42 Blue Animals Found in Nature

Blue is nature’s rarest color, and it’s especially rare when it comes to the animal kingdom! That makes blue animals that much more spectacular. And though they are relatively uncommon, blue creatures can be found all over the world.

Here are some of nature’s most beautiful animals with blue coloration:

1. Blue Tree Monitor

Tree monitor lizard on dark background.
  • Latin name: Varanus macraei
  • Habitat: Tropical forests on the Indonesian island of Batanta
  • Size: Up to about 3.5′ long
  • Diet: Mostly various insect types (especially stick insects), though they also will eat eggs, smaller lizards, and sometimes berries
  • Colorful feature: This beautiful lizard can vary a bit in color, though it is often bold cerulean blue with marbled black patterning. Its scales look almost bead-like.

This lizard is one of the most colorful of the large monitor lizards. Thanks to its rarity and striking appearance, it’s a sought-after species in the reptile trade. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) currently classifies it as an endangered species, and the collection of these lizards in the wild is illegal.

2. Blue Dacnis

Blue Dacnis perched on branch.
  • Latin name: Dacnis cayana
  • Habitat: Forests and woodlands in Panama and parts of northern South America
  • Size: About 5″ long
  • Diet: Mostly insects and fruit, though they will occasionally eat nectar
  • Colorful feature: The male blue dacnis is especially bright blue with a few deep black, contrasting markings. Females and immature birds aren’t quite as colorful; they are primarily green with bright blue heads.

This bird is also known as the turquoise honeycreeper, though it is much more sky blue than it is turquoise! It’s part of the tanager family, and its body shape and beak shape are both similar to that of the scarlet tanager and other related birds in other parts of the world.

3. Blue Sea Dragon

Blue Sea Dragon in ocean.
  • Latin name: Glaucus atlanticus
  • Habitat: Can be found across tropical and temperate oceans in much of the world
  • Size: Up to about 1.2″ long
  • Diet: Venomous jellyfish and related species (like the Portuguese man o’ war) and similar animals
  • Colorful feature: This deep blue and silver animal uses its coloring to blend in. The top of the body is deep blue to blend in with the surface of the ocean, while the bottom is silvery to blend in with the sunlight filtering through the sea.

This odd-looking, floating creature is actually a species of sea slug. But if you see one, don’t handle it: the blue sea dragon can store and use venom from venomous animals it eats, so it can deliver an extremely painful sting that is sometimes dangerous.

4. Florida Scrub-Jay

Florida Scrub-Jay on ground.
  • Latin name: Aphelocoma coerulescens
  • Habitat: Only scrubby areas in parts of Florida
  • Size: About 9.1″ to 11″ long
  • Diet: Mostly acorns, peanuts, seeds, insects, and smaller animals
  • Colorful feature: This unusual bird’s coloration is similar to that of an eastern bluebird; it is a soft sky blue. The belly is usually whitish, and both males and females have the same coloring.

The Florida scrub-jay has been a distinct species of bird in Florida alone for about two million years! It also has a distinctive, squirrel-like habit of storing food. During the year, it finds and buries thousands of acorns to use as a food source during winter.

5. Red Cracker

Close-up of Red Cracker.
  • Latin name: Hamadryas amphinome
  • Habitat: Can be found in a range of habitat types from Mexico to Argentina
  • Size: Wingspan about 3″-3.4″
  • Diet: Animal dung, rotting fruit, and tree sap
  • Colorful feature: This butterfly’s name might seem confusing, as the top of the wings have an intricate, lace-like pattern of blue, black, and a little white. But the name comes from the underside of the wings; they are mostly rich red-brown.

The “cracker” part of this butterfly’s name comes from a unique defense. Males can produce a “cracking” sound (said to be like that of bacon crackling in a pan) to defend their territories.

6. Striped Marlin

Striped marlin hunting sardines.
  • Latin name: Kajikia audax
  • Habitat: Can be found in both temperate and tropical oceans in the Indo-Pacific
  • Size: Up to about 14′ long
  • Diet: Various types of marine fish, especially sardines
  • Colorful feature: These beautiful fish have black to dark blue upper bodies marked with bluish bands. Their bellies are a shiny silvery white.

