Welcome to our visual list of things that are ORANGE in nature!
Orange is a color that exudes energy, warmth, and excitement. And while we might readily associate it with traffic cones and eye-catching logos, orange things also appear very frequently in nature.
Whether it’s an animal living happily in the wild or a bright flower you spot in your neighbor’s garden, the color orange is all around us.
Here are some examples of things that are naturally orange:
1. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers come in all sorts of bright colors, and the orange ones are some of the most pleasant to look at. In terms of flavor, orange bell peppers are sweet and mild, the green ones have the earthiest taste, and the red ones are the ripest. Orange sits nicely in the middle.
2. Oranges

You might be surprised to hear that the color orange is actually named after the orange fruit and not the other way around. Before the color got its name, Old English speakers described it using a word that translates to “yellow-red.”
3. Monarch Butterflies

These regal-looking butterflies are unmistakable, and they’re legendary for their annual migration. Monarch butterflies sometimes travel over 3,000 miles to spend their winters in Mexico. If you’re ever lucky enough to see them in motion, you won’t forget it!
4. Pumpkins

We all know these festive squashes are harbingers of fall, and they make excellent Halloween decorations, too. And whether made into soup or baked into a pie, pumpkins are a nutritionally-rich addition to your diet.
5. Tiger Lilies

Though they are native to East Asia, these stunning blooms make a stately addition to just about any garden. The bright orange flowers are dotted with black speckles, and they’re set against a backdrop of glossy green leaves. Humans can eat the bulbs and flowers, although tiger lilies are very poisonous to cats.
6. Sunstone

Sunstone is a mineral with a unique, pale orange appearance. This is because it’s a type of feldspar that gets its warm color from traces of copper. Usually, the core of each crystal is darker and becomes lighter toward the outer edges, almost like a small sun shining.
7. Bearded Dragons

Although they are kept as pets across the world, bearded dragons are native to Australia. Many of these wild lizards are a brownish color, but some are bright orange. Captive bearded dragons come in a wide range of colors, from pure white to bright tangerine orange.
8. Leaves in Autumn

Plenty of people find that the changing seasons add a certain rhythm to their lives. And if you’re looking for orange in nature, you’ll certainly see it when the autumn leaves start to change. At peak season, a deciduous forest is home to fiery reds, deep oranges, and bright yellows.
9. Carrots

These humble root vegetables are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, biotin, and fiber. They’re also surprisingly easy to integrate into almost any diet. You can eat them plain, slice them up in a salad, or even shred them into carrot cake!
10. Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock

This otherworldly-looking bird is native to South America, where it lives in tropical rainforests. Males are a deep, rich orange in color, and both males and females have a striking feathery crest. They’re very territorial and will clear out leaves and sticks to mark their respective “courts.”
11. Fire

A bonfire is certainly a dramatic display of orange, from the tips of tall flames to the embers flying through the air. It’s also likely the oldest thing on the list, as fire was around even before humans existed.
12. Butternut Squash

This tasty vegetable is a staple of fall soups, but it’s also delicious when baked or roasted by itself. It’s rich in fiber, antioxidants, and several minerals. And thanks to its flavor profile, it works well in both sweet and savory dishes.
13. Orange Tabby Cats

The friendly domestic house cat comes in countless colors, but the orange tabby is one of the most recognizable. These cats have lighter orange fur with darker orange stripes, and many have a white belly or chest, too.
14. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is often spotted in summer fruit salads, where its sweet orange color stands out. Notably, this melon is just about 90% water, making it a smart snack choice if you’re trying to stay hydrated in hot weather.
15. Foxes

Red foxes are graceful, delicate animals who usually live and travel in packs. Although they’re fairly small, foxes are incredibly fast. They can run up to 45 mph. The colors can vary from red, orange and brown depending on how the light reflect on their fur. Although they are closely related to dogs, they have excellent vision that’s similar to a cat’s.
16. California Poppies

These strikingly beautiful orange flowers are native to California, and each year when they bloom you’ll see them posted across social media pages, too. Though they grow wild in California, people throughout the U.S. have adopted them as garden flowers thanks to their distinctive color.
17. Sweet Potatoes

