145 Shades of Yellow: Color Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK Codes

Shades of Yellow Color with Names and HTML, Hex, RGB Codes

Yellow is a warm, inviting color. It is one of the three primary colors necessary to create many other colors. Yellow is also third in the sequence of seven hues that together make a rainbow, also known as ROYGBIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). Shades of yellow are thought to encourage positivity, creativity, and spontaneity.

You can find the color yellow anywhere in nature. Yellow is the color of warm sunshine on a spring morning and the color of many of our favorite flowers, like buttercups, tulips, goldenrods, and yellow roses. Common yellow fruits are bananas, lemons, yellow apples, and pineapples. You will see yellow everywhere you look, whether in bright, sunny tones or muted shades of lemon chiffon and flax.

Here is a list of some of the many varieties that yellow can take. Color names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes are included so you can incorporate them in your next website or graphic design.

Sunshine Yellow

Sunshine yellow is a bright, medium shade of yellow named after the light from the sun. It is often thought of as a cheerful, warm color.

Sunshine Yellow
Hex #FFFD37
RGB 255, 253, 55
CMYK 0, 1, 78, 0

Canary Yellow

Canary yellow is a bright shade of yellow, somewhat lighter in tone than the standard bright yellow. It is named after the bright plumage of the canary bird.

Canary Yellow
Hex #FFEF00
RGB 255, 239, 0
CMYK 0, 6, 100, 0

Lemon Yellow

Lemon yellow is a light to medium shade of yellow similar in shade to the color of the rind of a lemon fruit.

Lemon Yellow
Hex #FDFF00
RGB 253, 255, 0
CMYK 1, 0, 100, 0

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Goldenrod is a deep, earthy, warm yellow that is named after the wildflower of the same name. It is similar in shade to mustard.

Hex #DAA520
RGB 218, 165, 32
CMYK 0, 24, 85, 15


Saffron is a medium golden yellow to yellowish-orange hue similar in shade to the flowers of the saffron plant.

Hex #F4C430
RGB 244, 196, 48
CMYK 0, 20, 80, 4


Citrine is a golden yellow shade with an almost chemical-like hint of green. It has similarities to the warm tones of goldenrod and the bright tones of lemon.

Hex #E4D00A
RGB 228, 208, 10
CMYK 0, 9, 96, 11


Trombone is a brassy, dull gold or yellowish brown shade reminiscent of the color of the metal a trombone is made from. 

Hex #D2B55B
RGB 210, 181, 91
CMYK 0, 14, 57, 18

Light Yellow

Light yellow is a pale, but not quite pastel, shade of yellow. It has the warmth of the color called banana, but with more saturation.

Light Yellow
RGB 255, 255, 224
CMYK 0, 0, 12, 0

Lemon Chiffon

Lemon chiffon is a light, airy yellow shade slightly warmer in tone than light yellow. It is reminiscent of the color of lemon chiffon cake or that of spun sugar.

Lemon Chiffon
RGB 255, 250, 205
CMYK 0, 2, 20, 0


Flax is a dull, muted earthy yellow with similarities to tan and ecru. It is named after the dried stems of the flax plant, and it is often used to refer to hair of a light golden color.

Hex #EEDC82
RGB 238, 220, 130
CMYK 0, 8, 45, 7

Light Goldenrod

Light goldenrod is a very pale version of the goldenrod shade, but with a more pinkish undertone. It can be compared to a pale ecru.

Light Goldenrod
RGB 250, 250, 210
CMYK 0, 0, 16, 2

Pale Goldenrod

Pale goldenrod differs from light goldenrod in that it has a more brownish or green undertone. As with light goldenrod, it is very pale in comparison to the goldenrod flower.

Pale Goldenrod
RGB 238, 232, 170
CMYK 0, 3, 29, 7

Light Khaki

Light khaki or khaki tan is a brownish beige yellow that is often used to describe the color and style of a particular type of trousers.

Light Khaki
Hex #F0E68C
RGB 240, 230, 140
CMYK 0, 4, 42, 6

Clover Lime

Clover lime is a light, buttery yellow shade that was created by the Crayola crayon company in 1903.

Clover Lime
Hex #FCE883
RGB 252, 232, 131
CMYK 0, 8, 48, 1


Xanthic is a bright, acidic yellow with slight brown undertones. It is named after the acidic compounds Xanthine and Xanthate.

Hex #EEED09
RGB 238, 237, 9
CMYK 0, 0, 96, 7

Royal Yellow

First referred to in the English language by this name in 1548, this color was once used to describe the clothing of Chinese royalty. It is a warm and light, somewhat golden brown shade of yellow.

Royal Yellow
RGB 250, 218, 94
CMYK 0, 13, 62, 2


Cream refers to a yellow shade that is pale but warm, somewhat like the color of butter but closer to an off-white. It is a little more yellow than the color of actual dairy cream.

RGB 255, 255, 204
CMYK 0, 0, 20, 0


Gold refers to a warm, brownish or orangey shade of yellow named after the mineral element gold.

Hex #FFD700
RGB 255, 215, 0
CMYK 0, 16, 100, 0

Safety Yellow

Safety yellow refers to the shade of yellow seen on warning signs, hazard signs and school busses. The shade was chosen because it is said to be one of the most noticeable colors the human mind detects rapidly. It is a dark golden or mustard type shade.

Safety Yellow
Hex #EED202
RGB 238, 210, 2
CMYK 0, 12, 99, 7


Laguna is a warm, creamy medium shade of yellow with similar tones to banana, but darker in hue.

Hex #F8E473
RGB 248, 228, 115
CMYK 0, 8, 54, 3

Hunyadi Yellow

Hunyadi yellow is a deep golden brown yellow named after John Hunyadi, a 15th century Hungarian military officer. This yellow shade is found in the Hunyadi family coat of arms.

Hunyadi Yellow
Hex #E8AC41
RGB 232, 172, 65
CMYK 0, 26, 72, 9

Bright Yellow

Bright yellow is a vibrant, nearly neon shade of medium yellow. It is similar in shade to buttercup flowers.