Thanks to their striking appearance and impressive size, striped marlins are quite desirable as game fish. Though their average size is about 9.5′ long, they can grow to be much larger. They can weigh up to 970 pounds!

7. Tree Swallow

Two tree swallows on barbed wire fence.
  • Latin name: Tachycineta bicolor
  • Habitat: Summer range extends from northern Canada to Tennessee; winter range extends from the southernmost United States through Central America
  • Size: About 4.7″ to 5.5″ long
  • Diet: Mostly insects, though they will also eat fruit, spiders, and even mollusks
  • Colorful feature: The tree swallow is one of the most stunning birds in the swallow family. Both sexes have metallic blue-black upperparts and snowy white underparts.

Though the beautiful tree swallow is common, has a large range, and isn’t considered to be at risk of extinction, its population is negatively affected by some human activities. In particular, the prevalence of acidified lakes has made it harder for the birds to feed their chicks. Since tree swallow chicks require foods rich in calcium, the parents need to fly far to find suitable foods.

Color personality quiz animation

8. Electric Blue Day Gecko

Electric blue gecko isolated on white.
  • Latin name: Lygodactylus williamsi
  • Habitat: Only a 3.1 square mile patch of forest in Tanzania
  • Size: About 3″ long
  • Diet: Mostly small insects and nectar
  • Colorful feature: These lizards are some of the brightest in the world. Males are incredibly bright electric blue with bright yellow-orange bellies. Females have similar patterning but aren’t quite as bright. Some are closer to bronze than blue.

Unfortunately, this remarkably colorful gecko is classified as critically endangered by the IUCN. Much of that is due to collection for the pet trade. It is relatively difficult to raise these little lizards in captivity, so some wild-caught individuals are advertised as being captive-bred.

9. Portuguese Man o’ War

Physalia Physalis on a beach.
  • Latin name: Physalia physalis
  • Habitat: Can be found in subtropical and tropical ocean waters across the world
  • Size: Body is about 3.5″ to 11.8″ long; tentacles are up to 100′ long
  • Diet: Various small marine animals including fish, worms, small crustaceans, and plankton
  • Colorful feature: This beautiful sea creature is a translucent bluish color, with the tentacles being much darker blue. Some have more of a purplish tint.

Nobody likes jellyfish stings, but the sting of the Portuguese man o’ war is especially painful and dangerous. (This animal is technically a siphonophore and not a jellyfish, but it looks a lot like a jellyfish.) In some cases, the venom can reach the lymph nodes and cause trouble breathing. And though it is rare, a sting from one of these jellyfish can sometimes result in death.

10. Blue Jay

Blue Jay in flight in winter.
  • Latin name: Cyanocitta cristata
  • Habitat: Can be found in various types of forested and even residential areas in eastern North America
  • Size: About 9″-12″ long
  • Diet: Various types of nuts, seeds, peanuts, fruits, and small animals
  • Colorful feature: These beautiful birds have intense blue upperparts, and their wing and tail feathers are banded with black. Both males and females have the same brilliant coloration.

If you’ve spent any time in eastern North America, you’ve almost certainly seen a blue jay. The bright coloration of their feathers isn’t due to pigment, though: the structure of the feathering results in light interference that makes the feathers look blue.

11. Blue Poison Dart Frog

Close-up of Blue Poison Dart Frog in Terrarium.
  • Latin name: Dendrobates tinctorius “azureus”
  • Habitat: Forested areas in Suriname and parts of northern Brazil
  • Size: About 1.2″ to 1.8″ long
  • Diet: Ants and other smaller arthropods
  • Colorful feature: These dart frogs are especially stunning blue. Their upper bodies are paler sky blue and their arms and legs are a bit darker. Their bodies are marked with black and irregular spots.

The blue poison dart frog is small and cute, but it’s very aggressive if its territory is threatened! It will issue a call as a warning, but if another frog (or even another species) proceeds to enter the territory, the blue poison dart frog will chase and even wrestle it.

12. Eupholus schoenherri

Eupholus schoenherri isolated on white background.
  • Latin name: Eupholus schoenherri
  • Habitat: Can be found across New Guinea
  • Size: About 0.98″ to 1.22″ long
  • Diet: Mostly yam leaves
  • Colorful feature: This brilliantly-colored weevil is one of the brightest in the world! Its body has bands of deep cobalt and metallic sky blue, and the tips of the antennae are jet black.

