Depending on the shade, pink can be a high-energy, summery hue or a soft color reminiscent of spring. It’s not too common in the animal world, so when you happen upon a pink animal, you’ll almost certainly take notice!
Here are some of nature’s most beautiful animals with pink coloration:
1. Bargibant’s Seahorse

- Latin name: Hippocampus bargibanti
- Habitat: Can be found in the central part of the Indo-Pacific
- Size: Usually less than 0.8″ long
- Diet: Various tiny marine organisms
- Colorful feature: This little seahorse’s coloration mimics its host coral. It is pinkish or purplish with tiny orangish tubercles.
This unique seahorse wasn’t discovered until 1969! A scientist happened to notice a pair of them on some gorgonian coral he had collected. This seahorse species has evolved to match this type of coral almost perfectly!
2. Pink Robin

- Latin name: Petroica rodinogaster
- Habitat: Can be found in forests of southern Australia, New South Wales, and Tasmania
- Size: About 5.5″ long
- Diet: Mostly insects and spiders
- Colorful feature: Most of the pink robin’s body is very dark charcoal gray. Its chest and belly are bright bubblegum pink!
This cute rotund robin almost looks like something out of a cartoon! That probably doesn’t come as a surprise, as it can be found in Australia. It’s one of the continent’s many bright and uniquely colored birds. Its closest relative is the rose robin, a similar-looking bird with a rosy chest and white belly.
3. Sea Anemone

- Latin name: Actinaria order
- Habitat: Can be found in oceans across the world
- Size: Most are 0.6″-4″ long, though their size varies greatly
- Diet: Various marine animals; the exact type of prey depends on the anemone’s size and location
- Colorful feature: Sea anemones come in a huge variety of colors. Many, like the one shown in the picture, are a bright and vibrant pink.
The name “sea anemone” can refer to a great number of species. You may have heard of the anemone flower. The sea anemone is named after the flower thanks to its uncanny resemblance. It often hosts anemonefish (or clownfish), so it sometimes can be found in saltwater aquariums.
4. Common Purple and Gold Moth

- Latin name: Pyrausta purpuralis
- Habitat: Can be found across much of Europe
- Size: Wingspan about 0.8″
- Diet: Caterpillars feed on mint
- Colorful feature: Despite its name, this moth is very often pink and gold instead of purple and gold. The wings are often bright pink with irregular patches of golden yellow.
Many moths are active at night, but this one flies during the day! It’s colorful enough to be easy to spot, and you can see it flying from about May to September. However, if you have a garden where you grow mint, you might want to keep an eye out for the larvae, as they feed voraciously on mint leaves.
5. Flamingo

- Latin name: Phoenicopteridae family
- Habitat: Can be found near water in the southernmost part of North America, Central America, South America, and some parts of Africa, Asia, and southern Europe
- Size: About 2.6′-4.7′ tall
- Diet: Brine shrimp, algae, crustaceans, mollusks, insects, and insect larvae
- Colorful feature: Flamingos are various shades of pink, though they are not born that way. Because their diet contains a lot of beta-carotene and various bacteria that can be found in the water, their feathers gradually turn pink with age.
You might not know that there are actually four species of flamingo. Four of them can be found in the Americas and two can be found in Africa and Eurasia. All wild species turn pink as a result of their diets. If captive birds aren’t fed a diet close enough to what they would get in the wild, their color may fade to pale pink.
6. Naked Mole-Rat

- Latin name: Heterocephalus glaber
- Habitat: Can be found across the Horn of Africa and in parts of Kenya
- Size: Usually about 3″-4″ long
- Diet: Mostly large tubers they find underground
- Colorful feature: The naked mole rat is almost completely hairless, but there’s some variation in skin color between individuals. Many have skin that is rosy or pink-hued, while others have skin that is closer to peach or light gray.
This animal might just be the strangest-looking on the list. It also has a few weird features. Its skin doesn’t have neurotransmitters. Researchers experimented with acid and capsaicin on the rat’s skin, and they found that the creatures did not react at all.
7. Sonoran Coachwhip

- Latin name: Masticophis flagellum
- Habitat: Can be found in relatively open areas across the southern United States and northern Mexico
- Size: Up to about 102″ long
- Diet: Rodents, lizards, and small birds
- Colorful feature: This snake’s color tends to vary by location, as it has evolved to camouflage with its habitat. Some, especially those in western Texas, are rosy pink, as that’s the color of the soil in that particular region.
The Sonoran coachwhip is a snake that moves quickly. However, it tends to flee potential threats whenever it can. Just avoid cornering this snake if you see one: it will usually strike if it’s threatened.
8. Pink-Headed Warbler