Bright Yellow
Hex #FFFD01
RGB 255, 253, 1
CMYK 0, 1, 100, 0

Greenish Yellow

Greenish yellow is a light shade of yellow with brownish green to tan undertones. This color can be found on the 20 rupee denomination of Indian banknotes.

Greenish Yellow
Hex #EEEA62
RGB 238, 234, 98
CMYK 0, 2, 59, 7

Neon Yellow

Neon yellow is a bright yellow shade that can be compared to the color of a yellow highlighter. Sometimes it has a slightly greenish tint.

Neon Yellow
Hex #CFFF04 
RGB 207, 255, 4
CMYK 19, 0, 98, 0

Dark Yellow

Dark yellow refers to a golden to brownish yellow shade that is darker in hue than mustard but brighter than gold.

Dark Yellow
Hex #D5B60A
RGB 213, 182, 10
CMYK 0, 15, 95, 16


Sand is a light tannish yellow shade that resembles the color of sand on a beach. It can be compared to a warm ecru or a brownish shade of pale yellow.

Hex #E2CA76
RGB 226, 202, 118
CMYK 0, 11, 48, 11


Sunflower is a warm medium to dark yellow shade that is similar in color to the petals of the sunflower.

Hex #FFDA03
RGB 255, 218, 3
CMYK 0, 15, 99, 0


Bumblebee is a warm, somewhat golden shade of medium yellow. This color is named after the yellow found on the bumblebee insect’s body.

Hex #FCE205
RGB 252, 226, 5
CMYK 0, 10, 98, 1


Butter is a term used to describe a pale shade of yellow that strongly resembles the shade of the dairy product butter.

Hex #FFFD74
RGB 255, 253, 116
CMYK 0, 1, 55, 0

Yellow Tan

Yellow tan is light tannish yellow shade that is somewhat paler in hue than sand but darker than butter.

Yellow Tan
Hex #FFE36E
RGB 255, 227, 110
CMYK 0, 11, 57, 0

Cyber Yellow

Cyber yellow refers to a shade of medium to dark yellow that is used for warning and hazard signs. It is similar in color to safety yellow.

Cyber Yellow
Hex #FFD300
RGB 255, 211, 0
CMYK 0, 17, 100, 0


Banana, as the name suggests, is a pale to medium shade of yellow similar in color to the peel of the banana fruit.

Hex #FFE135
RGB 255, 225, 53
CMYK 0, 12, 79, 0


Tuscany refers to a warm, medium shade of yellow that is similar in hue to honey, but slightly lighter. It can also be compared to a light goldenrod.

Hex #FCD12A
RGB 252, 209, 42
CMYK 0, 17, 83, 1


Honey refers to a shade of warm, golden to medium yellow. This color gets its name from the honey syrup created by bees, but the color is more yellow in hue than natural honey.

Hex #FFC30B
RGB 255, 195, 11
CMYK 0, 24, 96, 0


Dijon is a shade of dark brownish yellow that resembles Dijon mustard. It is darker in hue than mustard and has somewhat greenish undertones.

Hex #C49102
RGB 196, 145, 2
CMYK 0, 26, 99, 23


Amber refers to a shade of warm, golden brown to orangey yellow that gets its name from the fossilized tree resin of the same name.

Hex #FFBF00
RGB 255, 191, 0
CMYK 0, 25, 100, 0


Beige is a light brownish shade of yellow that can be compared to pale sand. It is also similar in color to parchment.

Hex #F5F5DC
RGB 245, 245, 220
CMYK 0, 0, 10, 4


Mustard is a medium to dark shade of yellow similar in hue to the condiment of the same name, although it is usually depicted as slightly lighter in tone than actual mustard.

Hex #FEDC56
RGB 254, 220, 86
CMYK 0, 13, 66, 0

Maximum Yellow

Maximum yellow is a medium shade of bright yellow created by the Crayola company. It is very similar to bright yellow.

Maximum Yellow
Hex #FAFA37
RGB 250, 250, 55
CMYK 0, 0, 78, 2

Mellow Yellow

Mellow yellow refers to a light, buttery yellow with a somewhat tan hue. It is similar in color to royal yellow and laguna.

Mellow Yellow
Hex #F8DE7E
RGB 248, 222, 126
CMYK 0, 10, 49, 3

Unmellow Yellow

Unmellow yellow is a bright, nearly florescent yellow shade created by the Crayola crayon company. It is brighter in tone than lemon yellow. Crayola has another color called laser lemon which is identical to this one.

Unmellow Yellow
Hex #FFFF66
RGB 255, 255, 102
CMYK 0, 0, 60, 0

Lemon Curry

Lemon curry is a dark brownish yellow created by the Pantone Textile Paper company. It is similar in color to some curry sauces used in Indian cuisine.

Lemon Curry
Hex #CCA01D
RGB 204, 160, 29
CMYK 0, 22, 86, 20


Moccasin is a light peachy yellow shade that can be compared to papaya whip or peach but with more of a tan undertone.

Hex #FFE4B5
RGB 255, 228, 181
CMYK 0, 11, 29, 0

Orange Yellow

Orange yellow refers to a shade of dark yellow that borders on orange. Most people would probably say orange if asked to describe this color.

Orange Yellow
Hex #FFAD01
RGB 255, 173, 1
CMYK 0, 32, 100, 0

Pastel Yellow

Pastel yellow is a very light shade of yellow. It is often used for gender-neutral baby gifts and nursery décor. It can be compared to a slightly lighter shade of butter.

Pastel Yellow
Hex #FFFE71
RGB 255, 254, 113
CMYK 0, 0, 56, 0

Taxi Cab Yellow

Taxi Cab Yellow is a robust, golden-tinged yellow that’s reminiscent of the color of a taxi cab. It’s bright and sunny without being overpowering, and it looks especially nice alongside bright blue shades. Its slight hint of orange gives it a burst of energy and confidence.