Many species of weevil are dull and nondescript, but this one stands out! It’s one of many brightly colored weevils that can be found only in New Guinea.

13. Indian Peafowl

Portrait of a colorful peacock with flared tail.
  • Latin name: Pavo cristatus
  • Habitat: Native to the Indian subcontinent, but has since been introduced to many other countries
  • Size: Up to about 89″ long (including tail)
  • Diet: Small animals, seeds, fruit, and insects
  • Colorful feature: Males of this species are especially colorful. Their bodies are rich, metallic blue. Their tails are green with magnificent, iridescent blue eyespots.

The Indian peafowl’s beauty has made it a somewhat popular ornamental bird. And while its natural colors are beautiful, it can also be found in other varieties. One of these is a leucistic variety, where the bird’s feathers are entirely white. There is also a relatively uncommon pied variation.

14. Blue Blubber Jellyfish

Glowing Jelly blubber jellyfish swimming in the water.
  • Latin name: Catostylus mosaicus
  • Habitat: Can be found in various coastal regions of the Indo-Pacific
  • Size: Up to about 14″ wide
  • Diet: Mostly plankton, including various small crustaceans
  • Colorful feature: This jellyfish’s large body (or “bell”) comes in a few different colors, largely dependent on location. Around Sydney, Australia, it is usually brown or white. But toward northern Australia, the bell is bright blue.

The blue blubber looks a lot like what most people picture when they imagine a jellyfish. And though it looks soft and almost ghostlike, you should probably steer clear if you see it! Blue blubber jellyfish aren’t necessarily dangerous, but their stings can be painful.

15. Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Bluebird on snowy shrub.
  • Latin name: Sialia sialis
  • Habitat: Farmland, orchards, and relatively open woodlands across much of eastern North America
  • Size: About 6.3″ to 8.3″ long
  • Diet: Mostly insects and other smaller invertebrates, though it also will eat berries and other fruit
  • Colorful feature: Males tend to be a lot brighter than females, but both sexes have pretty pale blue upperparts and burnt orange bellies. The males are especially bright during the breeding season.

This cute, smallish bird is easily recognizable and popular with birders. It also has the honor of being the state bird of both New York and Missouri. Oddly enough, there is a distinct subspecies of the eastern bluebird found in Bermuda. This population is much brighter than other subspecies.

16. Blue-Fronted Dancer

Blue-fronted Dancer damselfly (Argia apicalis) on a leaf.
  • Latin name: Argia apicalis
  • Habitat: Can be found across North America from Canada to Mexico, though it is not found in the southwestern United States
  • Size: About 1.3″ to 1.6″ long
  • Diet: Mosquitoes, flies, and other smaller insects
  • Colorful feature: Male blue-fronted dancers have bright blue thoraxes, and some segments of the abdomen are also blue. Females vary in color and can be brown, grayish-black, or turquoise.

This delicate-looking insect is a species of damselfly, a creature that some people confuse with a dragonfly. The difference is fairly easy to spot; when at rest, damselflies keep their wings folded over their backs. Dragonflies have wings that remain extended outward.

17. Blue Parrotfish

Blue Parrotfish on rock.
  • Latin name: Scarus coeruleus
  • Habitat: Coral reefs in tropical and subtropical parts of the Caribbean Sea and the western Atlantic Ocean
  • Size: About 12″ to 30″ long
  • Diet: Algae and other small organisms they scrape off rocks
  • Colorful feature: Most species of parrotfish are bright in color, but this one is unique in that it is solid bright blue!

The name “parrotfish” comes from the impressive beak that these fish develop. They use the beak to gather prey from rocks. But unlike parrots, parrotfish also have teeth. These small but strong teeth can grind up rocks that the fish mistakenly eat, turning them into sand.

18. Mexican Alligator Lizard

Mexican Alligator Lizard on log.
  • Latin name: Abronia graminea
  • Habitat: Can only be found in the highlands of Mexico’s Sierra Madre de Oaxaca
  • Size: About 6″ long
  • Diet: Mostly insects and other types of arthropods
  • Colorful feature: This highly unusual lizard comes in two main colors. Some are bright green with yellow bellies. Others are bright blue or turquoise with white bellies.