- Latin name: Cardellina versicolor
- Habitat: Pine and evergreen forests in parts of Guatemala and Chiapas, Mexico
- Size: About 4.9″-5.3″ long
- Diet: Various types of insects and other invertebrates
- Colorful feature: This bird’s name is appropriate, as its body is red to reddish-pink, and its head is a silvery shade of pink. Both males and females have the same coloration.
The pink-headed warbler is especially adept at finding its insect prey. It gleans it off vegetation, but it also hunts it directly. It typically hunts via sallying, meaning it sits on a perch, flies after and catches prey, and then returns to the perch.
9. Trinchesia sibogae

- Latin name: Trinchesia sibogae
- Habitat: Can be found in tropical parts of the Indo-Pacific Ocean
- Size: About 1.4″ long
- Diet: Mostly hydroids (small sea creatures related to jellyfish)
- Colorful feature: Many sea slugs are colorful, but this one is especially so. Its body is a pale neon pink to purple. It is covered in long tendrils tipped in deeper magenta.
Despite its remarkable color, this sea slug does not have a common name. Many sea slug species are still being discovered, and researchers are finding that the species variety is astounding. If you happen to go diving or snorkeling within its range, keep an eye out for this slug. It’s small but very bright!
10. Roseate Spoonbill

- Latin name: Platalea ajaja
- Habitat: Can be found in coastal areas of Central America, parts of South America, and the southernmost parts of North America
- Size: About 28″-34″ long
- Diet: Mostly aquatic insects, frogs, crustaceans, and newts
- Colorful feature: The roseate spoonbill is a beautiful bird whose body comes in a few shades of pink. Much of its body is white, and the wings are a pretty blush pink. When the wings are closed, you can see a single broad band of magenta.
You might be able to tell from looking at it that this bird is a relative of the ibis. However, its spoon-shaped bill is a unique adaptation that allows it to feed more easily. As it wades through shallow water, it swings its bill side to side, filtering through the mud to find prey.
11. Web-Footed Gecko

- Latin name: Pachydactylus rangei
- Habitat: Can be found in arid parts of South Africa, Namibia, and Angola
- Size: Up to about 5″ long
- Diet: Mostly crickets, grasshoppers, and small spiders
- Colorful feature: This unique gecko’s skin is so pale that it’s nearly translucent. Many individuals have a pinkish undertone, especially along the sides. You can usually even see some of the lizard’s internal organs!
As the name indicates, the web-footed gecko has feet that are broad and webbed. This feature has two advantages. It allows the gecko to run quickly and easily on sand, but it also makes burrowing a whole lot easier. Their feet also have small pads of natural adhesive that make it easier for them to climb if need be.
12. Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo

- Latin name: Lophochroa leadbeateri
- Habitat: Can be found mostly in arid and semi-arid parts of Australia
- Size: About 13″-15″ long
- Diet: Mostly various types of seeds, though they also eat insect larvae
- Colorful feature: This colorful bird’s body is soft baby pink. However, you can get a full sense of its color when you see it raise its crest. The crest has a band of yellow to orange with a line of red or deep pink on either side.
Thanks to its beautiful colors, this bird is sometimes found in captivity. It’s not the most common cockatoo kept as a pet. But if you do choose one of these birds, make sure you’re in it for the long haul. With good care, a Major Mitchell’s cockatoo can live 80 years or more!
13. Pinkfish Sea Cucumber

- Latin name: Holothuria edulis
- Habitat: Can be found in tropical parts of the Indo-Pacific Ocean
- Size: About 12″ long
- Diet: Various types of detritus
- Colorful feature: Most individuals of this species have a remarkable two-toned appearance. Their upper bodies are dark gray or reddish-black, but their bottom halves are pink to mauve.
This creature is sometimes called the edible sea cucumber. In China and Indonesia, it is sometimes dried and sold as food. However, since it will eat aquarium debris and is very colorful, it’s often seen in the aquarium trade as well. If you want one, make sure you have plenty of space. It needs an aquarium that holds 50 gallons or more!
14. Orchid Mantis