Taxi Cab Yellow
Hex #FDB813
RGB 253, 184, 19
CMYK 0, 27, 92, 1 


Aureolin is a stunningly bright yellow that looks a lot like the color of a canary. But despite its brightness, aureolin isn’t hard on the eyes. It has just a hint of warmth. It’s been around for a while, too. As a pigment, it was first made in 1848. Because the physical pigment is made from potassium cobaltinitrite, aureolin is sometimes referred to as “cobalt yellow.”

Hex #FDEE00
RGB 253, 238, 0
CMYK 0, 6, 100, 1

Electric Yellow

As the name suggests, this is a powerfully striking color. Interestingly enough, it’s nearly identical to the color of the Electric Yellow African Cichlid, a fish native to East Africa. Thanks to its cheerful, bright color, the Electric Yellow African Cichlid is a very popular aquarium fish for hobbyists.

Electric Yellow
Hex #FFFF33
RGB 255, 255, 51
CMYK 0, 0, 80, 0

Chartreuse (traditional)

Chartreuse usually describes a greenish color (the color “Chartreuse (web)” is more green). However, this interesting color is more traditional yellow with the barest hint of green. This gives it an intriguing quality that makes it ideal for use in advertising or in any application where you need to draw attention.

Chartreuse (traditional)
Hex #DFFF00
RGB 223, 255, 0
CMYK 13, 0, 100, 0

Titanium Yellow

Most of us don’t often think of yellow when we think of titanium. But this color is named after a yellow pigment of the same name. The pigment has an extremely high melting point of over 1000 degrees Celsius. This color is bold yet cheerful.

Titanium Yellow
Hex #EEE600
RGB 238, 230, 0
CMYK 0, 3, 100, 7

Mikado Yellow

At first glance, this noble shade looks slightly more orange than yellow. It’s used in the flags of two countries: Kazakhstan and Colombia. The Lincoln auto company used it as a vehicle color for a time as well. Thanks to its deep, almost mango-like color, Mikado Yellow is a good choice if you need a shade of yellow that stands out on a white background.

Mikado Yellow
Hex #FFC40C
RGB 255, 196, 12
CMYK 0, 23, 95, 0

Fluorescent Yellow

If you need a high-energy color that splits the difference between yellow and green, this one is an excellent choice. Fluorescent Yellow has a distinctly modern edge, and it looks especially striking against a black or dark blue background. It’s ideal if you like the look of yellow but want a slightly cooler color.

Fluorescent Yellow
Hex #CCFF00
RGB 204, 255, 0
CMYK 20, 0, 100, 0

Arylide Yellow

This muted, almost tan yellow gets its name from a collection of organic compounds used for pigments. These pigments are commonly found in oil paints, watercolors, and acrylics. Arylide Yellow is also sometimes known as monoazo yellow or Hansa yellow.

Arylide Yellow
Hex #E9D66B
RGB 233, 214, 107
CMYK 0, 8, 54, 9

Indian Yellow

Indian Yellow is one of the most ancient yellow shades in the world. As a pigment, it was first developed in India in the 15th century, where it was used in art and to dye clothing. It’s an unusual shade that’s a bit reminiscent of red clay, and it looks especially beautiful alongside pale periwinkle blue.

Indian Yellow
Hex #E3A857
RGB 227, 168, 87
CMYK 0, 26, 62, 11

Durian Yellow

This slightly-gold yellow is named after the durian, a fruit native to Southeast Asia. Durian has yellow flesh and is nutritious, but it’s notorious for having a pungent, bad odor. This color, though, is warm and slightly golden without crossing over into olive or bronze territory.

Durian Yellow
Hex #E1BD27
RGB 225, 189, 39
CMYK 0, 16, 83, 12

Minion Yellow

If you’re wondering whether Minion Yellow was named after the TV characters, you’re right. This cheerful yellow shade is perfect if you like a bright yellow that’s still slightly muted. This color’s warmth makes it a good choice for wall color if you’re looking for something different.

Minion Yellow
Hex #F5E050
RGB 245, 224, 80
CMYK 0, 9, 67, 4

Selective Yellow

You might be wondering where this interesting color got its name. It’s named after the color used for car headlamps and fog lamps. The “selective” in the name means that the lamps only let certain wavelengths of light through. The color itself is mango-like and cheerful, and it would be especially at home in tropical-inspired decor.

Selective Yellow
Hex #FFBA00
RGB 255, 186, 0
CMYK 0, 27, 100, 0

Laser Lemon

Some yellow shades have fun and unusual names, and this is one of them. Laser Lemon is one of the more energetic shades of yellow out there. If you want to draw the attention of your audience, this color (especially if it’s paired with black or a similarly dark color) is a great choice.

Laser Lemon
Hex #FEFE22
RGB 254, 254, 34
CMYK 0, 0, 87, 0

Munsell Yellow

This yellow is named after Albert H. Munsell, founder of Munsell color theory. This theory classifies colors based on hue, value, and chroma. This particular yellow shade is a bit mustard-like, which makes it somewhat muted. It’s a deep yellow that works well when adding a pop of color to a neutral color scheme.

Munsell Yellow
Hex #EFCC00
RGB 239, 204, 0
CMYK 0, 15, 100, 6

Yellow Rose

Appropriately, this especially bright yellow is true to the color of yellow roses. Yellow roses are traditionally believed to symbolize friendship and joy, and this color seems to do that well. Though it may be too bright for some tastes, this sunshine-inspired color is an excellent option if you need to command attention. It’s bright without moving into neon territory, which many artists and designers will appreciate.

Yellow Rose
Hex #FFF000
RGB 255, 240, 0
CMYK 0, 6, 100, 0

Very Pale Yellow

This mild color may not be interestingly named, but its calming hue is easy on the eyes. In particular, Very Pale Yellow makes a great wall color if you like subtle warmth. It sits somewhere between cream and pastel yellow in terms of color.

