Ebony Color Meaning: The Color Ebony Symbolizes Luxury and Mystery

Ebony Color Meaning Infographic

This in-depth analysis explains the meaning and symbolism of the color ebony.

Understanding Ebony

Though often associated with the more grim aspects of life, ebony is a delightful color that means no harm. Unlike black, its darker cousin, ebony boasts brown undertones that make it more gentle and approachable. Its history is rooted in Egypt, which gives ebony an eccentric essence. Having been around for over four centuries, this heavy brown color embodies timeless elegance.


Preferred by the wealthy and famous, ebony is highly sophisticated. This striking hue offers rich elements that ooze with refinement. Symbolic of opulence and style, ebony is a staple in many upscale homes. If you prefer the finer things in life, turn to ebony for the luxurious feel that you’re after.

Favored by Royals

In keeping with the same affluent theme, ebony has long been beloved by royals. In France, specifically, many royals have ebony furniture. Being surrounded by this color makes them feel empowered and of great importance. It’s for this reason why ebony can come across as cocky. However, it can’t help that people have put it on such a high pedestal.


Surprisingly, ebony can provide a safe and uplifting space. Many believe that they’ll feel threatened when in the presence of ebony. This notion couldn’t be farther from the truth. In color psychology, ebony has a calming effect. If you feel tense or stressed out, allow ebony to ease your worries. This color is insanely powerful and has the incredible ability to banish fear and doubt.


Ebony has been around since the 17th century. With that said, it’s not considered a contemporary color. It’s more traditional and has a difficult time accepting modern-day beliefs. To ebony, some mentalities are too far-fetched to adopt. Rather than entertain new and improved discoveries, ebony prefers to stick to what it knows. As a result, it doesn’t have to challenge its understandings. Ebony can be particularly stubborn in this sense.

Awakens Divine Energy

The spiritual world calls to ebony. Ebony understands that there’s more than meets the eye, which is why it goes to great lengths to develop profound understandings. Those who are interested in deepening their faith can learn a lot from ebony. With guidance from this hue, you’ll embark on a spiritual journey that’s unlike any other. Great possibilities will no doubt await you on the other side.


It can be hard to crack ebony’s shell. While ebony isn’t an introverted color, it does have a reserved disposition. Simply put, ebony is mysterious. Many unknowns surround this hue. If you’re someone who values transparency, ebony may not be the color for you. Instead, turn to brighter colors that are more forthcoming about their experiences. Unfortunately, you won’t find this with ebony.

Inherently Negative

Finding the good in the bad is often an obstacle for ebony. It’s capable of being positive, but it has to work much harder than the average person. This can be incredibly frustrating to some people. Fortunately, ebony is self-aware and strives to be better. Even still, the pessimistic outlook that ebony has on life is anything but productive.


Though ebony can be childish, it’s overall a mature hue. Some colors see ebony as a role model. Much like black, ebony is regarded as an experienced hue. It’s endured a lot of life and has considerable knowledge to pass on. Due to its smarts and unique insight, ebony is revered as a wildly mature color.

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There’s nothing subtle about ebony. In other words, it’s a rather loud hue. This quality has led many to believe that ebony is melodramatic. Ebony always puts on a show, and it backs down for no one. People who prefer quiet and relaxed settings may find ebony to be a pain in the neck.

Summary: Ebony Color Meaning

Ebony falls on both ends of the spectrum. From a positive standpoint, ebony is quirky, worldly, and civilized. It’s also inviting and knowledgeable. On the other hand, ebony is alarmingly unusual and tough to get along with. Ebony has a strong personality, and it doesn’t apologize for it.

Learn More: Check out my color symbolism chart for a complete list of color meanings.

Ebony symbolizes: mystery, luxury, pessimism, maturity
Effects of ebony: enlightens, annoys, calms, intrigues
Positive traits: pristine, fancy, warm, wise
Negative traits: puzzling, strange, private, negative