These nutrition-packed root vegetables might look nondescript on the outside, but their bright orange insides help add color and flavor to a range of recipes. They’re especially high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, both of which provide crucial support for your immune system.
18. Peaches

This classic, fuzzy summer fruit might seem quintessentially American, but peach trees were first grown in China. Even today, China is still the world’s largest producer of peaches. And while most people have heard of white and yellow peaches, there are actually hundreds of varieties!
19. Marigolds

These cheerful, hardy flowers are known for their ability to stay in bloom all the way through early fall. And even though their blooms are beautiful, they’re surprisingly easy to care for, which makes them a great choice if you don’t have much of a green thumb.
20. Clownfish

You probably know about clownfish from the movie Finding Nemo, which gave them a significant boost in popularity. They’re among the most easily recognized fish thanks to their bright orange bodies marked with white bands.
21. Uromastyx

The Uromastyx is a prehistoric-looking lizard native to Africa and Asia. But much like the bearded dragon, the Uromastyx has found popularity as a pet thanks to its gentle demeanor. These lizards come in plenty of colors, and many varieties have patches of strikingly bright orange.
22. Orange Toadfish

This bizarre-looking fish is one of the stranger orange things on the list. The Orange Toadfish is a skilled hunter, and it can even survive out of water for a considerable amount of time. Don’t touch one if you see it, though. These fish have poisonous spines that can cause a lot of pain!
23. Sun Conures

The sun conure is a uniquely beautiful small parrot. And while these conures can be loud, they’re generally very friendly and sociable. They are also intelligent birds who can easily learn to talk or do tricks.
24. Tigers

Few animals inspire both fear and respect in the way that the tiger does. Tigers are the largest of the big cats, and they’re also solitary. They are fierce hunters who can eat up to 80 pounds of meat at a time.
25. Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums, which are commonly called “mums” for short, are some of the most popular flowers in the fall garden season. They come in a range of colors, but the deep, almost russet orange variety is especially striking.
26. Apricots

These little fruits are related to peaches, and in many ways, they’re similar. Apricots have a slightly tangier taste, and you can often find them dried. While fresh apricots are especially delicious, the dried version makes a convenient addition to trail mix.
27. Intermediate Horseshoe Bats

These unusual-looking bats are native to northern India, southern China, and Southeast Asia, where they live in caves. They’re much brighter-looking than most bats in America, as they have bright reddish-orange fur and unusual noses.
28. Persimmons

Some people confuse persimmons with pomegranates. But a persimmon is a fruit that looks a bit like a small apricot. A ripe persimmon has a light, honey-like flavor. Though the trees are native to Asia, there is an American persimmon tree that can be found across the United States.
29. Calendula Flowers

Calendula flowers are considered sacred in India, and it’s easy to see why. Their bright orange blooms look a lot like the sun. Since the plant is a flowering herb, the petals of the flowers, which taste a lot like saffron, can be used to flavor foods.
30. Stalked Orange Peel Fungus

As the name suggests, this strangely beautiful fungus looks a lot like an orange peel on a stalk. The orange “cup” often has the deeper color of an orange peel, but it sometimes has more of a pastel color.
31. Fighting Conch Shells

Often, when you find a beached conch shell, it’s pale enough to be almost white. However, when the conch is alive, the shell has a deep orange color. When alive, fighting conchs are marine snails that use the spiked shells for protection.
32. Octopuses

The octopus is the most intelligent invertebrate. And while there are plenty of varieties that come in many colors, some orange octopuses have strikingly vibrant colors. However, if need be, they can change color to match their surroundings.
33. Red Hair or Ginger Hair

Red hair also known as ginger hair is especially eye-catching, which is likely because it’s so rare. It only occurs in about one to two percent of the human population. Some research has found that people with red hair need higher doses of anesthetic than non-redheaded people to achieve the same effect.
34. Papayas

The papaya fruit is often described as being “golden,” but the flesh is a pinkish-orange color. A serving of papaya has more than the recommended daily value for vitamin C, and it’s also a great source of folate and vitamin A.
35. Orange Baboon Tarantulas

These odd-looking tarantulas are sometimes kept as pets, but they’re not a good choice for a first-time tarantula keeper. In keeper circles, they’re sometimes called “Orange Bitey Things” because of their defensive dispositions. They have a venomous bite that, while not lethal, can be incredibly painful.
36. Red Efts

