130 Shades of Orange: Color Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK Codes

Shades of Orange Color with Names and HTML, Hex, RGB Codes

Most people know that orange is a mix between yellow and red. In scientific terms, a dominant light spectrum wavelength between 585 and 620 nanometers allows humans to observe this color. Being surrounded by orange walls or décor is thought to increase oxygen to the brain, encourage creativity, and activate thought. Generally, people consider the color orange a warm, vibrant shade that exudes positivity and happiness.

There are hundreds of different orange colors to choose from, ranging from spring-like shades, such as coral, to autumnal shades, like vermilion. Here is a list of shades of orange with names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes. You can use them for your website or graphic design.

Dark Orange

Dark orange is a hue in the orange family that is darker than basic orange, incorporating a more magenta undertone, and sometimes leaning a little towards brown.

Dark Orange
Hex #FF8C00
RGB 255, 140, 0
CMYK 0, 45, 100, 0

Vivid Orange

Vivid orange refers to a vibrant, more saturated shade of orange that can be compared to the color of carrots.

Vivid Orange
Hex #FF5E0E
RGB 255, 94, 14
CMYK 0, 63, 95, 0


Orange-red is a shade of orange that incorporates a high percentage of red. This reddish orange hue is similar to the color of blood oranges.

Hex #FF4500
RGB 255, 69, 0
CMYK 0, 73, 100, 0


Tomato refers to a warm, reddish orange hue in the orange family that is comparable to the color of a ripe tomato fruit.

Color personality quiz animation

Hex #FF6347
RGB 255, 99, 71
CMYK 0, 61, 72, 0

Metallic Orange

Metallic orange, as the name suggests, has metallic tones in it. Metallic orange also has a gold-like sheen to the hue.

Metallic Orange
Hex #E26310
RGB 226, 99, 16
CMYK 0, 56, 93, 11


Pumpkin refers to a shade of orange that – you guessed it – resembles the color of pumpkins. It is often used in color palettes for fall themed art.

Hex #F5761A
RGB 245, 118, 26
CMYK 0, 52, 89, 4

Smashed Pumpkin

Smashed pumpkin is a color variation on pumpkin, and refers to a shade slightly lighter, or more yellow in hue, such as a combination of the colors of the outside and the inside of a pumpkin.

Smashed Pumpkin
Hex #FD673A
RGB 253, 103, 58
CMYK 0, 59, 77, 1


Yellow-orange is a shade that combines yellow and orange colors. It looks like a muted or creamy orange.

Hex #FFA836
RGB 255, 168, 54
CMYK 0, 34, 79, 0

Carrot Orange

Carrot orange is a rich, warm and saturated shade of orange that looks like carrot juice. It is somewhat similar to yellow-orange, but darker.

Carrot Orange
Hex #ED9121
RGB 237, 145, 33
CMYK 0, 39, 86, 7

International Orange

International orange is a deep, medium orange hue used by the aerospace industry to differentiate certain objects from their backgrounds, surroundings or other objects. It is basically the same color as orange-red with slightly more green in it.

International Orange
Hex #FF4F00
RGB 255, 79, 0
CMYK 0, 69, 100, 0

Spanish Orange

Called so because of an entry in Rosa Gallego’s color dictionary that calls the shade “anaranjado”, the Spanish word for orange. Spanish orange is a warm, medium hue with brownish tints.

Spanish Orange
Hex #F06105
RGB 240, 97, 5
CMYK 0, 60, 98, 6


Tangerine is a warm, yellowish medium orange shade that gets its name from a fruit in the orange fruit family, the skin of which resembles this color.

Hex #F78702
RGB 247, 135, 2
CMYK 0, 45, 99, 3

Princeton Orange

Princeton orange, first referred to by this name in 1928, is one of the colors of Princeton University. The hue is a muted medium orange.

Princeton Orange
Hex #FF8F00
RGB 255, 143, 0
CMYK 0, 44, 100, 0

Orioles Orange

Orioles orange refers to a medium orange hue with red tones, reminiscent of the color of an oriole’s belly. This color is used by the Baltimore Orioles, the Cincinnati Bengals and the Denver Broncos.

Orioles Orange
Hex #FB4F14
RGB 251, 79, 20
CMYK 0, 69, 92, 2

Deep Saffron

Deep saffron is a shade darker than saffron yellow, and is similar in color to the stamen of a saffron flower.

Deep Saffron
Hex #FFA52C
RGB 255, 165, 44
CMYK 0, 35, 83, 0

Alloy Orange

Alloy orange is a shade of brownish orange, named such by Crayola in their 2001 release of metallic crayons. This orange color is warm and earthy.

Alloy Orange
Hex #C35214
RGB 195, 82, 20
CMYK 0, 58, 90, 24

Halloween Orange

Halloween orange is a warm, yellowish, golden orange that resembles the color of a yellowish pumpkin or an orange acorn squash.

Halloween Orange
Hex #EE5921
RGB 238, 89, 33
CMYK 0, 63, 86, 7


Tangelo refers to a deep, rich, reddish orange hue that resembles the skin of a tangelo fruit.

Hex #FC4C02
RGB 252, 76, 2
CMYK 0, 70, 99, 1


Gamboge is a yellowish orange hue somewhat similar to saffron or a dark gold with orange undertones.

Hex #E89611
RGB 232, 150, 17
CMYK 0, 35, 93, 9


Vermilion, first made from cinnabar, or powdered mercury sulfide, is a brilliant reddish-coral orange.