The Mexican alligator lizard looks more like a sculpture than an actual animal! It is unfortunately classified as an endangered species in the wild. But since it is often kept and bred in captivity, it’s somewhat unlikely that it will become completely extinct.

19. Common Kingfisher

Common Kingfisher perching on a branch.
  • Latin name: Alcedo atthis
  • Habitat: Can be found near rivers across much of North Africa and Eurasia
  • Size: About 6.5″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fish
  • Colorful feature: Though this bird has “common” in the name, its bright colors make it anything but! Both males and females have blue upperparts and orangish underparts. However, males are brighter, and their upperparts are sky blue. Females are a bit duller, and their upperparts are closer to turquoise.

This bird primarily lives on fish it catches via diving. It is an especially adept hunter, as it can see underwater. Thanks to its incredibly large and somewhat fragmented distribution, it has seven separate subspecies, most of which look fairly similar.

20. Carpathian Blue Slug

Carpathian Blue Slug crawls over dry leaves in forest.
  • Latin name: Bielzia coerulans
  • Habitat: Can be found in the bottoms of forests in the Carpathian Mountains in Europe
  • Size: About 4″ to 5.5″
  • Diet: Mostly dead plants, fungi, and animal droppings
  • Colorful feature: Most of us picture slugs as being dull, slimy gray. However, the Carpathian blue slug is deep blue in color. It ranges from navy blue to turquoise. Much of its back is textured with wavy lines tinged with black.

This unique slug doesn’t turn blue until it becomes an adult. Juvenile slugs are usually a pale and nondescript brown which makes it easier for them to camouflage. The Carpathian blue slug isn’t the only colorful slug in the world; you can also find slugs in pink, yellow, and other colors.

21. Queen Angelfish

Close-up of Queen Angelfish.
  • Latin name: Holocanthus ciliaris
  • Habitat: Can be found in shallow parts of the western Atlantic Ocean
  • Size: Up to 18″ long
  • Diet: Mostly sponges
  • Colorful feature: Both juvenile and adult queen angelfish are colorful; the one in the photo is a juvenile. As you can see, the body is mostly bright yellow with iridescent, electric blue markings. Adults are yellow with blue-edged scales and a “crown” of deep blue ringed with bright blue.

Thanks to its beauty, the queen angelfish is a popular aquarium fish. For those wishing to keep a wild-caught queen angelfish as a pet, it’s a good idea to choose a juvenile. Juvenile fish have an easier time adapting to commercial fish food, so they have a higher rate of survival in captivity than captured adults.

22. Familiar Bluet

A familiar bluet dragonfly perched on a reed.
  • Latin name: Enallagma civile
  • Habitat: Can be found near water across southern Canada and much of the United States
  • Size: About 1.33″ to 1.73″ long
  • Diet: Mosquitoes and other types of small insects
  • Colorful feature: This pretty damselfly is typically a bright yet light blue. If you look closely, males have black bands and a black dorsal stripe.

The familiar bluet is quite widespread, but its small size makes it somewhat hard to spot. Though it prefers to be near water, it isn’t picky; it will even settle for small mud puddles that appear after rain.

23. Indonesian Pit Viper

Close-up of Indonesian Pit Viper.
  • Latin name: Trimeresurus insularis
  • Habitat: Dry, forested areas in East Timor and parts of Indonesia
  • Size: About 20″ to 28″ long
  • Diet: Various types of small animals
  • Colorful feature: This beautiful snake comes in a wide variety of colors. As you can see, some are a rich green-tinged blue with white bellies. Others are yellowish green, and you might occasionally see a yellow one!

Like other pit vipers, this especially beautiful snake is venomous. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find it in the pet trade! Though it’s relatively rare, you might find it for sale in captivity.

24. Blue Peacock Cichlid

Blue Peacock Cichlid in aquarium.
  • Latin name: Aulonocara nyassae
  • Habitat: Can only be found in Lake Malawi in Africa
  • Size: Males up to about 6″ long; females up to about 4″ long
  • Diet: Mostly shrimp and smaller fish, though they also may eat some plant matter
  • Colorful feature: This fish can come in many different colors. Males are the brightest, and they usually are either yellow or bright metallic blue. Females tend to be duller and can even be brownish. However, you can find peacock cichlids in red, purple, orange, and more.