The red eft is the juvenile state of the eastern newt. These amphibians start out as larvae with gills. They then turn into the bright orange red eft, which is essentially a land-dwelling small lizard. As adults, they return to the water, grow a tail designed for swimming, and turn to a greenish gray color.
37. Blackburnian Warblers

These beautiful little birds are common in the northeastern part of North America. While their backs are black, they have yellowish heads and fiery orange bellies. They usually migrate to South America to spend the winter.
38. Goldfish

These classic pet fish originated in China, where they were regarded as a symbol of fortune. Now, many live in fishbowls across the world. When released into the wild, though, they can cause environmental issues and can even grow to be five pounds.
39. Turmeric

Turmeric, the spice with a golden-orange hue, is a key ingredient in curries and many other types of Indian foods. It’s known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and some research even suggests it can reduce memory issues and lessen your risk of brain disease over time.
40. Mangos

This delightful tropical fruit tastes great and has some amazing health benefits, too. It’s high in vitamin C and folate, making it a great immune system support. Its smooth texture also makes it ideal for blending into smoothies. Depending of the ripeness of the mango, the color can vary from yellow to orangish-yellow.
41. Nasturtium Flowers

Nasturtiums are great, low-maintenance flowering plants. They come in a range of colors, most of which are rich jewel tones. Orange nasturtiums have a classic sunny look that’s sure to brighten up any garden space. And as an added bonus, the flowers are edible, too.
42. Orange Fruit-Doves

The orange fruit dove is one of the most exotic-looking birds on the list. It’s native to Fiji, where it primarily feeds on fruit. The males have an olive green head and a bright orange body. The orange feathering has a silky, almost hair-like appearance.
43. Kumquats

At first glance, you might think that a kumquat is just an oval-shaped small orange. These fruits do have a similar taste, although a kumquat is closer in size to an olive than to an orange. With some varieties, you can eat the peel and the fruit together.
44. Bird of Paradise Flowers

These stunning flowers are native to South Africa. Many have orange petals that look almost like origami birds, and they get their name from their resemblance to the bird of paradise. Interestingly enough, they are ideal flowers for gardeners with allergies, as their pollen cannot be carried through the air.
45. Soldier Beetles

Most of us probably think of beetles as nondescript pests. The common red soldier beetle has an eye-catching, orange body. These small, slender beetles are less than half an inch in length.
46. Starfish

Starfish are some of the most popular marine creatures. And even though they typically have five arms, they can actually grow up to 40. Starfish are usually illustrated staying stationary on the floor of the ocean, but they travel using multiple rows of tube feet.
47. Pansies

Pansies are some of the most popular flowers to grace our gardens. And while many have black “faces,” some varieties of orange pansies are just that – pure orange. Their color balance is perfect. They’re bright enough to be vibrant, but soft enough to still be easy on the eyes.
48. Tulips

Tulips are another garden classic. And much like roses, tulips come in almost every conceivable color. So of course, if you prefer having a shock of bright color in your garden, some orange tulips are a great choice.
49. Mexican Sunflowers

Mexican sunflowers, while they aren’t true sunflowers, make an excellent and distinctive addition to any garden. They can grow up to a staggering six feet tall, and their bright orange blossoms look a lot like big Gerbera daisies. They’re perfect for gardeners who like a dramatic touch.
50. Orange Topaz

Our list of orange things in nature wouldn’t be complete without a few gemstones. This stone looks great set in a ring or worn as a pendant. Some people even think that orange topaz has the ability to inspire confidence and faith in yourself.
51. Lion’s Paw Scallop Shells

If you like to collect shells on the beach, you’ve likely come across the lion’s paw scallop. This dramatic shell is usually a deep orange or red, and the bumps along the ridges resemble knuckles. Lion’s paw scallops are very large, so if you find one intact, consider yourself lucky!
52. Orange Fluorite

Fluorite is a glassy-looking crystal that comes in plenty of different colors. The orange variety is believed to promote health and bring you prosperity and wellness. It is sometimes used in jewelry, although it is usually too soft to be used in rings.
53. Northern Red Bishop

This beautiful bird originated in Africa, but its dramatic black and orange coloring has made it a popular pet. In warmer areas like California, Florida, and some parts of Texas, escaped pets have formed flocks and live in the wild.
54. Spot-breasted Orioles