Hex #D74826
RGB 215, 72, 38
CMYK 0, 67, 82, 16

Medium Vermilion

Medium vermilion is a color related to vermilion. This shade is somewhat more muted, resembling a soft brownish or dusty-coral orange tone.

Medium Vermilion
Hex #CF5B2E
RGB 207, 91, 46
CMYK 0, 56, 78, 19


Fulvous, somewhat similar in color to tawny, is a reddish-yellow orange with brown hues. This color is reminiscent of the color of a barn swallow’s belly.

Hex #E68000
RGB 230, 128, 0
CMYK 0, 44, 100, 10

Pastel Orange

Pastel orange is a light, muted or pale shade of orange that is often used for baby related products and décor, especially when the gender of the baby-on-the-way is not yet known.

Pastel Orange
RGB 254, 186, 79
CMYK 0, 27, 69, 0


Flame refers to a shade of orange that is bright, warm and vibrant. This color is sometimes used to illustrate fire.

Hex #E34A27
RGB 227, 74, 39
CMYK 0, 67, 83, 11

Philippine Orange

Philippine orange is a yellowish gold shade of orange, similar in hue to the marigold flower.

Philippine Orange
Hex #F26E01
RGB 242, 110, 1
CMYK 0, 55, 100, 5

Beer Orange

Beer orange is a muted yellowish orange with some brown undertones similar in shade to the color of beer or ale.

Beer Orange
Hex #F28F1C
RGB 242, 143, 28
CMYK 0, 41, 88, 5

Chinese Orange

Chinese orange is a medium shade of orange with light coral tones. Chinese orange can also be compared to a muted salmon pink.

Chinese Orange
Hex #EB6841
RGB 235, 104, 65
CMYK 0, 56, 72, 8

Jasper Orange

Jasper orange is a dusty orange, or a mix between a tan and a pale orange. This color gets its name from its similarity to hues found in jasper stones.

Jasper Orange
Hex #E89149
RGB 232, 145, 73
CMYK 0, 38, 69, 9

Royal Orange

Royal orange is a light, peachy orange hue. This color works well in combination with various skin tones.

Royal Orange
Hex #FF9944
RGB 255, 153, 68
CMYK 0, 40, 73, 0


Coral is a color that can be placed in the pink or orange family. It gets its name from ocean corals of a similar pinkish hue.

Hex #FF7F50
RGB 255, 127, 80
CMYK 0, 50, 69, 0

Dark Coral

Dark coral is another pinkish orange huge that could fall into either the red or orange family. This shade is a darker and heavier version of coral.

Dark Coral
Hex #D75341
RGB 215, 83, 65
CMYK 0, 61, 70, 16

Cadmium Orange

Cadmium orange is a rich, earthy orange tone named after the chemical component cadmium. It is a little similar to dark orange but with more brown undertones.

Cadmium Orange
Hex #E6812F
RGB 230, 129, 47
CMYK 0, 44, 80, 10

Dark Pastel Red

Dark pastel red can be classified as both a red and orange hue. It is a rusty orange red, comparable to a more vibrant version of burnt umber.

Dark Pastel Red
Hex #C34723
RGB 195, 71, 35
CMYK 0, 64, 82, 24

Copper Red

Copper red is a brownish red-orange shade that is similar in color to tones found in copper mineral stones.

Copper Red
Hex #D97448
RGB 217, 116, 72
CMYK 0, 47, 67, 15

University Of Tennessee Orange

As the name suggests, this shade of orange is used in the University Of Tennessee’s logo. It is a warm, golden orange hue similar to the color of an orange poppy.

University Of Tennessee Orange
Hex #F77F00
RGB 247, 127, 0
CMYK 0, 49, 100, 3


Rajah is a pale, peachy yellow orange shade that could be classified as an orange, yellow or skin tone color.

RGB 250, 186, 95
CMYK 0, 26, 62, 2

Mango Tango

Mango tango is a warm, golden orange hue similar in shade to pumpkin orange but lighter and brighter.

Mango Tango
Hex #FB8842
RGB 251, 136, 66
CMYK 0, 46, 74, 2

Orange Peel

Orange peel is a shade of orange that is more golden in hue than the name might suggest. It is warm and vibrant and similar to the flesh of a mango fruit.

Orange Peel
Hex #FF9F00
RGB 255, 159, 0
CMYK 0, 38, 100, 0

Vivid Tangelo

Vivid tangelo is a slightly brighter, more vibrant version of the color tangelo. As with tangelo, vivid tangelo is similar in color to the peel of the fruit.

Vivid Tangelo
Hex #EC7625
RGB 236, 118, 37
CMYK 0, 50, 84, 7

Burnt Umber

Burnt umber is a rich, brownish orange shade named after the natural pigment umber that is comprised of iron oxide and manganese oxide.

Burnt Umber
Hex #8A3324
RGB 138, 51, 36
CMYK 0, 63, 74, 46

Papaya Whip

Papaya whip is a pale, pinky, peach orange shade similar in tone, but lighter in hue to the color of papaya fruit flesh.

Papaya Whip
Hex #FFF1D7
RGB 255, 241, 215
CMYK 0, 5, 16, 0


Bittersweet refers to a shade of reddish orange that is rich in tones of cyan and magenta. It is named after a small berry fruit of a similar name and color.

Hex #FE6F5E
RGB 254, 111, 94
CMYK 0, 56, 63, 0


Persimmon is a warm, golden orange shade that is named after a small, round Asian fruit.

