129 Things That Are White in Nature

Welcome to our visual list of things that are WHITE in nature!

White is a color that often represents purity, peace, and innocence. And even though you may not associate white with the natural world, there are a surprising number of white things in the form of plants, animals, and natural elements out there.

Look out for them the next time you go outside, and take a moment to appreciate their beauty when you spot them.

Here are some examples of things that are naturally white:

1. Albino Deer

Albino deer are beautiful but rare.

Just like with many white animals, albino deer sometimes appear in folklore, including the Outer Banks tale of Virginia Dare. The legend holds that Dare, who was the first English child born in the Americas, was turned into a white doe. In reality, white deer do sometimes appear in nature. Roughly one in every 20,000 deer born is an albino.

2. Coconut Meat

Coconut meat is bright white.

Coconuts have a fuzzy, wood-like outside, but the inner flesh is bright white. The useful coconut is a staple in many kinds of cuisine. Shredded coconut finds its way into many dessert dishes, while coconut-crusted seafood pairs beautifully with mango. And coconut milk makes a smooth, delicious addition to many types of beverages.

3. Beluga Whales

Beluga whales are beautiful white creatures.

These cheerful-looking whales always appear to be smiling. You can find them in arctic and near-arctic regions. These whales, also called “white whales,” are sometimes called “canaries of the sea” thanks to the wide range of interesting sounds they make. Baby belugas are born a grayish color, but they turn distinctively white by the time they reach adulthood.

4. Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter swans are massive white birds.

Swans are among the most regal of birds, and the trumpeter swan is perhaps the most famous. They are also the largest waterfowl native to the U.S. These massive birds can be up to 25 pounds, and their wingspans typically range between six and eight feet.

5. Whitecaps

Whitecaps form when wind stirs up the water.

We all know the ocean to be a deep greenish blue. But the white foam at the tops of waves is one of the most memorable sights at the beach. These whitecaps are caused by the wind hitting the tops of waves and stirring up the water. If you suddenly see more white on the ocean’s surface, it may be a sign that the weather is about to get worse.

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6. Limestone

Limestone is white rock that is used for many things.

Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is usually white or off-white in color. It’s also an incredibly useful rock. Limestone can be seen in decorative rock gardens, and it may even have been used to whiten your toothpaste. It’s a powerful soil conditioner, and as the name suggests, it’s a vital element in the production of lime.

7. Heliotrope Flowers

Heliotropes are beautiful white flowers.

Heliotrope blooms are especially well-known for their beautifully fragrant scent. These old-fashioned plants were once a fixture in most gardens, and they seem to be making a comeback in recent years. You can find these blooms in colors ranging from white to pale purple to deep lavender. 

8. Albino Alligators

White alligators are stunning, but their color puts them at a disadvantage in nature.

Albino alligators are almost otherworldly in appearance, but their beautiful color puts them at a significant disadvantage in the wild. Normally, an alligator’s dark color will help it absorb sunlight and stay warm. White alligators have a harder time gaining warmth from the sun than darker ones do, and their light scales also are more prone to sun damage.

9. Clouds

Cumulus clouds are white and fluffy.

Clouds are some of the sky’s most beautiful features. Whether they have sunlight shooting through in the early hours of the day or are a brilliant white on a sunny afternoon, they add plenty of visual interest to the sky. Clouds come in many different forms, but cumulus clouds – the fluffy, cottony type – are probably the most recognizable.

10. Light Brahma Chickens

Light brama chickens are a popular pet.

These large, good-natured birds can be kept for meat and eggs, and they also make excellent pets. Their dramatic coloring is mostly white, with a contrasting black neck and tail feathers. Light Brahmas originated in Asia, but they have since become a popular backyard pet in many parts of the world.

11. Wisteria

Wisteria comes in a variety of colors including white.

These famous ornamental plants are actually a part of the legume family. A wisteria plant is usually a type of hardy, woody vine that does well when allowed to climb up structures, trees, or fences. However, the Chinese wisteria is a tree. Both vine and tree species of wisteria can be easily recognized by their graceful hanging clusters of blooms. They come in a variety of colors including white.

12. White Park Cattle

White park cattle originate from Britain.

This cattle breed originated in Britain, and it’s one of the most distinctively beautiful types of cattle. At first glance, you might think a White Park cow is a longhorn. But White Park cattle have shorter horns, and their white coats are accented by black points. Usually, the nose, ears, feet, and skin around the eyes are black.

13. Fantail Pigeons

White fantail pigeons are make for good pets.

These fancy pigeons can be kept as pets or as show birds. They come in a variety of colors, but white fantails are one of the most popular. At first, they look like little white peacocks. They have proud, full chests, and their tails form a striking fan behind them.

14. Sheep

The white wool of merino sheep is very fine and soft.

There are of course many varieties of sheep, but many of the most recognizable ones have white or gray-white wool. Generally, Merino sheep produce the most expensive wool. Merino wool is extremely fine and soft, and it tends to grow slowly. Most commercial Merino flocks are in New Zealand, so the cost of importing wool to other countries usually raises the price.

15. Great Egrets

Great egrets have white feathers and long black legs.

The great egret can be found on multiple continents, and it’s one of the largest egrets in the world. This bird has bright white feathers and long, spindly black legs, along with a bright orange beak. The great egret is closely related to the great blue heron, and it’s easy to confuse it with the great blue heron’s relatively rare white morph.

16. Teeth

Teeth are white because enamel is primarily made of calcium phosphate.

Most people and animals have naturally white or off-white teeth. Enamel, which is the dense white coating over the outside of most human and animal teeth, is primarily made of calcium phosphate. This natural mineral is dense, hard, and bright white – giving our smiles their signature white appearance.

17. Dogwood Blooms

Flowering dogwoods have white or yellow flowers.

There are many different species of dogwood, but most of us are most familiar with the flowering dogwood. This is the state tree of Virginia. Flowering dogwoods usually have white or slightly yellow flowers, and when they bloom in the spring, they create a beautiful sight. But dogwoods aren’t only good for ornamentation. The tannin-rich bark can be ground up and used to treat many common ailments.

18. Danish Landrace Goats

Danish landrance goats are used for milk.