Very Pale Yellow
RGB 255, 255, 191
CMYK 0, 0, 25, 0

Earth Yellow

When you first look at Earth Yellow, you might not consider it to be a yellow at all. Earth Yellow is similar to Indian Yellow, but it’s a bit more brown. If you need an earthy neutral that’s brighter than your traditional brown, Earth Yellow is a great place to look.

Earth Yellow
Hex #E1A95F
RGB 225, 169, 95
CMYK 0, 25, 58, 12

Yellow (Pantone)

Yellow (Pantone) is a shade of yellow named by the Pantone company. Pantone uses a color-matching system to ensure continuity across print and online media. This yellow color is warm and sunny and it looks especially nice when paired with turquoise.

Yellow (Pantone)
Hex #FEDF00
RGB 254, 223, 0
CMYK 0, 12, 100, 0

Tangerine Yellow

Most of us think of tangerines as being orange as opposed to yellow, but Tangerine Yellow captures the look of a pale tangerine. It looks almost more orange than yellow, and it works well in warmer color schemes without looking overly hot. If you’re designing something especially energetic, it looks nice against a bright lime green.

Tangerine Yellow
Hex #FFCC00
RGB 255, 204, 0
CMYK 0, 20, 100, 0

Bronze Yellow

It can be tough to capture a metallic color, but Bronze Yellow does it fairly well. It has more of an olive tone than you might expect. If you’re creating a neutral color scheme but want to stray away from the expected choices, Bronze Yellow offers a beautiful yet unconventional starting point.

Bronze Yellow
Hex #737000
RGB 115, 112, 0
CMYK 0, 3, 100, 55

Psychedelic Yellow

Psychedelic Yellow isn’t quite as wild as you would expect it to be given the name. It’s actually a very nice middle-of-the-road yellow. It’s bright without being too bright, soft without being too soft. It’s ideal if you need a background that’s bright but not bright enough to hurt your eyes.

Psychedelic Yellow
Hex #FFF53D
RGB 255, 245, 61
CMYK 0, 4, 76, 0

Maize Yellow (RAL)

This lovely earth-tone yellow can be found on the RAL Classic list of colors. RAL is a popular European color-matching company similar to Pantone. Maize Yellow looks especially nice in autumn-inspired applications.

Maize Yellow (RAL)
Hex #DB9100
RGB 219, 145, 0
CMYK 0, 34, 100, 14

Muted Yellow

This appropriately-named yellow color looks more khaki than yellow. At first glance, you might want to call it a light tan. Muted Yellow is another great color to choose if you’re working with a neutral color scheme but want to make it just slightly warm.

Muted Yellow
Hex #E0D268
RGB 224, 210, 104
CMYK 0, 6, 54, 12

Sulfur Yellow

This yellow, named after the element, is a great yellow if you want something that’s just slightly muted. It has the slightest greenish touch, and it looks great when placed against its complementary color, a bright blue called Palatinate Blue.

Sulfur Yellow
Hex #E8DE35
RGB 232, 222, 53
CMYK 0, 4, 77, 9

Yellow Jasmine

This color is named after the yellowish tint of the jasmine flower. However, it has more of a hint of brown than what you typically see on the flower. Yellow Jasmine is almost an earth tone, and it does well in autumnal color schemes.

Yellow Jasmine
Hex #CEB00D
RGB 206, 176, 13
CMYK 0, 15, 94, 19

Dusty Yellow

This yellow shade certainly doesn’t have the most exciting name. However, when it comes to neutrals, it’s an excellent choice. It comes from Pantone’s Textile Cotton eXtended color list, and it is a textile-like color. For a more subdued room, it would make an excellent wall color.

Dusty Yellow
Hex #D4CC9A
RGB 212, 204, 154
CMYK 0, 4, 27, 17

Yolk Yellow (Pantone)

Despite the name, this color is a little more brown than you’d typically notice on an egg yolk. However, it’s a warm neutral that works well in a variety of situations. This one is also from the Textile Cotton eXtended list from Pantone.

Yolk Yellow (Pantone)
Hex #E2B051
RGB 226, 176, 81
CMYK 0, 22, 64, 11

Light Chrome Yellow

This pleasant, orangish yellow is a bit like the yellow you would see on a #2 pencil. For a slightly pale color, it’s a very high-energy one, and it really pops with its complementary color, Ultramarine Blue. Light Chrome Yellow stands out against a black or dark blue background, and it looks especially nice when used in patterns.

Light Chrome Yellow
Hex #FFCA37
RGB 255, 202, 55
CMYK 0, 21, 78, 0

Cadmium Yellow Lemon

Cadmium Yellow Lemon is one of the most incredibly bright yellows on the list. You combine the extraordinary bright yellow of Cadmium with a refreshing burst of Lemon Yellow. When evaluated on the HSV/HSB scale, Cadmium Yellow Lemon has a brightness value of 100%. A color this bright won’t suit every situation, but it’s great when you’re working on a high-energy project.

Cadmium Yellow Lemon
Hex #FFF23E
RGB 255, 242, 62
CMYK 0, 5, 76, 0

Vibrant Yellow

Colors can have a significant impact on mood, and Vibrant Yellow is certainly a mood booster. This sunny color is reminiscent of a sunflower, but it’s soft enough that it isn’t overly energizing, either. It looks especially stunning when used along with the other members of its square palette.

Vibrant Yellow
Hex #FFDA29
RGB 255, 218, 41
CMYK 0, 15, 84, 0

Yellow CMYK

You likely know that CMYK stands for cyan/magenta/yellow/key (where key is black). This yellow is the exact value of the yellow in the CMYK standard. As you see below, its CMYK value for yellow is 100%, while its values for cyan, magenta, and key are all zero. If you need a bright, true yellow for a project, Yellow CMYK is a great choice.

Yellow CMYK
Hex #FFFF00
RGB 255, 255, 0
CMYK 0, 0, 100, 0

Fire Yellow

We usually associate yellow with summer, but this bold and energizing shade has a distinctive autumnal aura. If you want to conjure up the feeling of sitting by a campfire in early fall, Fire Yellow can help you do so.