- Latin name: Hymenopus coronatus
- Habitat: Can be found in Southeast Asian rainforests and through the Western Ghats in India
- Size: Females about 2.5″-2.7″ long; males about 1.25 inches
- Diet: Mostly various types of insects, especially butterflies and moths
- Colorful feature: This unique mantis’s legs mimic petals of the orchid flower. While the individual pattern may vary, most of these mantises are marbled with bright pink and white. Depending on their surroundings, they can also change their coloring to a brownish shade.
This mantis’s uncannily good camouflage helps it to excel at ambush predation. It is able to stand still on a branch and make itself look like part of a flower. When a butterfly or other prey comes to the flower, the mantis snatches it up with incredible speed!
15. Primrose Moth

- Latin name: Schinia florida
- Habitat: Can be found across almost all of temperate North America, except for the West Coast
- Size: Wingspan about 1.2″
- Diet: Caterpillars eat evening primrose plants
- Colorful feature: This beautifully patterned moth has white or cream-colored wings that are patterned with wavy pink markings. It’s much brighter than many moth species!
Like many other moth species, this one is typically nocturnal. But during the day, you may be able to spot adult moths resting in evening primrose flowers. There’s only one generation of these moths each year, so you can only see them for a very limited time!
16. Crab Spider

- Latin name: Thomisus onustus
- Habitat: Can be found across much of North Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East
- Size: Females about 0.3″-0.4″ long; males about 0.08″-0.2″ long
- Diet: Various types of insects
- Colorful feature: Female crab spiders have the remarkable ability to change color. They may become pink, yellow, or white in order to match the colors of the flowers nearby.
Unlike most well-known spider species, this one does not use webs to catch prey. Rather, it sits on flowers, camouflaged, waiting for bees and other potential prey to land. It has long, strong forelegs to ambush its prey.
17. McCosker’s Flasher Wrasse

- Latin name: Paracheilinus mccoskeri
- Habitat: Can be found in coral reefs in much of the Indian Ocean
- Size: Up to 3.1″ long
- Diet: Primarily zooplankton
- Colorful feature: This stunning fish is one of the most brilliantly colored wrasse species. As you can see, its base color is a neon orangish pink. It’s marked with lines of electric blue, and its white belly has touches of yellow around the edges.
With this fish’s beautiful coloration, it’s no wonder that it’s fairly common in the aquarium trade! It’s also generally peaceful and keeps to itself, so it makes a great addition to a tank with other peaceful species.
18. Twelve-Spotted Lady Beetle

- Latin name: Coleomegilla maculata
- Habitat: Can be found anywhere in North America where suitable prey is present
- Size: About 0.2″ long
- Diet: Aphids, other smaller insects, pollen, honeydew, insect eggs, and nectar
- Colorful feature: This unique lady beetle has a bright pink base color, and it’s covered with 12 black spots.
Unlike the more common species of lady beetle, this one has a more elongated body. If you have a garden, you’ll probably appreciate this beetle’s presence, as it devours many of the bugs that destroy crops and ornamental plants.
19. Pine Grosbeak

- Latin name: Pinicola enucleator
- Habitat: Coniferous forests in northern North America and northern Eurasia
- Size: About 7.9″-10″ long
- Diet: Mostly seeds, buds, berries, and insects
- Colorful feature: Males of this species have a head, back, and rump that range from red to rosy pink. Their black wings and tails form a beautiful contrast!
Though male pine grosbeaks are quite bright, females almost look like a different species. Their bodies are mostly medium gray, while their heads and rumps are olive greenish. Since the bird has a very large range, there are eight recognized subspecies. You may sometimes see them outside of their typical range. In times when food is scarce, they may migrate south in search of fruit.
20. Hairy Pink Squat Lobster

- Latin name: Lauriea siagiani
- Habitat: Can be found near sea sponges in the oceans of Indonesia, the Philippines, and Japan
- Size: Up to about 0.28″ long
- Diet: Usually smaller crustaceans, marine worms, or dead animals
- Colorful feature: True to its name, this small, lobster-like crustacean is bright pink and covered with hair-like antennae.
You might wonder why this unusual animal has so many antennae. It uses them much like a cat uses its whiskers. The antennae help it maintain distance from other members of the same species and locate objects on the sea floor. Despite the name, it is not a true lobster; it’s more closely related to hermit crabs.
21. Rosy Pelican

- Latin name: Pelecanus onocrotalus
- Habitat: Can be found near shallow bodies of fresh water in parts of southeastern Europe, Africa, and Asia
- Size: About 55″-71″ long
- Diet: Primarily fish
- Colorful feature: Though this species is also called the “white pelican,” its feathers often have a pinkish tint. In breeding season, the skin on the male’s face turns pinkish, while the skin on the female’s face turns more orange.
You might already know that the rosy pelican’s scoop-like bill helps it gather fish. But you may not realize just how sophisticated it is! When the pelican’s bill comes out of the water, the pouch contracts to push out water, making it possible for the pelican to eat fish without swallowing much water.
22. Pink Sea Star

