134 Shades of Red: Color Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK Codes

Shades of Red Color with Names and HTML, Hex, RGB Codes

Sometimes, your website or graphic design needs a minor update, such as a darker hue. Or you may be looking for a color for a new project. In any case, you want to find the perfect shade to use. We have picked out the most beautiful shades of red and included their names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes. Try them on backgrounds, fonts, shapes, forms, lines, textures, and other design elements.

Imperial Red

This red shade is a warm, watermelon color. It is perfect for cookbook advertising and retro graphic design. It is also bright enough for use as the main color scheme.

Imperial Red
Hex #ED2939
RGB 237, 41, 57
CMYK 0, 83, 76, 7


This bright, orange-red hue evokes feelings of new bikes and bright, wooden toys.

Hex #FF2400
RGB 255, 36, 0
CMYK 0, 86, 100, 0

Indian Red

This is a nice, cool, clay color. The light tones give it a sandy feel. The cool undertones make it feel appropriate for interior decorating.

Indian Red
Hex #CD5C5C
RGB 205, 92, 92
CMYK 0, 55, 55, 20

Barn Red

This deep, rusty, red-brown color is perfect for old barns and modern high-heeled shoes. The warm, earthy tones pair well with orange and terracotta. The dark shade really pops as a background color.

Barn Red
Hex #7C0A02
RGB 124, 10, 2
CMYK 0, 92, 98, 51

Chili Red

This bright, warm red has a hint of brown in it. This softens an otherwise garish shade. It feels rustic and earthy. This would be a great shade for paintings and earthenware.

Color personality quiz animation

Chili Red
Hex #C21807
RGB 194, 24, 7
CMYK 0, 88, 96, 24


This bright fuchsia pink is perfect for websites about women or for professional network marketing sites aimed at wives and mothers. This bold rose color is both bright and softly feminine. Pair it with pale pink or black polka dots.

Hex #E0115F
RGB 224, 17, 95
CMYK 0, 92, 58, 12


This deep, warm red is perfect for fireplaces, beauty sites, and professional legal services. This is a classic color, and it works well as a background color. Accent it with gold and black to complement a professional musician’s site.

Hex #800000
RGB 128, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 50

Fire Brick

This is a somewhat light red in warm tones. It’s a great accent color, and it works well to complement browns, tans, and other neutrals.

Fire Brick
Hex #B22222
RGB 178, 34, 34
CMYK 0, 81, 81, 30


This color is mostly grayscale with just enough red to make it pop. If it was paired with a true gray, the red in it would stand out. Next to our other reds, however, it feels pretty neutral.

Hex #A45A52
RGB 164, 90, 82
CMYK 0, 45, 50, 36


This is a beautiful, deep, rose red color. The blue undertones make it a cool-toned red, and the deep rose hue makes it perfect for women’s products.

Hex #960018
RGB 150, 0, 24
CMYK 0, 100, 84, 41


This is a warm pink, slightly similar to salmon. It has one or two drops of blue in it. This is just enough to make it fairly neutral in your color palette. Pair with grays, charcoals, and whites.

Hex #EA3C53
RGB 234, 60, 83
CMYK 0, 74, 65, 8


This is a rustic brownish-red color, but it is not warm-toned. It has blue undertones and is, therefore, cool-toned. This is an excellent color to use for interior decorating and to cool down a warm tan or golden brown.

Hex #7E191B
RGB 126, 25, 27
CMYK 0, 80, 79, 51


This is a blush red that is medium-toned and very attractive in any room, website, or clothing manufacturing. Even though it is technically a warm blush color, it has enough blue drops in it to make it fairly neutral.

Hex #D21F3C
RGB 210, 31, 60
CMYK 0, 85, 71, 18

Candy Apple

This bright, warm red has orange undertones. It is perfect for boy’s toys, sports car colors, and autumn decorations. For clothing colors, it is great for people with blue-toned skin. For website colors, it is perfect for construction and hardware stores. Pair it with white and charcoal gray.

Candy Apple
Hex #FF0800
RGB 255, 8, 0
CMYK 0, 97, 100, 0


This is a true red shade without any blue or yellow undertones. It is a medium to light-toned color, and it pairs well with cool, chocolate brown and pale tan. It will appear as a cooler shade when paired with purples and other blue tones. When paired with black, use black sparingly.

Hex #CA3433
RGB 202, 52, 51
CMYK 0, 74, 75, 21


This is a cool-toned, purple-red shade with many blue undertones. It evokes lilacs, lavender, skin-care products, and lipstick colors. Pair with a medium gray or with a cool-toned, light tan.

Hex #B43757
RGB 180, 55, 87
CMYK 0, 69, 52, 29

U.S. Flag

This is a warm-toned rose red. It has both blue and yellow undertones, so it should be paired with warm, light browns or used to complement cool-toned grays. Because of the additional yellow undertones, this would be appropriate for use with men’s products.

U.S. Flag
Hex #BF0A30
RGB 191, 10, 48
CMYK 0, 95, 75, 25


This is a bright, warm, fire-engine red shade. It is the same color you might find on a sexy orange-red sports car, hence the vivacious name. Combine this red with black or pale, cool blue or turquoise.

Hex #FF2800
RGB 255, 40, 0
CMYK 0, 84, 100, 0


This is a cool, reddish-brown with plenty of blue undertones. These undertones make this color a decorator’s dream. It can be paired with any true brown or complemented with pure white and navy blue. However you use it, the red will show through.

Hex #5E1914
RGB 94, 25, 20
CMYK 0, 73, 79, 63


This is a warm, dark brown with reddish hues all throughout. You should only pair this color with a cool-toned medium tan or with other warm colors. The chocolate hue is very attractive and is a good background color for both websites and rooms of a house.