Hex #EC5800
RGB 236, 88, 0
CMYK 0, 63, 100, 7

Persian Orange

Persian orange is a light shade of tannish orange similar to a pale terracotta. Persian orange is frequently used in pottery and carpets in the Middle East.

Persian Orange
Hex #D99058
RGB 217, 144, 88
CMYK 0, 34, 59, 15


Terracotta is a reddish brown shade of orange that is named after a type of clay earthenware often used to make plant pots.

Hex #E2725B
RGB 226, 114, 91
CMYK 0, 50, 60, 11

Apricot Orange

Bite into an apricot or simply admire its peach-fuzz exterior, and you’ll probably see something very much like this shade of orange. Apricot orange is a little bit lighter and a little bit sweeter than most shades of orange, which can remind you of that first sweet bite of fruit.

Apricot Orange
RGB 251, 206, 177
CMYK 0, 18, 29, 2

Bronze Orange

A mix of various metals that allowed various ancient societies to sweep across the ancient world, bronze is a sturdy alloy with a distinctive orange-brown color. Bronze Orange reflects some of the rich heritage and history of this metal in its tone, which mimics that same characteristic orange-brown hue.

Bronze Orange
Hex #CD7F32
RGB 205, 127, 50
CMYK 0, 38, 76, 20

Browns Orange

The Cleveland Browns have long been a staple of Cleveland culture and city pride. Their team colors are brown, gold, and Browns Orange, this bright and intense shade of orange that represents the team and helps get fans’ blood pumping before every big game, no matter where it’s being played.

Browns Orange
Hex #FF3C00
RGB 255, 60, 0
CMYK 0, 76, 100, 0

Buff Orange

Nowadays, the word “buff” may be a reflection of an individual’s strength or appearance, but in Victorian England, it referred to a specific shade of orange-brown. Buff Orange is a reflection of that outdated language, and the pale, soft brown hues of this shade are “buff” in the truest sense.

Buff Orange
Hex #F2CA85 
RGB 242, 202, 133
CMYK 0, 17, 45, 5

Bumblebee Orange

When we think of bumblebees, most of us think of pure yellow or black, but Bumblebee Orange deserves a space at the table, too. Bumblebee Orange is a bright, cheerful color that captures some of the energy and curiosity of watching a bumblebee blunder its careful way around the garden.

Bumblebee Orange
Hex #FFC82A
RGB 255, 200, 42
CMYK 0, 22, 84, 0

Burnt Orange

Burnt Orange is an ever-popular color that’s long been a go-to choice for clothing, branding, and interior decorating. The “burnt” part of its name alludes to the slightly muted, slightly darkened aspect of this color, making it look a little bit more burnt or worn than traditional orange.

Burnt Orange
Hex #CC5500 
RGB 204, 85, 0
CMYK 0, 58, 100, 20

Butterscotch Orange

Butterscotch has been a mainstay in various cuisines since at least the late medieval era. Sweet, rich, and just a little bit salty, butterscotch traditionally provided an alternative to more expensive or exclusive desserts. Today, the distinctive qualities of butterscotch are captured in this warm and equally sweet orange color.

Butterscotch Orange
Hex #D99151 
RGB 217, 145, 81
CMYK 0, 33, 63, 15

Cheese Orange

Obviously, cheese comes in a wide range of colors, from creamy white to mottled green and blue. However, when you think of cheddar cheese, Cheese Orange is probably the color that you’re picturing – a strong, cheerful color that still carries some of the sharp bite that makes cheddar cheese pop.

Cheese Orange
Hex #FFA600 
RGB 255, 166, 0
CMYK 0, 35, 100, 0

Chocolate Orange

Chocolate oranges are a popular Christmastime treat in many countries around the world, but Chocolate Orange is more of a nod to the typical shade of milk chocolate, instead of a reference to any one specific treat. Mellow, warm, and sweet, this orange color will have you craving something sugary.

Chocolate Orange
Hex #D2691E 
RGB 210, 105, 30
CMYK 0, 50, 86, 18

Cider Orange

Regardless of the time of year, there’s nothing like a nice hot mug of cider to put you in a winter-y or autumnal mood. Cider Orange carries some of the spice and cheer of a cup of cider so that you’ll feel warm no matter where – or when – you are.

Cider Orange
Hex #D8A175 
RGB 216, 161, 117
CMYK 0, 25, 46, 15

Copper Orange

Copper tends to corrode or break down very quickly, losing its distinctive color, but fresh or clean copper has a brilliant orange-gold glow to it that can be absolutely dazzling. Copper Orange reflects this exact shade of orange and brown in order to preserve some of the metal’s quickly-fading allure.

Copper Orange
Hex #BB772E 
RGB 187, 119, 46
CMYK 0, 36, 75, 27

Crayola Orange

Crayola Orange may look like your stereotypical orange shade, but it’s actually a very specific hue, designed by experts at the Crayola crayon company to create a shade of orange that would strike a chord with children without being overwhelmingly bright or abrasive.

Crayola Orange
Hex #FF7538 
RGB 255, 117, 56
CMYK 0, 54, 78, 0

Desert Orange

If you’ve ever been out in the desert, you know that this color isn’t so much a reflection of any one color as it is a summation of the overall feeling of the desert – the burning heat and sand and the endless energy of the sky that stretches over you.

Desert Orange
Hex #ED8E4A 
RGB 237, 142, 74
CMYK 0, 40, 69, 7

Desert Sand Orange

Desert Sand Orange, on the other hand, specifically reflects the vast expanses of sun-bleached sand that stretch away in every direction. It’s a pale orange with brown and red undertones that reflect some of the heat and the boundless exploration that a trip to the desert often inspires.