- Latin name: Pisaster brevispinus
- Habitat: Can be found along the western North American coast from Alaska to California, as well as in the Puget Sound
- Size: Diameter is usually about 13″ but can be up to 35″
- Diet: Mostly various types of clams and cockles, though it also eats carrion
- Colorful feature: The pink sea star comes in several shades of pink. Some are closer to mauve, some are closer to bubblegum pink, and some are especially bright like the one in the photo.
The pink sea star is one of the largest sea star species in the world. It’s also fierce; it competes for food with the sunflower star, another large species. If necessary, the two species will engage in fights!
23. Galah

- Latin name: Eolophus roseicapilla
- Habitat: Can be found across almost all of Australia
- Size: About 14″ long
- Diet: Primarily seeds
- Colorful feature: This striking bird, also called the rose-breasted cockatoo, has a few different shades of pink. Its breast is bright magenta and its head and crest are soft baby pink. The rest of its body is ash gray.
This pretty and highly intelligent bird likes to congregate in large flocks. However, when it does this, it sometimes causes serious damage to trees! It will absentmindedly strip bark and leaves, and flocks have sometimes killed entire trees by doing this.
24. Squarespot Anthias

- Latin name: Pseudanthias pleurotaenia
- Habitat: Can be found in coral reefs throughout much of the Indo-Pacific
- Size: Up to about 7″ long
- Diet: Mostly small marine animals
- Colorful feature: Males of this species are incredibly bright fish. They have a deep, electric pink base color with tinges of bright orange. They also have a pale, roughly square-shaped spot on each side.
Despite its striking good looks, this fish is only rarely found for sale as an aquarium pet. It also may be referred to by a number of other names, including the pink square anthias, mirror basslet, and squarespot fairy basslet.
25. Pink Grasshopper

- Latin name: Caelifera suborder
- Habitat: Can be found across most of the world (exact habitat depends on species)
- Size: About 0.39″-2.75″ long
- Diet: Mostly various types of plant matter
- Colorful feature: Most grasshoppers are some shade of green. But very rarely, you might spot one that is naturally pink! Experts believe this rare color is caused by a genetic mutation.
Pink grasshoppers may be pretty, but they, unfortunately, don’t usually last long in the wild. That’s because their color doesn’t let them camouflage, so predators can often pick them out easily.
26. Himalayan White-Browed Rosefinch

- Latin name: Carpodacus thura
- Habitat: Can be found in forests and shrublands across the Himalayas
- Size: About 7″ long
- Diet: Mostly seeds, buds, shoots, and fruit
- Colorful feature: Males of this species have beautiful rosy pink bodies. This color looks especially nice against the warm brown of their wings. Females have similar patterning, but they are usually various shades of brown.
There are several different species of rosefinches in the world. Some of them are closer to crimson red in color. Others, like this one, are closer to being pink. Most rosefinch species can be found close to the Himalayas, indicating that rosefinches as a whole likely originated here.
27. Clown Nudibranch

- Latin name: Ceratosoma amoenum
- Habitat: Can be found in intertidal zones in southern Australia and northern New Zealand
- Size: About 2.4″ long
- Diet: Various types of sea sponges
- Colorful feature: The clown nudibranch is an incredibly colorful sea slug! Its base color is white, and it’s patterned with many spots of bright pink and yellow or orange. Each slug has its own unique pattern.
The clown nudibranch is one of the most recognizable species of sea slug. After all, many of these colorful animals don’t have widely accepted common names! Thanks to this animal’s fairly large size and bright, distinctive patterning, it’s relatively easy to spot if you look closely enough.
28. Galapagos Pink Land Iguana

- Latin name: Conolophus marthae
- Habitat: Can only be found on the Wolf Volcano in the Galapagos Islands
- Size: About 43″ long
- Diet: Mostly various types of plant matter, though they will sometimes eat insects and other animal matter
- Colorful feature: These bright and unusual iguanas are typically mottled with pink and dark gray or black. Some individuals have much more pink than others.
There are many different iguana species, and this is one of the most recently discovered. Unfortunately, experts estimate that there are only about 200 individuals left in the wild. It’s possible that they may soon develop a captive breeding program like the one put in place for the other iguana species on the island, the Galapagos land iguana.
29. Northern Carmine Bee-Eater