Hex #420D09
RGB 66, 13, 9
CMYK 0, 80, 86, 74


This rich, deep red hue has many blue undertones and makes a perfect rose red. This color is vibrant and rich enough to stand all by itself. Pair it with charcoal gray and pure white. Keep the colors around it cool-toned, unless you want to blend it with oranges and warm browns for an autumnal color scheme.

Hex #8D021F
RGB 141, 2, 31
CMYK 0, 99, 78, 45


This is a lovely brick red with brown undertones. The brown supports the earthy brick feel of this color. This would be a suitable color for an interior decorator’s site, particularly when paired with a cool, light tan, white, and a cool, chocolate brown.

Hex #B80F0A
RGB 184, 15, 10
CMYK 0, 92, 95, 28


This is a warm light brown color with yellow undertones. The red shading will really pop out if you pair this color with forest green.

Hex #933A16
RGB 147, 58, 22
CMYK 0, 61, 85, 42

Light Salmon

This is more of a pale orange hue. It has enough red in it to give it a pink hue, but it definitely has many yellow undertones. Pair this with bright green for a festive Mexican flair.

Light Salmon
Hex #FFA07A
RGB 255, 160, 122
CMYK 0, 37, 52, 0


This has a lovely coral hue with enough yellow undertones to make it very warm and nurturing. Use this for websites about breastfeeding, new mothers, and baby care.

Hex #FA8072
RGB 250, 128, 114
CMYK 0, 49, 54, 2

Dark Salmon

This is a true skin tone and should only be paired with neutral tans and light browns as an off-pink hue. Don’t use this color for websites or interior decorating. Only use it as an off-pink accent color.

Dark Salmon
Hex #E9967A
RGB 233, 150, 122
CMYK 0, 36, 48, 9

Light Coral

This is a cooler shade of pink than the salmon color. It should be used with cool-toned taupe and cool, dark tan colors. This is also a fairly standard color and is used often in home decorating and in softly feminine website design.

Light Coral
Hex #F08080
RGB 240, 128, 128
CMYK 0, 47, 47, 6

Red (True Red)

This is a true red, your basic, undifferentiated red color. Like other true colors, it appears warm when paired with warm colors and cooler when paired with cool colors. As you can see in the coding below, this is your truest shade of red.

Hex #FF0000
RGB 255, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 0

Dark Red

This is a dark version of true red. Because it doesn’t have any blue or yellow undertones, you can pair it with both warm and cool colors. It will take on the features of either color tone. This shade is particularly attractive with Indian Red (above) and Pale Violet Red (below).

Dark Red
Hex #8B0000
RGB 139, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 45


This is a light, orange-red color that is perfectly paired with warm, golden browns and warm, buttercup yellows. Use this solely as an accent color to warm up a color scheme without overpowering it with bright orange. Pair with black to use on a construction or hardware site.

Hex #FF6347
RGB 255, 99, 71
CMYK 0, 61, 72, 0

Orange Red

This is a basic blending of red and orange. Because it is so bright, it should only be used as a single accent color. Use it as an accent color paired with a neutral main color and a neutral accent color. It is easily overpowering, so you should only use it sparingly.

Orange Red
Hex #FF4500
RGB 255, 69, 0
CMYK 0, 73, 100, 0

Pale Violet Red

Next to an orangey-red color, this hue appears very purple. In fact, it is a lot warmer than it looks in comparison. It appears much redder when next to a true blue-violet. Use this color to warm up a cool, blue color scheme. It is also a good color to use with brick reds and warm browns.

Pale Violet Red
Hex #DB7093
RGB 219, 112, 147
CMYK 0, 49, 33, 14

Light Brick

This shade is the consummate light red. Without any blue tinges, it avoids becoming pink or rose. This color is sometimes used for men’s and boy’s t-shirts. It is also the color of bricks after they have sat in the sun for several decades.

Light Brick
Hex #FB607F
RGB 251, 96, 127
CMYK 0, 62, 49, 2


Here is a fresh brick, straight from the manufacturing line. It’s slightly darker and has a little more brown in it than the Vermilion shade.

Hex #7E2811
RGB 126, 40, 17
CMYK 0, 68, 87, 51

Prismatic Red

This is an interesting shade of true red that lies between light red and true, bright red. It does not have any yellow or blue to tint it, so it works well as a monochromatic hue. Use this red for basic, informational sites.

Prismatic Red
Hex #D03D33
RGB 208, 61, 51
CMYK 0, 71, 75, 18

Prismatic Legacy

This is close to a bright, true red. However, it has a slight orange undertone. This gives it a warm, tomato color. It is a good construction or masculine color.

Prismatic Legacy
Hex #BA1607
RGB 186, 22, 7
CMYK 0, 88, 96, 27

Prismatic Vermilion Renewal

This red shade is very similar to true red. However, it has some blue undertones. This gives it a nice, cool shade. Often, when people think of the ideal red, this is the shade they have in mind.

Prismatic Vermilion Renewal
Hex #CA0123
RGB 202, 1, 35
CMYK 0, 100, 83, 21

Prismatic Reflection’s Shade

This shade comes across as almost orange. The hue is between true and light red. The undertones are definitely yellow. The overall feel is old-fashioned warmth. Use this shade to depict nostalgia and old farmhouses.

Prismatic Reflection’s Shade
Hex #FF3C28
RGB 255, 60, 40
CMYK 0, 76, 84, 0

49ers Red

The San Francisco 49ers are a California-based NFL team that take their name from the 1849 gold rush that drew so many American settlers to what is now California. Their official team colors are red and white, with the red taking on a bright, idealistic hue to match its history.

49ers Red
Hex #AA0000
RGB 170, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 33

AZ Cardinals Red

Another professional American football team, the Arizona Cardinals were originally from Chicago. They’re named after the small red and black North American bird, so it should come as no surprise that their colors mimic the plumage of that animal, right down to the striking red, black, and white uniform designs.