Desert Sand Orange
Hex #EDC9AF 
RGB 237, 201, 175
CMYK 0, 15, 26, 7

Dragon Fire Orange

Dragon Fire Orange is one of those shades of orange that wouldn’t look out of place in a medieval fantasy. It’s bright, energetic, and ready to explode – a perfect match for a color that takes its name from the bursts of flame produced by the dragons of ancient lore.

Dragon Fire Orange
Hex #FD652D 
RGB 253, 101, 45
CMYK 0, 60, 82, 1

Dull Orange

Despite what the name would have you believe, Dull Orange is still pretty bright. While it’s a little bit more muted than Pantone Orange or other bright orange shades, Dull Orange still has plenty of energy and excitement to ensure that it won’t be overlooked by those looking for brightness.

Dull Orange
Hex #DB804E 
RGB 219, 128, 78
CMYK 0, 42, 64, 14

Giants Orange

The New York Giants are a professional baseball team that have been around since the early 1900s and continue to capture the attention of fans across the nation. Their colors include a dark navy blue and the specific shade of orange that takes its name from the team itself – Giants Orange.

Giants Orange
Hex #FE5A1D 
RGB 254, 90, 29
CMYK 0, 65, 89, 0

Ginger Orange

Ginger Orange isn’t necessarily the color of a fresh ginger root. Instead, Ginger Orange is a strong burst of color that reminds the viewer of gingerbread houses and other holiday traditions. It’s warm, bold, and laced with just a little bit of spice to keep the viewer on their toes.

Ginger Orange
Hex #B06500 
RGB 176, 101, 0
CMYK 0, 43, 100, 31

Golden Gate Bridge Orange

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most iconic landmarks in the United States, and its distinctive shade of reddish orange helps it stand out against the foggy San Francisco skyline. Golden Gate Bridge Orange echoes the strength and the unique identity that the Golden Gate Bridge embodies.

Golden Gate Bridge Orange
Hex #C0362C
RGB 192, 54, 44
CMYK 0, 72, 77, 25

Goldenrod Orange

Depending on where you live, you may be used to seeing goldenrod flowers growing in gardens or just along the side of the road. These bright, yellowish orange flowers can instantly transform any landscape.

Goldenrod Orange
Hex #DAA520
RGB 218, 165, 32
CMYK 0, 24, 85, 15

Goldfish Orange

Whether you’re thinking of the goldfish fish or the snack of the same name, Goldfish Orange is a close match to the shade that you’re probably picturing. Goldfish have long been some of the most popular aquarium pets in the world, and this bright shade provides a good explanation for it.

Goldfish Orange
Hex #FF9913
RGB 255, 153, 19
CMYK 0, 40, 93, 0

Honey Orange

Similar in shade and feeling to Amber, which has more yellow in it, Honey Orange is named after the sweet substance that you probably have somewhere in your kitchen right now. The light, homey shade captures some of the brightness and sweetness that makes honey such a popular mainstay in homes and kitchens worldwide.

Honey Orange
Hex #FFBD31
RGB 255, 189, 49
CMYK 0, 26, 81, 0

Hunyadi Orange

Hunyadi Orange refers to the color found on the Hunyadi coat of arms. As the name might suggest, the Hunyadi family was one of the most powerful families in early Hungary, and their vision and drive for improvement shaped the nation into what it is today.

Hunyadi Orange
Hex #E8AC41
RGB 232, 172, 65
CMYK 0, 26, 72, 9

Koi Orange

Whether you’ve got a koi pond in your own backyard or have only seen them at various botanical gardens or outdoor decorative ponds, you know that koi fish are actually similar in shade – and family tree – to most goldfish. As a result, this color somewhat matches Goldfish Orange in hue, although it’s a couple of shades darker.

Koi Orange
Hex #D15837
RGB 209, 88, 55
CMYK 0, 58, 74, 18

Light Orange

Light Orange is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a lighter or paler shade of the typical Pantone Orange, which means that it’s basically just the “usual” orange with a little bit more white and yellow added in order to soften the tone and make it brighter.

Light Orange
Hex #FED8B1
RGB 254, 216, 177
CMYK 0, 15, 30, 0

Light Copper Orange

We’ve already seen Copper Orange, so now it’s time for Light Copper Orange. The lightness detracts somewhat from the copper comparison, as some of the brightness and intensity of “true” Copper Orange is what makes it similar to its namesake, but the color is still very clearly linked to its foundation.

Light Copper Orange
Hex #F6CBA0
RGB 246, 203, 160
CMYK 0, 17, 35, 4

Pumpkin Orange

As soon as we see Pumpkin Orange we think of Halloween. However, this shade is a little brighter in appearance than the color Halloween Orange. It also reminds us of harvest in fall and it brings back fond memories of baking pumpkin pies.

Pumpkin Orange
Hex #FF7518
RGB 255, 117, 24
CMYK 0, 54, 91, 0

Dark Topaz Orange

Dark Topaz Orange is a color that probably wouldn’t be too highly valued in an actual gemstone. However, as a color, this soft, brilliant tone is still beautiful enough to earn its spot on the list of Topaz Oranges.

Dark Topaz Orange
RGB 234, 189, 140
CMYK 0, 19, 40, 8

Mahogany Orange

Mahogany is a type of wood that has long been prized for its durable grain and its deep, rich color. Mahogany Orange mimics this same color to create a bold, dramatic shade of orange that almost passes for red, echoing the wealth and luxury of mahogany’s prized grain.

