24, 168
CMYK 100, 86, 0, 34

Peacock Blue

Peacocks have long been treasured and admired for their brilliant plumage and dazzling display of color. True to its inspiration, Peacock Blue has some definite green notes running throughout.

Peacock Blue
Hex #005F69 
RGB 0, 95, 105
CMYK 100, 10, 0, 59

Penn Blue

The University of Pennsylvania picked its official school colors in 1910, but they were using what we know today as Penn Blue much earlier than that. The dark, bold blue has long been a staple of the university’s prestige and influence.

Penn Blue
Hex #011F5B
RGB 1, 31, 91
CMYK 99, 66, 0, 64

Persian Blue

Persian Blue is named after the color favored by a lot of early Persian artists. In particular, Persian Blue is found in a lot of pottery and ceramic artwork and is a bright, vivid blue that was often associated with lapis lazuli.

Persian Blue
Hex #1C39BB
RGB 28, 57, 187
CMYK 85, 70, 0, 27

Phthalo Blue

Phthalo Blue is a synthetic pigment that is used in inks, plastics, and other industrial settings. It’s also used in a lot of lab settings, where the bright blue color is used as an indicator that a reaction has occurred.

Phthalo Blue
Hex #000F89 
RGB 0, 15, 137
CMYK 100, 89, 0, 46

Picotee Blue

The word “picotee” technically refers to any flower that’s got an “outline” around the edges of its petals that’s different from the rest of the flower’s color. However, as it’s often associated with Morning Glory flowers, Picotee Blue has the soft purplish-blue of those blooms.

Picotee Blue
Hex #2E2787
RGB 46, 39, 135
CMYK 66, 71, 0, 47

Polynesian Blue

Polynesian Blue is a dark shade of blue that takes its name from the deep waters surrounding the Polynesian Islands, including Hawaii, New Zealand, and American Samoa.

Polynesian Blue
Hex #224C98
RGB 34, 76, 152
CMYK 78, 50, 0, 40

Resolution Blue

Resolution Blue gets its name from a bizarre set of legal proceedings. In 2005, the Blue Lacy dog was approved as the state dog of Texas following the introduction of Senate Resolution No. 436. While the dog itself is closer to gray than blue, Resolution Blue stuck around as a reminder of the legislation that got the dog on the floor.

Resolution Blue
Hex #002387
RGB 0, 35, 135
CMYK 100, 74, 0, 47

Robin Egg Blue

Robin’s eggs are some of the few distinctively blue objects found in nature, and the eye-catching color of those little eggs has left an indelible mark upon the human imagination.

Robin Egg Blue
Hex #00CCCC
RGB 0, 204, 204
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 20

Savoy Blue

Savoy Blue is a bright, rich blue color that was historically associated with the House of Savoy, a ruling dynasty in what is today Italy. While the House of Savoy was officially deposed in 1946, the color remains as a reminder of Italy’s rich monarchic heritage.

Savoy Blue
Hex #4B61D1
RGB 75, 97, 209
CMYK 64, 54, 0, 18

Slate Blue

Slate Blue is named after slate, a type of volcanic rock that is found in large quantities in Spain and other parts of Europe. This stone fractures easily into plates or sheets and has a distinctive blue-gray color.

Slate Blue
Hex #6A5ACD
RGB 106, 90, 205
CMYK 48, 56, 0, 20

Spanish Blue

Spanish Blue is technically considered a shade of azure instead of blue, but most people would agree that it “passes” for blue easily enough. The end result is a strong, vivid blue that is especially popular in many Spanish-speaking countries, from whence it gets its name.

Spanish Blue
Hex #0070BB
RGB 0, 112, 187
CMYK 100, 40, 0, 27

Spruce Blue

Spruce trees are found growing throughout much of the world. The needles and spines that grow in place of leaves have a distinctive deep green color that takes on a frosted blue appearance throughout the year, giving Spruce Blue its name as a result.

Spruce Blue
Hex #617178 
RGB 97, 113, 120
CMYK 19, 6, 0, 53

Stone Blue

Another shade of blue that veers closer to the gray side of the color wheel, Stone Blue actually has hints of green and yellow running throughout it. These underlying notes give this muted color a mossy or weathered look, adding to its stony nature.

Stone Blue
Hex #819EA8 
RGB 129, 158, 168
CMYK 23, 6, 0, 34

Tottenham Navy

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club is another professional English football team that was founded in the late 1800s and continues to play professionally to this day. Although most of their apparel is white, team members often feature accents in this distinctive shade of dark blue.