Cardinals Red
Hex #BD2031
RGB 189, 32, 49
CMYK 0, 83, 74, 26

Airbnb Red

Airbnb is less than fifteen years old, but it’s already completely changed the way most of us approach our travel plans. The cheerful red of their logo is a little bit softer than a traditional red, but it’s still warm and welcoming enough to promote each new home it offers.

Airbnb Red
Hex #FF5A5F
RGB 255, 90, 95
CMYK 0, 65, 63, 0

Ajax Red

The Amsterdamsche Football Club Ajax is often considered one of the most successful football clubs in the Netherlands. Named after the Greek hero who fought in the Trojan War, the club’s official colors include red, white, blue, and black. The home uniforms feature details in a bright, dynamic red color.

Ajax Red
Hex #D2122E
RGB 210, 18, 46
CMYK 0, 91, 78, 18

Alabama Crimson

Established back in 1820, the University of Alabama is the oldest university in the state, and its various athletic departments are hailed across the country as “The Crimson Tide”. As the name might suggest, Alabama’s main color is the distinctive crimson shade that heralds the university’s arrival to each event.

Alabama Crimson
Hex #9E1B32
RGB 158, 27, 50
CMYK 0, 83, 68, 38

Alizarin Crimson

Alizarin Crimson is named after the alizarin dye that derives from the madder plant. Throughout history, this same dye has been used to make red and purple fabrics. The British “redcoat” soldiers were renowned for wearing red uniform jackets that were dyed with the same compound that makes Alizarin Crimson.

Alizarin Crimson
Hex #E32636
RGB 227, 38, 54
CMYK 0, 83, 76, 11

Amaranth Red

Amaranth blossoms are small, jewel-red blooms that are sometimes known by the far less flattering name of “pigweed”. The seeds of the amaranth plant can be roasted and mixed into candy, but the flowers are what gives Amaranth Red its name, based on the similarity in color between the two.

Amaranth Red
Hex #F4364C
RGB 244, 54, 76
CMYK 0, 78, 69, 4

American Rose

American Rose is the typical rosy red, but given a classic American twist. This translates to a red that’s just a little bit brighter and sharper-looking than the traditional Rose Red, with a resulting sense of life and energy that sets it apart, or, depending on your perspective, makes it more jarring.

American Rose
Hex #FF033E
RGB 255, 3, 62
CMYK 0, 99, 76, 0

Angels Red

The Los Angeles Angels are a professional baseball team with their home field in Anaheim, California. Originally founded in 1892, the team’s colors include a bright, iconic red, navy blue, and silver, all of which were popular color choices for teams in the late 1800s and feature on many uniforms.

Angels Red
Hex #BA0021
RGB 186, 0, 33
CMYK 0, 100, 82, 27

Almost Apricot Red

Apricots, as a quick trip to the grocery store will tell you, are much more orange or even yellow in color. That’s why this shade of red is considered “Almost” Apricot. It has more red notes to it to counteract the yellow or orange pull and keep it in the red family.

Almost Apricot Red
Hex #E5B39B
RGB 229, 179, 155
CMYK 0, 22, 32, 10

Arsenal Red

One of the most well-known football clubs in the United Kingdom, Arsenal Football Club was founded in 1886 and has remained a beloved part of British culture ever since. Its official colors include white, blue, and Arsenal Red, a bold, dramatic shade prominently seen on their home and away uniforms.

Arsenal Red
Hex #DB0007
RGB 219, 0, 7
CMYK 0, 100, 97, 14

Auburn Red

Auburn is a dark reddish-brown color that is most often used for one very specific purpose: describing hair. If your hair’s a little darker than traditional red hair or has a deeper undertone to it, you’ve probably got what authors in the late 1800s would have praised as “auburn locks”.

Auburn Red
Hex #A52A2A
RGB 165, 42, 42
CMYK 0, 75, 75, 35

BU Scarlet

Boston University was founded in 1869, although its school charter dates back even further to 1839. They’re known as “the Terriers” in most athletic circles, and the colors worn proudly by the Boston Terriers include pure white and a bright scarlet red that have been staples of BU culture for centuries.

BU Scarlet
Hex #CC0000
RGB 204, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 20

Bills Red

Another professional football team, the Buffalo Bills are an NFL team from Buffalo, New York. They’re a relatively new team, only starting professional play in 1960, but they’ve quickly established themselves as a force to be reckoned with. Their team colors include navy blue, royal blue, white, and Bills Red.

Bills Red
Hex #C60C30
RGB 198, 12, 48
CMYK 0, 94, 76, 22

Bittersweet Shimmer Red

Bittersweet Shimmer Red is a bright shade of red. The “sweet” part of its name comes from the clarity of its jewel-red hues, while the “bitter” part stems from the slightly darker undertones that pull it away from true red. The “shimmer” comes from the resulting combination of red-blue tones.

Bittersweet Shimmer Red
Hex #BF4F51
RGB 191, 79, 81 
CMYK 0, 59, 58, 25

Blood Red

Blood Red is every bit as deep and dark as the name might suggest. Even if your veins look purple or blue beneath the skin, the blood that flows through them is every bit as rich and red as this particular shade appears on paper or on the screen.

Blood Red
Hex #660000
RGB 102, 0, 0 
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 60

CG Red

CG Red is one of the official colors of the United States Coast Guard, technically formed when the US Coast Guard was officially merged with a few other services in 1915. Since then, CG Red has served as a variation on the colors of the American flag and a symbol of service and bravery.

CG Red
Hex #E03C31 
RGB 224, 60, 49 
CMYK 0, 73, 78, 12

Cadmium Red

Cadmium Red could technically be any number of pigments that contain the element cadmium in them. For the most part, however, when we say “Cadmium Red”, we’re thinking of this specific color: a bright red hue with some subtle orange or yellow undertones running beneath the bold red top shades.