Mahogany Orange
Hex #C04000
RGB 192, 64, 0
CMYK 0, 67, 100, 25

Marigold Orange

Marigolds are small, golden-orange flowers that are found growing in temperate regions around the world. They’re an extremely popular garden or interior design plant, and this bright shade of orange, modeled after the hue of their petals, makes it easy to see why.

Marigold Orange
Hex #EAA221
RGB 234, 162, 33
CMYK 0, 31, 86, 8

Melon Orange

No matter what time of year it is or how you feel about melon fruits, Melon Orange provides a distinctly summery feel. The sweetness of a cantaloupe comes through clear and strong in the bright and cheerful undertones of this mellow melon shade.

Melon Orange
Hex #DF9166
RGB 223, 145, 102
CMYK 0, 35, 54, 13

Mimosa Orange

When we say “mimosa”, what pops into your mind first – the flower or the alcoholic drink that’s always a hit at brunches? Regardless of your first association, the soft red and pink notes of Mimosa Orange are sure to find a match with whatever image you pictured first in your mind.

Mimosa Orange
RGB 255, 202, 75
CMYK 0, 21, 71, 0

Neon Orange

Neon Orange is named for the shade of orange typically found in neon orange signs, which in turn derive their color from the gaseous form of the element Neon. It’s a lively and energetic shade that wouldn’t look out of place lighting up the background of any major city’s night life.

Neon Orange
Hex #FFAD00
RGB 255, 173, 0
CMYK 0, 32, 100, 0

Ochre Orange

Ochre Orange is similar to Burnt Orange in a lot of ways. Both shades of orange have the same vibrant base layer, muted somewhat by the darker green or yellow-red notes that give Burnt Orange its aged appearance. The main difference is that Ochre Orange is brighter and less red.

Ochre Orange
Hex #C99700
RGB 201, 151, 0 
CMYK 0, 25, 100, 21

Orange Pale Orange

Orange Pale refers to the specific light shades combined to make this specific hue, so while “Orange Pale Orange” may sound redundant, it’s really the only way to accurately refer to the uniquely soft and gentle shade of orange that has more than earned its spot on this color list.

Orange Pale Orange
RGB 255, 223, 191
CMYK 0, 13, 25, 0

Orange Paper Orange

Like the previous entry, it may sound strange to use the word “orange” twice in a single color’s name. However, “orange paper” is the name for any sheet of paper made with this light, almost plain shade – although it can also refer to rougher pressed paper made with orange peels.

Orange Paper Orange
Hex #FEE8D6 
RGB 254, 232, 214
CMYK 0, 9, 16, 0

Orange Spice Orange

Orange Spice Orange and Spice Orange and Pumpkin Spice Orange may all look fairly similar, but they definitely have their differences. Orange Spice Orange is a brighter, lighter, sweeter, and more fruity shade of orange as compared to a darker, more autumnal tone.

Orange Spice Orange
Hex #D76B00 
RGB 215, 107, 0
CMYK 0, 50, 100, 16

Outrageous Orange

Outrageous Orange promises to be, well, outrageous. The vivid, almost startling intensity of this shade certainly delivers on that promise, and the end result is a dazzling, exciting, and fun-filled shade of orange that easily walks the fine line between outrageous and what could have ended up being just obnoxious.

Outrageous Orange
Hex #FF6E4A 
RGB 255, 110, 74
CMYK 0, 57, 71, 0

Pantone Orange

Pantone Orange is probably the most “typically” orange shade on this list. It takes its name from the Pantone Color Registry, which seeks to classify and organize the hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of different colors, shades, and variations that are found in works of art around the world.

Pantone Orange
Hex #FE5000 
RGB 254, 80, 0
CMYK 0, 69, 100, 0

Peach Orange

We’ve already seen Apricot Orange, but Peach Orange is the more famous variation on the same color. With its bright, sunny undertones and soft, almost pink top notes, Peach Orange is designed to remind viewers of the fuzzy outer layer of a peach. It’s not loud enough to be considered a pink orange, but it’s still got hints of that overall shade.

Peach Orange
Hex #FFCC99 
RGB 255, 204, 153
CMYK 0, 20, 40, 0

Pepper Orange

It may sound strange to name a shade of orange after the famously black spice, but Pepper Orange is actually named after the orange bell pepper. This fruit is really a type of berry, but it was considered too spicy for the Columbus-era Europeans, who accordingly named it for its “spice”.

Pepper Orange
Hex #E77D22 
RGB 231, 125, 34
CMYK 0, 46, 85, 9

Red Fox Orange

Small, clever, and infinitely curious, foxes have played a part in human cultures around the world for centuries. Red Fox Orange captures some of the energy and curiosity that those furry little figures seem to embody, and it also highlights the liveliness that’s left them alternately loved and hated throughout history.

Red Fox Orange
Hex #985629 
RGB 152, 86, 41
CMYK 0, 43, 73, 40

Rumba Orange

It may be popular today as a way of keeping fit, but rumba is a style of dance that long predates the current workout craze. Regardless of where or how you first learned the word, Rumba Orange is a flirtatious shade that captures some of that excitement and love for life.

Rumba Orange
Hex #F06631 
RGB 240, 102, 49
CMYK 0, 57, 80, 6

Safety Orange

If you’ve ever seen a traffic cone, an orange reflective vest, or a sign marking a construction area, then you’ve seen Safety Orange. Safety Orange is the internationally recognized color used to signal an area, event, or object that requires some extra-careful level of protection or observation for everyone’s continued safety.