This stunning bird is a colorful relative of the Baltimore oriole. Its mostly-orange body contrasts with black wings, making it especially visually striking. It primarily lives in Central America and parts of Mexico, but it can also be found in southern Florida.
55. Orangutans

These big apes are more solitary than gorillas and chimpanzees, and their long, dark orange hair gives them a different appearance. They are native to Malaysia and Sumatra. Orangutans primarily eat fruit.
56. Baltimore Orioles

The Baltimore oriole is one of the brightest birds in the eastern United States. The males have bright orange breasts, and the females have slightly more muted colors. Female orioles also weave nests that are distinctive because they hang from trees.
57. Tangerines

While tangerines can sometimes be confused with oranges, these smaller, sweet fruits are actually a type of mandarin orange. Tangerines are rich in vitamin C and have plenty of antioxidants, making them great for fighting skin damage and negative effects of aging.
58. Begonias

If you like the look of tropical plants, you’ll probably like begonias. These striking ornamental flowers happily grow outside in warmer climates, but if you live somewhere colder, they do well as indoor houseplants, too. Begonias come in a wide range of colors, and one variety called Nonstop Orange is known for its ability to produce a staggering number of bright orange flowers.
59. Orange Roughy’s

Before being regularly used for seafood, this deep-water fish was known as a “slimehead.’ The orange roughy is a mild-tasting fish that’s sometimes called a deep-sea perch. When alive, it’s a dark, reddish orange, but it becomes a brighter orange after death.
60. Banded Net-Winged Beetles

If you spend a lot of time in the woods in the eastern United States, you may have come across the brightly-colored banded net-winged beetle. These colorful bugs have a pattern of thick, alternating stripes of deep black and bright orange.
61. Orange Calcite

Those who believe in the healing powers of crystals say that orange calcite is a “cleansing” stone that helps promote feelings of both belonging and creativity. This opaque stone is often a soft, pastel orange, and it is sometimes used in jewelry.
62. Nectarines

Nectarines are very closely related to peaches, and from a distance, you might think the two fruits are identical. However, nectarines do not have fuzzy skin. They have a somewhat tangier, less-sweet taste than peaches, and they tend to be slightly smaller, too.
63. Clinohumite

Clinohumite is a rare crystal that looks a lot like orange topaz when cut into gems. However, in most areas, crystals of clinohumite are too small to be used for jewelry. Clinohumite stones used for jewelry come from either Tajikistan or northern Siberia. They are rare enough to be highly sought after by collectors.
64. Orange Bonnet Mushrooms

These mushrooms have a distinctive look. Their caps are bright orange with distinct wavy ridges. They are part of the Mycenaceae family of mushrooms and are found in Europe, Asia, the Caribbean and North America.
65. Japanese Spider Crabs

The Japanese spider crab is unusual and fearsome looking. It’s the largest known crab species and its leg span can reach 13 feet. And unlike most crab species, Japanese spider crabs can live for a very long time – they can be up to 100 years old!
66. Dahlias

The intricate blooms of dahlias have made them a favorite of many gardeners and plant enthusiasts. They come in nearly endless colors, and their blooms cover a wide range of sizes. The largest ones can reach a diameter of 12 inches.
67. Sulphur Shelf Mushrooms

These distinctive-looking mushrooms are often called “chicken of the woods” because many people have found that they taste like chicken. They are easily recognizable thanks to their yellowish-orange color and the fact that they form large “shelves” on the sides of trees.
68. Gila Monsters

Gila monsters, despite their name, pose almost no threat to humans. They are venomous lizards native to the southwestern United States. They also have an unusual appearance compared to most lizards. Their bead-like scales are patterned in black and orange.
69. Orange Garnet

Most people know garnets as deep red stones, but orange garnets offer a fiery alternative. These bright orange gems look a bit like orange topaz. They are sturdy and durable enough to be reliably used in jewelry, although this use is somewhat rare.
70. Cinnabar Red Chanterelles

Mushroom hunters tend to be drawn to these mushrooms thanks to their bright orange color. Some cinnabar red chanterelles do have a deeper red color, but they run the spectrum between deep red and deep orange. Like other chanterelles, these mushrooms are edible and highly nutritious.
71. Red Squirrels