Despite its very limited range in nature, this cichlid has become quite a popular aquarium fish, even for beginners. It is relatively easy to keep in captivity, eats well, and is not typically aggressive toward other fish. 

25. Asian Fairy-Bluebird

A Male Asian Fairy-bluebird perched.
  • Latin name: Irena puella
  • Habitat: Can be found in forests along India’s western coast and in much of Southeast Asia
  • Size: About 9.4″ to 10.6″ long
  • Diet: Mostly various types of fruit, though it also will sometimes eat insects and nectar
  • Colorful feature: True to its name, this unique bluebird does look a bit fairy-like. Males have beautiful and iridescent blue upperparts with jet black underparts and wings. Females are a deep teal blue with black wings.

This lovely bluebird has greater sexual dimorphism than many other species. However, both males and females are quite colorful in their own ways! Though they are currently not classified as being threatened or otherwise at risk of extinction, their population is in decline largely due to habitat fragmentation.

26. Ulysses Butterfly

Ulysses Butterfly in bush.
  • Latin name: Papilio Ulysses
  • Habitat: Rainforests and gardens in Papua New Guinea, Australia, the Solomon Islands, and Indonesia
  • Size: Wingspan is about 4.1″
  • Diet: Nectar, especially from the pink flowered doughwood
  • Colorful feature: This striking butterfly is bright sky blue, and its wings are rimmed in deep black.

The Ulysses butterfly is one of the brightest blue butterflies in the world. Researchers have observed that males also seem to be drawn to the color blue in general, likely mistaking bright blue objects for female butterflies. Thanks to its striking appearance, this butterfly is an emblem for tourism in Queensland, Australia.

27. Panther Chameleon

Blue panther chameleon perched on tree.
  • Latin name: Furcifer pardalis
  • Habitat: Native to tropical forests in Madagascar, though it has been introduced to other countries
  • Size: About 16″ to 20″ long
  • Diet: Various types of insects
  • Colorful feature: You can find panther chameleons in just about any color of the rainbow, and most are patterned in a variety of colors. As you can see in the photo, some are even stunning bright blue!

The panther chameleon is one of the most colorful species of chameleon. And while breeders do often select for color, these creatures are extraordinarily colorful in nature, too. They are sometimes kept as pets, though they can be challenging to care for properly. Like most other tropical lizards, they need habitats with certain temperatures and humidity levels.

28. Tropical Blue Crayfish

Two colorful freshwater blue crayfish fighting aggressively for territory.
  • Latin name: Cherax quadricarinatus
  • Habitat: Various freshwater bodies in parts of northern Australia and Papua New Guinea
  • Size: Up to about 10″ long
  • Diet: Mostly detritus
  • Colorful feature: Even though this unique crustacean is called a blue crayfish, its color is a bit variable. It can be dark brown, blue-green, or just about any color in between. But as you can see in the photo, some individuals are a very vivid blue.

These useful crustaceans are often farmed as food animals, as they have a delicate flavor. However, their unique coloration also makes them relatively common in the pet trade. Since they tolerate environmental changes quite well, they are easy to keep in captivity.

29. Blue Anole

Blue Anole on log.
  • Latin name: Anolis gorgonae
  • Habitat: Can only be found in rainforests on the Colombian island of Gorgona
  • Size: Up to about 8.5″ long
  • Diet: Various types of arthropods
  • Colorful feature: These lizards are a pure, rich blue. But unlike agamas and most other types of lizards, both male and female blue anoles are the same color.

Most of us have seen green or brown anoles, but the blue anole is larger, rarer, and more colorful. Because blue anoles typically live high in the trees of rainforests and only live on one island, experts don’t know a whole lot about them. However, the IUCN classifies them as being near threatened.

30. Blue-and-Black Tanager

Blue and black Tanager (tangara vassorii) feeding.
  • Latin name: Tangara vassorii
  • Habitat: Can be found in forests of the Andes Mountains
  • Size: About 5.1″ long
  • Diet: Mostly fruit and various types of arthropods
  • Colorful feature: These colorful little birds are deep blue with a few black markings. Their flight feathers are black, and they appear to be wearing black bandit masks. Both males and females have the same coloring, but females are slightly duller.

If you happen to spot a blue-and-black tanager in the wild, you might just spot a few other colorful species, too. When it forages, this species will usually travel with a few other species. These are usually other brightly-colored tanagers.