Fire Yellow
Hex #FEDE17
RGB 254, 222, 23
CMYK 0, 13, 91, 0

Buff Yellow

Buff yellow might not be the most dazzlingly bright yellow shade, but its classic, timeless look means that it’s still fairly popular. Its complementary color is Cornflower Blue, and together, they create an airy, calming sense. When used alone, Buff Yellow makes a great wall color. Or if you want a neutral webpage background that still manages to be energizing, it’s a good choice.

Buff Yellow
Hex #F1BF70 
RGB 241, 191, 112
CMYK 0, 21, 54, 5

Yellow Cream

If you’re in search of a soothing neutral, Yellow Cream just might be your answer. This is roughly the color of homemade vanilla ice cream or custard. It’s distinct from Cream in that it’s more yellow than white. This is another color from the Pantone Textile Cotton eXtended list.

Yellow Cream
Hex #EFDC75
RGB 239, 220, 117
CMYK 0, 8, 51, 6

Empire Yellow

This commanding color is designed to be a standout. Its dictionary definition states that Empire Yellow can be a “light to brilliant” color, and this example sits right in the middle. Though it’s similar to several other yellow colors, Empire Yellow has an additional warmth that many people will find welcoming.

Empire Yellow
Hex #F7D000
RGB 247, 208, 0
CMYK 0, 16, 100, 3

Zinc Yellow (RAL)

Zinc Yellow is named after a pigment that’s made using zinc oxide. This bright pigment is often used in printing. And while it was once used in oil paints, its tendency to fade to brown means that it is rarely (if ever) used in artistic work.

Zinc Yellow (RAL)
Hex #F2CB2E
RGB 242, 203, 46
CMYK 0, 16, 81, 5

Signal Yellow

This might seem like an unusual color name, but Signal Yellow does have some popularity. In the 1960s and 1970s, Porsche used Signal Yellow finishes on some of their 911 models. Not surprisingly, Signal Yellow is very close to the color you see on traffic lights.

Signal Yellow
Hex #F2A900
RGB 242, 169, 0
CMYK 0, 30, 100, 5

Matte Yellow

This color is somewhat interestingly named. After all, without added shine, all colors tend to look matte on a computer screen. Matte Yellow is a subdued hue, and as a pigment, it’s commonly sold in powder form. If you paint with Matte Yellow, you can mix it with other colors to deepen them slightly.

Matte Yellow
Hex #EDD94C
RGB 237, 217, 76
CMYK 0, 8, 68, 7

Aesthetic Yellow

This color certainly lives up to its name. Aesthetic Yellow is a perfectly balanced yellow shade that’s just a touch more demure than some of yellow’s louder hues. If tinted to become lighter, Aesthetic Yellow has a soft look that’s reminiscent of peaches and cream.

Aesthetic Yellow
Hex #EFD033
RGB 239, 208, 51
CMYK 0, 13, 79, 6

Rustic Yellow

Brighter shades of yellow are often associated with newness and energy. But more muted, earth-tone shades can sometimes help create the illusion of age. As the name suggests, if you’re going for a rustic look and appeal for your project, Rustic Yellow’s rich, deep color is sure to add something significant.

Rustic Yellow
Hex #E2C400
RGB 226, 196, 0
CMYK 0, 13, 100, 11

Pale Yellow

This pale, creamy yellow has a soothing aura about it. It’s the slightly less-pale relative of Very Pale Yellow. Its soft, neutral look makes it ideal for tranquil website backdrops or for the wall color in a quiet home.

Pale Yellow
RGB 255, 255, 167
CMYK 0, 0, 35, 0

Colza Yellow

Colza Yellow is a beautiful, jewel-toned yellow with orangish undertones. It gets its name from the flower of the colza plant, which is sometimes harvested to produce an oil that’s used in manufacturing. The colza flowers can vary in color from a soft pastel yellow to a deep, rich tone like this color.

Colza Yellow
Hex #EEB700
RGB 238, 183, 0
CMYK 0, 23, 100, 7

Transparent Yellow

Many of the yellow shades we’ve covered so far are bright, energetic colors. But for when you need a barely-there shade with just a hint of yellow, Transparent Yellow offers a solution. The soft, almost pinkish color makes it a great alternative to white when it comes to selecting a background.

Transparent Yellow
Hex #F4ECC2
RGB 244, 236, 194
CMYK 0, 3, 20, 4

Blazing Yellow

One of those bright, energetic yellows mentioned above is Blazing Yellow. Appropriately, this fiery hue has a little bit of an orange undertone. If you need a splash of color on an advertisement or other project, Blazing Yellow can certainly deliver.

Blazing Yellow
Hex #FEE715
RGB 254, 231, 21
CMYK 0, 9, 92, 0

Tender Yellow

The word “tender” might seem odd when used as part of a color name, but in the case of Tender Yellow, it seems apt. This soft, gentle color is a perfect example of how a very lightened yellow can make a wonderfully understated neutral.

Tender Yellow
RGB 237, 238, 183
CMYK 0, 0, 23, 7

Pale Lime Yellow

The name of this color can be a little confusing. After all, limes are green and not yellow. But Pale Lime Yellow might better be described as a lemon-lime color. The lime seems to overpower the yellow slightly, but the yellow adds in just enough warmth.

Pale Lime Yellow
Hex #DFE69F
RGB 223, 230, 159
CMYK 3, 0, 31, 10

Vintage Yellow

If you’re looking for a color to conjure up the spirit of the yellowed pages of old parchment, Vintage Yellow just might be what you’re looking for. The understated elegance of this unusual shade makes it a good choice for any project that needs an extra air of sophistication.

Vintage Yellow
Hex #CBA92B
RGB 203, 169, 43
CMYK 0, 17, 79, 20

Spectrum Yellow

You already know that yellow appears to be the brightest of the colors on the spectrum of light. And Spectrum Yellow is certainly bright. It’s sunny yet rich, making it one of the more powerful examples of a yellow shade on the list.