These orangish squirrels are native to Europe and Asia, although they are related to the American red squirrel, a species that lives in Canada and in snowy parts of the United States. As they collect food for winter, they have been observed drying mushrooms before storage to make sure they keep better.
72. Pleasing Fungus Beetles

These oddly-named beetles have an eye-catching, almost plastic-like appearance. Their shiny shells are colored with a patchwork of black and orange, and some play the important role of assisting with pollination. However, many of them are also regarded as pests.
73. Orange Amber

This beautiful gemstone is one of the most unique. Since it’s made of fossilized resin from trees, orange amber often comes with “inclusions,” or animals and/or debris that became trapped in the resin before hardening. It has a pine-like scent that many people find appealing.
74. Aloe Blooms

You might wonder what aloe is doing on a list of orange things. After all, this plant is known for its distinctive green leaves. But aloe blooms, which show up above the leaves, are a deep and eye-catching orange. If you hope to see your own aloe plants bloom, you may need to be patient. Only plants over four years old have the maturity to bloom.
75. Varied Carpet Beetles

The varied carpet beetle has an interesting pattern. It almost looks as if it’s been painted with black, orange, and white. But despite its unique look, it’s generally regarded as a pest in its native Europe. Since these bugs like to feed on chitin, which is present in insect bodies, they sometimes raid natural history museums and attack the insect collections.
76. Sardonyx

Most of us know onyx as a jet-black stone. But Sardonyx is an orange variety. As a semi-precious stone, it’s a popular choice on jewelry, and plenty of people are drawn to its uneven bands of orange and white.
77. Garibaldi Fish

This beautiful, bright-orange fish is the state fish of California. Garibaldis live in underwater kelp forests, where males guard their nests until the eggs hatch. To protect the nest from approaching threats like divers, these fish are capable of making a loud thumping noise.
78. Gerbera Daisies

These bright, cheerful flowers sometimes look more like something out of a painting than real blooms. Like many decorative plants, their blooms come in many different colors, including a bright and cheery orange.
79. Golden Lion Tamarins

This small Brazilian monkey is an endangered species, and it’s estimated that only a few thousand remain in the wild. It’s also one of the flashier-looking primates. It has silky, golden-orange hair.
80. Nudibranchs

These strange, beautiful creatures come in countless bright colors and patterns. Although they are molluscs, they have evolved to be without shells. There are thousands of different species, and scientists regularly discover more.
81. Aventurine

Even though aventurine is a well-known stone, most people are familiar with the green variety. Orange aventurine is less common, although its uneven orange coloring makes it a beautiful stone to incorporate into jewelry or make into small carvings.
82. Starfruit

If you’re a fan of uncommon fruits, you might like starfruit. This fruit is typically yellow, but it sometimes appears in bright orange. It has a sweet taste with a hint of sour, and it’s very high in vitamin C.
83. Oriental Garden Lizards

These slender, spiny-backed lizards come in a range of colors from green to yellow to orange. In the breeding season, the males attract females with their bright orange throats. They are related to iguanas and look somewhat similar, if smaller.
84. Springhares

These little rodents look a bit like small kangaroos. And while their fur looks rusty brown, when they’re placed under UV light, springhares fluoresce. Then, their fur glows a bright pinkish orange.
85. Yams

A common misconception is that yams and sweet potatoes are the same, they are actually different plants. The orange flesh of yams looks and tastes a bit like a sweet potato, but yams are a little less sweet.
86. Welsummer Chickens

These beautiful partridge-colored chickens are kept by Prince Charles, and they’re known for laying stunning terracotta-colored eggs. Their feathers range from a reddish orange color to a deeper seal brown.
87. Emperor Shrimp

These little orange shrimp are popular as aquarium pets, and they’re much more colorful than most shrimp types. Most have a bright orange body with snowy white patches.
88. Canaries

These colorful little birds are native to the Canary Islands. Most people are familiar with the yellow variety, but you can also find canaries in a lovely peachy-orange color. These birds have a sweet-sounding song and make great pets, too.
89. Roses

Roses are a classic way to express affection, but there’s also a different-colored rose for every occasion. Orange roses are a great balance between the deep color of red roses and the cheerful glow of yellow ones.
90. Red Slugs