These smallish goats are native to Denmark, where many families keep small herds for milk. Goats have been in Denmark since at least 3400 B.C., and the official Danish landrace breed evolved from herds of wild goats native to the country. Though the breed was once at risk of extinction, Denmark now has a thriving population of these friendly, snowy-white animals.

19. Arctic Wolves

The majestic white arctic wolf is a subspecies of the grey wolf.

Of all wolf species, the arctic wolf is one of the most majestic. You might be surprised to hear that this wolf is actually a subspecies of the gray wolf. Arctic wolves also have a relatively small range, as they are native to the Queen Elizabeth Islands in northern Canada. Because they don’t often see humans, Arctic wolves are relatively unafraid of people.

20. White Jade

While jade is usually green, many people believe white jade has calming  powers.

You probably know about jade as a green gemstone, but jade actually comes in a number of different colors, including white. Some people and cultures believe that white jade has the power to calm the wearer and bring positivity to them. This dazzling stone can be sold under many different names. It may be called “mutton fat jade” when translucent. When it’s an opaque yellow-white, you may see it advertised as “chicken bone jade.”

21. Peace Lilies

White peace lilies are associated with Easter.

The peace lily is a plant with rich cultural symbolism. Since the blooms regenerate throughout the year, the plant is frequently associated with Easter. Similarly, the ancient Chinese connected its white color to purity of the soul. Even if you aren’t much of a believer in symbolism, a peace lily can still be a beautiful addition to your home. Its leaves are broad and glossy, and each bloom is a single, pearl-white spathe.

22. Emden Geese

White Emden geese look like swans.

These are the geese that many of us picture when we imagine a goose. The Emden breed is also one of the oldest ones in the world. It’s been around for about 200 years. These especially beautiful geese look a little like swans, too. Though they are relatively bulky, they have graceful necks, and their deep blue eyes give them a unique beauty.

23. Fleabitten Gray Horses

Fleabitten gray horses actually have white coats.

In the horse world, many horses that people might consider “white” are technically classed as being “gray.” Most gray horses, including the fleabitten gray, have dark skin and light coats. In the case of the fleabitten gray, the coat is white with small black or brown spots. Most of these horses are born a much darker color and then become lighter with age.

24. Dwarf Hotot Rabbits

Dwarf hotot rabbits are small, white rabbits.

Dwarf rabbit breeds are popular pets thanks to their small size and friendly nature, and the Dwarf Hotot is one of the most distinctly beautiful types of dwarf. These little rabbits are pure white with black “eyeliner,” and they are commonly kept as show rabbits. They are relatively rare, but the breed population has been kept relatively stable thanks to a dedicated community of breeders and enthusiasts.

25. Samoyed Dogs

Samoyed dogs are white and fluffy.

These fluffy white dogs might look fancy, but they were developed by Siberian nomads to be hardy working dogs capable of living in some of the world’s coldest places. Samoyeds could pull heavy loads, hunt, and stand watch. But they also evolved to be closely connected with people. Because Siberian winters were so cold, the nomads and their dog packs would huddle for warmth at night.

26. Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are beautiful white flowers.

Hydrangea blooms are a fixture in Southern gardens, although there are several species of hydrangeas that are native to Asia. Most American varieties can be easily recognized by their orb-like clusters of flowers. Hydrangeas come in a range of colors, and some varieties will even change color based on soil pH.

27. Russian White Goats

Russian white goats are a rare breed of goat.

This rare breed of goat is commonly kept in small dairy herds. The Russian White breed was developed by crossing wild goats in Russia with animals imported from Switzerland. Thanks to the breed’s varied ancestry, these hardy white goats sometimes have horns and sometimes do not.

28. White Rice

White rice is eaten all over the world.

The food item we know as “white rice” is actually just a part of the natural rice grain. When each grain’s bran and germ is removed during the milling process, you’re left with the white part of the grain. And even though white rice has less fiber and other nutrients than brown or natural rice, it’s still a nutritional staple in many parts of the world.

29. Charolais Cattle

Charolais cattle are off-white.

These massive, off-white animals originated in eastern France, although they now are used in beef production in countries across the globe. At one point in time, the breed’s impressive size and strength made it a good choice for use as a working animal.

30. Glaciers

Glaciers can appear either blue or white depending on their density.

You may alternatively hear glaciers being described as blue or white. Interestingly enough, this isn’t just a difference in perception. If a glacier is very dense, the ice absorbs some red light, making light that reflects off the ice look blue. In a less-dense glacier with more internal air bubbles, no red light absorbs, so reflected light is a bright white.

31. Whooping Cranes

White whooping cranes are an endangered species.

These beautiful birds are an endangered species, and they also are the tallest birds in North America. Whooping cranes can stand up to 5’3″ tall, and their wingspan can exceed 7.5 feet. These birds are named after their distinctive, whooping call.

32. Polar Bears

Polar bears beautiful white bears that live in the Arctic Circle.

Polar bears are some of the world’s toughest bears. They live primarily in the Arctic Circle, where they spend much of their time on the frozen sea. Polar bears are built to be able to swim in ice-cold water and to walk on ice and snow. These bears are not yet endangered, but because of melting ice caps and shrinking habitat space, they are currently classified as a vulnerable species.

33. Titanium Dioxide

Titanium oxide is a white substance commonly found in sunscreen.

If you’ve ever used a pigment called Titanium White, you’ve used something made from titanium dioxide. This is an oxidized form of titanium that naturally has a brilliant white color. And it’s used in more than just paint. Titanium dioxide has been used to color food, and it also is commonly found in sunscreen.

34. Arctic Hares

Arctic hares have a white color to blend into their surroundings.

Arctic hares are white in winter in order to blend in with their snowy surroundings. However, in the warmer months, their coats change to a brownish gray. You may sometimes hear the Arctic hare called the “polar rabbit,” but rabbits and hares are distinctly different animals. They have shorter ears than rabbits do in order to conserve heat; they are much larger; and they have adapted to survive in bitterly cold Arctic temperatures.

35. Cyphochilus Beetles

White Cyphochilus beetle on a dried leaf

Most beetles you’ve seen have probably been black, brown, or a similarly dark color. However, Cyphochilus beetles stand out because they are white. Most scientists believe that the beetles evolved to be white in order to blend in with the plentiful white fungi in their native Southeast Asia.