Tottenham Navy
Hex #132257
RGB 19, 34, 87
CMYK 78, 61, 0, 66

True Blue

Despite the name, True Blue isn’t actually true or “real” blue. Instead, it’s a few shades paler and slightly less intense than the official color.

True Blue
Hex #2D68C4
RGB 45, 104, 196
CMYK 77, 47, 0, 23

Tufts Blue

Founded in 1852, Tufts University is a private university that has long been considered an exclusive and prestigious place of higher learning. The pale blue shade associated with that school has been in use nearly as long and provides a bright, cheerfully academic appearance.

Tufts Blue
Hex #3E8EDE
RGB 62, 142, 222
CMYK 72, 36, 0, 13

Twitter Blue

Similar to Facebook Blue, most of us are probably pretty familiar with the specific shade of blue that Twitter uses for its official branding and merchandising.

Twitter Blue
Hex #1DA1F2 
RGB 29, 161, 242
CMYK 88, 33, 0, 5


UCLA Blue, as the name would suggest, is one of the colors used by the University of California, Los Angeles and is seen around the various courts and fields of that university’s sporting teams.

Hex #2774AE
RGB 39, 116, 174
CMYK 78, 33, 0, 32

Ultramarine Blue

Ultramarine Blue is true blue, but dialed up another notch. The “ultra” in the color’s name refers to the intense blue shades of this specific color.

Ultramarine Blue
Hex #120A8F
RGB 18, 10, 143
CMYK 87, 93, 0, 44

Violet Blue

If you’ve ever seen a violet in nature, you know violets are usually closer to purple. In the 1700s and 1800s, however, the word “violet” was often used to describe objects that we would consider blue today, and so this dark blue color is violet.

Violet Blue
Hex #324AB2
RGB 50, 74, 178
CMYK 72, 58, 0, 30

Visa Blue

Most of us have seen the advertisements for various Visa savings plans and credit or debit cards throughout the years. Even if you strip away all of the extra set dressing, however, the cool, dark blue Visa Blue color remains in the logo.

Visa Blue
Hex #1A1F71 
RGB 26, 31, 113
CMYK 77, 73, 0, 56

Vivid Sky Blue

As the name would suggest, Vivid Sky Blue is very similar to Sky Blue, but a little bit more, well, vivid. The bright tones of this particular color remind us of a brilliantly sunny late October sky without a single cloud in sight.

Vivid Sky Blue
Hex #00CCFF
RGB 0, 204, 255
CMYK 100, 20, 0, 0

Warriors Blue

The Golden State Warriors, a professionally ranked basketball team based in San Francisco and often referred to affectionately as “the Dubs”, feature a striking blue and gold logo that has changed dramatically over the years while still retaining the characteristic deep blue tones.

Warriors Blue
Hex #1D428A
RGB 29, 66, 138
CMYK 79, 52, 0, 46

Yankees Blue

The New York Yankees have been playing since 1901, which means that their blue and white color scheme has captured the public imagination for well over a hundred years. Today, their dark blue and white uniforms are absolutely iconic.

Yankees Blue
Hex #0C2340
RGB 12, 35, 64
CMYK 81, 45, 0, 75

YInMn Blue

YInMn Blue was discovered in 2009 and is a vibrant blue produced naturally by the combination of yttrium, indium, and manganese. The color doesn’t fade over time and is safer than other natural pigments.

YInMn Blue
Hex #2E5090 
RGB 46, 80, 144
CMYK 68, 44, 0, 44

Steel Blue

Steel Blue is a cool blue with definite gray undertones. It’s a little more blue than what steel truly looks like, but the name’s stuck around nevertheless.

Steel Blue
Hex #4682B4
RGB 70, 130, 180
CMYK 61, 28, 0, 29

Alaskan Blue

Alaskan Blue is very similar to Ice Blue, but it carries some of the green undertones that represent Alaska’s rich plant life and thriving tundra landscapes.

Alaskan Blue
Hex #6DA9D2
RGB 109, 169, 210
CMYK 48, 20, 0, 18

Tall Ships Blue

Tall Ships Blue, like some of the other ocean-themed blues on this list, has notes of green and yellow running throughout in order to reflect the sea-glass green color that the tall ships of long ago used to sail across.

Tall Ships Blue
Hex #0E81B9
RGB 14, 129, 185
CMYK 92, 30, 0, 27

Blue Colors

Whether you’re looking to create a website or a graphic design, these are just a few shades of blue you can experiment with. If you thought you were limited to only a few options, you now have an almost endless amount of colors to choose from.

These colors can also be found in nature. Here’s a visual list of things that are blue.