You might picture slugs as little gray animals leaving trails of slime. But red slugs are different. They range from bright orange to brick red, and they’re some of the largest slugs in the world.
91. Red Clay

Red clay is commonly found in the soil of the southeastern U.S. Though it’s interesting from a color standpoint, red clay is poor in nutrients and can cause problems for gardeners and farmers.
92. Zinnias

Zinnias are prized for their incredibly bright colors. They come in orange, lilac, yellow, red, and other colors. They also have a kind of minimalist beauty as they only have one bloom per stalk.
93. Orange Opal

You’ve probably seen glittering white opal used in jewelry, but if you prefer fiery colors, you might like orange opal. This is a somewhat rare color variation, so it’s a good choice if you’re someone who likes to stand out.
94. Tiger Leeches

This fairly large (up to 33 mm), almost snakelike bright orange leech would probably scare most people. It’s native to Borneo, and it feeds on medium and large sized mammals. Yes, that includes humans too!
95. Orange Sapphire

You might know that the bright blue sapphire is the birthstone of September. But like several other gemstone types, sapphire has a beautiful orange variant. When unheated, these stones have a pale, washed-out appearance, but heating turns them a deep and fiery orange.
96. Mille Fleur d’Uccle Chickens

These little bantam chickens are one of the most popular pet breeds. They’re known for being highly affectionate. Their bodies are a deep orange with white speckles, which gives them the appearance of being coated in tiny petals.
97. Ranunculus Asiaticus Flowers

These flowers are also known as Persian buttercups, as they’re related to the bright yellow buttercups seen in the wild. Their dense blooms look a lot like orange roses.
98. Iguanas

Most people are familiar with green iguanas, but these lizards also come in a red variety. On the pet market, you can find stunning bright orange morphs for sale. In the wild, normally green iguanas can also temporarily change their color to an orangish one during the breeding season.
99. Maned Wolves

These beautiful and unusual animals, despite the name, are not wolves. And though they look a bit like tall foxes, they aren’t foxes either. They belong to their own unique genus, and they originated in South America.
100. Ember Tetras

These little fish, like most tetras, are popular pets. And as the name suggests, they’re a bright orange color similar to that of embers.
101. Jack O’ Lantern Mushrooms

These mushrooms are a bright orange species that are very interesting to mushroom hunters. But be careful. They look a lot like some of the edible chanterelle mushrooms we mentioned earlier, but jack o’ lantern mushrooms are poisonous!
102. Canna Flowers

Cannas are colorful flowers that look like lilies at first glance. They naturally grow in subtropical and tropical environments, and many have large, bright orange petals with a cheerful yellow outline.
103. Flower Longhorn Beetles

These skinny, streamlined beetles with long legs play an important role in pollinating plants. As larvae, they bore into trees, but they typically only do this to dead or dying trees.
104. Carnelian

Carnelian is a beautiful, opaque orange gemstone that is said to be connected to creativity. It does especially well when set into rings or worn as a pendant.
105. Tangelos

You might be familiar with the oddly-shaped tangelo. This fruit is the result of a cross between citrus fruit varieties. The exact variety will change, but a good example is a cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit. Even the name “tangelo” is a combination of the words “tangerine” and “pomelo” (another fruit commonly crossed to create tangelos). Usually, you can tell the difference between a tangelo and another citrus fruit by looking for the “bump” at one end. Tangelos also tend to have looser skin than most oranges, so they’re a lot easier to peel.
106. Velvet Apples

These fuzzy orange fruits are native to the Philippines. The tree on which they grow is known for its incredibly dense, hard wood, leading it to commonly be called “iron wood.” The tree species is endangered, and anyone wishing to export its wood must get special permission. Its leaves also are known for producing cylindrin, a molecule that has powerful antimicrobial properties against E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and other harmful microorganisms.
107. Bullock’s Oriole

At one point, this colorful bird was thought to be the exact same species as the Baltimore oriole. As is the case with many species, these birds have sexually dimorphic coloring. Males have bodies that are largely a bright pumpkin orange. Their wings are black with a bright streak of white. Females are more of a pale, grayish color with touches of yellow.
108. Green Swordtail