Cadmium Red
Hex #E30022 
RGB 227, 0, 34 
CMYK 0, 100, 85, 11

Cardinal Red

No matter where you live, you’ve probably seen pictures of Cardinal birds, hopping around in the snow or perched on branches to lend a splash of color to the local scenery. Cardinal Red draws its name from the bright hues of that bird’s distinctive plumage.

Cardinal Red
Hex #C41E3A 
RGB 196, 30, 58
CMYK 0, 85, 70, 23

Carnelian Red

Carnelians are bright, reddish-orange semiprecious minerals that are found throughout Indonesia, Brazil, India, Russia, and Germany. Carnelian Red is very obviously named after these gemstones, as it bears the same cheerful reddish colors with strong notes of red and yellow running beneath to lighten the overall shade to something sharper.

Carnelian Red
Hex #B31B1B
RGB 179, 27, 27 
CMYK 0, 85, 85, 30

Cerise Red

Cerise comes from the French word for cherry and dates back to the late 1850s as a color word. Even though the pure color looks a lot closer to the color of an actual cherry, Cerise Red often loses some of its intensity during the application process and ends up looking more pink.

Cerise Red
Hex #DE3163 
RGB 222, 49, 99 
CMYK 0, 78, 55, 13

Chiefs Red

Although they were originally the Dallas Texans when they were first founded in 1960, today they’re the Kansas City Chiefs, named after then-mayor Harold Roe Bartley, nicknamed “Chief”. Their team colors are gold, white, and Chiefs Red, a bright and vivid color that decks out their uniforms and helmets alike.

Chiefs Red
Hex #E31837
RGB 227, 24, 55 
CMYK 0, 89, 76, 11

Chocolate Cosmos Red

Chocolate Cosmos blossoms are actually part of the sunflower family. Native to Mexico, these deep red, almost brown flowers are the inspiration behind Chocolate Cosmos Red’s name, as the color itself is only a little bit darker than the flowers that grow in the wild throughout Mexico’s many temperate zones.

Chocolate Cosmos Red
Hex #58111A 
RGB 88, 17, 26 
CMYK 0, 81, 70, 65

Cincinnati Red

Based in Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Reds are a professional baseball team that’s been around since 1881. They may have been more famous in decades past than they are today, but their trademark red, black, and white uniforms have remained the same throughout history down to the present day.

Cincinnati Red
Hex #C6011F
RGB 198, 1, 31
CMYK 0, 99, 84, 22

Cinnabar Red

Cinnabar is a solid form of mercury sulfide. Prior to the rise of industrialization, it was the most common source for mercury ore, and the reddish brown stone was highly valued by the ancient Romans for the volatile metal it held within. Cinnabar red is reddish-brown, almost orange.

Cinnabar Red
Hex #E44D2E
RGB 228, 77, 46 
CMYK 0, 66, 80, 11

Coke Red

The Coca-Cola Company, for better or for worse, has left a permanent mark on the world as we know it. No matter where you go, it’s nearly impossible to avoid seeing advertisements for Coke products, accompanied as always by the distinctive cheerful red of Coca-Cola’s logo.

Coke Red
Hex #F40009
RGB 244, 0, 9 
CMYK 0, 100, 96, 4

Coquelicot Red

Coquelicot is a bright orangish red. It takes its name from the French word coquelicot, which was a common vernacular word used to describe the wild poppies that often bore the same color. Monet liked to use Coquelicot Red in his paintings of poppies and other wildflower landscapes.

Coquelicot Red
Hex #FF3800 
RGB 255, 56, 0 
CMYK 0, 78, 100, 0

Coral Red

While coral reefs and corals themselves often come in a wide range of colors, Coral Red is named after what many of us consider to be the most iconic shade of coral – a bright, cheerful color that has some slightly pink or orange undertones but is still predominantly red.

Coral Red
Hex #FF7F50 
RGB 255, 127, 80 
CMYK 0, 50, 69, 0

Cordovan Red

Cordovan Red is a rich red color that’s somewhere between rosewood and a dark brown. The color is named after the city of Córdoba in Spain, which is where skilled craftsmen were renowned for producing a luxurious supply of leather tinted to the shade we now know as Cordovan Red.

Cordovan Red
Hex #893F45 
RGB 137, 63, 69 
CMYK 0, 54, 50, 46

Crayola Red

Obviously Crayola offers a wide range of red colors inside each and every box of crayons. However, Crayola Red is the name officially given to the bright, child-like hue that was specifically developed by Crayola in order to be used for all of the company’s “true red” crayons going forward.

Crayola Red
Hex #EE204D
RGB 238, 32, 77 
CMYK 0, 87, 68, 7

Electric Crimson

Electric Crimson is technically the same shade as regular or “true” crimson, but with a little bit of an added kick. By adding just enough blue to sharpen up the edges of the original crimson color, Electric Crimson provides a pop of energy and vivacity to a slightly gloomier shade.

Electric Crimson
Hex #FF003F
RGB 255, 0, 63 
CMYK 0, 100, 75, 0

English Red

English Red is a classic oil shade that has long been used by painters and interior decorators alike. It has a slight rust color to it and is a few shades darker than traditional red, but it’s still bright enough to lend a sense of comfort and cheer to any setting.

English Red
Hex #AB4B52 
RGB 171, 75, 82 
CMYK 0, 56, 52, 33

Falcons Red

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, the Falcons are a professional American football team that was founded in 1966 after a few false starts. Their team colors are black, red, silver, and white, although their specific shade of Falcons Red is deep and dark, closer to crimson than to true red.

Falcons Red
Hex #A71930 
RGB 167, 25, 48 
CMYK 0, 85, 71, 35

Falu Red

If you’ve ever looked at a barn door and thought that surely you must be looking at the color Barn Red, you’ve been mistaken. Falu Red is a specific pigment used in red paint, and it is almost always the specific shade of red used for barns and sheds alike.