Safety Orange
Hex #FF6700 
RGB 255, 103, 0
CMYK 0, 60, 100, 0

Safflower Orange

Safflower is a small flowering plant used to make saffron, an aromatic spice that stars in the cuisines of several different cultures. While the flower of the safflower plant may vary in color, the center of any flower will always hold several bright stems that carry this distinctive yellowish orange hue.

Safflower Orange
Hex #FDAE44
RGB 253, 174, 68
CMYK 0, 31, 73, 1

Salamander Orange

Salamanders are small reptiles that live in rotting wood and densely forested areas. Because they were often seen emerging from wood placed on the fire, several ancient cultures thought that these brightly colored creatures actually preferred to live in the fire itself, and the myth still persists down to this day.

Salamander Orange
Hex #F05E23
RGB 240, 94, 35
CMYK 0, 61, 85, 6

Salmon Orange

Salmon Orange is named for the bright pink flesh of the fish that’s so popular at restaurants across the country. For most of their lives, salmon are a dull greenish-blue, but their scales turn to a vivid shade of orange or red as they prepare to birth the next generation.

Salmon Orange
Hex #FF8066 
RGB 255, 128, 102
CMYK 0, 50, 60, 0

Squash Orange

Squash Orange may be in the same family as Pumpkin Orange, but it’s got a bit more variation to it. Because squashes can come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, Squash Orange reflects some of that versatility in its yellow undertones, which prevent it from being too orange.

Squash Orange
Hex #E89362 
RGB 232, 147, 98
CMYK 0, 37, 58, 9

Sunrise Orange

Sunrise Orange is named for the soft, brilliant streaks of light that color the morning sky each day. Homer might have referred to the dawn as having fingers made of rose, but the warmer light of orange and yellow tend to be more in line with what most of us see.

Sunrise Orange
Hex #E67451
RGB 230, 116, 81
CMYK 0, 50, 65, 10

Sunset Orange

Sunset Orange is a bright, energetic color that has a little bit more “fire” to it than Sunrise Orange does. Sunrises are gorgeous, but sunsets tend to be where you see the vivid reds, oranges, blues and pinks that seem to set the sky ablaze, so this color feels more fitting.

Sunset Orange
Hex #FD5E53
RGB 253, 94, 83
CMYK 0, 63, 67, 1

Syracuse Orange

They’re sometimes referred to as the Syracuse Orangemen, so it should go without saying that one of Syracuse University’s official colors is a bold and vibrant shade of orange. Syracuse Orange is a bright and almost dramatic shade that looks fast-paced, lively, and brimming with energy – just like the university’s students.

Syracuse Orange
Hex #D44500
RGB 212, 69, 0
CMYK 0, 67, 100, 17

Tawny Orange

Tawny Orange is a warm, energetic shade of orange that has a relatively high level of red included in its undertones. As a result, even this relatively muted variation of orange looks bright and heated without looking too overwhelmingly orange or yellow when it’s first observed or noticed.

Tawny Orange
Hex #B25A38
RGB 178, 90, 56
CMYK 0, 49, 69, 30

Tiger Orange

Tiger Orange is a bright, energetic shade of orange that you’ve definitely seen before if you’ve looked at any animal of the same name – or even a picture of the jungle cat. The orange, black, and white patterns of a tiger’s coat help them camouflage almost perfectly with their surroundings.

Tiger Orange
Hex #F96815
RGB 249, 104, 21
CMYK 0, 58, 92, 2

Tiger’s Eye Orange

Tiger’s Eye Orange is full of the thrill of the fight – or, more seriously, it’s a close reflection of the orange-brown blend that often distinguishes the eyes and faces of some of the largest cats in the world. It’s also a close match to the mineral of the same name.

Tiger’s Eye Orange
Hex #E08D3C
RGB 224, 141, 60
CMYK 0, 37, 73, 12

Topaz Orange

Topaz Orange has just a little bit more fire to it than Dark Topaz Orange. In this sense, it’s closer to a prized topaz gemstone, with the elusive notes of red and gold that give those precious stones their uniquely energetic and often enigmatic appearance.

Topaz Orange
Hex #FFC87C
RGB 255, 200, 124
CMYK 0, 22, 51, 0

Tree Sap Orange

Amber is dried or crystallized tree sap, but Tree Sap Orange is more closely linked to the color of tree sap when it first escapes the bark. It’s a little bit darker, a little bit more intense, but it still carries the warmth of amber.

Tree Sap Orange
Hex #CC7711
RGB 204, 119, 17
CMYK 0, 42, 92, 20

Web Orange

Web Orange doesn’t really have anything to do with spiders or even with a weaver’s loom. Instead, Web Orange is named after the world wide web. Web Orange is often used in web design to create sites that are engaging and engrossing without appearing overly aggressive or harsh on the eyes.

Web Orange
Hex #FFA500
RGB 255, 165, 0
CMYK 0, 35, 100, 0

West Side Orange

West Side Orange is very similar to Sunrise Orange and Sunset Orange in that it puts the viewer in mind of the vibrant energy of a late afternoon, but West Side Orange sets itself apart with some of the fast-paced energy that reminds viewers of life in the big city.

West Side Orange
Hex #FF9916
RGB 255, 153, 22
CMYK 0, 40, 91, 0

Wheat Orange

Wheat Orange is an incredibly pale shade of orange that captures some of the vast energy and waving motion of an open field of grain. The soft red undertones keep it in the orange family, but the overall look is a soft golden glow.

