The Meaning of Colors in Mood Rings and Necklaces

Closeup of mood ring turned blue on finger

The Rise of Mood Jewelry

Fascinating, enlightening, and all-knowing, mood jewelry provides unique insight into our emotions. Developed over 40 years ago, Maris Ambats and Josh Reynolds are credited with inventing this ingenious line of semiprecious stones. Mood rings, necklaces, and bracelets quickly gained substantial traction, appealing to both children and adults alike. While it’s not as popular as it once was, mood jewelry is still available both online and in stores.

Mood Jewelry 101 – How Mood Rings and Necklaces Work

The color of mood jewelry hinges entirely on feelings. Thanks to thermotropic science, the hues alter as emotions shift. Each gem contains thermotropic liquid, which reacts to body temperature. Our body temperature responds differently to certain emotions, making it possible for mood jewelry to pick up on our ever-changing feelings. Happy feelings increase the body’s temperature, and negative emotions have the opposite effect.

Liquid crystals play a prominent role in mood jewelry as well. These strips of crystals are coated with a protective lining. As surrounding temperatures fluctuate, the crystals expand and, in turn, alter their molecular structure. This reaction impacts the light that the crystals absorb and reflect. In essence, when temperatures rise and fall, colors transform and adapt.

Mood Ring and Necklace Color Meanings

Green mood ring on the index finger of an open hand


Black is the baseline color. In other words, this is the color you’ll see when you’re not wearing the jewelry. If your ring, bracelet, or necklace is black when in contact with your skin, you might be feeling stressed, angry, or anxious. Be wary of black mood jewelry. The darker it gets, the more wound up you are.


On the other end of the spectrum lies white. When boredom rears its ugly head, your jewelry may turn white. Frustration and confusion are also linked to this color.


Gray serves as a warning sign. If you feel uneasy about a situation, the color gray will begin to surface. The more emotional distress you endure, the more likely your jewelry is to shift to black.


If your mood jewelry is yellow, you’re probably cool, relatively calm, and somewhat collected. Distractions are preventing you from being entirely relaxed. When anxiety creeps in, a darker shade of yellow will appear, which signals caution.


Orange is a rather complicated color to break down. From nervousness and annoyance to confusion and anger, these emotions are vast. If you feel all over the place, don’t be surprised if your mood jewelry turns orange.


If you’re right on the precipice of giving up, the color brown will show it. It’s not uncommon for mood jewelry to turn brown when the wearer becomes overwhelmed and uncertain. Take time to decompress if your mood jewelry is displaying this shade.


When something unexpected happens, mood jewelry turns amber. Surprises and life transitions are two events that may give rise to the color amber.

Color personality quiz animation


Pink usually represents romantic interest. If you’re aroused by something or someone, you’ll know by your pink mood jewelry.


If you’re feeling particularly passionate, the color red may emerge. These intense emotions extend from rage to sexual passion.


Green is one of the most coveted mood jewelry colors. Indicative of serenity and peace of mind, green means that you’re in a good place. Stress and anxiety aren’t troubling you, giving you more space to be happy and positive.


Similar to green, blue signifies high levels of tranquility. However, you haven’t completely let go of yesterday’s troubles. Once you’ve bid farewell to these, you’ll know true peace.

Light Blue

If you’re a social butterfly, you’ll see this shade a lot. Lighter shades of blue represent joy and friendliness.

Dark Blue

A more exaggerated take on light blue, dark blue means you’ve reached optimal happiness and relaxation. If you’re excited or in love, your jewelry will turn this color.


Much like orange, it’s difficult to pinpoint the emotions that create purple. Love and romance are the most common feelings. Hesitation and indecisiveness may also be the cause.

The More You Know

Woman with long blond hair holding flower in hand with mood ring on finger

At first, you may notice drastic changes in your mood jewelry. This doesn’t mean that you have to rein in your emotions. The colors will stabilize once the jewelry adjusts to your body temperature. To ensure that you buy a quality piece of mood jewelry, contact a reputable vendor; that way, you can be sure that the results are accurate.

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