31. Blue Carpenter Bee

Xylocopa caerulea isolated on white background.
  • Latin name: Xylocopa caerulea
  • Habitat: Can be found across much of southern China, India, and Southeast Asia
  • Size: Up to about 0.91″ long
  • Diet: Mostly nectar and pollen
  • Colorful feature: The blue carpenter bee looks a lot like a typical carpenter bee that has been dyed blue. Its thorax is covered with cerulean-colored hairs, making it look blue and fuzzy.

Like other carpenter bees, the blue carpenter bee does not live in large hives. Instead, it carves out nests in various types of wood. It’s also unique in that female bees tend to be much brighter blue than males.

32. Rainbow Whiptail

Rainbow Whiptail on top of dead leaf.
  • Latin name: Cnemidophorus lemniscatus
  • Habitat: Can be found across much of the Caribbean, Central America, and northeastern South America
  • Size: Up to about 12″ long
  • Diet: Various types of arthropods, as well as some blossoms and fruit sap
  • Colorful feature: Many rainbow whiptails are a mixture of green, yellow, gray, black, white, and blue. However, some individuals, like the one in the picture, are bright blue. Some have a yellow or green streak while others are pure blue.

Like many other lizard species, the rainbow whiptail has been introduced to other areas. There is a thriving population in Florida, where the climate is warm enough for them to live comfortably. Thanks to their lovely coloration, they are sometimes kept as pets as well.

33. Eastern Pondhawk

Eastern Pondhawk on lush vegetation.
  • Latin name: Erythemis simplicicollis
  • Habitat: Can be found near ponds and other still bodies of water in the eastern United States as well as Quebec and southern Ontario in Canada
  • Size: About 1.4″ to 1.9″ long
  • Diet: Damselflies and other smaller insects
  • Colorful feature: The nobly-named dragonfly is incredibly beautiful, though it’s easy to mistake males and females for different species. Males are a distinctive blue with clear wings. Females are a bright green, which helps them blend in with leaves.

Like many other dragonflies, the eastern pondhawk is an incredibly fast-flying, skilled hunter. It can catch its insect prey in midair. Males also will set up territories and chase off rival males as needed.

34. Hyacinth Macaw

Two Hyacinth Macaws on branch.
  • Latin name: Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
  • Habitat: Forested areas in parts of South America
  • Size: About 3’3″ long
  • Diet: Mostly various types of palm nuts, though it also will eat other fruits and seeds
  • Colorful feature: This strikingly colorful bird is almost entirely deep blue. However, the skin around its eyes is bright yellow, as is the skin around the jaw.

The lovely hyacinth macaw has a somewhat fragmented habitat. And while it is currently classified as being vulnerable to extinction, its numbers in captivity make it unlikely to become extinct. This macaw is quite an expensive pet, though; it sometimes costs $10,000 or even more!

35. Blue Tang

Close-up of Blue Tang.
  • Latin name: Paracanthurus hepatus
  • Habitat: Can be found in coral reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific region
  • Size: About 12″ long
  • Diet: Mostly algae and plankton
  • Colorful feature: This magnificent fish is vivid blue with dark blue markings as well as a bright yellow tail.

If this fish looks familiar, it may be because you’ve seen it on TV! Dory, the lovable sidekick from Finding Nemo, is a blue tang. Its colors make it a lovely aquarium fish, but eating it can result in foodborne illness. However, it is sometimes used as a bait fish.

36. Eurasian Blue Tit

Eurasian Blue Tit on branch.
  • Latin name: Cyanistes caeruleus
  • Habitat: Can be found across most of Europe in areas with temperate or Mediterranean climates, though they also can be found in the Middle East
  • Size: About 4.7″ long
  • Diet: Mostly spiders and insects, though it will also eat seeds and other plant materials
  • Colorful feature: The lovely Eurasian blue tit has a soft yellowish belly and a back that ranges from blue to blue-gray. The top of its head is especially bright, and it has a thin black line that goes through the eye.

This small bird is entertaining to watch thanks to its acrobatic skills. It can hang upside down on tree branches or bird feeders while hunting or foraging, singing as it does so.