Spectrum Yellow
Hex #FCE517
RGB 252, 229, 23
CMYK 0, 9, 91, 1

Retro Yellow

Take a trip back in time with this warm yet understated yellow. Retro Yellow is a great background color, and it’s a warmer alternative to white in just about any project.

Retro Yellow
Hex #F0E27B
RGB 240, 226, 123
CMYK 0, 6, 49, 6

Old Yellow

This color may have a somewhat dull name, but it’s a soft neutral that’s reminiscent of coffee. It’s similar to Vintage Yellow, but lighter.

Old Yellow
Hex #C8AF55
RGB 200, 175, 85
CMYK 0, 12, 58, 22

Chinese Yellow

This color is a cheerfully light yellow-orange. It’s similar in color to Mandarin orange slices. If you need a bright color with a modern edge, Chinese Yellow is a great choice.

Chinese Yellow
Hex #FFB200
RGB 255, 178, 0
CMYK 0, 30, 100, 0

Spanish Yellow

Appropriately, Spanish Yellow is roughly the same yellow color of homes made in the traditional Spanish architectural style. It’s warm but not overly so, but it isn’t quite as deep as most earth tones.

Spanish Yellow
Hex #F9D73D
RGB 249, 215, 61
CMYK 0, 14, 76, 2

Refresh Yellow

Yellow can certainly be a refreshing color. Think of a glass of lemonade on a hot day. Refresh Yellow isn’t quite the same color as lemonade, but its light nature can refresh just about any project.

Refresh Yellow
Hex #FFE992
RGB 255, 233, 146
CMYK 0, 9, 43, 0

Sun Yellow (RAL)

This yellow is a bit more orange than many depictions of the sun. But its vibrancy has a similar effect. Sun Yellow (RAL) can infuse energy into whatever you’re working on.

Sun Yellow (RAL)
Hex #EA9300
RGB 234, 147, 0
CMYK 0, 37, 100, 8

Baby Yellow

You’ve heard of baby pink and baby blue. This shade of yellow follows the same concept. Its washed-out glow communicates a sense of quiet joy.

Baby Yellow
Hex #FCEF91
RGB 252, 239, 145
CMYK 0, 5, 42, 1

Dahlia Yellow (RAL)

This color is similar to Chinese Yellow. It’s named after the dahlia flower, a bright bloom that comes in many different colors.

Dahlia Yellow (RAL)
Hex #F39B1B 
RGB 243, 155, 27
CMYK 0, 36, 89, 5

Broom Yellow

This is another color from the RAL Classic color list. Though it has an unusual name, the color does approximately match the bristles on an old broom. It’s also sometimes called Ginster Yellow.

Broom Yellow
Hex #DBA400
RGB 219, 164, 0
CMYK 0, 25, 100, 14

Camouflage Yellow

This is another yellow shade that leans a little more toward brown. However, it is very similar to the yellowish patches found on camo gear. It’s a calm neutral that goes well with a pop of bright color.

Camouflage Yellow
Hex #978942
RGB 151, 137, 66
CMYK 0, 9, 56, 41

Trust Yellow

This yellow shade is extremely bright and eye-catching. It works well in a colorful design scheme with other near-neon colors, but it can also pop against a neutral backdrop.

Trust Yellow
Hex #EEBE15
RGB 238, 190, 21
CMYK 0, 20, 91, 7

Warm Yellow

This is another example of a pale yellow that looks more like a cream color. Warm Yellow is an especially good color for stationery or cards.

Warm Yellow
Hex #F4E98C
RGB 244, 233, 140
CMYK 0, 5, 43, 4

Vivid Yellow

Vivid Yellow is a hotter shade of yellow than most. As you can see below, the presence of red/magenta helps make it especially assertive.

Vivid Yellow
Hex #FFE302
RGB 255, 227, 2
CMYK 0, 11, 99, 0


If you enjoy cooking, this one is probably familiar. It’s just about exactly the color of turmeric, the brightly-colored spice that’s been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Hex #F0CA28
RGB 240, 202, 40
CMYK 0, 16, 83, 6


It’s no surprise that, in a list of shades of the color yellow, you’ll run into several mentions of the sun. But Sunglow is an especially captivating color. It takes after the falling golden light at the end of the day.

Hex #FFCC33
RGB 255, 204, 51
CMYK 0, 20, 80, 0

Light Saffron

As a spice, saffron brings both gold color and bold flavor to dishes. And while the full color of saffron may be too much for some projects, Light Saffron lets you enjoy the color in a more muted way. This color is perfect for rooms that need to project an airy sense of openness.

Light Saffron
Hex #FFE797
RGB 255, 231, 151
CMYK 0, 9, 41, 0


Radioactivity signs are designed to get your attention. And as a shade of yellow, Radioactive does just that. Whether you’re creating a banner ad or selecting the colors for a new brand of activewear, Radioactive is ideal for drawing the eye.

Hex #FAE500
RGB 250, 229, 0
CMYK 0, 8, 100, 2

Golden Poppy

If you need a shade of yellow that captures the spirit of hope and joy, this one is a good choice. It’s named after the golden poppy or California poppy, the flower that blooms and covers California hillsides each year. Its sunny yellow-orange color stays true to the flower itself, and Golden Poppy is ready to add carefree spirit to any space.

Golden Poppy
Hex #FCC200
RGB 252, 194, 0
CMYK 0, 23, 100, 1

Real Gold

Though it isn’t metallic, Real Gold can still carry a regal sense to any project you’re working on. This color is primarily yellow, but a hint of orange gives it just enough strength. It looks especially nice alongside similarly muted tones.

Real Gold
Hex #E2BF36
RGB 226, 191, 54
CMYK 0, 15, 76, 11

Glossy Gold

Glossy Gold is a truly intriguing shade. It doesn’t have the same concentration of yellow that you typically find in colors with “gold” in the name, but it does look like light yellow gold. Nonetheless, Glossy Gold is a soft orangeish-yellow with diverse applications.