36. Marble

Marble comes in a range of colors including white.

Marble is a rock used in sculpture, architecture, and high-end countertops. And even though it’s fairly costly, it has humble origins. Marble comes from limestone or dolomite that has been subjected to intense heat and pressure over time. Marble comes in a range of colors, including a beautiful pure white that looks especially stunning when polished.

37. Little White Whiptails

Little white whiptails live in the white sands of New Mexico.

If you want to see one of these interesting little lizards in the wild, you’ll need to visit White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. The little white whiptail only lives here, and it thrives despite very harsh desert weather. These lizards range from a pale grayish-white to light blue. It hunts during the day for small insects to eat, and it uses its running speed and camouflaging ability to avoid predators.

38. Green-Veined White Butterflies

Green-veined white butterflies are found in Europe.

Butterflies come in a whole host of colors, but white ones are somewhat rare. The green-veined white butterfly can be found in Europe, and its open wings usually appear white with some gray or black lining or spots. The wing undersides tend to be yellowish, and prominent green veining makes the butterfly look a little like a leaf when the wings are closed.

39. American Pekin Ducks

American Pekin Ducks are big white ducks often raised for meat.

These relatively large white ducks are commonly raised for meat, although some people keep them as pets. And as you may guess from the name, American Pekin ducks originally came from Chinese stock. Years of selective breeding helped set the breed apart from other varieties, like the German Pekin, that came from the same Chinese lines.

40. Mealybugs

Mealy bugs are oval-shaped and white.

These odd-looking white bugs tend to cause a lot of problems for plant growers. Most mealybugs are small, oval-shaped, and covered in white spikes. In some species, males will grow wings. They can be harmful to plants by injecting toxins as they suck on the sap. In some cases, they help cause the growth of certain types of mold as well.

41. White Ibises

White ibises look much like egrets.

These striking egret-like birds have snowy white feathers and bright pinkish-red legs and bills. They are most at home foraging in wetlands, and you can find them in marshes, swamps, and flooded areas. They are especially common in Florida, although some of their range extends along parts of the southeastern coast of the U.S., around the Gulf of Mexico, and around the Mexican coast.

42. Clover Flowers

White clover is one of the most common forms of clover.

There are several different varieties of clover, but white or Dutch clover is one of the more common varieties that can be found in meadows and lawns. Its flowers are small, round, and white, with a darker greenish center. In spring and summer, you can often see bees flying from bloom to bloom.

43. Bali Myna Birds

White bali myna aka Leucopsar Rothschildi sitting on a fence.

This stunning bird is a critically endangered species. Experts believe there are currently less than 100 of them in the wild. Bali myna birds are white with long, fanned crests, and their legs and skin around the eyes is a dark bluish-gray.

44. White Koi

In addition to white koi, you can find these fish in a variety of colors.

The beautiful koi fish is the subject of countless pieces of historical and contemporary art. You can find these fish in a whole variety of colors, and orange and black/white/orange koi are common. But you can also find many different pure white varieties, including the Ginrin Platinum and Purachina Ogon.

45. Magnolia Flowers

White magnolias are quite popular in the southern US.

Magnolia trees are a stately fixture in the South. These tall trees have deep green glossy leaves, unique fuzzy seed pods, and creamy white flowers. There are a few different species of magnolia trees and shrubs, and the lily magnolia is one that has pink flowers instead of white.

46. Jasmine Flowers

Jasmine flowers are a favorite of bees.

This fragrant bloom is the national flower of Pakistan, and its small white flowers are a favorite of pollinating bees. Aside from its relaxing, sweet scent, the jasmine plant also offers some medicinal value. If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, then keeping a jasmine plant in your room may provide some relief.

47. Grubs

Grubs are odd-looking, white wormlike creatures.

These odd-looking, wormlike bugs are the larvae of some species of beetles. They are short in length, white and wrinkly, and usually have orange heads. Unfortunately, grubs can be very damaging to lawns and gardens. They burrow underground and eat the roots of grass and small plants.

48. White Plymouth Rock Chickens

The Plymouth Rock chicken is one of the most well-known chickens in the US.

The Plymouth Rock is one of the most well-known chicken breeds in the United States. These birds can be used for both meat and eggs, and their laid-back nature makes them great pets as well. Plymouth Rocks come in many different colors, including barred, black, blue, and, of course, white. 

49. Whiteflies

Whiteflies are a common nuisance bug.

Whiteflies are a common nuisance bug, and you can find them in clusters on the undersides of leaves. Though most types of whiteflies are only drawn to a few specific host plants, the many different whitefly species collectively cause damage to many plant types. They are small with greenish-yellow heads and bright white wings.

50. Bones

Bones contain calcium phosphates, which makes them white.

The bones of people and animals are white, but what makes them that way? Bones contain calcium phosphates, or minerals that help give them their strength. Additionally, the collagen fibers of bone are white. Technically, most bones are a slightly off-white color thanks to a collection of pigmented chemicals.

51. White Carnations

White carnations are frequently a part of corsages and flower bouquets.

These classy, understated blooms are frequently a part of corsages and flower bouquets. They also are the official flowers of the Belmont Stakes, where the winning horse is draped in a blanket of white carnations. 

52. Daisies

As one of the most recognizable wildflowers, white daisies have a special place in many cultures.

As one of the most recognizable wildflowers, daisies have a special place in many cultures. Wild daisies add a touch of visual interest to fields and meadows, while cultivated varieties like the Gerbera daisy are bold, striking additions to gardens.

53. Ermines

Ermines turn white in winter months.

Like some other white animals, ermines aren’t white throughout the year. In the winter months, they turn white, and their white pelts are sometimes marketed as “ermine.” These animals are sometimes called stoats, short-tailed weasels, or Bonaparte weasels.

54. White Roses

White roses are considered to be symbols of peace.

White roses are commonly considered to be symbols of peace, and when they’re in wedding bouquets, they represent love forever. Even if you don’t necessarily believe in the symbolic meaning of flowers, these striking white blooms can add some grace to your garden.

55. Peary Caribou

Unlike many types of caribou, Peary caribou turn white in the winter months.