- Latin name: Merops nubicus
- Habitat: Can be found across much of northern Africa
- Size: About 10.6″ long
- Diet: Mostly bees and other flying insects
- Colorful feature: This highly distinctive bird is a patchwork of different colors. Much of its body is red or reddish, and its belly is pink. It has a deep blue face with black, mask-like markings.
Many bird species have bright males and dull-colored females. However, male and female carmine bee-eaters look virtually identical. Younger birds are usually a bit duller in color, as most of their bodies are a dull pinkish brown.
30. Shocking Pink Dragon Millipede

- Latin name: Desmoxytes purpurosea
- Habitat: Can be found in Southeast Asia, often in caves and caverns
- Size: About 1.2″ long
- Diet: Mostly decaying plant and animal matter
- Colorful feature: This unusual creature is almost entirely pink. But it also has some of the brightest coloration on the list: it’s an incredibly intense hot pink!
Believe it or not, “shocking pink dragon millipede” is the actual name of this species! Its bright pink color is meant to warn predators that it is toxic. It produces hydrogen cyanide, a lethal toxin that also makes it smell like almonds. Though you would think the species would be highly noticeable, it wasn’t officially scientifically described until 2007.
31. Northern Red Snapper

- Latin name: Lutjanus campechanus
- Habitat: Can be found in much of the western Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea
- Size: Usually about 24″, but can reach 39″
- Diet: Mostly fish, worms, crabs, octopus, squid, and plankton
- Colorful feature: These fish range in color from deep red to silvery pink. The fins tend to be darker than the rest of the body.
The northern red snapper is a very important food fish, and it’s caught both commercially and recreationally. Unlike many fish species, it has needle-like teeth that enable it to successfully hunt a variety of marine species. And although its coloration makes it distinctive, it can still be mistaken for a few other species including blackfin snapper and lane snapper.
32. Giant Octopus

- Latin name: Enteroctopus sp.
- Habitat: Mostly temperate oceans, though the exact range depends on the species
- Size: Up to about 11′ long
- Diet: Mostly shrimp, crabs, clams, fish, and even smaller octopuses
- Colorful feature: Like other octopus species, this one comes in a whole range of colors. Octopuses are often some shade of muted red. But as you can see in the photo, some are a bold and magenta-like pink.
Despite the name of the genus, not every giant octopus species is extremely massive. The smaller species are only about 4′ long. But Enteroctopus dofleini, the largest species, can reach 11′ long and weigh up to 157 pounds!
33. Southern Purple Mint Moth

- Latin name: Pyrausta laticlavia
- Habitat: Can be found in the United States as far north as New Jersey and as far west as California
- Size: Wingspan about 0.7″
- Diet: Caterpillars primarily eat rosemary
- Colorful feature: Despite its name, this moth often has rich pink wings instead of purple ones. The pink is marked with irregular splotches of yellow or orange.
This pretty moth is one of the most colorful moth species, especially in North America. However, you can usually only see it from June to August of each year. The good news is that its range is wide enough that it can be seen across a large portion of North America.
34. Pig

- Latin name: Sus domesticus
- Habitat: Domestic
- Size: About 3′-6′ long
- Diet: Various types of both plant and animal matter
- Colorful feature: There are a few breeds of domestic pig, but many are partially or entirely soft pink. Their skin itself isn’t pigmented pink; rather, it is white or near-white, and the blood circulating beneath the skin makes them appear pink. This pale skin coloration is due to a lack of melanin.
Although domestic pigs are often pink, these creatures likely wouldn’t survive long in the wild. Wild boar and related species are often black, and this color both helps them camouflage and prevents sunburn. Pink wild pigs would be spotted easily by predators, and they also would be very likely to sunburn!
35. Amazon River Dolphin

- Latin name: Inia geoffrensis
- Habitat: Can be found in the Amazon River and other parts of the Amazon River basin
- Size: Up to about 8.2′ long
- Diet: Various types of fish and other river animals
- Colorful feature: This pretty pink dolphin is actually born grayish. But as it ages, its skin gradually accumulates abrasions. Over time, these abrasions make it appear soft pink.
This unusual dolphin has a lot of unique features you don’t see in other dolphin species. For one, it can turn its head a full 90 degrees! It also has very long fins that let it easily swim in a complete circle. This is a useful skill to have, as it often needs to maneuver through floodplains or narrow parts of rivers.
36. Phyllodesmium poindimiei