Glossy Gold
Hex #FAE481
RGB 250, 228, 129
CMYK 0, 9, 48, 2

Snapchat Yellow

Snapchat Yellow has already proven itself to be successful when it comes to marketing. People across the world easily recognize the dizzyingly bright yellow background with the floating white ghost. Thanks to its extremely bright color, Snapchat Yellow looks great when it’s placed next to a contrasting color. Try it against black or a deep blue. If you need something similarly loud, Snapchat Yellow may be right for the job.

Snapchat Yellow
Hex #FFFC00
RGB 255, 252, 0
CMYK 0, 1, 100, 0

Deep Chrome Yellow (Ferrario)

This color is a beautifully unique shade that seems to sit right between yellow and orange. It’s been included on oil paint color lists by Ferrario 1919. This is an established Italian manufacturer of paint for artists.

Deep Chrome Yellow (Ferrario)
Hex #FFB045
RGB 255, 176, 69
CMYK 0, 31, 73, 0

Melon Yellow

It may sound a bit like Mellow Yellow, but Melon Yellow is an entirely different color. And of all the yellow shades, it is one of the more orange ones. The color resembles the inside of a very ripe cantaloupe, so Melon Yellow may well be the next refreshing color for your project.

Melon Yellow
Hex #FF9C00
RGB 255, 156, 0
CMYK 0, 39, 100, 0

Bright Canary Yellow

Distinct from Canary Yellow, Bright Canary Yellow is designed to evoke the image of a deep yellow canary. It’s a good one to use if you want a high-energy, attractive yellow that doesn’t hurt your eyes to look at.

Bright Canary Yellow
Hex #FFE41E
RGB 255, 228, 30
CMYK 0, 11, 88, 0

Deep Napoli Yellow

This color comes from the Ferrario 1919 list of colors. It’s based on Naples Yellow, one of the earliest pigments used to create paint. The pigment varies between reddish yellow (as you can see with Deep Napoli Yellow) and a simple pale yellow. This color has a delicate quality that helps it work well with both pastels and neutrals.

Deep Napoli Yellow
Hex #FFCF99
RGB 255, 207, 153
CMYK 0, 19, 40, 0

Radiant Yellow

Many (maybe even most) shades of yellow are radiant, but Radiant Yellow is especially so. It’s somewhat close in color to Dahlia Yellow, and it also resembles a flower. Radiant Yellow looks a lot like the petals of a blooming Gerbera daisy.

Radiant Yellow
Hex #FC9E21
RGB 252, 158, 33
CMYK 0, 37, 87, 1

Daffodil Yellow

Daffodils are a near-universal reminder of spring (along with tulips). They come in a few different shades of yellow, and Daffodil Yellow aptly captures the shade of the most colorful daffodils out there. If you need to add something cheerful to a design or project, Daffodil Yellow is worth considering.

Daffodil Yellow
Hex #E28D00
RGB 226, 141, 0
CMYK 0, 38, 100, 11

Mineral Yellow

It’s hard to tell which specific mineral this shade of yellow is named after, but it’s tinged with an earthy orangeness that gives it a rustic look. If you like earth-tone neutrals, Mineral Yellow is a color worth considering.

Mineral Yellow
Hex #D39C43
RGB 211, 156, 67
CMYK 0, 26, 68, 17

Relax Yellow

This soothing yellow shade somewhat resembles Cream, but the color is a little stronger. Relax Yellow looks a bit like ivory. It looks especially nice in a palette of cool colors, especially blues and greens.

Relax Yellow
Hex #F3E496
RGB 243, 228, 150
CMYK 0, 6, 38, 5

Rainbow Yellow

As you delve through the seemingly infinite shades of yellow, you may notice that there are small degrees of difference between the many types of bright yellow. This one, which is somewhat confusingly called Rainbow Yellow, is a little darker than some. Its depth means that it offers a powerful statement, and the presence of red in it makes it look slightly golden, too.

Rainbow Yellow
Hex #F5DE10
RGB 245, 222, 16
CMYK 0, 9, 93, 4

Deep Yellow

Deep Yellow is very similar to Rustic Yellow, and it’s great to use if you want to give your project a somewhat vintage vibe. If you’re looking for a yellow that’s close to a jewel tone but is still very bright, Deep Yellow might be your answer.

Deep Yellow
Hex #EACE09
RGB 234, 206, 9
CMYK 0, 12, 96, 8

Ochre Yellow

This is one of the shades of yellow that’s based on a natural pigment. Ochre is a mix of sand, clay, and ferric oxide. It’s usually found in clay-rich soil and is somewhat reddish. With yellow ochre like this color, the pigment is more of a yellowish brown than a reddish brown.

Ochre Yellow
Hex #B5904B
RGB 181, 144, 75
CMYK 0, 20, 59, 29

Dull Yellow

This color is somewhat unfortunately named, but Dull Yellow is actually a very pretty neutral-like yellow. It’s a little lighter than most, and it’s roughly the color of dijon mustard.

Dull Yellow
Hex #DECA57
RGB 222, 202, 87
CMYK 0, 9, 61, 13

Hot Yellow

In contrast to Dull Yellow, Hot Yellow is more excitingly named. This deep yet bright yellow has a touch of magenta, making it similar to Fire Yellow. Hot Yellow is a nice alternative to very bright shades like Snapchat Yellow if you want something with plenty of presence but prefer your yellows a little darker.

Hot Yellow
Hex #FFDA00
RGB 255, 218, 0
CMYK 0, 15, 100, 0 

Traffic Yellow (RAL)

Traffic Yellow is somewhat similar to signal yellow in that it’s roughly the same shade of yellow you see on road signs and traffic lights. You may also see school buses in this color.

Traffic Yellow (RAL)
Hex #EFB700
RGB 239, 183, 0
CMYK 0, 23, 100, 6

Yellow Orange

Many available shades of yellow have some degree of orange in them. This is one of the most orange yellows on the list. It looks a lot like true orange (a mix of equal parts red and yellow), but there’s slightly more yellow than there is red. Since orange is tied to energy and creativity, this is a good color to use if you want a burst of inspiration.