Caribou come in many different subspecies, and the Peary caribou is the smallest of them. Unlike many types of caribou, these animals turn white in the winter months. You can find them in the northwestern parts of Canada.

56. White Moonstones

White moonstone is a popular choice for jewelry.

The dreamy moonstone is a popular choice for jewelry, especially considering the fact that it’s less expensive than many other gemstones. Some moonstones look a bit like white opals, while others are a translucent milky white.

57. Ptarmigans

In winter, ptarmigans are snowy white with a red patch behind the eye.

These pheasant-like birds change their plumage with the seasons. In winter, ptarmigans are snowy white with a red patch behind the eye. They are a popular game bird, and the ptarmigan is even the official game bird of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada.

58. Snow

When you consider white things in nature, snow is probably one of the first things that comes to mind.

When you consider white things in nature, snow is probably one of the first things that comes to mind. When in a white snowy landscape, you may feel as though you’re surrounded by quiet. That isn’t just in your head. Snow helps absorb sound, so it does make the air seem quieter.

59. Blobfish

White blobfish actually look relatively normal under water.

These odd-looking fish are often mocked for being, well, blob-like. But not everyone knows that blobfish actually look relatively normal underwater. Since they live deep in the ocean, blobfish have adapted to deal with intense water pressure. They look like regular fish under pressure, but on land, they look more amorphous.

60. Sandstone

Sandstone is a very common, very recognizable whiteish sedimentary rock.

Sandstone is a very common, very recognizable sedimentary rock. It’s made primarily of sand and silica. Most of us have seen sandstone that’s sandy-colored. But depending on the color of the sand where it first forms, this rock can also be whitish in color.

61. Khao Manee Cats

This cat's name, Khao Manee, means "white gem."

This Thai cat breed’s name means “white gem,” and it’s easy to see why. Khao Manees are a sparkling white in color, and their eyes are usually blue or green. This is a great cat to get if you like being around playful animals. They are energetic and interactive, and they tend to be especially loyal to their owners.

62. Turnips

Turnips are meaty white vegetables.

These meaty white vegetables make a great addition to soups and stews, and their greens are also especially nutritious. Turnip bulbs often have some purple, but they are primarily white, making them one of the few edible white things in nature.

63. Red-Tailed Tropicbirds

Red-tailed tropic birds have a long red tail and a white body.

This tropical bird looks a bit like a tern at first glance. However, it has an especially unique and eye-catching characteristic – its long, ribbon-like red tail. Tribal civilizations in Hawaii and nearby areas often traded the red tail streamers for other valuables.

64. Arctic Foxes

In the winter, arctic foxes have thick, warm white fur.

These little animals are some of the cutest and most beloved species of fox. In winter, they have thick, warm white fur. Even the soles of their feet are fluffy. This fox is also among the hardiest in the animal kingdom. It can survive in temperatures as low as -58 degrees Fahrenheit.

65. White Light

The color white is formed by the presence of all colors.

You may have heard that the color white is formed by the presence of all colors. This is true of white light, which is made up of the full color spectrum. That’s why holding a prism up to light creates a rainbow effect. And even though white light is made up of the full spectrum of light, humans can only see a small portion of that spectrum. That means other wavelengths are refracted through prisms, but the rainbow portion is the only part humans can see.

66. Platinum Arowana Fish

This stunning white fish is one of the most expensive animals in the world.

This stunning, glistening white fish is one of the most expensive animals in the world. Thanks to their beauty and rarity, platinum arowanas can be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. But if you’re looking for a long-lasting aquarium fish, the price might be worth it. When properly cared for, platinum arowanas can live up to 50 years. They are fast-swimming, aggressive, and carnivorous, making them entertaining to watch.

67. Harp Seals

White harp seals spend very little time on land.

These seals spend very little time on land, preferring to swim in the frigid ocean waters of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. The harp seal’s scientific name means “ice-lover from Greenland” in Greek, and that name seems fitting. Plenty of people admire this seal for its rounded head and big eyes. However, each year, huge numbers of harp are killed in the famous Canadian seal hunt.

68. Snowy Egrets

The small snowy egret can sometimes be easy to confuse with other white egrets and herons.

The small snowy egret can sometimes be easy to confuse with other white egrets and herons. However, its bright yellow feet make it easier to recognize. These birds have black beaks and legs that contrast beautifully with their white feathering, and the small yellow patch between the eye and the beak matches the yellow on their feet.

69. Cobaltite

Cobaltite is an unusual ore, and it forms from the mineral cobalt. It's usually a grayish white in color.

Cobaltite is an unusual ore, and it forms from the mineral cobalt. It’s usually a grayish white in color, and its crystal shape is icosahedral. That means its crystals look a bit like spheres with a surface of connected triangles. Cobaltite is sometimes mined in order to harvest cobalt, which is most often used to make lithium batteries.

70. Broad Whitefish

Whitefish can be used in a range of different cuisine types.

Whitefish can be used in a range of different cuisine types. As you can probably tell by the name, its exterior scales are a whitish gray, and its flesh is also white. Humans aren’t the only ones who enjoy eating whitefish. When there is no salmon available, bears will usually eat them as well.

71. Yucca Flowers

Yucca blooms are usually white.

The cold-hardy yucca plant’s angular, star-like looks are perfect for adding dramatic accents to any garden. These plants have long, spear-like green leaves. And even though it’s a succulent, the yucca has surprisingly sharp leaves, so careful handling is a must. Its blooms are located on a single stalk in the middle of the plant. They often are white. And even though most of us think of the shrublike form when imagining yucca, the massive Joshua tree is also a yucca subspecies.

72. Lychees

While the Lychee flesh itself is white, each fruit is covered with a bumpy, red, and inedible rind.

Lychee fruits are a common staple of many types of Asian cuisine. The fruits are very sweet and are usually only used in dessert dishes. While the flesh itself is white, each fruit is covered with a bumpy, red, and inedible rind. It’s been a favorite for centuries. In China, lychee has been cultivated since the 11th century.

73. White Leghorn Chickens

Most commercial egg-laying chickens are white leghorns or white leghorn crosses.