Falu Red
Hex #801818 
RGB 128, 24, 24 
CMYK 0, 81, 81, 50

Fire Engine Red

The exact shade of red used for the fire engines in your hometown may not be the same across the nation. However, most fire engines are painted some variation on Fire Engine Red in order to give other cars or vehicles a clear warning to get out of the way.

Fire Engine Red
Hex #CE2029
RGB 206, 32, 41 
CMYK 0, 84, 80, 19

Flame Red

If you’ve ever sat around a campfire late at night, you know that flames can come in a wide range of colors. Nevertheless, Flame Red is a bright, warm shade of red that hearkens back to the heat and the energy contained within the dancing flames of a roaring fire.

Flame Red
Hex #E25822
RGB 226, 88, 34 
CMYK 0, 61, 85, 11

Folly Red

Folly Red is a cheerful shade of red that looks a little bit orange despite not having very much yellow tint to it at all. It has actually got more blue in it than the average shade of red does, and the end result is slightly lighter and sweeter than usual.

Folly Red
Hex #FF004F
RGB 255, 0, 79 
CMYK 0, 100, 69, 0

French Puce Red

Despite its fancy-sounding name, French Puce Red gets its marker from a pretty gross source. Puce is the French word for flea, and the dark, purplish-brownish red color is supposed to be the same color as dried blood on linen bedsheets or a smashed flea.

French Puce Red
Hex #4E1609 
RGB 78, 22, 9 
CMYK 0, 72, 88, 69


Fuchsia is a bright purple red color that takes its name from the flowers of the fuchsia plant, which in turn was named after a 16th century botanist named Leonhart Fuchs. It was a popular dye choice throughout the 1800s and still remains a very popular paint color today.

Hex #FF00FF
RGB 255, 0, 255 
CMYK 0, 100, 0, 0

Fuzzy Wuzzy Red

Fuzzy Wuzzy Red is a soft, warm-feeling shade of red that’s a little bit lighter than traditional red. It also has equal amounts of blue and green, so the end result is a rounded-out shade that feels a little more muted than just a plain shade of red would appear.

Fuzzy Wuzzy Red
Hex #CC6666 
RGB 204, 102, 102 
CMYK 0, 50, 50, 20

Garnet Red

Garnets are the birthstone for the month of July and were said to be the favorite jewels of Martha Washington, George Washington’s wife. Regardless of your own birthday, it doesn’t take a special date of birth in order to appreciate the deep red, almost maroon hues found within Garnet Red.

Garnet Red
Hex #733635
RGB 115, 54, 53 
CMYK 0, 53, 54, 55

Harvard Crimson

Harvard University is one of the most famous institutes of higher learning in the United States, so it should come as no surprise that their school colors are nearly as well-known. More specifically, their school color, as Harvard Crimson is the only official color recognized by the university.

Harvard Crimson
Hex #A51C30
RGB 165, 28, 48
CMYK 0, 83, 71, 35

Hollywood Cerise Red

We’ve already discussed “regular” Cerise Red and how it can often come across as looking more pink than true red. Hollywood Cerise Red dials up that pink undertone for a vivacious, flirtatious pinkish-red hue that puts the viewer in mind of dazzling lights and close encounters with famous celebrities.

Hollywood Cerise Red
Hex #F400A1
RGB 244, 0, 161 
CMYK 0, 100, 34, 4

Husker Red

The University of Nebraska has several locations within the state, but their Lincoln campus is home to the Huskers, which is the name given to the athletic division at the university. Their official colors are cream, black, and Husker Red, which is a sharp and vibrant color that really stands out.

Husker Red
Hex #E41C38 
RGB 228, 28, 56 
CMYK 0, 88, 75, 11

Japanese Carmine

As a color, carmine is believed to have derived from the Persian word for worm or insect, as carmine or cochineal red comes from a special compound found in the bodies and eggs of certain types of insects that were highly valued in the ancient world. Japanese Carmine is a little bit darker than traditional carmine, but it still carries that rich reddish-brown hue that was so beloved by the ancient Persians, Greeks, and Romans.

Japanese Carmine
Hex #9D2933 
RGB 157, 41, 51
CMYK 0, 74, 68, 38

Jasper Red

Like carnelian, jasper stones are variations on the semiprecious chalcedony stone. Jasper stones are typically considered “impure”, as they often have visible bands of iron ore or other compounds running throughout them. Nevertheless, they are highly valued for their vibrant hues and can come in green, red, or green with red spots. Jasper Red is named after the bright orange-y red color that Jasper sometimes displays.

Jasper Red
Hex #D73B3E 
RGB 215, 59, 62 
CMYK 0, 73, 71, 16

Jelly Bean Red

For most of us, when we think of jelly beans, we think of a candy that comes in a lot of different colors. However, Jelly Bean Red refers specifically to the bright, almost candy-apple color that’s usually found in any mixed bag of jelly beans. Jelly beans have been around since the early 1900s, and they don’t seem to be going away any time soon.

Jelly Bean Red
Hex #DA614E 
RGB 218, 97, 78 
CMYK 0, 56, 64, 15

Kenyan Copper Red

Kenyan Copper Red is a rich reddish-brown color that is supposed to remind the viewer of the sun-baked earth, the vivid sunset, or the bright sheen of burnished copper. Like some of the other colors on this list, Kenyan Copper Red is a popular lipstick color, although it is also a fairly popular choice when it comes to interior decoration, architecture, and overall aspects of design.

Kenyan Copper Red
Hex #7C1C05 
RGB 124, 28, 5 
CMYK 0, 77, 96, 51

Lava Red

If you’ve ever looked at a picture of burning hot magma sliding down the side of a volcano and admired its color, you’re not alone. Although actually touching the lava may not be the best idea, you can capture some of the warmth and vibrancy of the shade with Lava Red. Lava Red is a bright, burning hot shade of red that carries all of the fascination without any of the danger.