- Latin name: Phyllodesmium poindimiei
- Habitat: Usually along coastlines in the Indo-Pacific
- Size: Up to about 2″ long
- Diet: Various types of soft corals
- Colorful feature: This beautiful and unique sea slug has a collection of curled, translucent pink cerata. These are tentacle-like protrusions that include both digestive and respiratory organs.
You might occasionally hear this nudobranch species called Spun of Light. And as you can see from the photo, the name is an accurate one! Its curled cerata set it apart from most other species of sea slug.
37. Axolotl

- Latin name: Ambystoma mexicanum
- Habitat: Can only be found in Lake Chalco and Lake Xochimilco in Mexico
- Size: About 6″-18″ long
- Diet: Small fish and other aquatic animals
- Colorful feature: Wild-type axolotls are usually dark. However, some of them (especially those in captivity) can be white to pale pink.
Though the axolotl might seem like a fish, it’s actually a rare type of salamander that never develops the ability to live on land. Thanks to its cute and unusual appearance, the axolotl is sometimes kept as an aquarium pet. If you just have one, you’ll need a 40-gallon tank. However, it’s important to take care that the water stays warm enough in order to make sure the animal stays healthy.
38. Hippopotamus

- Latin name: Hippopotamus amphibius
- Habitat: Can be found in rivers, lakes, and swamps in sub-Saharan Africa
- Size: About 9.5′-16.6′ long
- Diet: Various types of grasses
- Colorful feature: Hippos are typically grayish in color, but they often have tinges of pink. They also produce a natural, sunscreen-like substance that is pink to red in color. It’s often called “blood sweat,” though it isn’t blood (or sweat).
The hippopotamus looks a lot like a cow or a pig. However, its closest relatives are whales, dolphins, and similar animals. It often swims, but when need be, it can travel quickly over land. While it may not look athletic, it can run up to 19 mph for short distances.
39. Pink Flowerhorn Cichlid

- Latin name: Usually Amphilophus labiatus x Amphilophus trimaculatus
- Habitat: Domestic
- Size: About 6″-16″ long
- Diet: Various types of plant and animal matter
- Colorful feature: Flowerhorn cichlid fish come in several different colors. Many, like the one in the picture, incorporate at least some very bright pink that is mottled with white.
This pretty fish was deliberately developed in captivity. However, it is sometimes released into the wild. In Singapore and Malaysia, it has become a harmful invasive species. Possibly to prevent the same thing from happening there, Australia has banned its importation altogether.
40. Bourke’s Parakeet

- Latin name: Neopsephotus bourkii
- Habitat: Can be found across much of Australia
- Size: About 7.4″ long
- Diet: Mostly seeds and grasses
- Colorful feature: This pretty parakeet has a rich, rose-colored breast and head. Its back and rump are bright sky blue. Captive birds come in additional colors, including yellow and white.
This parakeet looks a bit like a budgie. And like the budgie, it is a popular pet. The Bourke’s parakeet is quiet and gentle, so it also does well in aviaries with most other bird species. In the wild, it can be spotted throughout much of Australia, as it will travel great distances for food.
41. Giant Frogfish

- Latin name: Antennarius commerson
- Habitat: Can be found in lagoons and reefs in the tropical and subtropical Indian Ocean, all the way to the eastern shores of the Pacific Ocean
- Size: Up to about 15″ long
- Diet: Various small marine animals
- Colorful feature: The giant frogfish’s coloration generally depends on its surroundings. If need be, it can change its color within the span of a few weeks. But since this fish tends to live around coral, many individuals are pink like the one in the picture.
This oddly-shaped fish is actually able to walk! It uses the fins on the bottom of the body to walk along the sea floor. Keeping its fins on the bottom also makes it easier for the fish to ambush prey.
42. Small Elephant Hawk Moth

- Latin name: Deilephila porcellus
- Habitat: Can be found across much of Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa
- Size: Wingspan about 1.8″-2″
- Diet: Caterpillars eat Galium and Epilobium plants
- Colorful feature: This pretty moth has a fuzzy pink body with touches of yellow. Its wings are pink and splotched with olive green or ochre yellow. However, its coloration is quite variable, so some individuals are pinker than others.
Last on the list is a striking moth with a large range. It’s easy to confuse with the larger elephant hawk moth. However, the small elephant hawk moth typically has more yellow around the body.
Pink Creatures From Around the World
Hopefully, you discovered some new and beautiful creatures you hadn’t seen before. You might not be able to spot these pink animals everywhere in the world. But if you do see one, we’re sure you’ll be glad you did!
Explore beautiful creatures of all colors and types in this list of colorful animals.