Most commercial egg-laying chickens are white leghorns or white leghorn crosses, but these birds can also be found in backyard flocks across the country. They are typically a creamy white to bright white in color, and they often have somewhat flighty dispositions. Even though they are very popular in the United States, leghorns actually come from Italy. They first came to America from the Tuscan port of Livorno. The Americanized form of Livorno is “leghorn,” which is where the breed’s unusual name comes from.

74. White Terns

Most American terns are some combination of white with small black accents in color.

Most American terns are some combination of white with small black accents in color. But the tropical white tern is a bit different. These small, snowy white birds could easily be mistaken for doves. Their all-white feathers contrast with their slate-gray beaks and legs and their large, dark black eyes. White terns have very sharp beaks that make them well-equipped for their ideal hunting method. They plunge into the water to catch fish and other marine animals.

75. White Opals

Of all opals, white opals are the most common.

Of all opals, white opals are the most common. But that commonality doesn’t take away from their beauty. These glimmering stones seem to reflect every color of the rainbow, and they make a brilliant addition to any piece of jewelry. In some cases, naturally-found opals will have a patch or two of plain white, but some stones have mesmerizing color all over.

76. Sand Dollars

White sand dollars are common on the beach.

Finding an unbroken sand dollar at a beach is a rare occasion. But not everybody knows what exactly these creatures are. Sand dollars are actually a species of sea urchin, but unlike the familiar rounded sea urchin, sand dollars are flat. When alive, they are covered in spikes. The white sand dollars found on beaches actually are just the “test,” or interior bony structure, of dead sand dollars.

77. Leucite

Leucite is an interesting rock that can be found in abundance in hardened lava.

Leucite is an interesting rock that can be found in abundance in hardened lava. And while it makes a beautiful faceted gemstone similar to opal, almost every piece of leucite found is not of gemstone quality. Gem-quality leucite is sometimes called “white garnet” because it has a similar molecular structure. However, the two rock types are not closely related at all. Interestingly enough, while leucite can be found all over the world, gem-quality specimens have thus far only been found in Italy.

78. White Star Sapphires

Most of us are familiar with the radiant blue of sapphires, but white star sapphires are equally stunning.

Most of us are familiar with the deep, radiant blue of sapphires. However, white star sapphires are an equally stunning variant. These stones are usually a milky white to bluish white in color, and they typically have a thin-lined, six-pointed star in the middle. The star formation is almost always white. However, in Thailand, some miners have found especially unique star sapphires whose star formation is gold. And while white star sapphires are especially beautiful, star sapphires in general come in a wide variety of colors including blue and pink.

79. Ivory Gulls

Most common seagulls are some combination of black, gray, and white.

Most common seagulls are some combination of black, gray, and white. However, these gulls are native to warmer beaches, while the ivory gull inhabits the shores of the icy Arctic Ocean. These scavenging gulls are built like most other seagulls, but their all-white bodies help them blend into the ice around them.

80. White Pearls

The white pearl remains a timeless classic.

While not technically gemstones, pearls are prized in jewelry. They come in many colors and varieties, but the white pearl remains a timeless classic. Though the first pearls were found in oysters by accident, pearl farms now cultivate thousands of oysters and harvest pearls of excellent quality.

81. Milk

What makes milk white?

All mammals produce milk to feed their young. But have you ever wondered what makes milk white? Milk is made up of a variety of proteins, many of which are forms of casein. The proteins form micelles, or liquid spheres. The micelles reflect and scatter light, giving milk its familiar white appearance.

82. White Nudibranchs

White nudibranchs are commonly called "sea slugs."

Nudibranchs are commonly called “sea slugs.” And unlike land slugs, sea slugs come in a whole range of beautiful colors. The white nudibranch (also called a white-knight nudibranch) is all white in color. It primarily eats sea sponges deep in the ocean.

83. Camarillo White Horses

As horse breeds go, the Camarillo white was developed relatively recently.

As horse breeds go, the Camarillo white was developed relatively recently. The breed is less than 100 years old, and all Camarillo white horses trace back to a foundation sire called Sultan. Sultan was a Spanish mustang, and he was bred to Morgan mares during the breed’s early development. Notably, Camarillo white horses are true white. They have pink skin instead of the dark skin seen on whitish-gray horses.

84. Bleached Coral

If the surrounding water is too warm, a coral will turn white in a process known as "bleaching."

Coral reefs are known for their spectacular living color. But sometimes, if the surrounding water is too warm, a coral will turn white in a process known as “bleaching.” During bleaching, a coral will get rid of the algae living on it. A bleached coral is not dead, but the bleaching process is highly stressful and makes coral death much more likely.

85. Moonflowers

Moonflowers are beautiful, white, delicate flowers that only open at night.

Moonflowers are beautiful, delicate flowers that only open at night. Their blooms are pure white with yellowish centers, and they somewhat resemble pinwheels. Moonflowers grow on vines, and if you hope to add many moonflowers to your garden, you’re in luck. Moonflower vines can grow as much as 100 feet in just one season.

86. White Bass

The striped bass is one of the more recognizable fish, but its relative the white bass is a similar sport fish.

The striped bass is one of the more recognizable fish, but its relative the white bass is a similar sport fish. White bass, also called silver bass, are usually a silvery white in color. And like the striped bass, they also have thin, dark stripes along each side. 

87. Girgentana Goats

Girgentana goats have long, silky white coats and twisted horns.

These beautiful, delicate-looking dairy goats were first bred in Italy. While there once were tens of thousands of them in the country, there are now believed to be only several hundred Girgentana goats in existence. These goats have long, silky white coats and twisted horns, making them one of the more interesting-looking goat breeds.

88. American White Pelicans

The American white pelican is a massive shorebird.

The American white pelican is a massive shorebird, dwarfing the common brown pelican. The white pelican’s wingspan can reach nine feet. This bird’s feeding habits are more like those of an egret or heron than a pelican. They usually forage in shallow water as opposed to diving into the ocean like brown pelicans do.

89. Tuberose Flowers

Tuberose flowers offer a combination of beautiful looks and an intoxicating scent.

Tuberose flowers offer a combination of beautiful looks and an intoxicating scent. These plants have tall “flower stalks” with multiple tubular blooms. Tuberoses come in a few varieties. The “single form” resembles a trumpet flower (except for its white color). A “double flower form” has a more ruffled bloom that looks a little more like a carnation.