Lava Red
Hex #CF1020
RGB 207, 16, 32
CMYK 0, 92, 85, 19

Liverpool Red

Liverpool Football Club is one of the most valuable football clubs in the world, with a net value of around 2.18 billion dollars. Originally founded in 1892, Liverpool’s home colors are a bright Liverpool Red, even if they don greenish blue uniforms for their away games.

Liverpool Red
Hex #C8102E 
RGB 200, 16, 46 
CMYK 0, 92, 77, 22

Lust Red

Lust Red is a bright color that’s meant to capture some of the passion, excitement, and intrigue of a brand new relationship. As befits the name, it’s also an extremely popular color for many different brands of women’s lipsticks, although it can be seen in several prominent works of art and architecture as well.

Lust Red
Hex #E62020
RGB 230, 32, 32 
CMYK 0, 86, 86, 10


MIT, or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is a widely influential university that has produced ninety-seven Nobel laureates since the awards were first established. Their colors are MIT Red and gray, officially known as “cardinal red” and “silver gray”, although they aren’t true crimson or silver.

Hex #A31F34
RGB 163, 31, 52
CMYK 0, 81, 68, 36

Madder Red

Madder Red is the name given to pigments that come from the Rubia or madder plant. Although there are multiple strains of madder plant, the Rubia tinctorum species was treasured by ancient and early modern civilizations alike for the deep red cloth that its dye produced.

Madder Red
Hex #A50021
RGB 165, 0, 33 
CMYK 0, 100, 80, 35

Pigment Magenta

There are actually several different definitions of Magenta, but most sources seem to agree that the color falls somewhere between purple and pink and true red. The screen color Magenta is identical to Fuchsia, but traditional pigment Magenta tends to have a darker and less vivid shade to it.

Pigment Magenta
Hex #FF0090
RGB 255, 0, 144 
CMYK 0, 100, 44, 0

Manchester United Red

Manchester United Football Club is the highest-earning, most-decorated, and arguably most well-known football club in the UK. Since 1878, their home colors have been red and white, with the specific Manchester United Red decorating their shirts and serving as an accent color along their shorts as they take the field.

Manchester United Red
Hex #DA291C
RGB 218, 41, 28 
CMYK 0, 81, 87, 15

Medium Violet Red

Medium Violet Red is yet another great example of why violet flowers are a lot closer to purple than they are blue, no matter what the poets would have you believe. Medium Violet Red is a pale purplish red color with a few notes of cool blue throughout.

Medium Violet Red
Hex #C71585
RGB 199, 21, 133 
CMYK 0, 89, 33, 22

Munsell Red

The Munsell color system is an outdated method of organizing and labeling colors. Professor Albert H. Munsell, who gave this system its name, is still honored in the naming convention of several primary colors. Even if his work is no longer in use, he laid the foundation for today’s color organization.

Munsell Red
Hex #F2003C
RGB 242, 0, 60
CMYK 0, 100, 75, 5


North Carolina State University was founded in 1887 and is home to more than 35,000 students today. Their colors are red and white, although “the Wolfpack”, as their athletic teams are often known, tend to favor the bold, bright color of NCS Red when they’re out on the field.

Hex #C40233
RGB 196, 2, 51 
CMYK 0, 99, 74, 23

Nationals Red

The Washington Nationals are a baseball team from Washington, DC that was technically founded in the late 1800s, although they got off to a few false starts. Their team colors of red, white, and blue are only to be expected seeing as how they hail from the nation’s capitol city.

Nationals Red
Hex #AB0003
RGB 171, 0, 3 
CMYK 0, 100, 98, 33

Oklahoma Crimson

The University of Oklahoma was founded in 1890 in what is now the state of Oklahoma, which means that it was an established university before Oklahoma was a state. Nicknamed “the Sooners”, OU’s athletics department typically wears either cream or crimson, which is where Oklahoma Crimson gets its name.

Oklahoma Crimson
Hex #841617
RGB 132, 22, 23 
CMYK 0, 83, 83, 48

Oxblood Red

Oxblood Red is an extremely dark shade of reddish-brown or red that is sometimes referred to as “Temptress Red”. It’s often used in fashion and architecture alike, with shoes in particular coming in many shades of deep red and brown, including the increasingly trendy and desirable shade of Oxblood Red.

Oxblood Red
Hex #800020
RGB 128, 0, 32
CMYK 0, 100, 75, 50

Pastel Red

While we tend to think of pastel colors as being more along the lines of pastel pinks, blues, yellows, and greens, pastel technically refers to any color with high value and low saturation. As a result, Pastel Red is basically true red, but with a much lower saturation.

Pastel Red
Hex #FF6961 
RGB 255, 105, 97 
CMYK 0, 59, 62, 0

Penn Red

The University of Pennsylvania was founded in 1740, which means it’s one of only nine colleges in the US that existed before the United States became a country. Their school colors include Penn Blue and Penn Red, both of which are darker, more muted takes on the traditional color shades.

Penn Red
Hex #990000
RGB 153, 0, 0 
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 40

Persian Rose Red

We’ve seen American Rose Red and a few other variations on the same theme, but now it’s time for Persian Rose Red. Persian Rose Red is significantly lighter than most other rose reds, resulting in a soft, almost pink shade of red that seems warmer, gentler, and far less insistent.

Persian Rose Red
Hex #FE28A2
RGB 254, 40, 162 
CMYK 0, 84, 36, 0

Phillies Red

The Philadelphia Phillies are an American baseball team based in (you guessed it) Philadelphia. Because they hail from the birthplace of the nation, their team colors are about as patriotic as you can get, including white, blue, and the bright shade of red known as Phillies Red by devoted fans.