Wheat Orange
Hex #F5DEB3
RGB 245, 222, 179
CMYK 0, 9, 27, 4

Xanthous Orange

Xanthous Orange may sound like an exotic shade, but it’s most likely a color that you’ll see in one very specific place. According to the American Kennel Club standard, Golden Retrievers should have a “xanthous” coat. In other words, they should have red, gold, or orange-brown fur.

Xanthous Orange
Hex #F1B42F
RGB 241, 180, 47
CMYK 0, 25, 80, 5

Yam Orange

Packed with vitamins and nutrients, yams are a root vegetable that gets its distinctive orange color from an overdose of carotene, an all-natural content rich in vitamin K. Yam Orange may not be as good for you as its namesake, but it still conveys some of that bright, cheerful color.

Yam Orange
Hex #E17E45
RGB 225, 126, 69
CMYK 0, 44, 69, 12

Mecca Orange

This energetic, vibrant red-orange has an exotic feel to it. The color name itself comes from Pantone’s Textile Cotton selection. As you would likely expect, Mecca Orange has a very large amount of red compared to both green and blue. Though it doesn’t have the cool influence of cyan, this color’s energy is tempered by a moderate K value. Mecca Orange pops against goldenrod-like yellows, and it also looks great in color palettes made primarily of quiet neutrals.

Mecca Orange
Hex #BD5745
RGB 189, 87, 69
CMYK 0, 54, 63, 26

Lava Orange

This is an especially bright, almost electric orange, but it’s uniquely different from a neon shade. Lava Orange has enough depth to balance out its brightness. It also looks especially at home in very bright color palettes. Its complementary color is just as bright as Lava Orange – it’s Vivid Cerulean. Lava Orange has more yellow than magenta, and that helps explain its dazzling brightness.

Lava Orange
Hex #F76806
RGB 247, 104, 6
CMYK 0, 58, 98, 3

Dutch Orange

Dutch Orange is a versatile, medium orange shade. Thanks to its very large amount of yellow (as compared to magenta), it’s a high-energy color that really commands attention. Dutch Orange is an ideal color to use in advertising or in logos. It also has some historical significance. Dutch Orange is also known as Holland Orange or Netherlands Orange. It was even used as one of the colors in the flag flown during the Dutch Revolt.

Dutch Orange
Hex #FF9B00
RGB 255, 155, 0
CMYK 0, 39, 100, 0


Amber certainly has a golden quality about it. But at least in the case of this color, it also has an orange glow. It’s a great color to select if you want a bright color that commands attention but isn’t quite as bright as a neon or near-neon orange. Though it may be more subdued than some orange hues, Amber still gains considerable energy from its sizable portion of yellow.

Hex #FFC600
RGB 255, 198, 0
CMYK 0, 22, 100, 0

Aesthetic Orange

Aesthetic Orange is a pleasant, peachy shade perfect for projects that need a quiet, paler color. Aesthetic Orange’s values of magenta and yellow are closer than those of most other orange variants. Its bright yet soft glow looks great alongside pastel blues, greens, and purples.

Aesthetic Orange
Hex #F4AB6A
RGB 244, 171, 106
CMYK 0, 30, 57, 4

Hot Orange

Orange is one of the most attention-grabbing colors out there. And of the orange shades, Hot Orange just might be the most electric of all. In a somewhat unusual twist, Hot Orange contains a decent amount of both green and red. The green helps give it some of its depth while its 100 CMYK value for yellow ensures that it’s plenty bright. Like many of the other very bright shades of orange, Hot Orange is ideal for use in advertising or any other applications that require an attention-getting shade.

Hot Orange
Hex #FF6E00
RGB 255, 110, 0
CMYK 0, 57, 100, 0

Glossy Orange

It’s hard to make a color look truly glossy through a screen. But Glossy Orange is a balanced color that does especially well when printed on glossy paper. It’s an energetic shade whose yellow CMYK value is more than twice that of its magenta values. However, its energy is very slightly tempered by a small amount of black.

Glossy Orange
Hex #E78400
RGB 231, 132, 0
CMYK 0, 43, 100, 9

Pure Orange

Though there are seemingly endless shades of orange out there, Pure Orange is effectively the standard for all other orange shades. Most shades have uneven CMYK values, but this one’s yellow value is exactly twice that of its magenta value. The result is a classic, middle-of-the-road orange that’s especially versatile.

Pure Orange
Hex #FF8000
RGB 255, 128, 0
CMYK 0, 50, 100, 0

Rustic Orange

Sometimes, you just need a shade of orange that has an authentically weathered look. Rustic Orange is close to the color of weathered wood that has been stained. It’s somewhat more muted than other shades of orange. It has a higher K value than most other shades, and its value for yellow is not as high. Like many other muted orange shades, Rustic Orange is a great addition to fall-inspired color palettes and designs.

Rustic Orange
Hex #D78C3D
RGB 215, 140, 61
CMYK 0, 35, 72, 16

Baby Orange

As its name suggests, Baby Orange is a soft, delicate shade of orange. It is noticeably paler than many of the orange shades mentioned here. That fact is shown in its CMYK values too. The values for both magenta and yellow are much lower than most shades. Baby Orange would be a wonderful addition to a spring-inspired color palette with other pastels.

Baby Orange
Hex #FCBE85
RGB 252, 190, 133
CMYK 0, 25, 47, 1

Irish Orange

This specific shade of orange is indicated in Irish official documents as being the official orange used on the Irish flag. But its vibrant nature makes it useful for other applications as well. Irish Orange pairs beautifully with its complementary color, the refreshing Ocean Boat Blue.