37. Blue Iguana

Close-up of blue iguana's head.
  • Latin name: Cyclura lewisi
  • Habitat: Can only be found across the island of Grand Cayman
  • Size: Up to about 5′ long
  • Diet: Various types of plants, flowers, and fruits
  • Colorful feature: Most people picture iguanas as being green. However, this one is often gray or brown with a bluish tint. But during the breeding season, many individuals become a more pronounced blue.

This species of iguana is extremely rare, and it is currently classified as an endangered species. It also is thought to be the longest-living iguana, as it has been known to live to the age of 69! 

38. Blue Sea Star

Blue Sea Star on coral reef.
  • Latin name: Linckia laevigata
  • Habitat: Shallow parts of the Indo-Pacific Ocean
  • Size: Up to about 11.8″ in diameter
  • Diet: Detritus and various marine organisms including Asterina starfish
  • Colorful feature: Sea stars are relatively common, but most species do not have the bright coloration that this one does! Bright, vivid blue is the most common color, but it has been seen in purple, aqua, pink, and orange as well. Its small tube feet are usually yellow.

Thanks to its lovely color, this species is sometimes kept by aquarium hobbyists. But it needs to be slowly acclimated to living in an aquarium and offered adequate food. It is not generally easy to keep alive in captivity, so it is best left to experienced hobbyists.

39. Shining Honeycreeper

Shining Honeycreeper on tree trunk.
  • Latin name: Cyanerpes lucidus
  • Habitat: Can be found in forest canopies from southern Mexico to northern Colombia and Panama
  • Size: About 4″ long
  • Diet: Berries, insects, and nectar
  • Colorful feature: Male and female shining honeycreepers look different, but both are colorful! The males of this species are almost entirely bright blue with black chins, flight feathers, and tails. Their curved beaks are also black. Females are light green with whitish bellies and sky-blue heads.

If you don’t know a whole lot about rainforest birds, it’s easy to confuse the shining honeycreeper with the purple honeycreeper. The males of both species have similar markings, but the purple honeycreeper is much more purple than it is blue.

40. Periander Metalmark

Periander Metalmark on rock.
  • Latin name: Rhetus periander
  • Habitat: Can be found across most of Central America and South America
  • Size: Wingspan about 1″ to 1.2″
  • Diet: Mostly nectar
  • Colorful feature: Much of this butterfly’s body is a deep and incredibly rich blue. Both forewings and hindwings are lined in black, and the hindwings each have a couple of spots of red. The forewings have faint white markings as well.

If you happen to be looking for this butterfly in the rainforest, it might be hard to spot. That’s because the Periander metalmark typically travels alone or in very small groups. Thanks to its beauty, it is often sold as a preserved specimen under glass. 

41. Cerulean Warbler

A vibrant blue Cerulean Warbler perched on a branch.
  • Latin name: Setophaga cerulea
  • Habitat: Breeds in forests of eastern North America; winters in forests on the eastern slope of the Andes
  • Size: About 4.3″ long
  • Diet: Mostly various insects, though it especially likes butterfly and moth larvae
  • Colorful feature: Males of this species tend to be much more colorful than females. Their bellies are snowy white, while their upperparts are cerulean blue with marks of darker blue. Females have similar patterns, though they are typically more gray-brown.

This small yet beautiful bird is currently classified by the IUCN as being near threatened. It is threatened by habitat fragmentation and habitat destruction, and the brown-headed cowbird will frequently parasitize its nests. Since its population is declining faster than any other United States warbler species, conservation efforts have been put in place to protect it.

42. Sinai Agama

Sinai Agama in sand.
  • Latin name: Pseudotrapelus sinaitus
  • Habitat: Arid parts in much of Africa
  • Size: Up to about 7″ long
  • Diet: Insects, especially ants
  • Colorful feature: During the breeding season, male Sinai agamas become incredibly bright blue! Females and juveniles usually remain a duller brownish color.

This smallish lizard stands out among other agamas thanks to its long, spindly legs. As a result, it looks as though it’s standing higher above the ground than other species. The long legs also help them escape predators, as they are capable of running incredibly fast!

Blue Creatures From Around the World

Hopefully, you’ve discovered a few blue animals you haven’t seen before. Wherever you are in the world, chances are you’ll see one the next time you go outside, so keep your eyes peeled!

Explore beautiful creatures of all colors and types in this list of colorful animals.