Phillies Red
Hex #E81828
RGB 232, 24, 40 
CMYK 0, 90, 83, 9

Pigment Red

Pigment Red usually refers to the specific tone of red created by pure red pigments. However, since there’s no such thing as one single “red” color, the actual shade of red pigments can vary widely across different products. As a result, Pigment Red is sort of a combination of all those shades into one bright finished product.

Pigment Red
Hex #ED1C24
RGB 237, 28, 36 
CMYK 0, 88, 85, 7

Pinterest Red

The image-sharing site Pinterest has grown in size and popularity over the years, but one thing has remained more or less constant since it was founded: the gentle, slightly muted red tones of its logo. By dimming the color just a little, Pinterest keeps its logo from seeming too abrasive.

Pinterest Red
Hex #E60023 
RGB 230, 0, 35 
CMYK 0, 100, 85, 10

Popstar Red

Popstar Red is a bold, vivacious shade of red that straddles the line between pink, red, and orange. It’s a youthful, energetic color that doesn’t take itself seriously enough to be Rockstar Red, but it’s still got more than enough fun and excitement to make up for its relative inexperience.

Popstar Red
Hex #BE4F62 
RGB 190, 79, 98 
CMYK 0, 58, 48, 25

Portland Orange Red

Portland Orange Red is a dazzling color that combines the warmth and passion of traditional orange and red hues with the slightly more laid-back vibe that most people picture when they imagine Portland. It has a little more green in it than most reds, and the result is truly unique.

Portland Orange Red
Hex #FF5A36 
RGB 255, 90, 54 
CMYK 0, 65, 79, 0

Prune Red

Anyone who’s ever eaten a prune knows that those dried fruits are more purple than they are true red. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that Prune Red is a deep, rich color with strong blue and purple undertones that nevertheless allows the red notes to keep shining through.

Prune Red
Hex #701C1C 
RGB 112, 28, 28 
CMYK 0, 75, 75, 56

Radical Red

Radical Red is just regular red but a little bit more, well, radical. The secret of Radical Red’s color scheme lies in its relatively high amounts of blue pigment. As a result, Radical Red veers slightly towards the purple color scheme, albeit not enough to appear noticeably blue or purple.

Radical Red
Hex #FF355E 
RGB 255, 53, 94 
CMYK 0, 79, 63, 0

Red Devil

Not everything associated with the color red is a good thing. Red Devil is a blisteringly hot shade of red that summons up mental images of the little cartoon devils that have become so commonplace in popular culture. The strong tones lend a sense of danger to this hue.

Red Devil
Hex #860111 
RGB 134, 1, 17 
CMYK 0, 99, 87, 47

Red Sox

The Boston Red Sox were founded in 1901 and have long been one of the most well-known and beloved American baseball teams in the league. Their colors include white, navy blue, and Red Sox red, a bright, eye-catching color that helps them stand out both on the pitch and in the American imagination.

Red Sox
Hex #BD3039
RGB 189, 48, 57 
CMYK 0, 75, 70, 26

Rose Red

Red roses have been symbols of passion, desire, and love for literal centuries, as the ancient Greeks associated them with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Over time, different colors of rose have become more or less popular, but red roses are an enduring sign of love and appreciation.

Rose Red
Hex #C21E56
RGB 194, 30, 86 
CMYK 0, 85, 56, 24

Rosewood Red

Rosewood actually refers to a group of woods that, when treated and processed, have a red color that ranges anywhere from light red to almost black in hue. Rosewood Red, on the other hand, is a deep red color with purple undertones that provides some of the rich luxury of true rose-colored wood.

Rosewood Red
Hex #65000B
RGB 101, 0, 11 
CMYK 0, 100, 89, 60

Rufous Red

Rufous is an outdated word that was used to describe all sorts of red objects. It appears in everything from medical texts to guides on animal spotting. Today, Rufous Red is often used when describing the feathers or skin of certain animals with a dark red colored appearance.

Rufous Red
Hex #A81C07 
RGB 168, 28, 7 
CMYK 0, 83, 96, 34

Russet Red

The use of the word russet to describe a color dates all the way back to 1562. Russet cloth was a specific type of cloth that had a reddish-brown or brownish-gray color to it, but today, we usually use Russet Red to refer to this dark, rich red.

Russet Red
Hex #80461B
RGB 128, 70, 27 
CMYK 0, 45, 79, 50

Rusty Red

Rust forms when iron and oxygen react to some amount of liquid, usually either water or just moisture in the air. When this reaction occurs, the iron will start to develop a red-brown color that severely weakens the metal. Rust Red captures some of that aged, lived-in sense of color.

Rusty Red
Hex #DA2C43
RGB 218, 44, 67 
CMYK 0, 80, 69, 15

Sanguine Red

In medieval science, a Sanguine temperament meant that the person in question had blood as the predominant “humor” or liquid inside of the body. As a result, they were believed to be cheerful, spontaneous, and impulsive. Sanguine Red derives its color from its resemblance to the color of dried blood.

Sanguine Red
Hex #BC3F4A
RGB 188, 63, 74 
CMYK 0, 66, 61, 26

Spanish Red

Spanish Red is a dark red that draws its deep, rich color from the hematite and iron deposits found in many parts of Spain. As a result, it’s a color that shows up in a lot of Spanish architecture, particularly in roof tiles or various interior decorations.

Spanish Red
Hex #E60026
RGB 230, 0, 38 
CMYK 0, 100, 83, 10

Tango Red

Tango Red may appear closer to pink than true red at first glance. Nevertheless, the color captures some of the passion and excitement of the dance in order to create a lively, flirtatious color that mutes some of the red hues while still playing up all of the fun aspects.