90. Sebastopol Geese

Sebastopol geese can be easily recognized by the white curly feathers over their bodies.

These fancy geese can be easily recognized by the curly feathers over their bodies. They are usually white with bright blue eyes. While the curled feathers on their bodies can be quite beautiful, they can be difficult to clean. If you have a flock of Sebastopols, make sure they can access plenty of water to groom themselves.

91. Snowy Owls

The snowy owl is native to Arctic regions and is almost completely white.

The snowy owl is native to Arctic regions and is almost completely white. It does have some small black markings on the body. Because it lives in such an extreme environment, the snowy owl has habits that are much different from other owls. For instance, most owl species are very active at night, but the snowy owl primarily forages during daylight hours.

92. Jicama

When sliced, jicama is white in color.

This Mexican vegetable’s unusual flavor makes it a great, crunchy addition to many types of cuisine. The jicama is part of the bean family, but it looks more like a root vegetable. When sliced, the flesh is white in color. You might think it would taste like a potato, but it isn’t starchy. It’s a great refreshing snack in hot weather.

93. Cockatoos

There are actually 21 different species of cockatoo, and not all of them are white.

These tropical birds usually live in the Philippines and Indonesia in the wild. There are actually 21 different species of cockatoo, and not all of them are white. If you are an experienced bird owner, the loving white cockatoo can be a rewarding pet to keep. But it’s important to make sure you have time for them. Cockatoos love their owners and often want to spend plenty of time with them.

94. Turkish Angora Cats

Angoras usually have long, fluffy white coats and blue or green eyes.

These stunning cats were not developed via selective breeding. The Turkish angora is a naturally occurring cat breed. Angoras usually have long, fluffy white coats and blue or green eyes. However, they also come in a number of different colors, including chocolate brown and smoke.

95. Siberian Hamsters

Hamsters come in a few different varieties, and the mellow Siberian hamster makes an excellent pet.

Hamsters come in a few different varieties, and the mellow Siberian hamster makes an excellent pet. You may see them advertised as “Russian dwarf hamsters” or “winter white hamsters” in pet stores. Siberian hamsters can have brown or gray coats in captivity, but some wild hamsters have bright white fur as well.

96. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is one of the relatively few white vegetables in the world.

Cauliflower is one of the relatively few white vegetables in the world. It also provides plenty of nutritional benefits and it’s rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. Recently, this vegetable has enjoyed a surge in popularity among people watching their carbs. Riced cauliflower and cauliflower pizza crust can be used to make classic foods less starchy.

97. Razor Clams

Digging for razor clams is a common pastime along the coast of Oregon, where they are especially plentiful.

These unique-looking shellfish don’t necessarily look like other clams. They have long, narrow shells that resemble razors. Despite their small size, razor clams are often used in various seafood dishes. Professionals and amateurs alike dig for them. Digging for razor clams is a common pastime along the coast of Oregon, where they are especially plentiful.

98. Leucistic Reptiles

Leucistic reptiles are bright white, but they don't have traditional albino coloring.

Leucistic reptiles are especially stunning. They are bright white, but they don’t have traditional albino coloring. That means that their eyes are black (or in the case of blue-eyed leucistic reptiles, blue). Leucisticmorphs tend to be more expensive, but if you want a beautiful and unique-looking pet, it may be worth it.

99. Camargue Horses

The Camargue horse is one of the oldest breeds in the world.

The Camargue horse is one of the oldest breeds in the world. Experts aren’t sure of the breed’s origins, but it is native to the Camargue region of France. Unlike American wild horses, Camargue horses are all some variety of white or gray. Some Camargue horses are domesticated, although many are part of the semi-feral herds in France.

100. Eggshells

Not all eggshells are white, but most commercial eggs sold in supermarkets have white shells.

Not all eggshells are white, but most commercial eggs sold in supermarkets have white shells. Interestingly enough, the “eggshell” paint color modeled after actual eggs is more of an off-white in color. Depending on the type of bird laying the egg, white eggshells can range from a creamy yellowish white to a bright, stark white.

101. New Zealand White Rabbits

New Zealand white rabbits make great pets, are commonly kept as show animals, and also can be used for meat.

These white rabbits are especially versatile. They make great pets, are commonly kept as show animals, and also can be used for meat. They also are commonly bred as laboratory animals. They are pure white in color with red eyes. The breed’s name is somewhat confusing. Although it’s named for New Zealand, the New Zealand White was first bred in America.

102. Least Terns

Least terns have white underbellies and necks and pale gray wings.

These little birds got their name from the fact that they are the smallest in the American tern family. They have white underbellies and necks and pale gray wings, along with a black head marking that looks like a cap. Least terns have bright orange-yellow beaks, and they can be found nesting on coastal beaches and river beaches alike.

103. Quartz

Pure white quartz is especially striking, and it's sometimes sold as a more economical alternative to marble countertops.

Quartz is a common rock that comes in many colors. Pure white quartz is especially striking, and it’s sometimes sold as a more economical alternative to marble countertops. Those who believe in the powers of crystals believe that white quartz signifies cleansing – both cleansing of the mind and cleansing of physical space.

104. Large White Pigs

"Large white pig" may sound like a general descriptor, but it's actually the name of a breed of pig.

“Large white pig” may sound like a general descriptor, but it’s actually the name of a breed of pig. This breed is popular in Britain, and it is frequently crossbred with other big types to enrich other breeding programs. As the name suggests, these pigs are pure white in color, although their pink skin is sometimes more visible than their white hair. Large white pigs are sometimes called Yorkshire pigs, as they descended from an old breed of pigs developed in Yorkshire.

105. White Dahlia Flowers

The beautiful dahlia flower comes in many unique colors. Its intricate bloom looks especially nice as a white flower.

The beautiful dahlia flower comes in many unique colors. Its intricate bloom looks especially nice as a white flower. Dahlias have classic appeal, and the understated nature of white dahlias makes them a great choice for wedding bouquets or centerpieces. However, they still make a beautiful addition to just about any garden. These flowers are relatively easy to care for, and they grow best and produce more flowers when planted in full sun.

