Purple Color Meaning: The Color Purple Symbolizes Spirituality and Imagination

Purple Color Meaning Infographic

This in-depth analysis explains the meaning and symbolism of the color purple.

Power and Politics

Purple thrives at the intersection of blue and red. As a powerful presence, purple can be somewhat intimidating. Many believe that purple obtained its leadership qualities via the royal family. Authority figures adore this bold hue because it embodies strength, prestige, and ability. It’s also commonly found in political spheres. When attempting to flex their muscles, people often turn to the color purple. From kings and lords to emperors and superiors, anyone in power is fond of purple.

Sparks Imagination

Purple inspires us to divulge our innermost thoughts. As a result, we gain a more profound understanding of who we are. This level of imagination gives way to spiritual growth and guidance. Many enjoy the otherworldly impact that purple has on them. The blue hues that are found in purple are responsible for the spiritual intuition that it provokes. In essence, the color purple encourages the mind, body, and soul to live in harmony.


As an enlightened color, purple welcomes all schools of thought. It is unbiased and civilized, making it one of the more mature colors on the spectrum. Seeing this color promotes understanding and acceptance. Purple can even alter perspectives and opinions. It’s for this reason why philosophers gravitate toward the color purple. This violet shade reminds us that there are so many great unknowns to be explored. Those who are reluctant to expand their horizons often balk at the possibilities that purple offers.

Provides an Escape

According to the color purple, real life is a drag. When we become bored with our ho-hum lives, purple nudges us in a creative direction. More often than not, this provides an escape from everyday life. However, purple still manages to keep us grounded. No matter how far we stray from reality, purple will always bring us back down to earth. Purple’s ability to balance mental clarity with emotional stability is impressive. When we give ourselves fully to the color purple, it can prove a wildly effective meditative technique.

Fosters Empathy

At its core, the color purple is a lover. It advocates for peace, compassion, and sympathy, which gives purple its warm essence. Purple asks us to love fearlessly. Violet subscribes to the notion that love is the best thing we can do. When things are in a shambles, it ruffles purple’s feathers. With that said, this well-meaning hue can sometimes be hypersensitive. Purple comes in peace, but it doesn’t always leave as such. When presented with chaos and disruption, adverse effects may take hold. If you’re susceptible to emotional pain, remain attentive when the color purple is near.

Pursuer of the Arts

It comes as no surprise that the color purple relishes creativity. Purple appreciates original thought and urges everyone to tap into their visionary side. Musicians, writers, poets, and artists respond well to the color purple. No matter how newfangled a concept may be, the color purple is both willing and able to accept it. Simply put, purple is a champion of innovation.

Purple Shades

Purple shades

Light purple awakens romantic and nostalgic feelings. Lavender color is a popular light purple color.

Dark purple can cause sad feelings and frustrations.

Read more about shades of purple.

Color personality quiz animation

How the Color Purple Affects You

  • Raises and stimulates the mood
  • Calms the mind and nerves
  • Provides a sense of spirituality
  • Encourages creativity and imagination

What Your Purple Car Says About You

  • Creativity
  • Individuality
  • Originality

Purple heart – a medal awarded to wounded US soldiers

Born to the purple or in the purple – born to royalty

Purple prose – a written poem or paragraph that is too elaborate

Lay it out in lavender – being cool, very relaxed and in total control

Shrinking violet – shy person who doesn’t express his or her opinions

Summary: Purple Color Meaning

Powerful, insightful, and tenderhearted, purple boasts numerous good qualities. On a more negative note, purple can also be overly sensitive and unnecessarily vigilant. Fortunately, the good outweighs the bad when it comes to this marvelous wonder. With its uplifting spirit and undeniable beauty, purple entices with ease.

Learn More: Check out my color symbolism chart for a complete list of color meanings.

Purple symbolizes: spirituality, mystery, royalty, imagination
Effects of purple: enlightens, inspires, uplifts, encourages
Positive traits: compassion, fantasy, wisdom, creativity
Negative traits: sensitive, vigilant, immature, emotional