Irish Orange
Hex #F5883F 
RGB 245, 136, 63
CMYK 0, 44, 74, 4


If you’re familiar with the cheerful brightness of freshly-made orange marmalade, you’ll probably agree that the name of this shade is a fitting one. Marmalade is just slightly deeper in color than Irish Orange. It also contains more magenta, yellow, and black. Like similar hues, Marmalade pops against bright to medium greens.

Hex #D16002
RGB 209, 96, 2
CMYK 0, 54, 99, 18

Vintage Orange

Vintage-inspired colors are going through a revival, and Vintage Orange is an excellent wall color or color for other elements of home decor. It’s very close to being a neutral, so it can be worked into a wide range of color schemes. It also looks very nice as a background for darker brown text. If your project requires a color that’s essentially an orange-tinged neutral, Vintage Orange is a great option.

Vintage Orange
Hex #C9995D
RGB 201, 153, 93
CMYK 0, 24, 54, 21


Rust is an accurately named color. It is close to the color of metal that’s significantly rusted. This color is a deep orange that’s fairly close to being red. In fact, when you look at its RGB values, Rust is actually 70% red. This color looks great alongside deep green or blue jewel tones, and it’s also a great way to make a statement without being garish.

Hex #B7410E
RGB 183, 65, 14
CMYK 0, 64, 92, 28

India Saffron

Saffron is an exotic spice that adds a burst of bright orange-yellow color and memorable flavor to any dish. India Saffron does justice to the spice itself. It’s a different color than Deep Saffron. In fact, India Saffron is the exact color of orange that you see in the Indian flag. In Indian culture, this color is sometimes called kesari.

India Saffron
Hex #FF9933
RGB 255, 153, 51
CMYK 0, 40, 80, 0

Atomic Tangerine

This color has one of the most exciting names on our list. Atomic Tangerine is a gentle, rosy orange that is close to being a shade of pink. The name comes from Crayola. One of the company’s crayons by the same name is this exact color. Atomic Tangerine has more yellow than magenta, so it’s especially bright and cheerful.

Atomic Tangerine
Hex #FF9966
RGB 255, 153, 102
CMYK 0, 40, 60, 0

Red Orange (RAL)

Red Orange is redder than Burnt Orange, similar to Brick Red with just a hint more orange. It has a rust-like quality that makes it pair well with slightly muted versions of blues and greens. It offers a striking contrast when paired with its complementary color, Cyan Cornflower Blue.

Red Orange (RAL)
Hex #B6481C
RGB 182, 72, 28
CMYK 0, 60, 85, 29

Willpower Orange

Willpower Orange is a very intense shade. It looks a lot like a deeper version of the color of an orange highlighter. It has markedly more yellow than magenta. It also has an extremely high red value compared to blue or green. This shade has similar qualities to Safety Orange. It can be used as a burst of color in an otherwise neutral palette, and it works very well alongside demure grays.

Willpower Orange
Hex #FD5602
RGB 253, 86, 2
CMYK 0, 66, 99, 1

Dusty Orange

Dusty versions of colors can be excellent choices when you’re looking for a calmer, more muted version of your chosen color. Dusty Orange is an interesting shade. It’s close to being a tamer version of Atomic Tangerine. For an especially attention-grabbing palette, try pairing it with its complementary color, Picton Blue.

Dusty Orange
Hex #E27A53
RGB 226, 122, 83
CMYK 0, 46, 63, 11

Spring Orange

Spring Orange is an unusual shade. It’s not quite a standard orange and not quite a pastel. It evokes the energy of spring in a palette with softer, cool-color pastels. But if you’re going for a more summer-inspired color scheme, try pairing it with its red and yellow analogous colors. It also works well as a logo on a white background.

Spring Orange
Hex #FD963D
RGB 253, 150, 61
CMYK 0, 41, 76, 1

Greek Orange

Greek Orange is a lovely, warm orange that’s close to the color of a pumpkin. It’s striking when paired with True Blue, its complementary color. Greek Orange is dark enough to serve as an effective background for white text, but it’s also bright enough to work well as a text color on a very dark background.

Greek Orange
Hex #E06E04
RGB 224, 110, 4
CMYK 0, 51, 98, 12

Calm Orange

Most people associate orange with energy. But if your project would work better with a quieter, mellower shade, Calm Orange might just be the right choice. This soothing color is similar to that of orange sherbet, and it pairs well with ivory and other warm off-whites.

Calm Orange
Hex #FAB972
RGB 250, 185, 114
CMYK 0, 26, 54, 2

Faded Orange

Faded Orange is somewhat similar to Dusty Orange. It has a little bit of a rosy quality about it, but it also comes close to being a neutral. Part of its calmer energy comes from its relatively low values for yellow and magenta.

Faded Orange
Hex #CD946A
RGB 205, 148, 106
CMYK 0, 28, 48, 20

Luminous Bright Orange (RAL)

This cheery, yellowish orange is part of the RAL Classic list. RAL is a color matching system (like Pantone) that is popular in Europe. Luminous Bright Orange carries a warm energy that pops against bright blues.

Luminous Bright Orange (RAL)
Hex #FFB700
RGB 255, 183, 0
CMYK 0, 28, 100, 0

Orange Colors

That concludes our list of orange shades. We hope you enjoyed it and were able to find the perfect color for your next project, whether you are redoing a website or creating a graphic design.

These colors can also be found in nature. Here’s a visual list of things that are orange.