106. White Tigers

White tigers are among the most stunning of the big cats.

White tigers are among the most stunning of the big cats. The white variant is caused by a recessive gene responsible for the tiger’s coat color. The dominant version of the gene results in an orange coat. But if a baby tiger inherits two copies of the recessive gene, the tiger will have a white coat. Unfortunately, some tiger breeders will deliberately inbreed tigers in hopes of producing one with a white coat, but the process of inbreeding results in health problems like crossed eyes, cleft palates, and clubbed feet. In the wild, white tigers often have poorer chances of survival compared to their orange counterparts.

107. Great Pyrenees Dogs

Great Pyrenees are usually all white, but you may sometimes see a Great Pyrenees with a few gray or brown markings.

Though the Great Pyrenees has a beautiful, flowing coat, it was bred for difficult work. These enormous dogs were primarily used to chase off wolves and other predators to protect sheep and other livestock. When not chasing off threats, these dogs are extremely affectionate and love their families. They make ideal guard dogs. They are gentle and loving with family, but can quickly spring into action to deter human and animal intruders. They are usually all white, but you may sometimes see a Great Pyrenees with a few gray or brown markings.

108. Diamonds

Diamonds are among the world's most valuable rocks.

Diamonds are among the world’s most valuable rocks, but before they’re cut, they don’t usually look like much. The process by which diamonds are created is surprisingly simple. Each diamond is a bit of pure carbon that is compressed by the Earth’s surface over time. These rocks are the hardest naturally occurring material, so they are used in heavy industry as well as in jewelry. They can be used to make very sharp diamond blades and drill bits. And in some cases, diamonds are even used to make high-end speakers. The hard material can be used to make a very thin dome whose vibration doesn’t harm sound quality.

109. White-Bellied Sea Eagles

White-bellied sea eagles are almost entirely white with pale gray wings.

These very large birds of prey look distinctly different from most other eagles. They are almost entirely white with pale gray wings. When in flight, their wingspan can reach seven feet, and their bodies are usually 30-33 inches long. They are native to Australia, where they eat a variety of both land and sea animals. This stunning bird was of great importance to Australia’s indigenous peoples, and it’s the subject of many folktales.

110. Lightning

Thunder and lightning on a dark cloudy sky

Fearsome yet majestic, lightning is one of the most striking features you can see in a thunderstorm. It’s an electric current that forms, in part, from the collision of warm and cold air. Today, it may seem obvious that lightning is a kind of electricity. But before this was a known fact, Ben Franklin flew a kite in a thunderstorm and determined that lightning was, in fact, an electrical current.

111. Navy Beans

White navy beans in a bowl

If you’ve never heard of navy beans before, you might be picturing beans that are a dark navy blue. However, navy beans weren’t named for their color. In the United States, these beans have been a staple food for Navy sailors since the 1800s. Navy beans are also the same beans that are cooked and simmered in sauce to make baked beans, a dish that’s popular in both the United States and the UK. In Australia, production of navy beans really ramped up in World War II, as the country needed an affordable way to deliver good nutrition to the American soldiers stationed there. As a result, Australians sometimes call it the “Yankee bean.”

112. White Peacocks

White peacock showing its bright feathers

We all know that the peacock is one of the world’s most beautiful and colorful birds. The white peacock may be less colorful than a more traditionally-colored bird, but its snow-white body and tail feathers make it a sight to behold. You may be surprised to hear that this color is not caused by albinism, as white peacocks are not albino. Like many white reptiles, they are leucistic. This means that pigmentation does not stick to their skin or feathers the same way it does in normal birds. Usually, leucistic animals will appear white without the pinkish skin you see in albino animals.

113. Dendrobium Orchids

Isolated white dendrobium orchid

Not all dendrobium orchids are white. In fact, Dendrobium is a genus made up of over 1800 species. But orchids in this genus are set apart from others; they tend to stretch or creep over rocks as opposed to just reaching their roots down into the soil. As you may have guessed, these orchids are remarkably hardy. Members of the genus grow in tropical forests, in the high altitudes of the Himalayas, and even in the deserts of Australia.

114. Elephant Tusks

Elephant in the wild with large white tusks

We’re all more or less familiar with the battle to save elephants from ivory poachers. Historically, the ivory that comes from elephant tusks has been used to make piano keys and other musical instruments components, billiard balls, and more. Since an elephant’s tusk is effectively an extended tooth, it can’t be forcibly removed without killing the animal. So as a result, poachers kill thousands of elephants for their tusks each year. Thanks to renewed conservation and anti-poaching efforts, more wild elephants are able to wander freely with their brilliant white tusks intact.

115. Japanese Anemone Flower

White Japanese anemone flowers closeup

If you’re like many people who don’t know much about flowers, you may simply think that the Japanese anemone flower is an exotic-looking daisy. And like many flowers on the list, this one is not always white. But if you want an especially beautiful lawn addition that is very easy to grow, the Japanese anemone flower is an excellent choice. It grows well in a range of soil types. And once it’s established, it’s more likely to overgrow than to undergrow. It spreads using underground runners, so if you’re concerned about keeping it contained, make sure you take some precautions early on.

116. White Sultan Chicken

Sultan rooster standing in front of chicken coop

As you’ve probably gathered from this list already, there are far more exotic-looking chickens in the world than most of us realize. The Sultan breed is a regal Turkish variety of chicken. It comes in white, blue, and black, but the white variety has historically been kept by Turkish royalty in their gardens. The Sultan is one of the oldest breeds of chicken, and it still took a good bit of time to be included in the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection. It was officially admitted to the Standard in 1874.

117. Cabbage White Butterflies

Cabbage white butterfly on clover flower

No list of lovely white things in nature is complete without multiple butterflies. “Cabbage white” probably seems like an odd name for a butterfly species. But the cabbage white is so named because its larvae prefer to feed on cabbage and similar types of plants. It’s one of the most common white butterflies in North America, and it has a very distinctive look; its wings are almost entirely white, although they are marked with gray-black tips and a couple of dark spots.