When in the wild, this fish’s name is fitting; the original form of the green swordtail is a deep green. But thanks to captive breeding, a whole host of colors exist. You can often find swordtails in bright orange, or they may be patterned in several colors like the fish in the picture. The species name comes from the pointed, sword-like fin that extends from the male’s tail.
109. Flame-Colored Tanager

The flame-colored tanager is easily one of the most colorful members of the tanager family. And depending on whether you’re looking at a male or a female, you’re likely to see a slightly different shade of orange. Males have bodies that are mostly bright red-orange in color. Female birds are patterned similarly, but their color is more of a yellow-orange. Compared to some other tanager species, the flame-colored tanager has a relatively small range. It can be found in certain regions of Mexico and Central America.
110. Orange Bulbine

There are plenty of species under the Bulbine genus, but most of them can be found in different parts of Southern Africa. The genus name comes from the bulb-like top of the stems of many species. These tops make the flowers look as though they’re growing in a column. The species in the picture, Bulbine frutescens, is a great example of some of the color variety you can find in each plant. Its flowers burst with energy; between the bright yellow centers and the fiery orange petals that bend backward, it’s certainly a memorable sight.
111. Eurasian Bullfinch

This distinctive, pastel-colored bird can be found across parts of Europe and Asia. It often is simply called a bullfinch, as it was the first bird species that was officially classified as a bullfinch. Males of the species have a splash of orange across their bellies and underparts. Females do have some degree of orange, but just like in many other species of birds, they aren’t as bright as males. As you might guess from its name, this bird is much bulkier than most other finches. Its head is especially large and square. However, the bullfinch’s song doesn’t match the bird’s aesthetic; it is frequently described as being quiet and mournful.
112. Egg Yolks From Backyard Chickens

If you ask anyone what color an egg yolk is, they will almost always tell you it’s yellow. However, if you’ve ever been fortunate enough to try an egg from a backyard chicken, you may have realized that the yolk actually looks more orange in color. This is because most backyard chickens have a varied diet that includes lots of fresh, foraged greens. The rich color comes from the wide variety of pigments in their diet. An orange yolk is a sign of a happy, healthy hen. It’s also more nutritious for you!
113. Rainbow Chard

Swiss chard, sometimes just called “chard,” is one of the healthiest leafy greens out there. And while the leaves themselves are dark green, the stalks of chard are sometimes bright orange, yellow, and red. This is frequently marketed as “rainbow chard.” And while you can cook chard just like you can with collards or other greens, there are several interesting ways to prepare them. They can be chopped up in a salad, used as a burrito or wrap, added to stir-fries, or placed in soups or omelets. Interestingly enough, Swiss chard is not native to Switzerland. It may have gotten its name from a Swiss botanist who was one of the first to describe it.
114. Goatweed Leafwing Butterfly

This butterfly isn’t one of the most famous species. It can be found throughout North America. As you might have guessed from its name, the goatweed leafwing butterfly has wings that look like leaves regardless of whether they are open or closed. With closed wings, the butterfly looks like its wings are made of dry, brown leaves. And when the wings are open, it makes it easier for the butterfly to blend into orange foliage as the leaves start to turn.
115. Panther Chameleons

When you think of a chameleon, you probably picture a green lizard. However, thanks to the panther chameleon’s popularity in captivity, breeders have produced them in color morphs that don’t even look real. Panther chameleons sometimes have a highly detailed rainbow color pattern. But as you can see from the picture, you can sometimes find panther chameleons in bright solid or near-solid colors. These chameleons are especially efficient at consuming prey. Their tongues are very long and sticky. And when they’re deployed to catch an insect, they can hit it in 0.003 seconds. Unlike most reptiles, they have a bone at the base of the tongue that helps shoot it quickly forward.
116. Orange Lantana

This colorful flower has now been introduced in many parts of the world, but it originally came from the tropics of the Americas and Africa. The lantana plant comes in a wide range of colors, though some of the most vibrant are yellow, orange, and pink. If you’re planting a garden and want to attract butterflies, lantana plants are frequently a good choice. While their flowers are attractive to butterflies, the leaves are poisonous to most animals that typically raid gardens and eat plants. Sometimes, this leads to the overgrowth of lantanas. For instance, lantana became so widespread in Australia that bugs were introduced to help control its growth. Unfortunately, efforts to control lantana growth with bugs have been fairly unsuccessful.
117. Variable Checkerspot Butterfly