Yellow Orange
Hex #D56F00
RGB 213, 111, 0
CMYK 0, 48, 100, 16

Olive Yellow (RAL)

Olive Yellow might sound like a very unusual color name, but it’s essentially the same concept as olive green. It’s a deep olive color with some yellow added. This Olive Yellow is almost pastel-like, and it looks especially good alongside a variety of soft pastels.

Olive Yellow (RAL)
Hex #9D8F65 
RGB 157, 143, 101
CMYK 0, 9, 36, 38

Faded Yellow

Faded Yellow has a lovely, parchment-like appearance that gives it some vintage appeal. Faded colors in general are great for creating casual, throwback looks and retro ambience.

Faded Yellow
Hex #ECE3A1
RGB 236, 227, 161
CMYK 0, 4, 32, 7

Solid Yellow

“Solid” may seem like an odd descriptor for a color. But in this case, it fits. This yellow has a rich, almost sturdy appearance in contrast to translucent or pastel-like yellow shades. Solid Yellow is a bold color that looks striking alongside other strong solids.

Solid Yellow
Hex #FFE81C
RGB 255, 232, 28
CMYK 0, 9, 89, 0

Golden Yellow (RAL)

Plenty of yellow shades are touched with gold, but Golden Yellow is an especially strong color. It’s a little darker than Traffic Yellow and similar colors, and it’s reminiscent of golden-colored leaves in autumn.

Golden Yellow (RAL)
Hex #DD9F00
RGB 221, 159, 0
CMYK 0, 28, 100, 13


Though the color name is simple, this is actually a beautiful, soft yellow. The color name is apt, too. It’s almost exactly the color of fresh corn. This is an interesting shade of yellow. It’s light, but it isn’t quite a pastel.

RGB 251, 236, 93
CMYK 0, 6, 63, 2


Like daffodils, dandelions are cheerful flowers that many associate with spring. Children enjoy sending the plants’ floating seeds out into the air, and anyone can enjoy dandelion greens in a fresh spring or summer salad. This color captures the sunny glow of a new dandelion bloom perfectly, and it’s great for adding a burst of color to your project.

Hex #F0E130
RGB 240, 225, 48
CMYK 0, 6, 80, 6


Icterine has a somewhat unusual name. It comes from an ancient Greek word meaning “jaundice.” Despite the fact that it’s designed to have about the same yellow cast as jaundice, Icterine is actually a very pretty shade of yellow that’s close to the color of a newly hatched chick.

Hex #FCF75E
RGB 252, 247, 94
CMYK 0, 2, 63, 1


This distinctive sandy yellow is a great choice for wall colorings if you prefer something a little bolder. You might have noticed that many shades of yellow are named after soil types or natural elements. Sandstorm, along with some of these other naturally-named yellows, is an outstanding option if you’re trying to cultivate a rustic look.

Hex #ECD540
RGB 236, 213, 64
CMYK 0, 10, 73, 7


This tasty-sounding yellow color is great to use if you like warm, smooth-looking colors that aren’t overpowering. Macaroon is almost exactly the color of toasted coconut. It makes a nice backdrop color, and it’s demure enough to get along with most neutrals.

Hex #F9E076
RGB 249, 224, 118
CMYK 0, 10, 53, 2


This color is a pretty, deep golden yellow that’s almost the color of sand. But despite that fact, it does have a somewhat unfortunate name. It’s named Urobilin after the naturally-occurring chemical that causes urine to be yellow.

Hex #E1AD21
RGB 225, 173, 33
CMYK 0, 23, 85, 12

Satin Sheen Gold

Satin Sheen Gold is another of the deep, autumnal golden yellows. It’s a great-looking jewel tone that looks especially nice alongside a deep navy blue. And of course, while you can’t really give an on-screen color a shine, Satin Sheen Gold seems to get pretty close.

Satin Sheen Gold
Hex #CBA135
RGB 203, 161, 53
CMYK 0, 21, 74, 20

School Bus Yellow

School Bus Yellow is a color we all know. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration officially calls it “National School Bus Glossy Yellow” and they use a variation of this color with the hex code #F5A400. Thanks to this association, you might want to consider including School Bus Yellow if you’re working on education-related projects.

School Bus Yellow
Hex #FFD800
RGB 255, 216, 0
CMYK 0, 15, 100, 0

British Standard BS 4800 10 E 51 Yellow

This deep yellow is from the British Standard BS 4800, which is a standard for colors used for painting buildings and coordinating colors across projects. Essentially, it’s a color matching system. This particular shade is deep and slightly golden, and it isn’t quite as orange as Traffic Yellow and similar colors.

British Standard BS 4800 10 E 51 Yellow
Hex #EDC001
RGB 237, 192, 1
CMYK 0, 19, 100, 7


This delicate, pale yellow color has a very slight pink hue to it. It’s closer to the color of pinkish mimosa flowers than to the orange color of the mimosa beverage. Because it’s so pale, Mimosa works as an alternative to stark white. It’s a great way to add some extra dimension to a design project.

RGB 255, 244, 188
CMYK 0, 4, 26, 0


Even if you know next to nothing about gardening, chances are that you’re familiar with the marigold, the cheery little flower that brings a little sun to gardens everywhere. This color is remarkably close to the color of actual marigolds. If you’re looking for a light, springlike orangish-yellow, this is a good color to use.

Hex #FCB810
RGB 252, 184, 16
CMYK 0, 27, 94, 1

Daisy Yellow

This soft, gentle pale yellow was inspired by the yellow center of the daisy flower. It’s close to a pastel yellow with a touch of orange. It would be very at home in a color palette with other soft pastels.

Daisy Yellow
Hex #F8DC75
RGB 248, 220, 117
CMYK 0, 11, 53, 3

Yellow Colors

There you have it—more than one hundred yellow shades to choose from. Find your favorite one and include it in your next design. If you need more colors, check out our other collections of shades in the design section.

These colors can also be found in nature. Here’s a visual list of things that are yellow.