118. White Eggplants

White eggplants growing on field

Chances are good that you’re already familiar with the traditionally deep purple eggplant. But like many vegetables, the eggplant comes in a few different color varieties. One of the most beautiful is the pleasantly pearlescent white eggplant. You might be surprised to hear that the white eggplant isn’t a recent cultivar, either. It’s native to Bangladesh and India, where it has been grown since ancient times. The white eggplant can be found all over the world now, but it still isn’t quite as easy to come by as the purple eggplant.

119. African Spoonbills

African spoonbill birds near stream

The African spoonbill might remind you of the ibis, another bird higher up on the list. That’s because the two species are fairly closely related. Its feathers are a lovely snowy white, while its long bill has a spoon-shaped end. Its deep pink face offers a stark yet lovely contrast with its pale feathers. Its spoon-like bill is perfect for scooping small marine creatures out of the marshlands where it feeds. You can find the African spoonbill in several countries in Africa.

120. Howlite

Black and white textured howlite gemstone

Though howlite is often dyed to create imitation turquoise, it’s really a beautiful stone in its own right. As you can see from the picture, it is usually a snowy white color that is veined in gray. Its porous nature makes it ideal for use in imitation jewelry, as it can be very easily dyed to look like a number of different gems. It also can be carved easily into small figurines. On its own, it is sometimes used similarly to turquoise and is called “white buffalo turquoise.” Though not as valuable as turquoise, howlite is still a lovely stone.

121. White-Tailed Kites

Close-up of white-tailed kite bird

This mystical-looking bird once seemed as though it was headed for extinction. In the 1940s, it could only reliably be found in California and Texas. Even there, it could only be found in selected areas. However, its numbers have begun to climb. This is partially due to the introduction of the house mouse to North America. The rapidly-reproducing house mouse provided a reliable and growing food source for the white-tailed kite. If you see one of these birds, you won’t soon forget it. Their snowy white fronts, delicate beaks, and wide amber eyes make them almost look like Disney characters.

122. White Agate

Slice of white agate stone isolated

No two stones of white agate are exactly the same. This unique and beautiful rock usually combines various shades of white into bands of varying translucence. Rounded white agate stones can have an almost misty appearance. But agate “slices” offer a more dramatic look, as they give you a clear cross-section of all the stone’s layers. In the metaphysical world, some people believe white agate will bring you strength and positive energy. Since it has a Mohs hardness of 6-7, white agate is tough enough to be used in many jewelry applications.

123. Clown Frogfish

Orange and white clown frogfish underwater

The unique clown frogfish can change its color as needed, but many wild specimens are observed as being bright white with a few orange patches. If you look closer, this deep-water fish’s body is covered with what looks like many tiny warts. We’ve included it here for its often bright-white color, but it’s also biofluorescent; when illuminated in ultraviolet light, it will appear to be red. Scientists believe that this ability to fluoresce may occasionally help the fish communicate with each other.

124. Button Mushrooms

White button mushrooms in a wooden basket

Button mushrooms aren’t necessarily exotic or exciting. But they’re one of the easiest things to recognize on the list. Many of us just think of mushrooms as being a garnish, but button mushrooms actually have a whole host of benefits. Like many types of mushrooms, they are high in selenium, zinc, copper, potassium, and phosphorous. They’re also high in vitamin D. Button mushrooms have a pleasingly symmetrical aesthetic, too. Their tops are circular and round, and when they grow very close to one another, they almost create the appearance of a cloud.

125. Pine White Butterflies

Two pine white butterflies on a pink flower

The pine white butterfly is another of the delicate white butterflies on the list. While it is not entirely white, the black accents on its wings only serve to highlight its snowy colors. The undersides of the pine white’s wings are veined in black, while the upper parts have just a hint of black patterning. Female pine white butterflies will sometimes have hindwings that include hints of red and yellow. As the name suggests, the pine white is at home in pine and conifer forests. But in some cases, its caterpillars feed so aggressively on conifers that they start to defoliate the trees.

126. White Topaz

Clear white topaz mineral stone on black background

Most of us know topaz as a fiery, orangish stone. But like many gemstones, topaz comes in more than one color variety. Because topaz is classified as a silicate mineral, it can be found in a whole range of different colors. Clear or white topaz is the most common one, so it’s usually the most affordable. But don’t let that fool you; it’s still a beautiful choice when you need a reliable, beautiful gemstone that won’t break the bank. Some people may be tempted to use it as a diamond substitute, but it’s better as a stone in its own right. Moissanite and similar stones accomplish a much closer approximation of a diamond.

127. Snow Petrels

Snow petrel bird nesting in cliffs

This hardy, polar bird looks more like something out of a painting than it does out of real life. It nests in cliffs and ledges in Antarctica, and it does a splendid job of blending in with its surroundings. The snow petrel’s coloring is one of simple elegance. Its body is all snowy white, while its beak and eyes are deep jet black. The snow petrel may not be quite as famous as the snowy owl and similar birds, but it’s still a snowbird worth watching.

128. White Hibiscus

White hibiscus flower with colorful center

The hibiscus flower is undoubtedly emblematic of the tropics. So if you’re like most people, you probably think it comes in red, yellow, orange, and other bright colors. But the white hibiscus offers that same tropical appeal with a softer aesthetic. As you can see from the picture, many varieties of white hibiscus have a center of bright pink, orange, or a similar color. When you contrast this delicate beauty with the deep green of this plant’s foliage, you get a striking houseplant or garden plant.

129. White Yaks

Yaks in the Himalayan mountains of Nepal

Yaks are probably some of the world’s toughest beasts of burden. They have the strength of oxen, but their coats are dense enough to withstand pressure to the bitter cold. They are very prevalent in Tibet and the Himalayas, where they can also be found assisting mountaineers. They can sometimes even be dressed up in ceremonial garb along with their owners. And since yaks are also very useful for their soft wool, the white yak provides especially valuable wool that can be dyed in just about any color. Like many white animals, white yaks have an almost mystical quality about them, especially when they stand against a snowy backdrop of high mountains.

White in the Natural World

Though white things are rare compared to many other colors in nature, the color sometimes provides an advantage. White flowers can easily attract bees and other pollinating insects, and white animals can camouflage on snowy tundra. Whether it’s in the form of a peaceful snowy landscape or a white bird in flight, white adds a beautiful splash of color to the natural world.

Read Next: 42 White Animals Found in Nature