These butterflies are known for their distinctive checkered pattern. Their spots can be whitish, orangish, or a mixture. In some cases, individuals will have some markings that are bright red. That coloration can help deter birds from eating them. And while the variable checkerspot is still a food source for birds, it has evolved to have a fairly bitter taste in order to protect itself. Its bitter taste is not caused by its diet; it eats nectar from different types of flowers.
118. Sagebrush Lizard

Many sagebrush lizards are mostly brown. But as you can see from the photo, some individuals are a much brighter orange. This happens in the breeding season when males can turn temporarily orange. These lizards have somewhat rough, bumpy scales. When they are scared, they will occasionally lie down and play dead. This sets them apart from many types of lizards, as most species will run away and hide. You can find sagebrush lizards in many parts of the western United States, although the species is divided into distinct “races” depending on location. They have been known to live at elevations up to 10,500 feet!
119. Lobster Mushroom

The lobster mushroom doesn’t have the most accurate name. It is not technically a mushroom; it’s a fungus that grows on some mushroom species. When this fungus covers an affected mushroom, it becomes deep reddish-orange in color. Lobster mushrooms might not sound all that appetizing, but they taste a bit like seafood. Part of that pleasant taste comes from the fact that the parasitic fungus dissolves certain compounds in the host to make them taste especially good. They also have a dense texture that’s similar to that of lobsters, shrimp, and other types of seafood. They can even be found in some grocery stores.
120. Santol Fruit

You may not have heard of the santol, a tropical fruit that grows in parts of Southeast Asia. The santol is a softer orange than some things on the list. It comes in both a red and yellow variety. The yellow looks more like a pale orange, while the red looks like a deeper, more intense orange. The center of the fruit can be eaten by itself, and the rinds are sometimes cooked with coconut milk and other ingredients to make a curry-like dish. Santol trees grow extremely quickly, and they sometimes reach 150 feet!
121. Aji Amarillo Peppers

These peppers are somewhat confusingly named. “Amarillo” means “yellow,” but the peppers themselves are bright orange. The yellow color mostly comes out when cooking with the peppers. Along with cilantro and red onion, aji amarillo peppers are one of the key parts of cuisine in Peru. The peppers are fairly hot, and they can be up to 50,000 Scoville heat units. For comparison’s sake, a cayenne pepper measures about the same on the scale. Aji amarillo peppers are hotter than serrano peppers but not as hot as Thai chili peppers.
122. Banded Orange Butterfly

Orange is a fairly common color in the world of butterflies, and the banded orange butterfly is one of the most beautiful. Its base color is orange, similar to that of a tiger, and its black bands look like they’ve been brushed on. This butterfly is native to the tropical parts of Mexico and Brazil. It has an interesting diet. Like many other butterfly species, it feeds on the nectar of flowers. But this butterfly also feeds on bird droppings. Males in particular also will obtain mineral salts from moist soil or mud puddles. If they are unable to get enough salt from these sources, the butterflies may be able to obtain salt from the sweat of different animals.
123. Varied Thrush

This nice-looking bird can be found in much of the western edge of North America, where it prefers conifer forests. Both males and females have bodies that are mostly orange, especially on the belly and underparts. The males have a thick, dark band across the chest as well. Nearly all birds of this species have the same coloration. But very rarely, an individual will have all of the orange plumage replaced by white. Since 1921, there have been only five sightings of this variant.
124. Orange Assassin Bug

This bright orange bug is especially lethal to many other insects, even ones that are much larger. When it comes close to suitable prey, it injects it with a powerful venom that liquefies the prey’s insides. The assassin bug is then able to drink the insides. Obviously, they don’t prey on people, but if you disturb a larger assassin bug, it can still inject its venom. It isn’t likely to cause serious harm, but it can be extremely painful.
Orange in the Natural World
Nature is full of bright and glorious color. And whether it’s an autumn leaf at the top of a maple tree, a glowing nudibranch at the ocean floor, or a springhare that inexplicably fluoresces under UV light, you can find orange things in the most surprising of places. Next time you’re outside, take a closer look – you just might find an unexpected shock of orange.
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