Tango Red
Hex #E4717A 
RGB 228, 113, 122 
CMYK 0, 50, 46, 11

Tawny Red

“Tawny” is often defined as a warm or sandy color, usually veering more towards brown than towards true red, but Tawny Red takes that same warmth and the same bold yellow undertones to create a color that has a definite red tint about it and runs more red than gold.

Tawny Red
Hex #CD5700
RGB 205, 87, 0 
CMYK 0, 58, 100, 20

Tea Rose Red

A tea rose is one of the most common hybrid roses anywhere in the world and usually comes in a wide range of colors. However, Tea Rose Red, with its soft, almost gentle red tones, hearkens back to the classic red roses that most of us picture in our heads.

Tea Rose Red
Hex #F88379
RGB 248, 131, 121 
CMYK 0, 47, 51, 3

Terracotta Red

Terracotta pottery is made from a specific sort of clay found around the world, that takes on a light orange or very pale red color once it’s fired and allowed to cool. Terracotta Red, as a result, takes its name from this pottery color, which closely matches its own hue.

Terracotta Red
Hex #E2725B
RGB 226, 114, 91 
CMYK 0, 50, 60, 11

Tractor Red

These days, most tractors are more likely to be green or yellow than red. Nevertheless, Tractor Red is a bright, cheerful color that paints an almost idyllic image of life on some rural farm, full of fresh air, sunshine, and the sound of a tractor moving slowly through the fields.

Tractor Red
Hex #FD0E35 
RGB 253, 14, 53 
CMYK 0, 94, 79, 1

Turkey Red

Between their deep brown feathers and their distinctive red wattles, turkeys actually have a lot more red in their images than you’d originally think. Turkey Red emphasizes this connection with a deep, reddish brown tint that ties together the various reddish notes that make up a turkey’s characteristic autumnal plumage.

Turkey Red
Hex #A91101
RGB 169, 17, 1 
CMYK 0, 90, 99, 34

Tuscan Red

Tuscan Red is a deep red that looks almost brown in certain lights. Throughout the 1800s, it was a popular choice for train cars both in the northeastern United States and Australia. Today, you’re far more likely to see this color in a set of colored pencils, but some luxury train cars still bear the color.

Tuscan Red
Hex #7C3030
RGB 124, 48, 48
CMYK 0, 61, 61, 51

Upsdell Red

Similar in color to Fire Engine Red, Upsdell Red is a bright, dynamic red color that is often used for flags, especially flags that are meant to be flown at night. Upsdell Red was named after the first headmaster at the King George V school in Hong Kong after WWII.

Upsdell Red
Hex #AE2029 
RGB 174, 32, 41 
CMYK 0, 82, 76, 32

Venetian Red

Venetian Red gets its dark red color from the natural decomposition of iron oxide. Historically, it was a favorite of renaissance painters, particularly in the Italian art world of the 15th century. As a result, this color is closely associated with the artists, artwork, and creators of Venice in particular.

Venetian Red
Hex #C80815
RGB 200, 8, 21 
CMYK 0, 96, 89, 22

Virgin Lust Red

Virgin Lust is a variation on the Lust color listed earlier. The main difference between the two is that Virgin Lust has a slightly lighter tint to it and it leans a little bit closer to the brighter end of the spectrum than towards a pure red.

Virgin Lust Red
Hex #E4181E 
RGB 228, 24, 30
CMYK 0, 89, 87, 11

Wine Red

Not all wines are red, of course. White wines and rose-colored wines are popular in certain circles. However, if you want a color that puts you in the same frame of mind as Homer and his “wine-dark sea”, Wine Red is a bold, deep color full of passion and energy.

Wine Red
Hex #722F37
RGB 114, 47, 55
CMYK 0, 59, 52, 55

Light Red Ochre

Ochre is actually a pigment that consists of regular clay mixed with bits of iron. As the iron rusts, it gives ochre its orange-red tone. Light Red Ochre is slightly lighter than traditional ochre and gives off more of a red tint as opposed to the usual yellowish brown color.

Light Red Ochre
Hex #E97451 
RGB 233, 116, 81
CMYK 0, 50, 65, 9

Medium Vermillion

Vermillion is a brilliant red color that has played an important role in art, culture, and society in multiple civilizations throughout history. Medium Vermillion is a slightly lighter shade of the same color that still bears the characteristically vibrant hue and richness of color that “regular” vermillion has long promoted.

Medium Vermillion
Hex #D9603B 
RGB 217, 96, 59
CMYK 0, 56, 73, 15

UP Maroon

The University of the Philippine’s various athletic teams are collectively referred to as “the Fighting Maroons”, and with UP Maroon as their official color, it’s easy to see why. UP Maroon is a deep, rich color that’s a few shades darker than traditional maroons and is full of dynamic energy.

UP Maroon
Hex #7B1113 
RGB 123, 17, 19
CMYK 0, 86, 85, 52

Outrageous Orange Red

It’s right there in the name, so it comes as no surprise that Outrageous Orange Red definitely tips a little closer to the orange category than it does red. Still, based on its RGB makeup, this color is basically a vivid red that’s been watered down until it looks more orange-y.

Outrageous Orange Red
Hex #FF6E4A 
RGB 255, 110, 74
CMYK 0, 57, 71, 0

Utah Crimson

The University of Utah was founded in Salt Lake City in 1850. Today, it’s home to over 30,000 students and offers nearly a hundred separate degree courses. Utah’s official colors include Utah Crimson, a bold and dynamic color that can be seen at every major sporting event that Utah attends.

Utah Crimson
Hex #D3003F 
RGB 211, 0, 63 
CMYK 0, 100, 70, 17

Red Colors

Now that you’ve seen our full palette of red colors, you can experiment with your website and add some amazing color combinations to your graphic design. It’s not that difficult to create popping designs if you combine a bright, fire engine red shade with a cool, pale blue-green turquoise. Hopefully, you see how many possibilities there are.

These colors can also be found in nature. Here’s a visual list of things that are red.